Revision 40e7baec376a6b7493f671d25b5322fe5253d45e authored by Hugh Cayless on 08 October 2015, 01:58:35 UTC, committed by Hugh Cayless on 08 October 2015, 01:58:35 UTC
Removed the valList from @scope, added an example to the Guidelines text, and revised the prose a little.
1 parent 2af6ef4
Raw File
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="tei.css"?>
<TEI xmlns="">
                <title>The TEI Sample File</title>
                <p>Unpublished, as yet
                <p>Derived from a TEI exercise by Lou Burnard and Sebastian Rahtz</p>
                    <date>5 February 2002</date>first attempt</item>
            <div type="preface">
                    <!-- it starts here -->
                    <!-- there is no <p> -->
                    I have endeavoured in this
                    little book, to raise the
                    of an xml:idea, which shall not put my readers out of humour with themselves,
                    with each other, with the season, or with me. May it haunt their houses
                    pleasantly, and no one wish to lay it.
                    Their faithful Friend and Servant, C.D.
                    <date>December, 1843.</date>
                <head>Something Literary</head>
                    <head>Marley's Ghost</head>
                    <p>Marley was dead: to begin with. There is no doubt whatever about that. The
                        register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the
                        undertaker, and the chief mourner. Scrooge signed it. And Scrooge's name was
                        good upon 'Change, for anything he chose to put his hand to. Old Marley was
                        as dead as a door-nail.</p>
                <head>Some nonsense</head>
                    <head>Some simple markup</head>
                        element is used for various forms of highlighting: e.g.
                        <hi rend="bold">bold</hi>,
                        <hi rend="it">italic</hi>
                        <hi rend="sc">small caps</hi>.
                        <hi rend="sup">superscript</hi>,
                        <hi rend="sub">subscript</hi>,
                        <hi rend="ul">underline</hi>. Generally a
                        element takes
                        <att>rend</att>, but
                        <hi>you'll be alerted</hi>
                        when it doesn't.
                        element is used for linguistic emph<emph>asis</emph>.
                        (<gi>soCalled</gi>) nor with
                        <term>transmogrification</term>, (a technical
                        <gi>term</gi>), for which the
                        tag might be used to supply
                        <gloss>a technical definition</gloss>).</p>
                    <p>Now for some links! We will start by cross-referring to the next section.</p>
                    <p>Here is a simple
                        to it:
                        <ptr target="P1"/>.</p>
                    <p>Here is a simple
                        <gi>ref</gi>, a
                        <ref target="#P1">reference to it</ref>.</p>
                        <ref target="">external link</ref>
                        as ref and as ptr:
                        <ptr target=""/>.</p>
                    <p>Here is a figure
                        <graphic url="teixlite.png"/>
                    <p>Here is another figure
                            <graphic url="bananas.jpg"/><head>The Banana Picture</head>
            <div xml:id="P1">
                <head>Some lists</head>
                <p>Various sorts of list are legal within paragraphs...
                    <list type="ordered">
                        <item n="D">Dogs</item>
                        <item n="Z">Zebras</item>
                <list type="gloss">
                    <item>first item
                    <item>second item
                    <item>third item
                <p>The preceding lists was between paragraphs.</p>
                    <list type="unordered">
                        <head>This untyped list has a heading and a nested glosslist
                        <item>first item
                            <list type="gloss">
                                <item>first item
                                <item>second item
                                <item>third item
                        <item>third item
                <p>And here's a little something we know you're going to enjoy:
                        <head>Mortality figures from Defoe</head>
                        <row role="data">
                            <cell role="label">St. Leonard's, Shoreditch</cell>
                        <row role="data">
                            <cell role="label">St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate</cell>
                        <row role="data">
                            <cell role="label">St. Giles's, Cripplegate</cell>
                <head>Some more literary examples</head>
                <lg n="1" type="stanza">
                    <l>Opinion governs all mankind,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">Like the blind leading of the blind:</l>
                    <l>And like the world, men's jobbernoles</l>
                    <l rend="indent(1)">Turn round upon their ears the poles,</l>
                    <l>And what they're confidently told</l>
                    <l>By no sense else can be control'd.</l>
                <p>And now for something dramatic...
                <stage rend="it">Enter Boteswaine.
                    <speaker rend="it">Botes.</speaker>
                    <p>Downe with the top-Mast: yare, lower, lower, bring her to Try with
                        Maine-course. A plague -
                        <stage rend="it">A cry within. Enter Sebastian, Anthonio &amp; Gonzalo.</stage>
                        vpon this howling: they are lowder then the weather, or our office: yet
                        againe? What do you heere? Shal we giue ore and drowne, haue you a minde to
                    <speaker rend="it">Sebas.</speaker>
                    <p>Poxe o'your throat, you bawling, blasphemous incharitable Dog.
                    <speaker rend="it">Botes.</speaker>
                    <p>Worke you then.</p>
                    <speaker rend="it">Anth.</speaker>
                    <p>Hang cur, hang, you whoreson insolent Noyse-maker, we are lesse afraid to be
                        drownde, then thou art.</p>
                    <speaker rend="it">Gonz.</speaker>
                    <p>I'le warrant him for drowning, though the Ship were no stronger then a
                        Nutt-shell, and as leaky as an vnstanched wench.</p>
                    <speaker rend="it">Botes.</speaker>
                    <p>Lay her a hold, a hold, set her two courses off to Sea againe, lay her off.</p>
                <stage rend="it">Enter Mariners wet.</stage>
                    <speaker rend="it">Mari.</speaker>
                    <p>All lost, to prayers, to prayers, all lost.</p>
                    <speaker rend="it">Botes.</speaker>
                    <p>What must our mouths be cold?</p>
                    <speaker rend="it">Gonz.</speaker>
                    <p>The King, and Prince, at prayers, let's assist them, for our case is as
                    <speaker rend="it">Sebas.</speaker>
                    <p>I'am out of patience.
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