Revision 36f7f5a29ef730b23ec3b2a96e76e387e90ea0e5 authored by Alley Stoughton on 21 February 2018, 22:32:02 UTC, committed by Pierre-Yves Strub on 26 February 2018, 15:04:53 UTC
The elements of prover [...] have one of the following forms, where s
is a string:

s (add s to the use-only list)
+s (add include s to the include/exclude list)
-s (add exclude s to the include/exclude list)

The include/exclude list is ordered, so that later instructions can
supersede earlier ones. The use-only list was not ordered, but now
is. The relative order of the use-only and include/exclude lists
is irrelevant, so that, e.g., prover ["Z3" +"Alt-Ergo"] and prover
[+"Alt-Ergo" "Z3"] are equivalent.

The semantics is that the use-only list is first interpreted (if it's
empty, one starts with the current provers as the base), and only then
are the instructions of the include/exclude list applied to it, in

There was already the special use-only instruction "ALL". Now, there is
also the use-only instruction "CLEAR", which clears the use-only list,
but may be superseded by the use-only instructions that follow.

Examples (assuming "Z3" and "Alt-Ergo" are only known provers):
prover []. (* a no-op *)
prover [+"Z3"]  (* adds just "Z3" to whatever current provers are *)
prover [-"Z3"]  (* removes just "Z3" from whatever current provers are *)
prover ["ALL"]  (* results in "Z3", "Alt-Ergo" *)
prover ["CLEAR"]  (* results in nothing *)
prover ["CLEAR" +"Z3"]  (* results in just "Z3" *)
prover [+"Z3" "CLEAR"]  (* results in just "Z3" *)
prover ["CLEAR" "Z3"]  (* result in just "Z3" *)
prover ["Z3" "CLEAR"]  (* results in nothing *)
prover [-"Z3" "ALL"]  (* results in "Alt-Ergo" *)
prover [+"Z3" "ALL" -"Z3"]  (* results in "Alt-Ergo" *)
prover [-"Z3" "ALL" +"Z3"]  (* results in "Z3", "Alt-Ergo" *)
1 parent 5115c89
Raw File
Tip revision: 36f7f5a29ef730b23ec3b2a96e76e387e90ea0e5 authored by Alley Stoughton on 21 February 2018, 22:32:02 UTC
Added clean way to clear the list of current provers.
Tip revision: 36f7f5a
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcUtils
open EcSymbols
open EcLocation
open EcTypes
open EcCoreFol
open EcParsetree
open EcDecl

module TT = EcTyping

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type tperror =
| TPE_Typing of EcTyping.tyerror
| TPE_TyNotClosed
| TPE_DuplicatedConstr of symbol

exception TransPredError of EcLocation.t * EcEnv.env * tperror

let tperror loc env e = raise (TransPredError (loc, env, e))

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let close_pr_body (uni : EcUnify.uidmap) (body : prbody) =
  let fsubst = EcFol.Fsubst.uni_subst uni in
  let tsubst = Tuni.offun uni in

  match body with
  | PR_Plain body ->
     PR_Plain (Fsubst.f_subst fsubst body)

  | PR_Ind pri ->
     let for1 ctor =
       { prc_ctor = ctor.prc_ctor;
         prc_bds  = (snd_map (Fsubst.gty_subst fsubst)) ctor.prc_bds;
         prc_spec = (Fsubst.f_subst fsubst) ctor.prc_spec; } in
       { pri_args  = (snd_map tsubst) pri.pri_args;
         pri_ctors = for1 pri.pri_ctors; }

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let trans_preddecl_r (env : EcEnv.env) (pr : ppredicate located) =
  let pr = pr.pl_desc and loc = pr.pl_loc in
  let ue = TT.transtyvars env (loc, pr.pp_tyvars) in
  let tp = TT.tp_relax in

  let dom, body =
    match pr.pp_def with
    | PPabstr ptys ->
        ( (TT.transty tp env ue) ptys, None)

    | PPconcr (bd, pe) ->
        let env, xs = TT.trans_binding env ue bd in
        let body = TT.trans_prop env ue pe in
        let dom = snd xs in
        let xs = (fun (x,ty) -> x, EcFol.GTty ty) xs in
        let lam = EcFol.f_lambda xs body in
        (dom, Some (PR_Plain lam))

    | PPind (bd, pi) ->
        Msym.odup unloc ( (fun c -> c.pic_name) pi) |>
          oiter (fun (_, x) ->
            tperror x.pl_loc env (TPE_DuplicatedConstr (unloc x)));

        let env, xs = TT.trans_binding env ue bd in

        let for1 ctor =
          let env, bs = TT.trans_gbinding env ue ctor.pic_bds in
          let fs = (TT.trans_prop env ue) ctor.pic_spec in
          { prc_ctor = unloc ctor.pic_name;
            prc_bds  = bs; prc_spec = fs; } in

        let prind = { pri_args = xs; pri_ctors = for1 pi; } in
        ( snd xs, Some (PR_Ind prind))


  if not (EcUnify.UniEnv.closed ue) then
    tperror loc env TPE_TyNotClosed;

  let uni     = EcUnify.UniEnv.close ue in
  let tparams = EcUnify.UniEnv.tparams ue in
  let body    = body |> omap (close_pr_body uni) in
  let dom     = (Tuni.offun uni) dom in

  EcDecl.mk_pred tparams dom body

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let trans_preddecl (env : EcEnv.env) (pr : ppredicate located) =
  try  trans_preddecl_r env pr
  with TT.TyError (loc, env, e) -> tperror loc env (TPE_Typing e)
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