Revision 3a910a47250bbeeec8b8373d6037d058cd5d24de authored by mmancini on 09 May 2019, 13:00:56 UTC, committed by mmancini on 09 May 2019, 13:00:56 UTC
1 parent 08f4787
Tip revision: 3a910a47250bbeeec8b8373d6037d058cd5d24de authored by mmancini on 09 May 2019, 13:00:56 UTC
changed foder name for cpp
changed foder name for cpp
Tip revision: 3a910a4
########################## Makefile ##############################################
# author: Ulrich Razafison <> (2008)
# author: Christian Laguerre <> (2010)
# author: Frédéric Darboux <> (2012-2019)
# version: 1.08.01
# date: 2019-04-05
# License Cecill-V2 <>
# (C) CNRS - Universite d'Orleans - BRGM - INRA (France)
# This file is part of FullSWOF_2D software.
# <>
# FullSWOF_2D = Full Shallow-Water equations for Overland Flow,
# in two dimensions of space.
# This software is a computer program whose purpose is to compute
# solutions for 2D Shallow-Water equations.
# This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
# abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
# modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
# license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
# <>.
# As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
# modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
# with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
# economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
# liability.
# In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
# with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
# software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
# that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
# therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
# professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
# encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
# requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
# data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
# same conditions as regards security.
# The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
# knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
## include specific options for configuration
include ./make_config
LIBDIR := ./lib
BIN := ./bin
SRC := $(wildcard *.cpp)
OBJ := $(SRC:.cpp=.o)
ifeq ($(DEBUG),yes)
Compil_msg=" Compiling using debug mode "
Compil_msg=" Compiling using release mode"
Display_command= > "/dev/null"
DIR_SRC :=./Sources
DIR_HEAD :=./Headers
DIR_BENCH := ./Benchmarks
DIR_TOOLS := ./Tools
LIBRARY := -lschemes -lboundaryconditions -lflux -lfrictions -lrain_infiltration -linitializations -lreconstructions -llimitations -lsave -lparameters -lparser
INCPATH := -I./$(DIR_HEAD)/libboundaryconditions \
-I./$(DIR_HEAD)/libflux \
-I./$(DIR_HEAD)/libfrictions \
-I./$(DIR_HEAD)/libinitializations \
-I./$(DIR_HEAD)/liblimitations \
-I./$(DIR_HEAD)/libparameters \
-I./$(DIR_HEAD)/libparser \
-I./$(DIR_HEAD)/librain_infiltration \
-I./$(DIR_HEAD)/libreconstructions \
-I./$(DIR_HEAD)/libsave \
# Rules to compile all libraries calling Makefiles
all: msg construction $(TARGET) construction_tools clean
@mv -f $(TARGET) $(BIN)
@echo " $(TARGET) => $(BIN)"
@echo $(Compil_msg)
@$(CPP) -o $@ $^ $(LIBPATH) $(LIBRARY)
%.o: $(DIR_SRC)/%.cpp
@$(CPP) -o $@ -c $< $(CPPFLAGS) $(INCPATH)
construction :
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libboundaryconditions && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libflux && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libfrictions && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libinitializations && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/liblimitations && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libparameters && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libparser && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/librain_infiltration && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libreconstructions && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libsave && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libschemes && make $(Display_command)
construction_tools :
@cd $(DIR_TOOLS)/ConvertFormat && make $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_TOOLS)/ExtractWindow && make $(Display_command)
# Rules to remove .o and .a files calling Makefiles
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libboundaryconditions && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libflux && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libfrictions && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libinitializations && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/liblimitations && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libparameters && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libparser && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/librain_infiltration && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libreconstructions && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libsave && make clean $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_SRC)/libschemes && make clean $(Display_command)
@rm -f $(OBJECTS)
@cd $(DIR_TOOLS)/ConvertFormat && make cleanall $(Display_command)
@cd $(DIR_TOOLS)/ExtractWindow && make cleanall $(Display_command)
cleanall : clean clean_tools
@rm -f ./lib/*.a
@rm -f $(BIN)/$(TARGET)
# Rules to run Benchmarks
@ # if the code is not compiled, print a message.
@ if [ ! -x $(BIN)/$(TARGET) ]; then \
echo "ERROR: $(BIN)/$(TARGET) not found.";\
echo "Please compile the code by running 'make'. "; exit 1; \
@ echo -e "\n\n***** Emerged bump at rest ******************************"
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Bump_restemerged && ../../$(BIN)/$(TARGET)
@ echo -e "\n\n***** MacDonald: Rain fluvial Darcy-Weisbach ************"
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_flu_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(TARGET)
@ echo -e "\n\n***** MacDonald: Rain torrential Darcy-Weisbach *********"
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_tor_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(TARGET)
@ echo -e "\n\n***** MacDonald: Smooth transition with shock Manning ***"
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_flu_tor_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(TARGET)
@ echo -e "\n\n***** MacDonald: Pseudo 2D torrential Manning ***********"
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_tor_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(TARGET)
@ echo -e "\n\n***** MacDonald: Pseudo 2D fluvial Manning **************"
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(TARGET)
@ echo -e "\n\n***** Dry dam break *************************************"
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Dry_Dam_Break && ../../$(BIN)/$(TARGET)
@ echo -e "\n\n***** Thacker planar ************************************"
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Thacker_planar && ../../$(BIN)/$(TARGET)
@ echo " "
@ echo "WARNING: you will compute all the Benchmark solutions."
@ echo "This might take a few minutes."
@ echo " "
@ sleep 5
@ # Compute benchmarks
@ make benchcalc
@ echo " "
@ echo "*** Comparison between current and reference results ***"
@ # Compare results
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Bump_restemerged && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 29 Outputs/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Bump_restemerged && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_USER.dat > diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Bump_restemerged && echo -n "Emerged bump at rest: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_flu_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 33 Outputs/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_flu_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_USER.dat > diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_flu_DW && echo -n "MacDonald: Rain fluvial Darcy-Weisbach: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_tor_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 32 Outputs/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_tor_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_USER.dat > diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_tor_DW && echo -n "MacDonald: Rain torrential Darcy-Weisbach: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_flu_tor_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 32 Outputs/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_flu_tor_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_USER.dat > diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_flu_tor_flu_Man && echo -n "MacDonald: Smooth transition with shock Manning: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_tor_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHPS2DEXE) analytic.dat 28 Outputs/huz_final.dat 6 9 > comp_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_tor_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_USER.dat > diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_tor_Man && echo -n "MacDonald: Pseudo 2D torrential Manning: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHPS2DEXE) analytic.dat 28 Outputs/huz_final.dat 6 99999 > comp_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_USER.dat > diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_flu_Man && echo -n "MacDonald: Pseudo 2D fluvial Manning: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Dry_Dam_Break && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 26 Outputs/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Dry_Dam_Break && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_USER.dat > diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Dry_Dam_Break && echo -n "Dry dam break: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Thacker_planar && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 22 Outputs/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Thacker_planar && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_USER.dat > diff_REF_USER.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Thacker_planar && echo -n "Thacker planar: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_USER.dat
@ echo " "
@ echo "REFERENCE solutions for each Benchmark test."
@ echo "WARNING: the previous reference solutions will be replaced."
@ echo "This might take a few minutes."
@ echo " "
@ sleep 5
@ # Compute benchmarks
@ make benchcalc
@ echo " "
@ echo "*** Comparison between reference and standard results ***"
@ # Get ready for comparisons
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH) &&\
for SUBDIR in ./* ; do \
cd $$SUBDIR && rm -rf Outputs_REFERENCES && mkdir Outputs_REFERENCES && mv Outputs/* Outputs_REFERENCES/ && mv Outputs_REFERENCES/dummy.txt Outputs/ && cd ..; \
@ # Compare results
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Bump_restemerged && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 29 Outputs_REFERENCES/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_REFERENCES.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Bump_restemerged && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_STANDARD.dat > diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Bump_restemerged && echo -n "Emerged bump at rest: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_flu_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 33 Outputs_REFERENCES/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_REFERENCES.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_flu_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_STANDARD.dat > diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_flu_DW && echo -n "MacDonald: Rain fluvial Darcy-Weisbach: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_tor_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 32 Outputs_REFERENCES/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_REFERENCES.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_tor_DW && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_STANDARD.dat > diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_Rain_tor_DW && echo -n "MacDonald: Rain torrential Darcy-Weisbach: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_flu_tor_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 32 Outputs_REFERENCES/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_REFERENCES.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_flu_tor_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_STANDARD.dat > diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDo_flu_tor_flu_Man && echo -n "MacDonald: Smooth transition with shock Manning: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_tor_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHPS2DEXE) analytic.dat 28 Outputs_REFERENCES/huz_final.dat 6 9 > comp_REFERENCES.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_tor_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_STANDARD.dat > diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_tor_Man && echo -n "MacDonald: Pseudo 2D torrential Manning: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHPS2DEXE) analytic.dat 28 Outputs_REFERENCES/huz_final.dat 6 99999 > comp_REFERENCES.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_flu_Man && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_STANDARD.dat > diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/MacDoP2D_flu_Man && echo -n "MacDonald: Pseudo 2D fluvial Manning: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Dry_Dam_Break && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 26 Outputs_REFERENCES/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_REFERENCES.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Dry_Dam_Break && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_STANDARD.dat > diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Dry_Dam_Break && echo -n "Dry dam break: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Thacker_planar && ../../$(BIN)/$(BENCHEXE) analytic.dat 22 Outputs_REFERENCES/huz_final.dat 6 > comp_REFERENCES.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Thacker_planar && ../../$(BIN)/$(DIFFCMPEXE) comp_REFERENCES.dat comp_STANDARD.dat > diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ cd $(DIR_BENCH)/Thacker_planar && echo -n "Thacker planar: " && ../../$(BIN)/$(REPORTDIFFEXE) diff_REF_STANDARD.dat
@ # get the 64-bit files ready for comparison
@ echo "*** 64-bit benchmarks ***" ; \
cd $(DIR_BENCH) && \
for SUBDIR in ./* ; do \
cp $$SUBDIR/comp_STANDARD_64bits.dat $$SUBDIR/comp_STANDARD.dat ; \
bench64: filesfor64bitsbenchmarks benchB
benchref64: filesfor64bitsbenchmarks benchrefB
Computing file changes ...