Revision 36cddc10065a2489a41d2f8cf01caa3d9033baa3 authored by Tony Kelman on 09 August 2018, 00:19:49 UTC, committed by Alex Arslan on 09 August 2018, 00:19:49 UTC
this needs to be done before anything else gets committed to this branch
otherwise multiple different commits will appear as the same VERSION once built
1 parent a4cb80f
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

@testset "isunix/islinux/iswindows" begin
    @test !Sys.isunix(:Windows)
    @test !Sys.islinux(:Windows)
    @test Sys.islinux(:Linux)
    @test Sys.iswindows(:Windows)
    @test Sys.iswindows(:NT)
    @test !Sys.iswindows(:Darwin)
    @test Sys.isapple(:Darwin)
    @test Sys.isapple(:Apple)
    @test !Sys.isapple(:Windows)
    @test Sys.isunix(:Darwin)
    @test Sys.isunix(:FreeBSD)
    @test_throws ArgumentError Sys.isunix(:BeOS)
    if !Sys.iswindows()
        @test Sys.windows_version() == v"0.0.0"
        @test Sys.windows_version() >= v"1.0.0-"

@testset "@static" begin
    @test (@static true ? 1 : 2) === 1
    @test (@static false ? 1 : 2) === 2
    @test (@static if true 1 end) === 1
    @test (@static if false 1 end) === nothing
    @test (@static true && 1) === 1
    @test (@static false && 1) === false
    @test (@static true || 1) === true
    @test (@static false || 1) === 1
    @test (@static if false 1 elseif true 2 end) === 2
    @test (@static if false 1 elseif false 2 end) === nothing
    @test (@static if false 1 elseif false 2 else 3 end) === 3
    @test (@static if false 1 elseif false 2 elseif true && false 3 else 4 end) === 4
    @test (@static if false 1 elseif false 2 elseif true && false 3 end) === nothing

if Sys.iswindows()
    @testset "path variables use correct path delimiters on windows" begin
        for path in (Base.SYSCONFDIR, Base.DATAROOTDIR, Base.DOCDIR,
                     Base.LIBDIR, Base.PRIVATE_LIBDIR, Base.INCLUDEDIR)
            @test !occursin("/", path)
            @test !occursin("\\\\", path)
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