Revision 4f6006440f085c84bda5c2676d5dfbe27b06440a authored by sabine seifert on 24 September 2022, 13:15:56 UTC, committed by sabine seifert on 24 September 2022, 13:15:56 UTC
1 parent f19599e
Raw File
<TEI xmlns="">
<fileDesc><titleStmt><title>Test file</title></titleStmt>
<publicationStmt><p xml:id="la">Unpublished demo</p><p xml:id="is"/></publicationStmt>
<repository>Bibliothèque Municipale</repository>
<idno>MS 3</idno>
<msName>Maurdramnus Bible</msName>
<!-- other elements here -->
<msIdentifier><idno>MS 6</idno></msIdentifier>
<!-- other information specific to this part here -->
<msIdentifier><idno>MS 7</idno></msIdentifier>
<!-- other information specific to this part here -->
<!-- other msParts here -->
<msDesc >
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Rawlinson poet. 149</idno>
<author>Geoffrey Chaucer</author>
<title>The Canterbury Tales</title>
<rubric>The Tales of Canterbury</rubric>
<note>Mutilated at beginning and end: contains A431-I1092 
in the Riverside edition numbering</note>
<textLang>Middle English</textLang>
<support><p>Parchment codex</p></support>
<extent>136 folios:
<p>Twenty-three quires of eight, of which only nine are not defective, 
and a final (defective) quire of six.</p>
<layout ruledLines="38 74">
<p>Margined and ruled with crayon through fol. 51v , then in drypoint.
 Single columns of 38-74 lines per page.</p>
<handDesc hands="4">
<p>Four hands, varying between cursive anglicana (the first hand) and mixed
secretary (the fourth hand). The fourth hand is responsible for around
two-thirds of the manuscript, from fol. 45 to the end; the third hand wrote
only three lines and a few words on fol. 38r; the other two hands divide the
remainder of the manuscript up to fol. 45 between them.</p></handDesc>
<additions><p>A fifteenth-century note in the margin of fol. 114v.</p>
<p><origDate notBefore="1450" notAfter="1475">1450-1475</origDate>
<origPlace>Pembrokeshire (Wales)</origPlace></p>
<provenance><p>On fol. 91r is a smudged copy of a bill or document
with names  of people and places in Wales (Pembrokeshire, Bangor) 
and the date 1607</p></provenance>
<p>Left to the Bodleian by Richard Rawlinson in 1755.</p>
<source><p>This description is derived from that made by Daniel W. Mosser
for the Canterbury Tales Project.</p></source>
<p>A rotograph copy of the manuscript was made for John Manly in the 1920s,
and a copy of this rotograph is available in microfilm as part of the
Manly/Rickert collection from the University of Chicago library. The
manuscript has been microfilmed more recently by the Bodleian. Digital
images derived from this microfilm have been published on the CDROMs
prepared by the Canterbury Tales Project.</p>
<msDesc > 
  <msIdentifier n="KK1321"> 
	 <repository>Det Arnamagnæanske Institut</repository> 
	 <idno>AM 544 4to</idno> 
	 <msName type="nickname" xml:lang="is">Hauksbók</msName>
<!--  <head> 
	 <origDate>s. XIV in</origDate> 
 <textLang>Old Norse</textLang> 
  </head> -->

	 <msItem n="1"> 
		<locus from="1r" to="14v">1r-14v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Geographica qvædam et physica, Theologica
		  qvædam ex sermonibus Augustini, Varia, atqve inter ea Astronomica
		<note>Ff. 1r-14v contains a collection of dissertations and excerpts on
		  geographical, chronological and theological subjects</note> 
		<textLang>Old Norse</textLang> 
		<msItem n="a"> 
		  <locus from="1r1" to="1v23">1r:1-1v:23</locus> 
		  <title type="supplied">On famous rivers and miraculous springs.</title>
		  <incipit>Brunnr er <supplied resp="ed" reason="damage">einn i paradiso. er or
			 falla fiorar ar hingat i þenna</supplied> heim</incipit> 
		  <explicit>En ef hia er þei<expan>m</expan> latet liggia kleði
			 eða vil eða smor tre þa verðr allt at steini</explicit> 
		<msItem n="b"> 
		  <locus from="1v24" to="2r8">1v:24 -2r:8</locus> 
		  <title type="uniform">Prologus</title> 
		  <incipit>Þat er sagt at Moyses toeki þat rað
		  <explicit>Oc namo þar siða aðrer eftir
			 þei<expan>m</expan> at skrifa a bokum þau tiðendi er eigi skyldi
			 or minni liða.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="c"> 
		  <locus from="2r9" to="2r19">2r:9-2r:19</locus> 
		  <title type="uniform">Fra paradiso</title> 
		  <rubric>Fra paradiso</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Sva er sagt at paradis er hi<expan>n</expan>n oesti lutr
			 þessarar veraldar.</incipit> 
		  <explicit>oc veria bio<supplied reason="illegible">r</supplied>g oc
			 hitar at me<expan>n</expan>n skili eigi þangat komast.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="d"> 
		  <locus from="2r20" to="4r7">2r:20-4r:7</locus> 
		  <rubric>Her segír fra þvi hv<expan>er</expan>su lond liggia i
		  <incipit>Þessarar bygðar er Indialand yst.</incipit> 
		  <explicit>þar er Meinlangs borg a í henní var Ambrosius
		<msItem n="e"> 
		  <locus from="4r7" to="8r12">4r:7-8r:12</locus> 
		  <rubric>V<expan>m</expan> þat hvaðan otru hofst.</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Liufir broeðr</incipit> 
		  <explicit>a hinu<expan>m</expan> helga crosse</explicit> 
		<msItem n="f"> 
		  <locus from="8r12" to="8v7">8r:12-8v:7</locus> 
		  <rubric>Fra buí hvar hv<expan>er</expan>r Noa sona bygði
		  <incipit>Synir Noa voro .iij. þeir skiftur ollum heími
			 með ser hvaar kyn hvers þeira skilldi byggia</incipit> 
		  <explicit>þa verða tungur alsz .ij. oc .ixx. en
			 þioð lond. þushundrað.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="g"> 
		  <locus from="8v7" to="9r31">8v:7-9r:31</locus> 
		  <rubric>Her segir fra margahattaðum þioðdum.</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Sva segia froðar boekr at i heímínum se sva
			 marg hattaðar þiodar þeði at vexti oc at
		  <explicit>þeir ero sva við me<expan>n</expan>n sem olmer
		<msItem n="h"> 
		  <locus from="9v1" to="10v27">9v:1-10v:27</locus> 
		  <incipit>Hin helgí b<expan>ysku</expan>p er heitir Augustinus
			 melti við þa me<expan>n</expan>n er hann var kenní maðr
		  <explicit>beði þessi heíms oc sua annar. þat se.
		<msItem n="i"> 
		  <locus from="10v28" to="12r11">10v:28-12r:11</locus> 
		  <title type="uniform">Four passages from Elucidarius</title> 
		  <rubric>Her segir huaðan blot skur guða hofust.</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Ef aller gofgaðu einn guð fyst i
		  <explicit>þetta er at doema lifendr oc dauða.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="j"> 
		  <locus from="12r11" to="13r26">12r:11-13r:26</locus> 
		  <rubric>Vm ímbru dag held</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Moyses bauð Gyðingu<expan>m</expan>
			 forðu<expan>m</expan> i logu<expan>m</expan> at hallda ímbru daga
			 ferna a hu<expan>er</expan>íu<expan>m</expan></incipit> 
		  <explicit>Sa er lifr oc rikir með feðr oc syni oc anda helgum
			 vm allar allder i einu<expan>m</expan> guðdome. A-</explicit> 
		<msItem n="k"> 
		  <locus from="13r26" to="13v11">13r:26-13v:11</locus> 
		  <rubric>Vm regnboga.</rubric> 
		  <incipit>A Regn boga ero þrir lítír</incipit> 
		  <explicit>oc nokor miseri síðan at eigi skilldi oftar
			 floð koma þat er heímen œyddi sua sem a hans dogum
			 hafðe orðet.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="l"> 
		  <locus from="13v11" to="14r4">13v:11-14r:4</locus> 
		  <title type="uniform"/> 
		  <rubric>V<expan>m</expan> solstoðr</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Þa er laupar hefer veret um varet aðr a
			 þei<expan>m</expan> degi er .x. netr ero til Ions messo</incipit> 
		  <explicit>Sia eer solar gangr at tolo Stiorno-Odda norðan a
		<msItem n="m"> 
		  <locus from="14r5" to="14v30">14r:5-14v:30</locus> 
		  <title type="supplied"/> 
		  <rubric>Vm borga skipam oc legstaðe heilagra
		  <incipit><!--&rmaj;-->Rvma borg er yf<expan>ir</expan> ollu<expan>m</expan>
			 borgom. </incipit> 
		  <explicit>oc af bondom hins</explicit> 
			 <title level="m">Symbolæ ad geographiam medii ævi</title> 
			 <author>Jón Þorkelsson</author> 
			 <title level="m">Nokkur blöð úr Hauksbók</title> 
			 <title level="m">Antiquités Russes</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">430-441</biblScope> 
	 </msItem> </msItem>
	 <msItem n="2"> 
		<locus from="15r" to="18v">15r-18v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Theologica qvædam, videntur esse úr
<textLang>Old Norse</textLang>	 </msItem> 
	 <msItem n="a"> 
		<locus from="15r1" to="15r9">15r:1-15r:9</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">The end of a story about a "servant of God"</title>
		<incipit>vin þinn þér.</incipit> 
		<explicit>k<expan>onung</expan>r bað menn sína lata fara
		  ha<expan>nn</expan> með naðum þ<expan>uia</expan>t
		  h<expan>ann</expan> er guðs þiónústu
	 <msItem n="b"> 
		<locus from="15r10" to="16r3">15r:10-16r:3</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">?</title> 
		<rubric>Fra heilræðum spekinga</rubric> 
		<incipit>Nv spurði lærisveinn meistara sinn.</incipit> 
		<explicit>Þat veítí oss faðir ok sun hinn helgi andi
	 <msItem n="c"> 
		<locus from="16r3" to="17r12">16r:3-17r:12</locus> 
		<title type="uniform"/> 
		<rubric>Af nattura mann<expan>zin</expan>s <expan>ok</expan> bloði
		<incipit>Allzvalltandi guð e<expan>r</expan> af engu efni
		  g<expan>er</expan>ði alla luti</incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> fellr þui slefa
		  oruósu<expan>m</expan> se<expan>m</expan> bornu<expan>m</expan></explicit>
	 <msItem n="d"> 
		<locus from="17r13" to="18v31">17r:13-18v:31</locus> 
		<title type="uniform"/> 
		<rubric>Hvaðan komin<expan>n</expan> er + drottin<supplied reason="illegible">s</supplied></rubric> 
		<incipit>Sva er sagt siðan Adam hafði syndina gerua i
		  páradiso. </incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> sannaðiz sua spasaga
	 <msItem n="e"> 
		<title type="uniform">?</title> 
		<incipit>Þesser eru xij heims osomar þeir er tela
		<explicit>lyðr laga lausa.</explicit> 
	 <msItem n="3"> 
		<locus from="19r" to="19r">19r</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Grundplan af Jerusalem</title> 
		<rubric><supplied reason="illegible">Civitas Hiervsalem
			 <editor>C.R. Unger </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Heilagra manna sögur</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Theodor Möbius</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Analecta norrœna</title> 
			 <pubPlace>Leipzig </pubPlace> 
	 <msItem n="4"> 
		<locus from="19v" to="19v">19v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Afsaknir fyrir samneyti við bannsetta.</title>
		<incipit>Uær viliu<expan>m</expan> þ<expan>at</expan> birta
		  f<expan>yr</expan>i folke af hu<expan>er</expan>ium til fellu<expan>m</expan>
		  þeir menn megu lagl<expan>ega</expan> af sakaz sem bansettum
		  m<expan>onnu</expan><!--&mmaj;-->Msamneyta sua at þ<expan>ei</expan>r falla i ecke
		  bann eða forboð fyri þa skyld</incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> fær h<expan>ann</expan> eigi forðaz
		  þ<expan>ei</expan>ra samneyte.</explicit> 
	 <msItem n="5"> 
		<locus from="20v" to="21r">ff.20r-21v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Völuspá</title> 
		<incipit>Hlioðs bið ek allar helgar kind<expan>ir</expan> meiri
		  ok minni mogu Hei<expan>m</expan>dallar villtv at ek vafoðrs vel fram
		  telia forn spioll fira þau er ek fremz v<expan>m</expan> man.</incipit> 
		<explicit>Kemr hin<expan>n</expan> dimi dreki fliugandi naðr
		  fraan<expan>n </expan>neðan fra Niða b<expan>er</expan>r sier i
		  fioðrum flygr uoll yf<expan>ir</expan> Niðhoggr nai nv man hon
			 <editor>Finnur Magnússon </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Edda Sæmundar hins Fróða </title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">III</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 191-208</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Theodor Möbius </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Edda Sæmundar hins fróða</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 265-72</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Konrad Gíslason</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Fire og fyrretyve for en stor Deel forhen utrykte
				Prøver af oldnordisk Sprog og Litteratur</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp 534-44</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Sophus Bugge</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Norrœn Fornkvæði</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 19-26</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Jón Helgason</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Vœluspá, Hávamál</title> 
			 <title level="s">Eddadigte</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
		<note>The text is different from Voluspá in Codex Regius and in
		  Snorri's Edda and represents an independent record based on oral
	 <msItem n="6"> 
		<locus from="22r" to="33v">ff. 22r-33v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Trójumanna saga</title> 
		<rubric>Her hefr Troio manna sogv</rubric> 
		<incipit>A nogvm Iosve er hofðingi var a Iorsala landi yfir
		  Gyþinga lyð eftir Moyises </incipit> 
		<explicit>en h<expan>er</expan> eft<expan>ir</expan>
		  hef<expan>ir</expan>sogv f<expan>ra</expan> Enea <expan>ok</expan>
		  þei<expan>m</expan>e<expan>r</expan> Bretl<expan>an</expan>d
			 <editor>Jón Sigurðsson</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Trójumanna Saga</title> 
			 <title level="s">Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie</title>
			 <biblScope type="volume"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp.3-215</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="7"> 
		<locus from="34r" to="34r">f. 34r</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Um náttúrur steina</title> 
		<incipit>Ematis<expan>v</expan>s hef<expan>ir</expan> pvpvralit
		  se<expan>m</expan> vindropi.</incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> vtan vm linklæði þa
		  e<expan>r</expan> sagt at ha<expan>nn</expan> bœt<expan>ir</expan>
		  riðv <expan>ok</expan> allzkyns meínsemðer</explicit> 
	 <msItem n="8"> 
		<locus from="35v" to="35v">35v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform"> 
		<q>Cicio ianus</q></title> 
		<incipit>Cicio ianus epi uendicat oct fe ma maran</incipit> 
		<explicit>Sicca uirirs afia curuis rex bustet cauet sic Brito creans
		  stilbon ori <!--&rmaj;-->Ris aud saba uiris as</explicit> 
		<note>Cicio ianus is a versified Latin enumeration for remembering the
		  church festivals throughout the year. </note> 
	 <msItem n="9"> 
		<locus from="36r" to="59r">36r-59r</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Breta sögur including 
		<title>Merlinus spá</title></title> 
		<rubric>h<expan>er</expan> hefr Breta sogvr</rubric> 
		<incipit>Nv e<expan>r</expan> at segia af Enea env<expan>m</expan> millda
		  at h<expan>ann</expan> rakz lengi i hafe þa er h<expan>ann</expan>for af
		  Troio <expan>ok</expan> kom h<expan>ann</expan> vm siþ<expan>ir</expan>
		  <supplied reason="illegible">við</supplied> Sikiley.</incipit> 
		<explicit>h<expan>ann</expan> fostradi Hakon svn Haralz
		  k<expan>onung</expan>s harfa<supplied reason="illegible">g</supplied>ra</explicit> 
			 <editor>Jón Sigurðsson</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Breta sögur</title> 
			 <title level="s">Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie</title>
			 <biblScope type="volume"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp.3-145</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="10"> 
		<locus from="60r" to="68v">60r-68v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">viðræða lika<expan>m</expan>s
		  <expan>ok</expan> salar</title> 
		<incipit>BOk þ<expan>er</expan>sa g<expan>er</expan>ði meistari
		  Valltí<!--&rmaj;-->R af samburð tve<!-- &gmaj;-->Gia m<expan>ann</expan>a ok
		  rœðir hva<!--&rmaj;-->R við an<expan>n</expan>an af sinv efni
		<explicit>en heí<expan>m</expan>r e<!--&gmaj;-->Giar hegoma
		  þ<expan>at</expan> er at heliaz a v<expan>er</expan>alldar</explicit> 
			 <editor>C.R. Unger </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Heilagra Manna Sögur</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 446-73</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Theodor Möbius</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Analecta Norrœna</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 260-63</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="11"> 
		<locus from="69r" to="72v">69r-72v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Hemings þáttr
		<incipit>viss orðin af sanninda monnVM at annaR er konvng yfir
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> andaðiz þeiri einsetv
		  <expan>ok</expan> lykr þ<expan>a</expan>r nv fra Hemingi at
			 <editor>Guðbrandur Vigfússon </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Hemings þattr</title> 
			 <title level="s">Icelandic Sagas </title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 372-87</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Det kgl. nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab</editor> 
			 <title level="m"/> 
			 <title level="s">Grønlands historiske Mindesmærker</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="12"> 
		<locus from="72v" to="76v">72v-76v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks</title> 
		<rubric>her heffr vp<expan>p</expan> sogv Heiðreks konungs ens
		<incipit>Sva er sagt at fyrndin<expan>n</expan>i v<expan>a</expan>r
		  kallað Iotvnheímar norðr i Fin<expan>n</expan>mork en Ymis
		  l<expan>an</expan>d fyri svnnam ok milli<expan>m</expan> Haloga
		<explicit>Ok var nú Óðinn honum reiðr or 0rðinn
		  síðan hann hió til hans ok á þeiri nótt var
		  konung drepinn</explicit> 
			 <editor>P.F. Suhm</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Hervararsaga</title> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Hervarar Saga</title> 
			 <title level="s">Fornaldar Sögur Nordrlanda</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 513-33</biblScope> 
			 <editor>N.M. Petersen</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Hervarar Saga ok Heiðreks Konungs</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume"/> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Antiquités Russes</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. XXII-XXV</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Sophus Bugge</editor> 
			 <title level="m"/> 
			 <title level="s">Norröne Skrifter af Sagnhistorisk
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 205-36</biblScope> 
			 <editor>I. Sarovolskij</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Skazanie o mece Tjurfinge</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 1-29</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Jón Helgason</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Heiðreks saga</title> 
			 <title level="s">Samfund til Udgivelse af gammel nordisk
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 1-83</biblScope> 
		<note>The saga is defective and ends in the beginning of the riddle
	 <msItem n="13"> 
		<locus from="77r" to="89v">77r-89v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Fóstbræðra saga</title> 
		<rubric type="final"><expan>ok</expan> lykr h<expan>er</expan> fra sogn
		  þ<expan>ei</expan>ri er v<expan>er</expan> kvnv<expan>m</expan> at segia
		  f<expan>ra</expan> Þ<supplied reason="illegible">ormoði</supplied>
		  kap<expan>p</expan>a hins. helga Olafs. k<expan>onung</expan>s</rubric> 
		<incipit>kenningar nafn at þv skallt kolbrvnar skalld
		<explicit>sviða s<expan>v</expan>a m<expan>vn</expan>di
		  h<expan>ann</expan> vilia </explicit> 
			 <editor>Konrad Gíslason </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Fóstbrœðra saga</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 63-112</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Björn K. Þórólfsson </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Fóstbrœðra saga</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 70-216</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Det kgl. nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Grønlands historiske Mindesmærker </title>
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 282-402</biblScope> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Antiquités Russes</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 349-50</biblScope> 
		<note>Fóstbrœ is also found in three other version in the
		  following manuscripts of the fourteenth century: M<!--&ohbr;-->Oðruvallabók,
		  Flateyjarbók and R</note> 
	 <msItem n="14"> 
		<locus from="89v" to="93r">89v-93r</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Algorismus</title> 
		<rubric>H<expan>er</expan> byriar algorismu<expan>m</expan></rubric> 
		<incipit>List þessi heitir algorism<expan>v</expan>s</incipit> 
		<explicit>fig<expan>v</expan>R er her er sidaR ger. <expan>ok</expan>
		  kollvt e<expan>r</expan> kvbvs
			 <author>Otto B. Bekken</author> 
			 <title level="m">On the CUBUS PERFECTUS of the Algorismus in
			 <author>Otto B. Bekken</author> 
			 <title level="m">Algorismus i Hauksbók i europeiske
			 <editor>P.A. Munch</editor> 
			 <title level="s">Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie</title>
	 <msItem n="15"> 
		<locus from="93r" to="101v">93r-101v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Eireks saga rauða</title> 
		<rubric><supplied reason="illegible">Her hefr upp Sò þeirra
		  Þorfinns Karls efnis oc Snorra Þorbrandzsonar</supplied></rubric> 
		<incipit>Olafr het her k<expan>onvng</expan>r e<expan>r</expan> kalladr
		  var Olafr hvit; han<expan>n</expan> var s<supplied reason="illegible">vn</supplied> Ingiallz k<expan>onvngs</expan> Helga
		  s<supplied reason="illegible">vnar</supplied> Olafs s<supplied reason="illegible">vnar</supplied> Gvredar s<supplied reason="illegible">vnar</supplied> Halfdan<expan>ar</expan> svnar
		<explicit>þ<expan>at</expan> er ecki e<expan>r</expan>
		  h<expan>er</expan> skrað. veri gvð með ors ame<!--&nmaj;-->N.</explicit>
			 <author>Richard Perkins </author> 
			 <title level="a">The Furðustrandir of Eiríks saga
			 <title level="j">Mediaeval Scandinavia</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">IX</biblScope> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Antiqvitates Americanæ</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. xvi-xviii</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Det kgl. nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Grønlands Historiske Mindesmærker</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 352-494</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Arthur M. Reeves</editor> 
			 <title level="m">The Finding of Wineland the Good</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">104-21</biblScope> 
			 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace> 
			 <editor>G. Storm</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Eiríks saga Rauða</title> 
			 <title level="s">Samfund til udgivelse af gammel nordisk
			 <biblScope type="volume"/> 
			 <editor>Sven B. F. Jansson </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Sagorna om Vinland</title> 
			 <title level="s">Stockholm studies in Scandinavian philology</title> 
			 <title level="s">Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens
			 <biblScope type="volume">5</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 26-81</biblScope> 
			 <note>The two versions of the saga which are found in AM 544 4to and
				AM 557 4to are printed side by side in this edition.</note></bibl> 
	 <msItem n="16"> 
		<locus from="101v" to="104v">101v-104v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Saga skálda Haralds konungs
		<rubric>H<expan>er</expan> hefr sgv skallda Harallz
		  k<expan>onvn</expan>gs harfagra </rubric> 
		<incipit>HAralldr k<expan>onun</expan>gr harfagri reð
		  f<expan>yr</expan>i Noregi.</incipit> 
		<explicit>dagar Har<expan>alldz</expan> k<expan>onvng</expan>s harfagra
		  v<expan>arv</expan> marg<expan>ir</expan> <expan>ok</expan>
		  tigvlig<expan>ir</expan> ok slik æfilok sem marg<expan>ir</expan> hafa
		  heyrt <expan>ok</expan> seg<expan>ir</expan> h<expan>er</expan> ecki lengra af
			 <title level="s">Scripta historica Islandorum de rebus gestis veterum
			 <biblScope type="volume">III</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Norrœna fornfræða félags</editor> 
			 <title level="s">Fornmanna Sögur</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">III</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 65-82</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="17"> 
		<locus from="104v" to="105v">104v-105v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform"> 
		<q>Af Vp<expan>p</expan>lendinga konvngv<expan>m</expan></q></title> 
		<incipit>Olafr svn Ingiallz k<expan>onung</expan>s illraða af Svia
		  <!--&rmaj;-->R<expan>ik</expan>i rvddi Vermaland</incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> af h<expan>ans</expan> nafni erv Ynglingar
			 <editor>Jacobus Langebek</editor> 
			 <title level="s">Scriptores Rerum Danicarum Medii Ævi</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <title level="s">Fornaldar Sögur Nordrlanda eptir gömlum
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 103-6</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="18"> 
		<locus from="105r" to="107v">105r-107v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Þáttr af Ragnars sonum</title> 
		<rubric>Her seger af Ragnars svnv<expan>m</expan><expan>ok</expan>
		  hv<expan>er</expan>sv marg<expan>ir</expan> k<expan>onvn</expan>gar erv komner
		  af þei<expan>m</expan></rubric> 
		<incipit>Eft<expan>ir</expan> davða Rings k<expan>onvn</expan>gs tok
		  Ragna<!--&rmaj;-->R svn hans k<expan>onvn</expan>gdóm yf<expan>ir</expan> Svia
		  velldi <expan>ok</expan> Dana</incipit> 
		<explicit>h<expan>ann</expan> tok fystr trú <expan>ok</expan>
		  skirín sin<expan>n</expan>a ættma<expan>n</expan>na</explicit> 
			 <editor>Jacobus Langebek</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Þáttr af Ragnars sonum</title> 
			 <title level="s">Scriptoreres Rerum Danicarum Medii Ævi</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Þáttr af Ragnars sonum</title> 
			 <title level="s">Fornaldar Sögur Nordrlanda eptir gömlum
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 345-60</biblScope> 
    <objectDesc form="codex">
                <material>parchment</material> </p>
	 <extent>107 fols. <dimensions type="leaf" scope="all"><height>243
		mm.</height><width>158 mm.</width></dimensions></extent> 
<foliation><!--	 <paratext> -->
		<p>Besides the present foliation which is red there are two older
		  foliations. The first one of these is from 
		  <date>c. 1800</date> and shows traces of the earlier random order of
		  the gatherings and therefore it includes 1r-14v but not 102r-7v. 
		  <name type="person">Jón Sigurðsson</name> did the second
		  foliation and it is similar to the order mentioned by 
		  <name type="owner">Arní Magnússon</name> in AM 435 a 4to
		  though it has been done without consideration for f. 1r-14v as these folios
		  were incorporated in the Reykjavík collection of antiquities until 
<!--	 </paratext> --></foliation>
		<p>The manuscript now consists of 107 leaves which are divided into 14
		  gatherings: Gathering 1: 1r-8v, Gathering 2 9r-14v. ff. 11+14 and 12+13 are
		  conjugate, but 9 and 10 are single leaves. After f. 14 two leaves which were
		  conjugate with 9-10 have been cut out: a narrow strip of each of the excised
		  leaves remains in the spine of the book. Gathering 3:15r-21v. ff. 15+21 are
		  conjugate, 16 was a single leaf from the beginning, 17+20 seem to have been
		  conjugate when 
		  <name type="scholar">Finnur Jónsson</name> wrote his description
		  of the manuscript, but are separate now, and so are 18+19, which presumably
		  were once conjugate. The gathering consists of 7 leaves. Gathering 4:22r-29v.
		  Gathering 5: 30r-35v. ff. 30+35 and 31+34 are conjugate and so were 32+34 at
		  one time, though they are separate now. The gathering never contained more than
		  6 leaves. Gathering 6: 36r-43v. Gathering 7: 44r-51v. Gathering 8: 52r-59v. The
		  two outermost leaves are divided by a cut, but were conjugate originally.
		  Gathering 9: 60r-68v. ff. 60+68, 61+66 and 63+64 are conjugate. 67 is a single
		  leaf. There are 9 leaves in this gathering. Gathering 10: ff. 69+76. Gathering
		  11: 77r-84v. Gathering 12: 85r-92. Gathering 13:93r-100v. Gathering 14:
		  101r-107v. F. 101 is now a single leaf, but it is possible that it has been
		  joined to a now excised leaf at the end of the gathering. The other leaves are
		  conjugate as 102+107, 103+106 and 104+105. </p> 
		<p>There are lacunae in three places in this manuscript:After 14v two
		  leaves has been cut out and narrow strips leaves remains in the spine. After
		  68v one gathering is missing and after 101v at least one gathering of 8 leaves
		  has been lost. Several leaves are damaged with tears or holes or have a
		  irregular shape. Some of the damages do not allow the lines to be of full
		  length and they are apparently older than the script. There are tears on fol.
		  2r-v, 9r-v, 10r-v, 15r-18v, 19r-v, 20r-22v, 23r-v, 24r-28v, 30r-v, 32r-35v,
		  37r-v, 38r-v, 40r-43v, 45r-47v, 49r-v, 51r-v, 53r-60v, 67r-v, 68r-v, 70r-v,
		  74r-80v, 82r-v, 86r-v, 88r-v, 89r-v, 95r-v, 97r-98v 99r-v, 100r-v. On fol. 98
		  the corner has been torn off. Several leaves are in a bad condition due to
		  moist and wear, and have become dark, bleached or wrinkled. The script has been
		  touched up in the 17th century with black ink. The touching up on the following
		  fols. was done by 
		  <name>Bishop Brynjólf Sveinsson</name>: 1v, 3r, 4r, 5r,
		  6v, 8v,9r, 10r, 14r, 14v, 22r,30v, 36r-52v, 72v, 77r,78r,103r, 104r,. An
		  AM-note says according to the lawman 
		  <name>Sigurður Björnsson</name> that the rest of the
		  touching up was done by himself and another lawman 
		  <name>Sigurður Jónsson</name>. 
		  <name>Sigurður Björnsson</name> did the touching up
		  on the following fols.: 46v, 47r, 48r, 49r-v, 50r, 52r-v. 
		  <name>Sigurður Jónsson</name> did the rest of the
		  touching up in the section 36r-59r containing 
		<title>Bretasögur</title> </p> 
	 <layoutDesc><layout columns="1"> 
	 <handDesc hands="13"> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_1" script="carolingian-insular minuscule" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>The first hand occurs on ff. 1r-14v and has been called 
			 <q>the first Norwegian hand</q> as the writer is obviously not
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_2" script="old gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand 15r-18v,l.31</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_3" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand has only written 4 lines and occurs on ff. 18v:31-35</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_4" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on f.19r</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_5" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on f.19v</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_6" script="Icelandic gothic bookhand" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>The 6th hand is considered to be Icelandic and occurs on ff.
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_7" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>The 7th occurs on ff. 22r-34r; ff. 36r-59r; ff. 60r-80r:26; f.
			 99r-100r:14-2; ff. 101v-107v:5. It appears to be the same hand as the one
			 occuring in AM 371 4to and may be identified as Haukr Erlendsson's own.</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_8" script="old gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on f. 35v</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_9" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand uses Icelandic othography and therefore the writer has
			 been described as 
			 <q>the first Icelandic secretary</q>. This handlist is to be found on
			 ff. 80r-99r:26-14, </p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_10" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on ff. 81r:7-9</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_11" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on f. 86r:1-7</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_12" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on ff. 86r-87r:7-13</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_13" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This writer has been described as the second Icelandic secretary and
			 the hand occurs on ff. 100r:3-101r</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_14" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on ff. 107v:l-5</p> 
		<decoNote type="initial"> 
		  <p>The headings are red, and the initials are mainly red. In the
			 beginning of new sections larger flourished ones in various colours do
		<decoNote type="miniature"> 
		  <p>On 19r there is drawing of Jerusalem including the most important
			 buildings and </p> 
	 </decoDesc>	 <additions> 
		<p>There are several marginalia in this manuscript. Some consist of
		  single characters and others are figurative. On 8v is to be found a drawing of
		  a mans head wearing a hat. At times sentences occurs: On 5v: 
		  <q xml:lang="is">Her er skrif andres isslendin</q>, on 19r: 
		  <q xml:lang="is">þeim go</q>, 21r: 
		  <q xml:lang="is">amen med aund ok munn halla rei knar hofud summu all huad
			 batar þad mælgi ok mal</q>, On 21v: some runic letters and the
		  <q xml:lang="la">aue maria gracia plena dominus</q>.</p> 
		<binding contemporary="false"> 
			 <date>1730</date>Jón Ólafsson described the manuscript as 
			 <q xml:lang="is">skinnalaus</q> or whithout any outer covering and " 
			 <q xml:lang="is">med hampreimum</q> which refers to the thongs of hemp
			 across the spine to which the gatherings were fastened. The manuscript was
			 unbound at this time. About a century later in 
			 <date>1828</date> the information is given in 
		  <title>Edda Sæmundar hins Fóda III</title> that there was a
		  wooden board belonging to the binding of the book on which there was a runic
		  <q xml:lang="la">In tabula lignea, ad ligaturam voluminis pertinente,
			 incisus est character insignis, e Runis variis compositus, et priscum aliqvem
			 libri possessorem indigitans</q>. But when 
		  <name type="scholar">Kålund</name> described AM_544_4to_this
		  wooden board had disappeared. The three volumes into which 
		  <title>Hauksbók</title> is divided. AM 371 4to, AM_544_4to_and AM
		  675 4to were put into bindings in 
		  <date>1887-1888</date> execpt for AM_544_4to_which was bound in 
	 <origin notBefore="1200-01-01" notAfter="1215-12-31" cert="high" evidence="conjecture"> 
		<p>The beginning of the 14th century</p> 
		<p>The manuscript named 
		<title>Hauksbók</title> has been divided into 3 parts in the AM
		collection AM 371 4to, AM 544 4to, AM 675 4to. The manuscript was written by 
		<name type="scribe">Haukr Erlendsson</name> and letters from 
		<date>28th of January 1302</date> and 
		<date>14th of October 1310</date> written by 
		<name type="scribe">Haukr Erlendsson</name> himself serves as evidence
		for this, as the script in the letters is similar to the mainhand in
		Hauksbók. After 
		<name type="scribe">Haukr Erlendsson's</name> death in Norway 
		<date>1334</date> it is presumed that 
		<title>Hauksbók</title> passed to his successors in Iceland and was
		passed on as a heirloom for about 300 years. There is a statement on f.59v: 
		<q xml:lang="is"> 
		  <name type="owner">Biarni Einarsson</name> a Hamr a þessa bök
		  med rettu og hefur hann lied mieer hana i bokaskiptum og skal hann fä hana
		  aptur þad firsta eg kann heim med skilum</q>. 
		<name type="owner">Bjarni Einarsson</name>, who was a prosperous and
		notable man knew the county-sheriff 
		<name type="owner">Ari Magnússon of Ögur</name>. In 1635 after
		Einarsson had died 
		<name type="owner">Arí Magnússon</name> lent Hauksbóks to 
		<name type="place">Skagafjörður</name> and the manuscript
		passed on to two men of antiquarian interests, the priest 
		<name type="owner">Arngrímur Jónsson</name> and then to the
		<name type="owner">Björn Jónsson</name> of 
		<name type="place">Skarðsá</name>. A third person the 
		<name type="owner">Bishop of Hólar Þorlákur
		  Skuláson</name>mentioned in his letter to Ole Worm in Copenhagen in 
		<date>1636</date> that 
		<name type="owner">Björn Jónsson</name> had obtained the
		manuscript. From 
		<name type="owner">Bishop Brynjólfur Sveinsson </name>possessed the
		manuscript and did the touching up. I </p> 
		<p>Arní Magnusson acquiered AM_544_4to_and AM 675 4to after the
		  death of 
		  <name type="owner">Brynjólfur Sveinsson</name>, as the Bishop's
		  manuscript collection came to 
		  <name type="place">Gaulverjabœr</name> </p> 
				<date>17.02.2000.</date> by AWS.</p> 
		  <custEvent type="exhibition"> 
				<date>08.09.1958</date> to 
				<date>20.10.1956</date> An exhibtion arranged by R. Edelmann for
				the Royal Libray.</p> 
		  <custEvent type="exhibition"> 
				<date>17.04.1968</date> to 
				<date>04.06.1968</date> An exhibtion arranged by R. Edelmann for
				the Royal Library</p> 
		  <custEvent type="exhibition"> 
				<date>07.12.1977</date> to 
				<date>26.05.1978</date>. An exhibtion arranged by Svend Gissel for
				the Royal Library.</p> 
		  <custEvent type="exhibition"> 
				<date>10.03.1992</date> to 
				<date>15.03.1993</date> An exhibtion 
			 <title>Viking og Hvidekrist</title> arranged by Nordisk
			 <title type="gmd">plate</title> 
			 <title type="gmd">70 mm</title> 
			 <note>supplied takings of 100r</note></bibl> 
			 <title type="gmd">plate</title> 
			 <note>supplied takings of 96v-97r</note></bibl> 
			 <title type="gmd">b/w prints</title> 
			 <idno>AM 544 4to</idno> 
		  <editor>Islenzka bokmentafélagi</editor> 
		  <title level="m">Skýrsla um forngripasafn Íslands i
		  <title level="s"/> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">pp. 69-70</biblScope> 
		  <author>Th. Möbius</author> 
		  <title level="m">Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der Altnordischen
			 Sprache und Literatur von 1855 bis 1879 erschienenen Schriften</title> 
		  <title level="a">Hauksbók</title> 
		  <title level="j">Timarit</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">VIII</biblScope> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">pp. 92-93</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <author>Jón Þorkelsson </author> 
		  <title level="m">Om digtningen på Island i det 15. og 16.
		  <author>Eva Rode</author> 
		  <title level="a">Et fragment af en prædiken til askeonsdag</title>
		  <title level="j">Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana </title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">XXXIV</biblScope> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">p. 57</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <title level="a">Sagas of Icelandic Bishops</title> 
		  <title level="j">Early Icelandic Manuscript in Fascimile</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">VII</biblScope> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">1</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <author>Anne Holtsmark</author> 
		  <title level="a">Om Fóstbrœðra Saga</title> 
		  <title level="j">Maal og Minne</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume"/> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">s. 74</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <author>Stefán Karlsson</author> 
		  <title level="a">Islandsk bogeksport til Norge i middelalderen</title> 
		  <title level="j">Maal og Minne</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume"/> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">pp. 5, 7,8</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <author>Jon Helgason</author> 
		  <title level="a">Til Hauksbóks historie i det 17.
		  <title level="j">Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">XX</biblScope> 
		  <biblScope type="pages"/></bibl> 
		  <editor>Jón Helgason</editor> 
		  <title level="m">Hauksbok</title> 
		  <title level="s">Manuscripta Islandica</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">V</biblScope> 
		  <editor>Finnur Jónsson </editor> 
		  <title level="m">Hauksbók</title> 

<msDesc >
<repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
<idno>MS. Rawlinson poet. 149</idno>
<author>Geoffrey Chaucer</author>
<title>The Canterbury Tales</title>
<rubric>The Tales of Canterbury</rubric>
<note>Mutilated at beginning and end: contains A431-I1092 
in the Riverside edition numbering</note>
<textLang>Middle English</textLang>
<support><p>Parchment codex</p></support>
<extent>136 folios:
<p>Twenty-three quires of eight, of which only nine are not defective, 
and a final (defective) quire of six.</p>
<layout ruledLines="38 74">
<p>Margined and ruled with crayon through fol. 51v , then in drypoint.
 Single columns of 38-74 lines per page.</p>
<handDesc hands="4">
<p>Four hands, varying between cursive anglicana (the first hand) and mixed
secretary (the fourth hand). The fourth hand is responsible for around
two-thirds of the manuscript, from fol. 45 to the end; the third hand wrote
only three lines and a few words on fol. 38r; the other two hands divide the
remainder of the manuscript up to fol. 45 between them.</p></handDesc>
<additions><p>A fifteenth-century note in the margin of fol. 114v.</p>
<p><origDate notBefore="1450" notAfter="1475">1450-1475</origDate>
<origPlace>Pembrokeshire (Wales)</origPlace></p>
<provenance><p>On fol. 91r is a smudged copy of a bill or document
with names  of people and places in Wales (Pembrokeshire, Bangor) 
and the date 1607</p></provenance>
<p>Left to the Bodleian by Richard Rawlinson in 1755.</p>
<source><p>This description is derived from that made by Daniel W. Mosser
for the Canterbury Tales Project.</p></source>
<p>A rotograph copy of the manuscript was made for John Manly in the 1920s,
and a copy of this rotograph is available in microfilm as part of the
Manly/Rickert collection from the University of Chicago library. The
manuscript has been microfilmed more recently by the Bodleian. Digital
images derived from this microfilm have been published on the CDROMs
prepared by the Canterbury Tales Project.</p>
<msDesc > 
  <msIdentifier n="KK1321"> 
	 <repository>Det Arnamagnæanske Institut</repository> 
	 <idno>AM 544 4to</idno> 
	 <msName type="nickname" xml:lang="is">Hauksbók</msName>
<!--  <head> 
	 <origDate>s. XIV in</origDate> 
 <textLang>Old Norse</textLang> 
  </head> -->

	 <msItem n="1"> 
		<locus from="1r" to="14v">1r-14v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Geographica qvædam et physica, Theologica
		  qvædam ex sermonibus Augustini, Varia, atqve inter ea Astronomica
		<note>Ff. 1r-14v contains a collection of dissertations and excerpts on
		  geographical, chronological and theological subjects</note> 
		<textLang>Old Norse</textLang> 
		<msItem n="a"> 
		  <locus from="1r1" to="1v23">1r:1-1v:23</locus> 
		  <title type="supplied">On famous rivers and miraculous springs.</title>
		  <incipit>Brunnr er <supplied resp="ed" reason="damage">einn i paradiso. er or
			 falla fiorar ar hingat i þenna</supplied> heim</incipit> 
		  <explicit>En ef hia er þei<expan>m</expan> latet liggia kleði
			 eða vil eða smor tre þa verðr allt at steini</explicit> 
		<msItem n="b"> 
		  <locus from="1v24" to="2r8">1v:24 -2r:8</locus> 
		  <title type="uniform">Prologus</title> 
		  <incipit>Þat er sagt at Moyses toeki þat rað
		  <explicit>Oc namo þar siða aðrer eftir
			 þei<expan>m</expan> at skrifa a bokum þau tiðendi er eigi skyldi
			 or minni liða.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="c"> 
		  <locus from="2r9" to="2r19">2r:9-2r:19</locus> 
		  <title type="uniform">Fra paradiso</title> 
		  <rubric>Fra paradiso</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Sva er sagt at paradis er hi<expan>n</expan>n oesti lutr
			 þessarar veraldar.</incipit> 
		  <explicit>oc veria bio<supplied reason="illegible">r</supplied>g oc
			 hitar at me<expan>n</expan>n skili eigi þangat komast.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="d"> 
		  <locus from="2r20" to="4r7">2r:20-4r:7</locus> 
		  <rubric>Her segír fra þvi hv<expan>er</expan>su lond liggia i
		  <incipit>Þessarar bygðar er Indialand yst.</incipit> 
		  <explicit>þar er Meinlangs borg a í henní var Ambrosius
		<msItem n="e"> 
		  <locus from="4r7" to="8r12">4r:7-8r:12</locus> 
		  <rubric>V<expan>m</expan> þat hvaðan otru hofst.</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Liufir broeðr</incipit> 
		  <explicit>a hinu<expan>m</expan> helga crosse</explicit> 
		<msItem n="f"> 
		  <locus from="8r12" to="8v7">8r:12-8v:7</locus> 
		  <rubric>Fra buí hvar hv<expan>er</expan>r Noa sona bygði
		  <incipit>Synir Noa voro .iij. þeir skiftur ollum heími
			 með ser hvaar kyn hvers þeira skilldi byggia</incipit> 
		  <explicit>þa verða tungur alsz .ij. oc .ixx. en
			 þioð lond. þushundrað.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="g"> 
		  <locus from="8v7" to="9r31">8v:7-9r:31</locus> 
		  <rubric>Her segir fra margahattaðum þioðdum.</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Sva segia froðar boekr at i heímínum se sva
			 marg hattaðar þiodar þeði at vexti oc at
		  <explicit>þeir ero sva við me<expan>n</expan>n sem olmer
		<msItem n="h"> 
		  <locus from="9v1" to="10v27">9v:1-10v:27</locus> 
		  <incipit>Hin helgí b<expan>ysku</expan>p er heitir Augustinus
			 melti við þa me<expan>n</expan>n er hann var kenní maðr
		  <explicit>beði þessi heíms oc sua annar. þat se.
		<msItem n="i"> 
		  <locus from="10v28" to="12r11">10v:28-12r:11</locus> 
		  <title type="uniform">Four passages from Elucidarius</title> 
		  <rubric>Her segir huaðan blot skur guða hofust.</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Ef aller gofgaðu einn guð fyst i
		  <explicit>þetta er at doema lifendr oc dauða.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="j"> 
		  <locus from="12r11" to="13r26">12r:11-13r:26</locus> 
		  <rubric>Vm ímbru dag held</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Moyses bauð Gyðingu<expan>m</expan>
			 forðu<expan>m</expan> i logu<expan>m</expan> at hallda ímbru daga
			 ferna a hu<expan>er</expan>íu<expan>m</expan></incipit> 
		  <explicit>Sa er lifr oc rikir með feðr oc syni oc anda helgum
			 vm allar allder i einu<expan>m</expan> guðdome. A-</explicit> 
		<msItem n="k"> 
		  <locus from="13r26" to="13v11">13r:26-13v:11</locus> 
		  <rubric>Vm regnboga.</rubric> 
		  <incipit>A Regn boga ero þrir lítír</incipit> 
		  <explicit>oc nokor miseri síðan at eigi skilldi oftar
			 floð koma þat er heímen œyddi sua sem a hans dogum
			 hafðe orðet.</explicit> 
		<msItem n="l"> 
		  <locus from="13v11" to="14r4">13v:11-14r:4</locus> 
		  <title type="uniform"/> 
		  <rubric>V<expan>m</expan> solstoðr</rubric> 
		  <incipit>Þa er laupar hefer veret um varet aðr a
			 þei<expan>m</expan> degi er .x. netr ero til Ions messo</incipit> 
		  <explicit>Sia eer solar gangr at tolo Stiorno-Odda norðan a
		<msItem n="m"> 
		  <locus from="14r5" to="14v30">14r:5-14v:30</locus> 
		  <title type="supplied"/> 
		  <rubric>Vm borga skipam oc legstaðe heilagra
		  <incipit><!--&rmaj;-->Rvma borg er yf<expan>ir</expan> ollu<expan>m</expan>
			 borgom. </incipit> 
		  <explicit>oc af bondom hins</explicit> 
			 <title level="m">Symbolæ ad geographiam medii ævi</title> 
			 <author>Jón Þorkelsson</author> 
			 <title level="m">Nokkur blöð úr Hauksbók</title> 
			 <title level="m">Antiquités Russes</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">430-441</biblScope> 
	 </msItem> </msItem>
	 <msItem n="2"> 
		<locus from="15r" to="18v">15r-18v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Theologica qvædam, videntur esse úr
<textLang>Old Norse</textLang>	 </msItem> 
	 <msItem n="a"> 
		<locus from="15r1" to="15r9">15r:1-15r:9</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">The end of a story about a "servant of God"</title>
		<incipit>vin þinn þér.</incipit> 
		<explicit>k<expan>onung</expan>r bað menn sína lata fara
		  ha<expan>nn</expan> með naðum þ<expan>uia</expan>t
		  h<expan>ann</expan> er guðs þiónústu
	 <msItem n="b"> 
		<locus from="15r10" to="16r3">15r:10-16r:3</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">?</title> 
		<rubric>Fra heilræðum spekinga</rubric> 
		<incipit>Nv spurði lærisveinn meistara sinn.</incipit> 
		<explicit>Þat veítí oss faðir ok sun hinn helgi andi
	 <msItem n="c"> 
		<locus from="16r3" to="17r12">16r:3-17r:12</locus> 
		<title type="uniform"/> 
		<rubric>Af nattura mann<expan>zin</expan>s <expan>ok</expan> bloði
		<incipit>Allzvalltandi guð e<expan>r</expan> af engu efni
		  g<expan>er</expan>ði alla luti</incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> fellr þui slefa
		  oruósu<expan>m</expan> se<expan>m</expan> bornu<expan>m</expan></explicit>
	 <msItem n="d"> 
		<locus from="17r13" to="18v31">17r:13-18v:31</locus> 
		<title type="uniform"/> 
		<rubric>Hvaðan komin<expan>n</expan> er + drottin<supplied reason="illegible">s</supplied></rubric> 
		<incipit>Sva er sagt siðan Adam hafði syndina gerua i
		  páradiso. </incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> sannaðiz sua spasaga
	 <msItem n="e"> 
		<title type="uniform">?</title> 
		<incipit>Þesser eru xij heims osomar þeir er tela
		<explicit>lyðr laga lausa.</explicit> 
	 <msItem n="3"> 
		<locus from="19r" to="19r">19r</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Grundplan af Jerusalem</title> 
		<rubric><supplied reason="illegible">Civitas Hiervsalem
			 <editor>C.R. Unger </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Heilagra manna sögur</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Theodor Möbius</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Analecta norrœna</title> 
			 <pubPlace>Leipzig </pubPlace> 
	 <msItem n="4"> 
		<locus from="19v" to="19v">19v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Afsaknir fyrir samneyti við bannsetta.</title>
		<incipit>Uær viliu<expan>m</expan> þ<expan>at</expan> birta
		  f<expan>yr</expan>i folke af hu<expan>er</expan>ium til fellu<expan>m</expan>
		  þeir menn megu lagl<expan>ega</expan> af sakaz sem bansettum
		  m<expan>onnu</expan><!--&mmaj;-->Msamneyta sua at þ<expan>ei</expan>r falla i ecke
		  bann eða forboð fyri þa skyld</incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> fær h<expan>ann</expan> eigi forðaz
		  þ<expan>ei</expan>ra samneyte.</explicit> 
	 <msItem n="5"> 
		<locus from="20v" to="21r">ff.20r-21v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Völuspá</title> 
		<incipit>Hlioðs bið ek allar helgar kind<expan>ir</expan> meiri
		  ok minni mogu Hei<expan>m</expan>dallar villtv at ek vafoðrs vel fram
		  telia forn spioll fira þau er ek fremz v<expan>m</expan> man.</incipit> 
		<explicit>Kemr hin<expan>n</expan> dimi dreki fliugandi naðr
		  fraan<expan>n </expan>neðan fra Niða b<expan>er</expan>r sier i
		  fioðrum flygr uoll yf<expan>ir</expan> Niðhoggr nai nv man hon
			 <editor>Finnur Magnússon </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Edda Sæmundar hins Fróða </title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">III</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 191-208</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Theodor Möbius </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Edda Sæmundar hins fróða</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 265-72</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Konrad Gíslason</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Fire og fyrretyve for en stor Deel forhen utrykte
				Prøver af oldnordisk Sprog og Litteratur</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp 534-44</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Sophus Bugge</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Norrœn Fornkvæði</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 19-26</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Jón Helgason</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Vœluspá, Hávamál</title> 
			 <title level="s">Eddadigte</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
		<note>The text is different from Voluspá in Codex Regius and in
		  Snorri's Edda and represents an independent record based on oral
	 <msItem n="6"> 
		<locus from="22r" to="33v">ff. 22r-33v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Trójumanna saga</title> 
		<rubric>Her hefr Troio manna sogv</rubric> 
		<incipit>A nogvm Iosve er hofðingi var a Iorsala landi yfir
		  Gyþinga lyð eftir Moyises </incipit> 
		<explicit>en h<expan>er</expan> eft<expan>ir</expan>
		  hef<expan>ir</expan>sogv f<expan>ra</expan> Enea <expan>ok</expan>
		  þei<expan>m</expan>e<expan>r</expan> Bretl<expan>an</expan>d
			 <editor>Jón Sigurðsson</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Trójumanna Saga</title> 
			 <title level="s">Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie</title>
			 <biblScope type="volume"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp.3-215</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="7"> 
		<locus from="34r" to="34r">f. 34r</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Um náttúrur steina</title> 
		<incipit>Ematis<expan>v</expan>s hef<expan>ir</expan> pvpvralit
		  se<expan>m</expan> vindropi.</incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> vtan vm linklæði þa
		  e<expan>r</expan> sagt at ha<expan>nn</expan> bœt<expan>ir</expan>
		  riðv <expan>ok</expan> allzkyns meínsemðer</explicit> 
	 <msItem n="8"> 
		<locus from="35v" to="35v">35v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform"> 
		<q>Cicio ianus</q></title> 
		<incipit>Cicio ianus epi uendicat oct fe ma maran</incipit> 
		<explicit>Sicca uirirs afia curuis rex bustet cauet sic Brito creans
		  stilbon ori <!--&rmaj;-->Ris aud saba uiris as</explicit> 
		<note>Cicio ianus is a versified Latin enumeration for remembering the
		  church festivals throughout the year. </note> 
	 <msItem n="9"> 
		<locus from="36r" to="59r">36r-59r</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Breta sögur including 
		<title>Merlinus spá</title></title> 
		<rubric>h<expan>er</expan> hefr Breta sogvr</rubric> 
		<incipit>Nv e<expan>r</expan> at segia af Enea env<expan>m</expan> millda
		  at h<expan>ann</expan> rakz lengi i hafe þa er h<expan>ann</expan>for af
		  Troio <expan>ok</expan> kom h<expan>ann</expan> vm siþ<expan>ir</expan>
		  <supplied reason="illegible">við</supplied> Sikiley.</incipit> 
		<explicit>h<expan>ann</expan> fostradi Hakon svn Haralz
		  k<expan>onung</expan>s harfa<supplied reason="illegible">g</supplied>ra</explicit> 
			 <editor>Jón Sigurðsson</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Breta sögur</title> 
			 <title level="s">Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie</title>
			 <biblScope type="volume"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp.3-145</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="10"> 
		<locus from="60r" to="68v">60r-68v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">viðræða lika<expan>m</expan>s
		  <expan>ok</expan> salar</title> 
		<incipit>BOk þ<expan>er</expan>sa g<expan>er</expan>ði meistari
		  Valltí<!--&rmaj;-->R af samburð tve<!-- &gmaj;-->Gia m<expan>ann</expan>a ok
		  rœðir hva<!--&rmaj;-->R við an<expan>n</expan>an af sinv efni
		<explicit>en heí<expan>m</expan>r e<!--&gmaj;-->Giar hegoma
		  þ<expan>at</expan> er at heliaz a v<expan>er</expan>alldar</explicit> 
			 <editor>C.R. Unger </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Heilagra Manna Sögur</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 446-73</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Theodor Möbius</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Analecta Norrœna</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 260-63</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="11"> 
		<locus from="69r" to="72v">69r-72v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Hemings þáttr
		<incipit>viss orðin af sanninda monnVM at annaR er konvng yfir
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> andaðiz þeiri einsetv
		  <expan>ok</expan> lykr þ<expan>a</expan>r nv fra Hemingi at
			 <editor>Guðbrandur Vigfússon </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Hemings þattr</title> 
			 <title level="s">Icelandic Sagas </title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 372-87</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Det kgl. nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab</editor> 
			 <title level="m"/> 
			 <title level="s">Grønlands historiske Mindesmærker</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="12"> 
		<locus from="72v" to="76v">72v-76v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks</title> 
		<rubric>her heffr vp<expan>p</expan> sogv Heiðreks konungs ens
		<incipit>Sva er sagt at fyrndin<expan>n</expan>i v<expan>a</expan>r
		  kallað Iotvnheímar norðr i Fin<expan>n</expan>mork en Ymis
		  l<expan>an</expan>d fyri svnnam ok milli<expan>m</expan> Haloga
		<explicit>Ok var nú Óðinn honum reiðr or 0rðinn
		  síðan hann hió til hans ok á þeiri nótt var
		  konung drepinn</explicit> 
			 <editor>P.F. Suhm</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Hervararsaga</title> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Hervarar Saga</title> 
			 <title level="s">Fornaldar Sögur Nordrlanda</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 513-33</biblScope> 
			 <editor>N.M. Petersen</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Hervarar Saga ok Heiðreks Konungs</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume"/> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Antiquités Russes</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. XXII-XXV</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Sophus Bugge</editor> 
			 <title level="m"/> 
			 <title level="s">Norröne Skrifter af Sagnhistorisk
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 205-36</biblScope> 
			 <editor>I. Sarovolskij</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Skazanie o mece Tjurfinge</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 1-29</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Jón Helgason</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Heiðreks saga</title> 
			 <title level="s">Samfund til Udgivelse af gammel nordisk
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 1-83</biblScope> 
		<note>The saga is defective and ends in the beginning of the riddle
	 <msItem n="13"> 
		<locus from="77r" to="89v">77r-89v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Fóstbræðra saga</title> 
		<rubric type="final"><expan>ok</expan> lykr h<expan>er</expan> fra sogn
		  þ<expan>ei</expan>ri er v<expan>er</expan> kvnv<expan>m</expan> at segia
		  f<expan>ra</expan> Þ<supplied reason="illegible">ormoði</supplied>
		  kap<expan>p</expan>a hins. helga Olafs. k<expan>onung</expan>s</rubric> 
		<incipit>kenningar nafn at þv skallt kolbrvnar skalld
		<explicit>sviða s<expan>v</expan>a m<expan>vn</expan>di
		  h<expan>ann</expan> vilia </explicit> 
			 <editor>Konrad Gíslason </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Fóstbrœðra saga</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 63-112</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Björn K. Þórólfsson </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Fóstbrœðra saga</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 70-216</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Det kgl. nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Grønlands historiske Mindesmærker </title>
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 282-402</biblScope> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Antiquités Russes</title> 
			 <title level="s"/> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 349-50</biblScope> 
		<note>Fóstbrœ is also found in three other version in the
		  following manuscripts of the fourteenth century: M<!--&ohbr;-->Oðruvallabók,
		  Flateyjarbók and R</note> 
	 <msItem n="14"> 
		<locus from="89v" to="93r">89v-93r</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Algorismus</title> 
		<rubric>H<expan>er</expan> byriar algorismu<expan>m</expan></rubric> 
		<incipit>List þessi heitir algorism<expan>v</expan>s</incipit> 
		<explicit>fig<expan>v</expan>R er her er sidaR ger. <expan>ok</expan>
		  kollvt e<expan>r</expan> kvbvs
			 <author>Otto B. Bekken</author> 
			 <title level="m">On the CUBUS PERFECTUS of the Algorismus in
			 <author>Otto B. Bekken</author> 
			 <title level="m">Algorismus i Hauksbók i europeiske
			 <editor>P.A. Munch</editor> 
			 <title level="s">Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed og Historie</title>
	 <msItem n="15"> 
		<locus from="93r" to="101v">93r-101v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Eireks saga rauða</title> 
		<rubric><supplied reason="illegible">Her hefr upp Sò þeirra
		  Þorfinns Karls efnis oc Snorra Þorbrandzsonar</supplied></rubric> 
		<incipit>Olafr het her k<expan>onvng</expan>r e<expan>r</expan> kalladr
		  var Olafr hvit; han<expan>n</expan> var s<supplied reason="illegible">vn</supplied> Ingiallz k<expan>onvngs</expan> Helga
		  s<supplied reason="illegible">vnar</supplied> Olafs s<supplied reason="illegible">vnar</supplied> Gvredar s<supplied reason="illegible">vnar</supplied> Halfdan<expan>ar</expan> svnar
		<explicit>þ<expan>at</expan> er ecki e<expan>r</expan>
		  h<expan>er</expan> skrað. veri gvð með ors ame<!--&nmaj;-->N.</explicit>
			 <author>Richard Perkins </author> 
			 <title level="a">The Furðustrandir of Eiríks saga
			 <title level="j">Mediaeval Scandinavia</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">IX</biblScope> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Antiqvitates Americanæ</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. xvi-xviii</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Det kgl. nordiske Oldskrift-Selskab</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Grønlands Historiske Mindesmærker</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 352-494</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Arthur M. Reeves</editor> 
			 <title level="m">The Finding of Wineland the Good</title> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">104-21</biblScope> 
			 <pubPlace>New York</pubPlace> 
			 <editor>G. Storm</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Eiríks saga Rauða</title> 
			 <title level="s">Samfund til udgivelse af gammel nordisk
			 <biblScope type="volume"/> 
			 <editor>Sven B. F. Jansson </editor> 
			 <title level="m">Sagorna om Vinland</title> 
			 <title level="s">Stockholm studies in Scandinavian philology</title> 
			 <title level="s">Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademiens
			 <biblScope type="volume">5</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 26-81</biblScope> 
			 <note>The two versions of the saga which are found in AM_544_4to_and
				AM 557 4to are printed side by side in this edition.</note></bibl> 
	 <msItem n="16"> 
		<locus from="101v" to="104v">101v-104v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Saga skálda Haralds konungs
		<rubric>H<expan>er</expan> hefr sgv skallda Harallz
		  k<expan>onvn</expan>gs harfagra </rubric> 
		<incipit>HAralldr k<expan>onun</expan>gr harfagri reð
		  f<expan>yr</expan>i Noregi.</incipit> 
		<explicit>dagar Har<expan>alldz</expan> k<expan>onvng</expan>s harfagra
		  v<expan>arv</expan> marg<expan>ir</expan> <expan>ok</expan>
		  tigvlig<expan>ir</expan> ok slik æfilok sem marg<expan>ir</expan> hafa
		  heyrt <expan>ok</expan> seg<expan>ir</expan> h<expan>er</expan> ecki lengra af
			 <title level="s">Scripta historica Islandorum de rebus gestis veterum
			 <biblScope type="volume">III</biblScope> 
			 <editor>Norrœna fornfræða félags</editor> 
			 <title level="s">Fornmanna Sögur</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">III</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 65-82</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="17"> 
		<locus from="104v" to="105v">104v-105v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform"> 
		<q>Af Vp<expan>p</expan>lendinga konvngv<expan>m</expan></q></title> 
		<incipit>Olafr svn Ingiallz k<expan>onung</expan>s illraða af Svia
		  <!--&rmaj;-->R<expan>ik</expan>i rvddi Vermaland</incipit> 
		<explicit><expan>ok</expan> af h<expan>ans</expan> nafni erv Ynglingar
			 <editor>Jacobus Langebek</editor> 
			 <title level="s">Scriptores Rerum Danicarum Medii Ævi</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <title level="s">Fornaldar Sögur Nordrlanda eptir gömlum
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 103-6</biblScope> 
	 <msItem n="18"> 
		<locus from="105r" to="107v">105r-107v</locus> 
		<title type="uniform">Þáttr af Ragnars sonum</title> 
		<rubric>Her seger af Ragnars svnv<expan>m</expan><expan>ok</expan>
		  hv<expan>er</expan>sv marg<expan>ir</expan> k<expan>onvn</expan>gar erv komner
		  af þei<expan>m</expan></rubric> 
		<incipit>Eft<expan>ir</expan> davða Rings k<expan>onvn</expan>gs tok
		  Ragna<!--&rmaj;-->R svn hans k<expan>onvn</expan>gdóm yf<expan>ir</expan> Svia
		  velldi <expan>ok</expan> Dana</incipit> 
		<explicit>h<expan>ann</expan> tok fystr trú <expan>ok</expan>
		  skirín sin<expan>n</expan>a ættma<expan>n</expan>na</explicit> 
			 <editor>Jacobus Langebek</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Þáttr af Ragnars sonum</title> 
			 <title level="s">Scriptoreres Rerum Danicarum Medii Ævi</title> 
			 <biblScope type="volume">II</biblScope> 
			 <editor>C.C. Rafn</editor> 
			 <title level="m">Þáttr af Ragnars sonum</title> 
			 <title level="s">Fornaldar Sögur Nordrlanda eptir gömlum
			 <biblScope type="volume">I</biblScope> 
			 <biblScope type="pages">pp. 345-60</biblScope> 
    <objectDesc form="codex">
                <material>parchment</material> </p>
	 <extent>107 fols. <dimensions type="leaf" scope="all"><height>243
		mm.</height><width>158 mm.</width></dimensions></extent> 
<foliation><!--	 <paratext> -->
		<p>Besides the present foliation which is red there are two older
		  foliations. The first one of these is from 
		  <date>c. 1800</date> and shows traces of the earlier random order of
		  the gatherings and therefore it includes 1r-14v but not 102r-7v. 
		  <name type="person">Jón Sigurðsson</name> did the second
		  foliation and it is similar to the order mentioned by 
		  <name type="owner">Arní Magnússon</name> in AM 435 a 4to
		  though it has been done without consideration for f. 1r-14v as these folios
		  were incorporated in the Reykjavík collection of antiquities until 
<!--	 </paratext> --></foliation>
		<p>The manuscript now consists of 107 leaves which are divided into 14
		  gatherings: Gathering 1: 1r-8v, Gathering 2 9r-14v. ff. 11+14 and 12+13 are
		  conjugate, but 9 and 10 are single leaves. After f. 14 two leaves which were
		  conjugate with 9-10 have been cut out: a narrow strip of each of the excised
		  leaves remains in the spine of the book. Gathering 3:15r-21v. ff. 15+21 are
		  conjugate, 16 was a single leaf from the beginning, 17+20 seem to have been
		  conjugate when 
		  <name type="scholar">Finnur Jónsson</name> wrote his description
		  of the manuscript, but are separate now, and so are 18+19, which presumably
		  were once conjugate. The gathering consists of 7 leaves. Gathering 4:22r-29v.
		  Gathering 5: 30r-35v. ff. 30+35 and 31+34 are conjugate and so were 32+34 at
		  one time, though they are separate now. The gathering never contained more than
		  6 leaves. Gathering 6: 36r-43v. Gathering 7: 44r-51v. Gathering 8: 52r-59v. The
		  two outermost leaves are divided by a cut, but were conjugate originally.
		  Gathering 9: 60r-68v. ff. 60+68, 61+66 and 63+64 are conjugate. 67 is a single
		  leaf. There are 9 leaves in this gathering. Gathering 10: ff. 69+76. Gathering
		  11: 77r-84v. Gathering 12: 85r-92. Gathering 13:93r-100v. Gathering 14:
		  101r-107v. F. 101 is now a single leaf, but it is possible that it has been
		  joined to a now excised leaf at the end of the gathering. The other leaves are
		  conjugate as 102+107, 103+106 and 104+105. </p> 
		<p>There are lacunae in three places in this
		manuscript. After 14v two
		  leaves has been cut out and narrow strips leaves remains in the spine. After
		  68v one gathering is missing and after 101v at least one gathering of 8 leaves
		  has been lost. </p>
<p>Several leaves are damaged with tears or holes or have a
		  irregular shape. Some of the damages do not allow the lines to be of full
		  length and they are apparently older than the script. There are tears on fol.
		  2r-v, 9r-v, 10r-v, 15r-18v, 19r-v, 20r-22v, 23r-v, 24r-28v, 30r-v, 32r-35v,
		  37r-v, 38r-v, 40r-43v, 45r-47v, 49r-v, 51r-v, 53r-60v, 67r-v, 68r-v, 70r-v,
		  74r-80v, 82r-v, 86r-v, 88r-v, 89r-v, 95r-v, 97r-98v 99r-v, 100r-v. On fol. 98
		  the corner has been torn off. Several leaves are in a bad condition due to
		  moist and wear, and have become dark, bleached or
wrinkled. </p>
<p>The script has been
		  touched up in the 17th century with black ink. The touching up on the following
		  fols. was done by 
		  <name>Bishop Brynjólf Sveinsson</name>: 1v, 3r, 4r, 5r,
		  6v, 8v,9r, 10r, 14r, 14v, 22r,30v, 36r-52v, 72v, 77r,78r,103r, 104r,. An
		  AM-note says according to the lawman 
		  <name>Sigurður Björnsson</name> that the rest of the
		  touching up was done by himself and another lawman 
		  <name>Sigurður Jónsson</name>. 
		  <name>Sigurður Björnsson</name> did the touching up
		  on the following fols.: 46v, 47r, 48r, 49r-v, 50r, 52r-v. 
		  <name>Sigurður Jónsson</name> did the rest of the
		  touching up in the section 36r-59r containing 
		<title>Bretasögur</title> </p> 
	 <layoutDesc><layout columns="1"> 
	 <handDesc hands="13"> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_1" script="carolingian-insular minuscule" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>The first hand occurs on ff. 1r-14v and has been called 
			 <q>the first Norwegian hand</q> as the writer is obviously not
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_2" script="old gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand 15r-18v,l.31</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_3" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand has only written 4 lines and occurs on ff. 18v:31-35</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_4" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on f.19r</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_5" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on f.19v</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_6" script="Icelandic gothic bookhand" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>The 6th hand is considered to be Icelandic and occurs on ff.
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_7" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>The 7th occurs on ff. 22r-34r; ff. 36r-59r; ff. 60r-80r:26; f.
			 99r-100r:14-2; ff. 101v-107v:5. It appears to be the same hand as the one
			 occuring in AM 371 4to and may be identified as Haukr Erlendsson's own.</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_8" script="old gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on f. 35v</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_9" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand uses Icelandic othography and therefore the writer has
			 been described as 
			 <q>the first Icelandic secretary</q>. This handlist is to be found on
			 ff. 80r-99r:26-14, </p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_10" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on ff. 81r:7-9</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_11" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on f. 86r:1-7</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_12" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on ff. 86r-87r:7-13</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_13" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This writer has been described as the second Icelandic secretary and
			 the hand occurs on ff. 100r:3-101r</p> 
		<handNote scribe="AM_544_4to_14" script="gothic bookhand" medium="ink" scope="sole"> 
		  <p>This hand occurs on ff. 107v:l-5</p> 
		<decoNote type="initial"> 
		  <p>The headings are red, and the initials are mainly red. In the
			 beginning of new sections larger flourished ones in various colours do
		<decoNote type="miniature"> 
		  <p>On 19r there is drawing of Jerusalem including the most important
			 buildings and </p> 
	 </decoDesc>	 <additions> 
		<p>There are several marginalia in this manuscript. Some consist of
		  single characters and others are figurative. On 8v is to be found a drawing of
		  a mans head wearing a hat. At times sentences occurs: On 5v: 
		  <q xml:lang="is">Her er skrif andres isslendin</q>, on 19r: 
		  <q xml:lang="is">þeim go</q>, 21r: 
		  <q xml:lang="is">amen med aund ok munn halla rei knar hofud summu all huad
			 batar þad mælgi ok mal</q>, On 21v: some runic letters and the
		  <q xml:lang="la">aue maria gracia plena dominus</q>.</p> 
		<binding  contemporary="false"> 
			 <date>1730</date>Jón Ólafsson described the manuscript as 
			 <q xml:lang="is">skinnalaus</q> or whithout any outer covering and " 
			 <q xml:lang="is">med hampreimum</q> which refers to the thongs of hemp
			 across the spine to which the gatherings were fastened. The manuscript was
			 unbound at this time. About a century later in 
			 <date>1828</date> the information is given in 
		  <title>Edda Sæmundar hins Fóda III</title> that there was a
		  wooden board belonging to the binding of the book on which there was a runic
		  <q xml:lang="la">In tabula lignea, ad ligaturam voluminis pertinente,
			 incisus est character insignis, e Runis variis compositus, et priscum aliqvem
			 libri possessorem indigitans</q>. But when 
		  <name type="scholar">Kålund</name> described AM_544_4to_this
		  wooden board had disappeared. The three volumes into which 
		  <title>Hauksbók</title> is divided. AM 371 4to, AM_544_4to_and AM
		  675 4to were put into bindings in 
		  <date>1887-1888</date> execpt for AM_544_4to_which was bound in 
	 <origin notBefore="1200-01-01" notAfter="1215-12-31" cert="high" evidence="conjecture"> 
		<p>The beginning of the 14th century</p> 
		<p>The manuscript named 
		<title>Hauksbók</title> has been divided into 3 parts in the AM
		collection AM 371 4to, AM 544 4to, AM 675 4to. The manuscript was written by 
		<name type="scribe">Haukr Erlendsson</name> and letters from 
		<date>28th of January 1302</date> and 
		<date>14th of October 1310</date> written by 
		<name type="scribe">Haukr Erlendsson</name> himself serves as evidence
		for this, as the script in the letters is similar to the mainhand in
		Hauksbók. After 
		<name type="scribe">Haukr Erlendsson's</name> death in Norway 
		<date>1334</date> it is presumed that 
		<title>Hauksbók</title> passed to his successors in Iceland and was
		passed on as a heirloom for about 300 years. There is a statement on f.59v: 
		<q xml:lang="is"> 
		  <name type="owner">Biarni Einarsson</name> a Hamr a þessa bök
		  med rettu og hefur hann lied mieer hana i bokaskiptum og skal hann fä hana
		  aptur þad firsta eg kann heim med skilum</q>. 
		<name type="owner">Bjarni Einarsson</name>, who was a prosperous and
		notable man knew the county-sheriff 
		<name type="owner">Ari Magnússon of Ögur</name>. In 1635 after
		Einarsson had died 
		<name type="owner">Arí Magnússon</name> lent Hauksbóks to 
		<name type="place">Skagafjörður</name> and the manuscript
		passed on to two men of antiquarian interests, the priest 
		<name type="owner">Arngrímur Jónsson</name> and then to the
		<name type="owner">Björn Jónsson</name> of 
		<name type="place">Skarðsá</name>. A third person the 
		<name type="owner">Bishop of Hólar Þorlákur
		  Skuláson</name>mentioned in his letter to Ole Worm in Copenhagen in 
		<date>1636</date> that 
		<name type="owner">Björn Jónsson</name> had obtained the
		manuscript. From 
		<name type="owner">Bishop Brynjólfur Sveinsson </name>possessed the
		manuscript and did the touching up. I </p> 
		<p>Arní Magnusson acquired AM 544 4to and AM 675 4to after the
		  death of 
		  <name type="owner">Brynjólfur Sveinsson</name>, as the Bishop's
		  manuscript collection came to 
		  <name type="place">Gaulverjabœr</name> </p> 
				<date>17.02.2000.</date> by AWS.</p> 
		  <custEvent type="exhibition"> 
				<date>08.09.1958</date> to 
				<date>20.10.1956</date> An exhibtion arranged by R. Edelmann for
				the Royal Libray.</p> 
		  <custEvent type="exhibition"> 
				<date>17.04.1968</date> to 
				<date>04.06.1968</date> An exhibtion arranged by R. Edelmann for
				the Royal Library</p> 
		  <custEvent type="exhibition"> 
				<date>07.12.1977</date> to 
				<date>26.05.1978</date>. An exhibtion arranged by Svend Gissel for
				the Royal Library.</p> 
		  <custEvent type="exhibition"> 
				<date>10.03.1992</date> to 
				<date>15.03.1993</date> An exhibtion 
			 <title>Viking og Hvidekrist</title> arranged by Nordisk
			 <title type="gmd">plate</title> 
			 <title type="gmd">70 mm</title> 
			 <note>supplied takings of 100r</note></bibl> 
			 <title type="gmd">plate</title> 
			 <note>supplied takings of 96v-97r</note></bibl> 
			 <title type="gmd">b/w prints</title> 
			 <idno>AM 544 4to</idno> 
		  <editor>Islenzka bokmentafélagi</editor> 
		  <title level="m">Skýrsla um forngripasafn Íslands i
		  <title level="s"/> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">pp. 69-70</biblScope> 
		  <author>Th. Möbius</author> 
		  <title level="m">Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der Altnordischen
			 Sprache und Literatur von 1855 bis 1879 erschienenen Schriften</title> 
		  <title level="a">Hauksbók</title> 
		  <title level="j">Timarit</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">VIII</biblScope> 
		<biblScope type="pages">pp. 92-93</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <author>Jón Þorkelsson </author> 
		  <title level="m">Om digtningen på Island i det 15. og 16.
		  <author>Eva Rode</author> 
		  <title level="a">Et fragment af en prædiken til askeonsdag</title>
		  <title level="j">Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana </title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">XXXIV</biblScope> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">p. 57</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <title level="a">Sagas of Icelandic Bishops</title> 
		  <title level="j">Early Icelandic Manuscript in Fascimile</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">VII</biblScope> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">1</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <author>Anne Holtsmark</author> 
		  <title level="a">Om Fóstbrœðra Saga</title> 
		  <title level="j">Maal og Minne</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume"/> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">s. 74</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <author>Stefán Karlsson</author> 
		  <title level="a">Islandsk bogeksport til Norge i middelalderen</title> 
		  <title level="j">Maal og Minne</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume"/> 
		  <biblScope type="pages">pp. 5, 7,8</biblScope></bibl> 
		  <author>Jon Helgason</author> 
		  <title level="a">Til Hauksbóks historie i det 17.
		  <title level="j">Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">XX</biblScope> 
		  <biblScope type="pages"/></bibl> 
		  <editor>Jón Helgason</editor> 
		  <title level="m">Hauksbok</title> 
		  <title level="s">Manuscripta Islandica</title> 
		  <biblScope type="volume">V</biblScope> 
		  <editor>Finnur Jónsson </editor> 
		  <title level="m">Hauksbók</title> 
<!-- added from MJD 23 xi 05 -->
  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="SC">
   <author xml:lang="en">Geoffrey of Monmouth</author>
   <author xml:lang="la">Galfridus Monumetensis</author>
   <title type="uniform">De origine et gestis Regum Angliae</title>
   <rubric>Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie</rubric>
   <incipit>Cum mecum multa &#x0026; de multis</incipit>
   <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
  <objectDesc form="codex">
   <supportDesc material="perg">
    <extent>i + 55 leaves
     <dimensions type="leaf" unit="inch" scope="all">
    <layout columns="2">
     <p>In double columns.</p>
   <p>Written in more than one hand.</p>
   <p>With a few coloured capitals.</p>
   <p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the <origDate notBefore="1200" notAfter="1300">13th cent.</origDate></p>
   <p>On fol. 54v very faint is <q>Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de <gap/> Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred<expan>icatorum</expan></q>, 14th cent. (?): <q>hanauilla</q> is written at the foot of the page (15th cent.).</p>
   <p>Bought from the rev. <name type="person">W. D. Macray</name> on <date when="1863-03-17">March 17, 1863</date>, for &#x00A3;1 10s.</p>

 <msName type="nickname" xml:lang="la">Codex Suprasliensis</msName>
 <altIdentifier type="partial">
  <repository>Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica</repository>
  <idno>MS Kopitar 2</idno>
 <altIdentifier type="partial">
  <repository>Biblioteka Narodowa</repository>
  <idno>BO 3.201</idno>
 <altIdentifier type="partial">
  <repository>Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka</repository>

  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno>MS. Add. A. 61</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="SC">
  <p><q>Hic incipit Bruitus Anglie,</q> the <title>De origine et gestis Regum Angliae</title> of Geoffrey of Monmouth (Galfridus Monumetensis): beg. <q>Cum mecum multa &#x0026; de multis.</q> In Latin.</p>
  <p><material>Parchment</material>: written in more than one hand: 7&#x00BC; x 5&#x215C; in., i + 55 leaves, in double columns: with a few coloured capitals.</p>
  <p>Written in <origPlace>England</origPlace> in the <origDate>13th cent.</origDate> On fol. 54v very faint is <q>Iste liber est fratris guillelmi de buria de ... Roberti ordinis fratrum Pred[icatorum],</q> 14th cent. (?): <q>hanauilla</q> is written at the foot of the page (15th cent.). Bought from the rev. W. D. Macray on March 17, 1863, for &#x00A3;1 10s.</p>
  <msName type="nickname" xml:lang="la">Codex Suprasliensis</msName>
  <altIdentifier type="partial">
    <repository>Narodna in univerzitetna knjiznica</repository>
    <idno>MS Kopitar 2</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="partial">
    <repository>Biblioteka Narodowa</repository>
    <idno>BO 3.201</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="partial">
    <repository>Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka</repository>
 <repository>Biblioteca arcivescovile</repository>
 <msName xml:lang="la">Codex Rossanensis</msName>
 <msName xml:lang="la">Codex purpureus</msName>
 <msName xml:lang="en">The Rossano Gospels</msName>
  <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
  <idno>MS. Bodley 406</idno>
  <altIdentifier type="SC">
  <msName xml:lang="en">The big green book</msName>
  <repository>Det Arnamagnæanske Institut</repository>
  <idno>AM 45 fol.</idno>
  <msName xml:lang="la">Codex Frisianus</msName>
  <msName xml:lang="is">Fríssbók</msName>

  <repository>Det Arnamagnæanske Institut</repository>
  <idno>AM 101 fol.</idno>
  <msName>The manuscript I'm cataloguing</msName>

  <idno>AM 101 fol.</idno>

  <collection>Stanton St John</collection>

  <msName>The red book of Hergest</msName>
  <msName>Also known as Fred</msName>

  <msName>The manuscript I'm cataloguing</msName>

                    <msIdentifier xml:id="THIA_63_1">
                        <institution>Châteauroux Bibliothèque Municipale</institution>
                        <repository n="B360446201">Médiathèque Equinoxe</repository>
                        <idno type="cote">THIA 63_1</idno>

                            <author role="auteur"><persName key="pers1"><surname>Deschamps</surname><forename>Martial</forename></persName></author>
                            <title type="titre_long">Histoire tragique et miraculeuse d'un vol et assassinat commis au païs de Berri, en la personne de M. Martial Deschamps</title>
                            <title type="titre_court">Histoire tragique et miraculeuse d'un vol et assassinat commis au païs de Berri</title>
                                <persName key="pers12"><surname>Bienné</surname><forename>Jean</forename></persName>
                                <date when="1576">1576</date>

                                    <p>[12], 1-62, [2 bl.] p. (sig. ã<hi rend="sup">8</hi> e<hi rend="sup">4</hi> A-D<hi rend="sup">8</hi>)</p>
                                        <dim type="format">8°</dim>
                                        <dim unit="lignes" rend="medium"/>
                        <additions><p>Les quelques corrections manuscrites, d'une main non identifiée, sont encodées.</p></additions>
                                <p>Reliure maroquin rouge du XIXe s. (Lortic, d'après une notice de vente insérée dans le volume);
                                    dos à 5 nerfs avec les entrenerfs à compartiments à double filet.
                                    Les plats avec deux encadrements à double filet doré; dentelure intérieure; tranches dorées.</p>
                          <p>Fonds Joseph Thiebault.</p>
                                    <listBibl type="refbiblio" xml:base="#Index_refbiblio.xml">
                                            <author>Renouard (Ph.)</author>,
                                            <title><hi rend="it">Imprimeurs et libraires parisiens</hi></title>,
                                            <biblScope unit="tome">t. III</biblScope>,
                                            <biblScope unit="notice">n° 678</biblScope>.
                                <ref target=";numfiche=639&amp;mode=1&amp;ecran=0&amp;offset=8&amp;index=11"/>
                                <relatedItem type="original">
                                    <ref target="#THIA_63_1">Bibliothèques virtuelles humanistes</ref>


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