Revision 3711749292ba9c29ad2e3b9eaee90995f8c8290a authored by Keno Fischer on 11 October 2023, 14:41:22 UTC, committed by GitHub on 11 October 2023, 14:41:22 UTC
This should be NFC and is intended to allow the optimizer to delete
:enter statements (by replacing them with `nothing`), without leaving
dangling `:leave`s around. This is accomplished by having `leave` take
(a variable number of) `:enter` tokens (that are already being used by
`:pop_exception`). The semantics are that a literal `nothing` or an
SSAValue pointing to a `nothing` statement are ignored, and one
exception handler is popped for each remaining argument. The actual
value of the token is ignored, except that the verifier asserts that it
belongs to an `:enter`.

Note that we don't need to do the same for :pop_exception, because the
token generated by an `:enter` is semantically only in scope for
:pop_exception during its catch block. If we determine the `:enter` is
dead, then its catch block is guaranteed to not be executed and will be
deleted wholesale by cfg liveness.

I was considering doing something fancier where :leave is changed back
to taking an integer after optimization, but the case where the IR size
is bigger after this change (when we are `:leave`ing many handlers) is
fairly rare and likely not worth the additional complexity or time cost
to do anything special. If it does show up in size benchmarks, I'd
rather give `:leave` a special, compact encoding.
1 parent 8180240
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

# Generic IO stubs -- all subtypes should implement these (if meaningful)


No more data was available to read from a file or stream.
struct EOFError <: Exception end

    SystemError(prefix::AbstractString, [errno::Int32])

A system call failed with an error code (in the `errno` global variable).
struct SystemError <: Exception
    SystemError(p::AbstractString, e::Integer, extrainfo) = new(p, e, extrainfo)
    SystemError(p::AbstractString, e::Integer) = new(p, e, nothing)
    SystemError(p::AbstractString) = new(p, Libc.errno(), nothing)

lock(::IO) = nothing
unlock(::IO) = nothing
reseteof(x::IO) = nothing

const SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO = 65536
buffer_writes(x::IO, bufsize=SZ_UNBUFFERED_IO) = x

    isopen(object) -> Bool

Determine whether an object - such as a stream or timer
-- is not yet closed. Once an object is closed, it will never produce a new event.
However, since a closed stream may still have data to read in its buffer,
use [`eof`](@ref) to check for the ability to read data.
Use the `FileWatching` package to be notified when a stream might be writable or readable.

# Examples
julia> io = open("my_file.txt", "w+");

julia> isopen(io)

julia> close(io)

julia> isopen(io)
function isopen end


Close an I/O stream. Performs a [`flush`](@ref) first.
function close end


Shutdown the write half of a full-duplex I/O stream. Performs a [`flush`](@ref)
first. Notify the other end that no more data will be written to the underlying
file. This is not supported by all IO types.

# Examples
julia> io = Base.BufferStream(); # this never blocks, so we can read and write on the same Task

julia> write(io, "request");

julia> # calling `read(io)` here would block forever

julia> closewrite(io);

julia> read(io, String)
function closewrite end


Commit all currently buffered writes to the given stream.
function flush end


Return the number of bytes available for reading before a read from this stream or buffer will block.

# Examples
julia> io = IOBuffer("JuliaLang is a GitHub organization");

julia> bytesavailable(io)
function bytesavailable end


Read available buffered data from a stream. Actual I/O is performed only if no
data has already been buffered. The result is a `Vector{UInt8}`.

!!! warning
    The amount of data returned is implementation-dependent; for example it can
    depend on the internal choice of buffer size. Other functions such as [`read`](@ref)
    should generally be used instead.
function readavailable end

    isreadable(io) -> Bool

Return `false` if the specified IO object is not readable.

# Examples
julia> open("myfile.txt", "w") do io
           print(io, "Hello world!");

julia> open("myfile.txt", "r") do io

julia> rm("myfile.txt")
isreadable(io::IO) = isopen(io)

    iswritable(io) -> Bool

Return `false` if the specified IO object is not writable.

# Examples
julia> open("myfile.txt", "w") do io
           print(io, "Hello world!");

julia> open("myfile.txt", "r") do io

julia> rm("myfile.txt")
iswritable(io::IO) = isopen(io)

    eof(stream) -> Bool

Test whether an I/O stream is at end-of-file. If the stream is not yet exhausted, this
function will block to wait for more data if necessary, and then return `false`. Therefore
it is always safe to read one byte after seeing `eof` return `false`. `eof` will return
`false` as long as buffered data is still available, even if the remote end of a connection
is closed.

# Examples
julia> b = IOBuffer("my buffer");

julia> eof(b)

julia> seekend(b);

julia> eof(b)
function eof end

function copy end
function wait_readnb end
function wait_close end

    read(io::IO, T)

Read a single value of type `T` from `io`, in canonical binary representation.

Note that Julia does not convert the endianness for you. Use [`ntoh`](@ref) or
[`ltoh`](@ref) for this purpose.

    read(io::IO, String)

Read the entirety of `io`, as a `String` (see also [`readchomp`](@ref)).

# Examples
julia> io = IOBuffer("JuliaLang is a GitHub organization");

julia> read(io, Char)
'J': ASCII/Unicode U+004A (category Lu: Letter, uppercase)

julia> io = IOBuffer("JuliaLang is a GitHub organization");

julia> read(io, String)
"JuliaLang is a GitHub organization"
read(stream, t)
read(stream, ::Type{Union{}}, slurp...; kwargs...) = error("cannot read a value of type Union{}")

    write(io::IO, x)

Write the canonical binary representation of a value to the given I/O stream or file.
Return the number of bytes written into the stream. See also [`print`](@ref) to
write a text representation (with an encoding that may depend upon `io`).

The endianness of the written value depends on the endianness of the host system.
Convert to/from a fixed endianness when writing/reading (e.g. using  [`htol`](@ref) and
[`ltoh`](@ref)) to get results that are consistent across platforms.

You can write multiple values with the same `write` call. i.e. the following are equivalent:

    write(io, x, y...)
    write(io, x) + write(io, y...)

# Examples
Consistent serialization:
julia> fname = tempname(); # random temporary filename

julia> open(fname,"w") do f
           # Make sure we write 64bit integer in little-endian byte order

julia> open(fname,"r") do f
           # Convert back to host byte order and host integer type

Merging write calls:
julia> io = IOBuffer();

julia> write(io, "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.", " It has many members.")

julia> String(take!(io))
"JuliaLang is a GitHub organization. It has many members."

julia> write(io, "Sometimes those members") + write(io, " write documentation.")

julia> String(take!(io))
"Sometimes those members write documentation."
User-defined plain-data types without `write` methods can be written when wrapped in a `Ref`:
julia> struct MyStruct; x::Float64; end

julia> io = IOBuffer()
IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=true, seekable=true, append=false, size=0, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1)

julia> write(io, Ref(MyStruct(42.0)))

julia> seekstart(io); read!(io, Ref(MyStruct(NaN)))
function write end

read(s::IO, ::Type{UInt8}) = error(typeof(s)," does not support byte I/O")
write(s::IO, x::UInt8) = error(typeof(s)," does not support byte I/O")

    unsafe_write(io::IO, ref, nbytes::UInt)

Copy `nbytes` from `ref` (converted to a pointer) into the `IO` object.

It is recommended that subtypes `T<:IO` override the following method signature
to provide more efficient implementations:
`unsafe_write(s::T, p::Ptr{UInt8}, n::UInt)`
function unsafe_write(s::IO, p::Ptr{UInt8}, n::UInt)
    written::Int = 0
    for i = 1:n
        written += write(s, unsafe_load(p, i))
    return written

    unsafe_read(io::IO, ref, nbytes::UInt)

Copy `nbytes` from the `IO` stream object into `ref` (converted to a pointer).

It is recommended that subtypes `T<:IO` override the following method signature
to provide more efficient implementations:
`unsafe_read(s::T, p::Ptr{UInt8}, n::UInt)`
function unsafe_read(s::IO, p::Ptr{UInt8}, n::UInt)
    for i = 1:n
        unsafe_store!(p, read(s, UInt8)::UInt8, i)

function peek(s::IO, ::Type{T}) where T
    try read(s, T)::T

peek(s) = peek(s, UInt8)::UInt8

# Generic `open` methods

    open_flags(; keywords...) -> NamedTuple

Compute the `read`, `write`, `create`, `truncate`, `append` flag value for
a given set of keyword arguments to [`open`](@ref) a [`NamedTuple`](@ref).
function open_flags(;
    read     :: Union{Bool,Nothing} = nothing,
    write    :: Union{Bool,Nothing} = nothing,
    create   :: Union{Bool,Nothing} = nothing,
    truncate :: Union{Bool,Nothing} = nothing,
    append   :: Union{Bool,Nothing} = nothing,
    if write === true && read !== true && append !== true
        create   === nothing && (create   = true)
        truncate === nothing && (truncate = true)

    if truncate === true || append === true
        write  === nothing && (write  = true)
        create === nothing && (create = true)

    write    === nothing && (write    = false)
    read     === nothing && (read     = !write)
    create   === nothing && (create   = false)
    truncate === nothing && (truncate = false)
    append   === nothing && (append   = false)

    return (
        read = read,
        write = write,
        create = create,
        truncate = truncate,
        append = append,

    open(f::Function, args...; kwargs...)

Apply the function `f` to the result of `open(args...; kwargs...)` and close the resulting file
descriptor upon completion.

# Examples
julia> write("myfile.txt", "Hello world!");

julia> open(io->read(io, String), "myfile.txt")
"Hello world!"

julia> rm("myfile.txt")
function open(f::Function, args...; kwargs...)
    io = open(args...; kwargs...)


`AbstractPipe` is the abstract supertype for IO pipes that provide for communication between processes.

If `pipe isa AbstractPipe`, it must obey the following interface:

- `` or `pipe.in_stream`, if present, must be of type `IO` and be used to provide input to the pipe
- `pipe.out` or `pipe.out_stream`, if present, must be of type `IO` and be used for output from the pipe
- `pipe.err` or `pipe.err_stream`, if present, must be of type `IO` and be used for writing errors from the pipe
abstract type AbstractPipe <: IO end

function getproperty(pipe::AbstractPipe, name::Symbol)
    if name === :in || name === :in_stream || name === :out || name === :out_stream ||
       name === :err || name === :err_stream
        return getfield(pipe, name)::IO
    return getfield(pipe, name)

function pipe_reader end
function pipe_writer end

for f in (:flush, :closewrite, :iswritable)
    @eval $(f)(io::AbstractPipe) = $(f)(pipe_writer(io)::IO)
write(io::AbstractPipe, byte::UInt8) = write(pipe_writer(io)::IO, byte)
write(to::IO, from::AbstractPipe) = write(to, pipe_reader(from))
unsafe_write(io::AbstractPipe, p::Ptr{UInt8}, nb::UInt) = unsafe_write(pipe_writer(io)::IO, p, nb)::Union{Int,UInt}
buffer_writes(io::AbstractPipe, args...) = buffer_writes(pipe_writer(io)::IO, args...)

for f in (
        # peek/mark interface
        :mark, :unmark, :reset, :ismarked,
        # Simple reader functions
        :read, :readavailable, :bytesavailable, :reseteof, :isreadable)
    @eval $(f)(io::AbstractPipe) = $(f)(pipe_reader(io)::IO)
read(io::AbstractPipe, byte::Type{UInt8}) = read(pipe_reader(io)::IO, byte)::UInt8
unsafe_read(io::AbstractPipe, p::Ptr{UInt8}, nb::UInt) = unsafe_read(pipe_reader(io)::IO, p, nb)
copyuntil(out::IO, io::AbstractPipe, arg::UInt8; kw...) = copyuntil(out, pipe_reader(io)::IO, arg; kw...)
copyuntil(out::IO, io::AbstractPipe, arg::AbstractChar; kw...) = copyuntil(out, pipe_reader(io)::IO, arg; kw...)
copyuntil(out::IO, io::AbstractPipe, arg::AbstractString; kw...) = copyuntil(out, pipe_reader(io)::IO, arg; kw...)
copyuntil(out::IO, io::AbstractPipe, arg::AbstractVector; kw...) = copyuntil(out, pipe_reader(io)::IO, arg; kw...)
readuntil_vector!(io::AbstractPipe, target::AbstractVector, keep::Bool, out) = readuntil_vector!(pipe_reader(io)::IO, target, keep, out)
readbytes!(io::AbstractPipe, target::AbstractVector{UInt8}, n=length(target)) = readbytes!(pipe_reader(io)::IO, target, n)
peek(io::AbstractPipe, ::Type{T}) where {T} = peek(pipe_reader(io)::IO, T)::T
wait_readnb(io::AbstractPipe, nb::Int) = wait_readnb(pipe_reader(io)::IO, nb)
eof(io::AbstractPipe) = eof(pipe_reader(io)::IO)::Bool

isopen(io::AbstractPipe) = isopen(pipe_writer(io)::IO) || isopen(pipe_reader(io)::IO)
close(io::AbstractPipe) = (close(pipe_writer(io)::IO); close(pipe_reader(io)::IO))
wait_close(io::AbstractPipe) = (wait_close(pipe_writer(io)::IO); wait_close(pipe_reader(io)::IO))

# Exception-safe wrappers (io = open(); try f(io) finally close(io))

    write(filename::AbstractString, content)

Write the canonical binary representation of `content` to a file, which will be created if it does not exist yet or overwritten if it does exist.

Return the number of bytes written into the file.
write(filename::AbstractString, a1, args...) = open(io->write(io, a1, args...), convert(String, filename)::String, "w")


Read the entire contents of a file as a `Vector{UInt8}`.

    read(filename::AbstractString, String)

Read the entire contents of a file as a string.

    read(filename::AbstractString, args...)

Open a file and read its contents. `args` is passed to `read`: this is equivalent to
`open(io->read(io, args...), filename)`.
read(filename::AbstractString, args...) = open(io->read(io, args...), convert(String, filename)::String)

read(filename::AbstractString, ::Type{T}) where {T} = open(io->read(io, T), convert(String, filename)::String)

    read!(stream::IO, array::AbstractArray)
    read!(filename::AbstractString, array::AbstractArray)

Read binary data from an I/O stream or file, filling in `array`.
function read! end

read!(filename::AbstractString, a) = open(io->read!(io, a), convert(String, filename)::String)

    readuntil(stream::IO, delim; keep::Bool = false)
    readuntil(filename::AbstractString, delim; keep::Bool = false)

Read a string from an I/O `stream` or a file, up to the given delimiter.
The delimiter can be a `UInt8`, `AbstractChar`, string, or vector.
Keyword argument `keep` controls whether the delimiter is included in the result.
The text is assumed to be encoded in UTF-8.

Return a `String` if `delim` is an `AbstractChar` or a string
or otherwise return a `Vector{typeof(delim)}`.   See also [`copyuntil`](@ref)
to instead write in-place to another stream (which can be a preallocated [`IOBuffer`](@ref)).

# Examples
julia> write("my_file.txt", "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\nIt has many members.\\n");

julia> readuntil("my_file.txt", 'L')

julia> readuntil("my_file.txt", '.', keep = true)
"JuliaLang is a GitHub organization."

julia> rm("my_file.txt")
readuntil(filename::AbstractString, delim; kw...) = open(io->readuntil(io, delim; kw...), convert(String, filename)::String)
readuntil(stream::IO, delim::UInt8; kw...) = _unsafe_take!(copyuntil(IOBuffer(sizehint=70), stream, delim; kw...))
readuntil(stream::IO, delim::Union{AbstractChar, AbstractString}; kw...) = String(_unsafe_take!(copyuntil(IOBuffer(sizehint=70), stream, delim; kw...)))
readuntil(stream::IO, delim::T; keep::Bool=false) where T = _copyuntil(Vector{T}(), stream, delim, keep)

    copyuntil(out::IO, stream::IO, delim; keep::Bool = false)
    copyuntil(out::IO, filename::AbstractString, delim; keep::Bool = false)

Copy a string from an I/O `stream` or a file, up to the given delimiter, to
the `out` stream, returning `out`.
The delimiter can be a `UInt8`, `AbstractChar`, string, or vector.
Keyword argument `keep` controls whether the delimiter is included in the result.
The text is assumed to be encoded in UTF-8.

Similar to [`readuntil`](@ref), which returns a `String`; in contrast,
`copyuntil` writes directly to `out`, without allocating a string.
(This can be used, for example, to read data into a pre-allocated [`IOBuffer`](@ref).)

# Examples
julia> write("my_file.txt", "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\nIt has many members.\\n");

julia> String(take!(copyuntil(IOBuffer(), "my_file.txt", 'L')))

julia> String(take!(copyuntil(IOBuffer(), "my_file.txt", '.', keep = true)))
"JuliaLang is a GitHub organization."

julia> rm("my_file.txt")
copyuntil(out::IO, filename::AbstractString, delim; kw...) = open(io->copyuntil(out, io, delim; kw...), convert(String, filename)::String)

    readline(io::IO=stdin; keep::Bool=false)
    readline(filename::AbstractString; keep::Bool=false)

Read a single line of text from the given I/O stream or file (defaults to `stdin`).
When reading from a file, the text is assumed to be encoded in UTF-8. Lines in the
input end with `'\\n'` or `"\\r\\n"` or the end of an input stream. When `keep` is
false (as it is by default), these trailing newline characters are removed from the
line before it is returned. When `keep` is true, they are returned as part of the

Return a `String`.   See also [`copyline`](@ref) to instead write in-place
to another stream (which can be a preallocated [`IOBuffer`](@ref)).

See also [`readuntil`](@ref) for reading until more general delimiters.

# Examples
julia> write("my_file.txt", "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\nIt has many members.\\n");

julia> readline("my_file.txt")
"JuliaLang is a GitHub organization."

julia> readline("my_file.txt", keep=true)
"JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\n"

julia> rm("my_file.txt")
julia> print("Enter your name: ")
Enter your name:

julia> your_name = readline()
readline(filename::AbstractString; keep::Bool=false) =
    open(io -> readline(io; keep), filename)
readline(s::IO=stdin; keep::Bool=false) =
    String(_unsafe_take!(copyline(IOBuffer(sizehint=70), s; keep)))

    copyline(out::IO, io::IO=stdin; keep::Bool=false)
    copyline(out::IO, filename::AbstractString; keep::Bool=false)

Copy a single line of text from an I/O `stream` or a file to the `out` stream,
returning `out`.

When reading from a file, the text is assumed to be encoded in UTF-8. Lines in the
input end with `'\\n'` or `"\\r\\n"` or the end of an input stream. When `keep` is
false (as it is by default), these trailing newline characters are removed from the
line before it is returned. When `keep` is true, they are returned as part of the

Similar to [`readline`](@ref), which returns a `String`; in contrast,
`copyline` writes directly to `out`, without allocating a string.
(This can be used, for example, to read data into a pre-allocated [`IOBuffer`](@ref).)

See also [`copyuntil`](@ref) for reading until more general delimiters.

# Examples
julia> write("my_file.txt", "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\nIt has many members.\\n");

julia> String(take!(copyline(IOBuffer(), "my_file.txt")))
"JuliaLang is a GitHub organization."

julia> String(take!(copyline(IOBuffer(), "my_file.txt", keep=true)))
"JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\n"

julia> rm("my_file.txt")
copyline(out::IO, filename::AbstractString; keep::Bool=false) =
    open(io -> copyline(out, io; keep), filename)

# fallback to optimized methods for IOBuffer in iobuffer.jl
function copyline(out::IO, s::IO; keep::Bool=false)
    if keep
        return copyuntil(out, s, 0x0a, keep=true)
        # more complicated to deal with CRLF logic
        while !eof(s)
            b = read(s, UInt8)
            b == 0x0a && break
            if b == 0x0d && !eof(s)
                b = read(s, UInt8)
                b == 0x0a && break
                write(out, 0x0d)
            write(out, b)
        return out

    readlines(io::IO=stdin; keep::Bool=false)
    readlines(filename::AbstractString; keep::Bool=false)

Read all lines of an I/O stream or a file as a vector of strings. Behavior is
equivalent to saving the result of reading [`readline`](@ref) repeatedly with the same
arguments and saving the resulting lines as a vector of strings.  See also
[`eachline`](@ref) to iterate over the lines without reading them all at once.

# Examples
julia> write("my_file.txt", "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\nIt has many members.\\n");

julia> readlines("my_file.txt")
2-element Vector{String}:
 "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization."
 "It has many members."

julia> readlines("my_file.txt", keep=true)
2-element Vector{String}:
 "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\n"
 "It has many members.\\n"

julia> rm("my_file.txt")
function readlines(filename::AbstractString; kw...)
    open(filename) do f
        readlines(f; kw...)
readlines(s=stdin; kw...) = collect(eachline(s; kw...))

## byte-order mark, ntoh & hton ##

let a = UInt32[0x01020304]
    endian_bom = GC.@preserve a unsafe_load(convert(Ptr{UInt8}, pointer(a)))
    global ntoh, hton, ltoh, htol
    if endian_bom == 0x01
        ntoh(x) = x
        hton(x) = x
        ltoh(x) = bswap(x)
        htol(x) = bswap(x)
        const global ENDIAN_BOM = 0x01020304
    elseif endian_bom == 0x04
        ntoh(x) = bswap(x)
        hton(x) = bswap(x)
        ltoh(x) = x
        htol(x) = x
        const global ENDIAN_BOM = 0x04030201
        error("seriously? what is this machine?")


The 32-bit byte-order-mark indicates the native byte order of the host machine.
Little-endian machines will contain the value `0x04030201`. Big-endian machines will contain
the value `0x01020304`.


Convert the endianness of a value from Network byte order (big-endian) to that used by the Host.


Convert the endianness of a value from that used by the Host to Network byte order (big-endian).


Convert the endianness of a value from Little-endian to that used by the Host.


Convert the endianness of a value from that used by the Host to Little-endian.

    isreadonly(io) -> Bool

Determine whether a stream is read-only.

# Examples
julia> io = IOBuffer("JuliaLang is a GitHub organization");

julia> isreadonly(io)

julia> io = IOBuffer();

julia> isreadonly(io)
isreadonly(s) = isreadable(s) && !iswritable(s)

## binary I/O ##

write(io::IO, x) = throw(MethodError(write, (io, x)))
function write(io::IO, x1, xs...)
    written::Int = write(io, x1)
    for x in xs
        written += write(io, x)
    return written

@noinline unsafe_write(s::IO, p::Ref{T}, n::Integer) where {T} =
    unsafe_write(s, unsafe_convert(Ref{T}, p)::Ptr, n) # mark noinline to ensure ref is gc-rooted somewhere (by the caller)
unsafe_write(s::IO, p::Ptr, n::Integer) = unsafe_write(s, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, p), convert(UInt, n))
write(s::IO, x::Ref{T}) where {T} = unsafe_write(s, x, Core.sizeof(T))
write(s::IO, x::Int8) = write(s, reinterpret(UInt8, x))
function write(s::IO, x::Union{Int16,UInt16,Int32,UInt32,Int64,UInt64,Int128,UInt128,Float16,Float32,Float64})
    return write(s, Ref(x))

write(s::IO, x::Bool) = write(s, UInt8(x))
write(to::IO, p::Ptr) = write(to, convert(UInt, p))

function write(s::IO, A::AbstractArray)
    if !isbitstype(eltype(A))
        error("`write` is not supported on non-isbits arrays")
    nb = 0
    for a in A
        nb += write(s, a)
    return nb

function write(s::IO, a::Array)
    if isbitstype(eltype(a))
        return GC.@preserve a unsafe_write(s, pointer(a), sizeof(a))
        error("`write` is not supported on non-isbits arrays")

function write(s::IO, a::SubArray{T,N,<:Array}) where {T,N}
    if !isbitstype(T) || !isa(a, StridedArray)
        return invoke(write, Tuple{IO, AbstractArray}, s, a)
    elsz = elsize(a)
    colsz = size(a,1) * elsz
    GC.@preserve a if stride(a,1) != 1
        for idxs in CartesianIndices(size(a))
            unsafe_write(s, pointer(a, idxs), elsz)
        return elsz * length(a)
    elseif N <= 1
        return unsafe_write(s, pointer(a, 1), colsz)
        for colstart in CartesianIndices((1, size(a)[2:end]...))
            unsafe_write(s, pointer(a, colstart), colsz)
        return colsz * trailingsize(a,2)

function write(io::IO, c::Char)
    u = bswap(reinterpret(UInt32, c))
    n = 1
    while true
        write(io, u % UInt8)
        (u >>= 8) == 0 && return n
        n += 1
# write(io, ::AbstractChar) is not defined: implementations
# must provide their own encoding-specific method.

function write(io::IO, s::Symbol)
    pname = unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8}, s)
    return unsafe_write(io, pname, ccall(:strlen, Csize_t, (Cstring,), pname))

function write(to::IO, from::IO)
    n = 0
    while !eof(from)
        n += write(to, readavailable(from))
    return n

@noinline unsafe_read(s::IO, p::Ref{T}, n::Integer) where {T} = unsafe_read(s, unsafe_convert(Ref{T}, p)::Ptr, n) # mark noinline to ensure ref is gc-rooted somewhere (by the caller)
unsafe_read(s::IO, p::Ptr, n::Integer) = unsafe_read(s, convert(Ptr{UInt8}, p), convert(UInt, n))
read!(s::IO, x::Ref{T}) where {T} = (unsafe_read(s, x, Core.sizeof(T)); x)

read(s::IO, ::Type{Int8}) = reinterpret(Int8, read(s, UInt8))
function read(s::IO, T::Union{Type{Int16},Type{UInt16},Type{Int32},Type{UInt32},Type{Int64},Type{UInt64},Type{Int128},Type{UInt128},Type{Float16},Type{Float32},Type{Float64}})
    return read!(s, Ref{T}(0))[]::T

read(s::IO, ::Type{Bool}) = (read(s, UInt8) != 0)
read(s::IO, ::Type{Ptr{T}}) where {T} = convert(Ptr{T}, read(s, UInt))

function read!(s::IO, a::Array{UInt8})
    GC.@preserve a unsafe_read(s, pointer(a), sizeof(a))
    return a

function read!(s::IO, a::AbstractArray{T}) where T
    if isbitstype(T) && (a isa Array || a isa FastContiguousSubArray{T,<:Any,<:Array{T}})
        GC.@preserve a unsafe_read(s, pointer(a), sizeof(a))
        for i in eachindex(a)
            a[i] = read(s, T)
    return a

function read(io::IO, ::Type{Char})
    b0 = read(io, UInt8)::UInt8
    l = 0x08 * (0x04 - UInt8(leading_ones(b0)))
    c = UInt32(b0) << 24
    if l ≤ 0x10
        s = 16
        while s ≥ l && !eof(io)::Bool
            peek(io) & 0xc0 == 0x80 || break
            b = read(io, UInt8)::UInt8
            c |= UInt32(b) << s
            s -= 8
    return reinterpret(Char, c)
# read(io, T) is not defined for other AbstractChar: implementations
# must provide their own encoding-specific method.

function copyuntil(out::IO, s::IO, delim::AbstractChar; keep::Bool=false)
    if delim ≤ '\x7f'
        return copyuntil(out, s, delim % UInt8; keep)
    for c in readeach(s, Char)
        if c == delim
            keep && write(out, c)
        write(out, c)
    return out

# note: optimized methods of copyuntil for IOStreams and delim::UInt8 in iostream.jl
#       and for IOBuffer with delim::UInt8 in iobuffer.jl
copyuntil(out::IO, s::IO, delim; keep::Bool=false) = _copyuntil(out, s, delim, keep)

# supports out::Union{IO, AbstractVector} for use with both copyuntil & readuntil
function _copyuntil(out, s::IO, delim::T, keep::Bool) where T
    output! = isa(out, IO) ? write : push!
    for c in readeach(s, T)
        if c == delim
            keep && output!(out, c)
        output!(out, c)
    return out

# requires that indices for target are the integer unit range from firstindex to lastindex
# returns whether the delimiter was matched
# uses the Knuth–Morris–Pratt_algorithm, with the first and second cache entries unrolled
# For longer targets, the cache improves the big-O efficiency of scanning of sequences
# with repeated patterns
# Each cache entry tells us which index we should start the search at.
# We assume this is unlikely, so we only lazy-initialize as much of the cache as we need to use
# When we allocate the cache, we initialize it to 0 (and offset by the first index afterwards).
# Suppose target is:
#    Index:  1245689
#    Value: "aδcaδcx"
# We would set the cache to
#    0 0 0 1 2 3 4 0
# So after if we mismatch after the second aδc sequence,
# we can immediately jump back to index 5 (4 + 1).
function readuntil_vector!(io::IO, target::AbstractVector{T}, keep::Bool, out) where {T}
    first = firstindex(target)
    last = lastindex(target)
    len = last - first + 1
    if len < 1
        return true
    pos = 0 # array-offset
    max_pos = 1 # array-offset in cache
    local cache # will be lazy initialized when needed
    output! = (isa(out, IO) ? write : push!)
    for c in readeach(io, T)
        # Backtrack until the next target character matches what was found
        while true
            c1 = target[pos + first]
            if c == c1
                pos += 1
            elseif pos == 0
            elseif pos == 1
                if !keep
                    output!(out, target[first])
                pos = 0
                # grow cache to contain up to `pos`
                if !@isdefined(cache)
                    cache = zeros(Int, len)
                while max_pos < pos
                    ci = target[max_pos + first]
                    b = max_pos
                    max_pos += 1
                    while b != 0
                        b = cache[b]
                        cb = target[b + first]
                        if ci == cb
                            cache[max_pos] = b + 1
                # read new position from cache
                pos1 = cache[pos]
                if !keep
                    # and add the removed prefix from the target to the output
                    # if not always keeping the match
                    for b in 1:(pos - pos1)
                        output!(out, target[b - 1 + first])
                pos = pos1
        if keep || pos == 0
            output!(out, c)
        pos == len && return true
    if !keep
        # failed early without finishing the match,
        # add the partial match to the output
        # if not always keeping the match
        for b in 1:pos
            output!(out, target[b - 1 + first])
    return false

function copyuntil(out::IO, io::IO, target::AbstractString; keep::Bool=false)
    # small-string target optimizations
    x = Iterators.peel(target)
    isnothing(x) && return out
    c, rest = x
    if isempty(rest) && c <= '\x7f'
        return copyuntil(out, io, c % UInt8; keep)
    # convert String to a utf8-byte-iterator
    if !(target isa String) && !(target isa SubString{String})
        target = String(target)
    target = codeunits(target)::AbstractVector
    return copyuntil(out, io, target, keep=keep)

function readuntil(io::IO, target::AbstractVector{T}; keep::Bool=false) where T
    out = (T === UInt8 ? resize!(StringVector(70), 0) : Vector{T}())
    readuntil_vector!(io, target, keep, out)
    return out
copyuntil(out::IO, io::IO, target::AbstractVector; keep::Bool=false) =
    (readuntil_vector!(io, target, keep, out); out)


Read the entirety of `x` as a string and remove a single trailing newline
if there is one. Equivalent to `chomp(read(x, String))`.

# Examples
julia> write("my_file.txt", "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\nIt has many members.\\n");

julia> readchomp("my_file.txt")
"JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\nIt has many members."

julia> rm("my_file.txt");
readchomp(x) = chomp(read(x, String))

# read up to nb bytes into nb, returning # bytes read

    readbytes!(stream::IO, b::AbstractVector{UInt8}, nb=length(b))

Read at most `nb` bytes from `stream` into `b`, returning the number of bytes read.
The size of `b` will be increased if needed (i.e. if `nb` is greater than `length(b)`
and enough bytes could be read), but it will never be decreased.
function readbytes!(s::IO, b::AbstractArray{UInt8}, nb=length(b))
    olb = lb = length(b)
    nr = 0
    while nr < nb && !eof(s)
        a = read(s, UInt8)
        nr += 1
        if nr > lb
            lb = nr * 2
            resize!(b, lb)
        b[nr] = a
    if lb > olb
        resize!(b, nr) # shrink to just contain input data if was resized
    return nr

    read(s::IO, nb=typemax(Int))

Read at most `nb` bytes from `s`, returning a `Vector{UInt8}` of the bytes read.
function read(s::IO, nb::Integer = typemax(Int))
    # Let readbytes! grow the array progressively by default
    # instead of taking of risk of over-allocating
    b = Vector{UInt8}(undef, nb == typemax(Int) ? 1024 : nb)
    nr = readbytes!(s, b, nb)
    return resize!(b, nr)

read(s::IO, ::Type{String}) = String(read(s)::Vector{UInt8})
read(s::IO, T::Type) = error("The IO stream does not support reading objects of type $T.")

## high-level iterator interfaces ##

struct EachLine{IOT <: IO}
    EachLine(stream::IO=stdin; ondone::Function=()->nothing, keep::Bool=false) =
        new{typeof(stream)}(stream, ondone, keep)

    eachline(io::IO=stdin; keep::Bool=false)
    eachline(filename::AbstractString; keep::Bool=false)

Create an iterable `EachLine` object that will yield each line from an I/O stream
or a file. Iteration calls [`readline`](@ref) on the stream argument repeatedly with
`keep` passed through, determining whether trailing end-of-line characters are
retained. When called with a file name, the file is opened once at the beginning of
iteration and closed at the end. If iteration is interrupted, the file will be
closed when the `EachLine` object is garbage collected.

To iterate over each line of a `String`, `eachline(IOBuffer(str))` can be used.

[`Iterators.reverse`](@ref) can be used on an `EachLine` object to read the lines
in reverse order (for files, buffers, and other I/O streams supporting [`seek`](@ref)),
and [`first`](@ref) or [`last`](@ref) can be used to extract the initial or final
lines, respectively.

# Examples
julia> write("my_file.txt", "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\n It has many members.\\n");

julia> for line in eachline("my_file.txt")
JuliaLang is a GitHub organization. It has many members.

julia> rm("my_file.txt");

!!! compat "Julia 1.8"
       Julia 1.8 is required to use `Iterators.reverse` or `last` with `eachline` iterators.
function eachline(stream::IO=stdin; keep::Bool=false)
    EachLine(stream, keep=keep)::EachLine

function eachline(filename::AbstractString; keep::Bool=false)
    s = open(filename)
    EachLine(s, ondone=()->close(s), keep=keep)::EachLine

function iterate(itr::EachLine, state=nothing)
    eof( && return (itr.ondone(); nothing)
    (readline(, keep=itr.keep), nothing)

eltype(::Type{<:EachLine}) = String

IteratorSize(::Type{<:EachLine}) = SizeUnknown()

isdone(itr::EachLine, state...) = eof(

# Reverse-order iteration for the EachLine iterator for seekable streams,
# which works by reading the stream from the end in 4kiB chunks.
function iterate(r::Iterators.Reverse{<:EachLine})
    p0 = position(
    seekend( # may throw if io is non-seekable
    p = position(
    # chunks = circular buffer of 4kiB blocks read from end of stream
    chunks = empty!(Vector{Vector{UInt8}}(undef, 2)) # allocate space for 2 buffers (common case)
    inewline = jnewline = 0
    while p > p0 && inewline == 0 # read chunks until we find a newline or we read whole file
        chunk = Vector{UInt8}(undef, min(4096, p-p0))
        p -= length(chunk)
        readbytes!(seek(, p), chunk)
        pushfirst!(chunks, chunk)
        inewline = something(findlast(==(UInt8('\n')), chunk), 0)
        if length(chunks) == 1 && inewline == length(chunks[1])
            # found newline at end of file … keep looking
            jnewline = inewline
            inewline = something(findprev(==(UInt8('\n')), chunk, inewline-1), 0)
    return iterate(r, (; p0, p, chunks, ichunk=1, inewline, jchunk=length(chunks), jnewline = jnewline == 0 && !isempty(chunks) ? length(chunks[end]) : jnewline))
function iterate(r::Iterators.Reverse{<:EachLine}, state)
    function _stripnewline(keep, pos, data)
        # strip \n or \r\n from data[pos] by decrementing pos
        if !keep && pos > 0 && data[pos] == UInt8('\n')
            pos -= 1
            pos -= pos > 0 && data[pos] == UInt8('\r')
        return pos
    # state tuple: p0 = initial file position, p = current position,
    #              chunks = circular array of chunk buffers,
    #              current line is from chunks[ichunk][inewline+1] to chunks[jchunk][jnewline]
    p0, p, chunks, ichunk, inewline, jchunk, jnewline = state
    if inewline == 0 # no newline found, remaining line = rest of chunks (if any)
        isempty(chunks) && return (r.itr.ondone(); nothing)
        buf = IOBuffer(sizehint = ichunk==jchunk ? jnewline : 4096)
        while ichunk != jchunk
            write(buf, chunks[ichunk])
            ichunk = ichunk == length(chunks) ? 1 : ichunk + 1
        chunk = chunks[jchunk]
        write(buf, view(chunk, 1:jnewline))
        buf.size = _stripnewline(r.itr.keep, buf.size,
        empty!(chunks) # will cause next iteration to terminate
        seekend( # reposition to end of stream for isdone
        s = String(_unsafe_take!(buf))
        # extract the string from chunks[ichunk][inewline+1] to chunks[jchunk][jnewline]
        if ichunk == jchunk # common case: current and previous newline in same chunk
            chunk = chunks[ichunk]
            s = String(view(chunk, inewline+1:_stripnewline(r.itr.keep, jnewline, chunk)))
            buf = IOBuffer(sizehint=max(128, length(chunks[ichunk])-inewline+jnewline))
            write(buf, view(chunks[ichunk], inewline+1:length(chunks[ichunk])))
            i = ichunk
            while true
                i = i == length(chunks) ? 1 : i + 1
                i == jchunk && break
                write(buf, chunks[i])
            write(buf, view(chunks[jchunk], 1:jnewline))
            buf.size = _stripnewline(r.itr.keep, buf.size,
            s = String(_unsafe_take!(buf))

            # overwrite obsolete chunks (ichunk+1:jchunk)
            i = jchunk
            while i != ichunk
                chunk = chunks[i]
                p -= length(resize!(chunk, min(4096, p-p0)))
                readbytes!(seek(, p), chunk)
                i = i == 1 ? length(chunks) : i - 1

        # find the newline previous to inewline
        jchunk = ichunk
        jnewline = inewline
        while true
            inewline = something(findprev(==(UInt8('\n')), chunks[ichunk], inewline-1), 0)
            inewline > 0 && break
            ichunk = ichunk == 1 ? length(chunks) : ichunk - 1
            ichunk == jchunk && break # found nothing — may need to read more chunks
            inewline = length(chunks[ichunk])+1 # start for next findprev

        # read more chunks to look for a newline (should rarely happen)
        if inewline == 0 && p > p0
            ichunk = jchunk + 1
            while true
                chunk = Vector{UInt8}(undef, min(4096, p-p0))
                p -= length(chunk)
                readbytes!(seek(, p), chunk)
                insert!(chunks, ichunk, chunk)
                inewline = something(findlast(==(UInt8('\n')), chunk), 0)
                (p == p0 || inewline > 0) && break
    return (s, (; p0, p, chunks, ichunk, inewline, jchunk, jnewline))
isdone(r::Iterators.Reverse{<:EachLine}, state) = isempty(state.chunks)
isdone(r::Iterators.Reverse{<:EachLine}) = isdone(r.itr)

# use reverse iteration to get end of EachLines (if possible)
last(itr::EachLine) = first(Iterators.reverse(itr))

struct ReadEachIterator{T, IOT <: IO}

    readeach(io::IO, T)

Return an iterable object yielding [`read(io, T)`](@ref).

See also [`skipchars`](@ref), [`eachline`](@ref), [`readuntil`](@ref).

!!! compat "Julia 1.6"
    `readeach` requires Julia 1.6 or later.

# Examples
julia> io = IOBuffer("JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\n It has many members.\\n");

julia> for c in readeach(io, Char)
           c == '\\n' && break
JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.
readeach(stream::IOT, T::Type) where IOT<:IO = ReadEachIterator{T,IOT}(stream)

iterate(itr::ReadEachIterator{T}, state=nothing) where T =
    eof( ? nothing : (read(, T), nothing)

eltype(::Type{ReadEachIterator{T}}) where T = T

IteratorSize(::Type{<:ReadEachIterator}) = SizeUnknown()

isdone(itr::ReadEachIterator, state...) = eof(

# IOStream Marking
# Note that these functions expect that io.mark exists for
# the concrete IO type. This may not be true for IO types
# not in base.


Add a mark at the current position of stream `s`. Return the marked position.

See also [`unmark`](@ref), [`reset`](@ref), [`ismarked`](@ref).
function mark(io::IO)
    io.mark = position(io)


Remove a mark from stream `s`. Return `true` if the stream was marked, `false` otherwise.

See also [`mark`](@ref), [`reset`](@ref), [`ismarked`](@ref).
function unmark(io::IO)
    !ismarked(io) && return false
    io.mark = -1
    return true


Reset a stream `s` to a previously marked position, and remove the mark. Return the
previously marked position. Throw an error if the stream is not marked.

See also [`mark`](@ref), [`unmark`](@ref), [`ismarked`](@ref).
function reset(io::T) where T<:IO
    ismarked(io) || throw(ArgumentError("$T not marked"))
    m = io.mark
    seek(io, m)
    io.mark = -1 # must be after seek, or seek may fail
    return m


Return `true` if stream `s` is marked.

See also [`mark`](@ref), [`unmark`](@ref), [`reset`](@ref).
ismarked(io::IO) = io.mark >= 0

# Make sure all IO streams support flush, even if only as a no-op,
# to make it easier to write generic I/O code.

flush(io::IO) = nothing

    skipchars(predicate, io::IO; linecomment=nothing)

Advance the stream `io` such that the next-read character will be the first remaining for
which `predicate` returns `false`. If the keyword argument `linecomment` is specified, all
characters from that character until the start of the next line are ignored.

# Examples
julia> buf = IOBuffer("    text")
IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=false, seekable=true, append=false, size=8, maxsize=Inf, ptr=1, mark=-1)

julia> skipchars(isspace, buf)
IOBuffer(data=UInt8[...], readable=true, writable=false, seekable=true, append=false, size=8, maxsize=Inf, ptr=5, mark=-1)

julia> String(readavailable(buf))
function skipchars(predicate, io::IO; linecomment=nothing)
    for c in readeach(io, Char)
        if c === linecomment
        elseif !predicate(c)
            skip(io, -ncodeunits(c))
    return io

    countlines(io::IO; eol::AbstractChar = '\\n')
    countlines(filename::AbstractString; eol::AbstractChar = '\\n')

Read `io` until the end of the stream/file and count the number of lines. To specify a file
pass the filename as the first argument. EOL markers other than `'\\n'` are supported by
passing them as the second argument.  The last non-empty line of `io` is counted even if it does not
end with the EOL, matching the length returned by [`eachline`](@ref) and [`readlines`](@ref).

To count lines of a `String`, `countlines(IOBuffer(str))` can be used.

# Examples
julia> io = IOBuffer("JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\n");

julia> countlines(io)

julia> io = IOBuffer("JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.");

julia> countlines(io)

julia> eof(io) # counting lines moves the file pointer

julia> io = IOBuffer("JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.");

julia> countlines(io, eol = '.')
julia> write("my_file.txt", "JuliaLang is a GitHub organization.\\n")

julia> countlines("my_file.txt")

julia> countlines("my_file.txt", eol = 'n')

julia> rm("my_file.txt")

function countlines(io::IO; eol::AbstractChar='\n')
    isascii(eol) || throw(ArgumentError("only ASCII line terminators are supported"))
    aeol = UInt8(eol)
    a = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 8192)
    nl = nb = 0
    while !eof(io)
        nb = readbytes!(io, a)
        @simd for i=1:nb
            @inbounds nl += a[i] == aeol
    if nb > 0 && a[nb] != aeol
        nl += 1 # final line is not terminated with eol

countlines(f::AbstractString; eol::AbstractChar = '\n') = open(io->countlines(io, eol = eol), f)::Int
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