Revision 39b13612ebd645a65eda854771b517371f2f858a authored by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC, committed by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC
1 parent c702819
Raw File
Copyright (c) 2006, Michael Kazhdan and Matthew Bolitho
All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce
the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 

Neither the name of the Johns Hopkins University nor the names of its contributors
may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission. 


#pragma once

#include "Octree.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "MemoryUsage.h"
#include "PointStream.h"
#include "MAT.h"

#define ITERATION_POWER 1.0/3
#define SPLAT_ORDER 2

const Real MATRIX_ENTRY_EPSILON = Real(0);
const Real EPSILON=Real(1e-6);
const Real ROUND_EPS=Real(1e-5);

// SortedTreeNodes //
template< bool OutputDensity >
SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::SortedTreeNodes( void )
	nodeCount = NULL;
	treeNodes = NullPointer< TreeOctNode* >();
	maxDepth = 0;
template< bool OutputDensity >
SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::~SortedTreeNodes( void )
	if( nodeCount ) delete[] nodeCount;
	nodeCount = NULL;
	if( treeNodes ) DeletePointer(  treeNodes );

template< bool OutputDensity >
void SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::set( TreeOctNode& root )
	if( nodeCount ) delete[] nodeCount;
	if( treeNodes ) DeletePointer( treeNodes );
	maxDepth = root.maxDepth()+1;
	nodeCount = new int[ maxDepth+1 ];
	treeNodes = NewPointer< TreeOctNode* >( root.nodes() );

	int startDepth = 0;
	startDepth = 0;
	nodeCount[0] = 0 , nodeCount[1] = 1;
	treeNodes[0] = &root;
	for( TreeOctNode* node=root.nextNode() ; node ; node=root.nextNode( node ) ) node->nodeData.nodeIndex = -1;
	for( int d=startDepth+1 ; d<maxDepth ; d++ )
		nodeCount[d+1] = nodeCount[d];
		for( int i=nodeCount[d-1] ; i<nodeCount[d] ; i++ )
			TreeOctNode* temp = treeNodes[i];
			if( temp->children ) for( int c=0 ; c<8 ; c++ ) treeNodes[ nodeCount[d+1]++ ] = temp->children + c;
	for( int i=0 ; i<nodeCount[maxDepth] ; i++ ) treeNodes[i]->nodeData.nodeIndex = i;
template< bool OutputDensity >
typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerIndices& SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerTableData::operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) { return cTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->depth()] ]; }
template< bool OutputDensity >
const typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerIndices& SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerTableData::operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return cTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->depth()] ]; }
template< bool OutputDensity >
typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerIndices& SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerTableData::cornerIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) { return cTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->depth()] ]; }
template< bool OutputDensity >
const typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerIndices& SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerTableData::cornerIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return cTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->depth()] ]; }
template< bool OutputDensity >
void SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::setCornerTable( CornerTableData& cData , const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int maxDepth , int threads ) const
	if( threads<=0 ) threads = 1;
	// The vector of per-depth node spans
	std::vector< std::pair< int , int > > spans( this->maxDepth , std::pair< int , int >( -1 , -1 ) );
	int minDepth , off[3];
	cData.offsets.resize( this->maxDepth , -1 );
	int start , end;
	if( rootNode ) rootNode->depthAndOffset( minDepth , off ) , start = end = rootNode->nodeData.nodeIndex;
		start = 0;
		for( minDepth=0 ; minDepth<=this->maxDepth ; minDepth++ ) if( nodeCount[minDepth+1] ){ end = nodeCount[minDepth+1]-1 ; break; }
	int nodeCount = 0;
	for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
		spans[d] = std::pair< int , int >( start , end+1 );
		cData.offsets[d] = nodeCount - spans[d].first;
		nodeCount += spans[d].second - spans[d].first;
		if( d<maxDepth )
			while( start< end && !treeNodes[start]->children ) start++;
			while( end> start && !treeNodes[end  ]->children ) end--;
			if(    start==end && !treeNodes[start]->children ) break;
			start = treeNodes[start]->children[0].nodeData.nodeIndex;
			end   = treeNodes[end  ]->children[7].nodeData.nodeIndex;

	cData.cTable.resize( nodeCount );
	std::vector< int > count( threads );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( maxDepth );
		int offset = nodeCount * t * Cube::CORNERS;
		count[t] = 0;
		for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
			int start = spans[d].first , end = spans[d].second , width = end-start;
			for( int i=start + (width*t)/threads ; i<start + (width*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				TreeOctNode* node = treeNodes[i];
				if( d<maxDepth && node->children ) continue;
				const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node , minDepth );
				for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ )	// Iterate over the cell's corners
					bool cornerOwner = true;
					int x , y , z;
					int ac = Cube::AntipodalCornerIndex( c ); // The index of the node relative to the corner
					Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
					for( int cc=0 ; cc<Cube::CORNERS ; cc++ ) // Iterate over the corner's cells
						int xx , yy , zz;
						Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cc , xx , yy , zz );
						xx += x , yy += y , zz += z;
						if( neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz] && neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
							if( cc<ac || ( d<maxDepth && neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->children ) )
								int _d , _off[3];
								neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
								_off[0] >>= (d-minDepth) , _off[1] >>= (d-minDepth) , _off[2] >>= (d-minDepth);
								if( !rootNode || (_off[0]==off[0] && _off[1]==off[1] && _off[2]==off[2]) )
									cornerOwner = false;
								else fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] How did we leave the subtree?\n" );
					if( cornerOwner )
						const TreeOctNode* n = node;
						int d = n->depth();
							const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.neighbors[d];
							// Set all the corner indices at the current depth
							for( int cc=0 ; cc<Cube::CORNERS ; cc++ )
								int xx , yy , zz;
								Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cc , xx , yy , zz );
								xx += x , yy += y , zz += z;
								if( neighborKey.neighbors[d].neighbors[xx][yy][zz] && neighborKey.neighbors[d].neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
									cData[ neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz] ][ Cube::AntipodalCornerIndex(cc) ] = count[t] + offset;
							// If we are not at the root and the parent also has the corner
							if( d==minDepth || n!=(n->parent->children+c) ) break;
							n = n->parent;
						while( 1 );
	cData.cCount = 0;
	std::vector< int > offsets( threads+1 );
	offsets[0] = 0;
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cData.cCount += count[t] , offsets[t+1] = offsets[t] + count[t];
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
			int start = spans[d].first , end = spans[d].second , width = end - start;
			for( int i=start + (width*t)/threads ; i<start+(width*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ )
					int& idx = cData[ treeNodes[i] ][c];
					if( idx<0 )
						fprintf( stderr , "[ERROR] Found unindexed corner nodes[%d][%d] = %d (%d,%d)\n" , treeNodes[i]->nodeData.nodeIndex , c , idx , minDepth , maxDepth );
						int _d , _off[3];
						treeNodes[i]->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
						if( rootNode )
							printf( "(%d [%d %d %d) <-> (%d [%d %d %d])\n" , minDepth , off[0] , off[1] , off[2] , _d , _off[0] , _off[1] , _off[2] );
							printf( "NULL <-> (%d [%d %d %d])\n" , minDepth , off[0] , off[1] , off[2] , _d , _off[0] , _off[1] , _off[2] );
						printf( "[%d %d]\n" , spans[d].first , spans[d].second );
						exit( 0 );
						int div = idx / ( nodeCount*Cube::CORNERS );
						int rem = idx % ( nodeCount*Cube::CORNERS );
						idx = rem + offsets[div];
template< bool OutputDensity >
int SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::getMaxCornerCount( int depth , int maxDepth , int threads ) const
	if( threads<=0 ) threads = 1;
	int res = 1<<depth;
	std::vector< std::vector< int > > cornerCount( threads );
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cornerCount[t].resize( res*res*res , 0 );

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		std::vector< int >& _cornerCount = cornerCount[t];
		typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( maxDepth );
		int start = nodeCount[depth] , end = nodeCount[maxDepth+1] , range = end-start;
		for( int i=(range*t)/threads ; i<(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			TreeOctNode* node = treeNodes[start+i];
			int d , off[3];
			node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
			if( d<maxDepth && node->children ) continue;

			const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node , depth );
			for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ )	// Iterate over the cell's corners
				bool cornerOwner = true;
				int x , y , z;
				int ac = Cube::AntipodalCornerIndex( c ); // The index of the node relative to the corner
				Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
				for( int cc=0 ; cc<Cube::CORNERS ; cc++ ) // Iterate over the corner's cells
					int xx , yy , zz;
					Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cc , xx , yy , zz );
					xx += x , yy += y , zz += z;
					if( neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz] && neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
						if( cc<ac || ( d<maxDepth && neighbors.neighbors[xx][yy][zz]->children ) )
							cornerOwner = false;
				if( cornerOwner ) _cornerCount[ ( ( off[0]>>(d-depth) ) * res * res) + ( ( off[1]>>(d-depth) ) * res) + ( off[2]>>(d-depth) ) ]++;
	int maxCount = 0;
	for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ )
		int c = 0;
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) c += cornerCount[t][i];
		maxCount = std::max< int >( maxCount , c );
	return maxCount;
template< bool OutputDensity >
typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::EdgeIndices& SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::EdgeTableData::operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) { return eTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->depth()] ]; }
template< bool OutputDensity >
const typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::EdgeIndices& SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::EdgeTableData::operator[] ( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return eTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->depth()] ]; }
template< bool OutputDensity >
typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::EdgeIndices& SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::EdgeTableData::edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) { return eTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->depth()] ]; }
template< bool OutputDensity >
const typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::EdgeIndices& SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::EdgeTableData::edgeIndices( const TreeOctNode* node ) const { return eTable[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex + offsets[node->depth()] ]; }
template< bool OutputDensity >
void SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::setEdgeTable( EdgeTableData& eData , const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int maxDepth , int threads )
	if( threads<=0 ) threads = 1;
	std::vector< std::pair< int , int > > spans( this->maxDepth , std::pair< int , int >( -1 , -1 ) );

	int minDepth;
	eData.offsets.resize( this->maxDepth , -1 );
	int start , end;
	if( rootNode ) minDepth = rootNode->depth() , start = end = rootNode->nodeData.nodeIndex;
		start = 0;
		for( minDepth=0 ; minDepth<=this->maxDepth ; minDepth++ ) if( nodeCount[minDepth+1] ){ end = nodeCount[minDepth+1]-1 ; break; }

	int nodeCount = 0;
		for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
			spans[d] = std::pair< int , int >( start , end+1 );
			eData.offsets[d] = nodeCount - spans[d].first;
			nodeCount += spans[d].second - spans[d].first;
			if( d<maxDepth )
				while( start< end && !treeNodes[start]->children ) start++;
				while( end> start && !treeNodes[end  ]->children ) end--;
				if(    start==end && !treeNodes[start]->children ) break;
				start = treeNodes[start]->children[0].nodeData.nodeIndex;
				end   = treeNodes[end  ]->children[7].nodeData.nodeIndex;
	eData.eTable.resize( nodeCount );
	std::vector< int > count( threads );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( maxDepth );
		int offset = nodeCount * t * Cube::EDGES;
		count[t] = 0;
		for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
			int start = spans[d].first , end = spans[d].second , width = end-start;
			for( int i=start + (width*t)/threads ; i<start + (width*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				TreeOctNode* node = treeNodes[i];
				const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node , minDepth );

				for( int e=0 ; e<Cube::EDGES ; e++ )
					bool edgeOwner = true;
					int o , i , j;
					Cube::FactorEdgeIndex( e , o , i , j );
					int ac = Square::AntipodalCornerIndex( Square::CornerIndex( i , j ) );
					for( int cc=0 ; cc<Square::CORNERS ; cc++ )
						int ii , jj , x , y , z;
						Square::FactorCornerIndex( cc , ii , jj );
						ii += i , jj += j;
						switch( o )
						case 0: y = ii , z = jj , x = 1 ; break;
						case 1: x = ii , z = jj , y = 1 ; break;
						case 2: x = ii , y = jj , z = 1 ; break;
						if( neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 && cc<ac ) { edgeOwner = false ; break; } 
					if( edgeOwner )
						// Set all edge indices
						for( int cc=0 ; cc<Square::CORNERS ; cc++ )
							int ii , jj , aii , ajj , x , y , z;
							Square::FactorCornerIndex( cc , ii , jj );
							Square::FactorCornerIndex( Square::AntipodalCornerIndex( cc ) , aii , ajj );
							ii += i , jj += j;
							switch( o )
							case 0: y = ii , z = jj , x = 1 ; break;
							case 1: x = ii , z = jj , y = 1 ; break;
							case 2: x = ii , y = jj , z = 1 ; break;
							if( neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
								eData[ neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z] ][ Cube::EdgeIndex( o , aii , ajj ) ] = count[t]+offset;
	eData.eCount = 0;
	std::vector< int > offsets( threads+1 );
	offsets[0] = 0;
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) eData.eCount += count[t] , offsets[t+1] = offsets[t] + count[t];
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		for( int d=minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
			int start = spans[d].first , end = spans[d].second , width = end - start;
			for( int i=start + (width*t)/threads ; i<start+(width*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				for( int e=0 ; e<Cube::EDGES ; e++ )
					int& idx = eData[ treeNodes[i] ][e];
					if( idx<0 ) fprintf( stderr , "[ERROR] Found unindexed edge %d (%d,%d)\n" , idx , minDepth , maxDepth ) , exit( 0 );
						int div = idx / ( nodeCount*Cube::EDGES );
						int rem = idx % ( nodeCount*Cube::EDGES );
						idx = rem + offsets[div];
template< bool OutputDensity >
int SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::getMaxEdgeCount( const TreeOctNode* rootNode , int depth , int threads ) const
    rootNode = rootNode;

	if( threads<=0 ) threads = 1;
	int res = 1<<depth;
	std::vector< std::vector< int > > edgeCount( threads );
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) edgeCount[t].resize( res*res*res , 0 );

#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		std::vector< int >& _edgeCount = edgeCount[t];
		typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( maxDepth-1 );
		int start = nodeCount[depth] , end = nodeCount[maxDepth] , range = end-start;
		for( int i=(range*t)/threads ; i<(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			TreeOctNode* node = treeNodes[start+i];
			const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node , depth );
			int d , off[3];
			node->depthAndOffset( d , off );

			for( int e=0 ; e<Cube::EDGES ; e++ )
				bool edgeOwner = true;
				int o , i , j;
				Cube::FactorEdgeIndex( e , o , i , j );
				int ac = Square::AntipodalCornerIndex( Square::CornerIndex( i , j ) );
				for( int cc=0 ; cc<Square::CORNERS ; cc++ )
					int ii , jj , x , y , z;
					Square::FactorCornerIndex( cc , ii , jj );
					ii += i , jj += j;
					switch( o )
					case 0: y = ii , z = jj , x = 1 ; break;
					case 1: x = ii , z = jj , y = 1 ; break;
					case 2: x = ii , y = jj , z = 1 ; break;
					if( neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 && cc<ac ) { edgeOwner = false ; break; } 
				if( edgeOwner ) _edgeCount[ ( ( off[0]>>(d-depth) ) * res * res) + ( ( off[1]>>(d-depth) ) * res) + ( off[2]>>(d-depth) ) ]++;
	int maxCount = 0;
	for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ )
		int c = 0;
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) c += edgeCount[t][i];
		maxCount = std::max< int >( maxCount , c );
	return maxCount;

// TreeNodeData //
template< bool OutputDensity >
TreeNodeData< OutputDensity >::TreeNodeData( void )
	nodeIndex = -1;
	centerWeightContribution[0] = centerWeightContribution[ OutputDensity?1:0] = 0;
	normalIndex = -1;
	constraint = solution = 0;
	pointIndex = -1;
template< bool OutputDensity >
TreeNodeData< OutputDensity >::~TreeNodeData( void ) { }

// Octree //
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity > double Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::maxMemoryUsage=0;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
double Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::MemoryUsage(void)
	double mem = double( MemoryInfo::Usage() ) / (1<<20);
	if( mem>maxMemoryUsage ) maxMemoryUsage=mem;
	return mem;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::Octree(void)
	threads = 1;
	radius = 0;
	width = 0;
	postDerivativeSmooth = 0;
	_constrainValues = false;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
bool Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::_IsInset( const TreeOctNode* node )
	int d , off[3];
	node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
	int res = 1<<d , o = 1<<(d-2);
	return ( off[0]>=o && off[0]<res-o && off[1]>=o && off[1]<res-o && off[2]>=o && off[2]<res-o );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
bool Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::_IsInsetSupported( const TreeOctNode* node )
	int d , off[3];
	node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
	int res = 1<<d , o = (1<<(d-2))-1;
	return ( off[0]>=o && off[0]<res-o && off[1]>=o && off[1]<res-o && off[2]>=o && off[2]<res-o );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SplatOrientedPoint( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , const Point3D<Real>& normal , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey )
	double x , dxdy , dxdydz , dx[DIMENSION][SPLAT_ORDER+1];
	double width;
	int off[3];
	typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.setNeighbors( node );
	Point3D<Real> center;
	Real w;
	node->centerAndWidth( center , w );
	for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
		off[i] = 0;
		x = ( center[i] - position[i] - width ) / width;
		dx[i][0] = 1.125+1.500*x+0.500*x*x;
		x = ( center[i] - position[i] ) / width;
		dx[i][1] = 0.750        -      x*x;

		dx[i][2] = 1. - dx[i][1] - dx[i][0];
#elif SPLAT_ORDER==1
		x = ( position[i] - center[i] ) / width;
		if( x<0 )
			off[i] = 0;
			dx[i][0] = -x;
			off[i] = 1;
			dx[i][0] = 1. - x;
		dx[i][1] = 1. - dx[i][0];
#elif SPLAT_ORDER==0
		off[i] = 1;
		dx[i][0] = 1.;
#     error Splat order not supported
#endif // SPLAT_ORDER
	for( int i=off[0] ; i<=off[0]+SPLAT_ORDER ; i++ ) for( int j=off[1] ; j<=off[1]+SPLAT_ORDER ; j++ )
		dxdy = dx[0][i] * dx[1][j];
		for( int k=off[2] ; k<=off[2]+SPLAT_ORDER ; k++ )
			if( neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k] )
				dxdydz = dxdy * dx[2][k];
				TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k];
				int idx =_node->nodeData.normalIndex;
				if( idx<0 )
					Point3D<Real> n;
					n[0] = n[1] = n[2] = 0;
					_node->nodeData.nodeIndex = 0;
					idx = _node->nodeData.normalIndex = int(normals->size());
				(*normals)[idx] += normal * Real( dxdydz );
	return 0;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
Real Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SplatOrientedPoint( const Point3D<Real>& position , const Point3D<Real>& normal , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey , int splatDepth , Real samplesPerNode , int minDepth , int maxDepth )
	double dx;
	Point3D<Real> n;
	TreeOctNode* temp;

	double width;
	Point3D< Real > myCenter;
	Real myWidth;
	myCenter[0] = myCenter[1] = myCenter[2] = Real(0.5);
	myWidth = Real(1.0);

	temp = &tree;
	while( temp->depth()<splatDepth )
		if( !temp->children )
			fprintf( stderr , "Octree<Degree>::SplatOrientedPoint error\n" );
			return -1;
		int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,position);
		if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
		else		 myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
		if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
		else		 myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
		if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
		else		 myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
	Real weight , depth;
	GetSampleDepthAndWeight( temp , position , neighborKey , samplesPerNode , depth , weight );

	if( depth<minDepth ) depth=Real(minDepth);
	if( depth>maxDepth ) depth=Real(maxDepth);
	int topDepth=int(ceil(depth));

	dx = 1.0-(topDepth-depth);
	if( topDepth<=minDepth )
	else if( topDepth>maxDepth )
	while( temp->depth()>topDepth ) temp=temp->parent;
	while( temp->depth()<topDepth )
		if(!temp->children) temp->initChildren();
		int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,position);
		if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
		else		 myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
		if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
		else		 myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
		if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
		else		 myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
	width = 1.0 / ( 1<<temp->depth() );
	n = normal * weight / Real( pow( width , 3 ) ) * Real( dx );
	SplatOrientedPoint( temp , position , n , neighborKey );
	if( fabs(1.0-dx) > EPSILON )
		dx = Real(1.0-dx);
		temp = temp->parent;
		width = 1.0 / ( 1<<temp->depth() );

		n = normal * weight / Real( pow( width , 3 ) ) * Real( dx );
		SplatOrientedPoint( temp , position , n , neighborKey );
	return weight;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetSampleDepthAndWeight( const TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey , Real samplesPerNode , Real& depth , Real& weight )
	const TreeOctNode* temp=node;
	weight = Real(1.0)/GetSampleWeight( temp , position , neighborKey );
	if( weight>=samplesPerNode ) depth = Real( temp->depth() + log( weight / samplesPerNode ) / log(double(1<<(DIMENSION-1))) );
		Real oldWeight , newWeight;
		oldWeight = newWeight = weight;
		while( newWeight<samplesPerNode && temp->parent )
			oldWeight = newWeight;
			newWeight = Real(1.0)/GetSampleWeight( temp , position, neighborKey );
		depth = Real( temp->depth() + log( newWeight / samplesPerNode ) / log( newWeight / oldWeight ) );
	weight = Real( pow( double(1<<(DIMENSION-1)) , -double(depth) ) );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetSampleDepthAndWeight( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey , Real samplesPerNode , Real& depth , Real& weight )
	TreeOctNode* temp=node;
	weight = Real(1.0)/GetSampleWeight( temp , position , neighborKey );
	if( weight>=samplesPerNode ) depth = Real( temp->depth() + log( weight / samplesPerNode ) / log(double(1<<(DIMENSION-1))) );
		Real oldWeight , newWeight;
		oldWeight = newWeight = weight;
		while( newWeight<samplesPerNode && temp->parent )
			oldWeight = newWeight;
			newWeight = Real(1.0)/GetSampleWeight( temp , position, neighborKey );
		depth = Real( temp->depth() + log( newWeight / samplesPerNode ) / log( newWeight / oldWeight ) );
	weight = Real( pow( double(1<<(DIMENSION-1)) , -double(depth) ) );

template< int Degree, bool OutputDensity >
Real Octree< Degree, OutputDensity >::GetSampleWeight( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey )
	Real weight=0;
	double x , dxdy , dx[DIMENSION][3];
	double width;
	typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.setNeighbors( node );
	Point3D<Real> center;
	Real w;

	for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
		x = ( center[i] - position[i] - width ) / width;
		dx[i][0] = 1.125 + 1.500*x + 0.500*x*x;
		x = ( center[i] - position[i] ) / width;
		dx[i][1] = 0.750           -       x*x;

		dx[i][2] = 1.0 - dx[i][1] - dx[i][0];

	for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
		dxdy = dx[0][i] * dx[1][j];
		for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) if( neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k] )
			weight += Real( dxdy * dx[2][k] * neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k]->nodeData.centerWeightContribution[0] );
	return Real( 1.0 / weight );
template< int Degree, bool OutputDensity >
Real Octree< Degree, OutputDensity >::GetSampleWeight( const TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey )
	Real weight=0;
	double x,dxdy,dx[DIMENSION][3];
	double width;
	typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node );
	Point3D<Real> center;
	Real w;
	node->centerAndWidth( center , w );

	for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
		x = ( center[i] - position[i] - width ) / width;
		dx[i][0] = 1.125 + 1.500*x + 0.500*x*x;
		x = ( center[i] - position[i] ) / width;
		dx[i][1] = 0.750           -       x*x;

		dx[i][2] = 1.0 - dx[i][1] - dx[i][0];

	for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
		dxdy = dx[0][i] * dx[1][j];
		for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) if( neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k] )
			weight += Real( dxdy * dx[2][k] * neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k]->nodeData.centerWeightContribution[0] );
	return Real( 1.0 / weight );

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::UpdateWeightContribution( TreeOctNode* node , const Point3D<Real>& position , typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey , Real weight )
	typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.setNeighbors( node );
	double x , dxdy , dx[DIMENSION][3] , width;
	Point3D< Real > center;
	Real w;
	node->centerAndWidth( center , w );
	const double SAMPLE_SCALE = 1. / ( 0.125 * 0.125 + 0.75 * 0.75 + 0.125 * 0.125 );

	for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
		x = ( center[i] - position[i] - width ) / width;
		dx[i][0] = 1.125 + 1.500*x + 0.500*x*x;
		x = ( center[i] - position[i] ) / width;
		dx[i][1] = 0.750           -       x*x;
		dx[i][2] = 1. - dx[i][1] - dx[i][0];
		// Note that we are splatting along a co-dimension one manifold, so uniform point samples
		// do not generate a unit sample weight.
		dx[i][0] *= SAMPLE_SCALE;

	for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
		dxdy = dx[0][i] * dx[1][j] * weight;
		for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) if( neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k] )
			neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k]->nodeData.centerWeightContribution[0] += Real( dxdy * dx[2][k] );
	return 0;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
bool Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::_inBounds( Point3D< Real > p ) const
	if( _boundaryType==0 ){ if( p[0]<Real(0.25) || p[0]>Real(0.75) || p[1]<Real(0.25) || p[1]>Real(0.75) || p[2]<Real(0.25) || p[2]>Real(0.75) ) return false; }
	else                  { if( p[0]<Real(0.00) || p[0]>Real(1.00) || p[1]<Real(0.00) || p[1]>Real(1.00) || p[2]<Real(0.00) || p[2]>Real(1.00) ) return false; }
	return true;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree<Degree, OutputDensity>::setTreeMemory( PointStream< Real >* pointStream , int maxDepth , int minDepth ,
    int splatDepth , Real samplesPerNode , Real scaleFactor ,
    int useConfidence , Real constraintWeight , int adaptiveExponent , XForm4x4< Real > xForm )
    if( splatDepth<0 ) splatDepth = 0;
    this->samplesPerNode = samplesPerNode;
    this->splatDepth = splatDepth;

    XForm3x3< Real > xFormN;
    for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) xFormN(i,j) = xForm(i,j);
    xFormN = xFormN.transpose().inverse();
    if( _boundaryType==0 ) maxDepth++ , minDepth = std::max< int >( 1 , minDepth )+1;
    else minDepth = std::max< int >( 0 , minDepth );
    if( _boundaryType==0 && splatDepth>0 ) splatDepth++;
    _minDepth = std::min< int >( minDepth , maxDepth );
    _constrainValues = (constraintWeight>0);
    double pointWeightSum = 0;
    Point3D< Real > min , max , myCenter;
    Real myWidth;
    int i , cnt=0;
    TreeOctNode* temp;

    typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
    neighborKey.set( maxDepth );

    /*PointStream< Real >* pointStream;
    char* ext = GetFileExtension( fileName );
    if     ( !strcasecmp( ext , "bnpts" ) ) pointStream = new BinaryPointStream< Real >( fileName );
    else if( !strcasecmp( ext , "ply"   ) ) pointStream = new    PLYPointStream< Real >( fileName );
    else                                    pointStream = new  ASCIIPointStream< Real >( fileName );
    delete[] ext;*/

    tree.setFullDepth( _minDepth );
    // Read through once to get the center and scale
        double t = Time();
        t = (double)t;

        Point3D< Real > p , n;
        while( pointStream->nextPoint( p , n ) )
            p = xForm * p;
            for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
                if( !cnt || p[i]<min[i] ) min[i] = p[i];
                if( !cnt || p[i]>max[i] ) max[i] = p[i];

        if( _boundaryType==0 ) _scale = std::max< Real >( max[0]-min[0] , std::max< Real >( max[1]-min[1] , max[2]-min[2] ) ) * 2;
        else         _scale = std::max< Real >( max[0]-min[0] , std::max< Real >( max[1]-min[1] , max[2]-min[2] ) );
        _center = ( max+min ) /2;

    _scale *= scaleFactor;
    for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) _center[i] -= _scale/2;
    if( splatDepth>0 )
        double t = Time();
        t = (double)t;

        cnt = 0;
        Point3D< Real > p , n;
        while( pointStream->nextPoint( p , n ) )
            p = xForm * p , n = xFormN * n;
            p = ( p - _center ) / _scale;
            if( !_inBounds(p) ) continue;
            myCenter = Point3D< Real >( Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) );
            myWidth = Real(1.0);
            Real weight=Real( 1. );
            if( useConfidence ) weight = Real( Length(n) );
            temp = &tree;
            int d=0;
            while( d<splatDepth )
                UpdateWeightContribution( temp , p , neighborKey , weight );
                if( !temp->children ) temp->initChildren();
                int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex( myCenter , p );
                temp = temp->children + cIndex;
                if( cIndex&1 ) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
                else           myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
                if( cIndex&2 ) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
                else           myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
                if( cIndex&4 ) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
                else           myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
            UpdateWeightContribution( temp , p , neighborKey , weight );

    normals = new std::vector< Point3D<Real> >();
    cnt = 0;
    Point3D< Real > p , n;
    while( pointStream->nextPoint( p , n ) )
        n *= Real(-1.);
        p = xForm * p , n = xFormN * n;
        p = ( p - _center ) / _scale;
        if( !_inBounds(p) ) continue;
        myCenter = Point3D< Real >( Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) );
        myWidth = Real(1.0);
        Real l = Real( Length( n ) );
        if( l!=l || l<=EPSILON ) continue;
        if( !useConfidence ) n /= l;

        l = Real(1.);
        Real pointWeight = Real(1.f);
        if( samplesPerNode>0 && splatDepth )
            pointWeight = SplatOrientedPoint( p , n , neighborKey , splatDepth , samplesPerNode , _minDepth , maxDepth );
            temp = &tree;
            int d=0;
            if( splatDepth )
                while( d<splatDepth )
                    int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,p);
                    temp = &temp->children[cIndex];
                    myWidth /= 2;
                    if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
                    else		 myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
                    if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
                    else		 myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
                    if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
                    else		 myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
                pointWeight = GetSampleWeight( temp , p , neighborKey );
            for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) n[i] *= pointWeight;
            while( d<maxDepth )
                if( !temp->children ) temp->initChildren();
                int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,p);
                if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
                else		 myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
                if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
                else		 myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
                if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
                else		 myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
            SplatOrientedPoint( temp , p , n , neighborKey );
        pointWeightSum += pointWeight;
        if( _constrainValues )
            int d = 0;
            TreeOctNode* temp = &tree;
            myCenter = Point3D< Real >( Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) );
            myWidth = Real(1.0);
            while( 1 )
                int idx = temp->nodeData.pointIndex;
                if( idx==-1 )
                    idx = int( _points.size() );
                    _points.push_back( PointData( p , Real(1.) ) );
                    temp->nodeData.pointIndex = idx;
                    _points[idx].weight += Real(1.);
                    _points[idx].position += p;

                int cIndex = TreeOctNode::CornerIndex( myCenter , p );
                if( !temp->children ) break;
                temp = &temp->children[cIndex];
                myWidth /= 2;
                if( cIndex&1 ) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
                else		   myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
                if( cIndex&2 ) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
                else		   myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
                if( cIndex&4 ) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
                else		   myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;

    if( _boundaryType==0 ) pointWeightSum *= Real(4.);
    constraintWeight *= Real( pointWeightSum );
    constraintWeight /= cnt;

    MemoryUsage( );
    delete pointStream;
    if( _constrainValues )
        for( TreeOctNode* node=tree.nextNode() ; node ; node=tree.nextNode(node) )
            if( node->nodeData.pointIndex!=-1 )
                int idx = node->nodeData.pointIndex;
                _points[idx].position /= _points[idx].weight;
                int e = ( _boundaryType==0 ? node->depth()-1 : node->depth() ) * adaptiveExponent - ( _boundaryType==0 ? maxDepth-1 : maxDepth ) * (adaptiveExponent-1);
                if( e<0 ) _points[idx].weight /= Real( 1<<(-e) );
                else      _points[idx].weight *= Real( 1<<  e  );
                _points[idx].weight *= Real( constraintWeight );
    if( _boundaryType==1 )
        for( TreeOctNode* node=tree.nextNode() ; node ; node=tree.nextNode( node ) )
            int d , off[3] , res;
            node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
            res = 1<<d;
            if( node->nodeData.normalIndex<0 ) continue;
            Point3D< Real >& normal = (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex];
            for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ ) if( off[d]==0 || off[d]==res-1 ) normal[d] = 0;
    return cnt;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::setTree( char* fileName , int maxDepth , int minDepth , 
							int splatDepth , Real samplesPerNode , Real scaleFactor ,
							int useConfidence , Real constraintWeight , int adaptiveExponent , XForm4x4< Real > xForm )
	if( splatDepth<0 ) splatDepth = 0;
	this->samplesPerNode = samplesPerNode;
	this->splatDepth = splatDepth;

	XForm3x3< Real > xFormN;
	for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) xFormN(i,j) = xForm(i,j);
	xFormN = xFormN.transpose().inverse();
	if( _boundaryType==0 ) maxDepth++ , minDepth = std::max< int >( 1 , minDepth )+1;
	else minDepth = std::max< int >( 0 , minDepth );
	if( _boundaryType==0 && splatDepth>0 ) splatDepth++;
	_minDepth = std::min< int >( minDepth , maxDepth );
	_constrainValues = (constraintWeight>0);
	double pointWeightSum = 0;
	Point3D< Real > min , max , myCenter;
	Real myWidth;
	int i , cnt=0;
	TreeOctNode* temp;

	typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
	neighborKey.set( maxDepth );
	PointStream< Real >* pointStream;
	char* ext = GetFileExtension( fileName );
	if     ( !strcasecmp( ext , "bnpts" ) ) pointStream = new BinaryPointStream< Real >( fileName );
	else if( !strcasecmp( ext , "ply"   ) ) pointStream = new    PLYPointStream< Real >( fileName );
	else                                    pointStream = new  ASCIIPointStream< Real >( fileName );
	delete[] ext;

	tree.setFullDepth( _minDepth );
	// Read through once to get the center and scale
		double t = Time();
		Point3D< Real > p , n;
		while( pointStream->nextPoint( p , n ) )
			p = xForm * p;
			for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
				if( !cnt || p[i]<min[i] ) min[i] = p[i];
				if( !cnt || p[i]>max[i] ) max[i] = p[i];

		if( _boundaryType==0 ) _scale = std::max< Real >( max[0]-min[0] , std::max< Real >( max[1]-min[1] , max[2]-min[2] ) ) * 2;
		else         _scale = std::max< Real >( max[0]-min[0] , std::max< Real >( max[1]-min[1] , max[2]-min[2] ) );
		_center = ( max+min ) /2;

	_scale *= scaleFactor;
	for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) _center[i] -= _scale/2;
	if( splatDepth>0 )
		double t = Time();
		cnt = 0;
		Point3D< Real > p , n;
		while( pointStream->nextPoint( p , n ) )
			p = xForm * p , n = xFormN * n;
			p = ( p - _center ) / _scale;
			if( !_inBounds(p) ) continue;
			myCenter = Point3D< Real >( Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) );
			myWidth = Real(1.0);
			Real weight=Real( 1. );
			if( useConfidence ) weight = Real( Length(n) );
			temp = &tree;
			int d=0;
			while( d<splatDepth )
				UpdateWeightContribution( temp , p , neighborKey , weight );
				if( !temp->children ) temp->initChildren();
				int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex( myCenter , p );
				temp = temp->children + cIndex;
				if( cIndex&1 ) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
				else           myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
				if( cIndex&2 ) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
				else           myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
				if( cIndex&4 ) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
				else           myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
			UpdateWeightContribution( temp , p , neighborKey , weight );

	normals = new std::vector< Point3D<Real> >();
	cnt = 0;
	Point3D< Real > p , n;
	while( pointStream->nextPoint( p , n ) )
		n *= Real(-1.);
		p = xForm * p , n = xFormN * n;
		p = ( p - _center ) / _scale;
		if( !_inBounds(p) ) continue;
		myCenter = Point3D< Real >( Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) );
		myWidth = Real(1.0);
		Real l = Real( Length( n ) );
		if( l!=l || l<=EPSILON ) continue;
		if( !useConfidence ) n /= l;

		l = Real(1.);
		Real pointWeight = Real(1.f);
		if( samplesPerNode>0 && splatDepth )
			pointWeight = SplatOrientedPoint( p , n , neighborKey , splatDepth , samplesPerNode , _minDepth , maxDepth );
			temp = &tree;
			int d=0;
			if( splatDepth )
				while( d<splatDepth )
					int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,p);
					temp = &temp->children[cIndex];
					myWidth /= 2;
					if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
					else		 myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
					if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
					else		 myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
					if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
					else		 myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
				pointWeight = GetSampleWeight( temp , p , neighborKey );
			for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) n[i] *= pointWeight;
			while( d<maxDepth )
				if( !temp->children ) temp->initChildren();
				int cIndex=TreeOctNode::CornerIndex(myCenter,p);
				if(cIndex&1) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
				else		 myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
				if(cIndex&2) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
				else		 myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
				if(cIndex&4) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
				else		 myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;
			SplatOrientedPoint( temp , p , n , neighborKey );
		pointWeightSum += pointWeight;
		if( _constrainValues )
			int d = 0;
			TreeOctNode* temp = &tree;
			myCenter = Point3D< Real >( Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) , Real(0.5) );
			myWidth = Real(1.0);
			while( 1 )
				int idx = temp->nodeData.pointIndex;
				if( idx==-1 )
					idx = int( _points.size() );
					_points.push_back( PointData( p , Real(1.) ) );
					temp->nodeData.pointIndex = idx;
					_points[idx].weight += Real(1.);
					_points[idx].position += p;

				int cIndex = TreeOctNode::CornerIndex( myCenter , p );
				if( !temp->children ) break;
				temp = &temp->children[cIndex];
				myWidth /= 2;
				if( cIndex&1 ) myCenter[0] += myWidth/2;
				else		   myCenter[0] -= myWidth/2;
				if( cIndex&2 ) myCenter[1] += myWidth/2;
				else		   myCenter[1] -= myWidth/2;
				if( cIndex&4 ) myCenter[2] += myWidth/2;
				else		   myCenter[2] -= myWidth/2;

	if( _boundaryType==0 ) pointWeightSum *= Real(4.);
	constraintWeight *= Real( pointWeightSum );
	constraintWeight /= cnt;

	MemoryUsage( );
	delete pointStream;
	if( _constrainValues )
		for( TreeOctNode* node=tree.nextNode() ; node ; node=tree.nextNode(node) )
			if( node->nodeData.pointIndex!=-1 )
				int idx = node->nodeData.pointIndex;
				_points[idx].position /= _points[idx].weight;
				int e = ( _boundaryType==0 ? node->depth()-1 : node->depth() ) * adaptiveExponent - ( _boundaryType==0 ? maxDepth-1 : maxDepth ) * (adaptiveExponent-1);
				if( e<0 ) _points[idx].weight /= Real( 1<<(-e) );
				else      _points[idx].weight *= Real( 1<<  e  );
				_points[idx].weight *= Real( constraintWeight );
	if( _boundaryType==1 )
		for( TreeOctNode* node=tree.nextNode() ; node ; node=tree.nextNode( node ) )
			int d , off[3] , res;
			node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
			res = 1<<d;
			if( node->nodeData.normalIndex<0 ) continue;
			Point3D< Real >& normal = (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex];
			for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ ) if( off[d]==0 || off[d]==res-1 ) normal[d] = 0;
	return cnt;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::setBSplineData( int maxDepth , int boundaryType )
	_boundaryType = boundaryType;
	if     ( _boundaryType<0 ) _boundaryType = -1;
	else if( _boundaryType>0 ) _boundaryType =  1;
	else                       maxDepth++;
	radius = 0.5 + 0.5 * Degree;
	width = int(double(radius+0.5-EPSILON)*2);
	postDerivativeSmooth = Real(1.0)/(1<<maxDepth);
	fData.set( maxDepth , true , boundaryType );

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::finalize( int subdivideDepth )
	int maxDepth = tree.maxDepth( );
	typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 nKey;
	nKey.set( maxDepth );
	for( int d=maxDepth ; d>1 ; d-- )
		for( TreeOctNode* node=tree.nextNode() ; node ; node=tree.nextNode( node ) ) if( node->depth()==d )
			typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = nKey.setNeighbors( node->parent->parent );
			for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
				if( neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k] && !neighbors.neighbors[i][j][k]->children )
	refineBoundary( subdivideDepth );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
double Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetLaplacian( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[] , const int off2[] , bool childParent ) const
	double vv[] =
	{ d , off1[0] , off2[0] , false , false , childParent ) , d , off1[1] , off2[1] , false , false , childParent ) , d , off1[2] , off2[2] , false , false , childParent )
	double dd[] =
	{ d , off1[0] , off2[0] , true , true , childParent ) , d , off1[1] , off2[1] , true , true , childParent ) , d , off1[2] , off2[2] , true , true , childParent )
	return dd[0]*vv[1]*vv[2] + vv[0]*dd[1]*vv[2] + vv[0]*vv[1]*dd[2];
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
double Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetDivergence1( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[] , const int off2[] , bool childParent , const Point3D< Real >& normal1 ) const
	return Point3D< double >::Dot( GetDivergence1( integrator , d , off1 , off2 , childParent ) , normal1 );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity > 
double Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetDivergence2( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[] , const int off2[] , bool childParent , const Point3D< Real >& normal2 ) const
	return Point3D< double >::Dot( GetDivergence2( integrator , d , off1 , off2 , childParent ) , normal2 );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
Point3D< double > Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetDivergence1( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[] , const int off2[] , bool childParent ) const
	double vv[] =
	{ d , off1[0] , off2[0] , false , false , childParent ) , d , off1[1] , off2[1] , false , false , childParent ) , d , off1[2] , off2[2] , false , false , childParent )
	// Take the dot-product of the vector-field with the gradient of the basis function
	double vd[] = 
	{ d , off1[0] , off2[0] , false , true , childParent ) , d , off1[1] , off2[1] , false , true , childParent ) , d , off1[2] , off2[2] , false , true , childParent )
	return  Point3D< double >( vd[0]*vv[1]*vv[2] , vv[0]*vd[1]*vv[2] , vv[0]*vv[1]*vd[2] );
	// Take the dot-product of the divergence of the vector-field with the basis function
	double dv[] = 
	{ d , off1[0] , off2[0] , true , false , childParent ) , d , off1[1] , off2[1] , true , false , childParent ) , d , off1[2] , off2[2] , true , false , childParent )
	return  -Point3D< double >( dv[0]*vv[1]*vv[2] , vv[0]*dv[1]*vv[2] , vv[0]*vv[1]*dv[2] );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity > 
Point3D< double > Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetDivergence2( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int d , const int off1[] , const int off2[] , bool childParent ) const
	double vv[] =
	{ d , off1[0] , off2[0] , false , false , childParent ) , d , off1[1] , off2[1] , false , false , childParent ) , d , off1[2] , off2[2] , false , false , childParent )
	// Take the dot-product of the vector-field with the gradient of the basis function
	double dv[] = 
	{ d , off1[0] , off2[0] , true , false , childParent ) , d , off1[1] , off2[1] , true , false , childParent ) , d , off1[2] , off2[2] , true , false , childParent )
	return  Point3D< double >( dv[0]*vv[1]*vv[2] , vv[0]*dv[1]*vv[2] , vv[0]*vv[1]*dv[2] );
	// Take the dot-product of the divergence of the vector-field with the basis function
	double vd[] = 
	{ d , off1[0] , off2[0] , false , true , childParent ) , d , off1[1] , off2[1] , false , true , childParent ) , d , off1[2] , off2[2] , false , true , childParent )
	return -Point3D< double >( vd[0]*vv[1]*vv[2] , vv[0]*vd[1]*vv[2] , vv[0]*vv[1]*vd[2] );

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetMatrixRowBounds( const TreeOctNode* node , int rDepth , const int rOff[3] , int& xStart , int& xEnd , int& yStart , int& yEnd , int& zStart , int& zEnd ) const
	xStart = 0 , yStart = 0 , zStart = 0 , xEnd = 5 , yEnd = 5 , zEnd = 5;
	int depth , off[3];
	node->depthAndOffset( depth , off );
	int width = 1 << ( depth-rDepth );
	off[0] -= rOff[0] << ( depth-rDepth ) , off[1] -= rOff[1] << ( depth-rDepth ) , off[2] -= rOff[2] << ( depth-rDepth );
	if( off[0]<0 ) xStart = -off[0];
	if( off[1]<0 ) yStart = -off[1];
	if( off[2]<0 ) zStart = -off[2];
	if( off[0]>=width ) xEnd = 4 - ( off[0]-width );
	if( off[1]>=width ) yEnd = 4 - ( off[1]-width );
	if( off[2]>=width ) zEnd = 4 - ( off[2]-width );

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetMatrixRowSize( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , bool symmetric ) const { return GetMatrixRowSize( neighbors5 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , symmetric ); }
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetMatrixRowSize( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , int xStart , int xEnd , int yStart , int yEnd , int zStart , int zEnd , bool symmetric ) const
	int count = 0;
	int nodeIndex = neighbors5.neighbors[2][2][2]->nodeData.nodeIndex;
	for( int x=xStart ; x<xEnd ; x++ ) for( int y=yStart ; y<yEnd ; y++ ) for( int z=zStart ; z<zEnd ; z++ )
		if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 && ( !symmetric || neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex>=nodeIndex ) )
	return count;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetMatrixRow( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , Pointer( MatrixEntry< MatrixReal > ) row , int offset , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const Stencil< double , 5 >& stencil , bool symmetric ) const
	return SetMatrixRow( neighbors5 , row , offset , integrator , stencil , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , 0 , 5 , symmetric );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetMatrixRow( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , Pointer( MatrixEntry< MatrixReal > ) row , int offset , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const Stencil< double , 5 >& stencil , int xStart , int xEnd , int yStart , int yEnd , int zStart , int zEnd , bool symmetric ) const
	bool hasYZPoints[3] , hasZPoints[3][3];
	Real diagonal = 0;
	Real splineValues[3*3*3*3*3];
	memset( splineValues , 0 , sizeof( Real ) * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 3 );

	int count = 0;
	const TreeOctNode* node = neighbors5.neighbors[2][2][2];

	bool isInterior;
	int d , off[3];
	neighbors5.neighbors[2][2][2]->depthAndOffset( d , off );

	int o = _boundaryType==0 ? ( 1<<(d-2) ) : 0;
	int mn = 2+o , mx = (1<<d)-2-o;
	isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );

	if( _constrainValues )
		int d , idx[3];
		node->depthAndOffset( d , idx );
		idx[0] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[0] );
		idx[1] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[1] );
		idx[2] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[2] );
		for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
			hasYZPoints[j] = false;
			for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
				hasZPoints[j][k] = false;
				for( int l=0 ; l<3 ; l++ )
					const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[j+1][k+1][l+1];
					if( _node && _node->nodeData.pointIndex!=-1 )
						const PointData& pData = _points[ _node->nodeData.pointIndex ];
						Real* _splineValues = splineValues + 3*3*(3*(3*j+k)+l);
						Real weight = pData.weight;
						Point3D< Real > p = pData.position;
						for( int s=0 ; s<3 ; s++ )
							if( idx[0]+j-s>=0 && idx[0]+j-s<((2<<node->depth())-1) ) _splineValues[3*0+s] = Real( fData.baseBSplines[ idx[0]+j-s][s]( p[0] ) );
							if( idx[1]+k-s>=0 && idx[1]+k-s<((2<<node->depth())-1) ) _splineValues[3*1+s] = Real( fData.baseBSplines[ idx[1]+k-s][s]( p[1] ) );
							if( idx[2]+l-s>=0 && idx[2]+l-s<((2<<node->depth())-1) ) _splineValues[3*2+s] = Real( fData.baseBSplines[ idx[2]+l-s][s]( p[2] ) );
							_splineValues[3*0+s] = Real( fData.baseBSplines[ idx[0]+j-s][s]( p[0] ) );
							_splineValues[3*1+s] = Real( fData.baseBSplines[ idx[1]+k-s][s]( p[1] ) );
							_splineValues[3*2+s] = Real( fData.baseBSplines[ idx[2]+l-s][s]( p[2] ) );
						Real value = _splineValues[3*0+j] * _splineValues[3*1+k] * _splineValues[3*2+l];
						Real weightedValue = value * weight;
						for( int s=0 ; s<3 ; s++ ) _splineValues[3*0+s] *= weightedValue;
						diagonal += value * value * weight;
						hasYZPoints[j] = hasZPoints[j][k] = true;

	Real pointValues[5][5][5];
	if( _constrainValues )
		memset( pointValues , 0 , sizeof(Real)*5*5*5 );
		for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) if( hasYZPoints[i] )
			for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) if( hasZPoints[i][j] )
				for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
					const Real* _splineValuesX = splineValues + 3*(3*(3*(3*i+j)+k)+0)+2;
					const Real* _splineValuesY = splineValues + 3*(3*(3*(3*i+j)+k)+1)+2;
					const Real* _splineValuesZ = splineValues + 3*(3*(3*(3*i+j)+k)+2)+2;
					const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[i+1][j+1][k+1];
					if( _node && _node->nodeData.pointIndex!=-1 )
						for( int ii=0 ; ii<=2 ; ii++ )
							Real splineValue = _splineValuesX[-ii];
							for( int jj=0 ; jj<=2 ; jj++ )
								Real* _pointValues = pointValues[i+ii][j+jj]+k;
								Real _splineValue = splineValue * _splineValuesY[-jj];
								for( int kk=0 ; kk<=2 ; kk++ ) _pointValues[kk] += _splineValue * _splineValuesZ[-kk];
	int minX , maxX , minY , maxY;
	for( int x=xStart ; x<(symmetric?3:xEnd) ; x++ )
		minX = std::max< int >( 0 , -2+x ) , maxX = std::min< int >( 2 , -2+x+2 );
        int dX = 2-x+3*0; dX = dX;
		for( int y=yStart ; y<yEnd ; y++ )
			if( x==2 && y>2 && symmetric ) continue;
			minY = std::max< int >( 0 , -2+y ) , maxY = std::min< int >( 2 , -2+y+2 );
            int dY = 2-y+3*1; dY = dY;
			for( int z=zStart ; z<zEnd ; z++ )
				if( x==2 && y==2 && z>2 && symmetric ) continue;
                int dZ = 2-z+3*2; dZ = dZ;
				if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 )
					const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
					Real temp;
					if( isInterior ) temp = Real( stencil.values[x][y][z] );
						int _d , _off[3];
						_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
						temp = Real( GetLaplacian( integrator , d , off , _off , false ) );
					if( _constrainValues )
						if( x==2 && y==2 && z==2 ) temp += diagonal;
						else temp += pointValues[x][y][z];
					if( x==2 && y==2 && z==2 && symmetric ) temp /= 2;
					if( fabs(temp)>MATRIX_ENTRY_EPSILON )
						row[count].N = _node->nodeData.nodeIndex-offset;
						row[count].Value = temp;
	return count;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetDivergenceStencil( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 >& stencil , bool scatter ) const
	if( depth<2 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	int offset[] = { center , center , center };
	for( int x=0 ; x<5 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<5 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<5 ; z++ )
		int _offset[] = { x+center-2 , y+center-2 , z+center-2 };
		if( scatter ) stencil.values[x][y][z] = GetDivergence1( integrator , depth , offset , _offset , false );
		else          stencil.values[x][y][z] = GetDivergence2( integrator , depth , offset , _offset , false );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetDivergenceStencils( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , Stencil< Point3D< double > ,  5 > stencils[2][2][2] , bool scatter ) const
	if( depth<2 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	for( int i=0 ; i<2 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<2 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<2 ; k++ )
		int offset[] = { center+i , center+j , center+k };
		for( int x=0 ; x<5 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<5 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<5 ; z++ )
			int _offset[] = { x-2+center/2 , y-2+center/2 , z-2+center/2 };
			if( scatter ) stencils[i][j][k].values[x][y][z] = GetDivergence1( integrator , depth , offset , _offset , true );
			else          stencils[i][j][k].values[x][y][z] = GetDivergence2( integrator , depth , offset , _offset , true );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetLaplacianStencil( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , Stencil< double , 5 >& stencil ) const
	if( depth<2 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	int offset[] = { center , center , center };

	for( int x=-2 ; x<=2 ; x++ ) for( int y=-2 ; y<=2 ; y++ ) for( int z=-2 ; z<=2 ; z++ )
		int _offset[] = { x+center , y+center , z+center };
		stencil.values[x+2][y+2][z+2] = GetLaplacian( integrator , depth , offset , _offset , false );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetLaplacianStencils( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , Stencil< double , 5 > stencils[2][2][2] ) const
	if( depth<2 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	for( int i=0 ; i<2 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<2 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<2 ; k++ )
		int offset[] = { center+i , center+j , center+k };
		for( int x=-2 ; x<=2 ; x++ ) for( int y=-2 ; y<=2 ; y++ ) for( int z=-2 ; z<=2 ; z++ )
			int _offset[] = { x+center/2 , y+center/2 , z+center/2 };
			stencils[i][j][k].values[x+2][y+2][z+2] = GetLaplacian( integrator , depth , offset , _offset , true );

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetCenterEvaluationStencil( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CenterEvaluator< 1 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< double , 3 >& stencil ) const
	if( depth<2 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	for( int x=0 ; x<3 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<3 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<3 ; z++ )
		int off[] = { center+x-1 , center+y-1 , center+z-1 };
		stencil.values[x][y][z] = Real( evaluator.value( depth , center , off[0] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( depth , center , off[1] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( depth , center , off[2] , false , false ) );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetCenterEvaluationStencils( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CenterEvaluator< 1 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< double , 3 > stencils[8] ) const
	if( depth<3 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	for( int cx=0 ; cx<2 ; cx++ ) for( int cy=0 ; cy<2 ; cy++ ) for( int cz=0 ; cz<2 ; cz++ )
		int idx[] = { center+cx , center+cy , center+cz };
		for( int x=0 ; x<3 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<3 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<3 ; z++ )
			int off[] = { center/2+x-1 , center/2+y-1 , center/2+z-1 };
			stencils[Cube::CornerIndex( cx , cy , cz ) ].values[x][y][z] = Real( evaluator.value( depth , idx[0] , off[0] , false , true ) * evaluator.value( depth , idx[1] , off[1] , false , true ) * evaluator.value( depth , idx[2] , off[2] , false , true ) );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetCornerEvaluationStencil( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< double , 3 > stencil[8] ) const
	if( depth<2 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	for( int cx=0 ; cx<2 ; cx++ ) for( int cy=0 ; cy<2 ; cy++ ) for( int cz=0 ; cz<2 ; cz++ )
		int c = Cube::CornerIndex( cx , cy , cz );
		for( int x=0 ; x<3 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<3 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<3 ; z++ )
			int off[] = { center+x-1 , center+y-1 , center+z-1 };
			stencil[c].values[x][y][z] = evaluator.value( depth , center , cx , off[0] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( depth , center , cy , off[1] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( depth , center , cz , off[2] , false , false );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetCornerEvaluationStencils( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< double , 3 > stencils[8][8] ) const
	if( depth<3 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	for( int cx=0 ; cx<2 ; cx++ ) for( int cy=0 ; cy<2 ; cy++ ) for( int cz=0 ; cz<2 ; cz++ )
		int c = Cube::CornerIndex( cx , cy , cz );
		for( int _cx=0 ; _cx<2 ; _cx++ ) for( int _cy=0 ; _cy<2 ; _cy++ ) for( int _cz=0 ; _cz<2 ; _cz++ )
			int _c = Cube::CornerIndex( _cx , _cy , _cz );
			int idx[] = { center+_cx , center+_cy , center+_cz };
			for( int x=0 ; x<3 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<3 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<3 ; z++ )
				int off[] = { center/2+x-1 , center/2+y-1 , center/2+z-1 };
				stencils[c][_c].values[x][y][z] = evaluator.value( depth , idx[0] , cx , off[0] , false , true ) * evaluator.value( depth , idx[1] , cy , off[1] , false , true ) * evaluator.value( depth , idx[2] , cz , off[2] , false , true );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetCornerNormalEvaluationStencil( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencil[8] ) const
	if( depth<2 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	for( int cx=0 ; cx<2 ; cx++ ) for( int cy=0 ; cy<2 ; cy++ ) for( int cz=0 ; cz<2 ; cz++ )
		int c = Cube::CornerIndex( cx , cy , cz );
		for( int x=0 ; x<5 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<5 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<5 ; z++ )
			int off[] = { center+x-2 , center+y-2 , center+z-2 };
			double v [] = { evaluator.value( depth , center , cx , off[0] , false , false ) , evaluator.value( depth , center , cy , off[1] , false , false ) , evaluator.value( depth , center , cz , off[2] , false , false ) };
			double dv[] = { evaluator.value( depth , center , cx , off[0] , true  , false ) , evaluator.value( depth , center , cy , off[1] , true  , false ) , evaluator.value( depth , center , cz , off[2] , true  , false ) };
			stencil[c].values[x][y][z] = Point3D< double >( dv[0]*v[1]*v[2] , v[0]*dv[1]*v[2] , v[0]*v[1]*dv[2] );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetCornerNormalEvaluationStencils( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , int depth , Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencils[8][8] ) const
	if( depth<3 ) return;
	int center = 1<<(depth-1);
	for( int cx=0 ; cx<2 ; cx++ ) for( int cy=0 ; cy<2 ; cy++ ) for( int cz=0 ; cz<2 ; cz++ )
		int c = Cube::CornerIndex( cx , cy , cz );	// Which corner of the finer cube
		for( int _cx=0 ; _cx<2 ; _cx++ ) for( int _cy=0 ; _cy<2 ; _cy++ ) for( int _cz=0 ; _cz<2 ; _cz++ )
			int _c = Cube::CornerIndex( _cx , _cy , _cz );	// Which child node
			int idx[] = { center+_cx , center+_cy , center+_cz };
			for( int x=0 ; x<5 ; x++ ) for( int y=0 ; y<5 ; y++ ) for( int z=0 ; z<5 ; z++ )
				int off[] = { center/2+x-2 , center/2+y-2 , center/2+z-2 };
				double v [] = { evaluator.value( depth , idx[0] , cx , off[0] , false , true ) , evaluator.value( depth , idx[1] , cy , off[1] , false , true ) , evaluator.value( depth , idx[2] , cz , off[2] , false , true ) };
				double dv[] = { evaluator.value( depth , idx[0] , cx , off[0] , true  , true ) , evaluator.value( depth , idx[1] , cy , off[1] , true  , true ) , evaluator.value( depth , idx[2] , cz , off[2] , true  , true ) };
				stencils[c][_c].values[x][y][z] = Point3D< double >( dv[0]*v[1]*v[2] , v[0]*dv[1]*v[2] , v[0]*v[1]*dv[2] );

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( const TreeOctNode* node , int& startX , int& endX , int& startY , int& endY , int& startZ , int& endZ )
	if( node->parent )
		int x , y , z , c = int( node - node->parent->children );
		Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
		if( x==0 ) endX = 4;
		else     startX = 1;
		if( y==0 ) endY = 4;
		else     startY = 1;
		if( z==0 ) endZ = 4;
		else     startZ = 1;

// Given the solution @( depth ) add to the met constraints @( depth-1 )
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::UpdateConstraintsToCoarser( const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , const Real* fineSolution , Real* coarseConstraints ) const
	if( !depth ) return 1;
	int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
	int lStart = sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1];
	Stencil< double , 5 > stencils[2][2][2];
	// Get the stencil describing the Laplacian relating coefficients @(depth) with coefficients @(depth-1)
	SetLaplacianStencils( depth , integrator , stencils );
	std::vector< std::vector< Real > > _coarseConstraints( threads );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey3;
		neighborKey3.set( depth-1 );
		_coarseConstraints[t].resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth]-sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] );
		memset( &_coarseConstraints[t][0] , 0 , sizeof(Real)*_coarseConstraints[t].size() );

		// Iterate over the nodes @( depth )
		for( int i=(range*t)/threads ; i<(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			TreeOctNode* node = sNodes.treeNodes[i+start];

			bool insetSupported = _boundaryType!=0 || _IsInsetSupported( node );

			// Offset the coarser constraints using the solution from the current resolutions.
			int x , y , z , c;
			c = int( node - node->parent->children );
			Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
			if( insetSupported )
				typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5 pNeighbors5;
				neighborKey3.getNeighbors( node->parent , pNeighbors5 );
				_UpdateConstraintsToCoarser( pNeighbors5 , node , fineSolution-start , &_coarseConstraints[t][0]-lStart , integrator , stencils[x][y][z] );
	// Merge the met constraints from the different threads
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i++ )
		double cSum = 0.;
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cSum += double( _coarseConstraints[t][i-lStart] );
		coarseConstraints[i-lStart] += Real( cSum );

	return 1;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::_UpdateConstraintsToCoarser( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& pNeighbors5 , TreeOctNode* node , const Real* fineSolution , Real* coarseConstraints , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const Stencil< double , 5 >& lapStencil ) const
	bool isInterior;
		int d , off[3];
		node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
		int o = _boundaryType==0 ? (1<<(d-2) ) : 0;
		int mn = 4+o , mx = (1<<d)-4-o;
		isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
	int depth = node->depth();
	if( depth<=_minDepth ) return;
	// Offset the constraints using the solution from finer resolutions.
	int startX = 0 , endX = 5 , startY = 0 , endY = 5 , startZ = 0 , endZ = 5;
	UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( node , startX , endX , startY  , endY , startZ , endZ );

	Real solution = fineSolution==NULL ? node->nodeData.solution : fineSolution[ node->nodeData.nodeIndex ];
	int d , off[3];
	node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
	for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
		if( pNeighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && pNeighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 )
			const TreeOctNode* _node = pNeighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
			if( isInterior ) coarseConstraints[ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] += Real( lapStencil.values[x][y][z] * solution );
				int _d , _off[3];
				_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
				coarseConstraints[ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] += Real( GetLaplacian( integrator , d , off , _off , true ) * solution );

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::UpdateConstraintsFromCoarser( const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& neighbors5 , const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5& pNeighbors5 , TreeOctNode* node , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const Stencil< double , 5 >& lapStencil ) const
	bool isInterior;
		int d , off[3];
		node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
		int o = _boundaryType==0 ? (1<<(d-2) ) : 0;
		int mn = 4+o , mx = (1<<d)-4-o;
		isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
    //Real constraint = Real( 0 );
	int depth = node->depth();
	if( depth<=_minDepth ) return;
	// Offset the constraints using the solution from lower resolutions.
	int startX = 0 , endX = 5 , startY = 0 , endY = 5 , startZ = 0 , endZ = 5;
	UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( node , startX , endX , startY  , endY , startZ , endZ );

	int d , off[3];
	node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
	for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
		if( pNeighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && pNeighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 )
			const TreeOctNode* _node = pNeighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
			Real _solution = metSolution[ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ];
				if( isInterior ) node->nodeData.constraint -= Real( lapStencil.values[x][y][z] * _solution );
					int _d , _off[3];
					_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
					node->nodeData.constraint -= Real( GetLaplacian( integrator , d , off , _off , true ) * _solution );
	if( _constrainValues )
		double constraint = 0;
		int d , idx[3];
		node->depthAndOffset( d, idx );
		idx[0] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[0] );
		idx[1] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[1] );
		idx[2] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[2] );
		for( int x=1 ; x<4 ; x++ ) for( int y=1 ; y<4 ; y++ ) for( int z=1 ; z<4 ; z++ )
			if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.pointIndex!=-1 )
				const PointData& pData = _points[ neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.pointIndex ];
				Real pointValue = pData.coarserValue;
				Point3D< Real > p = pData.position;
				constraint += 
					fData.baseBSplines[idx[0]][x-1]( p[0] ) *
					fData.baseBSplines[idx[1]][y-1]( p[1] ) *
					fData.baseBSplines[idx[2]][z-1]( p[2] ) * 
		node->nodeData.constraint -= Real( constraint );
struct UpSampleData
	int start;
	double v[2];
	UpSampleData( void ) { start = 0 , v[0] = v[1] = 0.; }
	UpSampleData( int s , double v1 , double v2 ) { start = s , v[0] = v1 , v[1] = v2; }
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::UpSampleCoarserSolution( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , Vector< Real >& Solution ) const
	int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
	Solution.Resize( range );
	double cornerValue;
	if     ( _boundaryType==-1 ) cornerValue = 0.50;
	else if( _boundaryType== 1 ) cornerValue = 1.00;
	else                         cornerValue = 0.75;
	if( (_boundaryType!=0 && depth==0) || (_boundaryType==0 && depth<=2) ) return;
		// For every node at the current depth
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) 
			typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
			neighborKey.set( depth );
			for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				int d , off[3];
				UpSampleData usData[3];
				sNodes.treeNodes[i]->depthAndOffset( d , off );
				for( int dd=0 ; dd<3 ; dd++ )
					if     ( off[dd]  ==0          ) usData[dd] = UpSampleData( 1 , cornerValue , 0.00 );
					else if( off[dd]+1==(1<<depth) ) usData[dd] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.00 , cornerValue );
					else if( off[dd]%2             ) usData[dd] = UpSampleData( 1 , 0.75 , 0.25 );
					else                             usData[dd] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.25 , 0.75 );
				neighborKey.getNeighbors( sNodes.treeNodes[i]->parent );
				for( int ii=0 ; ii<2 ; ii++ )
					int _ii = ii + usData[0].start;
					double dx = usData[0].v[ii];
					for( int jj=0 ; jj<2 ; jj++ )
						int _jj = jj + usData[1].start;
						double dxy = dx * usData[1].v[jj];
						for( int kk=0 ; kk<2 ; kk++ )
							int _kk = kk + usData[2].start;
							double dxyz = dxy * usData[2].v[kk];
							if( neighborKey.neighbors[depth-1].neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk] && neighborKey.neighbors[depth-1].neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
								Solution[i-start] += Real( neighborKey.neighbors[depth-1].neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk]->nodeData.solution * dxyz );
	// Clear the coarser solution
	start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , range = end-start;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int i=start ; i<end ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution = Real( 0. );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::DownSampleFinerConstraints( int depth , SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes ) const
	double cornerValue;
	if     ( _boundaryType==-1 ) cornerValue = 0.50;
	else if( _boundaryType== 1 ) cornerValue = 1.00;
	else                         cornerValue = 0.75;
	if( !depth ) return;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
		for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i++ )
			sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint = Real( 0 );

	if( depth==1 )
		sNodes.treeNodes[0]->nodeData.constraint = Real( 0 );
		for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[0]->nodeData.constraint += sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint;
	std::vector< Vector< double > > constraints( threads );
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) constraints[t].Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth] - sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] ) , constraints[t].SetZero();
	int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
	int lStart = sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] , lEnd = sNodes.nodeCount[depth];
	// For every node at the current depth
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) 
		typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( depth );
		for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			int d , off[3];
			UpSampleData usData[3];
			sNodes.treeNodes[i]->depthAndOffset( d , off );
			for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ )
				if     ( off[d]  ==0          ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , cornerValue , 0.00 );
				else if( off[d]+1==(1<<depth) ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.00 , cornerValue );
				else if( off[d]%2             ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 0.75 , 0.25 );
				else                            usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.25 , 0.75 );
			neighborKey.getNeighbors( sNodes.treeNodes[i]->parent );
			typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.neighbors[depth-1];
			for( int ii=0 ; ii<2 ; ii++ )
				int _ii = ii + usData[0].start;
				double dx = usData[0].v[ii];
				for( int jj=0 ; jj<2 ; jj++ )
					int _jj = jj + usData[1].start;
					double dxy = dx * usData[1].v[jj];
					for( int kk=0 ; kk<2 ; kk++ )
						int _kk = kk + usData[2].start;
						double dxyz = dxy * usData[2].v[kk];
						if( neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
							constraints[t][neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk]->nodeData.nodeIndex-lStart] += sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint * dxyz;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int i=lStart ; i<lEnd ; i++ )
		Real cSum = Real(0.);
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cSum += constraints[t][i-lStart];
		sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint += cSum;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
template< class C >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::DownSample( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , C* constraints ) const
	double cornerValue;
	if     ( _boundaryType==-1 ) cornerValue = 0.50;
	else if( _boundaryType== 1 ) cornerValue = 1.00;
	else                         cornerValue = 0.75;
	if( depth==0 ) return;
	std::vector< Vector< C > > _constraints( threads );
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) _constraints[t].Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth] - sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] );
	int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start , lStart = sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] , lEnd = sNodes.nodeCount[depth];
	// For every node at the current depth
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) 
		typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( depth );
		for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			int d , off[3];
			UpSampleData usData[3];
			sNodes.treeNodes[i]->depthAndOffset( d , off );
			for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ )
				if     ( off[d]  ==0          ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , cornerValue , 0.00 );
				else if( off[d]+1==(1<<depth) ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.00 , cornerValue );
				else if( off[d]%2             ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 0.75 , 0.25 );
				else                            usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.25 , 0.75 );
			typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( sNodes.treeNodes[i]->parent );
			C c = constraints[i];
			for( int ii=0 ; ii<2 ; ii++ )
				int _ii = ii + usData[0].start;
				C cx = C( c*usData[0].v[ii] );
				for( int jj=0 ; jj<2 ; jj++ )
					int _jj = jj + usData[1].start;
					C cxy = C( cx*usData[1].v[jj] );
					for( int kk=0 ; kk<2 ; kk++ )
						int _kk = kk + usData[2].start;
						TreeOctNode* node = neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk];
						if( node && node->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
							_constraints[t][node->nodeData.nodeIndex-lStart] += C( cxy*usData[2].v[kk] );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int i=lStart ; i<lEnd ; i++ )
		C cSum = C(0);
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cSum += _constraints[t][i-lStart];
		constraints[i] += cSum;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
template< class C >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::UpSample( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , C* coefficients ) const
	double cornerValue;
	if     ( _boundaryType==-1 ) cornerValue = 0.50;
	else if( _boundaryType== 1 ) cornerValue = 1.00;
	else                         cornerValue = 0.75;
	if     ( (_boundaryType!=0 && depth==0) || (_boundaryType==0 && depth<=2) ) return;

	int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
	// For every node at the current depth
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) 
		typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( depth-1 );
		for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			bool isInterior = true;
			TreeOctNode* node = sNodes.treeNodes[i];
			int d , off[3];
			UpSampleData usData[3];
			node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
			for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ )
				if     ( off[d]  ==0          ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , cornerValue , 0.00 ) , isInterior = false;
				else if( off[d]+1==(1<<depth) ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.00 , cornerValue ) , isInterior = false;
				else if( off[d]%2             ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 0.75 , 0.25 );
				else                            usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.25 , 0.75 );
			typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node->parent );
			for( int ii=0 ; ii<2 ; ii++ )
				int _ii = ii + usData[0].start;
				double dx = usData[0].v[ii];
				for( int jj=0 ; jj<2 ; jj++ )
					int _jj = jj + usData[1].start;
					double dxy = dx * usData[1].v[jj];
					for( int kk=0 ; kk<2 ; kk++ )
						int _kk = kk + usData[2].start;
						TreeOctNode* node = neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk];
						if( node && node->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
							double dxyz = dxy * usData[2].v[kk];
							int _i = node->nodeData.nodeIndex;
							coefficients[i] += coefficients[_i] * Real( dxyz );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
template< class C >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::UpSample( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , const C* coarseCoefficients , C* fineCoefficients ) const
	double cornerValue;
	if     ( _boundaryType==-1 ) cornerValue = 0.50;
	else if( _boundaryType== 1 ) cornerValue = 1.00;
	else                         cornerValue = 0.75;
	if( depth<=_minDepth ) return;

	int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
	int lStart = sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1];
	// For every node at the current depth
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) 
		typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( depth-1 );
		for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			bool isInterior = true;
			TreeOctNode* node = sNodes.treeNodes[i];
			int d , off[3];
			UpSampleData usData[3];
			node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
			for( int d=0 ; d<3 ; d++ )
				if     ( off[d]  ==0          ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , cornerValue , 0.00 ) , isInterior = false;
				else if( off[d]+1==(1<<depth) ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.00 , cornerValue ) , isInterior = false;
				else if( off[d]%2             ) usData[d] = UpSampleData( 1 , 0.75 , 0.25 );
				else                            usData[d] = UpSampleData( 0 , 0.25 , 0.75 );
			typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.getNeighbors( node->parent );
			for( int ii=0 ; ii<2 ; ii++ )
				int _ii = ii + usData[0].start;
				double dx = usData[0].v[ii];
				for( int jj=0 ; jj<2 ; jj++ )
					int _jj = jj + usData[1].start;
					double dxy = dx * usData[1].v[jj];
					for( int kk=0 ; kk<2 ; kk++ )
						int _kk = kk + usData[2].start;
						TreeOctNode* node = neighbors.neighbors[_ii][_jj][_kk];
						if( node && node->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
							double dxyz = dxy * usData[2].v[kk];
							int _i = node->nodeData.nodeIndex;
							fineCoefficients[i-start] += coarseCoefficients[_i-lStart] * Real( dxyz );

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetCoarserPointValues( int depth , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , Real* metSolution )
	int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
	// For every node at the current depth
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) 
		typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey;
		neighborKey.set( depth );
		for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			int pIdx = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.pointIndex;
			if( pIdx!=-1 )
				neighborKey.getNeighbors( sNodes.treeNodes[i] );
				_points[ pIdx ].coarserValue = WeightedCoarserFunctionValue( neighborKey , sNodes.treeNodes[i] , metSolution );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
Real Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::WeightedCoarserFunctionValue( const typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* pointNode , Real* metSolution ) const
	double pointValue = 0;
	int depth = pointNode->depth();
	if( _boundaryType==-1 && depth==0 && pointNode->nodeData.pointIndex!=-1 ) return Real(-0.5) * _points[ pointNode->nodeData.pointIndex ].weight;

	if( (_boundaryType!=0 && depth==0) || (_boundaryType==0 && depth<=2) || pointNode->nodeData.pointIndex==-1 ) return Real(0.);

	Real weight       = _points[ pointNode->nodeData.pointIndex ].weight;
	Point3D< Real > p = _points[ pointNode->nodeData.pointIndex ].position;

	// Iterate over all basis functions that overlap the point at the coarser resolutions
		int d , _idx[3];
		const typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey.neighbors[depth-1];
		neighbors.neighbors[1][1][1]->depthAndOffset( d , _idx );
		_idx[0] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , _idx[0]-1 );
		_idx[1] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , _idx[1]-1 );
		_idx[2] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , _idx[2]-1 );

		for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
			double xValue = 0;
			if( _idx[0]+j>=0 && _idx[0]+j<((1<<depth)-1) ) xValue = fData.baseBSplines[ _idx[0]+j ][2-j]( p[0] );
			else continue;
			double xValue = fData.baseBSplines[ _idx[0]+j ][2-j]( p[0] );
			for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
				double xyValue = 0;
				if( _idx[1]+k>=0 && _idx[1]+k<((1<<depth)-1) ) xyValue = xValue * fData.baseBSplines[ _idx[1]+k ][2-k]( p[1] );
				else continue;
				double xyValue = xValue * fData.baseBSplines[ _idx[1]+k ][2-k]( p[1] );
				double _pointValue = 0;
				for( int l=0 ; l<3 ; l++ )
					const TreeOctNode* basisNode = neighbors.neighbors[j][k][l];
					if( basisNode && basisNode->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 && _idx[2]+l>=0 && _idx[2]+l<((1<<depth)-1) )
						_pointValue += fData.baseBSplines[ _idx[2]+l ][2-l]( p[2] ) * double( metSolution[basisNode->nodeData.nodeIndex] );
					if( basisNode && basisNode->nodeData.nodeIndex>=0 )
						_pointValue += fData.baseBSplines[ _idx[2]+l ][2-l]( p[2] ) * double( metSolution[basisNode->nodeData.nodeIndex] );
				pointValue += _pointValue * xyValue;
	if( _boundaryType==-1 ) pointValue -= Real(0.5);
	return Real( pointValue * weight );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetFixedDepthLaplacian( SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >& matrix , int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , const Real* metSolution )
	int start = sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , end = sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] , range = end-start;
	Stencil< double , 5 > stencil , stencils[2][2][2];
	SetLaplacianStencil ( depth , integrator , stencil );
	SetLaplacianStencils( depth , integrator , stencils );
	matrix.Resize( range );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey3;
		neighborKey3.set( depth );
		for( int i=(range*t)/threads ; i<(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			TreeOctNode* node = sNodes.treeNodes[i+start];
			// Get the matrix row size
			bool insetSupported = _boundaryType!=0 || _IsInsetSupported( node );
			typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5 neighbors5;
			if( insetSupported ) neighborKey3.getNeighbors( node , neighbors5 );
			int count = insetSupported ? GetMatrixRowSize( neighbors5 , false ) : 1;

			// Allocate memory for the row
#pragma omp critical (matrix_set_row_size)
				matrix.SetRowSize( i , count );

			// Set the row entries
			if( insetSupported ) matrix.rowSizes[i] = SetMatrixRow( neighbors5 , matrix[i] , sNodes.nodeCount[depth] , integrator , stencil , true );
				matrix[i][0] = MatrixEntry< Real >( i , Real(1) );
				matrix.rowSizes[i] = 1;

			// Offset the constraints using the solution from lower resolutions.
			int x , y , z , c;
			if( node->parent )
				c = int( node - node->parent->children );
				Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
			else x = y = z = 0;
			if( insetSupported )
				typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5 pNeighbors5;
				neighborKey3.getNeighbors( node->parent , pNeighbors5 );
				UpdateConstraintsFromCoarser( neighbors5 , pNeighbors5 , node , metSolution , integrator , stencils[x][y][z] );
	return 1;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity>::GetRestrictedFixedDepthLaplacian( SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >& matrix , int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const int* entries , int entryCount ,
	const TreeOctNode* rNode , Real radius ,
	const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , const Real* metSolution )
    radius = radius;

	for( int i=0 ; i<entryCount ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[ entries[i] ]->nodeData.nodeIndex = i;
	int rDepth , rOff[3];
	rNode->depthAndOffset( rDepth , rOff );
	matrix.Resize( entryCount );
	Stencil< double , 5 > stencil , stencils[2][2][2];
	SetLaplacianStencil ( depth , integrator , stencil );
	SetLaplacianStencils( depth , integrator , stencils );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey3;
		neighborKey3.set( depth );
		for( int i=(entryCount*t)/threads ; i<(entryCount*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			TreeOctNode* node = sNodes.treeNodes[ entries[i] ];
			int d , off[3];
			node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
			off[0] >>= (depth-rDepth) , off[1] >>= (depth-rDepth) , off[2] >>= (depth-rDepth);
			bool isInterior = ( off[0]==rOff[0] && off[1]==rOff[1] && off[2]==rOff[2] );

			int xStart=0 , xEnd=5 , yStart=0 , yEnd=5 , zStart=0 , zEnd=5;
			if( !isInterior ) SetMatrixRowBounds( node , rDepth , rOff , xStart , xEnd , yStart , yEnd , zStart , zEnd );

			// Get the matrix row size
			bool insetSupported = _boundaryType!=0 || _IsInsetSupported( node );
			typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5 neighbors5;
			if( insetSupported ) neighborKey3.getNeighbors( node , neighbors5 );
			int count = insetSupported ? GetMatrixRowSize( neighbors5 , xStart , xEnd , yStart , yEnd , zStart , zEnd, false ) : 1;

			// Allocate memory for the row
#pragma omp critical (matrix_set_row_size)
				matrix.SetRowSize( i , count );

			// Set the matrix row entries
			if( insetSupported ) matrix.rowSizes[i] = SetMatrixRow( neighbors5 , matrix[i] , 0 , integrator , stencil , xStart , xEnd , yStart , yEnd , zStart , zEnd , true );
				matrix[i][0] = MatrixEntry< Real >( i , Real(1) );
				matrix.rowSizes[i] = 1;

			// Adjust the system constraints
			int x , y , z , c;
			if( node->parent )
				c = int( node - node->parent->children );
				Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );
			else x = y = z = 0;
			if( insetSupported )
				typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5 pNeighbors5;
				neighborKey3.getNeighbors( node->parent , pNeighbors5 );
				UpdateConstraintsFromCoarser( neighbors5 , pNeighbors5 , node , metSolution , integrator , stencils[x][y][z] );
	for( int i=0 ; i<entryCount ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[entries[i]]->nodeData.nodeIndex = entries[i];
	return 1;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::LaplacianMatrixIteration( int subdivideDepth , bool showResidual , int minIters , double accuracy , int maxSolveDepth , int fixedIters )
	int iter=0;
	typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator integrator;
	fData.setIntegrator( integrator , _boundaryType==0 );
	if( _boundaryType==0 ) subdivideDepth++ , maxSolveDepth++;

	_sNodes.treeNodes[0]->nodeData.solution = 0;

	std::vector< Real > metSolution( _sNodes.nodeCount[ _sNodes.maxDepth ] , 0 );
	for( int d=(_boundaryType==0?2:0) ; d<_sNodes.maxDepth ; d++ )
		DumpOutput( "Depth[%d/%d]: %d\n" , _boundaryType==0 ? d-1 : d , _boundaryType==0 ? _sNodes.maxDepth-2 : _sNodes.maxDepth-1 , _sNodes.nodeCount[d+1]-_sNodes.nodeCount[d] );
		if( subdivideDepth>0 ) iter += _SolveFixedDepthMatrix( d , integrator , _sNodes , &metSolution[0] , subdivideDepth , showResidual , minIters , accuracy , d>maxSolveDepth , fixedIters );
		else                   iter += _SolveFixedDepthMatrix( d , integrator , _sNodes , &metSolution[0] ,                  showResidual , minIters , accuracy , d>maxSolveDepth , fixedIters );

	return iter;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::_SolveFixedDepthMatrix( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , Real* metSolution , bool showResidual , int minIters , double accuracy , bool noSolve , int fixedIters )
	double _maxMemoryUsage = maxMemoryUsage;
	maxMemoryUsage = 0;
	int iter = 0;
	Vector< Real > X , B;
	SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real > M;
    double systemTime=0. , solveTime=0. ,  evaluateTime = 0.;
	X.Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1]-sNodes.nodeCount[depth] );
	if( depth<=_minDepth ) UpSampleCoarserSolution( depth , sNodes , X );
		// Up-sample the cumulative solution into the previous depth
		UpSample( depth-1 , sNodes , metSolution );
		// Add in the solution from that depth
		if( depth )
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
			for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i++ ) metSolution[i] += _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution;
	if( _constrainValues )
		evaluateTime = Time();
		SetCoarserPointValues( depth , sNodes , metSolution );
		evaluateTime = Time() - evaluateTime;

	systemTime = Time();
		// Get the system matrix
		GetFixedDepthLaplacian( M , depth , integrator , sNodes , metSolution );
		// Set the constraint vector
		B.Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1]-sNodes.nodeCount[depth] );
		for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] ; i++ )
			if( _boundaryType!=0 || _IsInsetSupported( sNodes.treeNodes[i] ) ) B[i-sNodes.nodeCount[depth]] = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint;
			else                                                               B[i-sNodes.nodeCount[depth]] = Real(0);
	systemTime = Time()-systemTime;

	solveTime = Time();
	// Solve the linear system
	Real _accuracy = Real( accuracy / 100000 ) * M.rows;
	int res = 1<<depth;

	MapReduceVector< Real > mrVector;
	mrVector.resize( threads , M.rows );

	if( _boundaryType==0 && depth>3 ) res -= 1<<(depth-2);
	if( !noSolve )
		if( fixedIters>=0 ) iter += SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >::Solve( M , B , fixedIters                                                           , X , mrVector , Real(1e-10) , 0 , M.rows==res*res*res && !_constrainValues && _boundaryType!=-1 );
		else                iter += SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >::Solve( M , B , std::max< int >( int( pow( M.rows , ITERATION_POWER ) ) , minIters ) , X , mrVector ,_accuracy    , 0 , M.rows==res*res*res && !_constrainValues && _boundaryType!=-1 );
	solveTime = Time()-solveTime;
	if( showResidual )
		double mNorm = 0;
		for( int i=0 ; i<M.rows ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<M.rowSizes[i] ; j++ ) mNorm += M[i][j].Value * M[i][j].Value;
		double bNorm = B.Norm( 2 ) , rNorm = ( B - M * X ).Norm( 2 );
		DumpOutput( "\tResidual: (%d %g) %g -> %g (%f) [%d]\n" , M.Entries() , sqrt(mNorm) , bNorm , rNorm , rNorm/bNorm , iter );

	// Copy the solution back into the tree (over-writing the constraints)
	for( int i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] ; i++ ) sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution = Real( X[i-sNodes.nodeCount[depth]] );

	DumpOutput("\tEvaluated / Got / Solved in: %6.3f / %6.3f / %6.3f\t(%.3f MB)\n" , evaluateTime , systemTime , solveTime , float( maxMemoryUsage ) );
	maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , _maxMemoryUsage );
	return iter;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::_SolveFixedDepthMatrix( int depth , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator& integrator , const SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >& sNodes , Real* metSolution , int startingDepth , bool showResidual , int minIters , double accuracy , bool noSolve , int fixedIters )
	double _maxMemoryUsage = maxMemoryUsage;
	if( startingDepth>=depth ) return _SolveFixedDepthMatrix( depth , integrator , sNodes , metSolution , showResidual , minIters , accuracy , noSolve , fixedIters );
	int i , j , d , tIter=0;
	SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real > _M;
	Vector< Real > B , _B , _X;
	AdjacencySetFunction asf;
	AdjacencyCountFunction acf;
	double systemTime = 0 , solveTime = 0 , memUsage = 0 , evaluateTime = 0 , gTime , sTime;
	Real myRadius , myRadius2;

	if( depth>_minDepth )
		// Up-sample the cumulative solution into the previous depth
		UpSample( depth-1 , sNodes , metSolution );
		// Add in the solution from that depth
		if( depth )
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
			for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[depth-1] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i++ ) metSolution[i] += _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution;

	if( _constrainValues )
		evaluateTime = Time();
		SetCoarserPointValues( depth , sNodes , metSolution );
		evaluateTime = Time() - evaluateTime;
	B.Resize( sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] - sNodes.nodeCount[depth] );

	// Back-up the constraints
	for( i=sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[depth+1] ; i++ )
		if( _boundaryType!=0 || _IsInsetSupported( sNodes.treeNodes[i] ) ) B[i-sNodes.nodeCount[depth]] = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint;
		else                                                               B[i-sNodes.nodeCount[depth]] = Real(0);
		sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint = 0;

	myRadius = 2*radius-Real(0.5);
	myRadius = int(myRadius-ROUND_EPS)+ROUND_EPS;
	myRadius2 = Real(radius+ROUND_EPS-0.5);
	d = depth-startingDepth;
	if( _boundaryType==0 ) d++;
	std::vector< int > subDimension( sNodes.nodeCount[d+1]-sNodes.nodeCount[d] );
	int maxDimension = 0;
	for( i=sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; i++ )
		// Count the number of nodes at depth "depth" that lie under sNodes.treeNodes[i]
		acf.adjacencyCount = 0;
		for( TreeOctNode* temp=sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextNode() ; temp ; )
			if( temp->depth()==depth ) acf.adjacencyCount++ , temp = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextBranch( temp );
			else                                              temp = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextNode  ( temp );
		for( j=sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; j<sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; j++ )
			if( i==j ) continue;
			TreeOctNode::ProcessFixedDepthNodeAdjacentNodes( fData.depth , sNodes.treeNodes[i] , 1 , sNodes.treeNodes[j] , 2*width-1 , depth , &acf );
		subDimension[i-sNodes.nodeCount[d]] = acf.adjacencyCount;
		maxDimension = std::max< int >( maxDimension , subDimension[i-sNodes.nodeCount[d]] );
	asf.adjacencies = new int[maxDimension];
	MapReduceVector< Real > mrVector;
	mrVector.resize( threads , maxDimension );
	// Iterate through the coarse-level nodes
	for( i=sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; i<sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; i++ )
		int iter = 0;
		gTime = Time();
		// Count the number of nodes at depth "depth" that lie under sNodes.treeNodes[i]
		acf.adjacencyCount = subDimension[i-sNodes.nodeCount[d]];
		if( !acf.adjacencyCount ) continue;

		// Set the indices for the nodes under, or near, sNodes.treeNodes[i].
		asf.adjacencyCount = 0;
		for( TreeOctNode* temp=sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextNode() ; temp ; )
			if( temp->depth()==depth && temp->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 ) asf.adjacencies[ asf.adjacencyCount++ ] = temp->nodeData.nodeIndex , temp = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextBranch( temp );
			else                                                                                                                            temp = sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextNode  ( temp );
		for( j=sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; j<sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; j++ )
			if( i==j ) continue;
			TreeOctNode::ProcessFixedDepthNodeAdjacentNodes( fData.depth , sNodes.treeNodes[i] , 1 , sNodes.treeNodes[j] , 2*width-1 , depth , &asf );

		// Get the associated constraint vector
		_B.Resize( asf.adjacencyCount ) , _X.Resize( asf.adjacencyCount );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads ) schedule( static )
		for( j=0 ; j<asf.adjacencyCount ; j++ )
			_B[j] = B[ asf.adjacencies[j]-sNodes.nodeCount[depth] ];
			_X[j] = sNodes.treeNodes[ asf.adjacencies[j] ]->nodeData.solution;

		// Get the associated matrix
		GetRestrictedFixedDepthLaplacian( _M , depth , integrator , asf.adjacencies , asf.adjacencyCount , sNodes.treeNodes[i] , myRadius , sNodes , metSolution );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads ) schedule( static )
		for( j=0 ; j<asf.adjacencyCount ; j++ )
			_B[j] += sNodes.treeNodes[asf.adjacencies[j]]->nodeData.constraint;
			sNodes.treeNodes[ asf.adjacencies[j] ]->nodeData.constraint = 0;
		gTime = Time()-gTime;

		// Solve the matrix
		// Since we don't have the full matrix, the system shouldn't be singular, so we shouldn't have to correct it
		Real _accuracy = Real( accuracy / 100000 ) * _M.rows;
		if( !noSolve )
			if( fixedIters>=0 ) iter += SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >::Solve( _M , _B , fixedIters                                                            , _X , mrVector ,  Real(1e-10) , 0 );
			else                iter += SparseSymmetricMatrix< Real >::Solve( _M , _B , std::max< int >( int( pow( _M.rows , ITERATION_POWER ) ) , minIters ) , _X , mrVector , _accuracy    , 0 );

		if( showResidual )
			double mNorm = 0;
			for( int i=0 ; i<_M.rows ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<_M.rowSizes[i] ; j++ ) mNorm += _M[i][j].Value * _M[i][j].Value;
			double bNorm = _B.Norm( 2 ) , rNorm = ( _B - _M * _X ).Norm( 2 );
			DumpOutput( "\t\tResidual: (%d %g) %g -> %g (%f) [%d]\n" , _M.Entries() , sqrt(mNorm) , bNorm , rNorm , rNorm/bNorm , iter );

		// Update the solution for all nodes in the sub-tree
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
		for( j=0 ; j<asf.adjacencyCount ; j++ )
			TreeOctNode* temp=sNodes.treeNodes[ asf.adjacencies[j] ];
			while( temp->depth()>sNodes.treeNodes[i]->depth() ) temp=temp->parent;
			if( temp->nodeData.nodeIndex>=sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.nodeIndex ) sNodes.treeNodes[ asf.adjacencies[j] ]->nodeData.solution = Real( _X[j] );
		systemTime += gTime;
		solveTime += sTime;
		memUsage = std::max< double >( MemoryUsage() , memUsage );
		tIter += iter;
	delete[] asf.adjacencies;
	DumpOutput("\tEvaluated / Got / Solved in: %6.3f / %6.3f / %6.3f\t(%.3f MB)\n" , evaluateTime , systemTime , solveTime , float( maxMemoryUsage ) );
	maxMemoryUsage = std::max< double >( maxMemoryUsage , _maxMemoryUsage );
	return tIter;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::HasNormals( TreeOctNode* node , Real epsilon )
	int hasNormals=0;
	if( node->nodeData.normalIndex>=0 && ( (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex][0]!=0 || (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex][1]!=0 || (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex][2]!=0 ) ) hasNormals=1;
	if( node->children ) for(int i=0;i<Cube::CORNERS && !hasNormals;i++) hasNormals |= HasNormals(&node->children[i],epsilon);

	return hasNormals;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::ClipTree( void )
	int maxDepth = tree.maxDepth();
	for( TreeOctNode* temp=tree.nextNode() ; temp ; temp=tree.nextNode(temp) )
		if( temp->children && temp->depth()>=_minDepth )
			int hasNormals=0;
			for( int i=0 ; i<Cube::CORNERS && !hasNormals ; i++ ) hasNormals = HasNormals( &temp->children[i] , EPSILON/(1<<maxDepth) );
			if( !hasNormals ) temp->children=NULL;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetLaplacianConstraints( void )
	// To set the Laplacian constraints, we iterate over the
	// splatted normals and compute the dot-product of the
	// divergence of the normal field with all the basis functions.
	// Within the same depth: set directly as a gather
	// Coarser depths 
	typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::Integrator integrator;
	fData.setIntegrator( integrator , _boundaryType==0 );
	int maxDepth = _sNodes.maxDepth-1;
	Point3D< Real > zeroPoint;
	zeroPoint[0] = zeroPoint[1] = zeroPoint[2] = 0;
	std::vector< Real > constraints( _sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] , Real(0) );

	// Clear the constraints
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int i=0 ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth+1] ; i++ ) _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint = Real( 0. );

	for( int d=maxDepth ; d>=(_boundaryType==0?2:0) ; d-- )
		// For the scattering part of the operation, we parallelize by duplicating the constraints and then summing at the end.
		int sz = d>0 ? _sNodes.nodeCount[d] - _sNodes.nodeCount[d-1] : _sNodes.nodeCount[d] - 0;
		int offset = d>0 ? _sNodes.treeNodes[ _sNodes.nodeCount[d-1] ]->nodeData.nodeIndex : 0;
		std::vector< std::vector< Real > > _constraints( threads );
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) _constraints[t].resize( sz , 0 );
		Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencil , stencils[2][2][2];
		SetDivergenceStencil ( d , integrator , stencil , false );
		SetDivergenceStencils( d , integrator , stencils , true );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
			typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey3;
			neighborKey3.set( fData.depth );
			int start = _sNodes.nodeCount[d] , end = _sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] , range = end-start;
			for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				TreeOctNode* node = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
				int startX=0 , endX=5 , startY=0 , endY=5 , startZ=0 , endZ=5;
				int depth = node->depth();
				typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5 neighbors5;
				neighborKey3.getNeighbors( node , neighbors5 );

				bool isInterior , isInterior2;
					int d , off[3];
					node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
					int o = _boundaryType==0 ? (1<<(d-2)) : 0;
					int mn = 2+o , mx = (1<<d)-2-o;
					isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
					mn += 2 , mx -= 2;
					isInterior2 = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
				int cx , cy , cz;
				if( d )
					int c = int( node - node->parent->children );
					Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , cx , cy , cz );
				else cx = cy = cz = 0;
				Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 >& _stencil = stencils[cx][cy][cz];
				int d , off[3];
				node->depthAndOffset( d , off );

				// Set constraints from current depth
					if( isInterior )
						for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
							const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
							if( _node && _node->nodeData.normalIndex>=0 )
								const Point3D< Real >& _normal = (*normals)[_node->nodeData.normalIndex];
								node->nodeData.constraint += Point3D< Real >::Dot( stencil.values[x][y][z] , _normal );
						for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
							const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
							if( _node && _node->nodeData.normalIndex>=0 )
								const Point3D< Real >& _normal = (*normals)[_node->nodeData.normalIndex];
								int _d , _off[3];
								_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
								node->nodeData.constraint += Real( GetDivergence2( integrator , d , off , _off , false ,  _normal ) );
					UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( neighbors5.neighbors[2][2][2] , startX , endX , startY  , endY , startZ , endZ );
				if( node->nodeData.nodeIndex<0 || node->nodeData.normalIndex<0 ) continue;
				const Point3D< Real >& normal = (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex];
				if( normal[0]==0 && normal[1]==0 && normal[2]==0 ) continue;

				// Set the constraints for the parents
				if( depth )
					neighborKey3.getNeighbors( node->parent , neighbors5 );

					for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
						if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
							TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
							if( isInterior2 )
								Point3D< double >& div = _stencil.values[x][y][z];
								_constraints[t][ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex-offset ] += Real( div[0] * normal[0] + div[1] * normal[1] + div[2] * normal[2] );
								int _d , _off[3];
								_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
								_constraints[t][ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex-offset ] += Real( GetDivergence1( integrator , d , off , _off , true , normal ) );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads ) schedule( static )
		for( int i=0 ; i<sz ; i++ )
			Real cSum = Real(0.);
			for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) cSum += _constraints[t][i];
			constraints[i+offset] = cSum;
	std::vector< Point3D< Real > > coefficients( _sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] , zeroPoint );
	for( int d=maxDepth-1 ; d>=0 ; d-- )
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
			int start = _sNodes.nodeCount[d] , end = _sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] , range = end-start;
			for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				TreeOctNode* node = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
				if( node->nodeData.nodeIndex<0 || node->nodeData.normalIndex<0 ) continue;
				const Point3D< Real >& normal = (*normals)[node->nodeData.normalIndex];
				if( normal[0]==0 && normal[1]==0 && normal[2]==0 ) continue;
				coefficients[i] += normal;

	// Fine-to-coarse down-sampling of constraints
	for( int d=maxDepth-1 ; d>=(_boundaryType==0?2:0) ; d-- ) DownSample( d , _sNodes , &constraints[0] );

	// Coarse-to-fine up-sampling of coefficients
	for( int d=(_boundaryType==0?2:0) ; d<maxDepth ; d++ ) UpSample( d , _sNodes , &coefficients[0] );

	// Add the accumulated constraints from all finer depths
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int i=0 ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] ; i++ ) _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.constraint += constraints[i];

	// Compute the contribution from all coarser depths
	for( int d=0 ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
		int start = _sNodes.nodeCount[d] , end = _sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] , range = end - start;
		Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > stencils[2][2][2];
		SetDivergenceStencils( d , integrator , stencils , false );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
			typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 neighborKey3;
			neighborKey3.set( maxDepth );
			for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				TreeOctNode* node = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
				int depth = node->depth();
				if( !depth ) continue;
				int startX=0 , endX=5 , startY=0 , endY=5 , startZ=0 , endZ=5;
				UpdateCoarserSupportBounds( node , startX , endX , startY  , endY , startZ , endZ );
				typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors5 neighbors5;
				neighborKey3.getNeighbors( node->parent , neighbors5 );

				bool isInterior;
					int d , off[3];
					node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
					int o = _boundaryType==0 ? (1<<(d-2)) : 0;
					int mn = 4+o , mx = (1<<d)-4-o;
					isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
				int cx , cy , cz;
				if( d )
					int c = int( node - node->parent->children );
					Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , cx , cy , cz );
				else cx = cy = cz = 0;
				Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 >& _stencil = stencils[cx][cy][cz];

				Real constraint = Real(0);
				int d , off[3];
				node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
				for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
					if( neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z] && neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z]->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 )
						TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
						int _i = _node->nodeData.nodeIndex;
						if( isInterior )
							Point3D< double >& div = _stencil.values[x][y][z];
							Point3D< Real >& normal = coefficients[_i];
							constraint += Real( div[0] * normal[0] + div[1] * normal[1] + div[2] * normal[2] );
							int _d , _off[3];
							_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
							constraint += Real( GetDivergence2( integrator , d , off , _off , true , coefficients[_i] ) );
					node->nodeData.constraint += constraint;

	fData.clearDotTables( fData.DV_DOT_FLAG );

	// Set the point weights for evaluating the iso-value
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
		for( int i=(_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth+1]*t)/threads ; i<(_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth+1]*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
			TreeOctNode* temp = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
			if( temp->nodeData.nodeIndex<0 || temp->nodeData.normalIndex<0 ) temp->nodeData.centerWeightContribution[OutputDensity?1:0]  = 0;
			else                                                             temp->nodeData.centerWeightContribution[OutputDensity?1:0] = Real( Length((*normals)[temp->nodeData.normalIndex]) );
	delete normals;
	normals = NULL;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::AdjacencyCountFunction::Function(const TreeOctNode* node1,const TreeOctNode* node2){node1 = node1; node2 = node2; adjacencyCount++;}
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::AdjacencySetFunction::Function(const TreeOctNode* node1,const TreeOctNode* node2){node1 = node1; node2 = node2; adjacencies[adjacencyCount++]=node1->nodeData.nodeIndex;}
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::RefineFunction::Function( TreeOctNode* node1 , const TreeOctNode* node2 )
	if( !node1->children && node1->depth()<depth ) node1->initChildren();
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::FaceEdgesFunction::Function( const TreeOctNode* node1 , const TreeOctNode* node2 )
    node1 = node1; node2 = node2;

	if( !node1->children && MarchingCubes::HasRoots( node1->nodeData.mcIndex ) )
		RootInfo< OutputDensity > ri1 , ri2;
		typename hash_map< long long , std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , int > >::iterator iter;
		int isoTri[DIMENSION*MarchingCubes::MAX_TRIANGLES];
		int count=MarchingCubes::AddTriangleIndices( node1->nodeData.mcIndex , isoTri );

		for( int j=0 ; j<count ; j++ )
			for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
				if( fIndex==Cube::FaceAdjacentToEdges( isoTri[j*3+k] , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] ) )
					if( GetRootIndex( node1 , isoTri[j*3+k] , maxDepth , ri1 ) && GetRootIndex( node1 , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] , maxDepth , ri2 ) )
						long long key1=ri1.key , key2=ri2.key;
						edges->push_back( std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > >( ri2 , ri1 ) );
						iter = vertexCount->find( key1 );
						if( iter==vertexCount->end() )
							(*vertexCount)[key1].first = ri1;
						if( iter==vertexCount->end() )
							(*vertexCount)[key2].first = ri2;
					else fprintf( stderr , "Bad Edge 1: %d %d\n" , ri1.key , ri2.key );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::refineBoundary( int subdivideDepth )
	// This implementation is somewhat tricky.
	// We would like to ensure that leaf-nodes across a subdivision boundary have the same depth.
	// We do this by calling the setNeighbors function.
	// The key is to implement this in a single pass through the leaves, ensuring that refinements don't propogate.
	// To this end, we do the minimal refinement that ensures that a cross boundary neighbor, and any of its cross-boundary
	// neighbors are all refined simultaneously.
	// For this reason, the implementation can only support nodes deeper than sDepth.
	bool flags[3][3][3];
	int maxDepth = tree.maxDepth();

	subdivideDepth = std::max< int >( subdivideDepth , 0 );
	if( _boundaryType==0 ) subdivideDepth += 2;
	subdivideDepth = std::min< int >( subdivideDepth , maxDepth );
	int sDepth = maxDepth - subdivideDepth;
	if( _boundaryType==0 ) sDepth = std::max< int >( 2 , sDepth );
	if( sDepth==0 )
		_sNodes.set( tree );
		return sDepth;

	// Ensure that face adjacent neighbors across the subdivision boundary exist to allow for
	// a consistent definition of the iso-surface
	typename TreeOctNode::NeighborKey3 nKey;
	nKey.set( maxDepth );
	for( TreeOctNode* leaf=tree.nextLeaf() ; leaf ; leaf=tree.nextLeaf( leaf ) )
		if( leaf->depth()>sDepth )
			int d , off[3] , _off[3];
			leaf->depthAndOffset( d , off );
			int res = (1<<d)-1 , _res = ( 1<<(d-sDepth) )-1;
			_off[0] = off[0]&_res , _off[1] = off[1]&_res , _off[2] = off[2]&_res;
			bool boundary[3][2] =
				{ (off[0]!=0 && _off[0]==0) , (off[0]!=res && _off[0]==_res) } ,
				{ (off[1]!=0 && _off[1]==0) , (off[1]!=res && _off[1]==_res) } ,
				{ (off[2]!=0 && _off[2]==0) , (off[2]!=res && _off[2]==_res) }

			if( boundary[0][0] || boundary[0][1] || boundary[1][0] || boundary[1][1] || boundary[2][0] || boundary[2][1] )
				typename TreeOctNode::Neighbors3& neighbors = nKey.getNeighbors( leaf );
				for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) flags[i][j][k] = false;
				int x=0 , y=0 , z=0;
				if     ( boundary[0][0] && !neighbors.neighbors[0][1][1] ) x = -1;
				else if( boundary[0][1] && !neighbors.neighbors[2][1][1] ) x =  1;
				if     ( boundary[1][0] && !neighbors.neighbors[1][0][1] ) y = -1;
				else if( boundary[1][1] && !neighbors.neighbors[1][2][1] ) y =  1;
				if     ( boundary[2][0] && !neighbors.neighbors[1][1][0] ) z = -1;
				else if( boundary[2][1] && !neighbors.neighbors[1][1][2] ) z =  1;

				if( x || y || z )
					// Corner case
					if( x && y && z ) flags[1+x][1+y][1+z] = true;
					// Edge cases
					if( x && y      ) flags[1+x][1+y][1  ] = true;
					if( x &&      z ) flags[1+x][1  ][1+z] = true;
					if(      y && z ) flags[1  ][1+y][1+1] = true;
					// Face cases
					if( x           ) flags[1+x][1  ][1  ] = true;
					if(      y      ) flags[1  ][1+y][1  ] = true;
					if(           z ) flags[1  ][1  ][1+z] = true;
					nKey.setNeighbors( leaf , flags );
	_sNodes.set( tree );
	return sDepth;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
template< class Vertex >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetMCIsoTriangles( Real isoValue , int subdivideDepth , CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , int fullDepthIso , int nonLinearFit , bool addBarycenter , bool polygonMesh )
    fullDepthIso = fullDepthIso;

	typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 > evaluator;
	fData.setCornerEvaluator( evaluator , 0 , postDerivativeSmooth , _boundaryType==0 );
	// Ensure that the subtrees are self-contained
	int sDepth = refineBoundary( subdivideDepth );

	RootData rootData , coarseRootData;
	std::vector< Vertex >* interiorVertices;
	int maxDepth = tree.maxDepth();

	std::vector< Real > metSolution( _sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] , 0 );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[_minDepth] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] ; i++ ) metSolution[i] = _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution;
	for( int d=_minDepth ; d<maxDepth ; d++ ) UpSample( d , _sNodes , &metSolution[0] );

	// Clear the marching cube indices
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int i=0 ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth+1] ; i++ ) _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.mcIndex = 0;

	rootData.boundaryValues = new hash_map< long long , std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > >();
	int offSet = 0;

	int maxCCount = _sNodes.getMaxCornerCount( sDepth , maxDepth , threads );
	int maxECount = _sNodes.getMaxEdgeCount  ( &tree , sDepth , threads );
	rootData.cornerValues     = NewPointer< Real            >( maxCCount );
	rootData.cornerNormals    = NewPointer< Point3D< Real > >( maxCCount );
	rootData.interiorRoots    = NewPointer< int             >( maxECount );
	rootData.cornerValuesSet  = NewPointer< char            >( maxCCount );
	rootData.cornerNormalsSet = NewPointer< char            >( maxCCount );
	rootData.edgesSet         = NewPointer< char            >( maxECount );
	_sNodes.setCornerTable( coarseRootData , NULL , sDepth , threads );
	coarseRootData.cornerValues     = NewPointer< Real            >( coarseRootData.cCount );
	coarseRootData.cornerNormals    = NewPointer< Point3D< Real > >( coarseRootData.cCount );
	coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet  = NewPointer< char            >( coarseRootData.cCount );
	coarseRootData.cornerNormalsSet = NewPointer< char            >( coarseRootData.cCount );
	memset( coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet  , 0 , sizeof( char ) * coarseRootData.cCount );
	memset( coarseRootData.cornerNormalsSet , 0 , sizeof( char ) * coarseRootData.cCount );

	std::vector< typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 > nKeys( threads );
	for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) nKeys[t].set( maxDepth );
	typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 nKey;
	nKey.set( maxDepth );
	std::vector< CornerValueStencil > vStencils( maxDepth+1 );
	std::vector< CornerNormalStencil > nStencils( maxDepth+1 );
	for( int d=_minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
		SetCornerEvaluationStencil ( evaluator , d , vStencils[d].stencil  );
		SetCornerEvaluationStencils( evaluator , d , vStencils[d].stencils );
		SetCornerNormalEvaluationStencil ( evaluator , d , nStencils[d].stencil  );
		SetCornerNormalEvaluationStencils( evaluator , d , nStencils[d].stencils );

	// First process all leaf nodes at depths strictly finer than sDepth, one subtree at a time.
	for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[sDepth] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[sDepth+1] ; i++ )
		if( !_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->children ) continue;

		_sNodes.setCornerTable( rootData , _sNodes.treeNodes[i] , threads );
		_sNodes.setEdgeTable  ( rootData , _sNodes.treeNodes[i] , threads );
		memset( rootData.cornerValuesSet  , 0 , sizeof( char ) * rootData.cCount );
		memset( rootData.cornerNormalsSet , 0 , sizeof( char ) * rootData.cCount );
		memset( rootData.edgesSet         , 0 , sizeof( char ) * rootData.eCount );
		interiorVertices = new std::vector< Vertex >();
		for( int d=maxDepth ; d>sDepth ; d-- )
			int leafNodeCount = 0;
			std::vector< TreeOctNode* > leafNodes;
			for( TreeOctNode* node=_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextLeaf() ; node ; node=_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextLeaf( node ) ) if( node->depth()==d && node->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 ) leafNodeCount++;
			leafNodes.reserve( leafNodeCount );
			for( TreeOctNode* node=_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextLeaf() ; node ; node=_sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nextLeaf( node ) ) if( node->depth()==d && node->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 ) leafNodes.push_back( node );

			// First set the corner values and associated marching-cube indices
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
			for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) for( int i=(leafNodeCount*t)/threads ; i<(leafNodeCount*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				TreeOctNode* leaf = leafNodes[i];
				SetIsoCorners( isoValue , leaf , rootData , rootData.cornerValuesSet , rootData.cornerValues , nKeys[t] , &metSolution[0] , evaluator , vStencils[d].stencil , vStencils[d].stencils );

				// If this node shares a vertex with a coarser node, set the vertex value
				int d , off[3];
				leaf->depthAndOffset( d , off );
				int res = 1<<(d-sDepth);
				off[0] %= res , off[1] %=res , off[2] %= res;
				if( !(off[0]%res) && !(off[1]%res) && !(off[2]%res) )
					const TreeOctNode* temp = leaf;
					while( temp->depth()!=sDepth ) temp = temp->parent;
					int x = off[0]==0 ? 0 : 1 , y = off[1]==0 ? 0 : 1 , z = off[2]==0 ? 0 : 1;
					int c = Cube::CornerIndex( x , y , z );
					int idx = coarseRootData.cornerIndices( temp )[ c ];
					coarseRootData.cornerValues[ idx ] = rootData.cornerValues[ rootData.cornerIndices( leaf )[c] ];
					coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet[ idx ] = true;

				// Compute the iso-vertices
				if( _boundaryType!=0 || _IsInset( leaf ) ) SetMCRootPositions( leaf , sDepth , isoValue , nKeys[t] , rootData , interiorVertices , mesh , &metSolution[0] , evaluator , nStencils[d].stencil , nStencils[d].stencils , nonLinearFit );
			// Note that this should be broken off for multi-threading as
			// the SetMCRootPositions writes to interiorPoints (with locking)
			// while GetMCIsoTriangles reads from interiorPoints (without locking)
			std::vector< Vertex > barycenters;
			std::vector< Vertex >* barycenterPtr = addBarycenter ? & barycenters : NULL;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
			for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ ) for( int i=(leafNodeCount*t)/threads ; i<(leafNodeCount*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				TreeOctNode* leaf = leafNodes[i];
				if( _boundaryType!=0 || _IsInset( leaf ) ) GetMCIsoTriangles( leaf , mesh , rootData , interiorVertices , offSet , sDepth , polygonMesh , barycenterPtr );
			for( size_t i=0 ; i<barycenters.size() ; i++ ) interiorVertices->push_back( barycenters[i] );
		offSet = mesh->outOfCorePointCount();
		delete interiorVertices;

	DeletePointer( rootData.cornerValues ) ; DeletePointer( rootData.cornerNormals );
	DeletePointer( rootData.cornerValuesSet ) ; DeletePointer( rootData.cornerNormalsSet );
	DeletePointer( rootData.interiorRoots );
	DeletePointer( rootData.edgesSet );
	coarseRootData.interiorRoots = NullPointer< int >();
	coarseRootData.boundaryValues = rootData.boundaryValues;
	for( hash_map< long long , int >::iterator iter=rootData.boundaryRoots.begin() ; iter!=rootData.boundaryRoots.end() ; iter++ ) 
		coarseRootData.boundaryRoots[iter->first] = iter->second;

	for( int d=sDepth ; d>=0 ; d-- )
		std::vector< Vertex > barycenters;
		std::vector< Vertex >* barycenterPtr = addBarycenter ? &barycenters : NULL;
		for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[d] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] ; i++ )
			TreeOctNode* leaf = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
			if( leaf->children ) continue;

			// First set the corner values and associated marching-cube indices
			SetIsoCorners( isoValue , leaf , coarseRootData , coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet , coarseRootData.cornerValues , nKey , &metSolution[0] , evaluator , vStencils[d].stencil , vStencils[d].stencils );

			// Now compute the iso-vertices
				if( _boundaryType!=0 || _IsInset( leaf ) )
					SetMCRootPositions< Vertex >( leaf , 0 , isoValue , nKey , coarseRootData , NULL , mesh , &metSolution[0] , evaluator , nStencils[d].stencil , nStencils[d].stencils , nonLinearFit );
					GetMCIsoTriangles< Vertex >( leaf , mesh , coarseRootData , NULL , 0 , 0 , polygonMesh , barycenterPtr );

	DeletePointer( coarseRootData.cornerValues ) ;  DeletePointer( coarseRootData.cornerNormals );
	DeletePointer( coarseRootData.cornerValuesSet ) ; DeletePointer( coarseRootData.cornerNormalsSet );
	delete rootData.boundaryValues;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
Real Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::getCenterValue( const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey , const TreeOctNode* node , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CenterEvaluator< 1 >& evaluator , const Stencil< double , 3 >& stencil , const Stencil< double , 3 >& pStencil , bool isInterior ) const
	if( node->children ) fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] getCenterValue assumes leaf node\n" );
	Real value=0;

	int d , off[3];
	node->depthAndOffset( d , off );

	if( isInterior )
		for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
			const TreeOctNode* n = neighborKey.neighbors[d].neighbors[i][j][k];
			if( n ) value += n->nodeData.solution * Real( stencil.values[i][j][k] );
		if( d>_minDepth )
			for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
				const TreeOctNode* n = neighborKey.neighbors[d-1].neighbors[i][j][k];
				if( n ) value += metSolution[n->nodeData.nodeIndex] * Real( pStencil.values[i][j][k] );
		for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
			const TreeOctNode* n = neighborKey.neighbors[d].neighbors[i][j][k];
			if( n )
				int _d , _off[3];
				n->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
				value +=
					n->nodeData.solution * Real(
					evaluator.value( d , off[0] , _off[0] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( d , off[1] , _off[1] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( d , off[1] , _off[1] , false , false ) );
		if( d>_minDepth )
			for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
				const TreeOctNode* n = neighborKey.neighbors[d-1].neighbors[i][j][k];
				if( n )
					int _d , _off[3];
					n->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
					value +=
						n->nodeData.solution * Real(
						evaluator.value( d , off[0] , _off[0] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( d , off[1] , _off[1] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( d , off[1] , _off[1] , false , false ) );
	return value;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
Real Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::getCornerValue( const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , const TreeOctNode* node , int corner , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< double , 3 >& stencil , const Stencil< double , 3 > stencils[8] , bool isInterior ) const
	double value = 0;
	if( _boundaryType==-1 ) value = -0.5;
	int d , off[3];
	node->depthAndOffset( d , off );

	int cx , cy , cz;
	int startX = 0 , endX = 3 , startY = 0 , endY = 3 , startZ = 0 , endZ = 3;
	Cube::FactorCornerIndex( corner , cx , cy , cz );
		typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey3.neighbors[d];
		if( cx==0 ) endX = 2;
		else      startX = 1;
		if( cy==0 ) endY = 2;
		else      startY = 1;
		if( cz==0 ) endZ = 2;
		else      startZ = 1;
		if( isInterior )
			for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
				const TreeOctNode* _node=neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z];
				if( _node ) value += _node->nodeData.solution * stencil.values[x][y][z];
			for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
				const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z];
				if( _node )
					int _d , _off[3];
					_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
					value += _node->nodeData.solution * evaluator.value( d , off[0] , cx , _off[0] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( d , off[1] , cy , _off[1] , false , false ) * evaluator.value( d , off[2] , cz , _off[2] , false , false );
	if( d>_minDepth )
		int _corner = int( node - node->parent->children );
		int _cx , _cy , _cz;
		Cube::FactorCornerIndex( _corner , _cx , _cy , _cz );
		if( cx!=_cx ) startX = 0 , endX = 3;
		if( cy!=_cy ) startY = 0 , endY = 3;
		if( cz!=_cz ) startZ = 0 , endZ = 3;
		typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors3& neighbors = neighborKey3.neighbors[d-1];
		if( isInterior )
			for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
				const TreeOctNode* _node=neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z];
				if( _node ) value += metSolution[ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] * stencils[_corner].values[x][y][z];
			for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
				const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors.neighbors[x][y][z];
				if( _node )
					int _d , _off[3];
					_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
					value += metSolution[ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ] * evaluator.value( d , off[0] , cx , _off[0] , false , true ) * evaluator.value( d , off[1] , cy , _off[1] , false , true ) * evaluator.value( d , off[2] , cz , _off[2] , false , true );
	return Real( value );
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
Point3D< Real > Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::getCornerNormal( const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors5& neighbors5 , const typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors5& pNeighbors5 , const TreeOctNode* node , int corner , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 >& nStencil , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > nStencils[8] , bool isInterior ) const
	Point3D< double > normal;
	normal[0] = normal[1] = normal[2] = 0.;

	int d , off[3];
	node->depthAndOffset( d , off );

	int cx , cy , cz;
	int startX = 0 , endX = 5 , startY = 0 , endY = 5 , startZ = 0 , endZ = 5;
	Cube::FactorCornerIndex( corner , cx , cy , cz );
		if( cx==0 ) endX = 4;
		else      startX = 1;
		if( cy==0 ) endY = 4;
		else      startY = 1;
		if( cz==0 ) endZ = 4;
		else      startZ = 1;
		if( isInterior )
			for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
				const TreeOctNode* _node=neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
				if( _node ) normal += nStencil.values[x][y][z] * _node->nodeData.solution;
			for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
				const TreeOctNode* _node = neighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
				if( _node )
					int _d , _off[3];
					_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
					double v [] = { evaluator.value( d , off[0] , cx , _off[0] , false , false ) , evaluator.value( d , off[1] , cy , _off[1] , false , false ) , evaluator.value( d , off[2] , cz , _off[2] , false , false ) };
					double dv[] = { evaluator.value( d , off[0] , cx , _off[0] , true  , false ) , evaluator.value( d , off[1] , cy , _off[1] , true  , false ) , evaluator.value( d , off[2] , cz , _off[2] , true  , false ) };
					normal += Point3D< double >( dv[0]*v[1]*v[2] , v[0]*dv[1]*v[2] , v[0]*v[1]*dv[2] ) * _node->nodeData.solution;
	if( d>_minDepth )
		int _cx , _cy , _cz , _corner = int( node - node->parent->children );
		Cube::FactorCornerIndex( _corner , _cx , _cy , _cz );
		if( cx!=_cx ) startX = 0 , endX = 5;
		if( cy!=_cy ) startY = 0 , endY = 5;
		if( cz!=_cz ) startZ = 0 , endZ = 5;
		if( isInterior )
			for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
				const TreeOctNode* _node=pNeighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
				if( _node ) normal += nStencils[_corner].values[x][y][z] * metSolution[ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ];
			for( int x=startX ; x<endX ; x++ ) for( int y=startY ; y<endY ; y++ ) for( int z=startZ ; z<endZ ; z++ )
				const TreeOctNode* _node = pNeighbors5.neighbors[x][y][z];
				if( _node )
					int _d , _off[3];
					_node->depthAndOffset( _d , _off );
					double v [] = { evaluator.value( d , off[0] , cx , _off[0] , false , true ) , evaluator.value( d , off[1] , cy , _off[1] , false , true ) , evaluator.value( d , off[2] , cz , _off[2] , false , true ) };
					double dv[] = { evaluator.value( d , off[0] , cx , _off[0] , true  , true ) , evaluator.value( d , off[1] , cy , _off[1] , true  , true ) , evaluator.value( d , off[2] , cz , _off[2] , true  , true ) };
					normal += Point3D< double >( dv[0]*v[1]*v[2] , v[0]*dv[1]*v[2] , v[0]*v[1]*dv[2] ) * metSolution[ _node->nodeData.nodeIndex ];
	return Point3D< Real >( Real(normal[0]) , Real(normal[1]) , Real(normal[2]) );

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
Real Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetIsoValue( void )
	Real isoValue=0 , weightSum=0;
	int maxDepth = tree.maxDepth();

	typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CenterEvaluator< 1 > evaluator;
	fData.setCenterEvaluator( evaluator , 0 , 0 , _boundaryType==0 );
	std::vector< CenterValueStencil > vStencils( maxDepth+1 );
	for( int d=_minDepth ; d<=maxDepth ; d++ )
		SetCenterEvaluationStencil ( evaluator , d , vStencils[d].stencil  );
		SetCenterEvaluationStencils( evaluator , d , vStencils[d].stencils );
	std::vector< Real > metSolution( _sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] , 0 );
	std::vector< Real > centerValues( _sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth+1] );
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads )
	for( int i=_sNodes.nodeCount[_minDepth] ; i<_sNodes.nodeCount[maxDepth] ; i++ ) metSolution[i] = _sNodes.treeNodes[i]->nodeData.solution;
	for( int d=_minDepth ; d<maxDepth ; d++ ) UpSample( d , _sNodes , &metSolution[0]+_sNodes.nodeCount[d-1] , &metSolution[0]+_sNodes.nodeCount[d] );
	for( int d=maxDepth ; d>=_minDepth ; d-- )
		int start = _sNodes.nodeCount[d] , end = _sNodes.nodeCount[d+1] , range = end-start;
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads( threads ) reduction( + : isoValue , weightSum )
		for( int t=0 ; t<threads ; t++ )
			typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3 nKey;
			nKey.set( d );
			for( int i=start+(range*t)/threads ; i<start+(range*(t+1))/threads ; i++ )
				TreeOctNode* node = _sNodes.treeNodes[i];
				Real value = Real(0);
				if( node->children )
					for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ ) value += centerValues[ node->children[c].nodeData.nodeIndex ];
					value /= Cube::CORNERS;
					nKey.getNeighbors( node );
					int c=0 , x , y , z;
					if( node->parent ) c = int( node - node->parent->children );
					Cube::FactorCornerIndex( c , x , y , z );

					int d , off[3];
					node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
					int o = _boundaryType==0 ? (1<<(d-2)) : 0;
					int mn = 2+o , mx = (1<<d)-2-o;
					bool isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );

					value = getCenterValue( nKey , node , &metSolution[0] , evaluator , vStencils[d].stencil , vStencils[d].stencils[c] , isInterior );
				centerValues[i] = value;
				Real w = node->nodeData.centerWeightContribution[OutputDensity?1:0];
				if( w!=0 ) isoValue += value * w , weightSum += w;

	double returnVal = 0;

	if( _boundaryType==-1 ) returnVal = isoValue/weightSum - Real(0.5);
	else                    returnVal = isoValue/weightSum;

	return returnVal;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetIsoCorners( Real isoValue , TreeOctNode* leaf , typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerTableData& cData , Pointer( char ) valuesSet , Pointer( Real ) values , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& nKey , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< double , 3 > stencil[8] , const Stencil< double , 3 > stencils[8][8] )
	Real cornerValues[ Cube::CORNERS ];
	const typename SortedTreeNodes< OutputDensity >::CornerIndices& cIndices = cData[ leaf ];

	bool isInterior;
	int d , off[3];
	leaf->depthAndOffset( d , off );
	int o = _boundaryType==0 ? (1<<(d-2)) : 0;
	int mn = 2+o , mx = (1<<d)-2-o;
	isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
	nKey.getNeighbors( leaf );
	for( int c=0 ; c<Cube::CORNERS ; c++ )
		int vIndex = cIndices[c];
		if( valuesSet[vIndex] ) cornerValues[c] = values[vIndex];
			cornerValues[c] = getCornerValue( nKey , leaf , c , metSolution , evaluator , stencil[c] , stencils[c] , isInterior );
			values[vIndex] = cornerValues[c];
			valuesSet[vIndex] = 1;
	leaf->nodeData.mcIndex = MarchingCubes::GetIndex( cornerValues , isoValue );

	// Set the marching cube indices for all interior nodes.
	if( leaf->parent )
		TreeOctNode* parent = leaf->parent;
		int c = int( leaf - leaf->parent->children );
		int mcid = leaf->nodeData.mcIndex & (1<<MarchingCubes::cornerMap[c]);

		if( mcid )
#ifdef WIN32
			InterlockedOr( (volatile unsigned long long*)&(parent->nodeData.mcIndex) , mcid );
#else // !WIN32
#pragma omp atomic
			parent->nodeData.mcIndex |= mcid;
#endif // WIN32
			while( 1 )
				if( parent->parent && parent->parent->depth()>=_minDepth && (parent-parent->parent->children)==c )
#ifdef WIN32
					InterlockedOr( (volatile unsigned long long*)&(parent->parent->nodeData.mcIndex) , mcid );
#else // !WIN32
#pragma omp atomic
					parent->parent->nodeData.mcIndex |= mcid;
#endif // WIN32
					parent = parent->parent;
				else break;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::InteriorFaceRootCount( const TreeOctNode* node , const int &faceIndex , int maxDepth )
	int c1,c2,e1,e2,dir,off,cnt=0;
	int corners[Cube::CORNERS/2];
			case 0:
			case 1:
			case 2:
			case 0:
			case 1:
			case 2:
		for(int i=0;i<Cube::CORNERS/2;i++){if(node->children[corners[i]].children){cnt+=InteriorFaceRootCount(&node->children[corners[i]],faceIndex,maxDepth);}}
	return cnt;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::EdgeRootCount( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int maxDepth )
	int f1,f2,c1,c2;
	const TreeOctNode* temp;

	int eIndex;
	const TreeOctNode* finest=node;
		if(temp && temp->children){
			if(temp && temp->children){
				if(temp && temp->children){

	if(finest->children) return EdgeRootCount(&finest->children[c1],eIndex,maxDepth)+EdgeRootCount(&finest->children[c2],eIndex,maxDepth);
	else return MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots(finest->nodeData.mcIndex,eIndex);
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::IsBoundaryFace( const TreeOctNode* node , int faceIndex , int subdivideDepth )
	int dir,offset,d,o[3],idx;

	if(subdivideDepth<0){return 0;}
	if(node->depth()<=subdivideDepth){return 1;}

	idx=(int(o[dir])<<1) + (offset<<1);
	return !(idx%(2<<(d-subdivideDepth)));
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::IsBoundaryEdge( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int subdivideDepth )
	int dir,x,y;
	return IsBoundaryEdge(node,dir,x,y,subdivideDepth);
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::IsBoundaryEdge( const TreeOctNode* node , int dir , int x , int y , int subdivideDepth )
	int d , o[3] , idx1 , idx2 , mask;

	if( subdivideDepth<0 ) return 0;
	if( node->depth()<=subdivideDepth ) return 1;
	node->depthAndOffset( d , o );

	switch( dir )
		case 0:
			idx1 = o[1] + x;
			idx2 = o[2] + y;
		case 1:
			idx1 = o[0] + x;
			idx2 = o[2] + y;
		case 2:
			idx1 = o[0] + x;
			idx2 = o[1] + y;
	mask = 1<<( d - subdivideDepth );
	return !(idx1%(mask)) || !(idx2%(mask));
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetRootSpan( const RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri , Point3D< Real >& start , Point3D< Real >& end )
	int o , i1 , i2;
	Real width;
	Point3D< Real > c;

	Cube::FactorEdgeIndex( ri.edgeIndex , o , i1 , i2 );
	ri.node->centerAndWidth( c , width );
	case 0:
		start[0]          = c[0] - width/2;
		end  [0]          = c[0] + width/2;
		start[1] = end[1] = c[1] - width/2 + width*i1;
		start[2] = end[2] = c[2] - width/2 + width*i2;
	case 1:
		start[0] = end[0] = c[0] - width/2 + width*i1;
		start[1]          = c[1] - width/2;
		end  [1]          = c[1] + width/2;
		start[2] = end[2] = c[2] - width/2 + width*i2;
	case 2:
		start[0] = end[0] = c[0] - width/2 + width*i1;
		start[1] = end[1] = c[1] - width/2 + width*i2;
		start[2]          = c[2] - width/2;
		end  [2]          = c[2] + width/2;
// The assumption made when calling this code is that the edge has at most one root //
void SetVertexValue(      PlyVertex< Real >& vertex , Real value ){ vertex = vertex; value = (Real) value; }
void SetVertexValue( PlyValueVertex< Real >& vertex , Real value ){ vertex.value = value; }
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
template< class Vertex >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetRoot( const RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri , Real isoValue , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , Vertex& vertex , RootData& rootData , int sDepth , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > nStencil[8] , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > nStencils[8][8] , int nonLinearFit )
	Point3D< Real > position;
	if( !MarchingCubes::HasRoots( ri.node->nodeData.mcIndex ) ) return 0;
	int c1 , c2;
	Cube::EdgeCorners( ri.edgeIndex , c1 , c2 );
	if( !MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots( ri.node->nodeData.mcIndex , ri.edgeIndex ) ) return 0;

	long long key1 , key2;
	Point3D< Real > n[2];

	int i , o , i1 , i2 , rCount=0;
	Polynomial<2> P;
	std::vector< double > roots;
	double x0 , x1;
	Real center , width;
	Real averageRoot=0;
	Cube::FactorEdgeIndex( ri.edgeIndex , o , i1 , i2 );
	int idx1[3] , idx2[3];
	key1 = VertexData< OutputDensity >::CornerIndex( ri.node , c1 , fData.depth , idx1 );
	key2 = VertexData< OutputDensity >::CornerIndex( ri.node , c2 , fData.depth , idx2 );

	bool isBoundary = ( IsBoundaryEdge( ri.node , ri.edgeIndex , sDepth )!=0 );
	bool haveKey1 , haveKey2;
	std::pair< Real , Point3D< Real > > keyValue1 , keyValue2;
	int iter1 , iter2;
		iter1 = rootData.cornerIndices( ri.node )[ c1 ];
		iter2 = rootData.cornerIndices( ri.node )[ c2 ];
		keyValue1.first = rootData.cornerValues[iter1];
		keyValue2.first = rootData.cornerValues[iter2];
		if( isBoundary )
#pragma omp critical (normal_hash_access)
				haveKey1 = ( rootData.boundaryValues->find( key1 )!=rootData.boundaryValues->end() );
				haveKey2 = ( rootData.boundaryValues->find( key2 )!=rootData.boundaryValues->end() );
				if( haveKey1 ) keyValue1 = (*rootData.boundaryValues)[key1];
				if( haveKey2 ) keyValue2 = (*rootData.boundaryValues)[key2];
			haveKey1 = ( rootData.cornerNormalsSet[ iter1 ] != 0 );
			haveKey2 = ( rootData.cornerNormalsSet[ iter2 ] != 0 );
			keyValue1.first = rootData.cornerValues[iter1];
			keyValue2.first = rootData.cornerValues[iter2];
			if( haveKey1 ) keyValue1.second = rootData.cornerNormals[iter1];
			if( haveKey2 ) keyValue2.second = rootData.cornerNormals[iter2];
	typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighbors5 neighbors5 , pNeighbors5;
	if( !haveKey1 || !haveKey2 )
		neighborKey3.getNeighbors( ri.node , neighbors5 );
		if( ri.node->parent ) neighborKey3.getNeighbors( ri.node->parent , pNeighbors5 );

	bool isInterior;
	if( !haveKey1 || !haveKey2 )
		int d , off[3];
		ri.node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
		int o = _boundaryType==0 ? (1<<(d-2)) : 0;
		int mn = 2+o , mx = (1<<d)-2-o;
		isInterior = ( off[0]>=mn && off[0]<mx && off[1]>=mn && off[1]<mx && off[2]>=mn && off[2]<mx );
	if( !haveKey1 ) keyValue1.second = getCornerNormal( neighbors5 , pNeighbors5 , ri.node , c1 , metSolution , evaluator , nStencil[c1] , nStencils[c1] , isInterior );
	x0 = keyValue1.first;
	n[0] = keyValue1.second;

	if( !haveKey2 ) keyValue2.second = getCornerNormal( neighbors5 , pNeighbors5 , ri.node , c2 , metSolution , evaluator , nStencil[c2] , nStencils[c2] , isInterior );
	x1 = keyValue2.first;
	n[1] = keyValue2.second;

	if( !haveKey1 || !haveKey2 )
		if( isBoundary )
#pragma omp critical (normal_hash_access)
				if( !haveKey1 ) (*rootData.boundaryValues)[key1] = keyValue1;
				if( !haveKey2 ) (*rootData.boundaryValues)[key2] = keyValue2;
			if( !haveKey1 ) rootData.cornerNormals[iter1] = keyValue1.second , rootData.cornerNormalsSet[ iter1 ] = 1;
			if( !haveKey2 ) rootData.cornerNormals[iter2] = keyValue2.second , rootData.cornerNormalsSet[ iter2 ] = 1;

	Point3D< Real > c;
	for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) n[0][i] *= width , n[1][i] *= width;

	case 0:
		position[1] = c[1]-width/2+width*i1;
		position[2] = c[2]-width/2+width*i2;
	case 1:
		position[0] = c[0]-width/2+width*i1;
		position[2] = c[2]-width/2+width*i2;
	case 2:
		position[0] = c[0]-width/2+width*i1;
		position[1] = c[1]-width/2+width*i2;
	double dx0,dx1;
	dx0 = n[0][o];
	dx1 = n[1][o];

	// The scaling will turn the Hermite Spline into a quadratic
	double scl=(x1-x0)/((dx1+dx0)/2);
	dx0 *= scl;
	dx1 *= scl;

	// Hermite Spline
	P.coefficients[0] = x0;
	P.coefficients[1] = dx0;
	P.coefficients[2] = 3*(x1-x0)-dx1-2*dx0;

	P.getSolutions( isoValue , roots , EPSILON );
	for( i=0 ; i<int(roots.size()) ; i++ )
		if( roots[i]>=0 && roots[i]<=1 )
			averageRoot += Real( roots[i] );
	if( rCount && nonLinearFit ) averageRoot /= rCount;
	else					     averageRoot  = Real((x0-isoValue)/(x0-x1));
	if( averageRoot<0 || averageRoot>1 )
		fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Bad average root: %f\n" , averageRoot );
		fprintf( stderr , "\t(%f %f) , (%f %f) (%f)\n" , x0 , x1 , dx0 , dx1 , isoValue );
		if( averageRoot<0 ) averageRoot = 0;
		if( averageRoot>1 ) averageRoot = 1;
	position[o] = Real(center-width/2+width*averageRoot);
	vertex.point = position;
	if( OutputDensity )
		Real depth , weight;
		const TreeOctNode* temp = ri.node;
		while( temp->depth()>splatDepth ) temp=temp->parent;
		GetSampleDepthAndWeight( temp , position , neighborKey3 , samplesPerNode , depth , weight );
		SetVertexValue( vertex , depth );
	return 1;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetRootIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int maxDepth , int sDepth , RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri )
	int c1,c2,f1,f2;
	const TreeOctNode *temp,*finest;
	int finestIndex;


		if( IsBoundaryFace( node , f1 , sDepth ) ) temp=NULL;
		else temp=node->faceNeighbor(f1);
		if( temp && temp->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 && temp->children )
			finest = temp , finestIndex = Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex( edgeIndex , f1 );
			if( IsBoundaryFace( node , f2 , sDepth ) ) temp=NULL;
			else temp = node->faceNeighbor(f2);
			if( temp && temp->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 && temp->children )
				finest = temp , finestIndex = Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex( edgeIndex , f2 );
				if( IsBoundaryEdge( node , edgeIndex , sDepth ) ) temp=NULL;
				else temp = node->edgeNeighbor(edgeIndex);
				if( temp && temp->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 && temp->children )
					finest = temp , finestIndex = Cube::EdgeReflectEdgeIndex( edgeIndex );

	Cube::EdgeCorners( finestIndex , c1 , c2 );
	if( finest->children )
		if      ( GetRootIndex( &finest->children[c1] , finestIndex , maxDepth , sDepth , ri ) ) return 1;
		else if	( GetRootIndex( &finest->children[c2] , finestIndex , maxDepth , sDepth , ri ) ) return 1;
			fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Couldn't find root index with either child\n" );
			return 0;
		if( !(MarchingCubes::edgeMask[finest->nodeData.mcIndex] & (1<<finestIndex)) )
			fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Finest node does not have iso-edge\n" );
			return 0;

		int o,i1,i2;
		int d,off[3];
		int eIndex[2],offset;
		offset=BinaryNode<Real>::CenterIndex( d , off[o] );
				case 0:
				case 1:
				case 2:
		ri.key = (long long)(o) | (long long)(eIndex[0])<<5 | (long long)(eIndex[1])<<25 | (long long)(offset)<<45;
		return 1;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetRootIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int edgeIndex , int maxDepth , RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri )
	int c1 , c2 , f1 , f2;
	const TreeOctNode *temp,*finest;
	int finestIndex;

	if( node->nodeData.nodeIndex==-1 ) fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Called GetRootIndex with bad node\n" );
	// The assumption is that the super-edge has a root along it. 
	if( !(MarchingCubes::edgeMask[node->nodeData.mcIndex] & (1<<edgeIndex) ) ) return 0;

	Cube::FacesAdjacentToEdge( edgeIndex , f1 , f2 );

	finest = node;
	finestIndex = edgeIndex;
	if( node->depth()<maxDepth && !node->children )
		temp=node->faceNeighbor( f1 );
		if( temp && temp->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 && temp->children ) finest = temp , finestIndex = Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex( edgeIndex , f1 );
			temp = node->faceNeighbor( f2 );
			if( temp && temp->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 && temp->children ) finest = temp , finestIndex = Cube::FaceReflectEdgeIndex( edgeIndex , f2 );
				temp = node->edgeNeighbor( edgeIndex );
				if( temp && temp->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 && temp->children ) finest = temp , finestIndex = Cube::EdgeReflectEdgeIndex( edgeIndex );

	Cube::EdgeCorners( finestIndex , c1 , c2 );
	if( finest->children )
		if     ( GetRootIndex( finest->children + c1 , finestIndex , maxDepth , ri ) ) return 1;
		else if( GetRootIndex( finest->children + c2 , finestIndex , maxDepth , ri ) ) return 1;
			int d1 , off1[3] , d2 , off2[3];
			node->depthAndOffset( d1 , off1 );
			finest->depthAndOffset( d2 , off2 );
			fprintf( stderr , "[WARNING] Couldn't find root index with either child [%d] (%d %d %d) -> [%d] (%d %d %d) (%d %d)\n" , d1 , off1[0] , off1[1] , off1[2] , d2 , off2[0] , off2[1] , off2[2] , node->children!=NULL , finest->children!=NULL );
			printf( "\t" );
			for( int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ ) if( node->nodeData.mcIndex & (1<<i) ) printf( "1" ); else printf( "0" );
			printf( "\t" );
			for( int i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ ) if( finest->nodeData.mcIndex & (1<<i) ) printf( "1" ); else printf( "0" );
			printf( "\n" );
			return 0;
		int o,i1,i2;
		int d,off[3];
		int offset,eIndex[2];
		offset = BinaryNode< Real >::CenterIndex( d , off[o] );
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
		ri.key= (long long)(o) | (long long)(eIndex[0])<<5 | (long long)(eIndex[1])<<25 | (long long)(offset)<<45;
		return 1;
template< int Degree , bool  OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetRootPair( const RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri , int maxDepth , RootInfo< OutputDensity >& pair )
	const TreeOctNode* node = ri.node;
	int c1 , c2 , c;
	Cube::EdgeCorners( ri.edgeIndex , c1 , c2 );
	while( node->parent )
		c = int(node-node->parent->children);
		if( c!=c1 && c!=c2 ) return 0;
		if( !MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots( node->parent->nodeData.mcIndex , ri.edgeIndex ) )
			if(c==c1) return GetRootIndex( &node->parent->children[c2] , ri.edgeIndex , maxDepth , pair );
			else      return GetRootIndex( &node->parent->children[c1] , ri.edgeIndex , maxDepth , pair );
		node = node->parent;
	return 0;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetRootIndex( const RootInfo< OutputDensity >& ri , RootData& rootData , CoredPointIndex& index )
	long long key = ri.key;
	hash_map< long long , int >::iterator rootIter;
	rootIter = rootData.boundaryRoots.find( key );
	if( rootIter!=rootData.boundaryRoots.end() )
		index.inCore = 1;
		index.index = rootIter->second;
		return 1;
	else if( rootData.interiorRoots )
		int eIndex = rootData.edgeIndices( ri.node )[ ri.edgeIndex ];
		if( rootData.edgesSet[ eIndex ] )
			index.inCore = 0;
			index.index = rootData.interiorRoots[ eIndex ];
			return 1;
	return 0;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
template< class Vertex >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetMCRootPositions( TreeOctNode* node , int sDepth , Real isoValue , typename TreeOctNode::ConstNeighborKey3& neighborKey3 , RootData& rootData , 
	std::vector< Vertex >* interiorVertices , CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , const Real* metSolution , const typename BSplineData< Degree , Real >::template CornerEvaluator< 2 >& evaluator , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > nStencil[8] , const Stencil< Point3D< double > , 5 > nStencils[8][8] , int nonLinearFit )
	Vertex vertex;
	int eIndex;
	RootInfo< OutputDensity > ri;
	int count=0;
	if( !MarchingCubes::HasRoots( node->nodeData.mcIndex ) ) return 0;
	for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) for( int j=0 ; j<2 ; j++ ) for( int k=0 ; k<2 ; k++ )
		long long key;
		eIndex = Cube::EdgeIndex( i , j , k );
		if( GetRootIndex( node , eIndex , fData.depth , ri ) )
			key = ri.key;
			if( !rootData.interiorRoots || IsBoundaryEdge( node , i , j , k , sDepth ) )
				hash_map< long long , int >::iterator iter , end;
				// Check if the root has already been set
#pragma omp critical (boundary_roots_hash_access)
					iter = rootData.boundaryRoots.find( key );
					end  = rootData.boundaryRoots.end();
				if( iter==end )
					// Get the root information
					GetRoot( ri , isoValue , neighborKey3 , vertex , rootData , sDepth , metSolution , evaluator , nStencil , nStencils , nonLinearFit );
					vertex.point = vertex.point * _scale + _center;
					// Add the root if it hasn't been added already
#pragma omp critical (boundary_roots_hash_access)
						iter = rootData.boundaryRoots.find( key );
						end  = rootData.boundaryRoots.end();
						if( iter==end )
							mesh->inCorePoints.push_back( vertex );
							rootData.boundaryRoots[key] = int( mesh->inCorePoints.size() ) - 1;
					if( iter==end ) count++;
				int nodeEdgeIndex = rootData.edgeIndices( ri.node )[ ri.edgeIndex ];
				if( !rootData.edgesSet[ nodeEdgeIndex ] )
					// Get the root information
					GetRoot( ri , isoValue , neighborKey3 , vertex , rootData , sDepth , metSolution , evaluator , nStencil , nStencils , nonLinearFit );
					vertex.point = vertex.point * _scale + _center;
					// Add the root if it hasn't been added already
#pragma omp critical (add_point_access)
						if( !rootData.edgesSet[ nodeEdgeIndex ] )
							rootData.interiorRoots[ nodeEdgeIndex ] = mesh->addOutOfCorePoint( vertex );
							interiorVertices->push_back( vertex );
							rootData.edgesSet[ nodeEdgeIndex ] = 1;
	return count;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
template< class Vertex >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::SetBoundaryMCRootPositions( int sDepth , Real isoValue , RootData& rootData , CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , int nonLinearFit )
	Point3D< Real > position;
	int i,j,k,eIndex,hits=0;
	RootInfo< OutputDensity > ri;
	int count=0;
	TreeOctNode* node;

	node = tree.nextLeaf();
	while( node )
		if( MarchingCubes::HasRoots( node->nodeData.mcIndex ) )
			for( i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ )
				for( j=0 ; j<2 ; j++ )
					for( k=0 ; k<2 ; k++ )
						if( IsBoundaryEdge( node , i , j , k , sDepth ) )
							long long key;
							eIndex = Cube::EdgeIndex( i , j , k );
							if( GetRootIndex( node , eIndex , fData.depth , ri ) )
								key = ri.key;
								if( rootData.boundaryRoots.find(key)==rootData.boundaryRoots.end() )
									GetRoot( ri , isoValue , position , rootData , sDepth , nonLinearFit );
									position = position * _scale + _center;
									mesh->inCorePoints.push_back( position );
									rootData.boundaryRoots[key] = int( mesh->inCorePoints.size() )-1;
		if( hits ) node=tree.nextLeaf(node);
		else node=tree.nextBranch(node);
	return count;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
void Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetMCIsoEdges( TreeOctNode* node , int sDepth , std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > >& edges )
	TreeOctNode* temp;
    int count=0;
	int isoTri[ DIMENSION * MarchingCubes::MAX_TRIANGLES ];
	FaceEdgesFunction fef;
	int ref , fIndex;
	typename hash_map< long long , std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , int > >::iterator iter;
	hash_map< long long , std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , int > > vertexCount;

	fef.edges = &edges;
	fef.maxDepth = fData.depth;
	fef.vertexCount = &vertexCount;
	count = MarchingCubes::AddTriangleIndices( node->nodeData.mcIndex , isoTri );
	for( fIndex=0 ; fIndex<Cube::NEIGHBORS ; fIndex++ )
		ref = Cube::FaceReflectFaceIndex( fIndex , fIndex );
		fef.fIndex = ref;
		temp = node->faceNeighbor( fIndex );
		// If the face neighbor exists and has higher resolution than the current node,
		// get the iso-curve from the neighbor
		if( temp && temp->nodeData.nodeIndex!=-1 && temp->children && !IsBoundaryFace( node , fIndex , sDepth ) ) temp->processNodeFaces( temp , &fef , ref );
		// Otherwise, get it from the node
			RootInfo< OutputDensity > ri1 , ri2;
			for( int j=0 ; j<count ; j++ )
				for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ )
					if( fIndex==Cube::FaceAdjacentToEdges( isoTri[j*3+k] , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] ) )
						if( GetRootIndex( node , isoTri[j*3+k] , fData.depth , ri1 ) && GetRootIndex( node , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] , fData.depth , ri2 ) )
							long long key1 = ri1.key , key2 = ri2.key;
							edges.push_back( std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > >( ri1 , ri2 ) );
							iter=vertexCount.find( key1 );
							if( iter==vertexCount.end() )
								vertexCount[key1].first = ri1;
								vertexCount[key1].second = 0;
							iter=vertexCount.find( key2 );
							if( iter==vertexCount.end() )
								vertexCount[key2].first = ri2;
								vertexCount[key2].second = 0;
							int r1 = MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots( node->nodeData.mcIndex , isoTri[j*3+k] );
							int r2 = MarchingCubes::HasEdgeRoots( node->nodeData.mcIndex , isoTri[j*3+((k+1)%3)] );
							fprintf( stderr , "Bad Edge 2: %d %d\t%d %d\n" , ri1.key , ri2.key , r1 , r2 );
	for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
		iter = vertexCount.find( edges[i].first.key );
		if( iter==vertexCount.end() ) printf( "Could not find vertex: %lld\n" , edges[i].first );
		else if( vertexCount[ edges[i].first.key ].second )
			RootInfo< OutputDensity > ri;
			GetRootPair( vertexCount[edges[i].first.key].first , fData.depth , ri );
			long long key = ri.key;
			iter = vertexCount.find( key );
			if( iter==vertexCount.end() )
				int d , off[3];
				node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
				printf( "Vertex pair not in list 1 (%lld) %d\t[%d] (%d %d %d)\n" , key , IsBoundaryEdge( ri.node , ri.edgeIndex , sDepth ) , d , off[0] , off[1] , off[2] );
				edges.push_back( std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > >( ri , edges[i].first ) );
				vertexCount[ key ].second++;
				vertexCount[ edges[i].first.key ].second--;

		iter = vertexCount.find( edges[i].second.key );
		if( iter==vertexCount.end() ) printf( "Could not find vertex: %lld\n" , edges[i].second );
		else if( vertexCount[edges[i].second.key].second )
			RootInfo< OutputDensity > ri;
			GetRootPair( vertexCount[edges[i].second.key].first , fData.depth , ri );
			long long key = ri.key;
			iter=vertexCount.find( key );
			if( iter==vertexCount.end() )
				int d , off[3];
				node->depthAndOffset( d , off );
				printf( "Vertex pair not in list 2\t[%d] (%d %d %d)\n" , d , off[0] , off[1] , off[2] );
				edges.push_back( std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > >( edges[i].second , ri ) );
				vertexCount[ edges[i].second.key ].second++;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
template< class Vertex >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetMCIsoTriangles( TreeOctNode* node , CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , RootData& rootData , std::vector< Vertex >* interiorVertices , int offSet , int sDepth , bool polygonMesh , std::vector< Vertex >* barycenters )
	int tris=0;
	std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > > edges;
	std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > > > edgeLoops;
	GetMCIsoEdges( node , sDepth , edges );

	GetEdgeLoops( edges , edgeLoops );
	for( int i=0 ; i<int(edgeLoops.size()) ; i++ )
		CoredPointIndex p;
		std::vector<CoredPointIndex> edgeIndices;
		for( int j=int(edgeLoops[i].size())-1 ; j>=0 ; j-- )
			if( !GetRootIndex( edgeLoops[i][j].first , rootData , p ) ) printf( "Bad Point Index\n" );
			else edgeIndices.push_back( p );
		tris += AddTriangles( mesh , edgeIndices , interiorVertices , offSet , polygonMesh , barycenters );
	return tris;

template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetEdgeLoops( std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > >& edges , std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > > >& loops )
	int loopSize=0;
	long long frontIdx , backIdx;
	std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > , RootInfo< OutputDensity > > e , temp;

	while( edges.size() )
		std::vector< std::pair< RootInfo< OutputDensity > ,  RootInfo< OutputDensity > > > front , back;
		e = edges[0];
		loops.resize( loopSize+1 );
		edges[0] = edges.back();
		frontIdx = e.second.key;
		backIdx = e.first.key;
		for( int j=int(edges.size())-1 ; j>=0 ; j-- )
			if( edges[j].first.key==frontIdx || edges[j].second.key==frontIdx )
				if( edges[j].first.key==frontIdx ) temp = edges[j];
				else temp.first = edges[j].second , temp.second = edges[j].first;
				frontIdx = temp.second.key;
				edges[j] = edges.back();
				j = int(edges.size());
			else if( edges[j].first.key==backIdx || edges[j].second.key==backIdx )
				if( edges[j].second.key==backIdx ) temp = edges[j];
				else temp.first = edges[j].second , temp.second = edges[j].first;
				backIdx = temp.first.key;
				edges[j] = edges.back();
				j = int(edges.size());
		for( int j=int(back.size())-1 ; j>=0 ; j-- ) loops[loopSize].push_back( back[j] );
		for( int j=0 ; j<int(front.size()) ; j++ ) loops[loopSize].push_back( front[j] );
	return int(loops.size());
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
template< class Vertex >
int Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::AddTriangles( CoredMeshData< Vertex >* mesh , std::vector< CoredPointIndex >& edges , std::vector< Vertex >* interiorVertices , int offSet , bool polygonMesh , std::vector< Vertex >* barycenters )
	MinimalAreaTriangulation< Real > MAT;
	std::vector< Point3D< Real > > vertices;
	std::vector< TriangleIndex > triangles;
	if( polygonMesh )
		std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > vertices( edges.size() );
		for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
			vertices[i].idx    =  edges[i].index;
			vertices[i].inCore = (edges[i].inCore!=0);
#pragma omp critical (add_polygon_access)
			mesh->addPolygon( vertices );
		return 1;
	if( edges.size()>3 )
		bool isCoplanar = false;

		if( barycenters )
			for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
				for( int j=0 ; j<i ; j++ )
					if( (i+1)%edges.size()!=j && (j+1)%edges.size()!=i )
						Vertex v1 , v2;
						if( edges[i].inCore ) v1 =  mesh->inCorePoints[ edges[i].index        ];
						else                  v1 = (*interiorVertices)[ edges[i].index-offSet ];
						if( edges[j].inCore ) v2 =  mesh->inCorePoints[ edges[j].index        ];
						else                  v2 = (*interiorVertices)[ edges[j].index-offSet ];
						for( int k=0 ; k<3 ; k++ ) if( v1.point[k]==v2.point[k] ) isCoplanar = true;
		if( isCoplanar )
			Vertex c;
			c *= 0;
			for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
				Vertex p;
				if(edges[i].inCore)	p =  mesh->inCorePoints[edges[i].index       ];
				else				p = (*interiorVertices)[edges[i].index-offSet];
				c += p;
			c /= Real( edges.size() );
			int cIdx;
#pragma omp critical (add_point_access)
				cIdx = mesh->addOutOfCorePoint( c );
				barycenters->push_back( c );
			for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
				std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > vertices( 3 );
				vertices[0].idx = edges[i                 ].index;
				vertices[1].idx = edges[(i+1)%edges.size()].index;
				vertices[2].idx = cIdx;
				vertices[0].inCore = (edges[i                 ].inCore!=0);
				vertices[1].inCore = (edges[(i+1)%edges.size()].inCore!=0);
				vertices[2].inCore = 0;
#pragma omp critical (add_polygon_access)
					mesh->addPolygon( vertices );
			return int( edges.size() );
			vertices.resize( edges.size() );
			// Add the points
			for( int i=0 ; i<int(edges.size()) ; i++ )
				Vertex p;
				if( edges[i].inCore ) p =  mesh->inCorePoints[edges[i].index       ];
				else                  p = (*interiorVertices)[edges[i].index-offSet];
				vertices[i] = p.point;
			MAT.GetTriangulation( vertices , triangles );
			for( int i=0 ; i<int(triangles.size()) ; i++ )
				std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > _vertices( 3 );
				for( int j=0 ; j<3 ; j++ )
					_vertices[j].idx    =  edges[ triangles[i].idx[j] ].index;
					_vertices[j].inCore = (edges[ triangles[i].idx[j] ].inCore!=0);
#pragma omp critical (add_polygon_access)
					mesh->addPolygon( _vertices );
	else if( edges.size()==3 )
		std::vector< CoredVertexIndex > vertices( 3 );
		for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
			vertices[i].idx    =  edges[i].index;
			vertices[i].inCore = (edges[i].inCore!=0);
#pragma omp critical (add_polygon_access)
		mesh->addPolygon( vertices );
	return int(edges.size())-2;
template< int Degree , bool OutputDensity >
Pointer( Real ) Octree< Degree , OutputDensity >::GetSolutionGrid( int& res , Real isoValue , int depth )
	int maxDepth = _boundaryType==0 ? tree.maxDepth()-1 : tree.maxDepth();
	if( depth<=0 || depth>maxDepth ) depth = maxDepth;
	BSplineData< Degree , Real > fData;
	fData.set( _boundaryType==0 ? depth+1 : depth , true , _boundaryType );
	res = 1<<depth;
	fData.setValueTables( fData.VALUE_FLAG );
	Pointer( Real ) values = NewPointer< Real >( res * res * res );
	memset( values , 0 , sizeof( Real ) * res  * res * res );

	for( TreeOctNode* n=tree.nextNode() ; n ; n=tree.nextNode( n ) )
		if( n->depth()>(_boundaryType==0?depth+1:depth) ) continue;
		if( n->depth()<_minDepth ) continue;
		int d , idx[3] , start[3] , end[3];
		n->depthAndOffset( d , idx );
		bool skip=false;
		for( int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++ )
			// Get the index of the functions
			idx[i] = BinaryNode< double >::CenterIndex( d , idx[i] );
			// Figure out which samples fall into the range
			fData.setSampleSpan( idx[i] , start[i] , end[i] );
			// We only care about the odd indices
			if( !(start[i]&1) ) start[i]++;
			if( !(  end[i]&1) )   end[i]--;
			if( _boundaryType==0 )
				// (start[i]-1)>>1 >=   res/2 
				// (  end[i]-1)<<1 <  3*res/2
				start[i] = std::max< int >( start[i] ,   res+1 );
				end  [i] = std::min< int >( end  [i] , 3*res-1 );
		if( skip ) continue;
		Real coefficient = n->nodeData.solution;
		for( int x=start[0] ; x<=end[0] ; x+=2 )
			for( int y=start[1] ; y<=end[1] ; y+=2 )
				for( int z=start[2] ; z<=end[2] ; z+=2 )
					int xx = (x-1)>>1 , yy=(y-1)>>1 , zz = (z-1)>>1;
					if( _boundaryType==0 ) xx -= res/2 , yy -= res/2 , zz -= res/2;
					values[ zz*res*res + yy*res + xx ] +=
						coefficient *
						fData.valueTables[ idx[0]+x*fData.functionCount ] *
						fData.valueTables[ idx[1]+y*fData.functionCount ] *
						fData.valueTables[ idx[2]+z*fData.functionCount ];
	if( _boundaryType==-1 ) for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ ) values[i] -= Real(0.5);
	for( int i=0 ; i<res*res*res ; i++ ) values[i] -= isoValue;

	return values;

// VertexData //
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::CenterIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int maxDepth)
	int idx[DIMENSION];
	return CenterIndex(node,maxDepth,idx);
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::CenterIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int maxDepth,int idx[DIMENSION])
	int d,o[3];
	for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++){idx[i]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d+1,o[i]<<1,1);}
	return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT | (long long)(idx[2])<<(2*VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT);
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::CenterIndex(int depth,const int offSet[DIMENSION],int maxDepth,int idx[DIMENSION])
	for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++){idx[i]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,depth+1,offSet[i]<<1,1);}
	return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT | (long long)(idx[2])<<(2*VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT);
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::CornerIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int cIndex,int maxDepth)
	int idx[DIMENSION];
	return CornerIndex(node,cIndex,maxDepth,idx);
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::CornerIndex( const TreeOctNode* node , int cIndex , int maxDepth , int idx[DIMENSION] )
	int x[DIMENSION];
	Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cIndex , x[0] , x[1] , x[2] );
	int d , o[3];
	node->depthAndOffset( d , o );
	for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) idx[i] = BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex( maxDepth+1 , d , o[i] , x[i] );
	return CornerIndexKey( idx );
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::CornerIndex( int depth , const int offSet[DIMENSION] , int cIndex , int maxDepth , int idx[DIMENSION] )
	int x[DIMENSION];
	Cube::FactorCornerIndex( cIndex , x[0] , x[1] , x[2] );
	for( int i=0 ; i<DIMENSION ; i++ ) idx[i] = BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex( maxDepth+1 , depth , offSet[i] , x[i] );
	return CornerIndexKey( idx );
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::CornerIndexKey( const int idx[DIMENSION] )
	return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT | (long long)(idx[2])<<(2*VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT);
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::FaceIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int fIndex,int maxDepth){
	int idx[DIMENSION];
	return FaceIndex(node,fIndex,maxDepth,idx);
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::FaceIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int fIndex,int maxDepth,int idx[DIMENSION])
	int dir,offset;
	int d,o[3];
	for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++){idx[i]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d+1,o[i]<<1,1);}
	return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT | (long long)(idx[2])<<(2*VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT);
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::EdgeIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int eIndex,int maxDepth)
	int idx[DIMENSION];
	return EdgeIndex(node,eIndex,maxDepth,idx);
template< bool OutputDensity >
long long VertexData< OutputDensity >::EdgeIndex(const TreeOctNode* node,int eIndex,int maxDepth,int idx[DIMENSION])
	int o,i1,i2;
	int d,off[3];
	for(int i=0;i<DIMENSION;i++){idx[i]=BinaryNode<Real>::CornerIndex(maxDepth+1,d+1,off[i]<<1,1);}
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:
	return (long long)(idx[0]) | (long long)(idx[1])<<VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT | (long long)(idx[2])<<(2*VERTEX_COORDINATE_SHIFT);
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