Revision 4f6006440f085c84bda5c2676d5dfbe27b06440a authored by sabine seifert on 24 September 2022, 13:15:56 UTC, committed by sabine seifert on 24 September 2022, 13:15:56 UTC
1 parent f19599e
Raw File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xmlns="" xmlns:gml="">
        <title>The title</title>
          <nym xml:id="N123">
          <nym xml:id="J451">
              <orth xml:lang="en-US">Ian</orth>
              <orth xml:lang="en-x-Scots">Iain</orth>
          <nym xml:id="XYZ">
            <etym>Means <gloss>favoured by God</gloss> from the
	  <lang>Slavic</lang> elements <mentioned>bog</mentioned> 
	  <gloss>God</gloss> and <mentioned>mil</mentioned>
          <nym xml:id="ABC">
                <seg type="morph">
                <seg type="morph">
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            <nym xml:id="J450">
              <form xml:lang="en">John</form>
            <nym xml:id="J455">
              <form xml:lang="ru">Ivan</form>
            <nym xml:id="J453">
              <form xml:lang="fr">Jean</form>
          <nym xml:id="J452">
              <orth xml:lang="en-US">Ian</orth>
              <orth xml:lang="en-x-Scots">Iain</orth>
          <place xml:id="LYON2">
            <placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
            <placeName notAfter="-0056">Lugdunum</placeName>
          <place xml:id="BG123">
            <placeName type="building">Brasserie George</placeName>
            <placeName notBefore="1945">La Victoire des Gourmands</placeName>
              <country key="#FR"/>
              <settlement type="city">Lyon</settlement>
              <district type="arrondissement">St Georges</district>
              <placeName type="street">Rue de Quercy</placeName>
            <note>This is known to be <name>Flaubert</name>'s favourite lunch spot
too <bibl><title>Lives of Great Lunchers</title>, vol 999</bibl>
              <country xml:lang="lt">Lietuva</country>
          <place xml:id="LYON1">
            <placeName notBefore="1400">Lyon</placeName>
            <placeName notAfter="-0056">Lugdunum</placeName>
              <gml:thing>12 14 54 23</gml:thing>
<!-- MJD: Empire State Building -->
          <place xmlns="" xml:id="ESB">
            <placeName xml:lang="en">Empire State Building</placeName>
            <location type="address">
              <region type="state">New York</region>
              <settlement type="city">New York</settlement>
              <placeName>350 Fifth Avenue</placeName>
            <location type="postcode">
              <measure unit="postcode">10118-0110</measure>
            <location type="latLong">
              <measure unit="latlong">40.7484° N 73.9858° W</measure>
              <p>The Empire State Building rises to 1,250 feet (381 m)
              at the 102nd floor, and its full structural height
              (including broadcast antenna) reaches 1,453 feet, 8
              9/16th inches (443 m)</p>
            <placeState type="floorCount">
              <p>The building is typically described as being 102
              stories tall, although it has only 85 stories of
              commercial and office space, with an observation deck on
              the 86th floor. The remaining 16 stories represent the
              spire, which supports the antenna on top.</p>
            <placeState type="floorArea">
              <p>The Empire State Building has a total floor area of
              2,200,000 square feet (200,000 square metres).</p>
            <placeState type="officialStatus" from="1931" to="1972">
              <p>The Empire State Building was the world's tallest
              building for a record 41 years. It was surpassed by the
              North Tower of the <name type="place">World Trade
              Center</name> in 1972, and the <name type="place">Sears
              Tower</name> shortly afterwards. With the destruction of
              the World Trade Center in the <date
              value="2001-09-11">September 11, 2001</date> attacks,
              the Empire State Building again became the tallest
              building in New York City, and the second-tallest
              building in the United States.</p>
            <placeEvent type="construction" from="1930-03-17" to="1931-05-01">
              <p>The Empire State Building was designed by <name
              type="person">William Lamb</name> of the architectural
              firm <name type="firm">Shreve, Lamb and
              Harmon</name>. His design was influenced by the
              perpendicular style of another architect, <name
              type="person">Eliel Saarinen</name>. He happened to base
              most of his design on a simple pencil. The clean,
              soaring lines inspired him, and he modeled the building
              after it.</p>
              <p>The general contractors were <name
              type="firm">Starrett Brothers and Eken</name>, and the
              project was financed by <name type="person">John
              J. Raskob</name> and <name type="person">Pierre
              S. DuPont</name>. The construction company was chaired
              by <name type="person">Alfred E. Smith</name>, a former
              Governor of New York. Excavation of the site began on
              <date value="1930-01-22">January 22, 1930</date>, and
              construction on the building itself started on <date
              value="1930-03-17">March 17</date>. The project involved
              3400 workers, mostly immigrants from Europe, along with
              hundreds of <name type="tribe">Mohawk nation</name> iron
              workers. According to official accounts, five workers
              died during the construction.</p>
              <p>The building was officially opened on <date
              value="1931-05-01">May 1, 1931</date> in dramatic
              fashion, when President <name type="person">Herbert
              Hoover</name> turned on the building's lights with the
              push of a button from <name type="place">Washington,
                <author>Kenneth T. Jackson</author>
                <title level="m">The Encyclopedia of New York City</title>
                <publisher>Yale University Press</publisher>
                <pubPlace>New Haven, CT</pubPlace>
                <biblScope type="pages">375-376</biblScope>
            <placeEvent type="accident">
              <p>At 9:49 a.m. on Saturday <date
              value="1945-07-28">July 28, 1945</date>, a B-25 Mitchell
              bomber piloted by Lieutenant Colonel <name
              type="person">William F. Smith Jr.</name> accidentally
              crashed into the north side of the Empire State Building
              between the 79th and 80th floors, where the offices of
              the <name type="org">Catholic War Relief Office</name>
              were located. One engine shot through the side opposite
              the impact and another plummeted down an elevator
              shaft. The fire was extinguished in 40 minutes.
              Fourteen people were killed in the incident. Despite the
              damage and loss of life, the building was open for
              business on many floors on the following Monday.</p>
              <p>Elevator operator <name type="person">Betty Lou
              Oliver</name> survived a plunge of 75 stories inside an
              elevator, which still stands as the Guinness World
              Record for the longest survived elevator fall
            <placeEvent type="popularCultural">
              <label>Popular Culture</label>
              <p>Perhaps the most famous popular culture
              representation of the building is in the <date
              value="1933">1933</date> film <title>King Kong</title>,
              in which the title character, a giant ape, climbs to the
              top to escape his captors.</p>
<!-- SPQR: prot cem -->
          <place xmlns="" xml:id="ProtCem">
            <placeName>Protestant Cemetery</placeName>
            <placeName xml:lang="en">English Cemetery</placeName>
            <placeName type="official" xml:lang="it">Cimitero
            <location type="geopolitical">
            <placeState type="address">
                  <addrLine>Via Caio Cestio, 6</addrLine>
                  <addrLine>00153 Roma</addrLine>
            <location xmlns:gml="">
              <gml:Point srsDimension="2" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326">
                <gml:pos>41.876143755230956 12.479267120361328</gml:pos>
              <p>A cemetery in Rome, located near
   <placeName key="">Porta
   San Paolo</placeName> alongside the Pyramid of <persName key="#CESTIUS">Cestius</persName>, a small-scale Egyptian-style
   pyramid built in 30 BC as a tomb and later incorporated into the
   section of the <placeName key=""> Aurelian
   Walls</placeName> that borders the cemetery. Mediterranean cypress
   trees and other foliage in the cemetery cause it to mirror the more
   natural style of cemeteries seen in the lusher regions of northern
   Europe. As the name of the cemetery indicates, it is the final
   resting place of non-Catholics (not only Protestants or English
            <placeEvent from="1732">
              <p>The first recorded burial is that of
 George Langton</p>
              <location scheme="local" type="zone">
                <measure unit="zone">z_A</measure>
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                <measure unit="xywh">159.81663 59.166954 6.04424299999999 11.193909"</measure>
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                <measure unit="coordpair">161.658991,70.360863 159.81663,69.619326 164.015411,59.166954 165.860873,59.906095</measure>
                  <measure>148cm x 96cm</measure>
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        <head>Section heading</head>
        <p xml:id="p1">the words</p>
        <p xml:lang="is" xml:id="p2">the words</p>
          <head>subsection heading</head>
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