Revision 444131248e3431a9ebbc0526a8ea2b3a69fc6ca6 authored by Mikhail Kolmogorov on 07 November 2015, 02:40:53 UTC, committed by Mikhail Kolmogorov on 07 November 2015, 02:40:53 UTC
1 parent f0f5d82
#!/usr/bin/env python
#(c) 2013-2014 by Authors
#This file is a part of Ragout program.
#Released under the BSD license (see LICENSE file)
A script that simulates inversions in a given genome.
import sys
import random
from collections import defaultdict
from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from utils.nucmer_parser import *
def get_unique_contigs(alignment):
first_filtration = defaultdict(int)
for e in alignment:
first_filtration[e.contig_id] += 1
result = []
for cont, counts in first_filtration.items():
if counts == 1:
return result
def get_contigs_with_length(unique_names, alignment_coords, treshold):
result = []
for name in unique_names:
start, end = alignment_coords[name]
if abs(start - end) >= treshold:
return result
def do_job(nucmer_coords, number_of_inv, orig_reference,
output_reference, treshold):
alignment = parse_nucmer_coords(nucmer_coords)
alignment = join_collinear(alignment)
alignment = filter_by_coverage(alignment)
unique_seq = get_unique_contigs(alignment)
alignment_coords = {}
for e in alignment:
alignment_coords[e.contig_id] = (int(e.s_ref), int(e.e_ref))
unique_seq = get_contigs_with_length(unique_seq, alignment_coords,
seq = list(SeqIO.parse(orig_reference, "fasta"))[0]
refer_name =
refer = seq.seq
for _ in range(number_of_inv):
contig = random.choice(unique_seq)
start, end = alignment_coords[contig]
compl = refer[start : end].reverse_complement()
refer = refer[:start] + compl + refer[end:]
print(contig + " (" + str(start) + ", " + str(end) + ")")
if not unique_seq:
SeqIO.write(SeqRecord(id=refer_name, description="", seq=refer),
output_reference, "fasta")
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 6:
print("Usage: nucmer_coords "
"orig_ref inv_num min_length out_ref\n\n"
"A script which creates a new reference with simulated "
"inversions from a given one. Made for testing purposes. "
"This script requires an original reference and a nucmer alignment "
"of contigs (in coords format) on that reference. One should use "
"contigs whcich will be used to run Ragout in future. "
"Reference is expected to have "
"only one fasta sequence (one chromosome).\n\n"
"Positional arguments:\n"
"nucmer_coords\tcontigs alignment on original reference\n"
"orig_ref\tpath to original reference (will be transformed)\n"
"inv_num\t\tnumber of inversions to simulate\n"
"min_length\tminimum length of inversion\n"
"out_ref\t\tpath to reference that will be created")
nucmer_coords = sys.argv[1]
orig_reference = sys.argv[2]
number_of_inv = int(sys.argv[3])
treshold = int(sys.argv[4])
output_reference = sys.argv[5]
do_job(nucmer_coords, number_of_inv, orig_reference,
output_reference, treshold)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Computing file changes ...