Revision 4c7e5e667bd30affa2e8c3bc8c65fd38e90912fe authored by Tobias Koppers on 21 April 2020, 12:06:17 UTC, committed by Tobias Koppers on 21 April 2020, 12:06:17 UTC
1 parent 4d7d318
Raw File
 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update

import {
} from "estree";
import { Stats as FsStats, WriteStream } from "fs";
import { default as ValidationError } from "schema-utils/declarations/ValidationError";
import {
} from "tapable";

declare class AbstractLibraryPlugin<T> {
	constructor(__0: {
		 * name of the plugin
		pluginName: string;
		 * used library type
		type: ExternalsType;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
	parseOptions(library: LibraryOptions): false | T;
	finishEntryModule(module: Module, libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>): void;
		chunk: Chunk,
		set: Set<string>,
		libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
	): void;
		source: Source,
		renderContext: RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin,
		libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
	): Source;
		chunk: Chunk,
		hash: Hash,
		chunkHashContext: ChunkHashContext,
		libraryContext: LibraryContext<T>
	): void;
declare class AggressiveMergingPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class AggressiveSplittingPlugin {
	constructor(options?: AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions);
	options: AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
	static wasChunkRecorded(chunk: Chunk): boolean;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface AggressiveSplittingPluginOptions {
	 * Extra cost for each chunk (Default: 9.8kiB).
	chunkOverhead?: number;

	 * Extra cost multiplicator for entry chunks (Default: 10).
	entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;

	 * Byte, max size of per file (Default: 50kiB).
	maxSize?: number;

	 * Byte, split point. (Default: 30kiB).
	minSize?: number;
type Amd = false | { [index: string]: any };
declare interface Argument {
	description: string;
	simpleType: "string" | "number" | "boolean";
	multiple: boolean;
	configs: Array<ArgumentConfig>;
declare interface ArgumentConfig {
	description: string;
	path: string;
	multiple: boolean;
	type: "string" | "number" | "boolean" | "path" | "enum" | "RegExp" | "reset";
	values?: Array<any>;
declare interface Asset {
	 * the filename of the asset
	name: string;

	 * source of the asset
	source: Source;

	 * info about the asset
	info: AssetInfo;
declare interface AssetEmittedInfo {
	content: Buffer;
	source: Source;
	compilation: Compilation;
	outputPath: string;
	targetPath: string;
declare interface AssetInfo {
	 * true, if the asset can be long term cached forever (contains a hash)
	immutable?: boolean;

	 * size in bytes, only set after asset has been emitted
	size?: number;

	 * true, when asset is only used for development and doesn't count towards user-facing assets
	development?: boolean;

	 * true, when asset ships data for updating an existing application (HMR)
	hotModuleReplacement?: boolean;
type AssetModuleFilename =
	| string
	| ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);
declare abstract class AsyncDependenciesBlock extends DependenciesBlock {
	groupOptions: { preloadOrder?: number; prefetchOrder?: number; name: string };
	loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
	request: string;
	parent: DependenciesBlock;
	chunkName: string;
	module: any;
declare abstract class AsyncQueue<T, K, R> {
	hooks: {
		beforeAdd: AsyncSeriesHook<[T]>;
		added: SyncHook<[T], void>;
		beforeStart: AsyncSeriesHook<[T]>;
		started: SyncHook<[T], void>;
		result: SyncHook<[T, Error, R], void>;
	add(item: T, callback: CallbackFunction<R>): void;
	invalidate(item: T): void;
	stop(): void;
	increaseParallelism(): void;
	decreaseParallelism(): void;
	isProcessing(item: T): boolean;
	isQueued(item: T): boolean;
	isDone(item: T): boolean;
declare class AsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
	renderModule(module?: any, renderContext?: any, hooks?: any): any;
	static getCompilationHooks(
		compilation: Compilation
	): CompilationHooksAsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin;
declare class AutomaticPrefetchPlugin {

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type AuxiliaryComment = string | LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject;
declare class BannerPlugin {
	constructor(options: BannerPluginArgument);
	options: BannerPluginOptions;
	banner: (data: { hash: string; chunk: Chunk; filename: string }) => string;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type BannerPluginArgument =
	| string
	| BannerPluginOptions
	| ((data: { hash: string; chunk: Chunk; filename: string }) => string);
declare interface BannerPluginOptions {
	 * Specifies the banner.
		| string
		| ((data: { hash: string; chunk: Chunk; filename: string }) => string);

	 * If true, the banner will only be added to the entry chunks.
	entryOnly?: boolean;

	 * Exclude all modules matching any of these conditions.
	exclude?: RulesBannerPlugin;

	 * Include all modules matching any of these conditions.
	include?: RulesBannerPlugin;

	 * If true, banner will not be wrapped in a comment.
	raw?: boolean;

	 * Include all modules that pass test assertion.
	test?: RulesBannerPlugin;
declare abstract class BasicEvaluatedExpression {
	type: number;
	range: any;
	falsy: boolean;
	truthy: boolean;
	bool: any;
	number: any;
	bigint: any;
	regExp: any;
	string: any;
	quasis: any;
	parts: any;
	array: any;
	items: any;
	options: any;
	prefix: any;
	postfix: any;
	wrappedInnerExpressions: any;
	identifier: any;
	rootInfo: any;
	getMembers: any;
	expression: any;
	isNull(): boolean;
	isString(): boolean;
	isNumber(): boolean;
	isBigInt(): boolean;
	isBoolean(): boolean;
	isRegExp(): boolean;
	isConditional(): boolean;
	isArray(): boolean;
	isConstArray(): boolean;
	isIdentifier(): boolean;
	isWrapped(): boolean;
	isTemplateString(): boolean;
	isTruthy(): boolean;
	isFalsy(): boolean;
	asBool(): any;
	asString(): any;
	setString(string?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setNull(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setNumber(number?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setBigInt(bigint?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setBoolean(bool?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setRegExp(regExp?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
		identifier?: any,
		rootInfo?: any,
		getMembers?: any
	): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
		prefix?: any,
		postfix?: any,
		innerExpressions?: any
	): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setOptions(options?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	addOptions(options?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setItems(items?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setArray(array?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
		quasis?: any,
		parts?: any,
		kind?: any
	): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	templateStringKind: any;
	setTruthy(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setFalsy(): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setRange(range?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	setExpression(expression?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
declare abstract class ByTypeGenerator extends Generator {
	map: any;
declare class Cache {
	hooks: {
		get: AsyncSeriesBailHook<
			[string, Etag, Array<(result: any, stats: CallbackCache<void>) => void>],
		store: AsyncParallelHook<[string, Etag, any]>;
		storeBuildDependencies: AsyncParallelHook<[Iterable<string>]>;
		beginIdle: SyncHook<[], void>;
		endIdle: AsyncParallelHook<[]>;
		shutdown: AsyncParallelHook<[]>;
	get<T>(identifier: string, etag: Etag, callback: CallbackCache<T>): void;
		identifier: string,
		etag: Etag,
		data: T,
		callback: CallbackCache<void>
	): void;

	 * After this method has succeeded the cache can only be restored when build dependencies are
		dependencies: Iterable<string>,
		callback: CallbackCache<void>
	): void;
	beginIdle(): void;
	endIdle(callback: CallbackCache<void>): void;
	shutdown(callback: CallbackCache<void>): void;
	static STAGE_MEMORY: number;
	static STAGE_DEFAULT: number;
	static STAGE_DISK: number;
	static STAGE_NETWORK: number;
declare interface CacheGroupSource {
	key?: string;
	priority?: number;
	getName?: (module?: Module, chunks?: Array<Chunk>, key?: string) => string;
	chunksFilter?: (chunk: Chunk) => boolean;
	enforce?: boolean;
	minSize: Record<string, number>;
	minRemainingSize: Record<string, number>;
	maxAsyncSize: Record<string, number>;
	maxInitialSize: Record<string, number>;
	minChunks?: number;
	maxAsyncRequests?: number;
	maxInitialRequests?: number;
	filename?: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string);
	idHint?: string;
	automaticNameDelimiter: string;
	reuseExistingChunk?: boolean;
declare interface CacheGroupsContext {
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
type CacheOptions = boolean | MemoryCacheOptions | FileCacheOptions;
type CacheOptionsNormalized = false | MemoryCacheOptions | FileCacheOptions;
type CallExpression = SimpleCallExpression | NewExpression;
declare interface CallbackCache<T> {
	(err?: WebpackError, stats?: T): void;
declare interface CallbackFunction<T> {
	(err?: Error, result?: T): any;
declare interface CallbackWebpack<T> {
	(err?: Error, stats?: T): void;
declare class Chunk {
	constructor(name?: string);
	id: string | number;
	ids: Array<string | number>;
	debugId: number;
	name: string;
	idNameHints: SortableSet<string>;
	preventIntegration: boolean;
	filenameTemplate: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string);
	files: Set<string>;
	auxiliaryFiles: Set<string>;
	rendered: boolean;
	hash: string;
	contentHash: Record<string, string>;
	renderedHash: string;
	chunkReason: string;
	extraAsync: boolean;
	readonly entryModule: Module;
	hasEntryModule(): boolean;
	addModule(module: Module): boolean;
	removeModule(module: Module): void;
	getNumberOfModules(): number;
	readonly modulesIterable: Iterable<Module>;
	compareTo(otherChunk: Chunk): 0 | 1 | -1;
	containsModule(module: Module): boolean;
	getModules(): Array<Module>;
	remove(): void;
	moveModule(module: Module, otherChunk: Chunk): void;
	integrate(otherChunk: Chunk): boolean;
	canBeIntegrated(otherChunk: Chunk): boolean;
	isEmpty(): boolean;
	modulesSize(): number;
	size(options?: ChunkSizeOptions): number;
	integratedSize(otherChunk: Chunk, options: ChunkSizeOptions): number;
	getChunkModuleMaps(filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean): ChunkModuleMaps;
		filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
		filterChunkFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
	): boolean;
	getChunkMaps(realHash: boolean): ChunkMaps;
	hasRuntime(): boolean;
	canBeInitial(): boolean;
	isOnlyInitial(): boolean;
	addGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): void;
	removeGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): void;
	isInGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
	getNumberOfGroups(): number;
	readonly groupsIterable: Iterable<ChunkGroup>;
	disconnectFromGroups(): void;
	split(newChunk: Chunk): void;
	updateHash(hash: Hash, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
	getAllAsyncChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
	getAllReferencedChunks(): Set<Chunk>;
	hasAsyncChunks(): boolean;
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
		filterFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
	): Record<string, Array<string | number>>;
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
		includeDirectChildren?: boolean,
		filterFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
	): Record<string | number, Record<string, Array<string | number>>>;
declare class ChunkGraph {
	constructor(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph);
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
	connectChunkAndModule(chunk: Chunk, module: Module): void;
	disconnectChunkAndModule(chunk: Chunk, module: Module): void;
	disconnectChunk(chunk: Chunk): void;
	attachModules(chunk: Chunk, modules: Iterable<Module>): void;
	attachRuntimeModules(chunk: Chunk, modules: Iterable<RuntimeModule>): void;
	replaceModule(oldModule: Module, newModule: Module): void;
	isModuleInChunk(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): boolean;
	isModuleInChunkGroup(module: Module, chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
	isEntryModule(module: Module): boolean;
	getModuleChunksIterable(module: Module): Iterable<Chunk>;
		module: Module,
		sortFn: (arg0: Chunk, arg1: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1
	): Iterable<Chunk>;
	getModuleChunks(module: Module): Array<Chunk>;
	getNumberOfModuleChunks(module: Module): number;
	haveModulesEqualChunks(moduleA: Module, moduleB: Module): boolean;
	getNumberOfChunkModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
	getChunkModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<Module>;
		chunk: Chunk,
		sourceType: string
	): Iterable<Module>;
		chunk: Chunk,
		comparator: (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1
	): Iterable<Module>;
		chunk: Chunk,
		sourceType: string,
		comparator: (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1
	): Iterable<Module>;
	getChunkModules(chunk: Chunk): Array<Module>;
		chunk: Chunk,
		comparator: (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1
	): Array<Module>;
		chunk: Chunk,
		filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
		includeAllChunks?: boolean
	): ChunkModuleMaps;
		chunk: Chunk,
		filterFn: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
	): Record<string | number, boolean>;
	hasModuleInChunk(chunk: Chunk, filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean): boolean;
		chunk: Chunk,
		filterFn: (m: Module) => boolean,
		filterChunkFn?: (c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean
	): boolean;
	compareChunks(chunkA: Chunk, chunkB: Chunk): 0 | 1 | -1;
	getChunkModulesSize(chunk: Chunk): number;
	getChunkModulesSizes(chunk: Chunk): Record<string, number>;
	getChunkRootModules(chunk: Chunk): Array<Module>;
	getChunkSize(chunk: Chunk, options?: ChunkSizeOptions): number;
		chunkA: Chunk,
		chunkB: Chunk,
		options?: ChunkSizeOptions
	): number;
	canChunksBeIntegrated(chunkA: Chunk, chunkB: Chunk): boolean;
	integrateChunks(chunkA: Chunk, chunkB: Chunk): void;
	isEntryModuleInChunk(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): boolean;
		chunk: Chunk,
		module: Module,
		entrypoint?: Entrypoint
	): void;
	connectChunkAndRuntimeModule(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
	disconnectChunkAndEntryModule(chunk: Chunk, module: Module): void;
	disconnectChunkAndRuntimeModule(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
	disconnectEntryModule(module: Module): void;
	disconnectEntries(chunk: Chunk): void;
	getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
	getNumberOfRuntimeModules(chunk: Chunk): number;
	getChunkEntryModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<Module>;
	getChunkEntryDependentChunksIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<Chunk>;
	hasChunkEntryDependentChunks(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
	getChunkRuntimeModulesIterable(chunk: Chunk): Iterable<RuntimeModule>;
	getChunkRuntimeModulesInOrder(chunk: Chunk): Array<RuntimeModule>;
		chunk: Chunk
	): Iterable<[Module, Entrypoint]>;
	getBlockChunkGroup(depBlock: AsyncDependenciesBlock): ChunkGroup;
		depBlock: AsyncDependenciesBlock,
		chunkGroup: ChunkGroup
	): void;
	disconnectChunkGroup(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): void;
	getModuleId(module: Module): string | number;
	setModuleId(module: Module, id: string | number): void;
	getModuleHash(module: Module): string;
	getRenderedModuleHash(module: Module): string;
	setModuleHashes(module: Module, hash: string, renderedHash: string): void;
	addModuleRuntimeRequirements(module: Module, items: Set<string>): void;
	addChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk, items: Set<string>): void;
	addTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk, items: Iterable<string>): void;
	getModuleRuntimeRequirements(module: Module): ReadonlySet<string>;
	getChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk): ReadonlySet<string>;
	getTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk: Chunk): ReadonlySet<string>;
	static getChunkGraphForModule(
		module: Module,
		deprecateMessage: string,
		deprecationCode: string
	): ChunkGraph;
	static setChunkGraphForModule(module: Module, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
	static getChunkGraphForChunk(
		chunk: Chunk,
		deprecateMessage: string,
		deprecationCode: string
	): ChunkGraph;
	static setChunkGraphForChunk(chunk: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
declare abstract class ChunkGroup {
	groupDebugId: number;
	options: { preloadOrder?: number; prefetchOrder?: number; name: string };
	chunks: Array<Chunk>;
	origins: Array<{
		module: Module;
		loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
		request: string;
	index: number;

	 * when a new chunk is added to a chunkGroup, addingOptions will occur.
	addOptions(options: {
		preloadOrder?: number;
		prefetchOrder?: number;
		name: string;
	}): void;

	 * returns the name of current ChunkGroup
	 * sets a new name for current ChunkGroup
	name: string;

	 * get a uniqueId for ChunkGroup, made up of its member Chunk debugId's
	readonly debugId: string;

	 * get a unique id for ChunkGroup, made up of its member Chunk id's
	readonly id: string;

	 * Performs an unshift of a specific chunk
	unshiftChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean;

	 * inserts a chunk before another existing chunk in group
	insertChunk(chunk: Chunk, before: Chunk): boolean;

	 * add a chunk into ChunkGroup. Is pushed on or prepended
	pushChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
	replaceChunk(oldChunk: Chunk, newChunk: Chunk): boolean;
	removeChunk(chunk: Chunk): boolean;
	isInitial(): boolean;
	addChild(group: ChunkGroup): boolean;
	getChildren(): Array<ChunkGroup>;
	getNumberOfChildren(): number;
	readonly childrenIterable: SortableSet<ChunkGroup>;
	removeChild(group: ChunkGroup): boolean;
	addParent(parentChunk: ChunkGroup): boolean;
	getParents(): Array<ChunkGroup>;
	getNumberOfParents(): number;
	hasParent(parent: ChunkGroup): boolean;
	readonly parentsIterable: SortableSet<ChunkGroup>;
	removeParent(chunkGroup: ChunkGroup): boolean;
	getBlocks(): Array<any>;
	getNumberOfBlocks(): number;
	hasBlock(block?: any): boolean;
	readonly blocksIterable: Iterable<AsyncDependenciesBlock>;
	addBlock(block: AsyncDependenciesBlock): boolean;
		module: Module,
		loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation,
		request: string
	): void;
	getFiles(): Array<string>;
	remove(): void;
	sortItems(): void;

	 * Sorting predicate which allows current ChunkGroup to be compared against another.
	 * Sorting values are based off of number of chunks in ChunkGroup.
	compareTo(chunkGraph: ChunkGraph, otherGroup: ChunkGroup): 0 | 1 | -1;
		moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
	): Record<string, Array<ChunkGroup>>;

	 * Sets the top-down index of a module in this ChunkGroup
	setModulePreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;

	 * Gets the top-down index of a module in this ChunkGroup
	getModulePreOrderIndex(module: Module): number;

	 * Sets the bottom-up index of a module in this ChunkGroup
	setModulePostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;

	 * Gets the bottom-up index of a module in this ChunkGroup
	getModulePostOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
	checkConstraints(): void;
	getModuleIndex: (module: Module) => number;
	getModuleIndex2: (module: Module) => number;
declare interface ChunkHashContext {
	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;

 * Compare two Modules based on their ids for sorting
declare interface ChunkMaps {
	hash: Record<string | number, string>;
	contentHash: Record<string | number, Record<string, string>>;
	name: Record<string | number, string>;
declare class ChunkModuleIdRangePlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface ChunkModuleMaps {
	id: Record<string | number, Array<string | number>>;
	hash: Record<string | number, string>;
declare interface ChunkPathData {
	id: string | number;
	name?: string;
	hash: string;
	hashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
	contentHash?: Record<string, string>;
	contentHashWithLength?: Record<string, (length: number) => string>;
declare interface ChunkSizeOptions {
	 * constant overhead for a chunk
	chunkOverhead?: number;

	 * multiplicator for initial chunks
	entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;
declare abstract class ChunkTemplate {
	hooks: Readonly<{
		renderManifest: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		modules: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		render: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		renderWithEntry: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		hash: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		hashForChunk: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
	readonly outputOptions: any;
declare interface CodeGenerationContext {
	 * the dependency templates
	dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;

	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
declare interface CodeGenerationResult {
	 * the resulting sources for all source types
	sources: Map<string, Source>;

	 * the runtime requirements
	runtimeRequirements: ReadonlySet<string>;
declare class Compilation {
	 * Creates an instance of Compilation.
	constructor(compiler: Compiler);
	hooks: Readonly<{
		buildModule: SyncHook<[Module], void>;
		rebuildModule: SyncHook<[Module], void>;
		failedModule: SyncHook<[Module, WebpackError], void>;
		succeedModule: SyncHook<[Module], void>;
		stillValidModule: SyncHook<[Module], void>;
		addEntry: SyncHook<
				{ name: string } & Pick<
					"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
		failedEntry: SyncHook<
				{ name: string } & Pick<
					"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
		succeedEntry: SyncHook<
				{ name: string } & Pick<
					"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
		dependencyReferencedExports: SyncWaterfallHook<
			[Array<Array<string>>, Dependency]
		finishModules: AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable<Module>]>;
		finishRebuildingModule: AsyncSeriesHook<[Module]>;
		unseal: SyncHook<[], void>;
		seal: SyncHook<[], void>;
		beforeChunks: SyncHook<[], void>;
		afterChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
		optimizeDependencies: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Module>], any>;
		afterOptimizeDependencies: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
		optimize: SyncHook<[], void>;
		optimizeModules: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Module>], any>;
		afterOptimizeModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
		optimizeChunks: SyncBailHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Array<ChunkGroup>], any>;
		afterOptimizeChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Array<ChunkGroup>], void>;
		optimizeTree: AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>]>;
		afterOptimizeTree: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>], void>;
		optimizeChunkModules: AsyncSeriesBailHook<
			[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>],
		afterOptimizeChunkModules: SyncHook<
			[Iterable<Chunk>, Iterable<Module>],
		shouldRecord: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
		additionalChunkRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[Chunk, Set<string>], void>;
		runtimeRequirementInChunk: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Chunk, Set<string>], any>>;
		additionalModuleRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[Module, Set<string>], void>;
		runtimeRequirementInModule: HookMap<
			SyncBailHook<[Module, Set<string>], any>
		additionalTreeRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[Chunk, Set<string>], void>;
		runtimeRequirementInTree: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Chunk, Set<string>], any>>;
		runtimeModule: SyncHook<[RuntimeModule, Chunk], void>;
		reviveModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>, any], void>;
		beforeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
		moduleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
		optimizeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
		afterOptimizeModuleIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
		reviveChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, any], void>;
		beforeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
		chunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
		optimizeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
		afterOptimizeChunkIds: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
		recordModules: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>, any], void>;
		recordChunks: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>, any], void>;
		optimizeCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[Iterable<Module>], void>;
		beforeModuleHash: SyncHook<[], void>;
		afterModuleHash: SyncHook<[], void>;
		beforeCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[], void>;
		afterCodeGeneration: SyncHook<[], void>;
		beforeRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[], void>;
		afterRuntimeRequirements: SyncHook<[], void>;
		beforeHash: SyncHook<[], void>;
		contentHash: SyncHook<[Chunk], void>;
		afterHash: SyncHook<[], void>;
		recordHash: SyncHook<[any], void>;
		record: SyncHook<[Compilation, any], void>;
		beforeModuleAssets: SyncHook<[], void>;
		shouldGenerateChunkAssets: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
		beforeChunkAssets: SyncHook<[], void>;
		additionalChunkAssets: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
		additionalAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
		optimizeChunkAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<[Iterable<Chunk>]>;
		afterOptimizeChunkAssets: SyncHook<[Iterable<Chunk>], void>;
		optimizeAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<[Record<string, Source>]>;
		afterOptimizeAssets: SyncHook<[Record<string, Source>], void>;
		finishAssets: AsyncSeriesHook<[Record<string, Source>]>;
		afterFinishAssets: SyncHook<[Record<string, Source>], void>;
		needAdditionalSeal: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
		afterSeal: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
		renderManifest: SyncWaterfallHook<
			[Array<RenderManifestEntry>, RenderManifestOptions]
		fullHash: SyncHook<[Hash], void>;
		chunkHash: SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash, ChunkHashContext], void>;
		moduleAsset: SyncHook<[Module, string], void>;
		chunkAsset: SyncHook<[Chunk, string], void>;
		assetPath: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, any, AssetInfo]>;
		needAdditionalPass: SyncBailHook<[], boolean>;
		childCompiler: SyncHook<[Compiler, string, number], void>;
		log: SyncBailHook<[string, LogEntry], true>;
		statsPreset: HookMap<SyncHook<[any, any], void>>;
		statsNormalize: SyncHook<[any, any], void>;
		statsFactory: SyncHook<[StatsFactory, any], void>;
		statsPrinter: SyncHook<[StatsPrinter, any], void>;
		readonly normalModuleLoader: SyncHook<[any, NormalModule], void>;
	name: string;
	compiler: Compiler;
	resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
	inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
	fileSystemInfo: FileSystemInfo;
	requestShortener: RequestShortener;
	compilerPath: string;
	cache: Cache;
	logger: WebpackLogger;
	options: WebpackOptionsNormalized;
	outputOptions: OutputNormalized;
	bail: boolean;
	profile: boolean;
	mainTemplate: MainTemplate;
	chunkTemplate: ChunkTemplate;
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
	moduleTemplates: { javascript: ModuleTemplate };
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
	codeGenerationResults: Map<Module, CodeGenerationResult>;
	factorizeQueue: AsyncQueue<FactorizeModuleOptions, string, Module>;
	addModuleQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, string, Module>;
	buildQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
	rebuildQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;
	processDependenciesQueue: AsyncQueue<Module, Module, Module>;

	 * Modules in value are building during the build of Module in key.
	 * Means value blocking key from finishing.
	 * Needed to detect build cycles.
	creatingModuleDuringBuild: WeakMap<Module, Set<Module>>;
	entries: Map<string, EntryData>;
	entrypoints: Map<string, Entrypoint>;
	chunks: Set<Chunk>;
	chunkGroups: Array<ChunkGroup>;
	namedChunkGroups: Map<string, ChunkGroup>;
	namedChunks: Map<string, Chunk>;
	modules: Set<Module>;
	records: any;
	additionalChunkAssets: Array<string>;
	assets: Record<string, Source>;
	assetsInfo: Map<string, AssetInfo>;
	errors: Array<WebpackError>;
	warnings: Array<WebpackError>;
	children: Array<Compilation>;
	logging: Map<string, Array<LogEntry>>;
	dependencyFactories: Map<
		{ new (...args: Array<any>): Dependency },
	dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
	childrenCounters: {};
	usedChunkIds: Set<string | number>;
	usedModuleIds: Set<number>;
	needAdditionalPass: boolean;
	builtModules: WeakSet<Module>;
	emittedAssets: Set<string>;
	comparedForEmitAssets: Set<string>;
	fileDependencies: LazySet<string>;
	contextDependencies: LazySet<string>;
	missingDependencies: LazySet<string>;
	buildDependencies: LazySet<string>;
	compilationDependencies: { add: (item?: any) => LazySet<string> };
	getStats(): Stats;
	createStatsOptions(optionsOrPreset?: any, context?: {}): {};
	createStatsFactory(options?: any): StatsFactory;
	createStatsPrinter(options?: any): StatsPrinter;
	getLogger(name: string | (() => string)): WebpackLogger;
		module: Module,
		callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
	): void;

	 * Fetches a module from a compilation by its identifier
	getModule(module: Module): Module;

	 * Attempts to search for a module by its identifier
	findModule(identifier: string): Module;

	 * Schedules a build of the module object
		module: Module,
		callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
	): void;
		module: Module,
		callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
	): void;
		__0: HandleModuleCreationOptions,
		callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
	): void;
		options: FactorizeModuleOptions,
		callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
	): void;
		context: string,
		dependency: Dependency,
		callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
	): void;
		context: string,
		entry: EntryDependency,
			| string
			| ({ name: string } & Pick<
					"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
		callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
	): void;
		module: Module,
		callback: (err?: WebpackError, result?: Module) => void
	): void;
	finish(callback?: any): void;
	unseal(): void;
	seal(callback: (err?: WebpackError) => void): void;
		module: Module,
		blocks: Array<DependenciesBlock>
	): void;
	codeGeneration(): Map<any, any>;
	processRuntimeRequirements(entrypoints: Iterable<Entrypoint>): void;
	addRuntimeModule(chunk: Chunk, module: RuntimeModule): void;
			| string
			| { preloadOrder?: number; prefetchOrder?: number; name: string },
		module: Module,
		loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation,
		request: string
	): ChunkGroup;

	 * This method first looks to see if a name is provided for a new chunk,
	 * and first looks to see if any named chunks already exist and reuse that chunk instead.
	addChunk(name?: string): Chunk;
	assignDepth(module: Module): void;
	getDependencyReferencedExports(dependency: Dependency): Array<Array<string>>;
		module: Module,
		block: DependenciesBlockLike
	): void;
	patchChunksAfterReasonRemoval(module: Module, chunk: Chunk): void;
	removeChunkFromDependencies(block: DependenciesBlock, chunk: Chunk): void;
	sortItemsWithChunkIds(): void;
	summarizeDependencies(): void;
	createModuleHashes(): void;
	createHash(): void;
	fullHash: string;
	hash: string;
	modifyHash(update: string): void;
	emitAsset(file: string, source: Source, assetInfo?: AssetInfo): void;
		file: string,
		newSourceOrFunction: Source | ((arg0: Source) => Source),
		assetInfoUpdateOrFunction?: AssetInfo | ((arg0: AssetInfo) => AssetInfo)
	): void;
	getAssets(): Array<Asset>;
	getAsset(name: string): Asset;
	clearAssets(): void;
	createModuleAssets(): void;
	getRenderManifest(options: RenderManifestOptions): Array<RenderManifestEntry>;
	createChunkAssets(callback: (err?: WebpackError) => void): void;
		filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string),
		data?: PathData
	): string;
		filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string),
		data?: PathData
	): { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
		filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string),
		data: PathData
	): string;
		filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string),
		data: PathData
	): { path: string; info: AssetInfo };

	 * This function allows you to run another instance of webpack inside of webpack however as
	 * a child with different settings and configurations (if desired) applied. It copies all hooks, plugins
	 * from parent (or top level compiler) and creates a child Compilation
		name: string,
		outputOptions: OutputNormalized,
		plugins: Array<Plugin>
	): Compiler;
	checkConstraints(): void;
declare interface CompilationHooksAsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin {
	renderModuleContent: SyncWaterfallHook<
		[Source, Module, RenderContextAsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin]
declare interface CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin {
	renderModuleContent: SyncWaterfallHook<
		[Source, Module, RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin]
	renderModuleContainer: SyncWaterfallHook<
		[Source, Module, RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin]
	renderModulePackage: SyncWaterfallHook<
		[Source, Module, RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin]
	renderChunk: SyncWaterfallHook<
		[Source, RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin]
	renderMain: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin]>;
	render: SyncWaterfallHook<[Source, RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin]>;
	renderRequire: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, RenderBootstrapContext]>;
	chunkHash: SyncHook<[Chunk, Hash, ChunkHashContext], void>;
declare interface CompilationParams {
	normalModuleFactory: NormalModuleFactory;
	contextModuleFactory: ContextModuleFactory;
declare class Compiler {
	constructor(context: string);
	hooks: Readonly<{
		initialize: SyncHook<[], void>;
		shouldEmit: SyncBailHook<[Compilation], boolean>;
		done: AsyncSeriesHook<[Stats]>;
		afterDone: SyncHook<[Stats], void>;
		additionalPass: AsyncSeriesHook<[]>;
		beforeRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
		run: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
		emit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
		assetEmitted: AsyncSeriesHook<[string, AssetEmittedInfo]>;
		afterEmit: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
		thisCompilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams], void>;
		compilation: SyncHook<[Compilation, CompilationParams], void>;
		normalModuleFactory: SyncHook<[NormalModuleFactory], void>;
		contextModuleFactory: SyncHook<[ContextModuleFactory], void>;
		beforeCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[CompilationParams]>;
		compile: SyncHook<[CompilationParams], void>;
		make: AsyncParallelHook<[Compilation]>;
		afterCompile: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compilation]>;
		watchRun: AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>;
		failed: SyncHook<[Error], void>;
		invalid: SyncHook<[string, string], void>;
		watchClose: SyncHook<[], void>;
		infrastructureLog: SyncBailHook<[string, string, Array<any>], true>;
		environment: SyncHook<[], void>;
		afterEnvironment: SyncHook<[], void>;
		afterPlugins: SyncHook<[Compiler], void>;
		afterResolvers: SyncHook<[Compiler], void>;
		entryOption: SyncBailHook<[string, EntryNormalized], boolean>;
	name: string;
	parentCompilation: Compilation;
	root: Compiler;
	outputPath: string;
	outputFileSystem: OutputFileSystem;
	intermediateFileSystem: InputFileSystem &
		OutputFileSystem &
	inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
	watchFileSystem: any;
	recordsInputPath: string;
	recordsOutputPath: string;
	records: {};
	managedPaths: Set<string>;
	immutablePaths: Set<string>;
	modifiedFiles: Set<string>;
	removedFiles: Set<string>;
	fileTimestamps: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
	contextTimestamps: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
	resolverFactory: ResolverFactory;
	infrastructureLogger: any;
	options: WebpackOptionsNormalized;
	context: string;
	requestShortener: RequestShortener;
	cache: Cache;
	compilerPath: string;
	running: boolean;
	watchMode: boolean;
	getInfrastructureLogger(name: string | (() => string)): WebpackLogger;
	watch(watchOptions: WatchOptions, handler: CallbackFunction<Stats>): Watching;
	run(callback: CallbackFunction<Stats>): void;
		callback: (
			err?: Error,
			entries?: Array<Chunk>,
			compilation?: Compilation
		) => any
	): void;
	purgeInputFileSystem(): void;
	emitAssets(compilation: Compilation, callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
	emitRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
	readRecords(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
		compilation: Compilation,
		compilerName: string,
		compilerIndex: number,
		outputOptions: OutputNormalized,
		plugins: Array<WebpackPluginInstance>
	): Compiler;
	isChild(): boolean;
	createCompilation(): Compilation;
	newCompilation(params: CompilationParams): Compilation;
	createNormalModuleFactory(): NormalModuleFactory;
	createContextModuleFactory(): ContextModuleFactory;
	newCompilationParams(): {
		normalModuleFactory: NormalModuleFactory;
		contextModuleFactory: ContextModuleFactory;
	compile(callback: CallbackFunction<Compilation>): void;
	close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;

 * Options object as provided by the user.
declare interface Configuration {
	 * Set the value of `require.amd` and `define.amd`. Or disable AMD support.
	amd?: Amd;

	 * Report the first error as a hard error instead of tolerating it.
	bail?: boolean;

	 * Cache generated modules and chunks to improve performance for multiple incremental builds.
	cache?: CacheOptions;

	 * The base directory (absolute path!) for resolving the `entry` option. If `output.pathinfo` is set, the included pathinfo is shortened to this directory.
	context?: string;

	 * References to other configurations to depend on.
	dependencies?: Array<string>;

	 * A developer tool to enhance debugging (false | eval | [inline-|hidden-|eval-][nosources-][cheap-[module-]]source-map).
	devtool?: DevTool;

	 * The entry point(s) of the compilation.
	entry?: Entry;

	 * Enables/Disables experiments (experimental features with relax SemVer compatibility).
	experiments?: Experiments;

	 * Specify dependencies that shouldn't be resolved by webpack, but should become dependencies of the resulting bundle. The kind of the dependency depends on `output.libraryTarget`.
	externals?: Externals;

	 * Specifies the default type of externals ('amd*', 'umd*', 'system' and 'jsonp' depend on output.libraryTarget set to the same value).
	externalsType?: ExternalsType;

	 * Options for infrastructure level logging.
	infrastructureLogging?: InfrastructureLogging;

	 * Custom values available in the loader context.
	loader?: Loader;

	 * Enable production optimizations or development hints.
	mode?: Mode;

	 * Options affecting the normal modules (`NormalModuleFactory`).
	module?: ModuleOptions;

	 * Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations.
	name?: string;

	 * Include polyfills or mocks for various node stuff.
	node?: Node;

	 * Enables/Disables integrated optimizations.
	optimization?: Optimization;

	 * Options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
	output?: Output;

	 * The number of parallel processed modules in the compilation.
	parallelism?: number;

	 * Configuration for web performance recommendations.
	performance?: Performance;

	 * Add additional plugins to the compiler.
	plugins?: Array<
		((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void) | WebpackPluginInstance

	 * Capture timing information for each module.
	profile?: boolean;

	 * Store compiler state to a json file.
	recordsInputPath?: DevTool;

	 * Load compiler state from a json file.
	recordsOutputPath?: DevTool;

	 * Store/Load compiler state from/to a json file. This will result in persistent ids of modules and chunks. An absolute path is expected. `recordsPath` is used for `recordsInputPath` and `recordsOutputPath` if they left undefined.
	recordsPath?: DevTool;

	 * Options for the resolver.
	resolve?: ResolveOptions;

	 * Options for the resolver when resolving loaders.
	resolveLoader?: ResolveOptions;

	 * Stats options object or preset name.
	stats?: StatsValue;

	 * Environment to build for.
	target?: Target;

	 * Enter watch mode, which rebuilds on file change.
	watch?: boolean;

	 * Options for the watcher.
	watchOptions?: WatchOptions;
declare class ContextExclusionPlugin {
	constructor(negativeMatcher: RegExp);
	negativeMatcher: RegExp;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare abstract class ContextModuleFactory extends ModuleFactory {
	hooks: Readonly<{
		beforeResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[any]>;
		afterResolve: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[any]>;
		contextModuleFiles: SyncWaterfallHook<[Array<string>]>;
		alternatives: AsyncSeriesWaterfallHook<[Array<any>]>;
	resolverFactory: any;
	resolveDependencies(fs?: any, options?: any, callback?: any): any;
declare class ContextReplacementPlugin {
		resourceRegExp?: any,
		newContentResource?: any,
		newContentRecursive?: any,
		newContentRegExp?: any
	resourceRegExp: any;
	newContentCallback: any;
	newContentResource: any;
	newContentCreateContextMap: any;
	newContentRecursive: any;
	newContentRegExp: any;
	apply(compiler?: any): void;
type CrossOriginLoading = false | "anonymous" | "use-credentials";
type Declaration = FunctionDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ClassDeclaration;
declare class DefinePlugin {
	 * Create a new define plugin
	constructor(definitions: Record<string, RecursiveArrayOrRecord>);
	definitions: Record<string, RecursiveArrayOrRecord>;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
	static runtimeValue(fn?: any, fileDependencies?: any): RuntimeValue;
declare class DelegatedPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare abstract class DependenciesBlock {
	dependencies: Array<Dependency>;
	blocks: Array<AsyncDependenciesBlock>;

	 * Adds a DependencyBlock to DependencyBlock relationship.
	 * This is used for when a Module has a AsyncDependencyBlock tie (for code-splitting)
	addBlock(block: AsyncDependenciesBlock): void;
	addDependency(dependency: Dependency): void;
	removeDependency(dependency: Dependency): void;

	 * Removes all dependencies and blocks
	clearDependenciesAndBlocks(): void;
	updateHash(hash: Hash, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;
	serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
	deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
declare interface DependenciesBlockLike {
	dependencies: Array<Dependency>;
	blocks: Array<AsyncDependenciesBlock>;
declare class Dependency {
	weak: boolean;
	optional: boolean;
	loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
	readonly type: string;
	getResourceIdentifier(): string;
	getReference(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): never;

	 * Returns list of exports referenced by this dependency
	getReferencedExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): Array<Array<string>>;
	getCondition(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): () => boolean;

	 * Returns the exported names
	getExports(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): ExportsSpec;

	 * Returns warnings
	getWarnings(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): Array<WebpackError>;

	 * Returns errors
	getErrors(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): Array<WebpackError>;
	updateHash(hash: Hash, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph): void;

	 * implement this method to allow the occurrence order plugin to count correctly
	getNumberOfIdOccurrences(): number;
	serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
	deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
	module: any;
	readonly disconnect: any;
	static NO_EXPORTS_REFERENCED: Array<any>;
	static NS_OBJECT_REFERENCED: Array<Array<any>>;
	static DEFAULT_EXPORT_REFERENCED: Array<Array<string>>;
declare abstract class DependencyTemplate {
		dependency: Dependency,
		source: ReplaceSource,
		templateContext: DependencyTemplateContext
	): void;
declare interface DependencyTemplateContext {
	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;

	 * the dependency templates
	dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;

	 * the requirements for runtime
	runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;

	 * current module
	module: Module;

	 * mutable array of init fragments for the current module
	initFragments: Array<InitFragment>;
declare abstract class DependencyTemplates {
	get(dependency: {
		new (...args: Array<any>): Dependency;
	}): DependencyTemplate;
		dependency: { new (...args: Array<any>): Dependency },
		dependencyTemplate: DependencyTemplate
	): void;
	updateHash(part: string): void;
	getHash(): string;
	clone(): DependencyTemplates;
declare class DeterministicChunkIdsPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class DeterministicModuleIdsPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * Options for the webpack-dev-server.
declare interface DevServer {
	[index: string]: any;
type DevTool = string | false;
type DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate = string | Function;
declare class DllPlugin {
	constructor(options: DllPluginOptions);
	options: {
		entryOnly: boolean;
		 * Context of requests in the manifest file (defaults to the webpack context).
		context?: string;
		 * If true, manifest json file (output) will be formatted.
		format?: boolean;
		 * Name of the exposed dll function (external name, use value of 'output.library').
		name?: string;
		 * Absolute path to the manifest json file (output).
		path: string;
		 * Type of the dll bundle (external type, use value of 'output.libraryTarget').
		type?: string;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface DllPluginOptions {
	 * Context of requests in the manifest file (defaults to the webpack context).
	context?: string;

	 * If true, only entry points will be exposed (default: true).
	entryOnly?: boolean;

	 * If true, manifest json file (output) will be formatted.
	format?: boolean;

	 * Name of the exposed dll function (external name, use value of 'output.library').
	name?: string;

	 * Absolute path to the manifest json file (output).
	path: string;

	 * Type of the dll bundle (external type, use value of 'output.libraryTarget').
	type?: string;
declare class DllReferencePlugin {
	constructor(options: DllReferencePluginOptions);
	options: DllReferencePluginOptions;
	apply(compiler?: any): void;
type DllReferencePluginOptions =
	| {
			 * Context of requests in the manifest (or content property) as absolute path.
			context?: string;
			 * Extensions used to resolve modules in the dll bundle (only used when using 'scope').
			extensions?: Array<string>;
			 * An object containing content and name or a string to the absolute path of the JSON manifest to be loaded upon compilation.
			manifest: string | DllReferencePluginOptionsManifest;
			 * The name where the dll is exposed (external name, defaults to
			name?: string;
			 * Prefix which is used for accessing the content of the dll.
			scope?: string;
			 * How the dll is exposed (libraryTarget, defaults to manifest.type).
			sourceType?: DllReferencePluginOptionsSourceType;
			 * The way how the export of the dll bundle is used.
			type?: "object" | "require";
	| {
			 * The mappings from request to module info.
			content: DllReferencePluginOptionsContent;
			 * Context of requests in the manifest (or content property) as absolute path.
			context?: string;
			 * Extensions used to resolve modules in the dll bundle (only used when using 'scope').
			extensions?: Array<string>;
			 * The name where the dll is exposed (external name).
			name: string;
			 * Prefix which is used for accessing the content of the dll.
			scope?: string;
			 * How the dll is exposed (libraryTarget).
			sourceType?: DllReferencePluginOptionsSourceType;
			 * The way how the export of the dll bundle is used.
			type?: "object" | "require";

 * The mappings from request to module info.
declare interface DllReferencePluginOptionsContent {
	[index: string]: {
		 * Meta information about the module.
		buildMeta?: { [index: string]: any };
		 * Information about the provided exports of the module.
		exports?: true | Array<string>;
		 * Module ID.
		id: string | number;

 * An object containing content, name and type.
declare interface DllReferencePluginOptionsManifest {
	 * The mappings from request to module info.
	content: DllReferencePluginOptionsContent;

	 * The name where the dll is exposed (external name).
	name?: string;

	 * The type how the dll is exposed (external type).
	type?: DllReferencePluginOptionsSourceType;
type DllReferencePluginOptionsSourceType =
	| "var"
	| "assign"
	| "this"
	| "window"
	| "global"
	| "commonjs"
	| "commonjs2"
	| "commonjs-module"
	| "amd"
	| "amd-require"
	| "umd"
	| "umd2"
	| "jsonp"
	| "system";
declare interface Effect {
	type: string;
	value: any;
declare class EnableLibraryPlugin {
	constructor(type: ExternalsType);
	type: ExternalsType;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
	static checkEnabled(compiler: Compiler, type: ExternalsType): void;
type Entry =
	| string
	| (() => string | EntryObject | [string, string] | Promise<EntryStatic>)
	| EntryObject
	| [string, string];
declare interface EntryData {
	 * dependencies of the entrypoint
	dependencies: Array<EntryDependency>;

	 * options of the entrypoint
	options: { name: string } & Pick<
		"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
declare abstract class EntryDependency extends ModuleDependency {}

 * An object with entry point description.
declare interface EntryDescription {
	 * The entrypoints that the current entrypoint depend on. They must be loaded when this entrypoint is loaded.
	dependOn?: string | [string, string];

	 * Specifies the name of each output file on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here! The `output.path` option determines the location on disk the files are written to, filename is used solely for naming the individual files.
	filename?: Filename;

	 * Module(s) that are loaded upon startup.
	import: EntryItem;

	 * Options for library.
	library?: LibraryOptions;

 * An object with entry point description.
declare interface EntryDescriptionNormalized {
	 * The entrypoints that the current entrypoint depend on. They must be loaded when this entrypoint is loaded.
	dependOn?: [string, string];

	 * Specifies the name of each output file on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here! The `output.path` option determines the location on disk the files are written to, filename is used solely for naming the individual files.
	filename?: Filename;

	 * Module(s) that are loaded upon startup. The last one is exported.
	import: [string, string];

	 * Options for library.
	library?: LibraryOptions;
type EntryItem = string | [string, string];
type EntryNormalized =
	| (() => Promise<EntryStaticNormalized>)
	| EntryStaticNormalized;

 * Multiple entry bundles are created. The key is the entry name. The value can be a string, an array or an entry description object.
declare interface EntryObject {
	[index: string]: string | [string, string] | EntryDescription;
declare class EntryPlugin {
	 * An entry plugin which will handle
	 * creation of the EntryDependency
		context: string,
		entry: string,
			| string
			| ({ name: string } & Pick<
					"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
	context: string;
	entry: string;
		| string
		| ({ name: string } & Pick<
				"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
	static createDependency(
		entry: string,
			| string
			| ({ name: string } & Pick<
					"filename" | "dependOn" | "library"
	): EntryDependency;
type EntryStatic = string | EntryObject | [string, string];

 * Multiple entry bundles are created. The key is the entry name. The value is an entry description object.
declare interface EntryStaticNormalized {
	[index: string]: EntryDescriptionNormalized;
declare abstract class Entrypoint extends ChunkGroup {
	runtimeChunk: Chunk;

	 * Sets the runtimeChunk for an entrypoint.
	setRuntimeChunk(chunk: Chunk): void;

	 * Fetches the chunk reference containing the webpack bootstrap code
	getRuntimeChunk(): Chunk;
declare class EnvironmentPlugin {
	constructor(...keys: Array<any>);
	keys: Array<any>;
	defaultValues: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface Etag {
	toString: () => string;
declare class EvalDevToolModulePlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	namespace: any;
	sourceUrlComment: any;
	moduleFilenameTemplate: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class EvalSourceMapDevToolPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	sourceMapComment: any;
	moduleFilenameTemplate: any;
	namespace: any;
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * Enables/Disables experiments (experimental features with relax SemVer compatibility).
declare interface Experiments {
	 * Allow module type 'asset' to generate assets.
	asset?: boolean;

	 * Support WebAssembly as asynchronous EcmaScript Module.
	asyncWebAssembly?: boolean;

	 * Allow 'import/export' syntax to import async modules.
	importAsync?: boolean;

	 * Allow 'import/export await' syntax to import async modules.
	importAwait?: boolean;

	 * Support .mjs files as way to define strict ESM file (node.js).
	mjs?: boolean;

	 * Allow output javascript files as module source type.
	outputModule?: boolean;

	 * Support WebAssembly as synchronous EcmaScript Module (outdated).
	syncWebAssembly?: boolean;

	 * Allow using top-level-await in EcmaScript Modules.
	topLevelAwait?: boolean;
declare class ExportInfo {
	constructor(name: string, initFrom?: ExportInfo);
	name: string;
	usedName: string | typeof SKIP_OVER_NAME;
	used: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;

	 * true: it is provided
	 * false: it is not provided
	 * null: only the runtime knows if it is provided
	 * undefined: it was not determined if it is provided
	provided: boolean;

	 * true: it can be mangled
	 * false: is can not be mangled
	 * undefined: it was not determined if it can be mangled
	canMangleProvide: boolean;

	 * true: it can be mangled
	 * false: is can not be mangled
	 * undefined: it was not determined if it can be mangled
	canMangleUse: boolean;
	exportsInfoOwned: boolean;
	exportsInfo: ExportsInfo;
	readonly canMangle: boolean;
	getUsedName(fallbackName?: any): any;
	createNestedExportsInfo(): ExportsInfo;
	getNestedExportsInfo(): ExportsInfo;
		| "used"
		| "no usage info"
		| "maybe used (runtime-defined)"
		| "unused"
		| "only properties used";
		| "no provided info"
		| "maybe provided (runtime-defined)"
		| "provided"
		| "not provided";
	getRenameInfo(): string;
declare interface ExportSpec {
	 * the name of the export
	name: string;

	 * can the export be renamed (defaults to true)
	canMangle?: boolean;

	 * nested exports
	exports?: Array<string | ExportSpec>;

	 * when reexported: from which module
	from?: Module;

	 * when reexported: from which export
	export?: Array<string>;
declare class ExportsInfo {
	readonly ownedExports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
	readonly exports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
	readonly orderedExports: Iterable<ExportInfo>;
	readonly otherExportsInfo: ExportInfo;
	setRedirectNamedTo(exportsInfo?: any): void;
	setHasProvideInfo(): void;
	setHasUseInfo(): void;
	getExportInfo(name: string): ExportInfo;
	getReadOnlyExportInfo(name: string): ExportInfo;
	getNestedExportsInfo(name?: Array<string>): ExportsInfo;
	setUnknownExportsProvided(canMangle?: boolean): boolean;
	setUsedInUnknownWay(): boolean;
	setAllKnownExportsUsed(): boolean;
	setUsedForSideEffectsOnly(): boolean;
	isUsed(): boolean;
	getUsedExports(): any;
	getProvidedExports(): true | Array<string>;
	isExportProvided(name: string | Array<string>): boolean;
	isExportUsed(name: string | Array<string>): 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
	getUsedName(name: string | Array<string>): string | false | Array<string>;
	getRestoreProvidedData(): any;
	restoreProvided(__0: {
		otherProvided: any;
		otherCanMangleProvide: any;
		exports: any;
	}): void;
declare interface ExportsSpec {
	 * exported names, true for unknown exports or null for no exports
	exports: true | Array<string | ExportSpec>;

	 * can the export be renamed (defaults to true)
	canMangle?: boolean;

	 * module on which the result depends on
	dependencies?: Array<Module>;
type Expression =
	| UnaryExpression
	| ThisExpression
	| ArrayExpression
	| ObjectExpression
	| FunctionExpression
	| ArrowFunctionExpression
	| YieldExpression
	| SimpleLiteral
	| RegExpLiteral
	| UpdateExpression
	| BinaryExpression
	| AssignmentExpression
	| LogicalExpression
	| MemberExpression
	| ConditionalExpression
	| SimpleCallExpression
	| NewExpression
	| SequenceExpression
	| TemplateLiteral
	| TaggedTemplateExpression
	| ClassExpression
	| MetaProperty
	| Identifier
	| AwaitExpression;
type ExternalItem =
	| string
	| RegExp
	| {
			[index: string]:
				| string
				| boolean
				| Array<string>
				| { [index: string]: any };
	| ((
			context: string,
			request: string,
			callback: (err: Error, result: string) => void
	  ) => void);
declare class ExternalModule extends Module {
	constructor(request?: any, type?: any, userRequest?: any);
	request: string | Array<string> | Record<string, string | Array<string>>;
	externalType: string;
	userRequest: string;
		runtimeTemplate?: any,
		moduleGraph?: any,
		chunkGraph?: any
	): string;
type Externals =
	| string
	| RegExp
	| Array<ExternalItem>
	| {
			[index: string]:
				| string
				| boolean
				| Array<string>
				| { [index: string]: any };
	| ((
			context: string,
			request: string,
			callback: (err: Error, result: string) => void
	  ) => void);
declare class ExternalsPlugin {
	constructor(type?: any, externals?: any);
	type: any;
	externals: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type ExternalsType =
	| "var"
	| "module"
	| "assign"
	| "this"
	| "window"
	| "self"
	| "global"
	| "commonjs"
	| "commonjs2"
	| "commonjs-module"
	| "amd"
	| "amd-require"
	| "umd"
	| "umd2"
	| "jsonp"
	| "system";
declare interface FactorizeModuleOptions {
	currentProfile: ModuleProfile;
	factory: ModuleFactory;
	dependencies: Array<Dependency>;
	originModule: Module;
	context?: string;
declare interface FallbackCacheGroup {
	minSize: Record<string, number>;
	maxAsyncSize: Record<string, number>;
	maxInitialSize: Record<string, number>;
	automaticNameDelimiter: string;
declare class FetchCompileWasmPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * Options object for persistent file-based caching.
declare interface FileCacheOptions {
	 * Dependencies the build depends on (in multiple categories, default categories: 'defaultWebpack').
	buildDependencies?: { [index: string]: Array<string> };

	 * Base directory for the cache (defaults to node_modules/.cache/webpack).
	cacheDirectory?: string;

	 * Locations for the cache (defaults to cacheDirectory / name).
	cacheLocation?: string;

	 * Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package).
	hashAlgorithm?: string;

	 * Time in ms after which idle period the cache storing should happen (only for store: 'pack' or 'idle').
	idleTimeout?: number;

	 * Time in ms after which idle period the initial cache storing should happen (only for store: 'pack' or 'idle').
	idleTimeoutForInitialStore?: number;

	 * List of paths that are managed by a package manager and contain a version or hash in it's path so all files are immutable.
	immutablePaths?: Array<string>;

	 * List of paths that are managed by a package manager and can be trusted to not be modified otherwise.
	managedPaths?: Array<string>;

	 * Name for the cache. Different names will lead to different coexisting caches.
	name?: string;

	 * When to store data to the filesystem. (pack: Store data when compiler is idle in a single file).
	store?: "pack";

	 * Filesystem caching.
	type: "filesystem";

	 * Version of the cache data. Different versions won't allow to reuse the cache and override existing content. Update the version when config changed in a way which doesn't allow to reuse cache. This will invalidate the cache.
	version?: string;
declare abstract class FileSystemInfo {
	fs: InputFileSystem;
	logger: WebpackLogger;
	fileTimestampQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
	fileHashQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, string>;
	contextTimestampQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
	contextHashQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, string>;
	managedItemQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, string>;
	managedItemDirectoryQueue: AsyncQueue<string, string, Set<string>>;
	managedPaths: Array<string>;
	managedPathsWithSlash: Array<string>;
	immutablePaths: Array<string>;
	immutablePathsWithSlash: Array<string>;
	addFileTimestamps(map: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">): void;
	addContextTimestamps(map: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">): void;
		path: string,
		callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore") => void
	): void;
		path: string,
		callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore") => void
	): void;
		path: string,
		callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: string) => void
	): void;
		path: string,
		callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: string) => void
	): void;
		context: string,
		deps: Iterable<string>,
		callback: (arg0: Error, arg1: ResolveBuildDependenciesResult) => void
	): void;
		resolveResults: Map<string, string>,
		callback: (arg0: Error, arg1: boolean) => void
	): void;
		startTime: number,
		files: Iterable<string>,
		directories: Iterable<string>,
		missing: Iterable<string>,
		options: {
			 * should use hash to snapshot
			hash?: boolean;
		callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: Snapshot) => void
	): void;
	mergeSnapshots(snapshot1: Snapshot, snapshot2: Snapshot): Snapshot;
		snapshot: Snapshot,
		callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: boolean) => void
	): void;
	getDeprecatedFileTimestamps(): Map<any, any>;
	getDeprecatedContextTimestamps(): Map<any, any>;

 * istanbul ignore next
declare interface FileSystemInfoEntry {
	safeTime: number;
	timestamp?: number;
	timestampHash?: string;
type Filename = string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);
type FilterItemTypes = string | RegExp | ((value: string) => boolean);
type FilterTypes =
	| string
	| RegExp
	| Array<FilterItemTypes>
	| ((value: string) => boolean);
declare interface GenerateContext {
	 * mapping from dependencies to templates
	dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;

	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;

	 * the requirements for runtime
	runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;

	 * which kind of code should be generated
	type: string;
declare class Generator {
	getTypes(module: NormalModule): Set<string>;
	getSize(module: NormalModule, type?: string): number;
	generate(module: NormalModule, __1: GenerateContext): Source;
	updateHash(hash: Hash, __1: UpdateHashContext): void;
	static byType(map?: any): ByTypeGenerator;
declare interface HMRJavascriptParserHooks {
	hotAcceptCallback: SyncBailHook<[any, Array<string>], void>;
	hotAcceptWithoutCallback: SyncBailHook<[any, Array<string>], void>;
declare interface HandleModuleCreationOptions {
	factory: ModuleFactory;
	dependencies: Array<Dependency>;
	originModule: Module;
	context?: string;

	 * recurse into dependencies of the created module
	recursive?: boolean;
declare class Hash {
	update(data: string | Buffer, inputEncoding?: string): Hash;
	digest(encoding?: string): string | Buffer;
type HashFunction = string | typeof Hash;
declare class HashedModuleIdsPlugin {
	constructor(options?: HashedModuleIdsPluginOptions);
	options: HashedModuleIdsPluginOptions;
	apply(compiler?: any): void;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface HashedModuleIdsPluginOptions {
	 * The context directory for creating names.
	context?: string;

	 * The encoding to use when generating the hash, defaults to 'base64'. All encodings from Node.JS' hash.digest are supported.
	hashDigest?: "hex" | "latin1" | "base64";

	 * The prefix length of the hash digest to use, defaults to 4.
	hashDigestLength?: number;

	 * The hashing algorithm to use, defaults to 'md4'. All functions from Node.JS' crypto.createHash are supported.
	hashFunction?: string;
declare class HotModuleReplacementPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;
	multiStep: any;
	fullBuildTimeout: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
	static getParserHooks(parser: JavascriptParser): HMRJavascriptParserHooks;
declare class IgnorePlugin {
	constructor(options: IgnorePluginOptions);
	options: IgnorePluginOptions;

	 * Note that if "contextRegExp" is given, both the "resourceRegExp"
	 * and "contextRegExp" have to match.
	checkIgnore(resolveData: ResolveData): false;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type IgnorePluginOptions =
	| {
			 * A RegExp to test the context (directory) against.
			contextRegExp?: RegExp;
			 * A RegExp to test the request against.
			resourceRegExp?: RegExp;
	| {
			 * A filter function for resource and context.
			checkResource?: (resource: string, context: string) => boolean;

 * Options for infrastructure level logging.
declare interface InfrastructureLogging {
	 * Enable debug logging for specific loggers.
		| string
		| boolean
		| RegExp
		| Array<FilterItemTypes>
		| ((value: string) => boolean);

	 * Log level.
	level?: "none" | "verbose" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "log";
declare abstract class InitFragment {
	content: string | Source;
	stage: number;
	position: number;
	key: string;
	endContent: string | Source;
	getContent(generateContext: GenerateContext): string | Source;
	getEndContent(generateContext: GenerateContext): string | Source;
	merge: any;
declare interface InputFileSystem {
	readFile: (
		arg0: string,
		arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: Buffer) => void
	) => void;
	readdir: (
		arg0: string,
		arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: Array<string>) => void
	) => void;
	stat: (
		arg0: string,
		arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: FsStats) => void
	) => void;
	realpath?: (
		arg0: string,
		arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: string) => void
	) => void;
	purge?: (arg0: string) => void;
	join?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
	relative?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
	dirname?: (arg0: string) => string;
declare interface IntermediateFileSystemExtras {
	mkdirSync: (arg0: string) => void;
	createWriteStream: (arg0: string) => WriteStream;
	rename: (
		arg0: string,
		arg1: string,
		arg2: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
	) => void;
declare class JavascriptModulesPlugin {
	constructor(options?: {});
	options: {};

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
		module: Module,
		renderContext: RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin,
		hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin,
		factory: boolean | "strict"
	): Source;
		renderContext: RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin,
		hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
	): Source;
		renderContext: MainRenderContext,
		hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
	): Source;
		renderContext: RenderBootstrapContext,
		hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
	): {
		header: Array<string>;
		startup: Array<string>;
		allowInlineStartup: boolean;
		renderContext: RenderBootstrapContext,
		hooks: CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin
	): string;
	static getCompilationHooks(
		compilation: Compilation
	): CompilationHooksJavascriptModulesPlugin;
	static getChunkFilenameTemplate(chunk?: any, outputOptions?: any): any;
	static chunkHasJs: (chunk: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean;
declare abstract class JavascriptParser extends Parser {
	hooks: Readonly<{
		evaluateTypeof: HookMap<
			SyncBailHook<[UnaryExpression], BasicEvaluatedExpression>
		evaluate: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], BasicEvaluatedExpression>>;
		evaluateIdentifier: HookMap<
				[ThisExpression | MemberExpression | Identifier],
		evaluateDefinedIdentifier: HookMap<
				[ThisExpression | MemberExpression | Identifier],
		evaluateCallExpressionMember: HookMap<
				[CallExpression, BasicEvaluatedExpression],
		preStatement: SyncBailHook<
				| ExpressionStatement
				| BlockStatement
				| EmptyStatement
				| DebuggerStatement
				| WithStatement
				| ReturnStatement
				| LabeledStatement
				| BreakStatement
				| ContinueStatement
				| IfStatement
				| SwitchStatement
				| ThrowStatement
				| TryStatement
				| WhileStatement
				| DoWhileStatement
				| ForStatement
				| ForInStatement
				| ForOfStatement
				| FunctionDeclaration
				| VariableDeclaration
				| ClassDeclaration
				| ImportDeclaration
				| ExportNamedDeclaration
				| ExportDefaultDeclaration
				| ExportAllDeclaration
			boolean | void
		blockPreStatement: SyncBailHook<
				| ExpressionStatement
				| BlockStatement
				| EmptyStatement
				| DebuggerStatement
				| WithStatement
				| ReturnStatement
				| LabeledStatement
				| BreakStatement
				| ContinueStatement
				| IfStatement
				| SwitchStatement
				| ThrowStatement
				| TryStatement
				| WhileStatement
				| DoWhileStatement
				| ForStatement
				| ForInStatement
				| ForOfStatement
				| FunctionDeclaration
				| VariableDeclaration
				| ClassDeclaration
				| ImportDeclaration
				| ExportNamedDeclaration
				| ExportDefaultDeclaration
				| ExportAllDeclaration
			boolean | void
		statement: SyncBailHook<
				| ExpressionStatement
				| BlockStatement
				| EmptyStatement
				| DebuggerStatement
				| WithStatement
				| ReturnStatement
				| LabeledStatement
				| BreakStatement
				| ContinueStatement
				| IfStatement
				| SwitchStatement
				| ThrowStatement
				| TryStatement
				| WhileStatement
				| DoWhileStatement
				| ForStatement
				| ForInStatement
				| ForOfStatement
				| FunctionDeclaration
				| VariableDeclaration
				| ClassDeclaration
				| ImportDeclaration
				| ExportNamedDeclaration
				| ExportDefaultDeclaration
				| ExportAllDeclaration
			boolean | void
		statementIf: SyncBailHook<[IfStatement], boolean | void>;
		classExtendsExpression: SyncBailHook<
			[Expression, ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration],
			boolean | void
		classBodyElement: SyncBailHook<
			[MethodDefinition, ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration],
			boolean | void
		label: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[LabeledStatement], boolean | void>>;
		import: SyncBailHook<
			[Statement, string | SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral],
			boolean | void
		importSpecifier: SyncBailHook<
			[Statement, string | SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral, string, string],
			boolean | void
		export: SyncBailHook<[Statement], boolean | void>;
		exportImport: SyncBailHook<
			[Statement, string | SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral],
			boolean | void
		exportDeclaration: SyncBailHook<[Statement, Declaration], boolean | void>;
		exportExpression: SyncBailHook<[Statement, Declaration], boolean | void>;
		exportSpecifier: SyncBailHook<
			[Statement, string, string, number],
			boolean | void
		exportImportSpecifier: SyncBailHook<
				string | SimpleLiteral | RegExpLiteral,
			boolean | void
		preDeclarator: SyncBailHook<
			[VariableDeclarator, Statement],
			boolean | void
		declarator: SyncBailHook<[VariableDeclarator, Statement], boolean | void>;
		varDeclaration: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
		varDeclarationLet: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
		varDeclarationConst: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
		varDeclarationVar: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Declaration], boolean | void>>;
		pattern: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
		canRename: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
		rename: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
		assign: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[AssignmentExpression], boolean | void>>;
		assignMemberChain: HookMap<
			SyncBailHook<[AssignmentExpression, Array<string>], boolean | void>
		typeof: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
		importCall: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
		topLevelAwait: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
		call: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
		callMemberChain: HookMap<
			SyncBailHook<[Expression, Array<string>], boolean | void>
		memberChainOfCallMemberChain: HookMap<
				[Expression, Array<string>, CallExpression, Array<string>],
				boolean | void
		callMemberChainOfCallMemberChain: HookMap<
				[Expression, Array<string>, CallExpression, Array<string>],
				boolean | void
		new: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
		expression: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>>;
		expressionMemberChain: HookMap<
			SyncBailHook<[Expression, Array<string>], boolean | void>
		expressionConditionalOperator: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
		expressionLogicalOperator: SyncBailHook<[Expression], boolean | void>;
		program: SyncBailHook<[Program, Array<Comment>], boolean | void>;
		finish: SyncBailHook<[Program, Array<Comment>], boolean | void>;
	options: any;
	sourceType: "module" | "script" | "auto";
	scope: ScopeInfo;
	state: Record<string, any> & ParserStateBase;
	comments: any;
	semicolons: any;
	statementEndPos: any;
	lastStatementEndPos: any;
	statementStartPos: any;
	currentTagData: any;
	initializeEvaluating(): void;
	getRenameIdentifier(expr?: any): any;
	walkClass(classy: ClassExpression | ClassDeclaration): void;
	walkMethodDefinition(methodDefinition?: any): void;
	preWalkStatements(statements?: any): void;
	blockPreWalkStatements(statements?: any): void;
	walkStatements(statements?: any): void;
	preWalkStatement(statement?: any): void;
	blockPreWalkStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkBlockStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkBlockStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkExpressionStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkIfStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkIfStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkLabeledStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkLabeledStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkWithStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkWithStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkSwitchStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkSwitchStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkTerminatingStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkReturnStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkThrowStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkTryStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkTryStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkDoWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkDoWhileStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkForStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkForStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkForInStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkForInStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkForOfStatement(statement?: any): void;
	walkForOfStatement(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkFunctionDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	walkFunctionDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	blockPreWalkImportDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	enterDeclaration(declaration?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
	blockPreWalkExportNamedDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	walkExportNamedDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	blockPreWalkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	walkExportDefaultDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	blockPreWalkExportAllDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkVariableDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	blockPreWalkVariableDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	walkVariableDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	blockPreWalkClassDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	walkClassDeclaration(statement?: any): void;
	preWalkSwitchCases(switchCases?: any): void;
	walkSwitchCases(switchCases?: any): void;
	preWalkCatchClause(catchClause?: any): void;
	walkCatchClause(catchClause?: any): void;
	walkPattern(pattern?: any): void;
	walkAssignmentPattern(pattern?: any): void;
	walkObjectPattern(pattern?: any): void;
	walkArrayPattern(pattern?: any): void;
	walkRestElement(pattern?: any): void;
	walkExpressions(expressions?: any): void;
	walkExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkAwaitExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkArrayExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkSpreadElement(expression?: any): void;
	walkObjectExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkFunctionExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkArrowFunctionExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkSequenceExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkUpdateExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkUnaryExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkLeftRightExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkBinaryExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkLogicalExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkAssignmentExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkConditionalExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkNewExpression(expression?: any, args?: any): void;
	walkYieldExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkTemplateLiteral(expression?: any): void;
	walkTaggedTemplateExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkClassExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkImportExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkCallExpression(expression?: any, args?: any): void;
	walkMemberExpression(expression?: any): void;
		expression?: any,
		name?: any,
		rootInfo?: any,
		members?: any
	): void;
	walkThisExpression(expression?: any): void;
	walkIdentifier(expression?: any): void;
	callHooksForExpression(hookMap: any, expr: any, ...args: Array<any>): any;
	callHooksForExpressionWithFallback<T, R>(
		hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
		expr: MemberExpression,
		fallback: (
			arg0: string,
			arg1: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo,
			arg2: () => Array<string>
		) => any,
		defined: (arg0: string) => any,
		...args: AsArray<T>
	): R;
	callHooksForName<T, R>(
		hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
		name: string,
		...args: AsArray<T>
	): R;
	callHooksForInfo<T, R>(
		hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
		info: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo,
		...args: AsArray<T>
	): R;
	callHooksForInfoWithFallback<T, R>(
		hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
		info: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo,
		fallback: (arg0: string) => any,
		defined: () => any,
		...args: AsArray<T>
	): R;
	callHooksForNameWithFallback<T, R>(
		hookMap: HookMap<SyncBailHook<T, R>>,
		name: string,
		fallback: (arg0: string) => any,
		defined: () => any,
		...args: AsArray<T>
	): R;
	inScope(params: any, fn: () => void): void;
	inFunctionScope(hasThis?: any, params?: any, fn?: any): void;
	inBlockScope(fn?: any): void;
	detectMode(statements?: any): void;
	enterPatterns(patterns?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
	enterPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
	enterIdentifier(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
	enterObjectPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
	enterArrayPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
	enterRestElement(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
	enterAssignmentPattern(pattern?: any, onIdent?: any): void;
	evaluateExpression(expression: Expression): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	parseString(expression?: any): any;
	parseCalculatedString(expression?: any): any;
	evaluate(source?: any): BasicEvaluatedExpression;
	getComments(range?: any): any;
	isAsiPosition(pos?: any): any;
	getTagData(name?: any, tag?: any): any;
	tagVariable(name?: any, tag?: any, data?: any): void;
	defineVariable(name?: any): void;
	undefineVariable(name?: any): void;
	isVariableDefined(name?: any): boolean;
	getVariableInfo(name: string): string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo;
		name: string,
		variableInfo: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo
	): void;
	parseCommentOptions(range?: any): { options: any; errors: any };
		expression: MemberExpression
	): {
		members: Array<string>;
			| UnaryExpression
			| ThisExpression
			| ArrayExpression
			| ObjectExpression
			| FunctionExpression
			| ArrowFunctionExpression
			| YieldExpression
			| SimpleLiteral
			| RegExpLiteral
			| UpdateExpression
			| BinaryExpression
			| AssignmentExpression
			| LogicalExpression
			| MemberExpression
			| ConditionalExpression
			| SimpleCallExpression
			| NewExpression
			| SequenceExpression
			| TemplateLiteral
			| TaggedTemplateExpression
			| ClassExpression
			| MetaProperty
			| Identifier
			| AwaitExpression
			| Super;
		varName: string
	): { name: string; info: string | VariableInfo };
		expression: MemberExpression,
		allowedTypes: Array<"expression" | "call">
		| {
				type: "call";
				call: CallExpression;
				calleeName: string;
				rootInfo: string | VariableInfo;
				getCalleeMembers: () => Array<string>;
				name: string;
				getMembers: () => Array<string>;
		| {
				type: "expression";
				rootInfo: string | VariableInfo;
				name: string;
				getMembers: () => Array<string>;
		expression: MemberExpression
	): {
		name: string;
		rootInfo: string | ScopeInfo | VariableInfo;
		getMembers: () => Array<string>;
declare interface JsonpCompilationPluginHooks {
	jsonpScript: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
	linkPreload: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
	linkPrefetch: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
type JsonpScriptType = false | "module" | "text/javascript";
declare class JsonpTemplatePlugin {

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
	static getCompilationHooks(
		compilation: Compilation
	): JsonpCompilationPluginHooks;
declare interface KnownBuildMeta {
	moduleArgument?: string;
	exportsArgument?: string;
	strict?: boolean;
	moduleConcatenationBailout?: string;
	exportsType?: "default" | "namespace" | "flagged";
	defaultObject?: boolean | "redirect" | "redirect-warn";
	strictHarmonyModule?: boolean;
	async?: boolean;
declare abstract class LazySet<T> {
	readonly size: number;
	add(item: T): LazySet<T>;
	addAll(iterable: LazySet<T> | Iterable<T>): LazySet<T>;
	clear(): void;
	delete(value: T): boolean;
	entries(): IterableIterator<[T, T]>;
		callbackFn: (arg0: T, arg1: T, arg2: Set<T>) => void,
		thisArg?: any
	): void;
	has(item: T): boolean;
	keys(): IterableIterator<T>;
	values(): IterableIterator<T>;
	[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
	readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
	serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
declare interface LibIdentOptions {
	 * absolute context path to which lib ident is relative to
	context: string;

	 * object for caching
	associatedObjectForCache?: any;
declare class LibManifestPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type Library = string | Array<string> | LibraryCustomUmdObject | LibraryOptions;
declare interface LibraryContext<T> {
	compilation: Compilation;
	options: T;

 * Set explicit comments for `commonjs`, `commonjs2`, `amd`, and `root`.
declare interface LibraryCustomUmdCommentObject {
	 * Set comment for `amd` section in UMD.
	amd?: string;

	 * Set comment for `commonjs` (exports) section in UMD.
	commonjs?: string;

	 * Set comment for `commonjs2` (module.exports) section in UMD.
	commonjs2?: string;

	 * Set comment for `root` (global variable) section in UMD.
	root?: string;

 * Description object for all UMD variants of the library name.
declare interface LibraryCustomUmdObject {
	 * Name of the exposed AMD library in the UMD.
	amd?: string;

	 * Name of the exposed commonjs export in the UMD.
	commonjs?: string;

	 * Name of the property exposed globally by a UMD library.
	root?: string | Array<string>;
type LibraryExport = string | Array<string>;
type LibraryName = string | Array<string> | LibraryCustomUmdObject;

 * Options for library.
declare interface LibraryOptions {
	 * Add a comment in the UMD wrapper.
	auxiliaryComment?: AuxiliaryComment;

	 * Specify which export should be exposed as library.
	export?: LibraryExport;

	 * The name of the library (some types allow unnamed libraries too).
	name?: LibraryName;

	 * Type of library.
	type: ExternalsType;

	 * If `output.libraryTarget` is set to umd and `output.library` is set, setting this to true will name the AMD module.
	umdNamedDefine?: boolean;
declare class LibraryTemplatePlugin {
		name: LibraryName,
		target: ExternalsType,
		umdNamedDefine: boolean,
		auxiliaryComment: AuxiliaryComment,
		exportProperty: LibraryExport
	library: {
		type: ExternalsType;
		name: LibraryName;
		umdNamedDefine: boolean;
		auxiliaryComment: AuxiliaryComment;
		export: LibraryExport;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class LimitChunkCountPlugin {
	constructor(options?: LimitChunkCountPluginOptions);
	options: LimitChunkCountPluginOptions;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface LimitChunkCountPluginOptions {
	 * Constant overhead for a chunk.
	chunkOverhead?: number;

	 * Multiplicator for initial chunks.
	entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;

	 * Limit the maximum number of chunks using a value greater greater than or equal to 1.
	maxChunks: number;

 * Custom values available in the loader context.
declare interface Loader {
	[index: string]: any;
declare interface LoaderItem {
	loader: string;
	options: any;
	ident: string;
declare class LoaderOptionsPlugin {
	constructor(options?: LoaderOptionsPluginOptions);
	options: LoaderOptionsPluginOptions;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface LoaderOptionsPluginOptions {
	[index: string]: any;

	 * Whether loaders should be in debug mode or not. debug will be removed as of webpack 3.
	debug?: boolean;

	 * Where loaders can be switched to minimize mode.
	minimize?: boolean;

	 * A configuration object that can be used to configure older loaders.
	options?: {
		[index: string]: any;
		 * The context that can be used to configure older loaders.
		context?: string;
declare class LoaderTargetPlugin {
	constructor(target: string);
	target: string;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface LogEntry {
	type: string;
	args: Array<any>;
	time: number;
	trace?: Array<string>;
declare const MEASURE_END_OPERATION: unique symbol;
declare const MEASURE_START_OPERATION: unique symbol;
declare interface MainRenderContext {
	 * the chunk
	chunk: Chunk;

	 * the dependency templates
	dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;

	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;

	 * results of code generation
	codeGenerationResults: Map<Module, CodeGenerationResult>;

	 * hash to be used for render call
	hash: string;
declare abstract class MainTemplate {
	hooks: Readonly<{
		renderManifest: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		modules: { tap: () => never };
		moduleObj: { tap: () => never };
		require: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		beforeStartup: { tap: () => never };
		startup: { tap: () => never };
		afterStartup: { tap: () => never };
		render: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		renderWithEntry: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		assetPath: {
			tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void;
			call: (filename?: any, options?: any) => string;
		hash: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		hashForChunk: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		globalHashPaths: { tap: () => void };
		globalHash: { tap: () => void };
		hotBootstrap: { tap: () => never };
		bootstrap: SyncWaterfallHook<
			[string, Chunk, string, ModuleTemplate, DependencyTemplates]
		localVars: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
		requireExtensions: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string]>;
		requireEnsure: SyncWaterfallHook<[string, Chunk, string, string]>;
	renderCurrentHashCode: (hash: string, length?: number) => string;
	getPublicPath: (options?: any) => string;
	getAssetPath: (path?: any, options?: any) => string;
	getAssetPathWithInfo: (
		path?: any,
		options?: any
	) => { path: string; info: AssetInfo };
	readonly requireFn: string;
	readonly outputOptions: any;
declare interface MapOptions {
	columns?: boolean;
	module?: boolean;

 * Options object for in-memory caching.
declare interface MemoryCacheOptions {
	 * List of paths that are managed by a package manager and contain a version or hash in it's path so all files are immutable.
	immutablePaths?: Array<string>;

	 * List of paths that are managed by a package manager and can be trusted to not be modified otherwise.
	managedPaths?: Array<string>;

	 * In memory caching.
	type: "memory";
declare class MemoryCachePlugin {

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class MinChunkSizePlugin {
	constructor(options: MinChunkSizePluginOptions);
	options: MinChunkSizePluginOptions;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface MinChunkSizePluginOptions {
	 * Constant overhead for a chunk.
	chunkOverhead?: number;

	 * Multiplicator for initial chunks.
	entryChunkMultiplicator?: number;

	 * Minimum number of characters.
	minChunkSize: number;
type Mode = "development" | "production" | "none";
declare class Module extends DependenciesBlock {
	constructor(type: string, context?: string);
	type: string;
	context: string;
	needId: boolean;
	debugId: number;
	resolveOptions: any;
	factoryMeta: any;
	buildMeta: KnownBuildMeta & Record<string, any>;
	buildInfo: any;
	presentationalDependencies: Array<Dependency>;
	id: string | number;
	readonly hash: string;
	readonly renderedHash: string;
	profile: ModuleProfile;
	index: number;
	index2: number;
	depth: number;
	issuer: Module;
	readonly usedExports: boolean | SortableSet<string>;
	readonly optimizationBailout: Array<
		string | ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)
	readonly optional: boolean;
	addChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
	removeChunk(chunk?: any): void;
	isInChunk(chunk?: any): boolean;
	isEntryModule(): boolean;
	getChunks(): Array<Chunk>;
	getNumberOfChunks(): number;
	readonly chunksIterable: Iterable<Chunk>;
	isProvided(exportName: string): boolean;
	readonly exportsArgument: string;
	readonly moduleArgument: string;
		strict: boolean
		| "dynamic"
		| "dynamic-default"
		| "namespace"
		| "default-only"
		| "default-with-named";
	addPresentationalDependency(presentationalDependency: Dependency): void;
	addWarning(warning: WebpackError): void;
	getWarnings(): Iterable<WebpackError>;
	addError(error: WebpackError): void;
	getErrors(): Iterable<WebpackError>;

	 * removes all warnings and errors
	clearWarningsAndErrors(): void;
	isOptional(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
		chunk: Chunk,
		ignoreChunk?: Chunk
	): boolean;
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph,
		chunkGroup: ChunkGroup,
		ignoreChunk?: Chunk
	): boolean;
		chunk: Chunk,
		moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
	): boolean;
	hasReasons(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
	isModuleUsed(moduleGraph: ModuleGraph): boolean;
		moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
		exportName: string | Array<string>
	): 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4;
		moduleGraph: ModuleGraph,
		exportName: string | Array<string>
	): string | false | Array<string>;
		context: NeedBuildContext,
		callback: (arg0: WebpackError, arg1: boolean) => void
	): void;
	needRebuild(fileTimestamps?: any, contextTimestamps?: any): boolean;
	invalidateBuild(): void;
	identifier(): string;
	readableIdentifier(requestShortener: RequestShortener): string;
		options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
		compilation: Compilation,
		resolver: Resolver & WithOptions,
		fs: InputFileSystem,
		callback: (arg0: WebpackError) => void
	): void;
	getSourceTypes(): Set<string>;
	source(sourceContext: SourceContext): Source;
	size(type?: string): number;
	libIdent(options: LibIdentOptions): string;
	nameForCondition(): string;
	getRuntimeRequirements(context: SourceContext): ReadonlySet<string>;
	codeGeneration(context: CodeGenerationContext): CodeGenerationResult;
	chunkCondition(chunk: Chunk, compilation: Compilation): boolean;

	 * Assuming this module is in the cache. Update the (cached) module with
	 * the fresh module from the factory. Usually updates internal references
	 * and properties.
	updateCacheModule(module: Module): void;
	originalSource(): Source;
	useSourceMap: any;
	readonly hasEqualsChunks: any;
	readonly isUsed: any;
	readonly errors: any;
	readonly warnings: any;
	used: any;
declare class ModuleConcatenationPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare abstract class ModuleDependency extends Dependency {
	request: string;
	userRequest: string;
	range: any;
declare abstract class ModuleFactory {
		data: ModuleFactoryCreateData,
		callback: (arg0: Error, arg1: ModuleFactoryResult) => void
	): void;
declare interface ModuleFactoryCreateData {
	contextInfo: ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo;
	resolveOptions?: any;
	context: string;
	dependencies: Array<Dependency>;
declare interface ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo {
	issuer: string;
	compiler: string;
declare interface ModuleFactoryResult {
	 * the created module or unset if no module was created
	module?: Module;
	fileDependencies?: Set<string>;
	contextDependencies?: Set<string>;
	missingDependencies?: Set<string>;
declare class ModuleGraph {
		dependency: Dependency,
		block: DependenciesBlock,
		module: Module
	): void;
	getParentModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
	getParentBlock(dependency: Dependency): DependenciesBlock;
		originModule: Module,
		dependency: Dependency,
		module: Module
	): void;
	updateModule(dependency: Dependency, module: Module): void;
	removeConnection(dependency: Dependency): void;
	addExplanation(dependency: Dependency, explanation: string): void;
	cloneModuleAttributes(sourceModule: Module, targetModule: Module): void;
	removeModuleAttributes(module: Module): void;
	removeAllModuleAttributes(): void;
		oldModule: Module,
		newModule: Module,
		filterConnection: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
	): void;
	addExtraReason(module: Module, explanation: string): void;
	getResolvedModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
	finishModule(module: Module): void;
	getConnection(dependency: Dependency): ModuleGraphConnection;
	getModule(dependency: Dependency): Module;
	getOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
	getResolvedOrigin(dependency: Dependency): Module;
	getIncomingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
	getOutgoingConnections(module: Module): Iterable<ModuleGraphConnection>;
	getProfile(module: Module): ModuleProfile;
	setProfile(module: Module, profile: ModuleProfile): void;
	getIssuer(module: Module): Module;
	setIssuer(module: Module, issuer: Module): void;
	setIssuerIfUnset(module: Module, issuer: Module): void;
		module: Module
	): Array<string | ((requestShortener: RequestShortener) => string)>;
	getProvidedExports(module: Module): true | Array<string>;
	isExportProvided(module: Module, exportName: string | Array<string>): boolean;
	getExportsInfo(module: Module): ExportsInfo;
	getExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
	getReadOnlyExportInfo(module: Module, exportName: string): ExportInfo;
	getUsedExports(module: Module): boolean | SortableSet<string>;
	getPreOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
	getPostOrderIndex(module: Module): number;
	setPreOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
	setPreOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
	setPostOrderIndex(module: Module, index: number): void;
	setPostOrderIndexIfUnset(module: Module, index: number): boolean;
	getDepth(module: Module): number;
	setDepth(module: Module, depth: number): void;
	setDepthIfLower(module: Module, depth: number): boolean;
	isAsync(module: Module): boolean;
	setAsync(module: Module): void;
	getMeta(thing?: any): any;
	static getModuleGraphForModule(
		module: Module,
		deprecateMessage: string,
		deprecationCode: string
	): ModuleGraph;
	static setModuleGraphForModule(
		module: Module,
		moduleGraph: ModuleGraph
	): void;
	static ModuleGraphConnection: typeof ModuleGraphConnection;
	static ExportsInfo: typeof ExportsInfo;
	static ExportInfo: typeof ExportInfo;
	static UsageState: Readonly<{
		NoInfo: 0;
		Unused: 1;
		Unknown: 2;
		OnlyPropertiesUsed: 3;
		Used: 4;
declare class ModuleGraphConnection {
		originModule: Module,
		dependency: Dependency,
		module: Module,
		explanation?: string,
		weak?: boolean,
		condition?: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean
	originModule: Module;
	resolvedOriginModule: Module;
	dependency: Dependency;
	resolvedModule: Module;
	module: Module;
	weak: boolean;
	conditional: boolean;
	condition: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean;
	explanations: Set<string>;
	addCondition(condition: (arg0: ModuleGraphConnection) => boolean): void;
	addExplanation(explanation: string): void;
	readonly explanation: string;
	active: any;

 * Options affecting the normal modules (`NormalModuleFactory`).
declare interface ModuleOptions {
	 * An array of rules applied by default for modules.
	defaultRules?: Array<RuleSetRule>;

	 * Enable warnings for full dynamic dependencies.
	exprContextCritical?: boolean;

	 * Enable recursive directory lookup for full dynamic dependencies.
	exprContextRecursive?: boolean;

	 * Sets the default regular expression for full dynamic dependencies.
	exprContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp;

	 * Set the default request for full dynamic dependencies.
	exprContextRequest?: string;

	 * Don't parse files matching. It's matched against the full resolved request.
		| string
		| Function
		| RegExp
		| [string | Function | RegExp, string | Function | RegExp];

	 * An array of rules applied for modules.
	rules?: Array<RuleSetRule>;

	 * Emit errors instead of warnings when imported names don't exist in imported module.
	strictExportPresence?: boolean;

	 * Handle the this context correctly according to the spec for namespace objects.
	strictThisContextOnImports?: boolean;

	 * Enable warnings when using the require function in a not statically analyse-able way.
	unknownContextCritical?: boolean;

	 * Enable recursive directory lookup when using the require function in a not statically analyse-able way.
	unknownContextRecursive?: boolean;

	 * Sets the regular expression when using the require function in a not statically analyse-able way.
	unknownContextRegExp?: boolean | RegExp;

	 * Sets the request when using the require function in a not statically analyse-able way.
	unknownContextRequest?: string;

	 * Cache the resolving of module requests.
	unsafeCache?: boolean | Function;

	 * Enable warnings for partial dynamic dependencies.
	wrappedContextCritical?: boolean;

	 * Enable recursive directory lookup for partial dynamic dependencies.
	wrappedContextRecursive?: boolean;

	 * Set the inner regular expression for partial dynamic dependencies.
	wrappedContextRegExp?: RegExp;
declare interface ModulePathData {
	id: string | number;
	hash: string;
	hashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
declare abstract class ModuleProfile {
	startTime: number;
	factory: number;
	restoring: number;
	integration: number;
	building: number;
	storing: number;
	additionalFactories: number;
	additionalIntegration: number;
	markFactoryStart(): void;
	factoryStartTime: number;
	markFactoryEnd(): void;
	factoryEndTime: number;
	markRestoringStart(): void;
	restoringStartTime: number;
	markRestoringEnd(): void;
	restoringEndTime: number;
	markIntegrationStart(): void;
	integrationStartTime: number;
	markIntegrationEnd(): void;
	integrationEndTime: number;
	markBuildingStart(): void;
	buildingStartTime: number;
	markBuildingEnd(): void;
	buildingEndTime: number;
	markStoringStart(): void;
	storingStartTime: number;
	markStoringEnd(): void;
	storingEndTime: number;

	 * Merge this profile into another one
	mergeInto(realProfile: ModuleProfile): void;
declare abstract class ModuleTemplate {
	type: string;
	hooks: Readonly<{
		content: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		module: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		render: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		package: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
		hash: { tap: (options?: any, fn?: any) => void };
	readonly runtimeTemplate: any;
declare class MultiCompiler {
	constructor(compilers: Array<Compiler> | Record<string, Compiler>);
	hooks: Readonly<{
		done: SyncHook<[MultiStats], void>;
		invalid: MultiHook<SyncHook<[string, string], void>>;
		run: MultiHook<AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>>;
		watchClose: SyncHook<[], void>;
		watchRun: MultiHook<AsyncSeriesHook<[Compiler]>>;
		infrastructureLog: MultiHook<
			SyncBailHook<[string, string, Array<any>], true>
	compilers: Array<Compiler>;
	dependencies: WeakMap<Compiler, Array<string>>;
	running: boolean;
	readonly options: Array<WebpackOptionsNormalized>;
	readonly outputPath: string;
	inputFileSystem: InputFileSystem;
	outputFileSystem: OutputFileSystem;
	intermediateFileSystem: InputFileSystem &
		OutputFileSystem &
	getInfrastructureLogger(name?: any): WebpackLogger;
	setDependencies(compiler: Compiler, dependencies: Array<string>): void;
	validateDependencies(callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>): boolean;
		compilers: Array<Compiler>,
		fn: (compiler: Compiler, callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>) => any,
		callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>
	): void;
		watchOptions: WatchOptions | Array<WatchOptions>,
		handler: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>
	): MultiWatching;
	run(callback: CallbackFunction<MultiStats>): void;
	purgeInputFileSystem(): void;
	close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
declare abstract class MultiStats {
	stats: Array<Stats>;
	hash: string;
	hasErrors(): boolean;
	hasWarnings(): boolean;
		options?: any
	): {
		children: Array<any>;
		version: any;
		hash: string;
		errors: Array<any>;
		warnings: Array<any>;
	toString(options?: any): string;
declare abstract class MultiWatching {
	watchings: Array<Watching>;
	compiler: MultiCompiler;
	invalidate(): void;
	suspend(): void;
	resume(): void;
	close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
declare class NamedChunkIdsPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	delimiter: any;
	context: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class NamedModuleIdsPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class NaturalModuleIdsPlugin {

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface NeedBuildContext {
	fileSystemInfo: FileSystemInfo;
declare class NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin {

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type Node = false | NodeOptions;
declare class NodeEnvironmentPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * Options object for node compatibility features.
declare interface NodeOptions {
	 * Include a polyfill for the 'global' variable.
	global?: boolean;
declare class NodeTemplatePlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	asyncChunkLoading: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class NormalModule extends Module {
	constructor(__0: {
		 * module type
		type: string;
		 * request string
		request: string;
		 * request intended by user (without loaders from config)
		userRequest: string;
		 * request without resolving
		rawRequest: string;
		 * list of loaders
		loaders: Array<LoaderItem>;
		 * path + query of the real resource
		resource: string;
		 * path + query of the matched resource (virtual)
		matchResource: string;
		 * the parser used
		parser: Parser;
		 * the generator used
		generator: Generator;
		 * options used for resolving requests from this module
		resolveOptions: any;
	request: string;
	userRequest: string;
	rawRequest: string;
	binary: boolean;
	parser: Parser;
	generator: Generator;
	resource: string;
	matchResource: string;
	loaders: Array<LoaderItem>;
	error: WebpackError;
		context: string,
		name: string,
		content: string,
		sourceMap?: any,
		associatedObjectForCache?: any
	): Source;
		resolver: Resolver & WithOptions,
		options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
		compilation: Compilation,
		fs: InputFileSystem
	): any;
	getCurrentLoader(loaderContext?: any, index?: any): LoaderItem;
		context: string,
		content: string | Buffer,
		sourceMap?: any,
		associatedObjectForCache?: any
	): Source;
		options: WebpackOptionsNormalized,
		compilation: Compilation,
		resolver: Resolver & WithOptions,
		fs: InputFileSystem,
		callback: (arg0: WebpackError) => void
	): void;
	markModuleAsErrored(error: WebpackError): void;
	applyNoParseRule(rule?: any, content?: any): any;
	shouldPreventParsing(noParseRule?: any, request?: any): any;
	static getCompilationHooks(
		compilation: Compilation
	): NormalModuleCompilationHooks;
	static deserialize(context?: any): NormalModule;
declare interface NormalModuleCompilationHooks {
	loader: SyncHook<[any, NormalModule], void>;
declare abstract class NormalModuleFactory extends ModuleFactory {
	hooks: Readonly<{
		resolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
		factorize: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
		beforeResolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
		afterResolve: AsyncSeriesBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
		createModule: SyncBailHook<[ResolveData], any>;
		module: SyncWaterfallHook<[Module, any, ResolveData]>;
		createParser: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
		parser: HookMap<SyncHook<any, void>>;
		createGenerator: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
		generator: HookMap<SyncHook<any, void>>;
	resolverFactory: any;
	ruleSet: RuleSet;
	unsafeCache: boolean;
	cachePredicate: any;
	context: any;
	fs: any;
	parserCache: Map<string, WeakMap<any, any>>;
	generatorCache: Map<string, WeakMap<any, Generator>>;
		contextInfo?: any,
		context?: any,
		array?: any,
		resolver?: any,
		resolveContext?: any,
		callback?: any
	): any;
	getParser(type?: any, parserOptions?: {}): any;
	createParser(type?: any, parserOptions?: {}): any;
	getGenerator(type?: any, generatorOptions?: {}): Generator;
	createGenerator(type?: any, generatorOptions?: {}): any;
	getResolver(type?: any, resolveOptions?: any): any;
declare class NormalModuleReplacementPlugin {
	 * Create an instance of the plugin
		resourceRegExp: RegExp,
		newResource: string | ((arg0?: any) => void)
	resourceRegExp: RegExp;
	newResource: string | ((arg0?: any) => void);

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface ObjectDeserializerContext {
	read: () => any;
declare interface ObjectSerializer {
	serialize: (arg0: any, arg1: ObjectSerializerContext) => void;
	deserialize: (arg0: ObjectDeserializerContext) => any;
declare interface ObjectSerializerContext {
	write: (arg0?: any) => void;
declare class OccurrenceChunkIdsPlugin {
	constructor(options?: OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions);
	options: OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface OccurrenceChunkIdsPluginOptions {
	 * Prioritise initial size over total size.
	prioritiseInitial?: boolean;
declare class OccurrenceModuleIdsPlugin {
	constructor(options?: OccurrenceModuleIdsPluginOptions);
	options: OccurrenceModuleIdsPluginOptions;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface OccurrenceModuleIdsPluginOptions {
	 * Prioritise initial size over total size.
	prioritiseInitial?: boolean;

 * Enables/Disables integrated optimizations.
declare interface Optimization {
	 * Check for incompatible wasm types when importing/exporting from/to ESM.
	checkWasmTypes?: boolean;

	 * Define the algorithm to choose chunk ids (named: readable ids for better debugging, deterministic: numeric hash ids for better long term caching, size: numeric ids focused on minimal initial download size, total-size: numeric ids focused on minimal total download size, false: no algorithm used, as custom one can be provided via plugin).
		| false
		| "natural"
		| "named"
		| "deterministic"
		| "size"
		| "total-size";

	 * Concatenate modules when possible to generate less modules, more efficient code and enable more optimizations by the minimizer.
	concatenateModules?: boolean;

	 * Also flag chunks as loaded which contain a subset of the modules.
	flagIncludedChunks?: boolean;

	 * Creates a module-internal dependency graph for top level symbols, exports and imports, to improve unused exports detection.
	innerGraph?: boolean;

	 * Rename exports when possible to generate shorter code (depends on optimization.usedExports and optimization.providedExports).
	mangleExports?: boolean;

	 * Reduce size of WASM by changing imports to shorter strings.
	mangleWasmImports?: boolean;

	 * Merge chunks which contain the same modules.
	mergeDuplicateChunks?: boolean;

	 * Enable minimizing the output. Uses optimization.minimizer.
	minimize?: boolean;

	 * Minimizer(s) to use for minimizing the output.
	minimizer?: Array<
		((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void) | WebpackPluginInstance

	 * Define the algorithm to choose module ids (natural: numeric ids in order of usage, named: readable ids for better debugging, hashed: (deprecated) short hashes as ids for better long term caching, deterministic: numeric hash ids for better long term caching, size: numeric ids focused on minimal initial download size, false: no algorithm used, as custom one can be provided via plugin).
	moduleIds?: false | "natural" | "named" | "deterministic" | "size" | "hashed";

	 * Avoid emitting assets when errors occur.
	noEmitOnErrors?: boolean;

	 * Set process.env.NODE_ENV to a specific value.
	nodeEnv?: DevTool;

	 * Generate records with relative paths to be able to move the context folder.
	portableRecords?: boolean;

	 * Figure out which exports are provided by modules to generate more efficient code.
	providedExports?: boolean;

	 * Removes modules from chunks when these modules are already included in all parents.
	removeAvailableModules?: boolean;

	 * Remove chunks which are empty.
	removeEmptyChunks?: boolean;

	 * Create an additional chunk which contains only the webpack runtime and chunk hash maps.
	runtimeChunk?: OptimizationRuntimeChunk;

	 * Skip over modules which are flagged to contain no side effects when exports are not used.
	sideEffects?: boolean;

	 * Optimize duplication and caching by splitting chunks by shared modules and cache group.
	splitChunks?: false | OptimizationSplitChunksOptions;

	 * Figure out which exports are used by modules to mangle export names, omit unused exports and generate more efficient code.
	usedExports?: boolean;
type OptimizationRuntimeChunk =
	| boolean
	| "single"
	| "multiple"
	| {
			 * The name or name factory for the runtime chunks.
			name?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;

 * Options object for describing behavior of a cache group selecting modules that should be cached together.
declare interface OptimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup {
	 * Sets the name delimiter for created chunks.
	automaticNameDelimiter?: string;

	 * Select chunks for determining cache group content (defaults to "initial", "initial" and "all" requires adding these chunks to the HTML).
	chunks?: "initial" | "async" | "all" | ((chunk: Chunk) => boolean);

	 * Ignore minimum size, minimum chunks and maximum requests and always create chunks for this cache group.
	enforce?: boolean;

	 * Sets the template for the filename for created chunks.
	filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);

	 * Sets the hint for chunk id.
	idHint?: string;

	 * Maximum number of requests which are accepted for on-demand loading.
	maxAsyncRequests?: number;

	 * Maximal size hint for the on-demand chunks.
	maxAsyncSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Maximum number of initial chunks which are accepted for an entry point.
	maxInitialRequests?: number;

	 * Maximal size hint for the initial chunks.
	maxInitialSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Maximal size hint for the created chunks.
	maxSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Minimum number of times a module has to be duplicated until it's considered for splitting.
	minChunks?: number;

	 * Minimal size for the chunks the stay after moving the modules to a new chunk.
	minRemainingSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Minimal size for the created chunk.
	minSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Give chunks for this cache group a name (chunks with equal name are merged).
	name?: string | false | Function;

	 * Priority of this cache group.
	priority?: number;

	 * Try to reuse existing chunk (with name) when it has matching modules.
	reuseExistingChunk?: boolean;

	 * Assign modules to a cache group by module name.
	test?: string | Function | RegExp;

	 * Assign modules to a cache group by module type.
	type?: string | Function | RegExp;

 * Options object for splitting chunks into smaller chunks.
declare interface OptimizationSplitChunksOptions {
	 * Sets the name delimiter for created chunks.
	automaticNameDelimiter?: string;

	 * Assign modules to a cache group (modules from different cache groups are tried to keep in separate chunks, default categories: 'default', 'defaultVendors').
	cacheGroups?: {
		[index: string]:
			| string
			| false
			| Function
			| RegExp
			| OptimizationSplitChunksCacheGroup;

	 * Select chunks for determining shared modules (defaults to "async", "initial" and "all" requires adding these chunks to the HTML).
	chunks?: "initial" | "async" | "all" | ((chunk: Chunk) => boolean);

	 * Options for modules not selected by any other cache group.
	fallbackCacheGroup?: {
		 * Sets the name delimiter for created chunks.
		automaticNameDelimiter?: string;
		 * Maximal size hint for the on-demand chunks.
		maxAsyncSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
		 * Maximal size hint for the initial chunks.
		maxInitialSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
		 * Maximal size hint for the created chunks.
		maxSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;
		 * Minimal size for the created chunk.
		minSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Sets the template for the filename for created chunks.
	filename?: string | ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);

	 * Prevents exposing path info when creating names for parts splitted by maxSize.
	hidePathInfo?: boolean;

	 * Maximum number of requests which are accepted for on-demand loading.
	maxAsyncRequests?: number;

	 * Maximal size hint for the on-demand chunks.
	maxAsyncSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Maximum number of initial chunks which are accepted for an entry point.
	maxInitialRequests?: number;

	 * Maximal size hint for the initial chunks.
	maxInitialSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Maximal size hint for the created chunks.
	maxSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Minimum number of times a module has to be duplicated until it's considered for splitting.
	minChunks?: number;

	 * Minimal size for the chunks the stay after moving the modules to a new chunk.
	minRemainingSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Minimal size for the created chunks.
	minSize?: OptimizationSplitChunksSizes;

	 * Give chunks created a name (chunks with equal name are merged).
	name?: string | false | Function;
type OptimizationSplitChunksSizes = number | { [index: string]: number };
declare abstract class OptionsApply {
	process(options?: any, compiler?: any): void;

 * Options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
declare interface Output {
	 * The filename of asset modules as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
	assetModuleFilename?: AssetModuleFilename;

	 * Add a comment in the UMD wrapper.
	auxiliaryComment?: AuxiliaryComment;

	 * The callback function name used by webpack for loading of chunks in WebWorkers.
	chunkCallbackName?: string;

	 * The filename of non-entry chunks as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
	chunkFilename?: string;

	 * Number of milliseconds before chunk request expires.
	chunkLoadTimeout?: number;

	 * Check if to be emitted file already exists and have the same content before writing to output filesystem.
	compareBeforeEmit?: boolean;

	 * This option enables cross-origin loading of chunks.
	crossOriginLoading?: CrossOriginLoading;

	 * Similar to `output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate`, but used in the case of duplicate module identifiers.
	devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;

	 * Filename template string of function for the sources array in a generated SourceMap.
	devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;

	 * Module namespace to use when interpolating filename template string for the sources array in a generated SourceMap. Defaults to `output.library` if not set. It's useful for avoiding runtime collisions in sourcemaps from multiple webpack projects built as libraries.
	devtoolNamespace?: string;

	 * The maximum EcmaScript version of the webpack generated code (doesn't include input source code from modules).
	ecmaVersion?: number;

	 * List of library types enabled for use by entry points.
	enabledLibraryTypes?: Array<ExternalsType>;

	 * Specifies the name of each output file on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here! The `output.path` option determines the location on disk the files are written to, filename is used solely for naming the individual files.
	filename?: Filename;

	 * An expression which is used to address the global object/scope in runtime code.
	globalObject?: string;

	 * Digest type used for the hash.
	hashDigest?: string;

	 * Number of chars which are used for the hash.
	hashDigestLength?: number;

	 * Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package).
	hashFunction?: HashFunction;

	 * Any string which is added to the hash to salt it.
	hashSalt?: string;

	 * The filename of the Hot Update Chunks. They are inside the output.path directory.
	hotUpdateChunkFilename?: string;

	 * The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of hot update chunks.
	hotUpdateFunction?: string;

	 * The filename of the Hot Update Main File. It is inside the `output.path` directory.
	hotUpdateMainFilename?: string;

	 * Wrap javascript code into IIFE's to avoid leaking into global scope.
	iife?: boolean;

	 * The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of chunks.
	jsonpFunction?: string;

	 * This option enables loading async chunks via a custom script type, such as script type="module".
	jsonpScriptType?: JsonpScriptType;

	 * Make the output files a library, exporting the exports of the entry point.
	library?: Library;

	 * Specify which export should be exposed as library.
	libraryExport?: LibraryExport;

	 * Type of library.
	libraryTarget?: ExternalsType;

	 * Output javascript files as module source type.
	module?: boolean;

	 * The output directory as **absolute path** (required).
	path?: string;

	 * Include comments with information about the modules.
	pathinfo?: boolean;

	 * The `publicPath` specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
	publicPath?: PublicPath;

	 * The filename of the SourceMaps for the JavaScript files. They are inside the `output.path` directory.
	sourceMapFilename?: string;

	 * Prefixes every line of the source in the bundle with this string.
	sourcePrefix?: string;

	 * Handles exceptions in module loading correctly at a performance cost.
	strictModuleExceptionHandling?: boolean;

	 * If `output.libraryTarget` is set to umd and `output.library` is set, setting this to true will name the AMD module.
	umdNamedDefine?: boolean;

	 * A unique name of the webpack build to avoid multiple webpack runtimes to conflict when using globals.
	uniqueName?: string;

	 * The filename of WebAssembly modules as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
	webassemblyModuleFilename?: string;
declare interface OutputFileSystem {
	writeFile: (
		arg0: string,
		arg1: string | Buffer,
		arg2: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void
	) => void;
	mkdir: (arg0: string, arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void) => void;
	stat: (
		arg0: string,
		arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: FsStats) => void
	) => void;
	readFile: (
		arg0: string,
		arg1: (arg0: NodeJS.ErrnoException, arg1: Buffer) => void
	) => void;
	join?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
	relative?: (arg0: string, arg1: string) => string;
	dirname?: (arg0: string) => string;

 * Normalized options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
declare interface OutputNormalized {
	 * The filename of asset modules as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
	assetModuleFilename?: AssetModuleFilename;

	 * The callback function name used by webpack for loading of chunks in WebWorkers.
	chunkCallbackName?: string;

	 * The filename of non-entry chunks as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
	chunkFilename?: string;

	 * Number of milliseconds before chunk request expires.
	chunkLoadTimeout?: number;

	 * Check if to be emitted file already exists and have the same content before writing to output filesystem.
	compareBeforeEmit?: boolean;

	 * This option enables cross-origin loading of chunks.
	crossOriginLoading?: CrossOriginLoading;

	 * Similar to `output.devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate`, but used in the case of duplicate module identifiers.
	devtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;

	 * Filename template string of function for the sources array in a generated SourceMap.
	devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;

	 * Module namespace to use when interpolating filename template string for the sources array in a generated SourceMap. Defaults to `output.library` if not set. It's useful for avoiding runtime collisions in sourcemaps from multiple webpack projects built as libraries.
	devtoolNamespace?: string;

	 * The maximum EcmaScript version of the webpack generated code (doesn't include input source code from modules).
	ecmaVersion?: number;

	 * List of library types enabled for use by entry points.
	enabledLibraryTypes?: Array<ExternalsType>;

	 * Specifies the name of each output file on disk. You must **not** specify an absolute path here! The `output.path` option determines the location on disk the files are written to, filename is used solely for naming the individual files.
	filename?: Filename;

	 * An expression which is used to address the global object/scope in runtime code.
	globalObject?: string;

	 * Digest type used for the hash.
	hashDigest?: string;

	 * Number of chars which are used for the hash.
	hashDigestLength?: number;

	 * Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package).
	hashFunction?: HashFunction;

	 * Any string which is added to the hash to salt it.
	hashSalt?: string;

	 * The filename of the Hot Update Chunks. They are inside the output.path directory.
	hotUpdateChunkFilename?: string;

	 * The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of hot update chunks.
	hotUpdateFunction?: string;

	 * The filename of the Hot Update Main File. It is inside the `output.path` directory.
	hotUpdateMainFilename?: string;

	 * Wrap javascript code into IIFE's to avoid leaking into global scope.
	iife?: boolean;

	 * The JSONP function used by webpack for async loading of chunks.
	jsonpFunction?: string;

	 * This option enables loading async chunks via a custom script type, such as script type="module".
	jsonpScriptType?: JsonpScriptType;

	 * Options for library.
	library?: LibraryOptions;

	 * Output javascript files as module source type.
	module?: boolean;

	 * The output directory as **absolute path** (required).
	path?: string;

	 * Include comments with information about the modules.
	pathinfo?: boolean;

	 * The `publicPath` specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
	publicPath?: PublicPath;

	 * The filename of the SourceMaps for the JavaScript files. They are inside the `output.path` directory.
	sourceMapFilename?: string;

	 * Prefixes every line of the source in the bundle with this string.
	sourcePrefix?: string;

	 * Handles exceptions in module loading correctly at a performance cost.
	strictModuleExceptionHandling?: boolean;

	 * A unique name of the webpack build to avoid multiple webpack runtimes to conflict when using globals.
	uniqueName?: string;

	 * The filename of WebAssembly modules as relative path inside the `output.path` directory.
	webassemblyModuleFilename?: string;
declare class Parser {
		source: string | Record<string, any> | Buffer,
		state: Record<string, any> & ParserStateBase
	): Record<string, any> & ParserStateBase;
declare interface ParserStateBase {
	current: NormalModule;
	module: NormalModule;
	compilation: Compilation;
	options: any;
declare interface PathData {
	chunkGraph?: ChunkGraph;
	hash?: string;
	hashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
	chunk?: Chunk | ChunkPathData;
	module?: Module | ModulePathData;
	filename?: string;
	basename?: string;
	query?: string;
	contentHashType?: string;
	contentHash?: string;
	contentHashWithLength?: (arg0: number) => string;
	noChunkHash?: boolean;
	url?: string;
type Performance = false | PerformanceOptions;

 * Configuration object for web performance recommendations.
declare interface PerformanceOptions {
	 * Filter function to select assets that are checked.
	assetFilter?: Function;

	 * Sets the format of the hints: warnings, errors or nothing at all.
	hints?: false | "error" | "warning";

	 * File size limit (in bytes) when exceeded, that webpack will provide performance hints.
	maxAssetSize?: number;

	 * Total size of an entry point (in bytes).
	maxEntrypointSize?: number;
declare interface Plugin {
	apply: () => void;
declare class PrefetchPlugin {
	constructor(context?: any, request?: any);
	context: any;
	request: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface PrintedElement {
	element: string;
	content: string;
declare interface Problem {
		| "unknown-argument"
		| "unexpected-non-array-in-path"
		| "unexpected-non-object-in-path"
		| "multiple-values-unexpected"
		| "invalid-value";
	path: string;
	argument: string;
	value?: any;
	index?: number;
	expected?: string;
declare class Profiler {
	constructor(inspector?: any);
	session: any;
	inspector: any;
	hasSession(): boolean;
	startProfiling(): Promise<void> | Promise<[any, any, any]>;
	sendCommand(method?: any, params?: any): Promise<any>;
	destroy(): Promise<void>;
	stopProfiling(): Promise<any>;
declare class ProfilingPlugin {
	constructor(options?: ProfilingPluginOptions);
	outputPath: string;
	apply(compiler?: any): void;
	static Profiler: typeof Profiler;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface ProfilingPluginOptions {
	 * Path to the output file e.g. `path.resolve(__dirname, 'profiling/events.json')`. Defaults to `events.json`.
	outputPath?: string;
declare class ProgressPlugin {
	constructor(options: ProgressPluginArgument);
	profile: boolean;
	handler: (percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: Array<string>) => void;
	modulesCount: number;
	dependenciesCount: number;
	showEntries: boolean;
	showModules: boolean;
	showDependencies: boolean;
	showActiveModules: boolean;
	percentBy: "modules" | "dependencies" | "entries";
	apply(compiler: Compiler | MultiCompiler): void;
	static getReporter(
		compiler: Compiler
	): (p: number, ...args: Array<string>) => void;
	static defaultOptions: {
		profile: boolean;
		modulesCount: number;
		dependenciesCount: number;
		modules: boolean;
		dependencies: boolean;
		activeModules: boolean;
		entries: boolean;
type ProgressPluginArgument =
	| ProgressPluginOptions
	| ((percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: Array<string>) => void);

 * Options object for the ProgressPlugin.
declare interface ProgressPluginOptions {
	 * Show active modules count and one active module in progress message.
	activeModules?: boolean;

	 * Show dependencies count in progress message.
	dependencies?: boolean;

	 * Minimum dependencies count to start with. For better progress calculation. Default: 10000.
	dependenciesCount?: number;

	 * Show entries count in progress message.
	entries?: boolean;

	 * Function that executes for every progress step.
	handler?: (percentage: number, msg: string, ...args: Array<string>) => void;

	 * Show modules count in progress message.
	modules?: boolean;

	 * Minimum modules count to start with. For better progress calculation. Default: 5000.
	modulesCount?: number;

	 * Collect percent algorithm. By default it calculates by a median from modules, entries and dependencies percent.
	percentBy?: "modules" | "dependencies" | "entries";

	 * Collect profile data for progress steps. Default: false.
	profile?: boolean;
declare class ProvidePlugin {
	constructor(definitions: Record<string, string | Array<string>>);
	definitions: Record<string, string | Array<string>>;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
type PublicPath =
	| string
	| ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo: AssetInfo) => string);
declare class ReadFileCompileWasmPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface RealDependencyLocation {
	start: SourcePosition;
	end?: SourcePosition;
	index?: number;
type RecursiveArrayOrRecord =
	| string
	| number
	| bigint
	| boolean
	| Function
	| RegExp
	| RuntimeValue
	| { [index: string]: RecursiveArrayOrRecord }
	| Array<RecursiveArrayOrRecord>;
declare interface RenderBootstrapContext {
	 * the chunk
	chunk: Chunk;

	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;

	 * hash to be used for render call
	hash: string;
declare interface RenderContextAsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin {
	 * the chunk
	chunk: any;

	 * the dependency templates
	dependencyTemplates: any;

	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: any;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: any;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: any;

	 * results of code generation
	codeGenerationResults: Map<Module, CodeGenerationResult>;
declare interface RenderContextJavascriptModulesPlugin {
	 * the chunk
	chunk: Chunk;

	 * the dependency templates
	dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;

	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;

	 * results of code generation
	codeGenerationResults: Map<Module, CodeGenerationResult>;
declare interface RenderContextModuleTemplate {
	 * the chunk
	chunk: Chunk;

	 * the dependency templates
	dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;

	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
declare interface RenderManifestEntry {
	render: () => Source;
	filenameTemplate: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string);
	pathOptions?: PathData;
	identifier: string;
	hash?: string;
	auxiliary?: boolean;
declare interface RenderManifestOptions {
	 * the chunk used to render
	chunk: Chunk;
	hash: string;
	fullHash: string;
	outputOptions: any;
	codeGenerationResults: Map<Module, CodeGenerationResult>;
	moduleTemplates: { javascript: ModuleTemplate };
	dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
declare abstract class ReplaceSource extends Source {
	replace(start: number, end: number, newValue: string, name: string): void;
	insert(pos: number, newValue: string, name: string): void;
	getName(): string;
	original(): string;
	getReplacements(): Array<{
		start: number;
		end: number;
		content: string;
		insertIndex: number;
		name: string;
declare abstract class RequestShortener {
	contextify: (arg0: string) => string;
	shorten(request: string): string;

 * istanbul ignore next
declare interface ResolveBuildDependenciesResult {
	 * list of files
	files: Set<string>;

	 * list of directories
	directories: Set<string>;

	 * list of missing entries
	missing: Set<string>;

	 * stored resolve results
	resolveResults: Map<string, string>;

	 * dependencies of the resolving
	resolveDependencies: {
		 * list of files
		files: Set<string>;
		 * list of directories
		directories: Set<string>;
		 * list of missing entries
		missing: Set<string>;
declare interface ResolveContext {
	log?: (message: string) => void;
	fileDependencies?: WriteOnlySet<string>;
	contextDependencies?: WriteOnlySet<string>;
	missingDependencies?: WriteOnlySet<string>;
	stack?: Set<string>;
declare interface ResolveData {
	contextInfo: ModuleFactoryCreateDataContextInfo;
	resolveOptions: any;
	context: string;
	request: string;
	dependencies: Array<ModuleDependency>;
	createData: any;
	fileDependencies: LazySet<string>;
	missingDependencies: LazySet<string>;
	contextDependencies: LazySet<string>;

 * Options object for resolving requests.
declare interface ResolveOptions {
	 * Redirect module requests.
		| Array<{
				 * New request.
				alias: string | false | Array<string>;
				 * Request to be redirected.
				name: string;
				 * Redirect only exact matching request.
				onlyModule?: boolean;
		| { [index: string]: string | false | Array<string> };

	 * Fields in the description file (usually package.json) which are used to redirect requests inside the module.
	aliasFields?: Array<string | Array<string>>;

	 * Enable caching of successfully resolved requests (cache entries are revalidated).
	cache?: boolean;

	 * Predicate function to decide which requests should be cached.
	cachePredicate?: Function;

	 * Include the context information in the cache identifier when caching.
	cacheWithContext?: boolean;

	 * Filenames used to find a description file (like a package.json).
	descriptionFiles?: Array<string>;

	 * Enforce using one of the extensions from the extensions option.
	enforceExtension?: boolean;

	 * Extensions added to the request when trying to find the file.
	extensions?: Array<string>;

	 * Filesystem for the resolver.
	fileSystem?: { [index: string]: any };

	 * Field names from the description file (package.json) which are used to find the default entry point.
	mainFields?: Array<string | Array<string>>;

	 * Filenames used to find the default entry point if there is no description file or main field.
	mainFiles?: Array<string>;

	 * Folder names or directory paths where to find modules.
	modules?: Array<string>;

	 * Plugins for the resolver.
	plugins?: Array<ResolvePluginInstance>;

	 * Custom resolver.
	resolver?: { [index: string]: any };

	 * Enable resolving symlinks to the original location.
	symlinks?: boolean;

	 * Enable caching of successfully resolved requests (cache entries are not revalidated).
	unsafeCache?: boolean | { [index: string]: any };

	 * Use synchronous filesystem calls for the resolver.
	useSyncFileSystemCalls?: boolean;

 * Plugin instance.
declare interface ResolvePluginInstance {
	[index: string]: any;

	 * The run point of the plugin, required method.
	apply: (resolver?: any) => void;
declare abstract class Resolver {
		context: Object,
		path: string,
		request: string,
		resolveContext: ResolveContext,
		callback: (
			err: NodeJS.ErrnoException,
			result: string,
			additionalInfo: Object
		) => void
	): void;
declare interface ResolverCache {
	direct: WeakMap<any, Resolver & WithOptions>;
	stringified: Map<string, Resolver & WithOptions>;
declare abstract class ResolverFactory {
	hooks: Readonly<{
		resolveOptions: HookMap<SyncWaterfallHook<[any]>>;
		resolver: HookMap<SyncHook<[Resolver, any, any], void>>;
	cache: Map<string, ResolverCache>;
	get(type: string, resolveOptions?: any): Resolver & WithOptions;
declare interface RuleSet {
	 * map of references in the rule set (may grow over time)
	references: Map<string, any>;

	 * execute the rule set
	exec: (arg0?: any) => Array<Effect>;
type RuleSetCondition =
	| string
	| RegExp
	| {
			 * Logical AND.
			and?: Array<RuleSetCondition>;
			 * Logical NOT.
			not?: Array<RuleSetCondition>;
			 * Logical OR.
			or?: Array<RuleSetCondition>;
	| ((value: string) => boolean)
	| Array<RuleSetCondition>;
type RuleSetConditionAbsolute =
	| string
	| RegExp
	| {
			 * Logical AND.
			and?: Array<RuleSetConditionAbsolute>;
			 * Logical NOT.
			not?: Array<RuleSetConditionAbsolute>;
			 * Logical OR.
			or?: Array<RuleSetConditionAbsolute>;
	| ((value: string) => boolean)
	| Array<RuleSetConditionAbsolute>;
type RuleSetLoaderOptions = string | { [index: string]: any };

 * A rule description with conditions and effects for modules.
declare interface RuleSetRule {
	 * Match the child compiler name.
	compiler?: RuleSetCondition;

	 * Enforce this rule as pre or post step.
	enforce?: "pre" | "post";

	 * Shortcut for resource.exclude.
	exclude?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;

	 * The options for the module generator.
	generator?: { [index: string]: any };

	 * Shortcut for resource.include.
	include?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;

	 * Match the issuer of the module (The module pointing to this module).
	issuer?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;

	 * Shortcut for use.loader.
	loader?: string;

	 * Only execute the first matching rule in this array.
	oneOf?: Array<RuleSetRule>;

	 * Shortcut for use.options.
	options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;

	 * Options for parsing.
	parser?: { [index: string]: any };

	 * Match the real resource path of the module.
	realResource?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;

	 * Options for the resolver.
	resolve?: ResolveOptions;

	 * Match the resource path of the module.
	resource?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;

	 * Match the resource query of the module.
	resourceQuery?: RuleSetCondition;

	 * Match and execute these rules when this rule is matched.
	rules?: Array<RuleSetRule>;

	 * Flags a module as with or without side effects.
	sideEffects?: boolean;

	 * Shortcut for resource.test.
	test?: RuleSetConditionAbsolute;

	 * Module type to use for the module.
	type?: string;

	 * Modifiers applied to the module when rule is matched.
	use?: RuleSetUse;
type RuleSetUse =
	| string
	| Array<RuleSetUseItem>
	| ((data: {
			resource: string;
			realResource: string;
			resourceQuery: string;
			issuer: string;
			compiler: string;
	  }) => Array<RuleSetUseItem>)
	| {
			 * Unique loader options identifier.
			ident?: string;
			 * Loader name.
			loader?: string;
			 * Loader options.
			options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;
	| ((data: {}) =>
			| string
			| {
					 * Unique loader options identifier.
					ident?: string;
					 * Loader name.
					loader?: string;
					 * Loader options.
					options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;
			| __TypeWebpackOptions
			| Array<RuleSetUseItem>);
type RuleSetUseItem =
	| string
	| {
			 * Unique loader options identifier.
			ident?: string;
			 * Loader name.
			loader?: string;
			 * Loader options.
			options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;
	| __TypeWebpackOptions;
type RulesBannerPlugin = string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
type RulesSourceMapDevToolPlugin = string | RegExp | Array<string | RegExp>;
declare class RuntimeChunkPlugin {
	constructor(options?: any);
	options: any;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare class RuntimeModule extends Module {
	constructor(name: string, stage?: number);
	name: string;
	stage: number;
	compilation: Compilation;
	chunk: Chunk;
	attach(compilation: Compilation, chunk: Chunk): void;
	generate(): string;
	getGeneratedCode(): string;
declare abstract class RuntimeTemplate {
	outputOptions: Output;
	requestShortener: RequestShortener;
	isIIFE(): boolean;
	supportsConst(): boolean;
	supportsArrowFunction(): boolean;
	supportsForOf(): boolean;
	returningFunction(returnValue?: any, args?: string): string;
	basicFunction(args?: any, body?: any): string;
	iife(args?: any, body?: any): string;
	forEach(variable?: any, array?: any, body?: any): string;

	 * Add a comment
	comment(__0: {
		 * request string used originally
		request?: string;
		 * name of the chunk referenced
		chunkName?: string;
		 * reason information of the chunk
		chunkReason?: string;
		 * additional message
		message?: string;
		 * name of the export
		exportName?: string;
	}): string;
	throwMissingModuleErrorBlock(__0: {
		 * request string used originally
		request?: string;
	}): string;
	throwMissingModuleErrorFunction(__0: {
		 * request string used originally
		request?: string;
	}): string;
	missingModule(__0: {
		 * request string used originally
		request?: string;
	}): string;
	missingModuleStatement(__0: {
		 * request string used originally
		request?: string;
	}): string;
	missingModulePromise(__0: {
		 * request string used originally
		request?: string;
	}): string;
	weakError(__0: {
		 * the chunk graph
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
		 * the module
		module: Module;
		 * the request that should be printed as comment
		request: string;
		 * expression to use as id expression
		idExpr?: string;
		 * which kind of code should be returned
		type: "expression" | "promise" | "statements";
	}): string;
	moduleId(__0: {
		 * the module
		module: Module;
		 * the chunk graph
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
		 * the request that should be printed as comment
		request: string;
		 * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
		weak?: boolean;
	}): string;
	moduleRaw(__0: {
		 * the module
		module: Module;
		 * the chunk graph
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
		 * the request that should be printed as comment
		request: string;
		 * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
		weak?: boolean;
		 * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
		runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
	}): string;
	moduleExports(__0: {
		 * the module
		module: Module;
		 * the chunk graph
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
		 * the request that should be printed as comment
		request: string;
		 * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
		weak?: boolean;
		 * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
		runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
	}): string;
	moduleNamespace(__0: {
		 * the module
		module: Module;
		 * the chunk graph
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
		 * the request that should be printed as comment
		request: string;
		 * if the current module is in strict esm mode
		strict?: boolean;
		 * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
		weak?: boolean;
		 * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
		runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
	}): string;
	moduleNamespacePromise(__0: {
		 * the chunk graph
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
		 * the current dependencies block
		block?: AsyncDependenciesBlock;
		 * the module
		module: Module;
		 * the request that should be printed as comment
		request: string;
		 * a message for the comment
		message: string;
		 * if the current module is in strict esm mode
		strict?: boolean;
		 * if the dependency is weak (will create a nice error message)
		weak?: boolean;
		 * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
		runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
	}): string;
	importStatement(__0: {
		 * whether a new variable should be created or the existing one updated
		update?: boolean;
		 * the module
		module: Module;
		 * the chunk graph
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
		 * the request that should be printed as comment
		request: string;
		 * name of the import variable
		importVar: string;
		 * module in which the statement is emitted
		originModule: Module;
		 * true, if this is a weak dependency
		weak?: boolean;
		 * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
		runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
	}): string;
	exportFromImport(__0: {
		 * the module graph
		moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;
		 * the module
		module: Module;
		 * the request
		request: string;
		 * the export name
		exportName: string | Array<string>;
		 * the origin module
		originModule: Module;
		 * true, if location is safe for ASI, a bracket can be emitted
		asiSafe: boolean;
		 * true, if expression will be called
		isCall: boolean;
		 * when false, call context will not be preserved
		callContext: boolean;
		 * when true and accessing the default exports, interop code will be generated
		defaultInterop: boolean;
		 * the identifier name of the import variable
		importVar: string;
		 * init fragments will be added here
		initFragments: Array<InitFragment>;
		 * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
		runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
	}): string;
	blockPromise(__0: {
		 * the async block
		block: AsyncDependenciesBlock;
		 * the message
		message: string;
		 * the chunk graph
		chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;
		 * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
		runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
	}): string;
	defineEsModuleFlagStatement(__0: {
		 * the name of the exports object
		exportsArgument: string;
		 * if set, will be filled with runtime requirements
		runtimeRequirements: Set<string>;
	}): string;
declare abstract class RuntimeValue {
	fn: any;
	fileDependencies: any;
	exec(parser?: any): any;
declare const SKIP_OVER_NAME: unique symbol;
declare interface ScopeInfo {
	definitions: StackedMap<string, ScopeInfo | VariableInfo>;
	topLevelScope: boolean | "arrow";
	inShorthand: boolean;
	isStrict: boolean;
	isAsmJs: boolean;
	inTry: boolean;
declare abstract class Serializer {
	serializeMiddlewares: any;
	deserializeMiddlewares: any;
	context: any;
	serialize(obj?: any, context?: any): any;
	deserialize(value?: any, context?: any): any;
declare class SideEffectsFlagPlugin {

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
	static moduleHasSideEffects(
		moduleName?: any,
		flagValue?: any,
		cache?: any
	): any;

 * istanbul ignore next
declare interface Snapshot {
	startTime?: number;
	fileTimestamps?: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
	fileHashes?: Map<string, string>;
	contextTimestamps?: Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry>;
	contextHashes?: Map<string, string>;
	missingExistence?: Map<string, boolean>;
	managedItemInfo?: Map<string, string>;
	children?: Set<Snapshot>;
declare abstract class SortableSet<T> extends Set<T> {
	 * Sort with a comparer function
	sortWith(sortFn: (arg0: T, arg1: T) => number): void;
	sort(): void;

	 * Get data from cache
	getFromCache<R>(fn: (arg0: SortableSet<T>) => R): R;

	 * Get data from cache (ignoring sorting)
	getFromUnorderedCache<R>(fn: (arg0: SortableSet<T>) => R): R;
	toJSON(): Array<T>;

	 * Iterates over values in the set.
	[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
	readonly [Symbol.toStringTag]: string;
declare abstract class Source {
	size(): number;
	map(options: MapOptions): Object;
	sourceAndMap(options: MapOptions): { source: string | Buffer; map: Object };
	updateHash(hash: Hash): void;
	source(): string | Buffer;
	buffer(): Buffer;
declare interface SourceContext {
	 * the dependency templates
	dependencyTemplates: DependencyTemplates;

	 * the runtime template
	runtimeTemplate: RuntimeTemplate;

	 * the module graph
	moduleGraph: ModuleGraph;

	 * the chunk graph
	chunkGraph: ChunkGraph;

	 * the type of source that should be generated
	type?: string;
declare class SourceMapDevToolPlugin {
	constructor(options?: SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions);
	sourceMapFilename: DevTool;
	sourceMappingURLComment: DevTool;
	moduleFilenameTemplate: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
	fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;
	namespace: string;
	options: SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface SourceMapDevToolPluginOptions {
	 * Appends the given value to the original asset. Usually the #sourceMappingURL comment. [url] is replaced with a URL to the source map file. false disables the appending.
	append?: DevTool;

	 * Indicates whether column mappings should be used (defaults to true).
	columns?: boolean;

	 * Exclude modules that match the given value from source map generation.
	exclude?: RulesSourceMapDevToolPlugin;

	 * Generator string or function to create identifiers of modules for the 'sources' array in the SourceMap used only if 'moduleFilenameTemplate' would result in a conflict.
	fallbackModuleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;

	 * Path prefix to which the [file] placeholder is relative to.
	fileContext?: string;

	 * Defines the output filename of the SourceMap (will be inlined if no value is provided).
	filename?: DevTool;

	 * Include source maps for module paths that match the given value.
	include?: RulesSourceMapDevToolPlugin;

	 * Indicates whether SourceMaps from loaders should be used (defaults to true).
	module?: boolean;

	 * Generator string or function to create identifiers of modules for the 'sources' array in the SourceMap.
	moduleFilenameTemplate?: DevtoolFallbackModuleFilenameTemplate;

	 * Namespace prefix to allow multiple webpack roots in the devtools.
	namespace?: string;

	 * Omit the 'sourceContents' array from the SourceMap.
	noSources?: boolean;

	 * Provide a custom public path for the SourceMapping comment.
	publicPath?: string;

	 * Provide a custom value for the 'sourceRoot' property in the SourceMap.
	sourceRoot?: string;

	 * Include source maps for modules based on their extension (defaults to .js and .css).
	test?: RulesSourceMapDevToolPlugin;
declare interface SourcePosition {
	line: number;
	column?: number;
declare interface SplitChunksOptions {
	chunksFilter: (chunk: Chunk) => boolean;
	minSize: Record<string, number>;
	minRemainingSize: Record<string, number>;
	maxInitialSize: Record<string, number>;
	maxAsyncSize: Record<string, number>;
	minChunks: number;
	maxAsyncRequests: number;
	maxInitialRequests: number;
	hidePathInfo: boolean;
	filename: string | ((arg0: PathData, arg1: AssetInfo) => string);
	automaticNameDelimiter: string;
	getCacheGroups: (
		module: Module,
		context: CacheGroupsContext
	) => Array<CacheGroupSource>;
	getName: (module?: Module, chunks?: Array<Chunk>, key?: string) => string;
	fallbackCacheGroup: FallbackCacheGroup;
declare class SplitChunksPlugin {
	constructor(options?: OptimizationSplitChunksOptions);
	options: SplitChunksOptions;

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare abstract class StackedMap<K, V> {
	map: Map<K, V | typeof TOMBSTONE | typeof UNDEFINED_MARKER>;
	stack: Array<Map<K, V | typeof TOMBSTONE | typeof UNDEFINED_MARKER>>;
	set(item: K, value: V): void;
	delete(item: K): void;
	has(item: K): boolean;
	get(item: K): V;
	asArray(): Array<K>;
	asSet(): Set<K>;
	asPairArray(): Array<[K, V]>;
	asMap(): Map<K, V>;
	readonly size: number;
	createChild(): StackedMap<K, V>;
type Statement =
	| ExpressionStatement
	| BlockStatement
	| EmptyStatement
	| DebuggerStatement
	| WithStatement
	| ReturnStatement
	| LabeledStatement
	| BreakStatement
	| ContinueStatement
	| IfStatement
	| SwitchStatement
	| ThrowStatement
	| TryStatement
	| WhileStatement
	| DoWhileStatement
	| ForStatement
	| ForInStatement
	| ForOfStatement
	| FunctionDeclaration
	| VariableDeclaration
	| ClassDeclaration;
declare class Stats {
	constructor(compilation: Compilation);
	compilation: Compilation;
	hash: string;
	startTime: any;
	endTime: any;
	hasWarnings(): boolean;
	hasErrors(): boolean;
	toJson(options?: any): any;
	toString(options?: any): any;
declare abstract class StatsFactory {
	hooks: Readonly<{
		extract: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any, any], any>>;
		filter: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any, number, number], any>>;
		sort: HookMap<
			SyncBailHook<[Array<(arg0?: any, arg1?: any) => number>, any], any>
		filterSorted: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any, number, number], any>>;
		sortResults: HookMap<
			SyncBailHook<[Array<(arg0?: any, arg1?: any) => number>, any], any>
		filterResults: HookMap<SyncBailHook<any, any>>;
		merge: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Array<any>, any], any>>;
		result: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Array<any>, any], any>>;
		getItemName: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any], any>>;
		getItemFactory: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any], any>>;
	create(type?: any, data?: any, baseContext?: any): any;

 * Stats options object.
declare interface StatsOptions {
	 * Fallback value for stats options when an option is not defined (has precedence over local webpack defaults).
	all?: boolean;

	 * Add assets information.
	assets?: boolean;

	 * Sort the assets by that field.
	assetsSort?: string;

	 * Add built at time information.
	builtAt?: boolean;

	 * Add information about cached (not built) modules.
	cached?: boolean;

	 * Show cached assets (setting this to `false` only shows emitted files).
	cachedAssets?: boolean;

	 * Add children information.
	children?: boolean;

	 * Display all chunk groups with the corresponding bundles.
	chunkGroups?: boolean;

	 * Add built modules information to chunk information.
	chunkModules?: boolean;

	 * Add the origins of chunks and chunk merging info.
	chunkOrigins?: boolean;

	 * Add information about parent, children and sibling chunks to chunk information.
	chunkRelations?: boolean;

	 * Add root modules information to chunk information.
	chunkRootModules?: boolean;

	 * Add chunk information.
	chunks?: boolean;

	 * Sort the chunks by that field.
	chunksSort?: string;

	 * Enables/Disables colorful output.
		| boolean
		| {
				 * Custom color for bold text.
				bold?: string;
				 * Custom color for cyan text.
				cyan?: string;
				 * Custom color for green text.
				green?: string;
				 * Custom color for magenta text.
				magenta?: string;
				 * Custom color for red text.
				red?: string;
				 * Custom color for yellow text.
				yellow?: string;

	 * Context directory for request shortening.
	context?: string;

	 * Add module depth in module graph.
	depth?: boolean;

	 * Display the entry points with the corresponding bundles.
	entrypoints?: boolean;

	 * Add --env information.
	env?: boolean;

	 * Add details to errors (like resolving log).
	errorDetails?: boolean;

	 * Add internal stack trace to errors.
	errorStack?: boolean;

	 * Add errors.
	errors?: boolean;

	 * Please use excludeModules instead.
		| string
		| boolean
		| RegExp
		| Array<FilterItemTypes>
		| ((value: string) => boolean);

	 * Suppress assets that match the specified filters. Filters can be Strings, RegExps or Functions.
	excludeAssets?: FilterTypes;

	 * Suppress modules that match the specified filters. Filters can be Strings, RegExps, Booleans or Functions.
		| string
		| boolean
		| RegExp
		| Array<FilterItemTypes>
		| ((value: string) => boolean);

	 * Add the hash of the compilation.
	hash?: boolean;

	 * Add ids.
	ids?: boolean;

	 * Add logging output.
	logging?: boolean | "none" | "verbose" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "log";

	 * Include debug logging of specified loggers (i. e. for plugins or loaders). Filters can be Strings, RegExps or Functions.
		| string
		| boolean
		| RegExp
		| Array<FilterItemTypes>
		| ((value: string) => boolean);

	 * Add stack traces to logging output.
	loggingTrace?: boolean;

	 * Set the maximum number of modules to be shown.
	maxModules?: number;

	 * Add information about assets inside modules.
	moduleAssets?: boolean;

	 * Add dependencies and origin of warnings/errors.
	moduleTrace?: boolean;

	 * Add built modules information.
	modules?: boolean;

	 * Sort the modules by that field.
	modulesSort?: string;

	 * Add information about modules nested in other modules (like with module concatenation).
	nestedModules?: boolean;

	 * Show reasons why optimization bailed out for modules.
	optimizationBailout?: boolean;

	 * Add information about orphan modules.
	orphanModules?: boolean;

	 * Add output path information.
	outputPath?: boolean;

	 * Add performance hint flags.
	performance?: boolean;

	 * Preset for the default values.
	preset?: string | boolean;

	 * Show exports provided by modules.
	providedExports?: boolean;

	 * Add public path information.
	publicPath?: boolean;

	 * Add information about the reasons why modules are included.
	reasons?: boolean;

	 * Add information about runtime modules.
	runtime?: boolean;

	 * Add the source code of modules.
	source?: boolean;

	 * Add timing information.
	timings?: boolean;

	 * Show exports used by modules.
	usedExports?: boolean;

	 * Add webpack version information.
	version?: boolean;

	 * Add warnings.
	warnings?: boolean;

	 * Suppress warnings that match the specified filters. Filters can be Strings, RegExps or Functions.
	warningsFilter?: FilterTypes;
declare abstract class StatsPrinter {
	hooks: Readonly<{
		sortElements: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Array<string>, any], any>>;
		printElements: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Array<PrintedElement>, any], any>>;
		sortItems: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Array<any>, any], any>>;
		getItemName: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any], any>>;
		printItems: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[Array<string>, any], any>>;
		print: HookMap<SyncBailHook<[any, any], any>>;
		result: HookMap<SyncWaterfallHook<[string, any]>>;
	print(type?: any, object?: any, baseContext?: any): any;
type StatsValue =
	| boolean
	| "none"
	| "errors-only"
	| "minimal"
	| "normal"
	| "detailed"
	| "verbose"
	| "errors-warnings"
	| StatsOptions;
declare interface SyntheticDependencyLocation {
	name: string;
	index?: number;
declare const TOMBSTONE: unique symbol;
declare interface TagInfo {
	tag: any;
	data: any;
	next: TagInfo;
type Target =
	| "web"
	| "webworker"
	| "node"
	| "async-node"
	| "node-webkit"
	| "electron-main"
	| "electron-renderer"
	| "electron-preload"
	| ((compiler: Compiler) => void);
declare class Template {
	static getFunctionContent(fn: Function): string;
	static toIdentifier(str: string): string;
	static toComment(str: string): string;
	static toNormalComment(str: string): string;
	static toPath(str: string): string;
	static numberToIdentifier(n: number): string;
	static numberToIdentifierContinuation(n: number): string;
	static indent(s: string | Array<string>): string;
	static prefix(s: string | Array<string>, prefix: string): string;
	static asString(str: string | Array<string>): string;
	static getModulesArrayBounds(
		modules: Array<WithId>
	): false | [number, number];
	static renderChunkModules(
		renderContext: RenderContextModuleTemplate,
		modules: Array<Module>,
		renderModule: (arg0: Module) => Source,
		prefix?: string
	): Source;
	static renderRuntimeModules(
		runtimeModules: Array<RuntimeModule>,
		renderContext: RenderContextModuleTemplate
	): Source;
	static renderChunkRuntimeModules(
		runtimeModules: Array<RuntimeModule>,
		renderContext: RenderContextModuleTemplate
	): Source;
declare const UNDEFINED_MARKER: unique symbol;
declare interface UpdateHashContext {
	 * the module
	module: NormalModule;

	 * the compilation
	compilation: Compilation;
declare abstract class VariableInfo {
	declaredScope: ScopeInfo;
	freeName: string | true;
	tagInfo: TagInfo;
declare class WatchIgnorePlugin {
	constructor(options: WatchIgnorePluginOptions);
	paths: [string | RegExp, string | RegExp];

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;

 * This file was automatically generated.
 * Run `yarn special-lint-fix` to update
declare interface WatchIgnorePluginOptions {
	 * A list of RegExps or absolute paths to directories or files that should be ignored.
	paths: [string | RegExp, string | RegExp];

 * Options for the watcher.
declare interface WatchOptions {
	 * Delay the rebuilt after the first change. Value is a time in ms.
	aggregateTimeout?: number;

	 * Ignore some files from watching (glob pattern).
	ignored?: string | Array<string>;

	 * Enable polling mode for watching.
	poll?: number | boolean;

	 * Stop watching when stdin stream has ended.
	stdin?: boolean;
declare abstract class Watching {
	startTime: number;
	invalid: boolean;
	handler: CallbackFunction<Stats>;
	callbacks: Array<CallbackFunction<void>>;
	closed: boolean;
	suspended: boolean;
	watchOptions: {
		 * Delay the rebuilt after the first change. Value is a time in ms.
		aggregateTimeout?: number;
		 * Ignore some files from watching (glob pattern).
		ignored?: string | Array<string>;
		 * Enable polling mode for watching.
		poll?: number | boolean;
		 * Stop watching when stdin stream has ended.
		stdin?: boolean;
	compiler: Compiler;
	running: boolean;
	watcher: any;
	pausedWatcher: any;
		files: Iterable<string>,
		dirs: Iterable<string>,
		missing: Iterable<string>
	): void;
	invalidate(callback?: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
	suspend(): void;
	resume(): void;
	close(callback: CallbackFunction<void>): void;
declare class WebWorkerTemplatePlugin {

	 * Apply the plugin
	apply(compiler: Compiler): void;
declare interface WebpackError extends Error {
	details: any;
	module: Module;
	loc: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation;
	hideStack: boolean;
	chunk: Chunk;
	file: string;
	serialize(__0: { write: any }): void;
	deserialize(__0: { read: any }): void;
declare abstract class WebpackLogger {
	getChildLogger: (arg0: string | (() => string)) => WebpackLogger;
	error(...args: Array<any>): void;
	warn(...args: Array<any>): void;
	info(...args: Array<any>): void;
	log(...args: Array<any>): void;
	debug(...args: Array<any>): void;
	assert(assertion: any, ...args: Array<any>): void;
	trace(): void;
	clear(): void;
	status(...args: Array<any>): void;
	group(...args: Array<any>): void;
	groupCollapsed(...args: Array<any>): void;
	groupEnd(...args: Array<any>): void;
	profile(label?: any): void;
	profileEnd(label?: any): void;
	time(label?: any): void;
	timeLog(label?: any): void;
	timeEnd(label?: any): void;
	timeAggregate(label?: any): void;
	timeAggregateEnd(label?: any): void;
declare class WebpackOptionsApply extends OptionsApply {
declare class WebpackOptionsDefaulter {
	process(options?: any): any;

 * Normalized webpack options object.
declare interface WebpackOptionsNormalized {
	 * Set the value of `require.amd` and `define.amd`. Or disable AMD support.
	amd?: Amd;

	 * Report the first error as a hard error instead of tolerating it.
	bail?: boolean;

	 * Cache generated modules and chunks to improve performance for multiple incremental builds.
	cache: CacheOptionsNormalized;

	 * The base directory (absolute path!) for resolving the `entry` option. If `output.pathinfo` is set, the included pathinfo is shortened to this directory.
	context?: string;

	 * References to other configurations to depend on.
	dependencies?: Array<string>;

	 * Options for the webpack-dev-server.
	devServer?: DevServer;

	 * A developer tool to enhance debugging (false | eval | [inline-|hidden-|eval-][nosources-][cheap-[module-]]source-map).
	devtool?: DevTool;

	 * The entry point(s) of the compilation.
	entry: EntryNormalized;

	 * Enables/Disables experiments (experimental features with relax SemVer compatibility).
	experiments: Experiments;

	 * Specify dependencies that shouldn't be resolved by webpack, but should become dependencies of the resulting bundle. The kind of the dependency depends on `output.libraryTarget`.
	externals: Externals;

	 * Specifies the default type of externals ('amd*', 'umd*', 'system' and 'jsonp' depend on output.libraryTarget set to the same value).
	externalsType?: ExternalsType;

	 * Options for infrastructure level logging.
	infrastructureLogging: InfrastructureLogging;

	 * Custom values available in the loader context.
	loader?: Loader;

	 * Enable production optimizations or development hints.
	mode?: Mode;

	 * Options affecting the normal modules (`NormalModuleFactory`).
	module: ModuleOptions;

	 * Name of the configuration. Used when loading multiple configurations.
	name?: string;

	 * Include polyfills or mocks for various node stuff.
	node: Node;

	 * Enables/Disables integrated optimizations.
	optimization: Optimization;

	 * Normalized options affecting the output of the compilation. `output` options tell webpack how to write the compiled files to disk.
	output: OutputNormalized;

	 * The number of parallel processed modules in the compilation.
	parallelism?: number;

	 * Configuration for web performance recommendations.
	performance?: Performance;

	 * Add additional plugins to the compiler.
	plugins: Array<
		((this: Compiler, compiler: Compiler) => void) | WebpackPluginInstance

	 * Capture timing information for each module.
	profile?: boolean;

	 * Store compiler state to a json file.
	recordsInputPath?: DevTool;

	 * Load compiler state from a json file.
	recordsOutputPath?: DevTool;

	 * Options for the resolver.
	resolve: ResolveOptions;

	 * Options for the resolver when resolving loaders.
	resolveLoader: ResolveOptions;

	 * Stats options object or preset name.
	stats: StatsValue;

	 * Environment to build for.
	target?: Target;

	 * Enter watch mode, which rebuilds on file change.
	watch?: boolean;

	 * Options for the watcher.
	watchOptions: WatchOptions;

 * Plugin instance.
declare interface WebpackPluginInstance {
	[index: string]: any;

	 * The run point of the plugin, required method.
	apply: (compiler: Compiler) => void;
declare interface WithId {
	id: string | number;
declare interface WithOptions {
	 * create a resolver with additional/different options
	withOptions: (arg0?: any) => Resolver & WithOptions;
declare interface WriteOnlySet<T> {
	add(item: T): void;
type __TypeWebpackOptions = (data: {}) =>
	| string
	| {
			 * Unique loader options identifier.
			ident?: string;
			 * Loader name.
			loader?: string;
			 * Loader options.
			options?: RuleSetLoaderOptions;
	| __TypeWebpackOptions
	| Array<RuleSetUseItem>;
declare function exports(
	options: Configuration,
	callback?: CallbackWebpack<Stats>
): Compiler;
declare function exports(
	options: Array<Configuration>,
	callback?: CallbackWebpack<MultiStats>
): MultiCompiler;
declare namespace exports {
	export const webpack: {
		(options: Configuration, callback?: CallbackWebpack<Stats>): Compiler;
			options: Array<Configuration>,
			callback?: CallbackWebpack<MultiStats>
		): MultiCompiler;
	export const validate: (options?: any) => void;
	export const validateSchema: (schema?: any, options?: any) => void;
	export const version: string;
	export namespace cli {
		export let getArguments: (schema?: any) => Record<string, Argument>;
		export let processArguments: (
			args: Record<string, Argument>,
			config: any,
			values: Record<
				| string
				| number
				| boolean
				| RegExp
				| Array<string | number | boolean | RegExp>
		) => Array<Problem>;
	export namespace ModuleFilenameHelpers {
		export let ALL_LOADERS_RESOURCE: string;
		export let LOADERS_RESOURCE: string;
		export let RESOURCE: string;
		export let REGEXP_RESOURCE: RegExp;
		export let ABSOLUTE_RESOURCE_PATH: string;
		export let RESOURCE_PATH: string;
		export let REGEXP_RESOURCE_PATH: RegExp;
		export let ALL_LOADERS: string;
		export let REGEXP_ALL_LOADERS: RegExp;
		export let LOADERS: string;
		export let REGEXP_LOADERS: RegExp;
		export let QUERY: string;
		export let REGEXP_QUERY: RegExp;
		export let ID: string;
		export let REGEXP_ID: RegExp;
		export let HASH: string;
		export let REGEXP_HASH: RegExp;
		export let NAMESPACE: string;
		export let REGEXP_NAMESPACE: RegExp;
		export let createFilename: (
			module: any,
			options: any,
			__2: { requestShortener: any; chunkGraph: any }
		) => any;
		export let replaceDuplicates: (
			array?: any,
			fn?: any,
			comparator?: any
		) => any;
		export let matchPart: (str?: any, test?: any) => any;
		export let matchObject: (obj?: any, str?: any) => boolean;
	export namespace RuntimeGlobals {
		export let require: string;
		export let requireScope: string;
		export let exports: string;
		export let thisAsExports: string;
		export let returnExportsFromRuntime: string;
		export let module: string;
		export let moduleId: string;
		export let moduleLoaded: string;
		export let publicPath: string;
		export let entryModuleId: string;
		export let moduleCache: string;
		export let moduleFactories: string;
		export let moduleFactoriesAddOnly: string;
		export let ensureChunk: string;
		export let ensureChunkHandlers: string;
		export let ensureChunkIncludeEntries: string;
		export let prefetchChunk: string;
		export let prefetchChunkHandlers: string;
		export let preloadChunk: string;
		export let preloadChunkHandlers: string;
		export let definePropertyGetters: string;
		export let makeNamespaceObject: string;
		export let createFakeNamespaceObject: string;
		export let compatGetDefaultExport: string;
		export let harmonyModuleDecorator: string;
		export let nodeModuleDecorator: string;
		export let getFullHash: string;
		export let wasmInstances: string;
		export let instantiateWasm: string;
		export let uncaughtErrorHandler: string;
		export let scriptNonce: string;
		export let chunkName: string;
		export let getChunkScriptFilename: string;
		export let getChunkUpdateScriptFilename: string;
		export let startup: string;
		export let startupNoDefault: string;
		export let interceptModuleExecution: string;
		export let global: string;
		export let getUpdateManifestFilename: string;
		export let hmrDownloadManifest: string;
		export let hmrDownloadUpdateHandlers: string;
		export let hmrModuleData: string;
		export let hmrInvalidateModuleHandlers: string;
		export let amdDefine: string;
		export let amdOptions: string;
		export let system: string;
		export let hasOwnProperty: string;
		export let systemContext: string;
	export const WebpackOptionsValidationError: ValidationError;
	export const ValidationError: ValidationError;
	export namespace cache {
		export { MemoryCachePlugin };
	export namespace config {
		export const getNormalizedWebpackOptions: (
			config: Configuration
		) => WebpackOptionsNormalized;
		export const applyWebpackOptionsDefaults: (
			options: WebpackOptionsNormalized
		) => void;
	export namespace ids {
		export {
	export namespace javascript {
		export { JavascriptModulesPlugin };
	export namespace optimize {
		export {
	export namespace web {
		export { FetchCompileWasmPlugin, JsonpTemplatePlugin };
	export namespace webworker {
		export { WebWorkerTemplatePlugin };
	export namespace node {
		export {
	export namespace wasm {
		export { AsyncWebAssemblyModulesPlugin };
	export namespace library {
		export { AbstractLibraryPlugin, EnableLibraryPlugin };
	export namespace debug {
		export { ProfilingPlugin };
	export namespace util {
		export const createHash: (algorithm: HashFunction) => Hash;
		export namespace comparators {
			export let compareChunksById: (a: Chunk, b: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareModulesByIdentifier: (
				a: Module,
				b: Module
			) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareModulesById: (
				arg0: ChunkGraph
			) => (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareNumbers: (a: number, b: number) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareStringsNumeric: (a: string, b: string) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareModulesByPostOrderIndexOrIdentifier: (
				arg0: ModuleGraph
			) => (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareModulesByPreOrderIndexOrIdentifier: (
				arg0: ModuleGraph
			) => (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareModulesByIdOrIdentifier: (
				arg0: ChunkGraph
			) => (arg0: Module, arg1: Module) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareChunks: (
				arg0: ChunkGraph
			) => (arg0: Chunk, arg1: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareIds: (
				a: string | number,
				b: string | number
			) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareChunkGroupsByIndex: (
				a: ChunkGroup,
				b: ChunkGroup
			) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let concatComparators: <T>(
				c1: (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1,
				c2: (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1,
				...cRest: Array<(arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1>
			) => (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareSelect: <T, R>(
				getter: (input: T) => R,
				comparator: (arg0: R, arg1: R) => 0 | 1 | -1
			) => (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareIterables: <T>(
				elementComparator: (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1
			) => (arg0: Iterable<T>, arg1: Iterable<T>) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let keepOriginalOrder: <T>(
				iterable: Iterable<T>
			) => (arg0: T, arg1: T) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareChunksNatural: (
				chunkGraph: ChunkGraph
			) => (arg0: Chunk, arg1: Chunk) => 0 | 1 | -1;
			export let compareLocations: (
				a: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation,
				b: SyntheticDependencyLocation | RealDependencyLocation
			) => 0 | 1 | -1;
		export namespace serialization {
			export let register: (
				Constructor: { new (...params: Array<any>): any },
				request: string,
				name: string,
				serializer: ObjectSerializer
			) => void;
			export let registerLoader: (
				regExp: RegExp,
				loader: (arg0: string) => boolean
			) => void;
			export let registerNotSerializable: (Constructor: {
				new (...params: Array<any>): any;
			}) => void;
			export let NOT_SERIALIZABLE: {};
			export let buffersSerializer: Serializer;
			export let createFileSerializer: (fs?: any) => Serializer;
	export type WebpackPluginFunction = (
		this: Compiler,
		compiler: Compiler
	) => void;
	export type ParserState = Record<string, any> & ParserStateBase;
	export {
		EntryPlugin as SingleEntryPlugin,

export = exports;
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