Revision 448440db8128da01e1a604e244f1dd4498ed162a authored by Lorenzo Moneta on 06 February 2014, 10:34:51 UTC, committed by Lorenzo Moneta on 06 February 2014, 10:49:24 UTC
This should fix a bug reported by Swagato
Fix also memory leaks created by cloning histograms in histooworkspace
Add a histfactory test from Christian (stresshistFactory ) in $ROOTSYS/test
1 parent 6acd22c
Raw File

<!-- The top level combination spec -->
<!-- OutputFilePrefix: Prefix to the output root file to be created (inspection histograms) -->
<!-- Mode: Type of the analysis -->
<!ELEMENT Combination (Function*,Input+,Measurement*)>
<!ATTLIST Combination
        OutputFilePrefix         CDATA            #REQUIRED
        Mode                     CDATA            #IMPLIED

<!-- Input files detailing the channels. One channel per file -->
<!ELEMENT Function  EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST Function 
	  Name                 CDATA         #REQUIRED
	  Expression           CDATA         #REQUIRED
	  Dependents           CDATA         #REQUIRED

<!-- Input files detailing the channels. One channel per file -->

<!-- Configuration for each measurement -->
<!-- Name: to be used as the heading in the table -->
<!-- Lumi: the luminosity of the measurement -->
<!-- LumiRelErr: the relative error known for the lumi -->
<!-- BinLow: the lowest bin number used for the measurement (inclusive) -->
<!-- BinHigh: the highest bin number used for the measurement (exclusive) -->
<!-- Mode: type of the measurement (a closed list of ...) -->
<!-- ExportOnly: if "True" skip fit, only export model -->
<!ELEMENT Measurement (POI,ParamSetting*,ConstraintTerm*) >
<!ATTLIST Measurement 
        Name              CDATA            #REQUIRED
        Lumi              CDATA            #REQUIRED
        LumiRelErr        CDATA            #REQUIRED
        BinLow            CDATA            #IMPLIED
        BinHigh           CDATA            #IMPLIED
        Mode              CDATA            #IMPLIED
        ExportOnly        CDATA            #IMPLIED

<!-- Specify what you are measuring. Corresponds to the name specified in the construction
of the model in the channel setup. Typically the NormFactor for xsec measurements -->

<!-- Specify what parameters are fixed, or have particular value -->
<!-- Val: set the value of the parameter -->
<!-- Const: set this parameter constant -->
<!ELEMENT ParamSetting (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST ParamSetting 
        Val               CDATA           #IMPLIED
        Const             CDATA           #IMPLIED        

<!-- Specify an alternative shape to use for given constraint terms (Gaussian is used if this is not specified) -->
<!-- Type: can be Gamma or Uniform -->
<!-- RelativeUncertainty: relative uncertainty on the shape -->
<!ELEMENT ConstraintTerm (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST ConstraintTerm 
        Type                  CDATA       #REQUIRED
        RelativeUncertainty   CDATA       #IMPLIED

<!-- Top element for channels. InputFile, HistoName and HistoPath
can be set at this level in which case they will become defaul to
all subsequent elements. Otherwise they can be set in individual 
subelements -->
<!ELEMENT Channel (Data*,StatErrorConfig*,Sample+)>
<!-- InputFile: input file where the input histogram can be found (use abs path) -->
<!-- HistoPath: the path (within the root file) where the histogram can be found -->
<!-- HistoName: the name of the histogram to be used for this (and following in not overridden) item -->
<!ATTLIST Channel
        Name              CDATA            #REQUIRED
        InputFile         CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoPath         CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoName         CDATA            #IMPLIED

<!-- Data to be fit. If you don't provide it, Asimov data will be created -->
<!-- InputFile: any item set here will override the configuration for the subelements. 
For this element there is no sublemenents so the setting will only have local effects -->
        InputFile         CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoPath         CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoName         CDATA            #IMPLIED

<!ELEMENT StatErrorConfig EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST StatErrorConfig
        RelErrorThreshold      CDATA            #IMPLIED
        ConstraintType         CDATA            #IMPLIED

<!-- Sample elements are made up of systematic variations -->
<!ELEMENT Sample (StatError | HistoSys | OverallSys | ShapeSys | NormFactor | ShapeFactor)*>
<!ATTLIST Sample
        Name              CDATA            #REQUIRED
        InputFile         CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoName         CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoPath         CDATA            #IMPLIED
        NormalizeByTheory      CDATA       #IMPLIED

<!-- Systematics for which the variation is provided by histograms -->
<!ATTLIST StatError
	  Activate          CDATA            #REQUIRED
          HistoName         CDATA            #IMPLIED
          InputFile         CDATA            #IMPLIED
          HistoPath         CDATA            #IMPLIED

<!ATTLIST HistoSys
        Name              CDATA            #REQUIRED
        InputFile         CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoFileHigh     CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoPathHigh     CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoNameHigh     CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoFileLow      CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoPathLow      CDATA            #IMPLIED
        HistoNameLow      CDATA            #IMPLIED

<!-- Systematics for which the variation is provided by simple overall scaling -->
<!ATTLIST OverallSys
        Name              CDATA            #REQUIRED
        High              CDATA            #REQUIRED
        Low               CDATA            #REQUIRED

<!-- Systematics for which the variation is provided by simple overall scaling -->
<!ATTLIST ShapeSys
          Name              CDATA            #REQUIRED
          HistoName         CDATA            #REQUIRED
          HistoPath         CDATA            #IMPLIED
          InputFile         CDATA            #IMPLIED
          ConstraintType    CDATA            #IMPLIED

<!-- Scaling factor, which may be the parameter of interest for cross section measurements-->
<!ATTLIST NormFactor
        Name              CDATA            #REQUIRED
        Val               CDATA            #REQUIRED
        High              CDATA            #REQUIRED
        Low               CDATA            #REQUIRED
        Const             CDATA            #IMPLIED

<!-- Systematics for which the variation is provided by simple overall scaling -->
<!ELEMENT ShapeFactor EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST ShapeFactor
          Name              CDATA            #REQUIRED

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