Revision 4d37ecce6b3f6a5469d23eeba965d7de2f5ca70f authored by Björn Böttcher on 13 September 2018, 14:20:06 UTC, committed by cran-robot on 13 September 2018, 14:20:06 UTC
1 parent 441d15d
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/multivariance-functions.R
\title{rejection level via resampling}
resample.rejection.level(alpha = 0.05, ...)
\item{alpha}{numeric, the significance value}
\item{...}{passed to \code{\link{resample.multivariance}}. Required is the data matrix \code{x}.}
Uses the resample method to sample from the test statistic under the hypothesis of independence. The alpha quantile of these samples is returned.
resample.rejection.level(0.05,matrix(rnorm(30*2),nrow = 30))
resample.rejection.level(0.05,matrix(rnorm(30*3),nrow = 30),vec = c(1,1,2))
For the theoretic background see the reference [3] given on the main help page of this package: \link{multivariance-package}.
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