Revision 4f6006440f085c84bda5c2676d5dfbe27b06440a authored by sabine seifert on 24 September 2022, 13:15:56 UTC, committed by sabine seifert on 24 September 2022, 13:15:56 UTC
1 parent f19599e
Raw File
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	<title>Four pages from ... </title>
    <!-- other components of the TEI Header -->
    <surface xml:id="grave" ulx="358" uly="0" lrx="700" lry="681">
      <graphic url="gravestone.jpg"/>
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	<div facs="#grave">
	  <p>Private Moulds' gravestone</p>
	      <s facs="#line1">12851 PRIVATE</s>
	      <s facs="#line2">H. MOULDS</s>
	      <s facs="#line3">NORTHAMPTONSHIRE REGT.</s>
	      <s facs="#line4">23RD JULY 1916 AGED 21</s>
	      <s facs="#line5">LOVING SON OF </s>
	      <s facs="#line6">MRS MOULDS</s>
	      <s facs="#line7">PETERBORO, ENGLAND</s>
	      <s facs="#line8">FOR EVER WITH US</s>

<div><head>Some drama</head>
<gb n="f1234"/>
<sp who="#Horatio"><speaker>Horatio</speaker>
<addSpan spanTo="#L4"/> <lb n="Ham83"/><l>In what particular thought to work I know not:  <lb n="Ham84"/></l>
<l>But in the gross and scope of mine opinion,  <lb n="Ham85"/></l>
<l>This bodes some strange eruption to our state. </l>

<sp who="#Marcellus1">
 <lb n="Ham86"/><l>Good now, sit down, and tell me, he that knows,  <lb n="Ham87"/></l>
<l>Why this same strict and most observant watch  <lb n="Ham88"/></l>
<l>So <delSpan spanTo="#Ham92"/>nightly toils the subject of the land,  <lb n="Ham89"/></l>
<l>And why such daily cast of brazen cannon,  <lb n="Ham90" ed="Q2"/></l>
<l>And foreign mart for implements of war;  <lb n="Ham91"/></l>
<l>Why such impress of shipwrights, whose sore task  <lb xml:id="Ham92" n="Ham92"/></l>
<delSpan spanTo="#L4"/><ab>blah blah </ab><l xml:id="L4">Does not divide the Sunday from the week;  <lb n="Ham93"/></l>
<l>What might be toward, that this sweaty haste  <lb n="Ham94"/></l>
<l>Doth make the night joint-<lb n="Ham95" break="maybe"/>labourer with the day:  </l>
<l part="I">Who is't that can inform me? </l>
  <head>Some transcribed text</head>
  <p>... are all included. <del hand="#RG">It is</del>
    <subst><add>T</add><del>t</del></subst>he expressed</p>
  <p> that he and his Sister Miſs D — <lb/>who always lived with him, wd. be <subst><del>very</del><lb/><add>principally</add></subst> remembered in her Will.</p>
  <p><subst><add>ἐπιτρέψῃ</add><del>ἐπετρέψῃ</del></subst> τῷ ὑποδέκτῃ μὴ ὀχλῆσαι</p>
  <p>τ<subst><add place="above">ῶν</add><del>α</del></subst> συνκυρόντ<subst><add place="above">ων</add><del>α</del></subst> ἐργαστηρί<subst><add place="above">ων</add><del>α</del></subst></p>
  <p>While <del xml:id="r112">pondering</del> thus <add xml:id="r113">she mus'd</add>, her pinions fann'd<substJoin target="#r112 #r113"/></p>

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