Revision 480a94cbe722741cd3f1c2d35549a5af06c3e774 authored by fenderglass on 18 July 2014, 18:59:24 UTC, committed by fenderglass on 18 July 2014, 18:59:24 UTC
1 parent 5bc5199
#(c) 2013-2014 by Authors
#This file is a part of Ragout program.
#Released under the BSD license (see LICENSE file)
This module works with MAF input and converts it into synteny blocks
import os
import logging
import shutil
from .synteny_backend import SyntenyBackend, BackendException
import ragout.maf2synteny.maf2synteny as m2s
logger = logging.getLogger()
MAF_WORKDIR = "maf-workdir"
class MafBackend(SyntenyBackend):
def __init__(self):
def run_backend(self, recipe, output_dir, overwrite):
workdir = os.path.join(output_dir, MAF_WORKDIR)
if overwrite and os.path.isdir(workdir):
if "maf" not in recipe or not os.path.exists(recipe["maf"]):
raise BackendException("Could not open MAF file "
"or it is not specified")
files = {}
if os.path.isdir(workdir):
#using existing results
logger.warning("Using synteny blocks from previous run")
logger.warning("Use --overwrite to force alignment")
for block_size in recipe["blocks"]:
block_dir = os.path.join(workdir, str(block_size))
coords_file = os.path.join(block_dir, "blocks_coords.txt")
if not os.path.isfile(coords_file):
raise BackendException("Exitsing results are incompatible "
"with input recipe")
files[block_size] = os.path.abspath(coords_file)
os.mkdir(workdir)"Converting MAF to synteny")
if not m2s.make_synteny(recipe["maf"], workdir, recipe["blocks"]):
raise BackendException("Something went wrong with maf2synteny")
for block_size in recipe["blocks"]:
block_dir = os.path.join(workdir, str(block_size))
coords_file = os.path.join(block_dir, "blocks_coords.txt")
files[block_size] = os.path.abspath(coords_file)
if not os.path.exists(coords_file):
raise BackendException("Something bad happened!")
return files
SyntenyBackend.register_backend("maf", MafBackend())

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