Revision 45536c5580212aeb43a1cdf1a690e92cc843203c authored by Mark Clements on 07 January 2023, 02:40:02 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 07 January 2023, 02:40:02 UTC
1 parent b58cc9c
German breast cancer data from Stata.
See \url{}.
A data frame with 686 observations on the following 15 variables.
\item{\code{id}}{a numeric vector}
\item{\code{hormon}}{hormonal therapy}
\item{\code{x1}}{age, years}
\item{\code{x2}}{menopausal status}
\item{\code{x3}}{tumour size, mm}
\item{\code{x4}}{tumour grade}
\item{\code{x5}}{number of positive nodes}
\item{\code{x6}}{progesterone receptor, fmol}
\item{\code{x7}}{estrogen receptor, fmol}
\item{\code{rectime}}{recurrence free survival time, days}
\item{\code{censrec}}{censoring indicator}
\item{\code{x4a}}{tumour grade>=2}
\item{\code{x4b}}{tumour grade==3}
%% \details{
%% %% ~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~
%% }
%% \source{
%% %% ~~ reference to a publication or URL from which the data were obtained ~~
%% }
%% \references{
%% %% ~~ possibly secondary sources and usages ~~
%% }
## maybe str(brcancer) ; plot(brcancer) ...
Computing file changes ...