Revision 43c3d99aa8bd051cdcaf1054e325812551936c0d authored by Adiv Paradise on 07 July 2020, 20:53:47 UTC, committed by Adiv Paradise on 07 July 2020, 20:53:47 UTC
1 parent b4386bb
Raw File
Tip revision: 43c3d99aa8bd051cdcaf1054e325812551936c0d authored by Adiv Paradise on 07 July 2020, 20:53:47 UTC
Fixed problem with snow albedo on land not being set properly
Tip revision: 43c3d99
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Codes available from PUMA-burner (adapted from ECHAM) \\

\begin{tabular}[t]{|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Code} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Type} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Variable} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Unit} \\ \hline \hline

110 & 1    & g  & mixed layer depth                & m               \\ \hline
129 & 1    & s  & surface geopotential             & m$^{2}$/s$^{2}$ \\ \hline
130 & NLEV & s  & temperature                      & K               \\ \hline
131 & NLEV & c  & u-velocity                       & m/s             \\ \hline
132 & NLEV & c  & v-velocity                       & m/s             \\ \hline
133 & NLEV & s  & specific humidity                & kg/kg           \\ \hline
135 & NLEV & c  & vertical velocity                & Pa/s            \\ \hline
138 & NLEV & s  & vorticity                        & 1/s             \\ \hline
139 & 1    & g  & surface temperature              & K               \\ \hline
140 & 1    & g  & soil wetness                     & m               \\ \hline
141 & 1    & g  & snow depth (water equi.)         & m               \\ \hline
142 & 1    & ga & large scale precipitation        & m/s             \\ \hline
143 & 1    & ga & convective precipitation         & m/s             \\ \hline
144 & 1    & ga & snow fall                        & m/s             \\ \hline
146 & 1    & ga & surface sensible heat flux       & W/m$^{2}$       \\ \hline
147 & 1    & ga & surface latent heat flux         & W/m$^{2}$       \\ \hline
148 & NLEV & c  & horizontal streamfunction        & m$^{2}$/s       \\ \hline
149 & NLEV & c  & velocity potential               & m$^{2}$/s       \\ \hline
151 & 1    & c  & mean sea level pressure          & Pa              \\ \hline
152 & 1    & s  & ln(surface pressure)             &                 \\ \hline
153 & NLEV & g  & cloud liquid water content       & kg/kg           \\ \hline
155 & NLEV & s  & divergence                       & 1/s             \\ \hline
156 & NLEV & c  & geopotential height              & gpm             \\ \hline
157 & NLEV & c  & relative humidity                & frac.           \\ \hline
159 & 1    & g  & (u$^{\star}$)$^{3}$              & (m/s)$^{3}$     \\ \hline
160 & 1    & ga & surface runoff                   & m/s             \\ \hline


\begin{tabular}[t]{|l|l|l|l|l|} \hline
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{Code} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Type} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Variable} &
\multicolumn{1}{c|}{Unit} \\ \hline \hline

162 & NLEV & g  & cloud cover                      & frac.           \\ \hline
164 & 1    & ga & total cloud cover                & frac.           \\ \hline
169 & 1    & ga & surface temperature              & K               \\ \hline
170 & 1    & g  & deep soil temperature            & K               \\ \hline
172 & 1    & g  & land sea mask                    & [0:sea,1:land]   \\ \hline
173 & 1    & g  & surface roughness                & m               \\ \hline
175 & 1    & g  & surface albedo                   & frac.           \\ \hline
176 & 1    & ga & surface solar radiation          & W/m$^{2}$       \\ \hline
177 & 1    & ga & surface thermal radiation        & W/m$^{2}$       \\ \hline
178 & 1    & ga & top solar radiation              & W/m$^{2}$       \\ \hline
179 & 1    & ga & top thermal radiation            & W/m$^{2}$       \\ \hline
180 & 1    & ga & u-stress                         & Pa              \\ \hline
181 & 1    & ga & v-stress                         & Pa              \\ \hline
182 & 1    & ga & evaporation                      & m/s             \\ \hline
183 & 1    & g  & soil temperature                 & K               \\ \hline
199 & 1    & g  & vegetation cover                 & frac.           \\ \hline
203 & 1    & ga & top solar radiation upward       & W/m$^{2}$       \\ \hline
204 & 1    & ga & surface solar radiation upward   & W/m$^{2}$       \\ \hline
205 & 1    & ga & surface thermal radiation upward & W/m$^{2}$       \\ \hline
207 & 1    & g  & soil temperature (level 2)       & K               \\ \hline
208 & 1    & g  & soil temperature (level 3)       & K               \\ \hline
209 & 1    & g  & soil temperature (level 4)       & K               \\ \hline
210 & 1    & g  & sea ice cover                    & frac.           \\ \hline
211 & 1    & g  & sea ice thickness                & m               \\ \hline
212 & 1    & g  & forest cover                     & frac.           \\ \hline
218 & 1    & g  & snow melt (water equiv.)         & m/s             \\ \hline
221 & 1    & g  & snow depth change (water equiv.) & m/s             \\ \hline
230 & 1    & ga & vertical integrated spec. hum.   & kg/m$^{2}$      \\ \hline
232 & 1    & g  & glacier cover                    & frac.           \\ \hline



s: PUMA spectral field
g: PUMA grid point field
c: computed by PUMA-burner
a: accumulated



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