Revision 4a9888944690287356fc19b0591c405b5e42ec90 authored by Thomas Graf on 12 May 2018, 13:49:06 UTC, committed by Thomas Graf on 20 May 2018, 08:34:47 UTC
Package store implements a shared store backed by a kvstore or similar with
the following properties:

* A single type is used to represent all keys
* Any number of collaborators can join the store. Typically a collaborator
  is an individual Cilium agent running on each node.
* All collaborators can own and contribute keys to the store. Each key is
  owned by exactly one collaborator. It is the responsibility of each
  collaborator to pick a key name which is guaranteed to be unique.
* All collaborate desire to see all keys within the scope of a store. The
  scope of the store is defined by a common key prefix. For this purpose,
  each collaborator maintains a local cache of all keys in the store by
  subscribing to change events.

This implementation will be used by the upcoming kvstore based node discovery

Signed-off-by: Thomas Graf <>
1 parent ff58d9a
Raw File
@Library('cilium') _

pipeline {
    agent {
        label 'baremetal'

    environment {
        PROJ_PATH = "src/"
        MEMORY = "3072"

    options {
        timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES')

    stages {
        stage('Checkout') {
            steps {
                Status("PENDING", "$JOB_BASE_NAME")
                BuildIfLabel('area/k8s', 'Cilium-PR-Kubernetes-Upstream')
                BuildIfLabel('area/k8s', 'Cilium-PR-Ginkgo-Tests-K8s')
                BuildIfLabel('area/documentation', 'Cilium-PR-Doc-Tests')
                sh 'env'
                sh 'rm -rf src; mkdir -p src/'
                sh 'ln -s $WORKSPACE src/'
                checkout scm
        stage('UnitTesting') {
            environment {
            steps {
                sh "cd ${TESTDIR}; make tests-ginkgo"
            post {
                always {
                    sh "cd ${TESTDIR}; make clean-ginkgo-tests || true"
        stage('Boot VMs'){
            environment {
            steps {
                sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.7 vagrant up --no-provision'
                sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.10 vagrant up --no-provision'
        stage('BDD-Test-PR') {
            environment {
                FAILFAST=setIfPR("true", "false")

            options {
                timeout(time: 90, unit: 'MINUTES')

            steps {
                        sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; ginkgo --focus=" RuntimeValidated*" -v --failFast=${FAILFAST}'
                        sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.7 ginkgo --focus=" K8sValidated*" -v --failFast=${FAILFAST}'
                        sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}; K8S_VERSION=1.10 ginkgo --focus=" K8sValidated*" -v --failFast=${FAILFAST}'
                    failFast: true
            post {
                always {
                    junit 'test/*.xml'
                    // Temporary workaround to test cleanup
                    // rm -rf ${GOPATH}/src/
                    sh 'cd test/; ./ || true'
                    sh 'cd test/; ./ || true'
                    archiveArtifacts artifacts: "test_results_${JOB_BASE_NAME}_${BUILD_NUMBER}.zip", allowEmptyArchive: true
    post {
        always {
            sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}/test/; K8S_VERSION=1.7 vagrant destroy -f || true'
            sh 'cd ${TESTDIR}/test/; K8S_VERSION=1.10 vagrant destroy -f || true'
        success {
            Status("SUCCESS", "$JOB_BASE_NAME")
        failure {
            Status("FAILURE", "$JOB_BASE_NAME")
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