Revision 3f52a9633fc8f4215f4c5a2f5073afaf52973f96 authored by Alvin Wan on 12 March 2020, 00:58:24 UTC, committed by Alvin Wan on 12 March 2020, 00:58:52 UTC
1 parent d6766d5
Tip revision: 3f52a9633fc8f4215f4c5a2f5073afaf52973f96 authored by Alvin Wan on 12 March 2020, 00:58:24 UTC
instantiate custom criterionn dircetly, instead of callign model
instantiate custom criterionn dircetly, instead of callign model
Tip revision: 3f52a96
import networkx as nx
import json
import random
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
from networkx.readwrite.json_graph import node_link_data, node_link_graph
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from pathlib import Path
import torch
import argparse
import os
def get_parser():
import models
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help='Must be a folder data/{dataset} containing a wnids.txt',
help='Percent extra nodes to add to the tree. If 100, the number of '
'nodes in tree are doubled. Note this is an integral percent.')
help='Ensure every leaf only has one path from the root.')
parser.add_argument('--no-prune', action='store_true', help='Do not prune.')
parser.add_argument('--fname', type=str,
help='Override all settings and just provide a path to a graph')
parser.add_argument('--method', choices=METHODS,
help='structure_released.xml apparently is missing many CIFAR100 classes. '
'As a result, pruning does not work for CIFAR100. Random will randomly '
'join clusters together, iteratively, to make a roughly-binary tree.',
parser.add_argument('--seed', type=int, default=0)
parser.add_argument('--branching-factor', type=int, default=2)
parser.add_argument('--induced-checkpoint', type=str,
help='(induced graph) Checkpoint to load into model. The fc weights '
'are used for clustering.')
parser.add_argument('--induced-linkage', type=str, default='ward',
help='(induced graph) Linkage type used for agglomerative clustering')
parser.add_argument('--induced-affinity', type=str, default='euclidean',
help='(induced graph) Metric used for computing similarity')
return parser
def generate_fname(method, seed=0, branching_factor=2, extra=0,
no_prune=False, fname='', single_path=False,
induced_linkage='ward', induced_affinity='euclidean',
induced_checkpoint=None, **kwargs):
if fname:
return fname
fname = f'graph-{method}'
if method == 'random':
if seed != 0:
fname += f'-seed{seed}'
if method == 'induced':
assert induced_checkpoint is not None, \
'Cannot build induced graph without a checkpoint'
if induced_linkage != 'ward' and induced_linkage is not None:
fname += f'-linkage{induced_linkage}'
if induced_affinity != 'euclidean' and induced_affinity is not None:
fname += f'-affinity{induced_affinity}'
checkpoint_stem = Path(induced_checkpoint).stem
checkpoint_suffix = '-'.join(checkpoint_stem.split('-')[2:])
checkpoint_fname = checkpoint_suffix.replace('-induced', '')
fname += f'-{checkpoint_fname}'
if method in ('random', 'induced'):
if branching_factor != 2:
fname += f'-branch{branching_factor}'
if extra > 0:
fname += f'-extra{extra}'
if no_prune:
fname += '-noprune'
if single_path:
fname += '-single'
return fname
def get_directory(dataset, root='./data'):
folder = DATASET_TO_FOLDER_NAME[dataset]
return os.path.join(root, folder)
def get_wnids_from_dataset(dataset, root='./data'):
directory = get_directory(dataset, root)
return get_wnids(os.path.join(directory, 'wnids.txt'))
def get_wnids(path_wnids):
with open(path_wnids) as f:
wnids = [wnid.strip() for wnid in f.readlines()]
return wnids
def get_graph_path_from_args(args):
fname = generate_fname(**vars(args))
directory = get_directory(args.dataset)
path = os.path.join(directory, f'{fname}.json')
return path
def synset_to_wnid(synset):
return f'{synset.pos()}{synset.offset():08d}'
def wnid_to_synset(wnid):
offset = int(wnid[1:])
pos = wnid[0]
return wn.synset_from_pos_and_offset(wnid[0], offset)
return FakeSynset(wnid)
def synset_to_name(synset):
def is_leaf(G, node):
return len(G.succ[node]) == 0
def get_leaves(G, root=None):
nodes = G.nodes if root is None else nx.descendants(G, root) | {root}
for node in nodes:
if is_leaf(G, node):
yield node
def get_non_leaves(G):
for node in G.nodes:
if len(G.succ[node]) > 0:
yield node
def get_roots(G):
for node in G.nodes:
if len(G.pred[node]) == 0:
yield node
def get_root(G):
roots = list(get_roots(G))
assert len(roots) == 1, f'Multiple ({len(roots)}) found'
return roots[0]
def get_depth(G):
def _get_depth(node):
if not G.succ[node]:
return 1
return max([_get_depth(child) for child in G.succ[node]]) + 1
return max([_get_depth(root) for root in get_roots(G)])
def get_leaf_weights(G, node, weight=1):
This is rather specific to our needs. Basically, a node with k children
splits 'weight' 1/k to each child. This continutes recursively until the
leaves. A tree with L different leaves may not distribute 1/L weight to
each class.
if is_leaf(G, node):
return {node: weight}
num_children = len(G.succ[node])
weight_per_child = weight / float(num_children)
weights = {}
for child in G.succ[node]:
for wnid, weight in get_leaf_weights(G, child, weight_per_child).items():
weights[wnid] = weights.get(wnid, 0) + weight
return weights
def set_node_label(G, synset):
nx.set_node_attributes(G, {
synset_to_wnid(synset): synset_to_name(synset)
}, 'label')
def set_random_node_label(G, i):
nx.set_node_attributes(G, {i: ''}, 'label')
def build_minimal_wordnet_graph(wnids, single_path=False):
G = nx.DiGraph()
for wnid in wnids:
synset = wnid_to_synset(wnid)
set_node_label(G, synset)
if wnid == 'n10129825': # hardcode 'girl' to not be child of 'woman'
if single_path:
G.add_edge('n09624168', 'n10129825') # child of 'male' (sibling to 'male_child')
G.add_edge('n09619168', 'n10129825') # child of 'female'
G.add_edge('n09619168', 'n10129825') # child of 'female'
hypernyms = [synset]
while hypernyms:
current = hypernyms.pop(0)
set_node_label(G, current)
for hypernym in current.hypernyms():
G.add_edge(synset_to_wnid(hypernym), synset_to_wnid(current))
if single_path:
children = [(key, wnid_to_synset(key).name()) for key in G.succ[wnid]]
assert len(children) == 0, \
f'Node {wnid} ({}) is not a leaf. Children: {children}'
return G
def build_random_graph(wnids, seed=0, branching_factor=2):
G = nx.DiGraph()
if seed >= 0:
current = None
remaining = wnids
# Build the graph from the leaves up
while len(remaining) > 1:
current, remaining = remaining, []
while current:
nodes, current = current[:branching_factor], current[branching_factor:]
# Construct networkx graph from root down
set_random_node_label(G, '0')
next = [(remaining[0], '0')]
i = 1
while next:
group, parent = next.pop(0)
if len(group) == 1:
if isinstance(group[0], str):
synset = wnid_to_synset(group[0])
set_node_label(G, synset)
G.add_edge(parent, group[0])
next.append((group[0], parent))
for candidate in group:
is_leaf = not isinstance(candidate, list)
wnid = candidate if is_leaf else str(i)
if is_leaf:
synset = wnid_to_synset(wnid)
set_node_label(G, synset)
set_random_node_label(G, wnid)
G.add_edge(parent, wnid)
i += 1
if not is_leaf:
next.append((candidate, wnid))
return G
def prune_single_successor_nodes(G):
for node in G.nodes:
if len(G.succ[node]) == 1:
succ = list(G.succ[node])[0]
G = nx.contracted_nodes(G, succ, node, self_loops=False)
return G
def write_graph(G, path):
with open(path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(node_link_data(G), f)
def read_graph(path):
with open(path) as f:
return node_link_graph(json.load(f))
def build_induced_graph(wnids, checkpoint, linkage='ward', affinity='euclidean',
centers = get_centers(checkpoint)
n_classes = centers.size(0)
G = nx.DiGraph()
# add leaves
for wnid in wnids:
set_node_label(G, wnid_to_synset(wnid))
# add rest of tree
clustering = AgglomerativeClustering(
children = clustering.children_
index_to_wnid = {}
for index, pair in enumerate(map(tuple, children)):
parent = FakeSynset.create_from_offset(len(G.nodes))
index_to_wnid[index] = parent.wnid
for child in pair:
if child < n_classes:
child_wnid = wnids[child]
child_wnid = index_to_wnid[child - n_classes]
G.add_edge(parent.wnid, child_wnid)
assert len(list(get_roots(G))) == 1, list(get_roots(G))
return G
def get_centers(checkpoint):
data = torch.load(checkpoint, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))
net = data['net']
net = data
keys = ('fc.weight', 'linear.weight', 'module.linear.weight',
'', 'output.weight', 'module.output.weight',
'output.fc.weight', 'module.output.fc.weight')
fc = None
for key in keys:
if key in net:
fc = net[key]
assert fc is not None, (
f'Could not find FC weights in {checkpoint} with keys: {net.keys()}')
return fc.detach()
class FakeSynset:
def __init__(self, wnid):
self.wnid = wnid
assert isinstance(wnid, str)
def create_from_offset(offset):
return FakeSynset('f{:08d}'.format(offset))
def offset(self):
return int(self.wnid[1:])
def pos(self):
return 'f'
def name(self):
return '(generated)'
def augment_graph(G, extra, allow_imaginary=False, seed=0, max_retries=10000):
"""Augment graph G with extra% more nodes.
e.g., If G has 100 nodes and extra = 0.5, the final graph will have 150
n = len(G.nodes)
n_extra = int(extra / 100. * n)
n_imaginary = 0
for i in range(n_extra):
candidate, is_imaginary_synset, children = get_new_node(G)
if not is_imaginary_synset or \
(is_imaginary_synset and allow_imaginary):
add_node_to_graph(G, candidate, children)
n_imaginary += is_imaginary_synset
# now, must be imaginary synset AND not allowed
if n_imaginary > 0: # hit max retries before, not likely to find real
return G, i, n_imaginary
retries, is_imaginary_synset = 0, True
while is_imaginary_synset:
candidate, is_imaginary_synset, children = get_new_node(G)
if retries > max_retries:
print(f'Exceeded max retries ({max_retries})')
return G, i, n_imaginary
add_node_to_graph(G, candidate, children)
return G, n_extra, n_imaginary
def get_new_node(G):
"""Get new candidate node for the graph"""
root = get_root(G)
nodes = list(filter(lambda node: node is not root and not node.startswith('f'), G.nodes))
children = get_new_adjacency(G, nodes)
synsets = [wnid_to_synset(wnid) for wnid in children]
common_hypernyms = get_common_hypernyms(synsets)
assert len(common_hypernyms) > 0, [ for synset in synsets]
candidate = pick_unseen_hypernym(G, common_hypernyms)
if candidate is None:
return FakeSynset.create_from_offset(len(G.nodes)), True, children
return candidate, False, children
def add_node_to_graph(G, candidate, children):
root = get_root(G)
wnid = synset_to_wnid(candidate)
set_node_label(G, candidate)
for child in children:
G.add_edge(wnid, child)
G.add_edge(root, wnid)
def get_new_adjacency(G, nodes):
adjacency = set(tuple(adj) for adj in G.adj.values())
children = next(iter(adjacency))
while children in adjacency:
k = random.randint(2, 4)
children = tuple(random.sample(nodes, k=k))
return children
def get_common_hypernyms(synsets):
common_hypernyms = set(synsets[0].common_hypernyms(synsets[1]))
for synset in synsets[2:]:
common_hypernyms &= set(synsets[0].common_hypernyms(synset))
return common_hypernyms
def deepest_synset(synsets):
return max(synsets, key=lambda synset: synset.max_depth())
def pick_unseen_hypernym(G, common_hypernyms):
candidate = deepest_synset(common_hypernyms)
wnid = synset_to_wnid(candidate)
while common_hypernyms and wnid in G.nodes:
common_hypernyms -= {candidate}
if not common_hypernyms:
return None
candidate = deepest_synset(common_hypernyms)
wnid = synset_to_wnid(candidate)
return candidate
Computing file changes ...