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Revision Author Date Message Commit Date
42a7999 Update environment-illumina.yml (#12) pin ivar to 1.2 06 April 2020, 09:49:06 UTC
f0ba0a1 Merge branch 'master' of 03 April 2020, 16:19:57 UTC
7b7fa63 Use artic 6-column bedfile instead of our rustically-prepared one 03 April 2020, 16:19:32 UTC
f6cd66b a LEFT primer's name can just contain 'LEFT' (#11) and does not have to end in 'LEFT' Co-authored-by: David K. Jackson <> 03 April 2020, 15:45:28 UTC
f503400 Round floats and add N% check 03 April 2020, 10:40:19 UTC
3cd64c1 Increase stringency of QC coverage threshold 03 April 2020, 09:58:32 UTC
fc78b85 Add uncalled base density to QC plots 02 April 2020, 21:12:47 UTC
333f50b Add depth plots 02 April 2020, 15:48:57 UTC
14ae215 Move to ivar 1.1 and make ivar variant tsv 02 April 2020, 10:42:19 UTC
e061d26 Make sure n_gaps in is bookended by start and end 02 April 2020, 08:52:13 UTC
60623fb Add missing biopython dependency 02 April 2020, 08:50:36 UTC
93ad8a5 Update 01 April 2020, 21:10:32 UTC
c83750e Add QC filtering of samples to upload, make QC summary csv 01 April 2020, 20:32:08 UTC
ec7bc27 Merge branch 'master' of 01 April 2020, 14:29:41 UTC
4c79dc8 Change zcat to gunzip (#8) 01 April 2020, 11:53:31 UTC
7986534 Prepares the correct, untrimmed file for upload 01 April 2020, 08:24:01 UTC
819c86a Refactor upload funtionality 01 April 2020, 08:19:30 UTC
afee872 Merge branch 'master' of 01 April 2020, 07:45:29 UTC
7e9205b Fix use of params.prefix in illumina pipeline 01 April 2020, 07:45:15 UTC
41729bf Update 01 April 2020, 07:42:39 UTC
2a9b6d9 Merge pull request #6 from embatty/master Fixes #5 Good catch, thanks. 01 April 2020, 07:23:40 UTC
dc07739 Merge branch 'fix-ivar' 01 April 2020, 04:39:50 UTC
dc45e1e Fix ivar command line options 01 April 2020, 04:38:08 UTC
d28fd0d Remove unneeded params(params). 31 March 2020, 21:29:17 UTC
6c853a7 Merge branch 'np-read-group' Support for the new artic workflow 31 March 2020, 20:58:15 UTC
75c2284 Support revamped artic workflow 31 March 2020, 20:57:51 UTC
8e1288a Fix environment files to point to fieldbioinformatics@master 30 March 2020, 15:25:38 UTC
0d576d1 Upload untrimmed BAMs 30 March 2020, 15:18:23 UTC
f36ee3f Inital commits to follow fieldbioinformatics@np-read-group 28 March 2020, 17:13:46 UTC
b07c435 Update 24 March 2020, 14:14:27 UTC
b6201d2 Update nextflow.config Noted here: 20 March 2020, 13:53:54 UTC
28cab17 Fix recursive fastq searching 20 March 2020, 09:50:06 UTC
0015370 Add CLIMB upload functionality 19 March 2020, 23:38:24 UTC
473495a Fix primer trimming output 19 March 2020, 19:39:59 UTC
9f3f9fa Add an illumina bam/consensus workflow using iVar 19 March 2020, 19:16:17 UTC
50f561d Make climb_upload directory with correct files 19 March 2020, 16:15:14 UTC
540a88d Merge illumina work from @tonbar 19 March 2020, 15:08:47 UTC
71356d4 Fix container build script so that it makes both containers 16 March 2020, 18:45:23 UTC
895985f Add Medaka pipeline 15 March 2020, 22:59:58 UTC
5a45300 Better resources configuration 15 March 2020, 22:59:41 UTC
2b9162f Go back to using symlink to fast5_pass directory 12 March 2020, 22:48:47 UTC
42b6997 Fix barcoded workflow 12 March 2020, 22:47:57 UTC
daf240f Capture correct group for barcode name 12 March 2020, 12:50:42 UTC
8e2c6d4 Make linking fast5 files for nanopolish index more flexible 12 March 2020, 10:56:47 UTC
7d2fc98 Set normalise value in config (artic minion default == 100) 12 March 2020, 09:00:28 UTC
332fa5e Fix barcoded workflow and change outdir structure slightly 12 March 2020, 08:57:49 UTC
da542ba Fix publishing files from articMinION process 11 March 2020, 16:11:41 UTC
0e749c9 Fix fast5_pass location for artic minion 11 March 2020, 14:56:40 UTC
cf65020 Fix nanopolish index not using summary 11 March 2020, 08:35:39 UTC
4e18bf0 Use runPrefix in articMinION process 10 March 2020, 23:04:01 UTC
9a98d30 Add getRunPrefix function 10 March 2020, 22:39:07 UTC
007275f Update 10 March 2020, 19:24:10 UTC
1d077a9 Update 10 March 2020, 19:16:34 UTC
aed4d2e Comment config 10 March 2020, 18:47:55 UTC
13b14b3 Add SLURM config file and include 10 March 2020, 18:37:07 UTC
7eb6fb2 Revert to artic repo for fieldbioinformatics 10 March 2020, 18:32:12 UTC
eb92bd0 Inital commit 10 March 2020, 18:26:52 UTC
d9cd992 Initial commit 10 March 2020, 18:20:04 UTC
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