Revision 39b13612ebd645a65eda854771b517371f2f858a authored by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC, committed by ennetws on 13 March 2015, 18:17:18 UTC
1 parent c702819
Raw File
#include "DynamicGraph.h"
using namespace DynamicGraphs;

DynamicGraph::DynamicGraph(Structure::Graph *fromGraph)
    this->mGraph = fromGraph;
	this->uniqueID = 0;
	this->uniqueEdgeID = 0;

	if(mGraph == NULL) return;
    // Add nodes
    foreach(Structure::Node * n, mGraph->nodes)
        addNode( SingleProperty("original", n->id) );

    // Add edges
    foreach(Structure::Link * e, mGraph->edges)
        addEdge( nodeIndex("original", e->n1->id), nodeIndex("original", e->n2->id) );

DynamicGraph DynamicGraph::clone()
	DynamicGraph g;
	g.mGraph		= this->mGraph;
	g.nodes			= this->nodes;
	g.edges			= this->edges;
	g.adjacency		= this->adjacency;
	g.uniqueID		= this->uniqueID;
	g.uniqueEdgeID	= this->uniqueEdgeID;
	return g;

int DynamicGraph::addNode(Properties properties, int index)
    if(index < 0) index = nodes.size();
    nodes[index] = SimpleNode(index);
    nodes[index].property = properties;

	// Always increasing global identifier

	return index;

int DynamicGraph::addEdge(int fromNode, int toNode)
    //if(fromNode == toNode) assert(0);

    SimpleEdge e(fromNode, toNode);

	int edgeIndex = uniqueEdgeID;
    edges[edgeIndex] = e;


	return edgeIndex;

int DynamicGraph::nodeIndex( QString property_name, QVariant property_value )
    foreach(SimpleNode n, nodes)
        if( &&[property_name] == property_value)
            return n.idx;
	return -1;

std::vector<int> DynamicGraph::nodesWith( QString property_name, QVariant property_value )
	std::vector<int> result;

	foreach(SimpleNode n, nodes)
		if( &&[property_name] == property_value)

	return result;

QString DynamicGraph::nodeType( int index )
	return mGraph->getNode(nodes[index].str("original"))->type();

void DynamicGraph::removeNode( int idx )
	// Remove edges
	foreach(int adj, adjNodes(idx))
		removeEdge(idx, adj);

	// Remove node and adjacency list

void DynamicGraph::removeEdge(int fromNode, int toNode)
	if(fromNode == toNode) assert(0);

	SimpleEdge e(fromNode, toNode);
	QMapIterator<int, SimpleEdge> i(edges);
	while (i.hasNext()) {;
		if(i.value() == e){


QSet<int> DynamicGraph::adjNodes(int index)
	QSet<int> adj;

	foreach(SimpleEdge e, adjacency[index])
		adj.insert( e.n[0] == index ? e.n[1] : e.n[0] );

	return adj;

GraphState DynamicGraph::State()
	GraphState state;

	state.numSheets = numSheets();
	state.numCurves = numCurves();

	state.numSheetEdges = numEdges(SAME_SHEET);
	state.numCurveEdges = numEdges(SAME_CURVE);
	state.numMixedEdges = numEdges(CURVE_SHEET);

	return state;

void DynamicGraph::printState()
	GraphState state = this->State();

int DynamicGraph::numEdges( EdgeType t )
	int count = 0;

	foreach(SimpleEdge e, edges){
		case ANY_EDGE	: count++; break;
		case CURVE_SHEET:if(nodeType(e.n[0]) != nodeType(e.n[1]))	count++; break;
		case SAME_CURVE	:if(nodeType(e.n[0]) == Structure::CURVE && nodeType(e.n[0]) == nodeType(e.n[1]))	count++; break;
		case SAME_SHEET	:if(nodeType(e.n[0]) == Structure::SHEET && nodeType(e.n[0]) == nodeType(e.n[1]))	count++; break;

	return count;

QVector<int> DynamicGraph::getSheets()
	QVector<int> sheets;
	foreach(SimpleNode n, nodes) 
		if(nodeType(n.idx) == Structure::SHEET)
	return sheets;

int DynamicGraph::numSheets()
	return getSheets().size();

QVector<int> DynamicGraph::getCurves()
	QVector<int> curves;
	foreach(SimpleNode n, nodes) 
		if(nodeType(n.idx) == Structure::CURVE)
	return curves;

int DynamicGraph::numCurves()
	return getCurves().size();

int DynamicGraph::cloneNode( int index, bool cloneEdges )
	int newIndex = addNode( nodes[index].property, uniqueID );

		QSet<int> adj = adjNodes( index );

		foreach(int ni, adj)
			addEdge(newIndex, ni);

	return newIndex;

void DynamicGraph::printNodeInfo( int index )
	qDebug() << "\nNode:";
	qDebug() << " idx  : " << nodes[index].idx;
	qDebug() << " type : " << nodeType(index);

	// Adjacent info
	QStringList adjList; 
	foreach(int ni, adjNodes(index)) adjList << QString::number(ni);
	qDebug() << " adj  : " << adjList.join(", ");

GraphState DynamicGraph::difference( GraphState & other )
	GraphState diff;
	GraphState my = State();

	diff.numSheets = my.numSheets - other.numSheets;
	diff.numCurves = my.numCurves - other.numCurves;
	diff.numSheetEdges = my.numSheetEdges - other.numSheetEdges;
	diff.numCurveEdges = my.numCurveEdges - other.numCurveEdges;
	diff.numMixedEdges = my.numMixedEdges - other.numMixedEdges;

	return diff;

Structure::Graph * DynamicGraph::toStructureGraph()
	Structure::Graph * graph = new Structure::Graph();
	QMap<int,QString> nodeMap;
	QMap<int,QString> originalNodeIds;

	// Add nodes
	foreach(SimpleNode n, nodes)
		QString nodeId = n.str("original");
		QString newId = nodeId + QString("_%1").arg(n.idx);

		if(nodeType(n.idx) == Structure::SHEET)
			Structure::Sheet * s = (Structure::Sheet *) mGraph->getNode(nodeId);
			graph->addNode( new Structure::Sheet(s->surface, newId) );

		if(nodeType(n.idx) == Structure::CURVE)
			Structure::Curve * s = (Structure::Curve *) mGraph->getNode(nodeId);
			graph->addNode( new Structure::Curve(s->curve, newId) );

		nodeMap[n.idx] = newId;
		originalNodeIds[n.idx] = nodeId;

	// Add edges
	QMapIterator<int, SimpleEdge> i(edges);
	while (i.hasNext()){;

		int edgeIndex = i.key();
		SimpleEdge e = i.value();

		QString id1 = nodeMap[e.n[0]];
		QString id2 = nodeMap[e.n[1]];

		QString orig_id1 = originalNodeIds[e.n[0]];
		QString orig_id2 = originalNodeIds[e.n[1]];

		Structure::Node *n1 = graph->getNode(id1), *n2 = graph->getNode(id2);

		graph->addEdge( n1, n2, Array1D_Vector4d(1, Vector4d(0,0,0,0)), Array1D_Vector4d(1, Vector4d(0,0,0,0)), graph->linkName(n1, n2) );

		// Copy edge coordinates
		Structure::Link *toEdge = graph->getEdge(id1, id2);
		Structure::Link *fromEdge;
		if(fromEdge = mGraph->getEdge(orig_id1,orig_id2))
			toEdge->setCoord(id1, fromEdge->getCoord(id1));
			toEdge->setCoord(id2, fromEdge->getCoord(id2));
		// Assign coordinates to special edges
		if( specialCoords.contains(edgeIndex) )
			// Deal with special coordinates
			toEdge->setCoord(id1, specialCoords[edgeIndex][e.n[0]]);
			toEdge->setCoord(id2, specialCoords[edgeIndex][e.n[1]]);

			toEdge->property["special"] = true;
		// Track movable nodes
		if( movable.contains(edgeIndex) )
			QString movableNode = nodeMap[movable[edgeIndex]];
			toEdge->property["movable"] = movableNode;

		if( growingCurves.contains(edgeIndex) )
			toEdge->property["growing"] = nodeMap[growingCurves[edgeIndex].first];
			toEdge->property["growAnchor"] = growingCurves[edgeIndex].second.first;
			toEdge->property["growFactor"] = growingCurves[edgeIndex].second.second;

		if( growingSheets.contains(edgeIndex) )
			QString growingNodeID = nodeMap[growingSheets[edgeIndex].first];
			toEdge->property["growing"] = growingNodeID;

			QVariant val; val.setValue(growingSheets[edgeIndex].second);
			toEdge->property["deltas"] = val;

			QVariant cpts; cpts.setValue(((Structure::Sheet*)toEdge->getNode(growingNodeID))->surface.mCtrlPoint);
			toEdge->property["cpts"] = cpts;

	return graph;

QVector<DynamicGraph> DynamicGraph::candidateNodes(DynamicGraph & targetGraph)
	QVector<DynamicGraph> candidate;
	GraphState futureState = targetGraph.State();

	// Compute graph difference
	GraphState diff = difference( futureState );

	// Should return no candidates when they are exactly the same
	if( diff.isZero() ) return candidate;

	QVector<int> activeNodes;
	bool isAdding = true;
	int discrepancy = 0;

	// Missing nodes: nodes have precedent
	if(diff.numSheets != 0 || diff.numCurves != 0)
		// Sheets and curves: sheet have precedent
		if(diff.numSheets != 0)
			activeNodes = getSheets();
			if(diff.numSheets > 0) isAdding = false;
			discrepancy = abs(diff.numSheets);
		else if(diff.numCurves != 0)
			activeNodes = getCurves();
			if(diff.numCurves > 0) isAdding = false;
			discrepancy = abs(diff.numCurves);

	if(activeNodes.size() < 1) return candidate;

	// Try all sets of new edges of size
	std::vector<int> nodesSet = activeNodes.toStdVector();
	std::vector<int>::iterator begin = nodesSet.begin(), end = nodesSet.end();
	do {
		std::vector<int> currentSet (begin, begin + discrepancy);

		// Add operation as a candidate graph
		DynamicGraph g = clone();

		foreach(int ci, currentSet)


	} while (next_combination(begin, begin + discrepancy, end));

	return candidate;

QVector<DynamicGraph> DynamicGraph::candidateEdges(DynamicGraph & targetGraph)
	QVector<DynamicGraph> candidate;
	GraphState futureState = targetGraph.State();

	// Compute graph difference
	GraphState diff = difference( futureState );

	// Should return no candidates when they are exactly the same
	if( diff.isZero() ) return candidate;

	QVector<int> groupA, groupB;
	QSet<SimpleEdge> exploredEdges;
	bool isAdding = true;

	int discrepancy = 0;

	// Add existing edges as explored
	foreach(SimpleEdge e, edges)

	if(diff.numMixedEdges != 0)
		// Curve-Sheet edges
		if(diff.numMixedEdges > 0) isAdding = false;
		groupA = getSheets();
		groupB = getCurves();
		discrepancy = abs(diff.numMixedEdges);
	else if(diff.numSheetEdges != 0)
		// Sheet-Sheet edges
		if(diff.numSheetEdges > 0) isAdding = false;
		groupA = getSheets();
		groupB = groupA;
		discrepancy = abs(diff.numSheetEdges);
	else if(diff.numCurveEdges != 0)
		// Curve-Curve edges
		if(diff.numCurveEdges > 0) isAdding = false;
		groupA = getCurves();
		groupB = groupA;
		discrepancy = abs(diff.numCurveEdges);

	// Find all possible new edges
	QMap<int, SimpleEdge> uniqueEdges;
	foreach(int a, groupA)
		foreach(int b, groupB)
			SimpleEdge e(a, b);

			// Uniqueness check:
			if(a == b || exploredEdges.contains(e)) continue;

			uniqueEdges[uniqueEdges.size()] = e;

	// Try all sets of new edges of size
	std::vector<int> uniqueEdgesIdx;
	foreach(int key, uniqueEdges.keys()) uniqueEdgesIdx.push_back(key);

	std::vector<int>::iterator begin = uniqueEdgesIdx.begin(), end = uniqueEdgesIdx.end();
	do {
		std::vector<int> currentSet (begin, begin + discrepancy);

		// Add operation as a candidate graph
		DynamicGraph g = clone();

		foreach(int key, currentSet)
			SimpleEdge e = uniqueEdges[key];

				g.addEdge(e.n[0], e.n[1]);
				g.removeEdge(e.n[0], e.n[1]);


	} while (next_combination(begin, begin + discrepancy, end));

	return candidate;

int DynamicGraph::valence( int nodeIndex )
	return adjacency[nodeIndex].size();

QVector< QPairInt > DynamicGraph::valences(bool isPrint)
	std::vector<int> vals;
	std::vector<unsigned int> indx;

	foreach(int ni, nodes.keys())
		vals.push_back( adjacency[ni].size() );
		indx.push_back( ni );

	// Sort by valence
	paired_sort(indx, vals, true);

	// DEBUG:
		QStringList vstr;
		foreach(int v, vals) vstr << QString::number(v);
		qDebug() << vstr;

	QVector< QPairInt > valPair;

	for(int i = 0; i < (int) vals.size(); i++)
		valPair.push_back( qMakePair(vals[i], (int)indx[i]) );

	return valPair;

bool DynamicGraph::sameValences( DynamicGraph & other )
	QVector< QPairInt > myValence = valences();
	QVector< QPairInt > otherValence = other.valences();

	for(int i = 0; i < (int) myValence.size(); i++){
		if(otherValence[i].first != myValence[i].first)
			return false;

	return true;

QVector< QPairInt > DynamicGraph::correspondence( DynamicGraph & other, double & score, bool isPrint )
	QVector< QPairInt > corr;

	QVector< QPairInt > vme = valences();
	QVector< QPairInt > vother = other.valences();

	// Build the set for the other graph
	QMap< int, QList<int> > vset;

	foreach(QPairInt p, vother)
		vset[ p.first ].push_back( p.second );

	if(isPrint) qDebug() << "Correspondence map:";

	// Test correspondence score and assign to smallest
	foreach(QPairInt p, vme)
		int valence = p.first;
		int nodeID = p.second;

		QMap<double, int> scoreBoard;

        std::vector<Vector3> nf = noFrame();

		QString n1_id = nodes[nodeID].str("original");
		Structure::Node * n1 = this->mGraph->getNode( n1_id );
        Vector3 center1(0,0,0); n1->get(Vector4d(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5), center1, nf);

		// Test against possible corresponding nodes
		foreach( int curID, vset[ valence ] )
			QString n2_id = other.nodes[curID].str("original");
			Structure::Node * n2 = other.mGraph->getNode( n2_id );
            Vector3 center2(0,0,0); n2->get(Vector4d(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5), center2, nf);

			double currScore = (center1 - center2).norm();

			scoreBoard[ currScore ] = curID;

		// Add minimum score to total
		double minScore = scoreBoard.keys().first();
		score += minScore;

		int otherID = scoreBoard[ minScore ];
		vset[ valence ].removeAll( otherID );

		// Pair current node with minimum one
		corr.push_back( qMakePair(nodeID, otherID) );

			qDebug() << nodes[nodeID].str("original") << " <--> " << other.nodes[otherID].str("original");

	if(isPrint) qDebug() << "===\n";

	return corr;

void DynamicGraph::flagNodes( QString propertyName, QVariant value )
	foreach(int i, nodes.keys())
		nodes[i].property[propertyName] = value;

QVector<QVariant> DynamicGraph::flags( QString propertyName )
	QVector<QVariant> f;
	foreach(int i, nodes.keys())
	return f;

SimpleNode * DynamicGraph::getNode( QString originalID )
	foreach(int i, nodes.keys())
		if(nodes[i].str("original") == originalID)
			return &nodes[i];
	return NULL;

QMap<int, SimpleEdge> DynamicGraph::getEdges( int nodeIDX )
	QMap<int, SimpleEdge> result;

	foreach(int i, edges.keys()){
		if(edges[i].n[0] == nodeIDX || edges[i].n[1] == nodeIDX)
			result[i] = edges[i];

	return result;

Structure::Link * DynamicGraph::getOriginalLink( QString originalID1, QString originalID2 )
	QString n1_id = nodes[getNode(originalID1)->idx].str("original");
	QString n2_id = nodes[getNode(originalID2)->idx].str("original");
	return mGraph->getEdge(n1_id, n2_id);

bool DynamicGraph::hasEdge( int n1_index, int n2_index )
	return edges.values().contains(SimpleEdge(n1_index,n2_index));

Array1D_Vector4d DynamicGraph::firstSpecialCoord( int node_index )
	typedef QMap< int, Array1D_Vector4d > NodeCoord;

	foreach(NodeCoord nodeCoord, specialCoords.values())
			return nodeCoord[node_index];

	return Array1D_Vector4d(1, Vector4d(0,0,0,0));

void DynamicGraph::correspondTo( DynamicGraph & other )
	double score = 0;
	QVector< QPairInt > corr = correspondence(other, score);

	foreach( QPairInt p, corr )
		int from = p.first;
		int to = p.second;

		if(from == to) continue;

		// Swap
		QString from_original = nodes[from].property["original"];
		QString to_original = nodes[to].property["original"];

		nodes[from].property["original"] = to_original;
		nodes[to].property["original"] = from_original;
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