Revision 494e5b6faeda1d1e830a13e10b3c7bc323f35d97 authored by Khalid Aziz on 27 May 2015, 16:00:46 UTC, committed by David S. Miller on 01 June 2015, 05:15:01 UTC
sparc: Resolve conflict between sparc v9 and M7 on usage of bit 9 of TTE

Bit 9 of TTE is CV (Cacheable in V-cache) on sparc v9 processor while
the same bit 9 is MCDE (Memory Corruption Detection Enable) on M7
processor. This creates a conflicting usage of the same bit. Kernel
sets bit on all pages for sun4v architecture which works well
for sparc v9 but enables memory corruption detection on M7 processor
which is not the intent. This patch adds code to determine if kernel
is running on M7 processor and takes steps to not enable memory
corruption detection in TTE erroneously.

Signed-off-by: Khalid Aziz <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
1 parent f0c1a11
Raw File
#! /usr/bin/perl
# Detect cycles in the header file dependency graph
# Vegard Nossum <>

use strict;
use warnings;

use Getopt::Long;

my $opt_all;
my @opt_include;
my $opt_graph;

&Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(bundling pass_through));
	help	=> \&help,
	version	=> \&version,

	all	=> \$opt_all,
	"I=s"	=> \@opt_include,
	graph	=> \$opt_graph,

push @opt_include, 'include';
my %deps = ();
my %linenos = ();

my @headers = grep { strip($_) } @ARGV;


if($opt_graph) {
} else {

sub help {
	print "Usage: $0 [options] file...\n";
	print "\n";
	print "Options:\n";
	print "  --all\n";
	print "  --graph\n";
	print "\n";
	print "  -I includedir\n";
	print "\n";
	print "To make nice graphs, try:\n";
	print "  $0 --graph include/linux/kernel.h | dot -Tpng -o graph.png\n";

sub version {
	print "headerdep version 2\n";

# Get a file name that is relative to our include paths
sub strip {
	my $filename = shift;

	for my $i (@opt_include) {
		my $stripped = $filename;
		$stripped =~ s/^$i\///;

		return $stripped if $stripped ne $filename;

	return $filename;

# Search for the file name in the list of include paths
sub search {
	my $filename = shift;
	return $filename if -f $filename;

	for my $i (@opt_include) {
		my $path = "$i/$filename";
		return $path if -f $path;

sub parse_all {
	# Parse all the headers.
	my @queue = @_;
	while(@queue) {
		my $header = pop @queue;
		next if exists $deps{$header};

		$deps{$header} = [] unless exists $deps{$header};

		my $path = search($header);
		next unless $path;

		open(my $file, '<', $path) or die($!);
		chomp(my @lines = <$file>);

		for my $i (0 .. $#lines) {
			my $line = $lines[$i];
			if(my($dep) = ($line =~ m/^#\s*include\s*<(.*?)>/)) {
				push @queue, $dep;
				push @{$deps{$header}}, [$i + 1, $dep];

sub print_cycle {
	# $cycle[n] includes $cycle[n + 1];
	# $cycle[-1] will be the culprit
	my $cycle = shift;

	# Adjust the line numbers
	for my $i (0 .. $#$cycle - 1) {
		$cycle->[$i]->[0] = $cycle->[$i + 1]->[0];
	$cycle->[-1]->[0] = 0;

	my $first = shift @$cycle;
	my $last = pop @$cycle;

	my $msg = "In file included";
	printf "%s from %s,\n", $msg, $last->[1] if defined $last;

	for my $header (reverse @$cycle) {
		printf "%s from %s:%d%s\n",
			" " x length $msg,
			$header->[1], $header->[0],
			$header->[1] eq $last->[1] ? ' <-- here' : '';

	printf "%s:%d: warning: recursive header inclusion\n",
		$first->[1], $first->[0];

# Find and print the smallest cycle starting in the specified node.
sub detect_cycles {
	my @queue = map { [[0, $_]] } @_;
	while(@queue) {
		my $top = pop @queue;
		my $name = $top->[-1]->[1];

		for my $dep (@{$deps{$name}}) {
			my $chain = [@$top, [$dep->[0], $dep->[1]]];

			# If the dep already exists in the chain, we have a
			# cycle...
			if(grep { $_->[1] eq $dep->[1] } @$top) {
				next if $opt_all;

			push @queue, $chain;

sub mangle {
	$_ = shift;

# Output dependency graph in GraphViz language.
sub graph {
	print "digraph {\n";

	print "\t/* vertices */\n";
	for my $header (keys %deps) {
		printf "\t%s [label=\"%s\"];\n",
			mangle($header), $header;

	print "\n";

	print "\t/* edges */\n";
	for my $header (keys %deps) {
		for my $dep (@{$deps{$header}}) {
			printf "\t%s -> %s;\n",
				mangle($header), mangle($dep->[1]);

	print "}\n";
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