Revision 3881e864d0115355ab0398e22b489d3d1df7997a authored by gouarin on 30 March 2018, 12:29:37 UTC, committed by gouarin on 30 March 2018, 12:29:37 UTC
1 parent eb1bfe3
Tip revision: 3881e864d0115355ab0398e22b489d3d1df7997a authored by gouarin on 30 March 2018, 12:29:37 UTC
fix mpcg
fix mpcg
Tip revision: 3881e86
from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from six.moves import range
from petsc4py import PETSc
from . import matelem_cython
from .matelem import getMatElemMass
def getMatElemElasticity(h, lamb, mu):
return the elementary matrix of the elasticity operator
discretized using Q1 finite element (works in 2d and 3d)
h : list
The space step in each direction.
lamb: double or ndarray
Lame constant. If lamb is an array, the coefficients are
the constant values of this lame constant on each cell.
mu: double or array
Lame constant. If mu is an array, the coefficients are
the constant values of this lame constant on each cell.
out: ndarray
The elementary matrix of the elasticity operator.
dim = len(h)
if dim == 2:
hx, hy = h
if isinstance(lamb, np.ndarray):
return matelem_cython.getMatElemElasticity_2d_nonconst(hx, hy, lamb, mu)
return matelem_cython.getMatElemElasticity_2d_const(hx, hy, lamb, mu)
elif dim == 3:
hx, hy, hz = h
if isinstance(lamb, np.ndarray):
return matelem_cython.getMatElemElasticity_3d_nonconst(hx, hy, hz, lamb, mu)
return matelem_cython.getMatElemElasticity_3d_const(hx, hy, hz, lamb, mu)
def getIndices(elem, dof):
Return matrix indices for each dof for a given element
using the PETSc numbering.
elem : ndarray
The list of the mesh elements.
dof : int
Number of dof (2 in 2d and 3 in 3d).
ind : ndarray
The list of the entries in the matrix.
ind = np.empty(dof*elem.size, dtype=np.int32)
for i in range(dof):
ind[i::dof] = dof*elem + i
return ind
def buildElasticityMatrix(da, h, lamb, mu):
Assemble the matrix of the elasticity operator
using Q1 finite elements.
da : petsc.DMDA
The mesh structure.
h : list
The space step in each direction.
lamb: double or ndarray
Lame constant. If lamb is an array, the coefficients are
the constant values of this lame constant on each cell.
mu: double or array
Lame constant. If mu is an array, the coefficients are
the constant values of this lame constant on each cell.
A: petsc.Mat
The matrix of the elasticity operator.
Melem = getMatElemElasticity(h, lamb, mu)
A = da.createMatrix()
elem = da.getElements()
ie = 0
dof = da.getDof()
for e in elem:
ind = getIndices(e, dof)
if isinstance(lamb, np.ndarray):
Melem_num = Melem[ie]
Melem_num = Melem
A.setValuesLocal(ind, ind, Melem_num, PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES)
ie += 1
return A
def buildMassMatrix(da, h):
Assemble the mass matrix using Q1 finite elements.
da : petsc.DMDA
The mesh structure.
h : list
The space step in each direction.
A: petsc.Mat
The mass matrix.
Melem = getMatElemMass(da.getDim())
if da.getDim() == 2:
Melem = Melem(h[0], h[1], 0)
Melem = Melem(h[0], h[1], h[2])
A = da.createMatrix()
elem = da.getElements()
dof = da.getDof()
for e in elem:
ind = dof*e
for i in range(dof):
A.setValuesLocal(ind+i, ind+i, Melem, PETSc.InsertMode.ADD_VALUES)
return A
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