Revision 3eee19a17a23489bb9461e0526f42d7f71da35ed authored by Quentin Monnet on 16 January 2023, 13:56:21 UTC, committed by Quentin Monnet on 17 January 2023, 09:41:25 UTC
Once upon a time, Cilium docs used the openapi Sphinx add-on to generate
its API reference based on the code. And things were good.

One day, Dependabot raised a security alert, stating that Mistune v2.0.2
was vulnerable to catastrophic backtracking [0] - this is a regex
parsing thing. Mistune was a dependency to m2r, an add-on to parse
Markdown in Sphinx, which in turn was a dependency to openapi.

The easy path would have been to update m2r to use the latest, fixed
Mistune version; but m2r was incompatible with Mistune >= 2.0.0, and
also it was no longer in development.

There was a fork, m2r2, which had little activity, and would avoid the
security issue by very simply pinning the Mistune version to 0.8.4
(which would either fail to build Cilium's reference correctly, or bring
some incompatibilities with other dependencies, at this point the
narrator does not remember for sure).

There was a fork of the fork, sphinx-mdinclude. We could use that
project to update openapi, except that it was not compatible with recent
versions of docutils, and that this would cause openapi's test suite to
fail to pass.

... So we ended up forking the openapi repository to update the
dependency to sphinx-mdinclude locally, and this is what we've been
using since last summer. And things were good again.

But things are even better when they go upstream [citation needed]. We
also filed the issue for docutils compatibility in sphinx-mdinclude [1].
It was fixed (thanks!). We submitted a PR to have openapi switch to
sphinx-mdinclude [2]. It was adjusted (thanks!), merged, and a new tag
was created.

Now at last, we can switch back to the upstream version of openapi!
[And the build system lived happily ever after.]


I did _not_ run `make -C Documentation update-requirements`, because the
resulting changes seemed to break the Netlify preview [3]. I stuck to
openapi and bumped sphinx-mdinclude to >= 0.5.2, as required by openapi.


Signed-off-by: Quentin Monnet <>
1 parent 4ec82bb
Raw File
# Code owners are used by the Cilium community to consolidate common knowledge
# into teams that can provide consistent and actionable feedback to
# contributors. This section will describe groups of teams and suggestions
# about the focus areas for review.
# The primary motivation for these teams is to provide structure around review
# processes to ensure that contributors know how to reach out to community
# members to conduct discussions, ensure contributions meet the expectations of
# the community, and align on the direction of proposed changes. Furthermore,
# while these teams are primarily drawn upon to provide review on specific pull
# requests, they are also encouraged to self-organize around how to make
# improvements to their areas of the Cilium project over time.
# Any committer may self-nominate to code owner teams. Reach out to the core
# team on the #committers channel in Slack to coordinate. Committers do not
# require expert knowledge in an area in order to join a code owner team,
# only a willingness to engage in discussions and learn about the area.
# Project-wide
# ++++++++++++
# These code owners may provide feedback for Pull Requests submitted to any
# repository in the Cilium project:
# - @cilium/api:
#   Ensure the backwards-compatibility of Cilium REST and gRPC APIs, excluding
#   Hubble which is owned by @cilium/sig-hubble-api.
# - @cilium/build:
#   Provide feedback on languages and scripting used for build and packaging
#   system: Make, Shell, Docker.
# - @cilium/cli:
#   Provide user experience feedback on changes to Command-Line Interfaces.
#   These owners are a stand-in for the user community to bring a user
#   perspective to the review process. Consider how information is presented,
#   consistency of flags and options.
# - @cilium/ci-structure:
#   Provide guidance around the best use of Cilium project continuous
#   integration and testing infrastructure, including GitHub actions, VM
#   helpers, testing frameworks, etc.
# - @cilium/contributing:
#   Encourage practices that ensure an inclusive contributor community. Review
#   tooling and scripts used by contributors.
# - @cilium/docs-structure:
#   Ensure the consistency and layout of documentation. General feedback on the
#   use of Sphinx, how to communicate content clearly to the community. This
#   code owner is not expected to validate the technical correctness of
#   submissions. Correctness is typically handled by another code owner group
#   which is also assigned to any given piece of documentation.
# - @cilium/github-sec:
#   Responsible for maintaining the security of repositories in the Cilium
#   project by maintaining best practices for workflow usage, for instance
#   preventing malicious use of GitHub actions.
# - @cilium/helm:
#   Provide input on the way that Helm can be used to configure features. These
#   owners are a stand-in for the user community to bring a user perspective to
#   the review process. Ensure that Helm changes are defined in manners that
#   will be forward-compatible for upgrade and follow best practices for
#   deployment (for example, being GitOps-friendly).
# - @cilium/sig-hubble-api:
#   Review all Hubble API related changes. The Hubble API covers gRPC and
#   metrics endpoints. The team ensures that API changes are backward
#   compatible or that a new API version is created for backward incompatible
#   changes.
# - @cilium/metrics:
#   Provide recommendations about the types, names and labels for metrics to
#   follow best practices. This includes considering the cardinality impact of
#   metrics being added or extended.
# - @cilium/tophat:
#   Top Hat duties rotate between the committer group from week to week, and
#   they may assist in maintenance, triage and backporting duties across
#   different Cilium repositories. Catch-all for code not otherwise owned by a
#   team.
# - @cilium/vendor:
#   Review vendor updates for software dependencies to check for any potential
#   upstream breakages / incompatibilities. Discourage the use of unofficial
#   forks of upstream libraries if they are actively maintained.
# Repository Owners
# +++++++++++++++++
# The following code owners are responsible for a range of general feedback for
# contributions to specific repositories:
# - @cilium/sig-hubble:
#   Review all Cilium and Hubble code related to observing system events,
#   exporting those via gRPC protocols outside the node and outside the
#   cluster. those event channels, for example via TLS.
# - @cilium/hubble-ui:
#   Maintain the Hubble UI graphical interface.
# - @cilium/tetragon:
#   Review of all Tetragon code, both for Go and C (for eBPF).
# The teams above are responsible for reviewing the majority of contributions
# to the corresponding repositories. Additionally, there are "maintainer" teams
# listed below which may not be responsible for overall code review for a
# repository, but they have administrator access to the repositories and so
# they can assist with configuring GitHub repository settings, secrets, and
# related processes. For the full codeowners for individual repositories, see
# the CODEOWNERS file in the corresponding repository.
# - @cilium/cilium-cli-maintainers
# - @cilium/cilium-maintainers
# - @cilium/cilium-packer-ci-build-maintainers
# - @cilium/ebpf-lib-maintainers
# - @cilium/hubble-maintainers
# - @cilium/image-tools-maintainers
# - @cilium/iproute2-maintainers
# - @cilium/metallb-maintainers
# - @cilium/openshift-terraform-maintainers
# - @cilium/proxy-maintainers
# - @cilium/tetragon-maintainers
# Cloud Integrations
# ++++++++++++++++++
# The following codeowner groups provide insight into the integrations with
# specific cloud providers:
# - @cilium/alibabacloud
# - @cilium/aws
# - @cilium/azure
# Cilium Internals
# ++++++++++++++++
# The following codeowner groups cover more specific knowledge about Cilium
# Agent internals or the way that particular Cilium features interact with
# external software and protocols:
# - @cilium/docker:
#   Maintain the deprecated docker-plugin.
# - @cilium/endpoint:
#   Provide background on how the Cilium Endpoint package fits into the overall
#   agent architecture, relationship with generation of policy / datapath
#   constructs, serialization and restore from disk.
# - @cilium/health:
#   Review any contributions that impact cluster-wide health probing via
#   periodic in-agent probes; bootstrapping of the simulated health 'endpoint'
#   that provides an IP and HTTP endpoint for network health probing.
# - @cilium/ipcache:
#   Provide background on how the userspace IPCache structure fits into the
#   overall agent architecture, ordering constraints with respect to network
#   policies and encryption. Handle the relationship between Kubernetes state
#   and datapath state as it pertains to remote peers.
# - @cilium/ipsec:
#   Maintain the kernel IPsec configuration and related eBPF logic to ensure
#   traffic is correctly encrypted.
# - @cilium/kvstore:
#   Review Cilium interactions with key-value stores, particularly etcd.
#   Understand the client libraries used by Cilium for sharing state between
#   nodes and clusters.
# - @cilium/loader:
#   Maintain the tooling that allows eBPF programs to be loaded into the
#   kernel: LLVM, bpftool, use of cilium/ebpf for loading programs in the
#   agent, ELF templating, etc.
# - @cilium/operator:
#   Review operations that occur once per cluster via the Cilium Operator
#   component. Take care of the corresponding garbage collection and leader
#   election logic.
# - @cilium/proxy:
#   Review low-level implementations used to redirect and process traffic at
#   Layer 7, including via the Cilium DNS proxy and Envoy. Maintain the
#   configurations for Envoy via xDS protocols as well as the extensible
#   proxylib framework for Go-based layer 7 filters.
# - @cilium/sig-agent:
#   Provide Cilium (agent) general Go review. Internal architecture, core data
#   structures and daemon startup.
# - @cilium/sig-clustermesh:
#   Ensure the reliability of state sharing between clusters to ensure that
#   each cluster maintains a separate fault domain.
# - @cilium/sig-datapath:
#   Provide feedback on all eBPF code changes, use of the kernel APIs for
#   configuring the networking and socket layers. Coordination of kernel
#   subsystems such as xfrm (IPsec), iptables / nftables, tc. Maintain the
#   control plane layers that populate most eBPF maps; account for endianness
#   and system architecture impacts on the datapath code.
# - @cilium/sig-hubble:
#   Review all Cilium and Hubble code related to observing system events,
#   exporting those via gRPC protocols outside the node and outside the
#   cluster. Ensure the security of those event channels, for example via TLS.
# - @cilium/sig-ipam:
#   Coordinate the implementation between all of the IP Address Management
#   modes, provide awareness/insight into IP resource exhaustion and garbage
#   collection concerns.
# - @cilium/sig-k8s:
#   Provide input on all interactions with Kubernetes, both for standard
#   resources and CRDs. Ensure best practices are followed for the coordination
#   of clusterwide state in order to minimize memory usage.
# - @cilium/sig-lb:
#   Maintain the layers necessary to coordinate all load balancing
#   configurations within the agent control plane, including Services,
#   ClusterIP, NodePorts, Maglev, BGP export, local redirect policies, and
#   NAT46/NAT64.
# - @cilium/sig-policy:
#   Ensure consistency of semantics for all network policy representations.
#   Responsible for all policy logic from Kubernetes down to eBPF policymap
#   entries, including all intermediate layers such as the Policy Repository,
#   SelectorCache, PolicyCache, CachedSelectorPolicy, EndpointPolicy, etc.
# - @cilium/sig-servicemesh:
#   Provide input on the way that Service Mesh constructs such as Gateway API
#   are converted into lower-level constructs backed by eBPF or Envoy
#   configurations. Maintain the CRDs necessary for Service Mesh functionality.
# - @cilium/wireguard:
#   Maintain the kernel WireGuard configuration and datapath impacts related to
#   ensuring traffic is encrypted correctly when WireGuard mode is enabled.
# The following filepaths should be sorted so that more specific paths occur
# after the less specific paths, otherwise the ownership for the specific paths
# is not properly picked up in Github.
* @cilium/tophat
/AUTHORS @cilium/tophat
/ @cilium/contributing
/CODEOWNERS @cilium/contributing
/ @cilium/contributing
/.authors.aux @cilium/tophat
/.clomonitor.yml @cilium/tophat
/.gitattributes @cilium/tophat
/.github/ @cilium/contributing
/.github/workflows/ @cilium/github-sec @cilium/ci-structure
/.github/workflows/conformance-datapath.yaml @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/github-sec @cilium/ci-structure
/.gitignore @cilium/tophat
/.golangci.yaml @cilium/ci-structure
/.mailmap @cilium/tophat
/.nvim @cilium/contributing
/.travis/ @cilium/ci-structure
/.travis.yml @cilium/ci-structure
/.vscode @cilium/contributing
/api/ @cilium/api
/api/v1/Makefile @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/api/v1/Makefile.protoc @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/api/v1/flow/ @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/api/v1/health/ @cilium/api @cilium/health
/api/v1/observer/ @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/api/v1/operator/ @cilium/api @cilium/operator
/api/v1/peer/ @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/api/v1/recorder/ @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/api/v1/relay/ @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/bpf/ @cilium/sig-datapath
Makefile* @cilium/build
/bpf/Makefile* @cilium/loader
/bpf/ @cilium/loader
/bpf/custom/Makefile* @cilium/build @cilium/loader
/bpf/lib/encrypt.h @cilium/ipsec
/bpf/sockops/Makefile* @cilium/build @cilium/loader
/bugtool/ @cilium/tophat
/bugtool/cmd/ @cilium/cli
/cilium/ @cilium/cli
/cilium/cmd/encrypt* @cilium/ipsec @cilium/cli
/cilium/cmd/preflight_k8s_valid_cnp.go @cilium/sig-k8s
/cilium-health/ @cilium/health
/cilium-health/cmd/ @cilium/health @cilium/cli
/clustermesh-apiserver @cilium/sig-clustermesh
/contrib/ @cilium/contributing
/contrib/packaging/ @cilium/build
/contrib/vagrant/ @cilium/contributing
/contrib/coccinelle/ @cilium/sig-datapath
/daemon/ @cilium/sig-agent
/daemon/cmd/datapath.go @cilium/sig-datapath
/daemon/cmd/endpoint* @cilium/endpoint
/daemon/cmd/health* @cilium/health
/daemon/cmd/hubble.go @cilium/sig-hubble
/daemon/cmd/ipcache* @cilium/ipcache
/daemon/cmd/kube_proxy* @cilium/sig-datapath
/daemon/cmd/loadbalancer.go @cilium/sig-lb
/daemon/cmd/metrics.go @cilium/metrics
/daemon/cmd/policy* @cilium/sig-policy
/daemon/cmd/prefilter.go @cilium/sig-datapath
/daemon/cmd/proxy.go @cilium/proxy
/daemon/cmd/state.go @cilium/endpoint
/daemon/cmd/sysctl_linux.go @cilium/sig-datapath
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/Documentation/api.rst @cilium/sig-agent @cilium/docs-structure
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/Documentation/ @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/ @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/ @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/ @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/ @cilium/docs-structure
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/Documentation/community/roadmap.rst @cilium/contributing @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/contributing/ @cilium/contributing @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/ @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/configuration/index.rst @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/contributing/ @cilium/contributing @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/Dockerfile @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/gettingstarted/demo.rst @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/gettingstarted/gettinghelp.rst @cilium/contributing @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/gettingstarted/hubble* @cilium/sig-hubble @cilium/docs-structure
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/Documentation/glossary.rst @cilium/docs-structure
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/Documentation/index.rst @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/installation/alibabacloud* @cilium/alibabacloud @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/installation/aws* @cilium/aws @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/installation/cni-chaining-aws-cni.rst @cilium/aws @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/installation/cni-chaining-azure-cni.rst @cilium/azure @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/installation/kind-configure.rst @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/internals/index.rst @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/internals/cilium_operator.rst @cilium/operator @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/internals/hubble.rst @cilium/sig-hubble @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/images/bpf* @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/images/hubble_getflows.png @cilium/sig-hubble @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/Makefile @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/clustermesh/ @cilium/sig-clustermesh @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/concepts/ipam/ @cilium/sig-ipam @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/concepts/ipam/azure* @cilium/sig-ipam @cilium/azure @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/concepts/ipam/eni* @cilium/sig-ipam @cilium/aws @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/ebpf/ @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/kubernetes/ @cilium/sig-k8s @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/kubernetes/bandwidth-manager.rst @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/kubernetes/ipam* @cilium/sig-ipam @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/kubernetes/kubeproxy-free.rst @cilium/sig-lb @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/network/servicemesh/ @cilium/sig-servicemesh @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/observability/ @cilium/sig-policy @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/operations/performance/ @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/operations/system_requirements.rst @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/overview/component-overview.rst @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/overview/intro.rst @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/requirements.txt @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/security/http.rst @cilium/sig-policy @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/security/network/encryption-ipsec.rst @cilium/ipsec @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/security/network/proxy/ @cilium/proxy @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/security/policy-creation.rst @cilium/sig-policy @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/security/policy/ @cilium/sig-policy @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/spelling_wordlist.txt @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/ @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/ @cilium/docs-structure
/Documentation/yaml.config @cilium/docs-structure
/envoy/ @cilium/proxy
/examples/ @cilium/docs-structure
/examples/kubernetes/ @cilium/sig-k8s
/examples/kubernetes/clustermesh/ @cilium/sig-clustermesh
/examples/minikube/ @cilium/sig-k8s
/examples/policies/kubernetes/clustermesh/ @cilium/sig-clustermesh
/FURTHER_READINGS.rst @cilium/docs-structure
/hack/ @cilium/tophat
/GO_VERSION @cilium/sig-agent
*.Jenkinsfile @cilium/ci-structure
/hubble-relay/ @cilium/sig-hubble
/images @cilium/build
/images/builder/ @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/images/builder/ @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/images/builder/ @cilium/github-sec
/images/runtime/ @cilium/github-sec
/install/kubernetes/ @cilium/sig-k8s @cilium/helm
/install/kubernetes/cilium/templates/hubble* @cilium/sig-k8s @cilium/helm @cilium/sig-hubble
jenkinsfiles @cilium/ci-structure
/LICENSE @cilium/tophat
/ @cilium/contributing
/netlify.toml @cilium/ci-structure
/operator/ @cilium/operator
/operator/pkg/gateway-api @cilium/operator @cilium/sig-servicemesh
/operator/pkg/ingress @cilium/operator @cilium/sig-servicemesh
/operator/pkg/model @cilium/operator @cilium/sig-servicemesh
/pkg/ @cilium/tophat
/pkg/annotation @cilium/sig-k8s
/pkg/alibabacloud/ @cilium/alibabacloud
/pkg/api/ @cilium/api
/pkg/aws/ @cilium/aws
/pkg/azure/ @cilium/azure
/pkg/bandwidth/ @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/bgp/ @cilium/sig-k8s @cilium/sig-lb
/pkg/bpf/ @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/byteorder/ @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/api
/pkg/cgroups/ @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/client @cilium/api
/pkg/clustermesh @cilium/sig-clustermesh
/pkg/command/ @cilium/cli
/pkg/completion/ @cilium/proxy
/pkg/components/ @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/controller @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/counter @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/datapath/ @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/datapath/linux/config/ @cilium/loader
/pkg/datapath/linux/ipsec/ @cilium/ipsec
/pkg/datapath/linux/ipsec/xfrm_collector* @cilium/ipsec @cilium/metrics
/pkg/datapath/linux/node.go @cilium/ipsec @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/datapath/linux/probes/ @cilium/loader
/pkg/datapath/linux/requirements.go @cilium/loader
/pkg/datapath/loader.go @cilium/loader
/pkg/datapath/loader/ @cilium/loader
/pkg/datapath/ipcache/ @cilium/ipcache
/pkg/defaults @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/ebpf @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/egressgateway/ @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/elf @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/endpoint/ @cilium/endpoint
/pkg/endpointmanager/ @cilium/endpoint
/pkg/envoy/ @cilium/proxy
/pkg/fqdn/ @cilium/sig-agent @cilium/proxy
/pkg/health/ @cilium/health
/pkg/hubble/ @cilium/sig-hubble
/pkg/hubble/metrics @cilium/sig-hubble @cilium/sig-hubble-api
/pkg/identity @cilium/sig-policy
/pkg/ipam/ @cilium/sig-ipam
/pkg/ipam/allocator/alibabacloud/ @cilium/sig-ipam @cilium/alibabacloud
/pkg/ipam/allocator/aws/ @cilium/sig-ipam @cilium/aws
/pkg/ipam/allocator/azure/ @cilium/sig-ipam @cilium/azure
/pkg/ipam/allocator/clusterpool/ @cilium/sig-ipam @cilium/operator
/pkg/ipcache/ @cilium/ipcache
/pkg/ipmasq @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/k8s/ @cilium/sig-k8s
/pkg/k8s/apis/ @cilium/sig-k8s
/pkg/k8s/apis/ @cilium/api @cilium/sig-k8s
/pkg/kafka/ @cilium/proxy
/pkg/kvstore/ @cilium/kvstore
/pkg/labels @cilium/sig-policy @cilium/api
/pkg/launcher @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/loadbalancer @cilium/sig-lb
/pkg/lock @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/logging/ @cilium/cli
/pkg/mac @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/maglev @cilium/sig-lb
/pkg/maps/ @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/mcastmanager @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/metrics @cilium/metrics
/pkg/monitor @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/monitor/api @cilium/api @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/monitor/format @cilium/cli @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/monitor/payload @cilium/api @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/mountinfo @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/mtu @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/multicast @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/node @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/nodediscovery/ @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/option @cilium/sig-agent @cilium/cli
/pkg/pidfile @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/policy @cilium/sig-policy
/pkg/policy/api/ @cilium/api
/pkg/policy/groups/aws/ @cilium/sig-policy @cilium/aws
/pkg/proxy/ @cilium/proxy
/pkg/proxy/accesslog @cilium/api
/pkg/redirectpolicy @cilium/sig-lb
/pkg/safeio @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/serializer @cilium/sig-agent
/pkg/service @cilium/sig-lb
/pkg/sysctl @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/testutils/ @cilium/ci-structure
/pkg/tuple @cilium/sig-datapath
/pkg/wireguard @cilium/wireguard
/plugins/cilium-cni/ @cilium/sig-k8s
/plugins/cilium-docker/ @cilium/docker
/proxylib/ @cilium/proxy
/README.rst @cilium/docs-structure
/ @cilium/contributing
/stable.txt @cilium/tophat
/test/ @cilium/ci-structure
/test/Makefile* @cilium/ci-structure @cilium/build
# Service handling tests
/test/k8s/services.go @cilium/sig-lb @cilium/ci-structure
/test/runtime/lb.go @cilium/sig-lb @cilium/ci-structure
# Datapath tests
/test/bpf/ @cilium/sig-datapath
/test/bpf/ @cilium/loader
/test/bpf/ @cilium/loader
/test/bpf_tests/ @cilium/sig-datapath
/test/k8s/bandwidth.go @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/ci-structure
/test/k8s/chaos.go @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/ci-structure
/test/k8s/datapath_configuration.go @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/ci-structure
/test/k8s/verifier.go @cilium/loader @cilium/ci-structure
/test/runtime/connectivity.go @cilium/sig-datapath @cilium/ci-structure
# Policy tests
/test/k8s/net_policies.go @cilium/sig-policy @cilium/ci-structure
/test/runtime/net_policies.go @cilium/sig-policy @cilium/ci-structure
# Hubble/monitoring tests
/test/k8s/hubble.go @cilium/sig-hubble @cilium/ci-structure
/test/runtime/monitor.go @cilium/sig-hubble @cilium/ci-structure
# L7 proxy tests
/test/k8s/fqdn.go @cilium/proxy @cilium/ci-structure
/test/k8s/kafka_policies.go @cilium/proxy @cilium/ci-structure
/test/runtime/fqdn.go @cilium/proxy @cilium/ci-structure
# Standalone L4LB tests
/test/l4lb @cilium/sig-lb @cilium/ci-structure
/test/nat46x64 @cilium/sig-lb @cilium/ci-structure
# Misc. tests
/test/k8s/cli.go @cilium/cli @cilium/ci-structure
/test/k8s/health.go @cilium/health @cilium/ci-structure
/test/k8s/updates.go @cilium/sig-agent @cilium/ci-structure
/test/runtime/kvstore.go @cilium/kvstore @cilium/ci-structure
/test/runtime/chaos_agent.go @cilium/sig-agent @cilium/ci-structure
/test/runtime/chaos_endpoint.go @cilium/endpoint @cilium/ci-structure
/tools/ @cilium/contributing
/ @cilium/tophat
Vagrantfile @cilium/ci-structure
/Vagrantfile @cilium/contributing
/go.sum @cilium/vendor
/go.mod @cilium/vendor
/vagrant_box_defaults.rb @cilium/ci-structure
/vendor/ @cilium/vendor
/VERSION @cilium/tophat
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