Revision 3711749292ba9c29ad2e3b9eaee90995f8c8290a authored by Keno Fischer on 11 October 2023, 14:41:22 UTC, committed by GitHub on 11 October 2023, 14:41:22 UTC
This should be NFC and is intended to allow the optimizer to delete
:enter statements (by replacing them with `nothing`), without leaving
dangling `:leave`s around. This is accomplished by having `leave` take
(a variable number of) `:enter` tokens (that are already being used by
`:pop_exception`). The semantics are that a literal `nothing` or an
SSAValue pointing to a `nothing` statement are ignored, and one
exception handler is popped for each remaining argument. The actual
value of the token is ignored, except that the verifier asserts that it
belongs to an `:enter`.

Note that we don't need to do the same for :pop_exception, because the
token generated by an `:enter` is semantically only in scope for
:pop_exception during its catch block. If we determine the `:enter` is
dead, then its catch block is guaranteed to not be executed and will be
deleted wholesale by cfg liveness.

I was considering doing something fancier where :leave is changed back
to taking an integer after optimization, but the case where the IR size
is bigger after this change (when we are `:leave`ing many handlers) is
fairly rare and likely not worth the additional complexity or time cost
to do anything special. If it does show up in size benchmarks, I'd
rather give `:leave` a special, compact encoding.
1 parent 8180240
Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT:

# `ntuple`, for constructing tuples of a given length

    ntuple(f::Function, n::Integer)

Create a tuple of length `n`, computing each element as `f(i)`,
where `i` is the index of the element.

# Examples
julia> ntuple(i -> 2*i, 4)
(2, 4, 6, 8)
@inline function ntuple(f::F, n::Integer) where F
    # marked inline since this benefits from constant propagation of `n`
    t = n == 0  ? () :
        n == 1  ? (f(1),) :
        n == 2  ? (f(1), f(2)) :
        n == 3  ? (f(1), f(2), f(3)) :
        n == 4  ? (f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4)) :
        n == 5  ? (f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4), f(5)) :
        n == 6  ? (f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4), f(5), f(6)) :
        n == 7  ? (f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4), f(5), f(6), f(7)) :
        n == 8  ? (f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4), f(5), f(6), f(7), f(8)) :
        n == 9  ? (f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4), f(5), f(6), f(7), f(8), f(9)) :
        n == 10 ? (f(1), f(2), f(3), f(4), f(5), f(6), f(7), f(8), f(9), f(10)) :
        _ntuple(f, n)
    return t

function _ntuple(f::F, n) where F
    (n >= 0) || throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("tuple length should be ≥ 0, got ", n)))
    ([f(i) for i = 1:n]...,)

function ntupleany(f, n)
    (n >= 0) || throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("tuple length should be ≥ 0, got ", n)))
    (Any[f(i) for i = 1:n]...,)

# inferable ntuple (enough for bootstrapping)
ntuple(f, ::Val{0}) = ()
ntuple(f, ::Val{1}) = (@inline; (f(1),))
ntuple(f, ::Val{2}) = (@inline; (f(1), f(2)))
ntuple(f, ::Val{3}) = (@inline; (f(1), f(2), f(3)))

    ntuple(f, ::Val{N})

Create a tuple of length `N`, computing each element as `f(i)`,
where `i` is the index of the element. By taking a `Val(N)`
argument, it is possible that this version of ntuple may
generate more efficient code than the version taking the
length as an integer. But `ntuple(f, N)` is preferable to
`ntuple(f, Val(N))` in cases where `N` cannot be determined
at compile time.

# Examples
julia> ntuple(i -> 2*i, Val(4))
(2, 4, 6, 8)
@inline function ntuple(f::F, ::Val{N}) where {F,N}
    (N >= 0) || throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("tuple length should be ≥ 0, got ", N)))
    if @generated
        :(@ntuple $N i -> f(i))
        Tuple(f(i) for i = 1:N)

@inline function fill_to_length(t::Tuple, val, ::Val{_N}) where {_N}
    M = length(t)
    N = _N::Int
    M > N && throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("input tuple of length ", M, ", requested ", N)))
    if @generated
            (t..., $(fill(:val, (_N::Int) - length(t.parameters))...))
        (t..., fill(val, N-M)...)
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