Revision 3b2c0daf47f254fa628590755dfcf99417f24fa2 authored by utsa-saga on 19 February 2021, 01:18:37 UTC, committed by GitHub on 19 February 2021, 01:18:37 UTC
1 parent 7dad3fc
Tip revision: 3b2c0daf47f254fa628590755dfcf99417f24fa2 authored by utsa-saga on 19 February 2021, 01:18:37 UTC
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Add files via upload
Tip revision: 3b2c0da
using namespace std;
bool candidateOrderingIsExtendable(vector<string>,int);
bool isNotRealizable(vector<string> *currentPoints, int);
string generateHashKey(int index1, int index2, vector<string> *arr);
vector<string> viewpointsAH;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
ifstream viewPointInput;"vplist.txt");
// read vplist.txt into viewpointsAH vector
string thisVP = "";
thisVP += viewPointInput.get();
for(int i = (atoi(argv[1])); i <= 11880; i = i + 23) {
// process case by case
string fileName = "../Unsolved/case" + to_string(i) + ".txt";
ifstream input;;
vector<string> initialInput;
// skip
// cout << "Could not open " << fileName << endl;
// read case_i.txt to initialInput vector
string thisPoint = "";
thisPoint += input.get();
time_t start,end;
double runningTime = double(end - start);
cout << "Case " << i << " couldn't fit all " << viewpointsAH.size() << " points. Running Time: " << setprecision(2) << runningTime << " seconds." << endl;
string mvString = "mv " + fileName + " ../Orange256/";
cout << "Couldn't move file" << endl;
return -1;
double runningTime = double(end - start);
cout << "Case " << i << " placed all " << viewpointsAH.size() << " points. RT: " << setprecision(2) << runningTime << " seconds." << endl;
return 0;
//Return true if everything is placed. Return false if not everything is placed.
bool candidateOrderingIsExtendable(vector<string> inputPoints,int caseNumber){
unordered_map<string,bool> usedVP;
for(int i=0; i<inputPoints.size(); i++){
if(inputPoints[i].size() > 1)
// remove the viewpoints in inputPoints vector (mark them as used), we always try to recursively insert unused viewpoints from viewpointsAH
usedVP[inputPoints[i]] = true;
vector<string> viewPointList;
for(int i=0; i<viewpointsAH.size(); i++){
if(viewPointList.size() == 0){
// no more unused viewpoint to insert
cout << "We placed everything!" << endl;
// isNotRealizable(&inputPoints)
return true;
// always pick the viewpoint that has minimum gap could make current ordering feasible
int minGaps = inputPoints.size() + 2;
string optVP;
vector<int> optimalGaps;
for(int z=0; z < viewPointList.size(); z++){
// check every unused viewpoints in viewPointList
int correctGaps = 0;
vector<int> feasibleGaps;
for(int gap = 0; (gap <= inputPoints.size()) && (correctGaps < minGaps); gap++){
vector<string> currentPoints;
int index = 0;
// insert this viewpoint into currentPoints in every position
while(index < gap){
// intermediate checking, store the number of gaps and which gaps are feasible
if(!isNotRealizable(¤tPoints, 0)){
// find the optimal one that has the minimum number of gaps could make current ordering feasible
minGaps = correctGaps;
optVP = viewPointList[z];
optimalGaps = feasibleGaps;
if(minGaps == 0){
// Found a point that cannot go into the previous config.
// cout << "Couldn't place " << optVP << endl;
return false;
// recursively call candidateOrderingIsExtendable with this new added optimal viewpoint in every gaps, not only the feasible gaps
for(int i=0; i<optimalGaps.size(); i++){
int gap = optimalGaps[i];
vector<string> nextInput;
int index = 0;
while(index < gap){
return true;
return false;
bool isNotRealizable(vector<string> *currentPoints, int caseNumber){
ofstream output;
if(caseNumber != 0){
string fn = "output" + to_string(caseNumber) + ".txt";;
for(int i=0; i<(*currentPoints).size(); i++)
output << (*currentPoints)[i] << endl;
vector<int> guardIndices;
int n = (*currentPoints).size();
for(int i=0; i<(*currentPoints).size(); i++){
if((*currentPoints)[i].size() == 1)
unordered_map<string,bool> cannotBlockWithTerrain;
for(int i=0; i<(*currentPoints).size(); i++){
int isAGuard = 1;
if((*currentPoints)[i].size() != 1)
isAGuard = 0;
for(int j=i+1; j<(*currentPoints).size(); j++){
string hashKey = (*currentPoints)[i] + "," + (*currentPoints)[j];
bool cannotBlock = false;
int jGuard = 1;
if((*currentPoints)[j].size() != 1)
jGuard = 0;
if(isAGuard + jGuard == 1){
int check = (*currentPoints)[j].find((*currentPoints)[i]);
if(check >= 0){
//cout << currentPoints[i] << " sees " << currentPoints[j] << endl;
cannotBlock = true;
int check = (*currentPoints)[i].find((*currentPoints)[j]);
if(check >= 0){
//cout << (*currentPoints)[i] << " sees " << (*currentPoints)[j] << endl;
cannotBlock = true;
cannotBlockWithTerrain[hashKey] = cannotBlock;
//Do order claims.
for(int dist=3; dist <(*currentPoints).size(); dist++){
for(int a=0; a<(*currentPoints).size(); a++){
bool foundAnOC = false;
int d = a + dist;
for(int b = a+1; b<d-1; b++){
for(int c = b+1; !foundAnOC && c<d; c++){
string acHashKey = (*currentPoints)[a] + "," + (*currentPoints)[c];
string bdHashKey = (*currentPoints)[b] + "," + (*currentPoints)[d];
string adHashKey = (*currentPoints)[a] + "," + (*currentPoints)[d];
if(cannotBlockWithTerrain[acHashKey] && cannotBlockWithTerrain[bdHashKey]){
//cout << "cannot block " <<*currentPoints[a] << " from " << (*currentPoints)[d] << " with terrain by OC." << endl;
cannotBlockWithTerrain[adHashKey] = true;
foundAnOC = true;
//End Order Claims.
//For each guard, check left and right, but remember the key points. (index)
vector<int> rightMostPointGuardSees, leftMostPointGuardSees, closestPointHighOutsideLeft, closestPointHighOutsideRight;
for(int i=0; i<guardIndices.size(); i++){
int gI = guardIndices[i]; // the index of the guard in currentPoints
string gS = (*currentPoints)[gI]; // the name of guard
//Check to Right.
bool foundPointDontSeeWithOC = false;
int rightMostPointWeSee = gI, firstRightViewpointHighOutside = (*currentPoints).size();
for(int vp = gI+1; vp<(*currentPoints).size(); vp++){
if((*currentPoints)[vp].size() == 1) // find guard
int check = (*currentPoints)[vp].find(gS);
if(check >= 0){
// x(closestPointHighOutsideRight) < x(rightMostGuardPointSees)
return true;
rightMostPointWeSee = vp;
else if(!foundPointDontSeeWithOC && cannotBlockWithTerrain[gS +"," + (*currentPoints)[vp]]){ // vp does not see g and pierced
int leftMostGuardPointSees = (*currentPoints)[vp][0] - 'A';
if(leftMostGuardPointSees < i){
foundPointDontSeeWithOC = true;
firstRightViewpointHighOutside = vp;
//Check to Left.
foundPointDontSeeWithOC = false;
int leftMostPointWeSee = gI, firstLeftViewpointHighOutside = -1;
for(int vp = gI-1; vp>=0; vp--){
if((*currentPoints)[vp].size() == 1)
int check = (*currentPoints)[vp].find(gS);
if(check >= 0){
// x(leftMostGuardPointSees) < x(closestPointHighOutsideLeft)
return true;
leftMostPointWeSee = vp;
else if(!foundPointDontSeeWithOC && cannotBlockWithTerrain[(*currentPoints)[vp] +"," + gS]){
int rightMostGuardPointSees = (*currentPoints)[vp][(*currentPoints)[vp].size()-1] - 'A';
if(rightMostGuardPointSees > i){
foundPointDontSeeWithOC = true;
firstLeftViewpointHighOutside = vp;
//Higher guard.
unordered_map<string,string> higherPoint;
unordered_map<string,string> tooFarAway;
for(int i=0; i<guardIndices.size(); i++){
int g1I = guardIndices[i];
string g1S = (*currentPoints)[g1I];
for(int j= i+1; j<guardIndices.size(); j++){
int g2I = guardIndices[j];
string g2S = (*currentPoints)[g2I];
string highGuardKey = g1S + "," + g2S;
higherPoint[highGuardKey] = "unknown";
tooFarAway[highGuardKey] = "unknown";
// x(leftMostPointGuardSees(j) < x(i)) AND x(rightMostPointGuardSees[i]) > x(j)
if(leftMostPointGuardSees[j] <= g1I && rightMostPointGuardSees[i] >= g2I){
tooFarAway[highGuardKey] = "no";
// x(closestPointHighOutsideRight(j) <= x(rightMostPointGuardSees(i))
if(rightMostPointGuardSees[i] >= closestPointHighOutsideRight[j]){
if(higherPoint[highGuardKey] == g2S){
return true;
higherPoint[highGuardKey] = g1S;
// x(leftMostPointGuardSees(j)) < x(closestPointHighOutsideLeft(i))
if(leftMostPointGuardSees[j] <= closestPointHighOutsideLeft[i]){
if(higherPoint[highGuardKey] == g1S){
return true;
higherPoint[highGuardKey] = g2S;
// x(closestPointHighOutsideRight(i)) < x(j) AND (i, j) unpiercable
if(closestPointHighOutsideRight[i] < g2I && cannotBlockWithTerrain[highGuardKey]){
if(higherPoint[highGuardKey] == g1S){
return true;
tooFarAway[highGuardKey] = "yes"; // g_1 is low outside of disk g_2
higherPoint[highGuardKey] = g2S;
// x(i) < x(closestPointHighOutsideLeft(j)) AND (i, j) unpiercable
if(closestPointHighOutsideLeft[j] > g1I && cannotBlockWithTerrain[highGuardKey]){
if(higherPoint[highGuardKey] == g2S){
return true;
tooFarAway[highGuardKey] = "yes"; // g_1 is high outside of disk g_2
higherPoint[highGuardKey] = g1S;
//End Higher Guard
for (int i = 0; i < (*currentPoints).size()-1; i++)
string pS = (*currentPoints)[i];
string hashKey = pS + "," + pS;
tooFarAway[hashKey] = "no";
higherPoint[hashKey] = "unknown";
for (int i = 0; i < (*currentPoints).size()-1; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j < (*currentPoints).size(); j++) // i < j
// [g, vp] or [vp, g] pairs
if (((*currentPoints)[i].size() == 1) && ((*currentPoints)[j].size() > 1))
// i is g and j is vp
string gS = (*currentPoints)[i];
string vpS = (*currentPoints)[j];
int indexWRTGuards = gS[0] - 'A';
string hashKey = gS + "," + vpS;
int leftMostGuardPointSees = vpS[0] - 'A';
int check = vpS.find(gS);
if (check >= 0) // vp sees g
tooFarAway[hashKey] = "no";
higherPoint[hashKey] = "unknown";
else if (rightMostPointGuardSees[indexWRTGuards] >= j && leftMostGuardPointSees <= indexWRTGuards)
//visibilities cross
//Note here vp and g cannot be unpiercable because we would have
//rejected above.
tooFarAway[hashKey] = "no";
higherPoint[hashKey] = "unknown";
else if (cannotBlockWithTerrain[hashKey])
//They must be too far away.
tooFarAway[hashKey] = "yes";
if(leftMostGuardPointSees <= indexWRTGuards)
//vp sees a guard to the left of g.
//Therefore vp is high outside g's disk.
higherPoint[hashKey] = vpS;
else if(rightMostPointGuardSees[indexWRTGuards] >= j)
//g sees a point to the right of vp.
//Therefore vp is low outside g's disk.
higherPoint[hashKey] = gS;
higherPoint[hashKey] = "unknown";
tooFarAway[hashKey] = "unknown";
higherPoint[hashKey] = "unknown";
if (((*currentPoints)[i].size() > 1) && ((*currentPoints)[j].size() == 1))
// i is vp and j is g
string vpS = (*currentPoints)[i];
string gS = (*currentPoints)[j];
int indexWRTGuards = gS[0] - 'A';
string hashKey = vpS + "," + gS;
int rightMostGuardPointSees = vpS[vpS.size()-1] - 'A';
int check = vpS.find(gS);
if (check >= 0) // vp sees g
tooFarAway[hashKey] = "no";
higherPoint[hashKey] = "unknown";
else if (leftMostPointGuardSees[indexWRTGuards] <= i && rightMostGuardPointSees >= indexWRTGuards)
//visibilities cross
//Note here vp and g cannot be unpiercable because we would have
//rejected above.
tooFarAway[hashKey] = "no";
higherPoint[hashKey] = "unknown";
else if (cannotBlockWithTerrain[hashKey])
//They must be too far away.
tooFarAway[hashKey] = "yes";
if(rightMostGuardPointSees >= indexWRTGuards)
//vp sees a guard to the right of g.
//Therefore vp is high outside g's disk.
higherPoint[hashKey] = vpS;
else if(leftMostPointGuardSees[indexWRTGuards] <= i)
//g sees a point to the left of vp.
//Therefore vp is low outside g's disk.
higherPoint[hashKey] = gS;
higherPoint[hashKey] = "unknown";
tooFarAway[hashKey] = "unknown";
higherPoint[hashKey] = "unknown";
//If g1 and g2 shouldn't be blocked by terrain, then no midguard can be higher than both of them.
for(int i=0; i<guardIndices.size(); i++){
int g1I = guardIndices[i];
string g1S = (*currentPoints)[g1I];
for(int j= i+2; j<guardIndices.size(); j++){
int g2I = guardIndices[j];
string g2S = (*currentPoints)[g2I];
if(!cannotBlockWithTerrain[g1S + "," + g2S])
for(int k=i+1; k<j; k++){
int midGuardI = guardIndices[k];
string midGuardS = (*currentPoints)[midGuardI]; // i < k(midguard) < j
if(higherPoint[g1S + "," + midGuardS] == midGuardS && higherPoint[midGuardS + "," + g2S] == midGuardS){
return true;
//End midGuard higher than both.
//Check to see if a guard is outside of a disk but needs to block to points that are inside the disk.
for(int i=0; i<guardIndices.size(); i++){
int g1I = guardIndices[i];
string g1S = (*currentPoints)[g1I];
for(int j= i+1; j<guardIndices.size(); j++){
int g2I = guardIndices[j];
string g2S = (*currentPoints)[g2I];
string hashKey = g1S + "," + g2S;
//We are looking to see if g1 needs to block g2 from seeing any viewpoints
//to the left of g1. If g1 and g2 can be pierced, then g1 doesn't have to be
//the blocker for g2 for any such viewpoints, so skip this g2.
for(int vp = g1I-1; vp>leftMostPointGuardSees[j]; vp--){ // x(leftMostPointGuardSees(j)) < x(vp) < x(i)
//We want to check to see if g2 does not see vp and needs a blocker to pierce
//\overline{vp g2}. Since g1 and g2 are unpiercable, it must be that
//either g1 is the blocker for g2 or that some point to the left of g1 is
//the blocker.
string vpS = (*currentPoints)[vp];
if(vpS.size() == 1) // must be a viewpoint, not guard
int check = vpS.find(g2S); // vp does not see g2
if(check >= 0)
//If g2 sees vp, then g1 cannot be the blocker for g2 for any vp' to the left of vp, so we can stop checking.
string vpG2HashKey = generateHashKey(vp, g2I, currentPoints);
if(tooFarAway[vpG2HashKey] != "no")
//We don't know for sure if we need a blocker for this vp, so skip it.
//If we are here, then g2 does not see vp, and vp is inside g2's disk.
//Therefore we must find a blocker in (vp, g1].
bool blockerCanBeG1, blockerCanBeNewPoint;
//Is there a guard gk such that disc(gk) contains g2 and vp but g1 must
//be low outside? If so, g1 cannot pierce \overline{g2 vp}.
//assuming g1 can be a blocker until we determine otherwise.
blockerCanBeG1 = true;
for(int k=0; k<guardIndices.size(); k++){
if(k == i)
int gkI = guardIndices[k];
string gkS = (*currentPoints)[gkI];
//If g1 is not low outside gk's disk, skip this gk.
string firstHash = generateHashKey(gkI, g1I, currentPoints);
if(tooFarAway[firstHash] != "yes" || higherPoint[firstHash] != gkS)
//If g2 is not inside gk's disk, skip this gk.
string secondHash = generateHashKey(gkI, g2I, currentPoints);
if(tooFarAway[secondHash] != "no")
//If we are here, then g1 is low outside gk's disk, and g2 is inside
//gk's disk. If vp is also inside gk's disk, then g1 cannot
//be the blocker.
string thirdHash = generateHashKey(gkI, vp, currentPoints);
if (tooFarAway[thirdHash] == "no")
blockerCanBeG1 = false;
else if(gkI > g2I && tooFarAway[thirdHash] == "yes" && higherPoint[thirdHash] == vpS && tooFarAway[firstHash] == "yes" && higherPoint[firstHash] == gkS && tooFarAway[secondHash] == "no"){
//vp is high outside gk's disk, and g1 is low outside gk's disk.
//Then g1 cannot be a blocker for \overline{vp g2}.
blockerCanBeG1 = false;
//if g1 can be the blocker then we move on to the next vp.
//If we are here, then g1 could not be the blocker, so the terrain will
// need to have a "new point" that is not in the point order to serve as
//the blocker for \overline{vp g2}. There are 2 problems this could cause:
if(cannotBlockWithTerrain[vpS + "," + g1S]){
//The new blocker would have to block g1 from vp as well. So if vp and
//g1 are unpiercable, we can reject the order.
blockerCanBeNewPoint = false;
//New blocker may make more things unpiercable.
// In particular, every viewpoint vp2 to the left of vp such that
//vp2 and g1 are unpiercable, we would now have that vp2 and g2 are
//unpiercable whereas they might have been able to have been blocked
//before. If vp2 would need to be high and outside of g2's disk then
//we may be able to reject.
blockerCanBeNewPoint = true;
for(int vp2 = vp-1; vp2 > leftMostPointGuardSees[j]; vp2--){
check = (*currentPoints)[vp2].find(g1S);
if(check >=0){
//g1 sees vp2.
check = (*currentPoints)[vp2].find(g2S);
if(check < 0){
//g2 does not see vp2, but now it is unpiercable and it sees
//a point to the left of vp2 (we stop checking vp2s when we get to the last point g2 sees).
//It could only be low outside g2's disk. If vp2 sees a guard to the right of g2, the order is not realizable.
int rightMostGuardPointSees = (*currentPoints)[vp2][(*currentPoints)[vp2].size()-1] - 'A';
if(rightMostGuardPointSees > j){
blockerCanBeNewPoint = false;
return true;
//Repeat the process except now we are checking on blockers for \overline{g1 vp} for
//vps to the right of g2.
for(int vp = g2I+1; vp<rightMostPointGuardSees[i]; vp++){
string vpS = (*currentPoints)[vp];
if(vpS.size() == 1)
int check = vpS.find(g1S);
if(check >= 0)
//If vp sees g1 then g2 will not be a blocker for any point right of vp.
string vpG1HashKey = generateHashKey(g1I, vp, currentPoints);
if(tooFarAway[vpG1HashKey] != "no") // vp sees a guard right of g2
//We don't know for sure if we need a blocker for this vp, so skip it.
continue; // check both side
bool blockerCanBeG2, blockerCanBeNewPoint;
//Is there a disc that contains g1 and vp but g2?
blockerCanBeG2 = true;
for(int k=0; k<guardIndices.size(); k++){
if(k == j)
int gkI = guardIndices[k];
string gkS = (*currentPoints)[gkI];
string firstHash = generateHashKey(gkI, g1I, currentPoints);
if(tooFarAway[firstHash] != "no")
string secondHash = generateHashKey(gkI, g2I, currentPoints);
if(tooFarAway[secondHash] != "yes" || higherPoint[secondHash] != gkS)
string thirdHash = generateHashKey(gkI, vp, currentPoints);
if(tooFarAway[thirdHash] == "no")
blockerCanBeG2 = false;
else if(gkI < g1I && tooFarAway[thirdHash] == "yes" && higherPoint[thirdHash] == vpS && tooFarAway[secondHash] == "yes" && higherPoint[secondHash] == gkS && tooFarAway[firstHash] == "no"){
blockerCanBeG2 = false;
if(cannotBlockWithTerrain[g2S + "," + (*currentPoints)[vp]]){
blockerCanBeNewPoint = false;
//New blocker may make more things unpiercable
blockerCanBeNewPoint = true;
for(int vp2 = vp+1; vp2 < rightMostPointGuardSees[i]; vp2++){
check = (*currentPoints)[vp2].find(g2S);
if(check >=0){
check = (*currentPoints)[vp2].find(g1S);
if(check < 0){
int leftMostGuardPointSees = (*currentPoints)[vp2][0] - 'A';
if(leftMostGuardPointSees < i){
blockerCanBeNewPoint = false;
return true;
//We now check for violations of Lemma 5 where the "outer" points of the lemma are guards g1 and g2 and the "inner" points are viewpoints.
for(int i=0; i<guardIndices.size(); i++){
int g1I = guardIndices[i];
string g1S = (*currentPoints)[g1I];
for(int j= i+1; j<guardIndices.size(); j++){
int g2I = guardIndices[j];
string g2S = (*currentPoints)[g2I];
//We now look for a point vp2 that sees g2 but is low outside of g1's disk.
for(int vp2 = g1I + 1; vp2 < g2I; vp2++){
string vp2S = (*currentPoints)[vp2];
int check = vp2S.find(g1S);
if(check >= 0) // Skip if vp2 sees g1.
check = vp2S.find(g2S);
if(check < 0) // Skip if vp2 doesn't see g2.
string hashKey2 = g1S + "," + vp2S;
if(tooFarAway[hashKey2] != "yes" || higherPoint[hashKey2] != g1S)
//So now we have that vp2 is low outside of g1.
//If there is a vp1 between vp2 and g2 that sees g1, but has to be low
//outside g2's disk, the order is unrealizable.
for(int vp1 = vp2 +1; vp1 < g2I; vp1++) {
string vp1S = (*currentPoints)[vp1];
check = vp1S.find(g1S);
if(check < 0) // Skip if vp1 doesn't see g1.
check = vp1S.find(g2S);
if(check >= 0) // Skip if vp1 sees g2.
string hashKey1 = vp1S + "," + g2S;
if(tooFarAway[hashKey1] != "yes" || higherPoint[hashKey1] != g2S)
//If we make it here then g1, vp2, vp1, g2 violate Lemma 5.
return true;
//If we make it here, we could not determine that the order is unrealizable.
return false;
string generateHashKey(int index1, int index2, vector<string> *arr)
string hashKey;
if (index1 <= index2)
hashKey = (*arr)[index1] + "," + (*arr)[index2];
hashKey = (*arr)[index2] + "," + (*arr)[index1];
return hashKey;
Computing file changes ...