Revision 39986611a2050070884e7e5bfd742f2b947af784 authored by jbelvaux on 12 November 2013, 17:52:31 UTC, committed by jbelvaux on 12 November 2013, 17:52:31 UTC
1 parent 9ca82bf
Raw File
     Copyright (C) 1999 Marc PIERROT DESEILLIGNY

   eLiSe : Elements of a Linux Image Software Environment

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

   Phone: (33) 01 43 98 81 28


/* SOME UTILS ON TAB                                         */

template <class Type> class ElFifo
     public :

        ElFifo(int capa = 10,bool circ = false);

        bool circ() const;
        void set_circ(bool);
        bool  empty() const;
        void  clear();

        int    nb ()   const;

        const Type &  operator [] (int k)  const;
        Type & operator [] (int k) ;
        inline Type     popfirst();
        inline Type     poplast();
        inline void   pushlast(Type);
        inline void   pushfirst(Type);
        inline Type     top() const;
        inline INT     capa() const;

        // Warn  return 0 if not used as a stacke
        const Type * tab() const;

     protected :
        void incr_capa();

        Type * _tab;
        int  _nb;
        int   _capa;
        int   _begin;
        bool _is_circ;

        ElFifo(const ElFifo<Type>&);

        static void instatiate();
        friend void ElFifo_instatiate();

template <class Type,class Compare> class ElHeap : private ElFifo<Type>
    public :
        friend void instantiate_ElHeap();

        ElHeap(Type infty,Compare inferior,INT capa = 2);

        void  push(Type);
        Type  top();
        void  pop();
        bool  empty();
        INT   nb();  // pout info, stat

        void set_empty();

   private :

        Type          _infty;
        Compare       _inferior;

        // do not exist
        ElHeap(const ElHeap<Type,Compare> &);

        void heap_up(INT k);
        void heap_down(INT k);

        static void instantiate(Type,Compare);

template <class Type> class ElRawList : public Mcheck
     public :
        Type   _o;
        ElRawList *   _next;
        static void rec_delete(ElRawList<Type> *);

template <class Type> class ElIntegerHeap
      private :

          ElIntegerHeap(const ElIntegerHeap<Type> &);

          friend void instantiate_ElIntegerHeap();
          static void instantiate(Type);

          INT     _nb_objet;
          INT     _ind_min;
          ElFifo<ElRawList<Type>* >  _objs;
          ElRawList<Type> *  _lfree;

          ElRawList<Type> *   get_el();
          void   put_el_free(ElRawList<Type> *);

      public :

INT     _nb_incr;
          virtual ~ElIntegerHeap();
          ElIntegerHeap(INT capa_glob);
          void push(Type,INT index);
          Type  top(INT & index);
          void  pop();
          bool pop(Type &,INT & index);
          bool empty();
          INT  nb();

template <class Type> class ElBornedIntegerHeap
      private :

          ElBornedIntegerHeap(const ElBornedIntegerHeap<Type> &);

          friend void instantiate_ElBornedIntegerHeap();
          static void instantiate(Type);

          INT     _nb_objet;
          INT     _ind_min;
          INT     _ind_max;
          INT     _max_dif;

          ElFifo<Type>   *_objs;

      public :

          virtual ~ElBornedIntegerHeap();
          ElBornedIntegerHeap(INT max_dif);
          void push(Type,INT index);
          Type  top(INT & index);
          void  pop();
          bool empty();
          INT  capa_tot() const;
          bool pop(Type &,INT & index);
          INT  nb();

#endif /* ! _ELISE_EXT_STL_FIFO */

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