Revision 3727c188ec3b3848f8bb92891329087548ee60b0 authored by Dylan Beaudette on 18 January 2011, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 18 January 2011, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent c5f6938
Raw File
## proj4string setting

setMethod(f='proj4string', signature='SoilProfileCollection',

setReplaceMethod("proj4string", "SoilProfileCollection",
  function(obj, value) {
  proj4string(obj@sp) <- value

## initialize spatial data
setReplaceMethod("coordinates", "SoilProfileCollection",
  function(object, value) {

  # basic sanity check... needs work
  if(! inherits(value, "formula"))
    stop('invalid formula')

  # extract coordinates as matrix
  mf <- data.matrix(model.frame(value, site(object), na.action=na.pass))

  # test for missing coordinates
  mf.missing <- apply(mf, 2,

	  stop('cannot initialize a SpatialPoints object with missing coordinates')

  # assign to sp slot
  # note that this will clobber any existing spatial data
  object@sp <- SpatialPoints(coords=mf)
  # remove coordinates from source data
  # note that mf is a matrix, so we need to access the colnames differently
  coord_names <- dimnames(mf)[[2]]
  idx <- match(coord_names, names(site(object)))
  # remove the named site data from site_data
  # TODO we should use a proper setter!
  object@site <- site(object)[, -idx]
  # done

## spatial_subset: spatial clipping of a SPC (requires GEOS)

if (!isGeneric("spatial_subset"))
  setGeneric("spatial_subset", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("spatial_subset"))

setMethod(f='spatial_subset', signature='SoilProfileCollection',
  function(object, geom){

    # This functionality require the GEOS bindings
    # provided by rgeos
    if(require(rgeos)) {
      spc_intersection <- gIntersects(as(object, "SpatialPoints"), geom, byid = TRUE)
      ids <- which(spc_intersection)
	# extract relevant info
	s <- site(object)
	h <- horizons(object)
	# get indexes to valid site, hz data
      valid_ids <- s[ids, object@idcol]
      valid_horizons <- which(h[, object@idcol] %in% valid_ids)
      valid_sites <- which(s[, object@idcol] %in% valid_ids)
	# create a new SPC with subset data
  ## TODO: copy over diagnostic horizon data
	## TODO: use integer profile index to simplify this process
	## TODO: @sp bbox may need to be re-computed
      SoilProfileCollection(idcol = object@idcol, depthcols = object@depthcols, metadata = object@metadata, horizons = horizons(object)[valid_horizons, ], site = site(object)[valid_sites, ], sp = object@sp[ids,])
    else { # no rgeos, return original
      stop('Spatial subsetting not performed, please install the `rgeos` package.')
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