Revision 3cda6783fd2832331567e4603af53d4df2d909ba authored by Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois on 29 June 2010, 12:29:30 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 29 June 2010, 12:29:30 UTC
1 parent 0d75e9c
Raw File
0.8.3   2010-06-27

    o	This release adds Rcpp sugar which brings (a subset of) the R syntax
        into C++. This supports : 
         - binary operators : <,>,<=,>=,==,!= between R vectors
         - arithmetic operators: +,-,*,/ between compatible R vectors
         - several functions that are similar to the R function of the same name:
        abs, all, any, ceiling, diff, exp, ifelse, is_na, lapply, pmin, pmax, 
        pow, sapply, seq_along, seq_len, sign
        Simple examples :
          // two numeric vector of the same size
          NumericVector x ;
          NumericVector y ;
          NumericVector res = ifelse( x < y, x*x, -(y*y) ) ;
          // sapply'ing a C++ function
          double square( double x ){ return x*x ; }
          NumericVector res = sapply( x, square ) ;
        Rcpp sugar uses the technique of expression templates, pioneered by the 
        Blitz++ library and used in many libraries (Boost::uBlas, Armadillo). 
        Expression templates allow lazy evaluation of expressions, which 
        coupled with inlining generates very efficient code, very closely 
        approaching the performance of hand written loop code, and often
        much more efficient than the equivalent (vectorized) R code.
        Rcpp sugar is curently limited to vectors, future releases will 
        include support for matrices with sugar functions such as outer, etc ...
        Rcpp sugar is documented in the Rcpp-sugar vignette, which contains
        implementation details.

    o   New helper function so that "Rcpp?something" brings up Rcpp help

    o   Rcpp Modules can now expose public data members

    o   New classes Date, Datetime, DateVector and DatetimeVector with proper
        'new' API integration such as as(), wrap(), iterators, ...

    o   The so-called classic API headers have been moved to a subdirectory
        classic/ This should not affect client-code as only Rcpp.h was ever

    o   RcppDate now has a constructor from SEXP as well

    o   RcppDateVector and RcppDatetimeVector get constructors from int
        and both const / non-const operator(int i) functions
    o   New API class Rcpp::InternalFunction that can expose C++ functions
    	to R without modules. The function is exposed as an S4 object of 
    	class C++Function

0.8.2   2010-06-09

    o   Bug-fix release for suncc compiler with thanks to Brian Ripley for
        additional testing.

0.8.1   2010-06-08

    o   This release adds Rcpp modules. An Rcpp module is a collection of
        internal (C++) functions and classes that are exposed to R. This
        functionality has been inspired by Boost.Python.
        Modules are created internally using the RCPP_MODULE macro and
        retrieved in the R side with the Module function. This is a preview 
        release of the module functionality, which will keep improving until
        the Rcpp 0.9.0 release. 

        The new vignette "Rcpp-modules" documents the current feature set of
        Rcpp modules.
    o   The new vignette "Rcpp-package" details the steps involved in making a
        package that uses Rcpp.

    o   The new vignette "Rcpp-FAQ" collects a number of frequently asked
        questions and answers about Rcpp.

    o   The new vignette "Rcpp-extending" documents how to extend Rcpp
        with user defined types or types from third party libraries. Based on
        our experience with RcppArmadillo
    o   Rcpp.package.skeleton has been improved to generate a package using 
        an Rcpp module, controlled by the "module" argument

    o   Evaluating a call inside an environment did not work properly
    o   cppfunction has been withdrawn since the introduction of the more
        flexible cxxfunction in the inline package (0.3.5). Rcpp no longer
        depends on inline since many uses of Rcpp do not require inline at
        all. We still use inline for unit tests but this is now handled
        locally in the unit tests loader runTests.R. 

        Users of the now-withdrawn function cppfunction can redefine it as:
           cppfunction <- function(...) cxxfunction( ..., plugin = "Rcpp" )

    o   Support for std::complex was incomplete and has been enhanced.

    o   The methods XPtr<T>::getTag and XPtr<T>::getProtected are deprecated, 
        and will be removed in Rcpp 0.8.2. The methods tag() and prot() should
        be used instead. tag() and prot() support both LHS and RHS use. 

    o   END_RCPP now returns the R Nil values; new macro VOID_END_RCPP
        replicates prior behabiour
0.8.0   2010-05-17

    o   All Rcpp headers have been moved to the inst/include directory,
        allowing use of 'LinkingTo: Rcpp'. But the Makevars and
        are still needed to link against the user library.

    o   Automatic exception forwarding has been withdrawn because of
        portability issues (as it did not work on the Windows platform).
        Exception forwarding is still possible but is now based on explicit
        code of the form:
          try {
            // user code
          } catch( std::exception& __ex__){ 
            forward_exception_to_r( __ex___ ) ;
        Alternatively, the macro BEGIN_RCPP and END_RCPP can use used to enclose
        code so that it captures exceptions and forward them to R. 
          // user code
    o   new __experimental__ macros 
        The macros RCPP_FUNCTION_0, ..., RCPP_FUNCTION_65 to help creating C++
        functions hiding some code repetition: 
          RCPP_FUNCTION_2( int, foobar, int x, int y){
           return x + y ;

        The first argument is the output type, the second argument is the
        name of the function, and the other arguments are arguments of the
        C++ function. Behind the scenes, the RCPP_FUNCTION_2 macro creates an
        intermediate function compatible with the .Call interface and handles
        Similarly, the macros RCPP_FUNCTION_VOID_0, ..., RCPP_FUNCTION_VOID_65 
        can be used when the C++ function to create returns void. The generated
        R function will return R_NilValue in this case.
          RCPP_FUNCTION_VOID_2( foobar, std::string foo ){
           // do something with foo
        The macro RCPP_XP_FIELD_GET generates a .Call compatible function that
        can be used to access the value of a field of a class handled by an 
        external pointer. For example with a class like this: 
          class Foo{
              int bar ;
          RCPP_XP_FIELD_GET( Foo_bar_get, Foo, bar ) ;
        RCPP_XP_FIELD_GET will generate the .Call compatible function called
        Foo_bar_get that can be used to retrieved the value of bar.
        The macro RCPP_FIELD_SET generates a .Call compatible function that 
        can be used to set the value of a field. For example:
          RCPP_XP_FIELD_SET( Foo_bar_set, Foo, bar ) ;
        generates the .Call compatible function called "Foo_bar_set" that 
        can be used to set the value of bar
        The macro RCPP_XP_FIELD generates both getter and setter. For example
          RCPP_XP_FIELD( Foo_bar, Foo, bar )
        generates the .Call compatible Foo_bar_get and Foo_bar_set using the 
        macros RCPP_XP_FIELD_GET and RCPP_XP_FIELD_SET previously described
        The macros RCPP_XP_METHOD_0, ..., RCPP_XP_METHOD_65 faciliate 
        calling a method of an object that is stored in an external pointer. For 
          RCPP_XP_METHOD_0( foobar, std::vector<int> , size )
        creates the .Call compatible function called foobar that calls the
        size method of the std::vector<int> class. This uses the Rcpp::XPtr<
        std::vector<int> > class.
        The macros RCPP_XP_METHOD_CAST_0, ... is similar but the result of
        the method called is first passed to another function before being
        wrapped to a SEXP.  For example, if one wanted the result as a double
          RCPP_XP_METHOD_CAST_0( foobar, std::vector<int> , size, double )
        The macros RCPP_XP_METHOD_VOID_0, ... are used when calling the
        method is only used for its side effect.
         RCPP_XP_METHOD_VOID_1( foobar, std::vector<int>, push_back ) 
        Assuming xp is an external pointer to a std::vector<int>, this could
        be called like this :
          .Call( "foobar", xp, 2L )
    o   Rcpp now depends on inline (>= 0.3.4)
    o   A new R function "cppfunction" was added which invokes cfunction from
        inline with focus on Rcpp usage (enforcing .Call, adding the Rcpp
        namespace, set up exception forwarding). cppfunction uses BEGIN_RCPP
        and END_RCPP macros to enclose the user code

    o   new class Rcpp::Formula to help building formulae in C++
    o   new class Rcpp::DataFrame to help building data frames in C++
    o   Rcpp.package.skeleton gains an argument "example_code" and can now be
        used with an empty list, so that only the skeleton is generated. It
        has also been reworked to show how to use LinkingTo: Rcpp
    o   wrap now supports containers of the following types: long, long double,
        unsigned long, short and unsigned short which are silently converted
        to the most acceptable R type.
    o   Revert to not double-quote protecting the path on Windows as this
        breaks backticks expansion used n etc
    o   Exceptions classes have been moved out of Rcpp classes,
        e.g. Rcpp::RObject::not_a_matrix is now Rcpp::not_a_matrix

0.7.12  2010-04-16

    o   Undo shQuote() to protect Windows path names (which may contain
        spaces) as backticks use is still broken; use of $(shell ...) works

0.7.11  2010-03-26

    o   Vector<> gains a set of templated factory methods "create" which
        takes up to 20 arguments and can create named or unnamed vectors.
        This greatly facilitates creating objects that are returned to R. 

    o   Matrix now has a diag() method to create diagonal matrices, and
        a new constructor using a single int to create square matrices

    o   Vector now has a new fill() method to propagate a single value
    o   Named is no more a class but a templated function. Both interfaces
        Named(.,.) and Named(.)=. are preserved, and extended to work also on
        simple vectors (through Vector<>::create)
    o   Applied patch by Alistair Gee to make ColDatum more robust
    o   Fixed a bug in Vector that caused random behavior due to the lack of
        copy constructor in the Vector template
0.7.10  2010-03-15

    o   new class Rcpp::S4 whose constructor checks if the object is an S4
    o   maximum number of templated arguments to the pairlist function, the
        DottedPair constructor, the Language constructor and the Pairlist
        constructor has been updated to 20 (was 5) and a script has been
        added to the source tree should we want to change it again

    o   use shQuote() to protect Windows path names (which may contain spaces)

0.7.9   2010-03-12

    o   Another small improvement to Windows build flags

    o   bugfix on 64 bit platforms. The traits classes (wrap_type_traits, etc)
        used size_t when they needed to actually use unsigned int

    o   fixed pre gcc 4.3 compatibility. The trait class that was used to
        identify if a type is convertible to another had too many false
        positives on pre gcc 4.3 (no tr1 or c++0x features). fixed by
        implementing the section 2.7 of "Modern C++ Design" book.

0.7.8   2010-03-09

    o   All vector classes are now generated from the same template class
        Rcpp::Vector<int RTYPE> where RTYPE is one of LGLSXP, RAWSXP, STRSXP,
        INTSXP, REALSXP, CPLXSXP, VECSXP and EXPRSXP. typedef are still 
        available : IntegerVector, ... All vector classes gain methods 
        inspired from the std::vector template : push_back, push_front, 
        erase, insert
    o   New template class Rcpp::Matrix<RTYPE> deriving from 
        Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>. These classes have the same functionality
        as Vector but have a different set of constructors which checks
        that the input SEXP is a matrix. Matrix<> however does/can not
        guarantee that the object will allways be a matrix. typedef 
        are defined for convenience: Matrix<INTSXP> is IntegerMatrix, etc...
    o   New class Rcpp::Row<int RTYPE> that represents a row of a matrix
        of the same type. Row contains a reference to the underlying 
        Vector and exposes a nested iterator type that allows use of 
        STL algorithms on each element of a matrix row. The Vector class
        gains a row(int) method that returns a Row instance. Usage 
        examples are available in the runit.Row.R unit test file
    o   New class Rcpp::Column<int RTYPE> that represents a column of a 
        matrix. (similar to Rcpp::Row<int RTYPE>). Usage examples are 
        available in the runit.Column.R unit test file

    o   The Rcpp::as template function has been reworked to be more 
        generic. It now handles more STL containers, such as deque and 
        list, and the genericity can be used to implement as for more
        types. The package RcppArmadillo has examples of this

    o   new template class Rcpp::fixed_call that can be used in STL algorithms
        such as std::generate.

    o   RcppExample et al have been moved to a new package RcppExamples;
        src/Makevars and src/ simplified accordingly

    o   New class Rcpp::StringTransformer and helper function 
        Rcpp::make_string_transformer that can be used to create a function
        that transforms a string character by character. For example
        Rcpp::make_string_transformer(tolower) transforms each character
        using tolower. The RcppExamples package has an example of this.
    o   Improved src/ thanks to Brian Ripley

    o   New examples for 'fast lm' using compiled code: 
        - using GNU GSL and a C interface
        - using Armadillo ( and a C++ interface
        Armadillo is seen as faster for lack of extra copying

    o   A new package RcppArmadillo (to be released shortly) now serves 
        as a concrete example on how to extend Rcpp to work with a modern 
        C++ library such as the heavily-templated Armadillo library

    o   Added a new vignette 'Rcpp-introduction' based on a just-submitted 
        overview article on Rcpp

0.7.7   2010-02-14

    o   new template classes Rcpp::unary_call and Rcpp::binary_call
        that facilitates using R language calls together 
        with STL algorithms.
    o   fixed a bug in Language constructors taking a string as their
        first argument. The created call was wrong.

0.7.6   2010-02-12

    o   SEXP_Vector (and ExpressionVector and GenericVector, a.k.a List) now
        have methods push_front, push_back and insert that are templated

    o   SEXP_Vector now has int- and range-valued erase() members

    o   Environment class has a default constructor (for RInside)

    o   SEXP_Vector_Base factored out of SEXP_Vector (Effect. C++ #44)

    o   SEXP_Vector_Base::iterator added as well as begin() and end()
        so that STL algorithms can be applied to Rcpp objects

    o   CharacterVector gains a random access iterator, begin() and end() to
        support STL algorithms; iterator dereferences to a StringProxy

    o   Restore Windows build; successfully tested on 32 and 64 bit;

    o   Small fixes to inst/skeleton files for bootstrapping a package

    o   RObject::asFoo deprecated in favour of Rcpp::as<Foo>

0.7.5   2010-02-08

    o   wrap has been much improved. wrappable types now are :
        - primitive types : int, double, Rbyte, Rcomplex, float, bool
        - std::string
        - STL containers which have iterators over wrappable types:
          (e.g. std::vector<T>, std::deque<T>, std::list<T>, etc ...). 
        - STL maps keyed by std::string, e.g std::map<std::string,T>
        - classes that have implicit conversion to SEXP
        - classes for which the wrap template if fully or partly specialized
        This allows composition, so for example this class is wrappable: 
        std::vector< std::map<std::string,T> > (if T is wrappable)
    o   The range based version of wrap is now exposed at the Rcpp::
        level with the following interface : 
        Rcpp::wrap( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
        This is dispatched internally to the most appropriate implementation
        using traits

    o   a new namespace Rcpp::traits has been added to host the various
        type traits used by wrap

    o   The doxygen documentation now shows the examples

    o   A new file inst/THANKS acknowledges the kind help we got from others

    o   The RcppSexp has been removed from the library.
    o   The methods RObject::asFoo are deprecated and will be removed
        in the next version. The alternative is to use as<Foo>.

    o   The method RObject::slot can now be used to get or set the 
        associated slot. This is one more example of the proxy pattern
    o   Rcpp::VectorBase gains a names() method that allows getting/setting
        the names of a vector. This is yet another example of the 
        proxy pattern.
    o   Rcpp::DottedPair gains templated operator<< and operator>> that 
        allow wrap and push_back or wrap and push_front of an object
    o   Rcpp::DottedPair, Rcpp::Language, Rcpp::Pairlist are less
        dependent on C++0x features. They gain constructors with up
        to 5 templated arguments. 5 was choosed arbitrarily and might 
        be updated upon request.
    o   function calls by the Rcpp::Function class is less dependent
        on C++0x. It is now possible to call a function with up to 
        5 templated arguments (candidate for implicit wrap)
    o   added support for 64-bit Windows (thanks to Brian Ripley and Uwe Ligges)
0.7.4   2010-01-30

    o   matrix-like indexing using operator() for all vector 
        types : IntegerVector, NumericVector, RawVector, CharacterVector
        LogicalVector, GenericVector and ExpressionVector. 

    o   new class Rcpp::Dimension to support creation of vectors with 
        dimensions. All vector classes gain a constructor taking a 
        Dimension reference.

    o   an intermediate template class "SimpleVector" has been added. All
        simple vector classes are now generated from the SimpleVector 
        template : IntegerVector, NumericVector, RawVector, CharacterVector

    o   an intermediate template class "SEXP_Vector" has been added to 
        generate GenericVector and ExpressionVector.

    o   the clone template function was introduced to explicitely
        clone an RObject by duplicating the SEXP it encapsulates.

    o   even smarter wrap programming using traits and template
        meta-programming using a private header to be include only

    o   the as template is now smarter. The template now attempts to 
        build an object of the requested template parameter T by using the
        constructor for the type taking a SEXP. This allows third party code
        to create a class Foo with a constructor Foo(SEXP) to have 
        as<Foo> for free.

    o   wrap becomes a template. For an object of type T, wrap<T> uses
        implicit conversion to SEXP to first convert the object to a SEXP
        and then uses the wrap(SEXP) function. This allows third party 
        code creating a class Bar with an operator SEXP() to have 
        wrap for free.

    o   all specializations of wrap :  wrap<double>, wrap< vector<double> >
        use coercion to deal with missing values (NA) appropriately.

    o   configure has been withdrawn. C++0x features can now be activated
        by setting the RCPP_CXX0X environment variable to "yes".

    o   new template r_cast<int> to facilitate conversion of one SEXP
        type to another. This is mostly intended for internal use and 
        is used on all vector classes

    o   Environment now takes advantage of the augmented smartness
        of as and wrap templates. If as<Foo> makes sense, one can 
        directly extract a Foo from the environment. If wrap<Bar> makes
        sense then one can insert a Bar directly into the environment. 
          Foo foo = env["x"] ;  /* as<Foo> is used */
          Bar bar ;
          env["y"] = bar ;      /* wrap<Bar> is used */     

    o   Environment::assign becomes a template and also uses wrap to 
        create a suitable SEXP

    o   Many more unit tests for the new features; also added unit tests
        for older API

0.7.3   2010-01-21

    o   New R function Rcpp.package.skeleton, modelled after 
        utils::package.skeleton to help creating a package with support
        for Rcpp use.

    o   indexing is now faster for simple vectors due to inlining of 
        the operator[] and caching the array pointer

    o   The class Rcpp::VectorBase was introduced. All vector classes
        derive from it. The class handles behaviour that is common 
        to all vector types: length, names, etc ...

    o   exception forwarding is extended to compilers other than GCC
        but default values are used for the exception class 
        and the exception message, because we don't know how to do it.

    o   Improved detection of C++0x capabilities

    o   Rcpp::Pairlist gains a default constructor

    o   Rcpp::Environment gains a new_child method to create a new
        environment whose parent is this
    o   Rcpp::Environment::Binding gains a templated implicit 
        conversion operator
    o   Rcpp::ExpressionVector gains an eval method to evaluate itself
    o   Rcpp::ExpressionVector gains a constructor taking a std::string
        representing some R code to parse. 
    o   Rcpp::GenericVector::Proxy gains an assignment operator to deal
        with Environment::Proxy objects

    o   Rcpp::LdFlags() now defaults to static linking OS X, as it already
        did on Windows; this default can be overridden. 

0.7.2   2010-01-12

    o   a new benchmark was added to the examples directory
        around the classic convolution example from
        Writing R extensions to compare C and C++ implementations

    o   Rcpp::CharacterVector::StringProxy gains a += operator
    o   Rcpp::Environment gains an operator[](string) to get/set
        objects from the environment. operator[] returns an object
        of class Rcpp::Environment::Binding which implements the proxy
        pattern. Inspired from Item 30 of 'More Effective C++'
    o   Rcpp::Pairlist and Rcpp::Language gain an operator[](int) 
        also using the proxy pattern

    o   Rcpp::RObject.attr can now be used on the rhs or the lhs, to get 
        or set an attribute. This also uses the proxy pattern
    o   Rcpp::Pairlist and Rcpp::Language gain new methods push_back
        replace, length, size, remove, insert
    o   wrap now returns an object of a suitable class, not just RObject
        anymore. For example wrap( bool ) returns a LogicalVector
    o   Rcpp::RObject gains methods to deal with S4 objects : isS4, 
        slot and hasSlot
    o   new class Rcpp::ComplexVector to manage complex vectors (CPLXSXP)
    o   new class Rcpp::Promise to manage promises (PROMSXP)
    o   new class Rcpp::ExpressionVector to manage expression vectors

    o   new class Rcpp::GenericVector to manage generic vectors, a.k.a
        lists (VECSXP)

    o   new class Rcpp::IntegerVector to manage integer vectors (INTSXP)
    o   new class Rcpp::NumericVector to manage numeric vectors (REALSXP)
    o   new class Rcpp::RawVector to manage raw vectors (RAWSXP)
    o   new class Rcpp::CharacterVector to manage character vectors (STRSXP)
    o   new class Rcpp::Function to manage functions 
    o   new class Rcpp::Pairlist to manage pair lists (LISTSXP)
    o   new class Rcpp::Language to manage calls (LANGSXP)
    o   new specializations of wrap to deal with std::initializer lists
        only available with GCC >= 4.4
    o   new R function Rcpp:::capabilities that can query if various
        features are available : exception handling, variadic templates
        initializer lists
    o   new set of functions wrap(T) converting from T to RObject
    o   new template function as<T> that can be used to convert a SEXP
        to type T. Many specializations implemented to deal with 
        C++ builtin and stl types. Factored out of RObject
    o   new class Rcpp::Named to deal with named with named objects 
        in a pairlist, or a call

    o   new class Rcpp::Symbol to manage symbols (SYMSXP)
    o   The garbage collection has been improved and is now automatic 
        and hidden. The user needs not to worry about it at all.
    o   Rcpp::Environment(SEXP) uses the as.environment R function

    o   Doxygen-generated documentation is no longer included as it is both
        too large and too volatile. Zipfiles are provided on the website.

0.7.1   2010-01-02

    o   Romain is now a co-author of Rcpp

    o   New base class Rcpp::RObject replace RcppSexp (which is provided for
        backwards compatibility)

    o   RObject has simple wrappers for object creation and conversion to SEXP

    o   New classes Rcpp::Evaluator and Rcpp::Environment for expression
        evaluation and environment access, respectively

    o   New class Rcpp::XPtr for external pointers
    o   Enhanced exception handling allows for trapping of exceptions outside
        of try/catch blocks

    o   Namespace support with a new namespace 'Rcpp'

    o   Unit tests for most of the new classes, based on the RUnit package

    o   Inline support now provided by the update inline package, so a new
        Depends on 'inline (>= 0.3.4)' replaces the code in that was
        temporarily in Rcpp

0.7.0   2009-12-19

    o   Inline support via a modified version of 'cfunction' from Oleg
        Sklyar's 'inline' package: simple C++ programs can now be compiled,
        linked and loaded automagically from the R prompt, including support
        for external packages. Also works on Windows (with R-tools installed)

    o   New examples for the inline support based on 'Intro to HPC' tutorials

    o   New type RcppSexp for simple int, double, std::string scalars and vectors

    o   Every class is now in its own header and source file

    o   Fix to RcppParams.Rd thanks to Frank S. Thomas

    o   RcppVersion.R removed as redundant given DESCRIPTION and read.dcf()

    o   Switched to R_PreserveObject and R_ReleaseObject for RcppSexp with
        thanks to Romain

    o   Licensing changed from LGPL 2.1 (or later) to GPL 2 (or later), file
        COPYING updated

0.6.8   2009-11-19

    o   Several classes now split off into their own header and source files

    o   New header file RcppCommon.h regrouping common defines and includes

    o   Makevars{,.win} updated to reflect src/ reorg

0.6.7   2009-11-08

    o   New class RcppList for simple lists and data structures of different
        types and dimensions, useful for RProtoBuf project on R-Forge

    o   Started to split classes into their own header and source files

    o   Added short README file about history and status

    o   Small documentation markup fix thanks to Kurt; updated doxygen docs

    o   New examples directory functionCallback/ for R function passed to C++ 
        and being called

0.6.6   2009-08-03

    o   Updated Doxygen documentation

    o   RcppParams class gains a new exists() member function

0.6.5   2009-04-01

    o   Small OS X build correction using R_ARCH variable

    o   Include LGPL license as file COPYING

0.6.4   2009-03-01

    o   Use std:: namespace throughout instead of 'using namespace std'

    o   Define R_NO_REMAP so that R provides Rf_length() etc in lieu of length()
        to minimise clashes with other projects having similar functions

    o   Include Doxygen documentation, and Doxygen configuration file 

    o   Minor Windows build fix (with thanks to Uwe and Simon)

0.6.3   2009-01-09

    o   OS X build fix with thanks to Simon

    o   Added 'view-only' classes for int and double vector and matrix clases
        as well as string vector classses, kindly suggsted / provided by
        David Reiss

    o   Add two shorter helper functions Rcpp:::CxxFlags() and
        Rcpp:::LdFlags() for compilation and linker flags 

0.6.2   2008-12-02

    o   Small but important fix for Linux builds in Rcpp:::RcppLdFlags()

0.6.1   2008-11-30

    o   Now src/Makevars replaces src/Makefile, this brings proper OS X
        multi-arch support with thanks to Simon

    o   Old #ifdef statements related to QuantLib removed; Rcpp is now
        decoupled from QuantLib headers yet be used by RQuantLib

    o   Added RcppLdPath() to return the lib. directory patch and on Linux
        the rpath settings

    o   Added new RcppVectorExample()

    o   Augmented documentation on usage in Rcpp-package.Rd

0.6.0.  2008-11-05

    o   New maintainer, taking over RcppTemplate (which has been without an
        update since Nov 2006) under its initial name Rcpp

    o   New files src/Makefile{,.win} including functionality from both
        configure and RcppSrc/Makefile; we now build two libraries, one for
        use by the package which also runs the example, and one for users to
        link against, and removed src/

    o   Files src/Rcpp.{cpp,h} moved in from ../RcppSrc

    o   Added new class RcppDatetime corresponding to POSIXct in with full 
        support for microsecond time resolution between R and C++

    o   Several new manual pages added

    o   Removed  configure{,.in,.win} as src/Makefile* can handle this more

    o   Minor cleanup and reformatting for DESCRIPTION, Date: now uses
        svn:keyword Date property

    o   Renamed RcppTemplateVersion to RcppVersion, deleted RcppDemo

    o   Directory demo/ removed as vignette("RcppAPI") is easier and more
        reliable to show vignette documentation

    o   RcppTemplateDemo() removed from R/zzz.R, vignette("RcppAPI") is easier;
        man/RcppTemplateDemo.Rd removed as well

    o   Some more code reindentation and formatting to R default arguments,
        some renamed from RcppTemplate* to Rcpp*
    o   Added footnote onto titlepage of inst/doc/RcppAPI.{Rnw,pdf} about how
        this document has not (yet) been updated along with the channges made

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