Revision 4f6006440f085c84bda5c2676d5dfbe27b06440a authored by sabine seifert on 24 September 2022, 13:15:56 UTC, committed by sabine seifert on 24 September 2022, 13:15:56 UTC
1 parent f19599e
Raw File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xmlns="" xmlns:xi="" xmlns:rng="" xml:lang="en">
        <title>TEI with maximal setup, plus external additions</title>
        <author>Sebastian Rahtz</author>
	<publisher>TEI Consortium</publisher>
        <availability status="free">
          <p>This template file is freely available and you are hereby
            authorised to copy, modify, and redistribute it in any way without
            further reference or permissions.</p>
          <p>When making such modifications, you are strongly recommended to
            change the present text to include an accurate statement of the
            licencing conditions applicable to your modified text.</p>
        <p>This digital file is the orginal, although it is heavily based on the
          file tei_all.odd.</p>
      <head>TEI Complete, Plus</head>
      <p>This TEI customization describes a schema that includes
        <emph>all</emph> of the TEI (P5) modules, and all of the recommended
        external schemas. This is a very useful starting place for manually
        creating your own customizations — it is much easier to
        delete the modules you do not want than to add the modules you do.
        Furthermore this customization often provides helpful for testing TEI
        software. </p>
      <p>However, this particular TEI customization is <emph>not
        recommended</emph> for actual use for encoding documents. It produces
        schemas and reference documentation that will be much larger, and
        include many more elements, than almost anyone could conceivably ever
        need. Tempting though it may be simply to have absolutely everything,
        and <q>just ignore</q> elements not required, experience has shown that
        their presence makes the documentation harder to read and use, and makes
        a schema that is often more lax than desired.</p>
      <schemaSpec xmlns:teix="" ident="testplus" prefix="tei_" start="TEI teiCorpus" defaultExceptions=" teix:egXML">
        <moduleRef key="tei"/>
        <!-- required -->
        <moduleRef key="core"/>
        <!-- required -->
        <moduleRef key="analysis"/>
        <moduleRef key="certainty"/>
        <moduleRef key="corpus"/>
        <moduleRef key="declarefs"/>
        <moduleRef key="dictionaries"/>
        <moduleRef key="drama"/>
        <moduleRef key="figures"/>
        <moduleRef key="gaiji"/>
        <moduleRef key="header"/>
        <!-- required -->
        <moduleRef key="iso-fs"/>
        <moduleRef key="linking"/>
        <moduleRef key="msdescription"/>
        <moduleRef key="namesdates"/>
        <moduleRef key="nets"/>
        <moduleRef key="spoken"/>
        <moduleRef key="tagdocs"/>
        <moduleRef key="textcrit"/>
        <moduleRef key="textstructure"/>
        <!-- required -->
        <moduleRef key="transcr"/>
        <moduleRef key="verse"/>

        <moduleRef url="its.rng">
            <rng:define name="tei_model.teiHeaderPart" combine="choice">
              <rng:ref name="its_rules"/>
            <rng:define name="tei_model.inter" combine="choice">
              <rng:ref name="its_span"/>
        <classSpec ident="" type="atts" mode="change">
            <attRef name="its_att.translate.attributes"/>
            <attRef name="its_att.locNote.attributes"/>
            <attRef name="its_att.term.attributes"/>
            <attRef name="its_att.dir.attributes"/>

        <elementSpec ident="geo" mode="change">
            <rng:ref name="Feature"/>
        <moduleRef xmlns="" xmlns:rng="" url="" xml:base="../Exemplars/tei_svg.odd">
          <!-- this needs to be an absolute URI to keep oxGarage happy -->
          <!-- also add <svg:svg> to class model.graphicLike -->
            <rng:define name="tei_model.graphicLike" combine="choice">
              <rng:ref name="svg"/>
        <moduleRef xmlns="" url="" xml:base="../Exemplars/tei_math.odd"/><elementSpec xmlns="" module="figures" ident="formula" mode="change" xml:base="../Exemplars/tei_math.odd">
	    <elementRef key="mathml.math"/>
        <elementSpec ident="egXML" mode="change" module="tagdocs" ns="">
            <oneOrMore xmlns="">
                <ref name="anyThing"/>
                <ref name="svg"/>
                <ref name="mathml.math"/>
      <elementSpec xmlns:rng="" ident="include" ns="" mode="add">
	<desc xml:lang="en" versionDate="2014-01-12">The W3C XInclude element</desc>
	  <memberOf key="model.common"/>
	  <memberOf key="model.teiHeaderPart"/>
	  <memberOf key="model.graphicLike"/>
	    <rng:ref name="fallback"/>
	  <attDef ident="href">
	    <desc xml:lang="en" versionDate="2014-01-12">pointer to the resource being included</desc>
	      <rng:ref name="data.pointer"/>
	  <attDef ident="parse" usage="opt">
	    <valList type="closed">
	      <valItem ident="xml"/>
	      <valItem ident="text"/>
	  <attDef ident="xpointer" usage="opt">
	  <attDef ident="encoding" usage="opt">
	  <attDef ident="accept" usage="opt">
	  <attDef ident="accept-charset" usage="opt">
	  <attDef ident="accept-language" usage="opt">
      <elementSpec xmlns:rng="" ident="fallback" ns="" mode="add">
	<desc xml:lang="en" versionDate="2014-01-12">Wrapper for fallback elements if an XInclude fails</desc>
	  <rng:ref name="anyThing"/>
        <macroSpec ident="anyThing" mode="add">
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