Revision 399909b1ab9963409ba7ae18c1eda860315aeb6b authored by Jordan08 on 26 May 2015, 11:22:33 UTC, committed by Jordan08 on 26 May 2015, 11:22:33 UTC
1 parent 2540739
Raw File
#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

import os, shutil, re

from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from waflib import Logs, Scripting

# the following two variables are used by the target "waf dist"

top = '.'
out = '__build__'

def options (opt):
	# when running on windows: do not attempt to detect msvc automatically
	# -> will use gcc by default
	import waflib.Tools.compiler_c
	import waflib.Tools.compiler_cxx
	waflib.Tools.compiler_c.c_compiler["win32"].remove ("msvc")
	waflib.Tools.compiler_cxx.cxx_compiler["win32"].remove ("msvc")

	opt.load ("compiler_cxx compiler_cc javaw")

	opt.add_option ("--enable-shared", action="store_true", dest="ENABLE_SHARED",
			help = "build ibex as a shared lib")

	opt.add_option ("--disable-sse2", action="store_true", dest="DISABLE_SSE2",
			help = "do not use SSE2 optimizations")

	opt.add_option ("--with-debug",  action="store_true", dest="DEBUG",
			help = "enable debugging")
	opt.add_option ("--with-ampl", action="store_true", dest="WITH_AMPL",
			help = "do not use AMPL")

	opt.add_option ("--with-gaol",   action="store", type="string", dest="GAOL_PATH",
			help = "location of the Gaol lib")
	opt.add_option ("--with-bias",   action="store", type="string", dest="BIAS_PATH",
			help = "location of the Profil/Bias lib")
	opt.add_option ("--with-filib",   action="store", type="string", dest="FILIB_PATH",
			help = "location of the filib lib")
	opt.add_option ("--without-lp", action="store_true", dest="WITHOUT_LP",
			help = "do not use any Linear Solver")
	opt.add_option ("--without-rounding", action="store_true", dest="WITHOUT_ROUNDING",
			help = "do not use a reliable interval")
	opt.add_option ("--standalone", action="store_true", dest="WITH_STANDALONE",
			help = "do not use any external library (excepted standard C++ library)")	
	opt.add_option ("--with-soplex", action="store", type="string", dest="SOPLEX_PATH",
			help = "location of Soplex")
	opt.add_option ("--with-cplex", action="store", type="string", dest="CPLEX_PATH",
			help = "location of Cplex")
	opt.add_option ("--with-clp", action="store", type="string", dest="CLP_PATH",
			help = "location of Clp solver")
	opt.add_option ("--with-jni", action="store_true", dest="WITH_JNI",
			help = "enable the compilation of the JNI adapter (note: your JAVA_HOME environment variable must be properly set if you want to use this option)")
	opt.add_option ("--with-java-package", action="store", type="string", dest="JAVA_PACKAGE",
			default="ibex", help="name of the java package to be build (default is ibex)")

def configure (conf):

	def switch_to_32bits():
		env = conf.env
		if env.DEST_CPU == "x86_64":
			if env.COMPILER_CC == "gcc" and env.COMPILER_CXX == "g++":
				# fall-back to 32bits
				Logs.pprint ("YELLOW", "Warning: x86_64 is not supported with GAOL, we will build IBEX for i386 instead")
				for var in ("CFLAGS", "LINKFLAGS", "CXXFLAGS"):
					env.append_unique (var, "-m32")

				conf.check_cc (cflags = "-m32")
				conf.check_cxx (cxxflags = "-m32")
				conf.fatal ("64bit platform are not supported")

	conf.switch_to_32bits = switch_to_32bits

	env = conf.env
	conf.load ('compiler_cxx compiler_cc bison')
	conf.load ('flex', '.')
	conf.env.LIBDIR = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/lib'


	# GAOL cannot be built on 64-bit cpu
	if conf.options.GAOL_PATH is not None:

	# optimised compilation flags
	if conf.options.DEBUG:
		flags = "-O0 -g -pg -Wall -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-unused-variable -fmessage-length=0"
		flags = "-O3 -Wno-deprecated"
		conf.define ("NDEBUG", 1)
	for f in flags.split():
		if conf.check_cxx (cxxflags = f, mandatory = False):
			env.append_unique ("CXXFLAGS", f)

	# build as shared lib
	if conf.options.ENABLE_SHARED or conf.options.WITH_JNI:
		env.ENABLE_SHARED = True

	def find_lib (prefix):

		parent_dir = os.path.abspath ("..")

		v = LooseVersion ("0")
		for path in os.listdir (parent_dir):
			if path.startswith (prefix) and os.path.isdir (os.path.join (parent_dir, path)):
				new_v = LooseVersion (path)
				if new_v > v:
					v = new_v
		if v.vstring == "0":
			return None
			lib = os.path.join (parent_dir, v.vstring)
			return lib

	def candidate_lib_path (opt_name, prefix):

		path = getattr (conf.options, opt_name)

		return os.path.abspath (os.path.expanduser (path)) if path else find_lib (prefix)

	# AMPL is disable on Window
	if env.DEST_OS == "win32":
		if (conf.options.WITH_AMPL):
			Logs.pprint ("YELLOW", "Warning: AMPL is not supported on win32")
		conf.env.WITH_AMPL =False 
	elif (conf.options.WITH_AMPL):
		conf.env.WITH_AMPL =True 
	# Disable Linear Solver
	if (conf.options.WITHOUT_LP):
		conf.env.WITHOUT_LP =True 

	# Disable Rounding interval
	if (conf.options.WITHOUT_ROUNDING):
		conf.env.WITHOUT_ROUNDING =True 
	# Disable Linear Solver and rounding interval
	if (conf.options.WITH_STANDALONE):
		conf.env.WITHOUT_LP =True 
		conf.env.WITHOUT_ROUNDING =True 
	# JNI
	env.WITH_JNI = conf.options.WITH_JNI
	if env.WITH_JNI:
		java_home = os.environ.get("JAVA_HOME")
		if java_home:
			env["JAVA_HOME"] = [java_home]
		conf.load ('javaw', funs = [])


		conf.msg ("Checking for java sdk", java_home)
		del env["JAVAC"]
		conf.find_program (os.path.join (java_home, "bin", "javac"), var = "JAVAC")
		conf.find_program (os.path.join (java_home, "bin", "javah"), var = "JAVAH")
		conf.find_program (os.path.join (java_home, "bin", "jar"),   var = "JAR")

		conf.env.JAVA_PACKAGE = conf.options.JAVA_PACKAGE

		if env.DEST_OS == "win32":
			# fix name-mangling for linking with the JVM on windows
			env.append_unique ("LINKFLAGS_JAVA", "-Wl,--kill-at")
	# Bison / Flex
	env.append_unique ("BISONFLAGS", ["--name-prefix=ibex", "--report=all", "--file-prefix=parser"])
	env.append_unique ("FLEXFLAGS", "-Pibex")

	conf.env.append_unique ("LIBPATH", ["3rd", "src"])
	conf.recurse ("3rd src")
def build (bld):
	bld.recurse ("src 3rd")

def distclean (ctx):
	Scripting.distclean (ctx)
	ctx.recurse ("3rd")

def dist (ctx):
	# do not include 3rd/* subdirectories when building the archive
	get_files_orig = ctx.get_files
	def get_files():
		def is_not_3rd_subdir (node):
			rel_path = node.path_from (ctx.path.find_dir ("3rd"))
			if rel_path.startswith (".."):
				return True
				# exclude subdirectories in 3rd
				return not os.sep in rel_path

		return list(filter (is_not_3rd_subdir, get_files_orig()))
	ctx.get_files = get_files
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