Revision 39b13612ebd645a65eda854771b517371f2f858a authored by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC, committed by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC
1 parent c702819
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Copyright (c) 2006, Michael Kazhdan and Matthew Bolitho
All rights reserved.

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// BSplineData //
// Support[i]:
//		Odd:  i +/- 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree )
//			i - 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree ) < 0
// <=>		i < 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree )
//			i + 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree ) > 0
// <=>		i > - 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree )
//			i + 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree ) > r
// <=>      i > r - 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree )
//			i - 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree ) < r
// <=>      i < r + 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree )
//		Even: i + 0.5 +/- 0.5 * ( 1 + Degree )
//			i - 0.5 * Degree < 0
// <=>		i < 0.5 * Degree
//			i + 1 + 0.5 * Degree > 0
// <=>		i > -1 - 0.5 * Degree
//			i + 1 + 0.5 * Degree > r
// <=>		i > r - 1 - 0.5 * Degree
//			i - 0.5 * Degree < r
// <=>		i < r + 0.5 * Degree
template< int Degree > inline bool LeftOverlap( unsigned int depth , int offset )
	offset <<= 1;
	if( Degree & 1 ) return (offset < 1+Degree) && (offset > -1-Degree );
	else             return (offset <   Degree) && (offset > -2-Degree );
template< int Degree > inline bool RightOverlap( unsigned int depth , int offset )
	offset <<= 1;
	int r = 1<<(depth+1);
	if( Degree & 1 ) return (offset > 2-1-Degree) && (offset < 2+1+Degree );
	else             return (offset > 2-2-Degree) && (offset < 2+  Degree );
template< int Degree > inline int ReflectLeft( unsigned int depth , int offset )
	if( Degree&1 ) return   -offset;
	else           return -1-offset;
template< int Degree > inline int ReflectRight( unsigned int depth , int offset )
	int r = 1<<(depth+1);
	if( Degree&1 ) return r  -offset;
	else           return r-1-offset;

template< int Degree , class Real >
BSplineData<Degree,Real>::BSplineData( void )
	vvDotTable = dvDotTable = ddDotTable = NullPointer< Real >();
	valueTables = dValueTables = NullPointer< Real >();
	functionCount = sampleCount = 0;
	SetBSplineElementIntegrals< Degree   , Degree   >( _vvIntegrals );
	SetBSplineElementIntegrals< Degree   , Degree-1 >( _vdIntegrals );
	SetBSplineElementIntegrals< Degree-1 , Degree   >( _dvIntegrals );
	SetBSplineElementIntegrals< Degree-1 , Degree-1 >( _ddIntegrals );
	_cc_vv_Integrals = _cc_dv_Integrals = _cc_vd_Integrals = _cc_dd_Integrals = NullPointer< _CCIntegrals >();
	_cp_vv_Integrals = _cp_dv_Integrals = _cp_vd_Integrals = _cp_dd_Integrals = NullPointer< _CPIntegrals >();

template< int Degree , class Real >
BSplineData< Degree , Real >::~BSplineData(void)
	if( functionCount )
		if( vvDotTable ) DeletePointer( vvDotTable );
		if( dvDotTable ) DeletePointer( dvDotTable );
		if( ddDotTable ) DeletePointer( ddDotTable );
		if(  valueTables ) DeletePointer(  valueTables );
		if( dValueTables ) DeletePointer( dValueTables );
	functionCount = 0;
template< int Degree , class Real >
double BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator::dot( int depth , int off1 , int off2 , bool d1 , bool d2 , bool childParent ) const
	if( depth<0 || depth>=int( iTables.size() ) ) return 0.;
	const typename Integrator::IntegralTables& iTable = iTables[depth];
	if( childParent )
		int c = off1&1;
		off1 >>= 1 , depth--;
		int ii , d = off2-off1 , res = (1<<depth);
		if( depth<0 || off1<0 || off2<0 || off1>=res || off2>=res || d<-Degree || d>Degree ) return 0;
		if     ( off1<     Degree ) ii = off1;
		else if( off1>=res-Degree ) ii = 2*Degree + off1 - (res-1);
		else                        ii = Degree;
		if     ( d1 && d2 ) return iTable.dd_cpIntegrals[2*ii+c][d+Degree];
		else if( d1       ) return iTable.dv_cpIntegrals[2*ii+c][d+Degree];
		else if(       d2 ) return iTable.vd_cpIntegrals[2*ii+c][d+Degree];
		else                return iTable.vv_cpIntegrals[2*ii+c][d+Degree];
		int ii , d = off2-off1 , res = (1<<depth);
		if( off1<0 || off2<0 || off1>=res || off2>=res || d<-Degree || d>Degree ) return 0;
		if     ( off1<     Degree ) ii = off1;
		else if( off1>=res-Degree ) ii = 2*Degree + off1 - (res-1);
		else                        ii = Degree;
		if     ( d1 && d2 ) return iTable.dd_ccIntegrals[ii][d+Degree];
		else if( d1       ) return iTable.dv_ccIntegrals[ii][d+Degree];
		else if(       d2 ) return iTable.vd_ccIntegrals[ii][d+Degree];
		else                return iTable.vv_ccIntegrals[ii][d+Degree];
template< int Degree , class Real >
template< int Radius >
double BSplineData< Degree , Real >::CenterEvaluator< Radius >::value( int depth , int off1 , int off2 , bool d , bool childParent ) const
	if( depth<0 || depth>=int(vTables.size()) ) return 0.;
	if( childParent )
		int c = off1&1;
		off1 >>= 1 , depth--;
		const typename CenterEvaluator::ValueTables& vTable = vTables[depth];
		int ii , dd = off1-off2 , res = (1<<depth);
		if( depth<0 || off1<0 || off2<0 || off1>=res || off2>=res || dd<-Radius || dd>Radius ) return 0;
		if     ( off2<     Degree ) ii = off2;
		else if( off2>=res-Degree ) ii = 2*Degree + off2 - (res-1);
		else                        ii = Degree;
		if( d ) return vTable.dValues[ii][(dd+Radius)*3+2*c];
		else    return vTable.vValues[ii][(dd+Radius)*3+2*c];
		const typename CenterEvaluator::ValueTables& vTable = vTables[depth];
		int ii , dd = off1-off2 , res = (1<<depth);
		if( off1<0 || off2<0 || off1>=res || off2>=res || dd<-Radius || dd>Radius ) return 0;
		if     ( off2<     Degree ) ii = off2;
		else if( off2>=res-Degree ) ii = 2*Degree + off2 - (res-1);
		else                        ii = Degree;
		if( d ) return vTable.dValues[ii][(dd+Radius)*3+1];
		else    return vTable.vValues[ii][(dd+Radius)*3+1];
template< int Degree , class Real >
template< int Radius >
double BSplineData< Degree , Real >::CornerEvaluator< Radius >::value( int depth , int off1 , int c1 , int off2 , bool d , bool childParent ) const
	if( c1<0 || c1>=2 )
		fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Clamping corner to {0,1}\n" );
		c1 = std::max< int >( 0 , std::min< int >( c1 , 1 ) );
	if( depth<0 || depth>=int( vTables.size() ) ) return 0.;
	if( childParent )
		int c = off1&1;
		off1 >>= 1 , depth--;
		const typename CornerEvaluator::ValueTables& vTable = vTables[depth];
		int ii , dd = off1-off2 , res = (1<<depth);
		if( depth<0 || off1<0 || off2<0 || off1>=res || off2>=res || dd<-Radius || dd>Radius ) return 0;
		if     ( off2<     Degree ) ii = off2;
		else if( off2>=res-Degree ) ii = 2*Degree + off2 - (res-1);
		else                        ii = Degree;
		if( d ) return vTable.dValues[ii][(dd+Radius)*2+c+c1];
		else    return vTable.vValues[ii][(dd+Radius)*2+c+c1];
		const typename CornerEvaluator::ValueTables& vTable = vTables[depth];
		int ii , dd = off1-off2 , res = (1<<depth);
		if( off1<0 || off2<0 || off1>=res || off2>=res || dd<-Radius || dd>Radius ) return 0;
		if     ( off2<     Degree ) ii = off2;
		else if( off2>=res-Degree ) ii = 2*Degree + off2 - (res-1);
		else                        ii = Degree;
		if( d ) return vTable.dValues[ii][(dd+Radius)*2+2*c1];
		else    return vTable.vValues[ii][(dd+Radius)*2+2*c1];

template< int Degree , class Real >
void BSplineData<Degree,Real>::set( int maxDepth , bool useDotRatios , int boundaryType )
	_useDotRatios = useDotRatios;
	_boundaryType = boundaryType;

	depth = maxDepth;
	// [Warning] This assumes that the functions spacing is dual
	functionCount = BinaryNode< double >::CumulativeCenterCount( depth );
	sampleCount   = BinaryNode< double >::CenterCount( depth ) + BinaryNode< double >::CornerCount( depth );
	baseFunctions = NewPointer< PPolynomial< Degree > >( functionCount );
	baseBSplines = NewPointer< BSplineComponents >( functionCount );

	baseFunction = PPolynomial< Degree >::BSpline();
	for( int i=0 ; i<=Degree ; i++ ) baseBSpline[i] = Polynomial< Degree >::BSplineComponent( i ).shift( double(-(Degree+1)/2) + i - 0.5 );
	dBaseFunction = baseFunction.derivative();
	StartingPolynomial< Degree > sPolys[Degree+4];

	for( int i=0 ; i<Degree+3 ; i++ )
		sPolys[i].start = double(-(Degree+1)/2) + i - 1.5;
		sPolys[i].p *= 0;
		if(         i<=Degree   )  sPolys[i].p += baseBSpline[i  ].shift( -1 ) * _boundaryType;
		if( i>=1 && i<=Degree+1 )  sPolys[i].p += baseBSpline[i-1];
		for( int j=0 ; j<i ; j++ ) sPolys[i].p -= sPolys[j].p;
	leftBaseFunction.set( sPolys , Degree+3 );
	for( int i=0 ; i<Degree+3 ; i++ )
		sPolys[i].start = double(-(Degree+1)/2) + i - 0.5;
		sPolys[i].p *= 0;
		if(         i<=Degree   )  sPolys[i].p += baseBSpline[i  ];
		if( i>=1 && i<=Degree+1 )  sPolys[i].p += baseBSpline[i-1].shift( 1 ) * _boundaryType;
		for( int j=0 ; j<i ; j++ ) sPolys[i].p -= sPolys[j].p;
	rightBaseFunction.set( sPolys , Degree+3 );
	for( int i=0 ; i<Degree+4 ; i++ )
		sPolys[i].start = double(-(Degree+1)/2) + i - 1.5;
		sPolys[i].p *= 0;
		if(         i<=Degree   )  sPolys[i].p += baseBSpline[i  ].shift( -1 ) * _boundaryType; // The left-shifted B-spline
		if( i>=1 && i<=Degree+1 )  sPolys[i].p += baseBSpline[i-1];             // The centered B-Spline
		if( i>=2 && i<=Degree+2 )  sPolys[i].p += baseBSpline[i-2].shift(  1 ) * _boundaryType; // The right-shifted B-spline
		for( int j=0 ; j<i ; j++ ) sPolys[i].p -= sPolys[j].p;
	leftRightBaseFunction.set( sPolys , Degree+4 );

	dLeftBaseFunction  =  leftBaseFunction.derivative();
	dRightBaseFunction = rightBaseFunction.derivative();
	dLeftRightBaseFunction = leftRightBaseFunction.derivative();
	leftRightBSpline = leftBSpline = rightBSpline = baseBSpline;
	leftBSpline [1] +=  leftBSpline[2].shift( -1 ) ,  leftBSpline[0] *= 0;
	rightBSpline[1] += rightBSpline[0].shift(  1 ) , rightBSpline[2] *= 0;
	leftRightBSpline[1] += leftRightBSpline[2].shift( -1 ) + leftRightBSpline[0].shift( 1 ) , leftRightBSpline[0] *= 0 , leftRightBSpline[2] *= 0 ;

	double c , w;
	for( size_t i=0 ; i<functionCount ; i++ )
		BinaryNode< double >::CenterAndWidth( int(i) , c , w );
		baseFunctions[i] = baseFunction.scale(w).shift(c);
		baseBSplines[i] = baseBSpline.scale(w).shift(c);
		if( _boundaryType )
			int d , off , r;
			BinaryNode< double >::DepthAndOffset( int(i) , d , off );
			r = 1<<d;
			if     ( off==0 && off==r-1 ) baseFunctions[i] = leftRightBaseFunction.scale(w).shift(c);
			else if( off==0             ) baseFunctions[i] =      leftBaseFunction.scale(w).shift(c);
			else if(           off==r-1 ) baseFunctions[i] =     rightBaseFunction.scale(w).shift(c);
			if     ( off==0 && off==r-1 ) baseBSplines [i] = leftRightBSpline.scale(w).shift(c);
			else if( off==0             ) baseBSplines [i] =      leftBSpline.scale(w).shift(c);
			else if(           off==r-1 ) baseBSplines [i] =     rightBSpline.scale(w).shift(c);
template< int Degree , class Real >
template< bool D1 , bool D2 >
double BSplineData< Degree , Real >::_dot( int depth1 ,  int off1 , int depth2 , int off2 , bool inset ) const
	const int _Degree1 = (D1 ? (Degree-1) : Degree) , _Degree2 = (D2 ? (Degree-1) : Degree);
	int sums[ _Degree1+1 ][ _Degree2+1 ];

	int depth = std::max< int >( depth1 , depth2 );

	BSplineElements< Degree > b1( 1<<depth1 , off1 , _boundaryType , inset ? ( 1<<(depth1-2) ) : 0 ) , b2( 1<<depth2 , off2 , _boundaryType , inset ? ( 1<<(depth2-2) ) : 0 );

	BSplineElements< Degree > b;
	while( depth1<depth ) b=b1 , b.upSample( b1 ) , depth1++;
	while( depth2<depth ) b=b2 , b.upSample( b2 ) , depth2++;

	BSplineElements< Degree-1 > db1 , db2;
	b1.differentiate( db1 ) , b2.differentiate( db2 );

	int start1=-1 , end1=-1 , start2=-1 , end2=-1;
	for( int i=0 ; i<int( b1.size() ) ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree ; j++ )
		if( b1[i][j] && start1==-1 ) start1 = i;
		if( b1[i][j] ) end1 = i+1;
		if( b2[i][j] && start2==-1 ) start2 = i;
		if( b2[i][j] ) end2 = i+1;
	if( start1==end1 || start2==end2 || start1>=end2 || start2>=end1 ) return Real(0);
	int start = std::max< int >( start1 , start2 ) , end = std::min< int >( end1 , end2 );
	memset( sums , 0 , sizeof( sums ) );
	for( int i=start ; i<end ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<=_Degree1 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=_Degree2 ; k++ ) sums[j][k] += ( D1 ?  db1[i][j] : b1[i][j] ) * ( D2 ? db2[i][k] : b2[i][k] );
	double _dot = 0;
	if     ( D1 && D2 ) for( int j=0 ; j<=_Degree1 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=_Degree2 ; k++ ) _dot += _ddIntegrals[j][k] * sums[j][k];
	else if( D1       ) for( int j=0 ; j<=_Degree1 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=_Degree2 ; k++ ) _dot += _dvIntegrals[j][k] * sums[j][k];
	else if(       D2 ) for( int j=0 ; j<=_Degree1 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=_Degree2 ; k++ ) _dot += _vdIntegrals[j][k] * sums[j][k];
	else                for( int j=0 ; j<=_Degree1 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=_Degree2 ; k++ ) _dot += _vvIntegrals[j][k] * sums[j][k];
	_dot /= b1.denominator;
	_dot /= b2.denominator;
	if     ( D1 && D2 ) return _dot * (1<<depth);
	else if( D1 || D2 ) return _dot;
	else                return _dot / (1<<depth);
template< int Degree , class Real >
double BSplineData< Degree , Real >::value( int depth ,  int off , double smoothingRadius ,  double s , bool d , bool inset ) const
    inset = inset;

	PPolynomial< Degree+1 >  function;
	PPolynomial< Degree   > dFunction;

	if( off<0 || off>=(1<<depth) ) return 0;
	int idx = BinaryNode< Real >::CenterIndex( depth , off );

	if( smoothingRadius>0 ) function = baseFunctions[idx].MovingAverage( smoothingRadius );
	else                    function = baseFunctions[idx];
	dFunction = function.derivative();

	if( d ) return dFunction(s);
	else    return  function(s);
template< int Degree , class Real >
void BSplineData< Degree , Real >::setIntegrator( Integrator& integrator , bool inset ) const
	integrator.iTables.resize( depth+1 );
	for( int d=0 ; d<=depth ; d++ ) for( int i=0 ; i<=2*Degree ; i++ ) for( int j=-Degree ; j<=Degree ; j++ )
		int res = 1<<d , ii = (i<=Degree ? i : i+res-1 - 2*Degree );
		integrator.iTables[d].vv_ccIntegrals[i][j+Degree] = _dot< false , false >( d , ii , d , ii+j , inset );
		integrator.iTables[d].dv_ccIntegrals[i][j+Degree] = _dot< true  , false >( d , ii , d , ii+j , inset );
		integrator.iTables[d].vd_ccIntegrals[i][j+Degree] = _dot< false , true  >( d , ii , d , ii+j , inset );
		integrator.iTables[d].dd_ccIntegrals[i][j+Degree] = _dot< true  , true  >( d , ii , d , ii+j , inset );
	for( int d=1 ; d<=depth ; d++ ) for( int i=0 ; i<=2*Degree ; i++ ) for( int j=-Degree ; j<=Degree ; j++ )
		int res = 1<<d , ii = (i<=Degree ? i : i+(res/2)-1 - 2*Degree );
		for( int c=0 ; c<2 ; c++ )
			integrator.iTables[d].vv_cpIntegrals[2*i+c][j+Degree] = _dot< false , false >( d , 2*ii+c , d-1 , ii+j , inset );
			integrator.iTables[d].dv_cpIntegrals[2*i+c][j+Degree] = _dot< true  , false >( d , 2*ii+c , d-1 , ii+j , inset );
			integrator.iTables[d].vd_cpIntegrals[2*i+c][j+Degree] = _dot< false , true  >( d , 2*ii+c , d-1 , ii+j , inset );
			integrator.iTables[d].dd_cpIntegrals[2*i+c][j+Degree] = _dot< true  , true  >( d , 2*ii+c , d-1 , ii+j , inset );
template< int Degree , class Real >
template< int Radius >
void BSplineData< Degree , Real >::setCenterEvaluator( CenterEvaluator< Radius >& evaluator , double smoothingRadius , double dSmoothingRadius , bool inset ) const
	evaluator.vTables.resize( depth+1 );
	for( int d=0 ; d<=depth ; d++ ) for( int i=0 ; i<=2*Degree ; i++ ) for( int j=-Radius ; j<=Radius ; j++ ) for( int k=-1 ; k<=1 ; k++ )
		int res = 1<<d , ii = (i<=Degree ? i : i+res-1 - 2*Degree );
		double s = 0.5+ii+j+0.25*k;
		evaluator.vTables[d].vValues[i][(j+Radius)*3+(k+1)] = value( d , ii ,  smoothingRadius , s/res , false , inset );
		evaluator.vTables[d].dValues[i][(j+Radius)*3+(k+1)] = value( d , ii , dSmoothingRadius , s/res , true  , inset );
template< int Degree , class Real >
template< int Radius >
void BSplineData< Degree , Real >::setCornerEvaluator( CornerEvaluator< Radius >& evaluator , double smoothingRadius , double dSmoothingRadius , bool inset ) const
	evaluator.vTables.resize( depth+1 );
	for( int d=0 ; d<=depth ; d++ ) for( int i=0 ; i<=2*Degree ; i++ ) for( int j=-Radius ; j<=Radius ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=2 ; k++ )
		int res = 1<<d , ii = (i<=Degree ? i : i+res-1 - 2*Degree );
		double s = ii+j+0.5*k;
		evaluator.vTables[d].vValues[i][(j+Radius)*2+k] = value( d , ii ,  smoothingRadius , s/res , false , inset );
		evaluator.vTables[d].dValues[i][(j+Radius)*2+k] = value( d , ii , dSmoothingRadius , s/res , true  , inset );

template<int Degree,class Real>
void BSplineData< Degree , Real >::setDotTables( int flags , bool full , bool inset )
	clearDotTables( flags );
	_cc_vv_Integrals = NewPointer< _CCIntegrals >( depth+1 );
	_cc_dv_Integrals = NewPointer< _CCIntegrals >( depth+1 );
	_cc_vd_Integrals = NewPointer< _CCIntegrals >( depth+1 );
	_cc_dd_Integrals = NewPointer< _CCIntegrals >( depth+1 );
	_cp_vv_Integrals = NewPointer< _CPIntegrals >( depth+1 );
	_cp_dv_Integrals = NewPointer< _CPIntegrals >( depth+1 );
	_cp_vd_Integrals = NewPointer< _CPIntegrals >( depth+1 );
	_cp_dd_Integrals = NewPointer< _CPIntegrals >( depth+1 );
	for( int d=0 ; d<=depth ; d++ ) for( int i=0 ; i<=2*Degree ; i++ ) for( int j=-Degree ; j<=Degree ; j++ )
		int res = 1<<d , ii = (i<=Degree ? i : i+res-1 - 2*Degree );
		_cc_vv_Integrals[d].integrals[i][j+Degree] = _dot< false , false >( d , ii , d , ii+j , inset );
		_cc_dv_Integrals[d].integrals[i][j+Degree] = _dot< true  , false >( d , ii , d , ii+j , inset );
		_cc_vd_Integrals[d].integrals[i][j+Degree] = _dot< false , true  >( d , ii , d , ii+j , inset );
		_cc_dd_Integrals[d].integrals[i][j+Degree] = _dot< true  , true  >( d , ii , d , ii+j , inset );
	for( int d=1 ; d<=depth ; d++ ) for( int i=0 ; i<=2*Degree ; i++ ) for( int j=-Degree ; j<=Degree ; j++ )
		int res = 1<<d , ii = (i<=Degree ? i : i+(res/2)-1 - 2*Degree );
		for( int c=0 ; c<2 ; c++ )
			_cp_vv_Integrals[d].integrals[2*i+c][j+Degree] = _dot< false , false >( d , 2*ii+c , d-1 , ii+j , inset );
			_cp_dv_Integrals[d].integrals[2*i+c][j+Degree] = _dot< true  , false >( d , 2*ii+c , d-1 , ii+j , inset );
			_cp_vd_Integrals[d].integrals[2*i+c][j+Degree] = _dot< false , true  >( d , 2*ii+c , d-1 , ii+j , inset );
			_cp_dd_Integrals[d].integrals[2*i+c][j+Degree] = _dot< true  , true  >( d , 2*ii+c , d-1 , ii+j , inset );
	if( full )
		size_t size = ( functionCount*functionCount + functionCount )>>1;
		size_t fullSize = functionCount*functionCount;
		if( flags & VV_DOT_FLAG )
			vvDotTable = NewPointer< Real >( size );
			memset( vvDotTable , 0 , sizeof(Real)*size );
		if( flags & DV_DOT_FLAG )
			dvDotTable = NewPointer< Real >( fullSize );
			memset( dvDotTable , 0 , sizeof(Real)*fullSize );
		if( flags & DD_DOT_FLAG )
			ddDotTable = NewPointer< Real >( size );
			memset( ddDotTable , 0 , sizeof(Real)*size );
		double vvIntegrals[Degree+1][Degree+1];
		double vdIntegrals[Degree+1][Degree  ];
		double dvIntegrals[Degree  ][Degree+1];
		double ddIntegrals[Degree  ][Degree  ];
		int vvSums[Degree+1][Degree+1];
		int vdSums[Degree+1][Degree  ];
		int dvSums[Degree  ][Degree+1];
		int ddSums[Degree  ][Degree  ];
		SetBSplineElementIntegrals< Degree   , Degree   >( vvIntegrals );
		SetBSplineElementIntegrals< Degree   , Degree-1 >( vdIntegrals );
		SetBSplineElementIntegrals< Degree-1 , Degree   >( dvIntegrals );
		SetBSplineElementIntegrals< Degree-1 , Degree-1 >( ddIntegrals );

		for( int d1=0 ; d1<=depth ; d1++ )
			for( int off1=0 ; off1<(1<<d1) ; off1++ )
				int ii = BinaryNode< Real >::CenterIndex( d1 , off1 );
				BSplineElements< Degree > b1( 1<<d1 , off1 , _boundaryType , inset ? ( 1<<(d1-2) ) : 0 );
				BSplineElements< Degree-1 > db1;
				b1.differentiate( db1 );

				int start1 , end1;

				start1 = -1 , end1 = -1;
				for( int i=0 ; i<int(b1.size()) ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree ; j++ )
					if( b1[i][j] && start1==-1 ) start1 = i;
					if( b1[i][j] ) end1 = i+1;
				if( start1==end1 ) continue;
				for( int d2=d1 ; d2<=depth ; d2++ )
					for( int off2=0 ; off2<(1<<d2) ; off2++ )
						int start2 = off2-Degree;
						int end2   = off2+Degree+1;
						if( start2>=end1 || start1>=end2 ) continue;
						start2 = std::max< int >( start1 , start2 );
						end2   = std::min< int >(   end1 ,   end2 );
						if( d1==d2 && off2<off1 ) continue;
						int jj = BinaryNode< Real >::CenterIndex( d2 , off2 );
						BSplineElements< Degree > b2( 1<<d2 , off2 , _boundaryType , inset ? ( 1<<(d2-2) ) : 0 );
						BSplineElements< Degree-1 > db2;
						b2.differentiate( db2 );

						size_t idx = SymmetricIndex( ii , jj );
						size_t idx1 = Index( ii , jj ) , idx2 = Index( jj , ii );

						memset( vvSums , 0 , sizeof( int ) * ( Degree+1 ) * ( Degree+1 ) );
						memset( vdSums , 0 , sizeof( int ) * ( Degree+1 ) * ( Degree   ) );
						memset( dvSums , 0 , sizeof( int ) * ( Degree   ) * ( Degree+1 ) );
						memset( ddSums , 0 , sizeof( int ) * ( Degree   ) * ( Degree   ) );
						for( int i=start2 ; i<end2 ; i++ )
							for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=Degree ; k++ ) vvSums[j][k] +=  b1[i][j] *  b2[i][k];
							for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k< Degree ; k++ ) vdSums[j][k] +=  b1[i][j] * db2[i][k];
							for( int j=0 ; j< Degree ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=Degree ; k++ ) dvSums[j][k] += db1[i][j] *  b2[i][k];
							for( int j=0 ; j< Degree ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k< Degree ; k++ ) ddSums[j][k] += db1[i][j] * db2[i][k];
						double vvDot = 0 , dvDot = 0 , vdDot = 0 , ddDot = 0;
						for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=Degree ; k++ ) vvDot += vvIntegrals[j][k] * vvSums[j][k];
						for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k< Degree ; k++ ) vdDot += vdIntegrals[j][k] * vdSums[j][k];
						for( int j=0 ; j< Degree ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<=Degree ; k++ ) dvDot += dvIntegrals[j][k] * dvSums[j][k];
						for( int j=0 ; j< Degree ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k< Degree ; k++ ) ddDot += ddIntegrals[j][k] * ddSums[j][k];
						vvDot /= (1<<d2);
						ddDot *= (1<<d2);
						vvDot /= ( b1.denominator * b2.denominator );
						dvDot /= ( b1.denominator * b2.denominator );
						vdDot /= ( b1.denominator * b2.denominator );
						ddDot /= ( b1.denominator * b2.denominator );
						if( fabs(vvDot)<1e-15 ) continue;
						if( flags & VV_DOT_FLAG ) vvDotTable [idx] = Real( vvDot );
						if( _useDotRatios )
							if( flags & DV_DOT_FLAG ) dvDotTable[idx1] = Real( dvDot / vvDot );
							if( flags & DV_DOT_FLAG ) dvDotTable[idx2] = Real( vdDot / vvDot );
							if( flags & DD_DOT_FLAG ) ddDotTable[idx ] = Real( ddDot / vvDot );
							if( flags & DV_DOT_FLAG ) dvDotTable[idx1] = Real( dvDot );
							if( flags & DV_DOT_FLAG ) dvDotTable[idx2] = Real( dvDot );
							if( flags & DD_DOT_FLAG ) ddDotTable[idx ] = Real( ddDot );
					BSplineElements< Degree > b;
					b = b1;
					b.upSample( b1 );
					b1.differentiate( db1 );
					start1 = -1;
					for( int i=0 ; i<int(b1.size()) ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree ; j++ )
						if( b1[i][j] && start1==-1 ) start1 = i;
						if( b1[i][j] ) end1 = i+1;
template<int Degree,class Real>
void BSplineData<Degree,Real>::clearDotTables( int flags )
	if( (flags & VV_DOT_FLAG) && vvDotTable ) DeletePointer( vvDotTable );
	if( (flags & DV_DOT_FLAG) && dvDotTable ) DeletePointer( dvDotTable );
	if( (flags & DD_DOT_FLAG) && ddDotTable ) DeletePointer( ddDotTable );
	if( _cc_vv_Integrals ) DeletePointer( _cc_vv_Integrals );
	if( _cc_vd_Integrals ) DeletePointer( _cc_vd_Integrals );
	if( _cc_dv_Integrals ) DeletePointer( _cc_dv_Integrals );
	if( _cc_dd_Integrals ) DeletePointer( _cc_dd_Integrals );
	if( _cp_vv_Integrals ) DeletePointer( _cp_vv_Integrals );
	if( _cp_vd_Integrals ) DeletePointer( _cp_vd_Integrals );
	if( _cp_dv_Integrals ) DeletePointer( _cp_dv_Integrals );
	if( _cp_dd_Integrals ) DeletePointer( _cp_dd_Integrals );
template< int Degree , class Real >
void BSplineData< Degree , Real >::setSampleSpan( int idx , int& start , int& end , double smooth ) const
	int d , off , res;
	BinaryNode< double >::DepthAndOffset( idx , d , off );
	res = 1<<d;
	double _start = ( off + 0.5 - 0.5*(Degree+1) ) / res - smooth;
	double _end   = ( off + 0.5 + 0.5*(Degree+1) ) / res + smooth;
	//   (start)/(sampleCount-1) >_start && (start-1)/(sampleCount-1)<=_start
	// => start > _start * (sampleCount-1 ) && start <= _start*(sampleCount-1) + 1
	// => _start * (sampleCount-1) + 1 >= start > _start * (sampleCount-1)
	start = int( floor( _start * (sampleCount-1) + 1 ) );
	if( start<0 ) start = 0;
	//   (end)/(sampleCount-1)<_end && (end+1)/(sampleCount-1)>=_end
	// => end < _end * (sampleCount-1 ) && end >= _end*(sampleCount-1) - 1
	// => _end * (sampleCount-1) > end >= _end * (sampleCount-1) - 1
	end = int( ceil( _end * (sampleCount-1) - 1 ) );
	if( end>=int(sampleCount) ) end = int(sampleCount)-1;
template<int Degree,class Real>
void BSplineData<Degree,Real>::setValueTables( int flags , double smooth )
	if( flags &   VALUE_FLAG )  valueTables = NewPointer< Real >( functionCount*sampleCount );
	if( flags & D_VALUE_FLAG ) dValueTables = NewPointer< Real >( functionCount*sampleCount );
	PPolynomial<Degree+1> function;
	PPolynomial<Degree>  dFunction;
	for( size_t i=0 ; i<functionCount ; i++ )
			function  = baseFunctions[i].MovingAverage(smooth);
			dFunction = baseFunctions[i].derivative().MovingAverage(smooth);
			function  = baseFunctions[i];
			dFunction = baseFunctions[i].derivative();
		for( size_t j=0 ; j<sampleCount ; j++ )
			double x=double(j)/(sampleCount-1);
			if( flags &   VALUE_FLAG )  valueTables[j*functionCount+i] = Real(  function(x) );
			if( flags & D_VALUE_FLAG ) dValueTables[j*functionCount+i] = Real( dFunction(x) );
template<int Degree,class Real>
void BSplineData<Degree,Real>::setValueTables( int flags , double valueSmooth , double derivativeSmooth )
	if(flags &   VALUE_FLAG)  valueTables = NewPointer< Real >( functionCount*sampleCount );
	if(flags & D_VALUE_FLAG) dValueTables = NewPointer< Real >( functionCount*sampleCount );
	PPolynomial<Degree+1> function;
	PPolynomial<Degree>  dFunction;
	for( size_t i=0 ; i<functionCount ; i++ )
		if( valueSmooth>0 )      function=baseFunctions[i].MovingAverage( valueSmooth );
		else                     function=baseFunctions[i];
		if( derivativeSmooth>0 ) dFunction=baseFunctions[i].derivative().MovingAverage( derivativeSmooth );
		else                     dFunction=baseFunctions[i].derivative();

		for( size_t j=0 ; j<sampleCount ; j++ )
			double x=double(j)/(sampleCount-1);
			if( flags &   VALUE_FLAG )  valueTables[j*functionCount+i] = Real( function(x));
			if( flags & D_VALUE_FLAG ) dValueTables[j*functionCount+i] = Real(dFunction(x));

template<int Degree,class Real>
void BSplineData<Degree,Real>::clearValueTables(void){
	if(  valueTables ) DeletePointer(  valueTables );
	if( dValueTables ) DeletePointer( dValueTables );

template< int Degree , class Real >
inline size_t BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Index( int i1 , int i2 ) const { return size_t(i1)*functionCount + size_t(i2); }
template< int Degree , class Real >
inline size_t BSplineData<Degree,Real>::SymmetricIndex( int i1 , int i2 )
	size_t _i1 = i1 , _i2 = i2;
	if( i1>i2 ) return ((_i1*_i1+i1)>>1)+_i2;
	else        return ((_i2*_i2+i2)>>1)+_i1;
template< int Degree , class Real >
inline int BSplineData< Degree , Real >::SymmetricIndex( int i1 , int i2 , size_t& index )
	size_t _i1 = i1 , _i2 = i2;
	if( i1<i2 )
		index = ((_i2*_i2+_i2)>>1)+_i1;
		return 1;
		index = ((_i1*_i1+_i1)>>1)+_i2;
		return 0;

// BSplineElements //
template< int Degree >
BSplineElements< Degree >::BSplineElements( int res , int offset , int boundary , int inset )
	denominator = 1;
	resize( res , BSplineElementCoefficients< Degree >() );

	for( int i=0 ; i<=Degree ; i++ )
		int idx = -_off + offset + i;
		if( idx>=0 && idx<res ) (*this)[idx][i] = 1;
	if( boundary!=0 )
		_addLeft( offset-2*res , boundary ) , _addRight( offset+2*res , boundary );
		if( Degree&1 ) _addLeft( offset-res , boundary ) , _addRight(  offset+res     , boundary );
		else           _addLeft( -offset-1  , boundary ) , _addRight( -offset-1+2*res , boundary );
	if( inset ) for( int i=0 ; i<inset && i<res ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree ; j++ ) (*this)[i][j] = (*this)[res-1-i][j] = 0;
template< int Degree >
void BSplineElements< Degree >::_addLeft( int offset , int boundary )
    int res = int( this->size() );
	bool set = false;
	for( int i=0 ; i<=Degree ; i++ )
		int idx = -_off + offset + i;
		if( idx>=0 && idx<res ) (*this)[idx][i] += boundary , set = true;
	if( set ) _addLeft( offset-2*res , boundary );
template< int Degree >
void BSplineElements< Degree >::_addRight( int offset , int boundary )
    int res = int( this->size() );
	bool set = false;
	for( int i=0 ; i<=Degree ; i++ )
		int idx = -_off + offset + i;
		if( idx>=0 && idx<res ) (*this)[idx][i] += boundary , set = true;
	if( set ) _addRight( offset+2*res , boundary );
template< int Degree >
void BSplineElements< Degree >::upSample( BSplineElements< Degree >& high ) const
	fprintf( stderr , "[ERROR] B-spline up-sampling not supported for degree %d\n" , Degree );
	exit( 0 );
void BSplineElements< 1 >::upSample( BSplineElements< 1 >& high ) const
	high.resize( size()*2 );
	high.assign( high.size() , BSplineElementCoefficients<1>() );
	for( int i=0 ; i<int(size()) ; i++ )
		high[2*i+0][0] += 1 * (*this)[i][0];
		high[2*i+0][1] += 0 * (*this)[i][0];
		high[2*i+1][0] += 2 * (*this)[i][0];
		high[2*i+1][1] += 1 * (*this)[i][0];

		high[2*i+0][0] += 1 * (*this)[i][1];
		high[2*i+0][1] += 2 * (*this)[i][1];
		high[2*i+1][0] += 0 * (*this)[i][1];
		high[2*i+1][1] += 1 * (*this)[i][1];
	high.denominator = denominator * 2;
void BSplineElements< 2 >::upSample( BSplineElements< 2 >& high ) const
	//    /----\
	//   /      \
	//  /        \  = 1  /--\       +3    /--\     +3      /--\   +1        /--\
	// /          \     /    \           /    \           /    \           /    \
	// |----------|     |----------|   |----------|   |----------|   |----------|

	high.resize( size()*2 );
	high.assign( high.size() , BSplineElementCoefficients<2>() );
	for( int i=0 ; i<int(size()) ; i++ )
		high[2*i+0][0] += 1 * (*this)[i][0];
		high[2*i+0][1] += 0 * (*this)[i][0];
		high[2*i+0][2] += 0 * (*this)[i][0];
		high[2*i+1][0] += 3 * (*this)[i][0];
		high[2*i+1][1] += 1 * (*this)[i][0];
		high[2*i+1][2] += 0 * (*this)[i][0];

		high[2*i+0][0] += 3 * (*this)[i][1];
		high[2*i+0][1] += 3 * (*this)[i][1];
		high[2*i+0][2] += 1 * (*this)[i][1];
		high[2*i+1][0] += 1 * (*this)[i][1];
		high[2*i+1][1] += 3 * (*this)[i][1];
		high[2*i+1][2] += 3 * (*this)[i][1];

		high[2*i+0][0] += 0 * (*this)[i][2];
		high[2*i+0][1] += 1 * (*this)[i][2];
		high[2*i+0][2] += 3 * (*this)[i][2];
		high[2*i+1][0] += 0 * (*this)[i][2];
		high[2*i+1][1] += 0 * (*this)[i][2];
		high[2*i+1][2] += 1 * (*this)[i][2];
	high.denominator = denominator * 4;

template< int Degree >
void BSplineElements< Degree >::differentiate( BSplineElements< Degree-1 >& d ) const
    d.resize( this->size() );
	d.assign( d.size()  , BSplineElementCoefficients< Degree-1 >() );
    for( int i=0 ; i<int(this->size()) ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree ; j++ )
		if( j-1>=0 )   d[i][j-1] -= (*this)[i][j];
		if( j<Degree ) d[i][j  ] += (*this)[i][j];
	d.denominator = denominator;
// If we were really good, we would implement this integral table to store
// rational values to improve precision...
template< int Degree1 , int Degree2 >
void SetBSplineElementIntegrals( double integrals[Degree1+1][Degree2+1] )
	for( int i=0 ; i<=Degree1 ; i++ )
		Polynomial< Degree1 > p1 = Polynomial< Degree1 >::BSplineComponent( i );
		for( int j=0 ; j<=Degree2 ; j++ )
			Polynomial< Degree2 > p2 = Polynomial< Degree2 >::BSplineComponent( j );
			integrals[i][j] = ( p1 * p2 ).integral( 0 , 1 );
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