Revision 39b13612ebd645a65eda854771b517371f2f858a authored by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC, committed by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC
1 parent c702819
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Copyright (c) 2006, Michael Kazhdan and Matthew Bolitho
All rights reserved.

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#define GRADIENT_DOMAIN_SOLUTION 1	// Given the constraint vector-field V(p), there are two ways to solve for the coefficients, x, of the indicator function
									// with respect to the B-spline basis {B_i(p)}
									// 1] Find x minimizing:
									//			|| V(p) - \sum_i \nabla x_i B_i(p) ||^2
									//		which is solved by the system A_1x = b_1 where:
									//			A_1[i,j] = < \nabla B_i(p) , \nabla B_j(p) >
									//			b_1[i]   = < \nabla B_i(p) , V(p) >
									// 2] Formulate this as a Poisson equation:
									//			\sum_i x_i \Delta B_i(p) = \nabla \cdot V(p)
									//		which is solved by the system A_2x = b_2 where:
									//			A_2[i,j] = - < \Delta B_i(p) , B_j(p) >
									//			b_2[i]   = - < B_i(p) , \nabla \cdot V(p) >
									// Although the two system matrices should be the same (assuming that the B_i satisfy dirichlet/neumann boundary conditions)
									// the constraint vectors can differ when V does not satisfy the Neumann boundary conditions:
									//		A_1[i,j] = \int_R < \nabla B_i(p) , \nabla B_j(p) >
									//               = \int_R [ \nabla \cdot ( B_i(p) \nabla B_j(p) ) - B_i(p) \Delta B_j(p) ]
									//               = \int_dR < N(p) , B_i(p) \nabla B_j(p) > + A_2[i,j]
									// and the first integral is zero if either f_i is zero on the boundary dR or the derivative of B_i across the boundary is zero.
									// However, for the constraints we have:
									//		b_1(i)   = \int_R < \nabla B_i(p) , V(p) >
									//               = \int_R [ \nabla \cdot ( B_i(p) V(p) ) - B_i(p) \nabla \cdot V(p) ]
									//               = \int_dR < N(p) ,  B_i(p) V(p) > + b_2[i]
									// In particular, this implies that if the B_i satisfy the Neumann boundary conditions (rather than Dirichlet),
									// and V is not zero across the boundary, then the two constraints are different.
									// Forcing the < V(p) , N(p) > = 0 on the boundary, by killing off the component of the vector-field in the normal direction
									// (FORCE_NEUMANN_FIELD), makes the two systems equal, and the value of this flag should be immaterial.
									// Note that under interpretation 1, we have:
									//		\sum_i b_1(i) = < \nabla \sum_ i B_i(p) , V(p) > = 0
									// because the B_i's sum to one. However, in general, we could have
									//		\sum_i b_2(i) \neq 0.
									// This could cause trouble because the constant functions are in the kernel of the matrix A, so CG will misbehave if the constraint
									// has a non-zero DC term. (Again, forcing < V(p) , N(p) > = 0 along the boundary resolves this problem.)

#define FORCE_NEUMANN_FIELD 1		// This flag forces the normal component across the boundary of the integration domain to be zero.
									// This should be enabled if GRADIENT_DOMAIN_SOLUTION is not, so that CG doesn't run into trouble.


#pragma message( "[WARNING] Not zeroing out normal component on boundary" )

#include "Hash.h"
#include "BSplineData.h"
typedef float Real;
typedef float MatrixReal;

#include "PointStream.h"

template< bool StoreDensity >
class TreeNodeData
	int nodeIndex;
		int mcIndex;
		int normalIndex;
	Real centerWeightContribution[StoreDensity?2:1];
	Real constraint , solution;
	int pointIndex;


template< bool OutputDensity >
class RootInfo
	typedef OctNode< TreeNodeData< OutputDensity > , Real > TreeOctNode;
	const TreeOctNode* node;
	int edgeIndex;
	long long key;

template< bool OutputDensity >
class VertexData
	typedef OctNode< TreeNodeData< OutputDensity > , Real > TreeOctNode;
	static const int VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT = ( sizeof( long long ) * 8 ) / 3;
	static long long EdgeIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int eIndex , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
	static long long EdgeIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int eIndex , int maxDepth );
	static long long FaceIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int fIndex , int maxDepth,int index[DIMENSION] );
	static long long FaceIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int fIndex , int maxDepth );
	static long long CornerIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int cIndex , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
	static long long CornerIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int cIndex , int maxDepth );
	static long long CenterIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
	static long long CenterIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int maxDepth );
	static long long CornerIndex( int depth , const int offSet[DIMENSION] , int cIndex , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
	static long long CenterIndex( int depth , const int offSet[DIMENSION] , int maxDepth , int index[DIMENSION] );
	static long long CornerIndexKey( const int index[DIMENSION] );
template< bool OutputDensity >
class SortedTreeNodes
	typedef OctNode< TreeNodeData< OutputDensity > , Real > TreeOctNode;
	Pointer( TreeOctNode* ) treeNodes;
	int *nodeCount;
	int maxDepth;
	SortedTreeNodes( void );
	~SortedTreeNodes( void );
	void set( TreeOctNode& root );
	struct CornerIndices
		int idx[Cube::CORNERS];
		CornerIndices( void ) { memset( idx , -1 , sizeof( int ) * Cube::CORNERS ); }
		int& operator[] ( int i ) { return idx[i]; }
		const int& operator[] ( int i ) const { return idx[i]; }
	struct CornerTableData
		CornerTableData( void ) { cCount=0; }
		~CornerTableData( void ) { clear(); }
		void clear( void ) { cTable.clear() ; cCount = 0; }
		CornerIndices& operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node );
		const CornerIndices& operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
		CornerIndices& cornerIndices( const TreeOctNode* node );
		const CornerIndices& cornerIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
		int cCount;
		std::vector< CornerIndices > cTable;
		std::vector< int > offsets;
	void setCornerTable( CornerTableData& cData , const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int depth , int threads ) const;
	void setCornerTable( CornerTableData& cData , const TreeOctNode* rootNode ,             int threads ) const { setCornerTable( cData , rootNode , maxDepth-1 , threads ); }
	void setCornerTable( CornerTableData& cData ,                                           int threads ) const { setCornerTable( cData , NULL     , maxDepth-1 , threads ); }
	int getMaxCornerCount( int depth , int maxDepth , int threads ) const ;
	struct EdgeIndices
		int idx[Cube::EDGES];
		EdgeIndices( void ) { memset( idx , -1 , sizeof( int ) * Cube::EDGES ); }
		int& operator[] ( int i ) { return idx[i]; }
		const int& operator[] ( int i ) const { return idx[i]; }
	struct EdgeTableData
		EdgeTableData( void ) { eCount=0; }
		~EdgeTableData( void ) { clear(); }
		void clear( void ) { eTable.clear() , eCount=0; }
		EdgeIndices& operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node );
		const EdgeIndices& operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
		EdgeIndices& edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node );
		const EdgeIndices& edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const;
		int eCount;
		std::vector< EdgeIndices > eTable;
		std::vector< int > offsets;
	void setEdgeTable( EdgeTableData& eData , const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int depth , int threads );
	void setEdgeTable( EdgeTableData& eData , const TreeOctNode* rootNode ,             int threads ) { setEdgeTable( eData , rootNode , maxDepth-1 , threads ); }
	void setEdgeTable( EdgeTableData& eData ,                                           int threads ) { setEdgeTable( eData , NULL , maxDepth-1 , threads ); }
	int getMaxEdgeCount( const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int depth , int threads ) const ;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
class Octree
	typedef OctNode< TreeNodeData< OutputDensity > , Real > TreeOctNode;
	SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity > _sNodes;
	Real samplesPerNode;
	int splatDepth;
	int _minDepth;
	bool _constrainValues;
	int _boundaryType;
	Real _scale;
	Point3D< Real > _center;
	std::vector< int > _pointCount;
	struct PointData
		Point3D< Real > position;
		Real coarserValue;
		Real weight;
		PointData( Point3D< Real > p=Point3D< Real >() , Real w=0 ) { position = p , weight = w , coarserValue = Real(0); }
	std::vector< PointData > _points;

	bool _inBounds( Point3D< Real > ) const;

	Real radius;
	int width;
	double GetLaplacian  ( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[3] , const int off2[3] , bool childParent ) const;
	double GetDivergence1( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[3] , const int off2[3] , bool childParent , const Point3D< Real >& normal1 ) const;
	double GetDivergence2( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[3] , const int off2[3] , bool childParent , const Point3D< Real >& normal2 ) const;
	Point3D< double > GetDivergence1( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[3] , const int off2[3] , bool childParent ) const;
	Point3D< double > GetDivergence2( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[3] , const int off2[3] , bool childParent ) const;

	class AdjacencyCountFunction
		int adjacencyCount;
		void Function(const TreeOctNode* node1,const TreeOctNode* node2);
	class AdjacencySetFunction{
		int *adjacencies,adjacencyCount;
		void Function(const TreeOctNode* node1,const TreeOctNode* node2);

	class RefineFunction{
		int depth;
		void Function(TreeOctNode* node1,const TreeOctNode* node2);
	class FaceEdgesFunction
		int fIndex , maxDepth;
		std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > >* edges;
		hash_map< long long , std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , int > >* vertexCount;
		void Function( const TreeOctNode* node1 , const TreeOctNode* node2 );

	template< class C , int N > struct Stencil{ C values[N][N][N]; };
	struct CenterValueStencil
		Stencil< double , 3 > stencil;
		Stencil< double , 3 > stencils[8];
	struct CornerValueStencil
		Stencil< double , 3 > stencil[8];
		Stencil< double , 3 > stencils[8][8];
	struct CornerNormalStencil
		Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencil[8];
		Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencils[8][8];

	int _SolveFixedDepthMatrix( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , Real* subConstraints ,                     bool showResidual , int minIters , double accuracy , bool noSolve = false , int fixedIters=-1 );
	int _SolveFixedDepthMatrix( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , Real* subConstraints , int startingDepth , bool showResidual , int minIters , double accuracy , bool noSolve = false , int fixedIters=-1 );

	void SetMatrixRowBounds( const TreeOctNode* node , int rDepth , const int rOff[3] , int& xStart , int& xEnd , int& yStart , int& yEnd , int& zStart , int& zEnd ) const;
	int GetMatrixRowSize( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , bool symmetric ) const;
	int GetMatrixRowSize( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , int xStart , int xEnd , int yStart , int yEnd , int zStart , int zEnd , bool symmetric ) const;
	int SetMatrixRow( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , Pointer( MatrixEntry< MatrixReal > ) row , int offset , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const Stencil< double , 5 >& stencil , bool symmetric ) const;
	int SetMatrixRow( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , Pointer( MatrixEntry< MatrixReal > ) row , int offset , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const Stencil< double , 5 >& stencil , int xStart , int xEnd , int yStart , int yEnd , int zStart , int zEnd , bool symmetric ) const;

	void SetLaplacianStencil ( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , Stencil< double , 5 >& stencil ) const;
	void SetLaplacianStencils( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , Stencil< double , 5 > stencil[2][2][2] ) const;
	void SetDivergenceStencil ( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 >& stencil , bool scatter ) const;
	void SetDivergenceStencils( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencil[2][2][2] , bool scatter ) const;
	void SetCenterEvaluationStencil ( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CenterEvaluator< 1 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< double , 3 >& stencil ) const;
	void SetCenterEvaluationStencils( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CenterEvaluator< 1 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< double , 3 > stencil[8] ) const;
	void SetCornerEvaluationStencil ( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< double , 3 > stencil [8]    ) const;
	void SetCornerEvaluationStencils( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< double , 3 > stencils[8][8] ) const;
	void SetCornerNormalEvaluationStencil ( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencil [8]    ) const;
	void SetCornerNormalEvaluationStencils( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencils[8][8] ) const;

	static void UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( const TreeOctNode* node , int& startX , int& endX , int& startY , int& endY , int& startZ , int& endZ );
	void UpdateConstraintsFromCoarser( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& pNeighbors5 , TreeOctNode* node , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const Stencil< double , 5 >& stencil ) const;
	int UpdateConstraintsToCoarser( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , const Real* fineSolution , Real* coarseConstraints ) const;
	void _UpdateConstraintsToCoarser( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , TreeOctNode* node , const Real* fineSolution , Real* coarseConstraints , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const Stencil< double , 5 >& stencil ) const;
	void SetCoarserPointValues( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , Real* metSolution );
	Real WeightedCoarserFunctionValue( const typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , const TreeOctNode* node , Real* metSolution ) const;
	void UpSampleCoarserSolution( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , Vector< Real >& solution ) const;
	void DownSampleFinerConstraints( int depth , SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes ) const;
	template< class C > void DownSample( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , C* constraints ) const;
	template< class C > void   UpSample( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , C* coefficients ) const;
	template< class C > void   UpSample( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , const C* coarseCoefficients , C* fineCoefficients ) const;
	int GetFixedDepthLaplacian( SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >& matrix , int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , const Real* metSolution );
	int GetRestrictedFixedDepthLaplacian( SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >& matrix , int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const int* entries , int entryCount , const TreeOctNode* rNode, Real radius , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , const Real* metSolution );

	void SetIsoCorners( Real isoValue , TreeOctNode* leaf , typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerTableData& cData , Pointer( char ) valuesSet , Pointer( Real ) values , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& nKey , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< double , 3 > stencil[8] , const Stencil< double , 3 > stencils[8][8] );
	static int IsBoundaryFace( const TreeOctNode* node , int faceIndex , int subdivideDepth );
	static int IsBoundaryEdge( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int subdivideDepth );
	static int IsBoundaryEdge( const TreeOctNode* node , int dir , int x , int y , int subidivideDepth );

	// For computing the iso-surface there is a lot of re-computation of information across shared geometry.
	// For function values we don't care so much.
	// For edges we need to be careful so that the mesh remains water-tight
	struct RootData : public SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerTableData , public SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::EdgeTableData
		// Edge to iso-vertex map
		hash_map< long long , int > boundaryRoots;
		// Vertex to ( value , normal ) map
		hash_map< long long , std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > > *boundaryValues;
		Pointer( int ) interiorRoots;
		Pointer( Real ) cornerValues;
		Pointer( Point3D< Real > ) cornerNormals;
		Pointer( char ) cornerValuesSet;
		Pointer( char ) cornerNormalsSet;
		Pointer( char ) edgesSet;

	template< class Vertex >
	int SetBoundaryMCRootPositions( int sDepth , Real isoValue , RootData& rootData , CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , int nonLinearFit );
	template< class Vertex >
	int SetMCRootPositions( TreeOctNode* node , int sDepth , Real isoValue , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , RootData& rootData ,
		std::vector< Vertex >* interiorVertices , CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencil[8] , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencils[8][8] , int nonLinearFit );
	template< class Vertex >
	int GetMCIsoTriangles( TreeOctNode* node , CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , RootData& rootData ,
		std::vector< Vertex >* interiorVertices , int offSet , int sDepth , bool polygonMesh , std::vector< Vertex >* barycenters );
	template< class Vertex >
	static int AddTriangles( CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , std::vector< CoredPointIndex >& edges , std::vector< Vertex >* interiorVertices , int offSet , bool polygonMesh , std::vector< Vertex >* barycenters );

	void GetMCIsoEdges( TreeOctNode* node , int sDepth , std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > >& edges );
	static int GetEdgeLoops( std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > >& edges , std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > > >& loops);
	static int InteriorFaceRootCount( const TreeOctNode* node , const int &faceIndex , int maxDepth );
	static int EdgeRootCount( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int maxDepth );
	static void GetRootSpan( const RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri , Point3D< Real >& start , Point3D< Real >& end );
	template< class Vertex >
	int GetRoot( const RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri , Real isoValue , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , Vertex& vertex , RootData& rootData , int sDepth , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > nStencil[8] , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > nStencils[8][8] , int nonLinearFit );
	static int GetRootIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int maxDepth , RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri );
	static int GetRootIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int maxDepth , int sDepth , RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri );
	static int GetRootIndex( const RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri , RootData& rootData , CoredPointIndex& index );
	static int GetRootPair( const RootInfo< OutputDensity >& root , int maxDepth , RootInfo< OutputDensity >& pair );

	int UpdateWeightContribution( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey , Real weight=Real(1.0) );
	Real GetSampleWeight( const TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey );
	void GetSampleDepthAndWeight( const TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey , Real samplesPerNode , Real& depth , Real& weight );
	Real GetSampleWeight( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey );
	void GetSampleDepthAndWeight( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey , Real samplesPerNode , Real& depth , Real& weight );
	int SplatOrientedPoint( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& point , const Point3D<Real>& normal , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey );
	Real SplatOrientedPoint( const Point3D<Real>& point , const Point3D<Real>& normal , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey , int kernelDepth , Real samplesPerNode , int minDepth , int maxDepth );

	int HasNormals(TreeOctNode* node,Real epsilon);
	Real getCenterValue( const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , const TreeOctNode* node , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CenterEvaluator< 1 >& evaluator , const Stencil< double , 3 >& stencil , const Stencil< double , 3 >& pStencil , bool isInterior ) const;
	Real getCornerValue( const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , const TreeOctNode* node , int corner , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< double , 3 >& stencil , const Stencil< double , 3 > stencils[8] , bool isInterior ) const;
	Point3D< Real > getCornerNormal( const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors5& neighbors5 , const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors5& pNeighbors5 , const TreeOctNode* node , int corner , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 >& nStencil , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > nStencils[8] , bool isInterior ) const;
	static bool _IsInset( const TreeOctNode* node );
	static bool _IsInsetSupported( const TreeOctNode* node );
	int threads;
	static double maxMemoryUsage;
	static double MemoryUsage( void );
	std::vector< Point3D<Real> >* normals;
	Real postDerivativeSmooth;
	TreeOctNode tree;
	BSplineData< Degree , Real > fData;
	Octree( void );

	void setBSplineData( int maxDepth , int boundaryType=BSplineElements< Degree >::NONE );
	void finalize( int subdivisionDepth );
	int refineBoundary( int subdivisionDepth );
	Pointer( Real ) GetSolutionGrid( int& res , Real isoValue=0.f , int depth=-1 );
	int setTree( char* fileName , int maxDepth , int minDepth , int kernelDepth , Real samplesPerNode ,
		Real scaleFactor , int useConfidence , Real constraintWeight , int adaptiveExponent , XForm4x4< Real > xForm=XForm4x4< Real >::Identity );

    int setTreeMemory( PointStream< Real >* pointStream , int maxDepth , int minDepth , int kernelDepth , Real samplesPerNode ,
        Real scaleFactor , int useConfidence , Real constraintWeight , int adaptiveExponent , XForm4x4< Real > xForm=XForm4x4< Real >::Identity );

	void SetLaplacianConstraints(void);
	void ClipTree(void);
	int LaplacianMatrixIteration( int subdivideDepth , bool showResidual , int minIters , double accuracy , int maxSolveDepth , int fixedIters );

	Real GetIsoValue( void );
	template< class Vertex >
	void GetMCIsoTriangles( Real isoValue , int subdivideDepth , CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , int fullDepthIso=0 , int nonLinearFit=1 , bool addBarycenter=false , bool polygonMesh=false );

#include "MultiGridOctreeData.inl"
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