Revision 416c66eadc97843c93159bae9b31bf7f0f69f34e authored by Breakthrough on 22 January 2024, 16:07:45 UTC, committed by Breakthrough on 22 January 2024, 16:07:45 UTC
1 parent ddf9807
Raw File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#            PySceneDetect: Python-Based Video Scene Detector
#   -------------------------------------------------------------------
#     [  Site:                           ]
#     [  Docs:                     ]
#     [  Github:    ]
# Copyright (C) 2014-2023 Brandon Castellano <>.
# PySceneDetect is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License; see the
# included LICENSE file, or visit one of the above pages for details.
""" PySceneDetect Test Configuration

This file includes all pytest configuration for running PySceneDetect's tests.

These tests rely on the files in the tests/resources/ folder in the "resources" branch of
the PySceneDetect git repository. These files can be checked out via git by running the
following from the root of the repo:

    git fetch --depth=1 refs/heads/resources:refs/remotes/origin/resources
    git checkout refs/remotes/origin/resources -- tests/resources/
    git reset

Note that currently these tests create some temporary files which are not yet cleaned up.

# TODO: Properly cleanup temporary files.

from typing import AnyStr
import logging
import os

import pytest

# Helper Functions

def check_exists(path: AnyStr) -> AnyStr:
    """ Returns the absolute path to a (relative) path of a file that
    should exist within the tests/ directory.

    Throws FileNotFoundError if the file could not be found.
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise FileNotFoundError("""
Test video file (%s) must be present to run test case. This file can be obtained by running the following commands from the root of the repository:

git fetch --depth=1 refs/heads/resources:refs/remotes/origin/resources
git checkout refs/remotes/origin/resources -- tests/resources/
git reset
""" % path)
    return path

# Test Case Fixtures

def no_logs_gte_error(caplog):
    """Ensure no log messages with error severity or higher were reported during test execution."""
    # TODO: Remove exclusion for VideoManager module when removed from codebase.
    EXCLUDED_MODULES = {'video_manager'}
    errors = [
        record for record in caplog.get_records('call')
        if record.levelno >= logging.ERROR and not record.module in EXCLUDED_MODULES
    assert not errors, "Test failed due to presence of one or more logs with ERROR severity."

def test_video_file() -> str:
    """Simple test video containing both fast cuts and fades/dissolves."""
    return check_exists("tests/resources/testvideo.mp4")

def test_movie_clip() -> str:
    """Movie clip containing fast cuts."""
    return check_exists("tests/resources/goldeneye.mp4")

def corrupt_video_file() -> str:
    """Video containing a corrupted frame causing a decode failure."""
    return check_exists("tests/resources/corrupt_frame.mp4")

def rotated_video_file() -> str:
    """Video containing a corrupted frame causing a decode failure."""
    return check_exists("tests/resources/issue-134-rotate.mp4")

def test_image_sequence() -> str:
    """Path to a short image sequence (from counter.mp4)."""
    return "tests/resources/counter/frame%03d.png"

def test_fades_clip() -> str:
    """Clip containing fades in/out."""
    return check_exists("tests/resources/fades.mp4")
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