Revision 4376e62e2e41de85e114e501bca1ab2be1f06848 authored by Jim Edwards on 22 February 2021, 14:44:28 UTC, committed by Jim Edwards on 22 February 2021, 14:44:28 UTC
1 parent 3f5a347
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python
Displays information about available compsets, component settings, grids and/or
machines. Typically run with one of the arguments --compsets, --settings,
--grids or --machines; if you specify more than one of these arguments,
information will be listed for each.

from Tools.standard_script_setup import *
import re
from CIME.utils         import expect, get_model
from CIME.XML.files     import Files
from CIME.XML.component import Component
from CIME.XML.compsets  import Compsets
from CIME.XML.grids     import Grids
#from CIME.XML.machines  import Machines
import CIME.XML.machines
from argparse           import RawTextHelpFormatter

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
supported_comp_interfaces = ["mct", "nuopc", "moab"]

def query_grids(files, long_output, xml=False):
    query all grids.
    config_file = files.get_value("GRIDS_SPEC_FILE")
           "Cannot find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file))

    grids = Grids(config_file)
    if xml:
    elif long_output:

def query_machines(files, machine_name='all', xml=False):
    query machines. Defaule: all
    config_file = files.get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE")
           "Cannot find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file))
    # Provide a special machine name indicating no need for a machine name
    machines = Machines(config_file, machine="Query")
    if xml:
        if machine_name == 'all':

def query_compsets(files, name, xml=False):
    query compset definition give a compset name
    # Determine valid component values by checking the value attributes for COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE
    components = get_compsets(files)
    match_found = None
    all_components = False
    if"^all$", name):  # print all compsets
        match_found = name
        all_components = True
        for component in components:
            if component == name:
                match_found = name

    # If name is not a valid argument - exit with error
    expect(match_found is not None,
           "Invalid input argument {}, valid input arguments are {}".format(name, components))

    if all_components:  # print all compsets
        for component in components:
            # the all_components flag will only print available components
            print_compset(component, files, all_components=all_components, xml=xml)
        print_compset(name, files, xml=xml)

def print_compset(name, files, all_components=False, xml=False):
    print compsets associated with the component name, but if all_components is true only
    print the details if the associated component is available

    # Determine the config_file for the target component
    config_file = files.get_value("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE", attribute={"component":name})
    # only error out if we aren't printing all otherwise exit quitely
    if not all_components:
            "Cannot find any config_component.xml file for {}".format(name))

        # Check that file exists on disk
            "Cannot find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file))
    elif config_file is None or not os.path.isfile(config_file):

    if get_model() == 'ufs' and name == 'drv':

    print("\nActive component: {}".format(name))
    # Now parse the compsets file and write out the compset alias and longname as well as the help text
    # determine component xml content
    compsets = Compsets(config_file)
    # print compsets associated with component without help text
    if xml:

def query_all_components(files, xml=False):
    query all components
    components = get_components(files)
    # Loop through the elements for each component class (in config_files.xml)
    for comp in components:
        string = "CONFIG_{}_FILE".format(comp)

        # determine all components in string
        components = files.get_components(string)
        for item in components:
            query_component(item, files, all_components=True, xml=xml)

def query_component(name, files, all_components=False, xml=False):
    query a component by name
    # Determine the valid component classes (e.g. atm) for the driver/cpl
    # These are then stored in comps_array
    components = get_components(files)

    # Loop through the elements for each component class (in config_files.xml)
    # and see if there is a match for the the target component in the component attribute
    match_found = False
    valid_components = []
    config_exists = False
    for comp in components:
        string = "CONFIG_{}_FILE".format(comp)
        config_file = None
        # determine all components in string
        root_dir_node_name = "COMP_ROOT_DIR_{}".format(comp)
        components = files.get_components(root_dir_node_name)
        if components is None:
            components = files.get_components(string)
        for item in components:
        logger.debug ("{}: valid_components {}".format(comp, valid_components))
        # determine if config_file is on disk
        if name is None:
            config_file = files.get_value(string)
        elif name in valid_components:
            config_file = files.get_value(string, attribute={"component":name})
            logger.debug("query {}".format(config_file))
        if config_file is not None:
            match_found = True
            config_exists = os.path.isfile(config_file)

    if not all_components and not config_exists:
               "Cannot find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file))
    elif all_components and not config_exists:
        print("WARNING: Couldn't find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file))
    # If name is not a valid argument - exit with error
           "Invalid input argument {}, valid input arguments are {}".format(name, valid_components))

    # Check that file exists on disk, if not exit with error
           "Cannot find any config_component.xml file for {}".format(name))

    # determine component xml content
    component = Component(config_file, "CPL")
    if xml:

def parse_command_line(args, description):
    parse command line arguments
    cime_model = CIME.utils.get_model()

    parser = ArgumentParser(description=description,


    valid_components = ['all']

    parser.add_argument("--xml", action="store_true",
                        help="Output in xml format.")

    files = {}
    for comp_interface in supported_comp_interfaces:
        files[comp_interface] = Files(comp_interface=comp_interface)
        components = files[comp_interface].get_components("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE")
        for item in components:

    parser.add_argument("--compsets", nargs='?', const='all', choices=valid_components,
                        help="Query compsets corresponding to the target component for the {} model."
                        " If no component is given, lists compsets defined by all components".format(cime_model))

    # Loop through the elements for each component class (in config_files.xml)
    valid_components = ['all']
    tmp_comp_interfaces = supported_comp_interfaces
    for comp_interface in tmp_comp_interfaces:
            components = get_components(files[comp_interface])
        except Exception:

        for comp in components:
            if cime_model == "cesm":
                string = "COMP_ROOT_DIR_{}".format(comp)
                string = "CONFIG_{}_FILE".format(comp)

            # determine all components in string
            components = files[comp_interface].get_components(string)
            if components:
                for item in components:

    parser.add_argument("--components", nargs='?', const='all', choices=valid_components,
                        help="Query component settings corresponding to the target component for {} model."
                        "\nIf the option is empty, then the lists settings defined by all components is output".format(cime_model))

    parser.add_argument("--grids", action="store_true",
                        help="Query supported model grids for {} model.".format(cime_model))
    # same for all comp_interfaces
    config_file = files['mct'].get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE")
           "Cannot find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file))
    machines = Machines(config_file, machine="Query")
    machine_names = ['all', 'current']

    parser.add_argument("--machines", nargs='?', const='all', choices=machine_names,
                        help="Query supported machines for {} model."
                        "\nIf option is left empty then all machines are listed,"
                        "\nIf the option is 'current' then only the current machine details are listed.".format(cime_model))

    parser.add_argument("--long", action="store_true",
                        help="Provide long output for queries")

    parser.add_argument("--comp_interface", choices=supported_comp_interfaces,
                        help="Coupler/Driver interface")

    args = CIME.utils.parse_args_and_handle_standard_logging_options(args, parser)

    # make sure at least one argument has been passed
    if not (args.grids or args.compsets or args.components or args.machines):

    return args.grids, args.compsets, args.components, args.machines, \
        args.long, args.xml, files[args.comp_interface]

def get_compsets(files):
    Determine valid component values by checking the value attributes for COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE
    return files.get_components("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE")

def get_components(files):
    Determine the valid component classes (e.g. atm) for the driver/cpl
    These are then stored in comps_array
    infile = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE")
    config_drv = Component(infile, "CPL")
    return config_drv.get_valid_model_components()

class ArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
    we override the error message from ArgumentParser to have a more helpful
    message in the case of missing arguments
    def error(self, message):
        # missing argument
        # TODO: assumes comp_interface='mct'
        if "expected one argument" in message:
            if "compset" in message:
                components = get_compsets(Files(comp_interface='mct'))
                self.exit(2, '{}: error: {}\nValid input arguments are {}\n'
                          .format(self.prog, message, components))
            elif "component" in message:
                files = Files(comp_interface='mct')
                components = get_components(files)
                # Loop through the elements for each component class (in config_files.xml)
                valid_components = []
                for comp in components:
                    string = "CONFIG_{}_FILE".format(comp)

                    # determine all components in string
                    components = files.get_components(string)
                    for item in components:
                self.exit(2, '{}: error: {}\nValid input arguments are {}\n'
                             .format(self.prog, message, valid_components))
        # for all other errors
        self.exit(2, '{}: error: {}\n'.format(self.prog, message))

class Machines(CIME.XML.machines.Machines):
    we overide print_values from Machines to add current in machine description
    def print_values(self, machine_name='all'): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        # set flag to look for single machine
        if 'all' not in machine_name:
            single_machine = True
            if machine_name == 'current':
                machine_name = self.probe_machine_name(warn=False)
            single_machine = False

        # if we can't find the specified machine
        if single_machine and machine_name is None:
            files = Files()
            config_file = files.get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE")
            print("Machine is not listed in config file: {}".format(config_file))
        else:  # write out machines
            if single_machine:
                machine_names = [machine_name]
                machine_names = self.list_available_machines()
            for name in machine_names:
                desc = self.text(self.get_child("DESC"))
                os_  = self.text(self.get_child("OS"))
                compilers = self.text(self.get_child("COMPILERS"))
                mpilibnodes = self.get_children("MPILIBS", root=self.machine_node)
                mpilibs = []
                for node in mpilibnodes:
                # This does not include the possible depedancy of mpilib on compiler
                # it simply provides a list of mpilibs available on the machine
                mpilibs = list(set(mpilibs))
                max_tasks_per_node = self.text(self.get_child("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE"))
                mpitasks_node = self.get_optional_child("MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE")
                max_mpitasks_per_node = self.text(mpitasks_node) if mpitasks_node else max_tasks_per_node

                current_machine = self.probe_machine_name(warn=False)
                name += " (current)" if current_machine and current_machine in name else ""
                print("  {} : {} ".format(name, desc))
                print("      os             ", os_)
                print("      compilers      ",compilers)
                print("      mpilibs        ",mpilibs)
                if max_mpitasks_per_node is not None:
                    print("      pes/node       ",max_mpitasks_per_node)
                if max_tasks_per_node is not None:
                    print("      max_tasks/node ",max_tasks_per_node)

def _main_func(description):
    main function
    grids, compsets, components, machines, long_output, xml, files = parse_command_line(sys.argv, description)

    if grids:
        query_grids(files, long_output, xml=xml)

    if compsets is not None:
        query_compsets(files, name=compsets, xml=xml)

    if components is not None:
        if"^all$", components):  # print all compsets
            query_all_components(files, xml=xml)
            query_component(components, files, xml=xml)

    if machines is not None:
        query_machines(files, machine_name=machines, xml=xml)

# main entry point
if __name__ == "__main__":
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