Revision 46b354bd2f5a1b33efc961edf45ac565562d016e authored by Dominique Larchey-Wendling on 03 April 2020, 12:42:19 UTC, committed by Dominique Larchey-Wendling on 03 April 2020, 12:42:19 UTC
1 parent c74841f
Raw File
(*   Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling [*]                 *)
(*                                                            *)
(*                             [*] Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS  *)
(*      This file is distributed under the terms of the       *)

From Undecidability.Shared Require Import DLW.Vec.vec DLW.Vec.pos.
From Undecidability.MuRec Require Import recalg.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Reserved Notation "  '[' f ';' v ']' '~~>' x " (at level 70).

(* Bigstep semantics for recursive algorithms *)
Inductive ra_bs : forall k, recalg k -> vec nat k -> nat -> Prop :=
    | in_ra_bs_cst  : forall n v,             [ra_cst n;        v] ~~> n
    | in_ra_bs_zero : forall v,               [ra_zero;         v] ~~> 0
    | in_ra_bs_succ : forall v,               [ra_succ;         v] ~~> S (vec_head v)
    | in_ra_bs_proj : forall k v j,           [@ra_proj k j;    v] ~~> vec_pos v j
    | in_ra_bs_comp : forall k i f (gj : vec (recalg i) k) v w x,
                                   (forall j, [vec_pos gj j;    v] ~~> vec_pos w j)
                               ->             [f;               w] ~~> x
                               ->             [ra_comp f gj;    v] ~~> x

    | in_ra_bs_rec_0 : forall k f (g : recalg (S (S k))) v x,
                                              [f;               v] ~~> x
                               ->             [ra_rec f g;   0##v] ~~> x

    | in_ra_bs_rec_S : forall k f (g : recalg (S (S k))) v n x y,
                                              [ra_rec f g;   n##v] ~~> x
                               ->             [g;         n##x##v] ~~> y
                               ->             [ra_rec f g; S n##v] ~~> y
    | in_ra_bs_min : forall k (f : recalg (S k)) v x w ,
                           (forall j : pos x, [f;    pos2nat j##v] ~~> S (vec_pos w j))
                               ->             [f;            x##v] ~~> 0
                               ->             [ra_min f;        v] ~~> x
where " [ f ; v ] ~~> x " := (@ra_bs _ f v x).
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