Revision 4584f0bb4f5375d3f15a2bb11c37caf80d77f276 authored by Zhang Yunjun on 24 August 2018, 00:03:53 UTC, committed by Zhang Yunjun on 24 August 2018, 00:03:53 UTC
1 parent 8d6e93d
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Program is part of PySAR                                 #
# Copyright(c) 2017-2018, Joshua Zahner, Zhang Yunjun      #
# Author:  Joshua Zahner, Zhang Yunjun                     #

import os
import sys
import argparse
from datetime import datetime as dt
import h5py
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, Button
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from pysar.objects import timeseries
from pysar.utils import readfile, ptime, utils as ut, plot as pp
from pysar.mask import mask_matrix

############# Global Variables ################
tims, inps, img, mask, d_v, d_ts = None, None, None, None, None, None
ax_v, fig_ts, fig_v, ax_ts, tslider, second_plot_axis, new_axes = None, None, None, None, None, None, None
h5, k, dateList, atr, date_num = None, None, None, None, None
lat, lon, ullat, ullon, lat_step, lon_step = None, None, None, None, None, None
width, length = None, None

plot_figure, p1_scatter, p2_scatter, scatts = None, None, None, None
p1_scatter_point, p2_scatter_point = None, None
p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y = None, None, None, None
annot = None
second_plot_axis_visible = False

EXAMPLE='''example: timeseries.h5 --ylim -10 10 timeseries_demErr_ramp.h5 -n 5 -m maskTempCoh.h5 timeseries_demErr_ramp.h5 --yx 300 400 --nodisplay --zero-first geo_timeseries_demErr_ramp.h5 --lalo 33.250 131.665 --nodisplay

    Creates command line argument parser and sets inps default values
def create_parser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Interactive Time-series Viewer',\
    parser.add_argument('timeseries_file', help='time series file to display')
    parser.add_argument('-n', dest='epoch_num', metavar='NUM', type=int, default='-2',\
                        help='Epoch/slice number to display, default: the 2nd last.')
    parser.add_argument('-m','--mask', dest='mask_file',\
                        help='mask to use. Default: geo_maskTempCoh.h5 for geocoded file and maskTempCoh.h5 for radar file')
    parser.add_argument('--error', dest='error_file', help='txt file with error for each date.')
    parser.add_argument('--dem', dest='dem_file', help='DEM file for background shaed relief')

    pixel = parser.add_argument_group('Pixel Input')
    pixel.add_argument('--yx', type=int, metavar=('Y','X'), nargs=2,\
                       help='initial pixel to plot in Y/X coord')
    pixel.add_argument('--lalo', type=float, metavar=('LAT','LON'), nargs=2,\
                       help='initial pixel to plot in lat/lon coord')
    pixel.add_argument('--ref-yx', dest='ref_yx', type=int, metavar=('Y','X'), nargs=2,\
                       help='change reference pixel to input location')
    pixel.add_argument('--ref-lalo', dest='ref_lalo', type=float, metavar=('LAT','LON'), nargs=2,\
                       help='change reference pixel to input location')

    output = parser.add_argument_group('Output Setting')
    output.add_argument('-o','--output', dest='fig_base', help='Figure base name for output files')
    output.add_argument('--save', action='store_true', dest='save_fig',\
                        help='save data and plot to files')
    output.add_argument('--nodisplay', action='store_false', dest='disp_fig',\
                        help='save data and plot to files and do not display figures\n')
    output.add_argument('--dpi', dest='fig_dpi', metavar='DPI', type=int, default=150,\
                        help='DPI - dot per inch - for display/write')

    disp = parser.add_argument_group('Display Setting')
    disp.add_argument('--figsize', dest='fig_size', metavar=('WID','LEN'), type=float, nargs=2, default=[12.0,5.0],\
                      help='Figure size in inches - width and length. Default: 12.0 5.0\n'+\
                           'i.e. 3.5 2 for ppt; ')
    disp.add_argument('--ylim', dest='ylim', nargs=2, metavar=('YMIN','YMAX'), type=float,\
                      help='Y limits for point plotting.')
    disp.add_argument('--ylim-mat', dest='ylim_mat', nargs=2, metavar=('YMIN','YMAX'), type=float,\
                      help='Display limits for matrix plotting.')
    disp.add_argument('--ref-date', dest='ref_date', help='Change reference date for display')
    disp.add_argument('--exclude','--ex', dest='ex_date_list', nargs='*', help='Exclude date shown as gray.')
    disp.add_argument('--zf','--zero-first', dest='zero_first', action='store_true',\
                      help='Set displacement at first acquisition to zero.')
    disp.add_argument('-u', dest='disp_unit', metavar='UNIT', default='cm',\
                      help='unit for display. Default: cm')
    disp.add_argument('-c','--colormap', dest='colormap', default='jet',\
                      help='colormap used for display, i.e. jet, RdBu, hsv, jet_r etc.\n'
                           'Support colormaps in Matplotlib -')
    disp.add_argument('-s','--fontsize', dest='font_size', type=int, default=10, help='Font size for display')
    disp.add_argument('--notitle', dest='disp_title', action='store_false', help='Do not display title in TS plot.')
    disp.add_argument('--no-flip', dest='auto_flip', action='store_false',\
                      help='Turn off auto flip based on orbit direction.\n'+\
                           'Default: flip left-right for descending data in radar coord\n'+\
                           '         flip up-down    for ascending  data in radar coord\n'+\
                           '         no flip for data in geo coord')
    disp.add_argument('--ms','--markersize', dest='marker_size', type=float, default=8.0,\
                      help='Point marker size. Default: 8.0')
    #disp.add_argument('--mc','--markercolor', dest='marker_color', default='crimson',\
    #                  help='Point marker color. Default: crimson')
    disp.add_argument('--ew','--edgewidth', dest='edge_width', type=float, default=1.0,\
                      help='Edge width. Default: 1.0')
    return parser

def cmd_line_parse(iargs=None):
    parser = create_parser()
    inps = parser.parse_args(args=iargs)

    if (not inps.disp_fig or inps.fig_base) and not inps.save_fig:
        inps.save_fig = True
    if inps.ylim:
        inps.ylim = sorted(inps.ylim)
    return inps

def read_timeseries_yx(timeseries_file, y, x, ref_yx=None):
    '''Read time-series displacement on point (y,x) from timeseries_file
        timeseries_file : string, name/path of timeseries hdf5 file
        y/x : int, row/column number of point of interest
        dis_ts : list of float, displacement time-series of point of interest
    atr = readfile.read_attribute(timeseries_file)
    k = atr['FILE_TYPE']
    dis_ts = []

    if k in ['GIANT_TS']:
        h5 = h5py.File(timeseries_file, 'r')
        date_list = [dt.fromordinal(int(i)).strftime('%Y%m%d') for i in h5['dates'][:].tolist()]
        dname = [i for i in ['rawts','recons'] if i in list(h5.keys())][0]
        dis_ts = h5[dname][:,y,x]
        if ref_yx is not None:
            dis_ts = h5[dname][:,ref_yx[0],ref_yx[1]]
        box = [x, y, x+1, y+1]
        dis_ts = timeseries(timeseries_file).read(box=box, print_msg=False)
        #date_list = list(h5[k].keys())
        #for date in date_list:
        #    dis = h5[k].get(date)[y,x]
        #    if inps.ref_yx:
        #        dis -= h5[k].get(date)[ref_yx[0], ref_yx[1]]
        #    dis_ts.append(dis)
        #dis_ts = np.array(dis_ts)

    return dis_ts

def read_timeseries_lalo(timeseries_file, lat, lon):
    '''Read time-series displacement on point (y,x) from timeseries_file
        timeseries_file : string, name/path of timeseries hdf5 file
        lat/lon : float, latitude/longitude of point of interest
        dis_ts : list of float, displacement time-series of point of interest

    atr = readfile.read_attribute(timeseries_file)
    if 'X_FIRST' not in list(atr.keys()):
        print('ERROR: input file is not geocoded')
        return None

    lat0 = float(atr['Y_FIRST'])
    lat_step = float(atr['Y_STEP'])
    lon0 = float(atr['X_FIRST'])
    lon_step = float(atr['X_STEP'])
    y = int(np.rint((lat-lat0)/lat_step))
    x = int(np.rint((lon-lon0)/lon_step))
    dis_ts = read_timeseries_yx(timeseries_file, y, x)
    return dis_ts

################### HELPER FUNCTIONS ##########################

###################### EXTRANEOUS HELPER FUNCTIONS ######################

    Handles displaying of the plot and figure
def display_figure():
    global inps

    if inps.disp_fig:

    Plots initial point on map and sets timeseries data points on scatter plot
    to appropriate values
def plot_data_from_inital_point():
    global ax_ts, inps, tims, d_ts

    if inps.yx:
        d_ts = update_timeseries(inps.yx[0], inps.yx[1], 1)
        d_ts = np.zeros(len(tims))
        ax_ts, scatter = plot_timeseries_scatter(ax_ts, d_ts, inps)

    Reads list of errors from error file
def read_error_list():
    global inps, date_num

    inps.error_ts = None
    if inps.error_file:
        error_file_content = np.loadtxt(inps.error_file, dtype=str)
        inps.error_ts = error_file_content[:, 1].astype(np.float) * inps.unit_fac
        if inps.ex_date_list:
            e_ts = inps.error_ts[:]
            inps.ex_error_ts = np.array([e_ts[i] for i in inps.ex_idx_list])
            inps.error_ts = np.array([e_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list])

    Saves figure and data to output file
def save_output():
    global inps, lat, lon, ullat, lat_step, ullon, lon_step, atr, fig_ts, dateList

    if inps.save_fig and inps.yx:
        print(('save info for pixel ' + str(inps.yx)))
        if not inps.fig_base:
            inps.fig_base = 'y%d_x%d' % (inps.yx[0], inps.yx[1])

        # TXT - point time series
        outName = inps.fig_base + '_ts.txt'
        header_info = 'timeseries_file=' + inps.timeseries_file
        header_info += '\ny=%d, x=%d' % (inps.yx[0], inps.yx[1])

            lat = ullat + inps.yx[0] * lat_step
            lon = ullon + inps.yx[1] * lon_step
            header_info += '\nlat=%.6f, lon=%.6f' % (lat, lon)

        if inps.ref_yx:
            header_info += '\nreference pixel: y=%d, x=%d' % (inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1])
            header_info += '\nreference pixel: y=%s, x=%s' % (atr['REF_Y'], atr['REF_X'])

        header_info += '\nunit=m/yr'
        np.savetxt(outName, list(zip(np.array(dateList), np.array(d_ts) / inps.unit_fac)), fmt='%s', \
                   delimiter='    ', header=header_info)
        print(('save time series displacement in meter to ' + outName))

        # Figure - point time series
        #outName = inps.fig_base + '_ts.pdf'
        #fig_ts.savefig(outName, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=inps.fig_dpi)
        #print(('save time series plot to ' + outName))

        # Figure - map
        outName = '{}_ts.png'.format(inps.fig_base)   # , dateList[inps.epoch_num])
        fig_v.savefig(outName, bbox_inches='tight', transparent=True, dpi=inps.fig_dpi)
        print(('save plot to ' + outName))

################### PLOT SETUP HELPER FUCNTIONS ###################

    Reads basic information about timeseries file being viewed
def read_timeseries_info():
    global atr, k, h5, dateList, tims, date_num, inps

    atr = readfile.read_attribute(inps.timeseries_file)
    k = atr['FILE_TYPE']
    print(('input file is '+k+': '+inps.timeseries_file))
    if not k in ['timeseries','GIANT_TS']:
        raise ValueError('Only timeseries file is supported!')

    h5 = h5py.File(inps.timeseries_file,'r')
    if k in ['GIANT_TS']:
        dateList = [dt.fromordinal(int(i)).strftime('%Y%m%d') for i in h5['dates'][:].tolist()]
        dateList = timeseries(inps.timeseries_file).get_date_list()
    date_num = len(dateList)
    inps.dates, tims = ptime.date_list2vector(dateList)

    Sets dates to be excluded from timeseries data points
def exclude_dates():
    global inps, dateList

    if inps.ex_date_list:
        input_ex_date = list(inps.ex_date_list)
        inps.ex_date_list = []

        if input_ex_date:
            for ex_date in input_ex_date:

                if os.path.isfile(ex_date):
                    ex_date = ptime.read_date_list(ex_date)
                    ex_date = [ptime.yyyymmdd(ex_date)]

                inps.ex_date_list += list(set(ex_date) - set(inps.ex_date_list))

            # delete dates not existed in input file
            inps.ex_date_list = sorted(list(set(inps.ex_date_list).intersection(dateList)))
            inps.ex_dates = ptime.date_list2vector(inps.ex_date_list)[0]
            inps.ex_idx_list = sorted([dateList.index(i) for i in inps.ex_date_list])
            print(('exclude date:' + str(inps.ex_date_list)))

    Sets the 'zero' value for the plot
def set_zero_displacement():
    global inps, date_num

    if inps.zero_first:
        if inps.ex_date_list:
            inps.zero_idx = min(list(set(range(date_num)) - set(inps.ex_idx_list)))
            inps.zero_idx = 0

    Computed dimensions of file (width, length)
def compute_file_size():
    global atr, width, length

    length = int(atr['LENGTH'])
    width = int(atr['WIDTH'])
    print(('data size in [y0,y1,x0,x1]: [%d, %d, %d, %d]' % (0, length, 0, width)))

    Computes parameters needed for setting lat/lon values
def compute_lat_lon_params():
    global ullon, ullat, lon_step, lat_step, atr, width, length

        ullon = float(atr['X_FIRST'])
        ullat = float(atr['Y_FIRST'])
        lon_step = float(atr['X_STEP'])
        lat_step = float(atr['Y_STEP'])
        lrlon = ullon + width * lon_step
        lrlat = ullat + length * lat_step
        print(('data size in [lat0,lat1,lon0,lon1]: [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f]' % (lrlat, ullat, ullon, lrlon)))
        return ullon, ullat, lon_step, lat_step, lrlon, lrlat

    Sets coordinates of initial pixel
def set_inital_pixel_coords():
    global inps, atr

    if inps.lalo and 'Y_FIRST' in list(atr.keys()):
        y, x = set_yx_coords(inps.lalo[0], inps.lalo[1])
        inps.yx = [y, x]
    if inps.ref_lalo and 'Y_FIRST' in list(atr.keys()):
        y, x = set_yx_coords(inps.ref_lalo[0], inps.ref_lalo[1])
        inps.ref_yx = [y, x]

    # Display Unit
    if inps.disp_unit == 'cm': inps.unit_fac = 100.0
    elif inps.disp_unit == 'm': inps.unit_fac = 1.0
    elif inps.disp_unit == 'dm': inps.unit_fac = 10.0
    elif inps.disp_unit == 'mm': inps.unit_fac = 1000.0
    elif inps.disp_unit == 'km': inps.unit_fac = 0.001
    else: raise ValueError('Un-recognized unit: '+inps.disp_unit)
    if k in ['GIANT_TS']:
        print('data    unit: mm')
        inps.unit_fac *= 0.001
        print('data    unit: m')
    print(('display unit: '+inps.disp_unit))

    Sets x/y coordinates from lalo valyes
def set_yx_coords(y_input, x_input):
    global ullat, ullon, lat_step, lon_step

    y = int((y_input - ullat) / lat_step + 0.5)
    x = int((x_input - ullon) / lon_step + 0.5)

    return y, x

    Sets multiplier for data based on display unit
def set_unit_fraction():
    global inps

    if inps.disp_unit == 'cm':
        inps.unit_fac = 100.0
    elif inps.disp_unit == 'm':
        inps.unit_fac = 1.0
    elif inps.disp_unit == 'dm':
        inps.unit_fac = 10.0
    elif inps.disp_unit == 'mm':
        inps.unit_fac = 1000.0
    elif inps.disp_unit == 'km':
        inps.unit_fac = 0.001
        raise ValueError('Un-recognized unit: ' + inps.disp_unit)
    print('data    unit: m')
    print(('display unit: ' + inps.disp_unit))

    Flips displat map ud/lr
def flip_map():
    global inps, atr

    if inps.auto_flip:
        inps.flip_lr, inps.flip_ud = pp.auto_flip_direction(atr)
        inps.flip_ud = False
        inps.flip_lr = False

    Sets mask for map
def set_mask():
    global mask, inps, atr

    if not inps.mask_file:
        if os.path.basename(inps.timeseries_file).startswith('geo_'):
            file_list = ['geo_maskTempCoh.h5']
            file_list = ['maskTempCoh.h5', 'mask.h5']

            inps.mask_file = ut.get_file_list(file_list)[0]
            inps.mask_file = None

        mask =, datasetName='mask')[0]
        mask[mask!=0] = 1
        print(('load mask from file: '+inps.mask_file))
        mask = None
        print('No mask used.')

    Sets the initial map plot
def set_initial_map():
    global d_v, h5, k, dateList, inps, data_lim

    d_v = h5['timeseries'][inps.epoch_num][:] * inps.unit_fac
    # Initial Map
    d_v =, datasetName=dateList[inps.epoch_num])[0] * inps.unit_fac
    #d_v = h5[k].get(dateList[inps.epoch_num])[:]*inps.unit_fac
    if inps.ref_date:
        inps.ref_d_v =, datasetName=inps.ref_date)[0]*inps.unit_fac
        d_v -= inps.ref_d_v

    if mask is not None:
        d_v = mask_matrix(d_v, mask)

    if inps.ref_yx:
        d_v -= d_v[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]]

    data_lim = [np.nanmin(d_v), np.nanmax(d_v)]

    if not inps.ylim_mat:
        inps.ylim_mat = data_lim

    print(('Initial data range: '+str(data_lim)))
    print(('Display data range: '+str(inps.ylim_mat)))

    print(('Initial data range: ' + str(data_lim)))
    print(('Display data range: ' + str(inps.ylim)))

def setup_plot():
    # Time Series Info
    # Read exclude dates
    # Zero displacement for 1st acquisition
    # File Size
    # Latitude Longitude Parameters
    # Initial Pixel Coordinates
    # Display Unit
    # Flip up-down / left-right
    # Mask file
    # Initial Map

################# PLOT CONFIGURATION HELPER METHODS #######################

    Sets DEM topography file for the map
def set_dem_file():
    global ax_v, inps, img

    if inps.dem_file:
        dem =, datasetName='height')[0]
        ax_v = pp.plot_dem_yx(ax_v, dem)

    img = ax_v.imshow(d_v, cmap=inps.colormap, clim=inps.ylim_mat, interpolation='nearest')

    Sets reference pixel on map
def set_map_reference_pixel():
    global d_v, inps, ax_v, atr

    if inps.ref_yx:
        d_v -= d_v[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]]
        ax_v.plot(inps.ref_yx[1], inps.ref_yx[0], 'ks', ms=6)
            ax_v.plot(int(atr['REF_X']), int(atr['REF_Y']), 'ks', ms=6)

    Sets axis limits, labels, and titles
def set_plot_axis_params():
    global inps, d_v, ax_v, atr

    if inps.yx:
        ax_v.plot(inps.yx[1], inps.yx[0], 'ro', markeredgecolor='black')

    ax_v.set_xlim(0, np.shape(d_v)[1])
    ax_v.set_ylim(np.shape(d_v)[0], 0)
    ax_v.format_coord = format_coord

    # Title and Axis Label
    ax_v.set_title('N = %d, Time = %s' % (inps.epoch_num, inps.dates[inps.epoch_num].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))

    #if not 'Y_FIRST' in list(atr.keys()):
    #    ax_v.set_xlabel('Range')
    #    ax_v.set_ylabel('Azimuth')

    Flips axis lr/ud
def flip_axis():
    global inps, ax_v

    if inps.flip_lr:
        print('flip map left and right')
    if inps.flip_ud:
        print('flip map up and down')

    Creates colorbar for figure
def make_color_bar():
    global fig_v, ax_v, img, inps
    #divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_v)
    #cax = divider.append_axes("left", "3%", pad="3%")
    cax = fig_v.add_axes([0.03, 0.4, 0.01, 0.4])
    cbar = fig_v.colorbar(img, cax=cax, orientation='vertical')
    #cbar = fig_v.colorbar(img, orientation='vertical')
    cbar.set_label('Displacement [%s]' % inps.disp_unit)'left')

    Creates timeseries slider for figure
def make_time_slider():
    global tslider, fig_v, tims, inps

    ax_time = fig_v.add_axes([0.03, 0.10, 0.30, 0.07], facecolor='lightgoldenrodyellow', yticks=[])
    tslider = Slider(ax_time, '', tims[0], tims[-1], valinit=tims[inps.epoch_num]), np.ones(len(tims)), facecolor='black', width=0.01, ecolor=None)

    # xaxis tick format
    if np.floor(tims[-1]) == np.floor(tims[0]):
        digit = 10.
        digit = 1.[0], tims[-1], num=5) * digit) / digit)


def configure_plot():
    # DEM File
    # Reference Pixel
    # Initial Pixel
    # Flip Axis
    # Construct Color Bar
    # Construct Time Slider

################### PLOTTING HELPER FUNCTIONS #######################
def time_slider_update(val):
    '''Update Displacement Map using Slider'''
    global tims, tslider, ax_v, d_v, inps, img, fig_v, h5, k, dateList
    timein = tslider.val
    idx_nearest = np.argmin(np.abs(np.array(tims) - timein))
    ax_v.set_title('N = %d, Time = %s' % (idx_nearest, inps.dates[idx_nearest].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')))
    d_v = h5[k][idx_nearest][:] * inps.unit_fac
    if inps.ref_date:
        d_v -= inps.ref_d_v
    if mask is not None:
        d_v = mask_matrix(d_v, mask)
    if inps.ref_yx:
        d_v -= d_v[inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]]

def format_coord(x, y):
    '''Formats x, y coordinates into useful output string (used for creating plot titles)'''
    global width, length, ullat, lat_step, ullon, lon_step, d_v, lat, lon

    col = int(x + 0.5)
    row = int(y + 0.5)
    if 0 <= col < width and 0 <= row < length:
        z = d_v[row, col]
            lon = ullon + x * lon_step
            lat = ullat + y * lat_step
            return 'x=%.0f, y=%.0f, value=%.4f, lon=%.4f, lat=%.4f' % (x, y, z, lon, lat)
            return 'x=%.0f, y=%.0f, value=%.4f' % (x, y, z)

def plot_timeseries_errorbar(ax, dis_ts, inps):
    '''Plots errorbars for timeseries data'''
    global date_num
    dates = list(inps.dates)
    d_ts = dis_ts[:]
    if inps.ex_date_list:
        # Update displacement time-series
        dates = sorted(list(set(inps.dates) - set(inps.ex_dates)))
        ex_d_ts = np.array([dis_ts[i] for i in inps.ex_idx_list])
        d_ts = np.array([dis_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list])
        # Plot excluded dates
        (_, caps, _) = ax.errorbar(inps.ex_dates, ex_d_ts, yerr=inps.ex_error_ts, fmt='-o', color='gray', \
                                   ms=inps.marker_size, lw=0, alpha=1, mfc='gray', \
                                   elinewidth=inps.edge_width, ecolor='black', capsize=inps.marker_size * 0.5)
        for cap in caps:  cap.set_markeredgewidth(inps.edge_width)
    # Plot kept dates
    (_, caps, _) = ax.errorbar(dates, d_ts, yerr=inps.error_ts, fmt='-o', \
                               ms=inps.marker_size, lw=0, alpha=1, \
                               elinewidth=inps.edge_width, ecolor='black', capsize=inps.marker_size * 0.5)
    for cap in caps:  cap.set_markeredgewidth(inps.edge_width)
    return ax

def plot_timeseries_scatter(ax, dis_ts, inps, plot_num=1):
    '''Plots scatter points on provioded axis
            ax      : mpl axis, matplotlib axis object on which to plot scattaer data
            dis_ts  : [float], data points for timeseries
            inps    : [Object], plot settings
            plot_num: int, plot delimiter to determine which scatter plot (1/2) is being updated
            ax      : mpl axis, matplotlib axis object on which to plot scattaer data
            scatter : mpl scatter, matplotlib scatter object
    global date_num

    dates = list(inps.dates)
    d_ts = dis_ts[:]
    if inps.ex_date_list:
        # Update displacement time-series
        dates = sorted(list(set(inps.dates) - set(inps.ex_dates)))
        ex_d_ts = np.array([dis_ts[i] for i in inps.ex_idx_list])
        d_ts = np.array([dis_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list])
        # Plot excluded dates
        ax.scatter(inps.ex_dates, ex_d_ts, s=inps.marker_size ** 2, color='gray')  # color='crimson'
    # Plot kept dates
    color = pp.mplColors[0]
    if plot_num == 2:
        #color = 'crimson'
        color = pp.mplColors[1]
    #print(('Color is ' + color))
    scatter = ax.scatter(dates, d_ts, s=inps.marker_size ** 2, label='1', color=color)

    return ax, scatter

def update_timeseries(y, x, plot_number, data_only=False):
    '''Plot point time series displacement at pixel [y, x]
            y           : int, y coordinate to update
            x           : int, x coordinate to update
            plot_number : int, plot number (1/2) to update
            data_only   : bool, compute and return data only, or set remainder of plot variables
            d_ts        : [float], timeseries data at x, y point
    global fig_ts, ax_ts, second_plot_axis, inps, dateList, h5, k, inps, tims, fig_v, date_num, d_ts

    set_scatter_coords(plot_number, x, y)

    if plot_number == 1:
        axis = ax_ts
        axis = second_plot_axis

    d_ts = []
    for i, date in enumerate(dateList):
        d = h5['timeseries'][i][y, x]
        if inps.ref_yx:
            d -= h5['timeseries'][i][inps.ref_yx[0], inps.ref_yx[1]]
        d_ts.append(d * inps.unit_fac)

    if inps.zero_first:
        d_ts -= d_ts[inps.zero_idx]

    # Returns computed data without setting any plot or figure parameters
    if data_only:
        return d_ts

    if inps.error_file:
        axis = plot_timeseries_errorbar(ax_ts, d_ts, inps)
        axis, scatter = plot_timeseries_scatter(axis, d_ts, inps, plot_number)

    if inps.ylim:
    for tick in axis.yaxis.get_major_ticks():

    # Title
    title_ts = set_axis_title(x, y)
    if inps.disp_title:

    axis = pp.auto_adjust_xaxis_date(axis, tims, fontSize=inps.font_size)[0]
    axis.set_xlabel('Time', fontsize=inps.font_size)
    axis.set_ylabel('Displacement [%s]' % inps.disp_unit, fontsize=inps.font_size)


    # Print to terminal

    # Slope estimation

    return d_ts

def set_axis_title(x, y):
    '''Sets title of axis for a given X, Y Point
            x   : int, x coordinate
            y   : int, y coordinate
            title_ts    : string, computed axis title
    global lat, lon, ullon, ullat, lat_step, lon_step

    if x is None:
        title_ts = 'No Point Selected'

        title_ts = 'Y = %d, X = %d' % (y, x)
            lat, lon = xy_to_lat_lon(x, y)
            title_ts += ', lat = %.4f, lon = %.4f' % (lat, lon)

    return title_ts

def xy_to_lat_lon(x, y):
    '''Converst x,y coordinated to lat/lon coordinates
            x   : int, x coordinate
            y`  : int, y coordinate
            latitude    : double, computed latitude coordinate
            longitude   : double, computed longitude coordinate
    global ullat, ullon, lat_step, lon_step

    latitude = ullat + y * lat_step
    longitude = ullon + x * lon_step

    return latitude, longitude

def estimate_slope():
    '''Estimates slope of timeseries scatter data'''
    global inps, tims, d_ts, date_num

    if inps.ex_date_list:
        tims_kept = [tims[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list]
        d_ts_kept = [d_ts[i] for i in range(date_num) if i not in inps.ex_idx_list]
        d_slope = stats.linregress(np.array(tims_kept), np.array(d_ts_kept))
        d_slope = stats.linregress(np.array(tims), np.array(d_ts))

    print(('linear velocity: %.2f +/- %.2f [%s/yr]' % (d_slope[0], d_slope[4], inps.disp_unit)))

def set_scatter_coords(plot_number, x, y):
    '''Sets the coordinates or the starting scatter point
            plot_number     : int, the plot number (1 or 2)
            x               : int, x coordinate
            y               : int, y coordinate
    global p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y

    if plot_number == 1:        # Set scatter point 1 coordinates
        p1_x, p1_y = x, y
    else:                       # Set scatter point 2 coordinates
        p2_x, p2_y = x, y

def plot_timeseries_event(event):
    '''Event function to get y/x from button press'''
    global ax_v, d_ts, p1_scatter_point, p2_scatter_point, second_plot_axis, p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y

    if event.inaxes != ax_v:

    ii = int(event.ydata + 0.5)
    jj = int(event.xdata + 0.5)

    if event.button == 1:       # Compute and update plot 1 data on left mouse-click

        if p1_scatter_point is not None:
            p1_scatter_point.remove()   # remove previous scatter point

        p1_scatter_point = ax_v.scatter(event.xdata, event.ydata, s=50, c='red', marker='o') # place new sactter point

        d_ts = update_timeseries(ii, jj, 1)     # update timeseries scatter plot for plot 1

    elif event.button == 3 and second_plot_axis_visible:    # COmpute and update plot 2 on right mouse-click

        if p2_scatter_point is not None:
            p2_scatter_point.remove()   # remove previous scatter point

        p2_scatter_point = ax_v.scatter(event.xdata, event.ydata, s=50, c='blue', marker='o') # place new scatter point

        d_ts = update_timeseries(ii, jj, 2)     # update timeseries scatter plot for plot 2

'''Displays second data plot to screen'''
def show_second_plot(event):

    global fig_v, second_plot_axis, second_plot_axis_visible

    second_plot_axis = fig_v.add_axes([0.45, 0.18, 0.52, 0.3])
    second_plot_axis_visible = True


'''Hides second data plot from screen'''
def hide_second_plot(event):
    global second_plot_axis, fig_v, p2_scatter_point, second_plot_axis_visible

    if p2_scatter_point is not None:
        p2_scatter_point = None


    second_plot_axis_visible = False


'''Displays Scatter Plot Data from one or both data axes in separate figure for anlaysis'''
def show_data_as_fig(event):
    global second_plot_axis, ax_ts, second_plot_axis_visible

    if ax_ts == event.inaxes or second_plot_axis == event.inaxes:
        if second_plot_axis_visible:

# Configures and Shows Data Plot as Separate Figure Window
def show_figure(plot_number):
    '''Configures and shows timeseries scatter plot as separate figure window
            plot_number : int, plot number to show data of
    global p2_x, p2_y, p1_x, p1_y, ax_ts, inps, plot_figure, p1_scatter, p2_scatter, new_axes, annot

    # Set up new plot figure, window, and axes
    plot_figure = plt.figure("PLOT!!", figsize=(10, 5))
    new_axes = plot_figure.add_subplot(111)

    # Set annotations for new acis
    annot = new_axes.annotate("",
                              xy=(0, 0),
                              xytext=(445, 10),
                              textcoords="axes points",
                              bbox=dict(boxstyle="round", fc="w"))

    # Compute timeseries data
    d_ts_n = set_timeseries_data(plot_number)

    # Compute and plot scatter points on acis
    scatter = plot_timeseries_scatter(new_axes, d_ts_n, inps, plot_number)

    # Set appropriate scatter variable
    if plot_number == 1:
        _, p1_scatter = scatter
    elif plot_number == 2:
        _, p2_scatter = scatter


    # Connect events to canvas
    plot_figure.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', hide_scatter)
    plot_figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', on_hover)

''' Defines behavior when hovering over a given data point (ie. showing annotation)'''
def on_hover(event):
    global plot_figure, annot, p1_scatter, p2_scatter, new_axes

    vis = annot.get_visible()
    if event.inaxes == new_axes:
        cont, ind = p1_scatter.contains(event)
        if cont:
            update_annot(ind, p1_scatter)
            cont, ind = p2_scatter.contains(event) if p2_scatter is not None else (False, 0)
            if cont:
                update_annot(ind, p2_scatter)
                if vis:

''' Defins annotation styles when hovering over a data point '''
def update_annot(ind, sc):
    global p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, annot, p1_scatter, p2_scatter, tims, lat, lon

    pos = sc.get_offsets()[ind["ind"][0]]
    annot.xy = pos

    if sc is p1_scatter and p1_x is not None:
        data = update_timeseries(p1_y, p1_x, 1, True)
        latitude, longitude = xy_to_lat_lon(p1_x, p1_y)
    elif sc is p2_scatter and p2_x is not None:
        data = update_timeseries(p2_y, p2_x, 2, True)
        latitude, longitude = xy_to_lat_lon(p2_x, p2_y)
        data = np.zeros(len(tims))
        latitude, longitude = None, None

    raw_date = str(dateList[ind["ind"][0]])
    date = list(raw_date)
    date.insert(4, '-')
    date.insert(7, '-')
    date = "".join(date)
    datum = str(data[ind["ind"][0]])

    text = "(%.4f , %.4f)" % (latitude, longitude)
    text += "\nDate: "+date+"\n"+datum

'''Hides Scatter Plot Data on Data Point Figure on Legend Item Click'''
def hide_scatter(event):
    global scatts, plot_figure

    legline = event.artist
    origline = scatts[legline]
    vis = not origline.get_visible()

    # Change the alpha on the line in the legend so we can see what lines
    # have been toggled
    if vis:


'''Sets title and legend information in Data Point Figure'''
def set_title_and_legend(axis):
    global p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, inps, p1_scatter, p2_scatter, scatts

    # Compute title based off lat/lon coords
    series_label_1 = set_axis_title(p1_x, p1_y)
    series_label_2 = None

    title = series_label_1

    if p2_x is not None:
        series_label_2 = set_axis_title(p2_x, p2_y)
        title += " vs " + series_label_2

    # Display title
    if inps.disp_title:

    # Set Legend
    legend = axis.legend((p1_scatter, p2_scatter), (series_label_1, series_label_2), fancybox=True)
    scatters = [p1_scatter, p2_scatter]
    scatts = dict()

    for legline, scatter in zip(legend.legendHandles, scatters):
        if legline is not None:
            legline.set_picker(5)  # 5 pts tolerance
            scatts[legline] = scatter

''' Sets timeseries data (x/y points) prior to computing timeseries data'''
def set_timeseries_data(plot_number):
    global p1_y, p1_x, p2_y, p2_x

    x_point, y_point = p1_x, p1_y

    if plot_number == 2:
        x_point = p2_x
        y_point = p2_y

    return compute_timeseries_data(plot_number, x_point, y_point)

''' Computes timeseries data for a given x, y points '''
def compute_timeseries_data(plot_number, x_point, y_point):
    global tims

    if x_point is not None:
        d_ts_n = update_timeseries(y_point, x_point, plot_number)
        d_ts_n = np.zeros(len(tims))

    return d_ts_n

######################## MAIN FUNCTION ########################
def main(iargs=None):
    global fig_v, ax_v, inps, ax_ts, fig_ts, second_plot_axis

    inps = cmd_line_parse(iargs)


    ########## Main Figure- Cumulative Displacement Map
    if not inps.disp_fig:

    fig_v = plt.figure('Cumulative Time-series Displacement', figsize=inps.fig_size)

    ######### Map Axis - Displacement Map Axis
    ax_v = fig_v.add_axes([0.08, 0.25, 0.25, 0.70])


    ########## Plot Axes - Time Series Displacement - Points
    ax_ts = fig_v.add_axes([0.45, 0.62, 0.53, 0.3])
    second_plot_axis = fig_v.add_axes([0.45, 0.18, 0.53, 0.3])

    # Read Error List
    # Plot Data from Initial Point on Map

    ######### Second Plot Axis Buttons - Show/Hide Axis and Data
    ax_button_show = fig_v.add_axes([0.8, 0.03, 0.18, 0.045])
    show_button = Button(ax_button_show, "Display Second Plot")

    ax_button_hide = fig_v.add_axes([0.61, 0.03, 0.18, 0.045])
    hide_button = Button(ax_button_hide, "Hide Second Plot")

    ########## Output

    ########## MPL Connection Actions
    first_data_point = fig_v.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', plot_timeseries_event)
    show_data_figure = fig_v.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', show_data_as_fig)


    ########## MPL Disconnect Actions

if __name__ == '__main__':
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