Revision 4f7c005b54f140641a885ec51924f4248860432f authored by Ping He on 17 March 2021, 01:56:47 UTC, committed by GitHub on 17 March 2021, 01:56:47 UTC
* Added a script to scale plot3d.

* Changed

* Changed the design variable hist output to JSON format.

* Added the AD calculation for ACT derivs.

* Fixed the act deriv in parallel.

* Updated the version.

* Fixed the ACT deriv in parallel. Updated the test.

* Fixed the parallel BC derivs.

* The AOA deriv is working in parallel.

* Updated tests.
1 parent bcefc22
Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python


    DAFoam  : Discrete Adjoint with OpenFOAM
    Version : v2

    The Python interface to DAFoam. It controls the adjoint
    solvers and external modules for design optimization


__version__ = "2.2.4"

import subprocess
import os
import sys
import copy
import shutil
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from collections import OrderedDict
import petsc4py
from petsc4py import PETSc


class DAOPTION(object):
    Define a set of options to use in PYDAFOAM and set their initial values.
    This class will be used by PYDAFOAM._getDefOptions()

    NOTE: Give an initial value for a new option, this help PYDAFOAM determine the type of this
    option. If it is a list, give at least one default value. If it is a dict, you can leave it
    blank, e.g., {}. Also, use ## to add comments before the new option such that these comments
    will be  picked up by Doxygen. If possible, give examples.

    NOTE: We group these options into three categories.
    - The basic options are those options that will be used for EVERY solvers and EVERY cases.
    - The intermediate options are options that will be used in some of solvers for special
      situation (e.g., primalVarBounds to prevent solution from divergence).
    - The advanced options will be used in special situation to improve performance, e.g.,
      maxResConLv4JacPCMat to reduce memory of preconditioner. Its usage is highly case dependent.
      It may also include options that have a default value that is rarely changed, except for
      very special situation.

    # *********************************************************************************************
    # *************************************** Basic Options ***************************************
    # *********************************************************************************************

    ## The name of the DASolver to use for primal and adjoint computation.
    ## See dafoam/src/adjoint/DASolver for more details
    ## Currently support:
    ## - DASimpleFoam:            Incompressible steady-state flow solver for Navier-Stokes equations
    ## - DASimpleTFoam:           Incompressible steady-state flow solver for Navier-Stokes equations with temperature
    ## - DAPisoFoam:              Incompressible transient flow solver for Navier-Stokes equations
    ## - DARhoSimpleFoam:         Compressible steady-state flow solver for Navier-Stokes equations (subsonic)
    ## - DARhoSimpleCFoam:        Compressible steady-state flow solver for Navier-Stokes equations (transonic)
    ## - DATurboFoam:             Compressible steady-state flow solver for Navier-Stokes equations (turbomachinery)
    ## - DASolidDisplacementFoam: Steady-state structural solver for linear elastic equations
    solverName = "DASimpleFoam"

    ## The convergence tolerance for the primal solver. If the primal can not converge to 2 orders
    ## of magnitude (default) higher than this tolerance, the primal solution will return fail=True
    primalMinResTol = 1.0e-8

    ## The boundary condition for primal solution. The keys should include "variable", "patch",
    ## and "value". For turbulence variable, one can also set "useWallFunction" [bool].
    ## Note that setting "primalBC" will overwrite any values defined in the "0" folder.
    ## The primalBC setting will be printed to screen for each primal solution during the optimization
    ## Example
    ##    "primalBC": {
    ##        "U0": {"variable": "U", "patches": ["inlet"], "value": [10.0, 0.0, 0.0]},
    ##        "p0": {"variable": "p", "patches": ["outlet"], "value": [101325.0]},
    ##        "nuTilda0": {"variable": "nuTilda", "patches": ["inlet"], "value": [1.5e-4]},
    ##        "useWallFunction": True,
    ##    },
    primalBC = {}

    ## State normalization for dRdWT computation. Typically, we set far field value for each state
    ## variable. NOTE: If you forget to set normalization value for a state variable, the adjoint
    ## may not converge or it may be inaccurate! For "phi", use 1.0 to normalization
    ## Example
    ##     normalizeStates = {"U": 10.0, "p": 101325.0, "phi": 1.0, "nuTilda": 1.e-4}
    normalizeStates = {
        "p": 1.0,
        "phi": 1.0,
        "U": 1.0,
        "T": 1.0,
        "nuTilda": 1.0,
        "k": 1.0,
        "epsilon": 1.0,
        "omega": 1.0,
        "p_rgh": 1.0,
        "D": 1.0,

    ## Information on objective function. Each objective function requires a different input forma
    ## But for all objectives, we need to give a name to the objective function, e.g., CD or any
    ## other preferred name, and the information for each part of the objective function. Most of
    ## the time, the objective has only one part (in this case part1), but one can also combine two
    ## parts of objectives, e.g., we can define a new objective that is the sum of force and moment.
    ## For each part, we need to define the type of objective (e.g., force, moment; we need to use
    ## the reserved type names), how to select the discrete mesh faces to compute the objective
    ## (e.g., we select them from the name of a patch patchToFace), the name of the patch (wing)
    ## for patchToFace, the scaling factor "scale", and whether to compute adjoint for this
    ## objective "addToAdjoint". For force objectives, we need to project the force vector to a
    ## specific direction. The following example defines that CD is the force that is parallel to flow
    ## (parallelToFlow). Alternative, we can also use fixedDirection and provide a direction key for
    ## force, i.e., "directionMode": "fixedDirection", "direction": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]. Since we select
    ## parallelToFlow, we need to prescribe the name of angle of attack design variable to determine
    ## the flow direction. Here alpha will be defined in
    ## DVGeo.addGeoDVGlobal("alpha", [alpha0], alpha, lower=-10.0, upper=10.0, scale=1.0).
    ## NOTE: if no alpha is added in DVGeo.addGeoDVGlobal, we can NOT use parallelToFlow.
    ## For this case, we have to use "directionMode": "fixedDirection".
    ## Example
    ##     "objFunc": {
    ##         "CD": {
    ##             "part1": {
    ##                 "type": "force",
    ##                 "source": "patchToFace",
    ##                 "patches": ["wing"],
    ##                 "directionMode": "parallelToFlow",
    ##                 "alphaName": "alpha",
    ##                 "scale": 1.0 / (0.5 * UmagIn * UmagIn * ARef),
    ##                 "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##             }
    ##         },
    ##         "CL": {
    ##             "part1": {
    ##                 "type": "force",
    ##                 "source": "patchToFace",
    ##                 "patches": ["wing"],
    ##                 "directionMode": "normalToFlow",
    ##                 "alphaName": "alpha",
    ##                 "scale": 1.0 / (0.5 * UmagIn * UmagIn * ARef),
    ##                 "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##             }
    ##         },
    ##         "CMZ": {
    ##             "part1": {
    ##                 "type": "moment",
    ##                 "source": "patchToFace",
    ##                 "patches": ["wing"],
    ##                 "axis": [0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
    ##                 "center": [0.25, 0.0, 0.05],
    ##                 "scale": 1.0 / (0.5 * UmagIn * UmagIn * ARef * LRef),
    ##                 "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##             }
    ##         },
    ##         "TPR": {
    ##             "part1": {
    ##                 "type": "totalPressureRatio",
    ##                 "source": "patchToFace",
    ##                 "patches": ["inlet", "outlet"],
    ##                 "inletPatches": ["inlet"],
    ##                 "outletPatches": ["outlet"],
    ##                 "scale": 1.0,
    ##                 "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##             }
    ##         },
    ##         "TTR": {
    ##             "part1": {
    ##                 "type": "totalTemperatureRatio",
    ##                 "source": "patchToFace",
    ##                 "patches": ["inlet", "outlet"],
    ##                 "inletPatches": ["inlet"],
    ##                 "outletPatches": ["outlet"],
    ##                 "scale": 1.0,
    ##                 "addToAdjoint": False,
    ##             }
    ##         },
    ##         "MFR": {
    ##             "part1": {
    ##                 "type": "massFlowRate",
    ##                 "source": "patchToFace",
    ##                 "patches": ["inlet"],
    ##                 "scale": -1.0,
    ##                 "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##             }
    ##         },
    ##        "PL": {
    ##            "part1": {
    ##                "type": "totalPressure",
    ##                "source": "patchToFace",
    ##                "patches": ["inlet"],
    ##                "scale": 1.0 / (0.5 * U0 * U0),
    ##                "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##            },
    ##            "part2": {
    ##                "type": "totalPressure",
    ##                "source": "patchToFace",
    ##                "patches": ["outlet"],
    ##                "scale": -1.0 / (0.5 * U0 * U0),
    ##                "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##            }
    ##        },
    ##        "NU": {
    ##            "part1": {
    ##                "type": "wallHeatFlux",
    ##                "source": "patchToFace",
    ##                "patches": ["ubend"],
    ##                "scale": 1.0,
    ##                "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##            }
    ##        },
    ##        "VMS": {
    ##            "part1": {
    ##                "type": "vonMisesStressKS",
    ##                "source": "boxToCell",
    ##                "min": [-10.0, -10.0, -10.0],
    ##                "max": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
    ##                "scale": 1.0,
    ##                "coeffKS": 2.0e-3,
    ##                "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##            }
    ##        },
    ##        "M": {
    ##            "part1": {
    ##                "type": "mass",
    ##                "source": "boxToCell",
    ##                "min": [-10.0, -10.0, -10.0],
    ##                "max": [10.0, 10.0, 10.0],
    ##                "scale": 1.0,
    ##                "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##            }
    ##        },
    ##        "FI": {
    ##            "part1": {
    ##                "type": "stateErrorNorm",
    ##                "source": "boxToCell",
    ##                "min": [-100.0, -100.0, -100.0],
    ##                "max": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0],
    ##                "stateName": "U",
    ##                "stateRefName": "UTrue",
    ##                "stateType": "vector",
    ##                "scale": 1.0,
    ##                "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##            },
    ##            "part2": {
    ##                "type": "stateErrorNorm",
    ##                "source": "boxToCell",
    ##                "min": [-100.0, -100.0, -100.0],
    ##                "max": [100.0, 100.0, 100.0],
    ##                "stateName": "betaSA",
    ##                "stateRefName": "betaSATrue",
    ##                "stateType": "scalar",
    ##                "scale": 0.01,
    ##                "addToAdjoint": True,
    ##            },
    ##        },
    ##    },
    objFunc = {}

    ## Design variable information. Different type of design variables require different keys
    ## For alpha, we need to prescribe a list of far field patch names from which the angle of
    ## attack is computed, this is usually a far field patch. Also, we need to prescribe
    ## flow and normal axies, and alpha = atan( U_normal / U_flow ) at patches
    ## Example
    ##     designVar = {
    ##         "shapey" : {"designVarType": "FFD"},
    ##         "twist": {"designVarType": "FFD"},
    ##         "alpha" = {
    ##             "designVarType": "AOA",
    ##             "patches": ["farField"],
    ##             "flowAxis": "x",
    ##             "normalAxis": "y"
    ##         },
    ##         "ux0" = {
    ##             "designVarType": "BC",
    ##             "patches": ["inlet"],
    ##             "variable": "U",
    ##             "comp": 0
    ##         },
    ##     }
    designVar = {}

    ## List of patch names for the design surface. These patch names need to be of wall type
    ## and shows up in the constant/polyMesh/boundary file
    designSurfaces = ["None"]

    # *********************************************************************************************
    # ****************************** Intermediate Options *****************************************
    # *********************************************************************************************

    ## Information for the finite volume source term, which will be added in the momentum equation
    ## We support multiple source terms
    ## Example
    ## "fvSource": {
    ##     "disk1": {
    ##         "type": "actuatorDisk", # Actuator disk source. This is a child class in DAFvSource
    ##         "source": "cylinderAnnulusToCell", # Define a volume to add the fvSource term
    ##         "p1": [-0.4, -0.1, 0.05],  # p1 and p2 define the axis and width
    ##         "p2": [-0.1, -0.1, 0.05],  # p2-p1 should be streamwise
    ##         "innerRadius": 0.01,
    ##         "outerRadius": 0.5,
    ##         "rotDir": "left",
    ##         "scale": 50.0,
    ##         "POD": 0.7, # pitch/diameter
    ##     },
    ##     "disk2": {
    ##         "type": "actuatorDisk",
    ##         "source": "cylinderAnnulusToCell",
    ##         "p1": [-0.4, 0.1, 0.05],
    ##         "p2": [-0.1, 0.1, 0.05],
    ##         "innerRadius": 0.01,
    ##         "outerRadius": 0.5,
    ##         "rotDir": "right",
    ##         "scale": 25.0,  # scale the source such the integral equals desired thrust
    ##         "POD": 1.0,
    ##     },
    ##    "line1":
    ##    {
    ##        "type": "actuatorPoint",
    ##        "smoothFunction": "hyperbolic", # or gaussian
    ##        "center": [-0.55, 0.0, 0.05],  # center and size define a rectangular
    ##        "size": [0.2, 0.2, 0.1],
    ##        "amplitude": [0.0, 0.2, 0.0],
    ##        "thrustDirIdx": 0,
    ##        "periodicity": 0.1,
    ##        "eps": 10.0,
    ##        "scale": 10.0  # scale the source such the integral equals desired thrust
    ##    },
    ##    "gradP"
    ##    {
    ##        "type": "uniformPressureGradient",
    ##        "value": 1e-3,
    ##        "direction": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
    ##    },
    ## },
    fvSource = {}

    ## Adjoint solution option.
    ## JacobianFD: Using finite-difference method to compute the partials
    ## JacobianFree: Using the matrix-free GMRES to solve the adjoint equation without computing
    ## the state Jacobians.
    adjJacobianOption = "JacobianFD"

    ## The variable upper and lower bounds for primal solution. The key is variable+"Max/Min".
    ## Setting the bounds increases the robustness of primal solution for compressible solvers.
    ## Also, we set lower bounds for turbulence variables to ensure they are physical
    ## Example
    ##     primalValBounds = {"UMax": 1000, "UMin": -1000, "pMax": 1000000}
    primalVarBounds = {
        "UMax": 1e16,
        "UMin": -1e16,
        "pMax": 1e16,
        "pMin": -1e16,
        "p_rghMax": 1e16,
        "p_rghMin": -1e16,
        "eMax": 1e16,
        "eMin": -1e16,
        "TMax": 1e16,
        "TMin": -1e16,
        "hMax": 1e16,
        "hMin": -1e16,
        "DMax": 1e16,
        "DMin": -1e16,
        "rhoMax": 1e16,
        "rhoMin": -1e16,
        "nuTildaMax": 1e16,
        "nuTildaMin": 1e-16,
        "kMax": 1e16,
        "kMin": 1e-16,
        "omegaMax": 1e16,
        "omegaMin": 1e-16,
        "epsilonMax": 1e16,
        "epsilonMin": 1e-16,

    ## Whether to perform multipoint optimization.
    multiPoint = False

    ## If multiPoint = True, how many primal configurations for the multipoint optimization.
    nMultiPoints = 1

    ## The step size for finite-difference computation of partial derivatives. The default values
    ## will work for most of the case.
    adjPartDerivFDStep = {
        "State": 1.0e-6,
        "FFD": 1.0e-3,
        "BC": 1.0e-2,
        "AOA": 1.0e-3,
        "ACTP": 1.0e-2,
        "ACTD": 1.0e-2,
        "ACTL": 1.0e-2,

    ## Which options to use to improve the adjoint equation convergence of transonic conditions
    ## This is used only for transonic solvers such as DARhoSimpleCFoam
    transonicPCOption = -1

    ## Options for hybrid adjoint. Here nTimeInstances is the number of time instances
    ## periodicity is the periodicity of flow oscillation
    hybridAdjoint = {"active": False, "nTimeInstances": -1, "periodicity": -1.0}

    ## At which iteration should we start the averaging of objective functions.
    ## This is only used for unsteady solvers
    objFuncAvgStart = 1

    ## The interval of recomputing the pre-conditioner matrix dRdWTPC for solveAdjoint
    ## By default, dRdWTPC will be re-computed each time the solveAdjoint function is called
    ## However, one can increase the lag to skip it and reuse the dRdWTPC computed previously.
    ## This obviously increses the speed because the dRdWTPC computation takes about 30% of
    ## the adjoint total runtime. However, setting a too large lag value will decreases the speed
    ## of solving the adjoint equations. One needs to balance these factors
    adjPCLag = 1

    # *********************************************************************************************
    # ************************************ Advance Options ****************************************
    # *********************************************************************************************

    ## The root directory is usually ./
    rootDir = "./"

    ## The run status which can be solvePrimal, solveAdjoint, or calcTotalDeriv. This parameter is
    ## used internally, so users should never change this option in the Python layer.
    runStatus = "None"

    ## Whether to print all options to screen before optimization. Needed only for debugging.
    printAllOptions = False

    ## Whether running the optimization in the debug mode, which prints extra information.
    debug = False

    ## Whether to write all the Jacobian matrices to file for debugging
    writeJacobians = False

    ## The print interval of primal and adjoint solution, e.g., how frequent to print the primal
    ## solution steps, how frequent to print the dRdWT partial derivative computation.
    printInterval = 100

    ## The print interval of unsteady primal solvers, e.g., for DAPisoFoam
    printIntervalUnsteady = 500

    ## Users can adjust primalMinResTolDiff to tweak how much difference between primalMinResTol
    ## and the actual primal convergence is consider to be fail=True for the primal solution.
    primalMinResTolDiff = 1.0e2

    ## Whether to use graph coloring to accelerate partial derivative computation. Unless you are
    ## debugging the accuracy of partial computation, always set it to True
    adjUseColoring = True

    ## The Petsc options for solving the adjoint linear equation. These options should work for
    ## most of the case. If the adjoint does not converge, try to increase pcFillLevel to 2, or
    ## try "jacMatReOrdering": "nd"
    adjEqnOption = {
        "globalPCIters": 0,
        "asmOverlap": 1,
        "localPCIters": 1,
        "jacMatReOrdering": "rcm",
        "pcFillLevel": 1,
        "gmresMaxIters": 1000,
        "gmresRestart": 1000,
        "gmresRelTol": 1.0e-6,
        "gmresAbsTol": 1.0e-14,
        "gmresTolDiff": 1.0e2,
        "useNonZeroInitGuess": False,

    ## Normalization for residuals. We should normalize all residuals!
    normalizeResiduals = [

    ## The maximal connectivity level for the dRdWTPC matrix. Reducing the connectivity level
    ## reduce the memory usage, however, it may slow down the adjoint equation convergence.
    ## The default value should have the best convergence speed but not optimal memory usage.
    maxResConLv4JacPCMat = {
        "pRes": 2,
        "phiRes": 1,
        "URes": 2,
        "TRes": 2,
        "nuTildaRes": 2,
        "kRes": 2,
        "epsilonRes": 2,
        "omegaRes": 2,
        "p_rghRes": 2,
        "DRes": 2,

    ## The min bound for Jacobians, any value that is smaller than the bound will be set to 0
    ## Setting a large lower bound for preconditioner (PC) can help to reduce memory.
    jacLowerBounds = {
        "dRdW": 1.0e-30,
        "dRdWPC": 1.0e-30,

    ## The maximal iterations of tractionDisplacement boundary conditions
    maxTractionBCIters = 100

    ## decomposeParDict option. This file will be automatically written such that users
    ## can run optimization with any number of CPU cores without the need to manually
    ## change decomposeParDict
    decomposeParDict = {
        "method": "scotch",
        "simpleCoeffs": {"n": [2, 2, 1], "delta": 0.001},
        "preservePatches": ["None"],

    ## The ordering of state variable. Options are: state or cell. Most of the case, the state
    ## odering is the best choice.
    adjStateOrdering = "state"

    ## Default name for the mesh surface family. Users typically don't need to change
    meshSurfaceFamily = "None"

    ## Default name for the design surface family. Users typically don't need to change
    designSurfaceFamily = "designSurfaces"

    ## The threshold for check mesh call
    checkMeshThreshold = {
        "maxAspectRatio": 1000.0,
        "maxNonOrth": 70.0,
        "maxSkewness": 4.0,

    ## Compute intermediate variables such as the mean fields
    ## Example:
    ## "intmdVar" : {
    ##     "UMean" : {
    ##         "operation": "Mean",
    ##         "fieldType": "volVectorField",
    ##         "baseField": "U",
    ##         "restartSteps": 1000
    ##      }
    ## }
    intmdVar = {}

    def __init__(self):
        Nothing needs to be done for initializing DAOPTION

class PYDAFOAM(object):

    Main class for pyDAFoam


    comm : mpi4py communicator
        An optional argument to pass in an external communicator.

    options : dictionary
        The list of options to use with pyDAFoam.


    def __init__(self, comm=None, options=None):
        Initialize class members

        assert not os.getenv("WM_PROJECT") is None, "$WM_PROJECT not found. Please source OpenFOAM-v1812/etc/bashrc"

        self.version = __version__

        Info(" ")
        Info("|                               DAFoam v%s                                 |" % self.version)
        Info(" ")

        # name = "PYDAFOAM"

        # initialize options for adjoints

        # initialize comm for parallel communication

        # Initialize families
        self.families = OrderedDict()

        # Default it to fault, after calling setSurfaceCoordinates, set it to true
        self._updateGeomInfo = False

        # Use double data type: 'd'
        self.dtype = "d"

        # write all the setup files

        # initialize point set name
        self.ptSetName = self.getPointSetName()

        # Remind the user of all the DAFoam options:
        if self.getOption("printAllOptions"):

        # run decomposePar for parallel runs

        # register solver names and set their types

        # initialize the pySolvers
        self.solverInitialized = 0

        # initialize mesh information and read grids

        # initialize the mesh point vector xvVec

        # initialize state variable vector self.wVec

        # get the reduced point connectivities for the base patches in the mesh

        # Add a couple of special families.
        self.allFamilies = "allSurfaces"
        self.addFamilyGroup(self.allFamilies, self.basicFamilies)

        self.allWallsGroup = "allWalls"
        self.addFamilyGroup(self.allWallsGroup, self.wallList)

        # Set the design families if given, otherwise default to all
        # walls
        self.designFamilyGroup = self.getOption("designSurfaceFamily")
        if self.designFamilyGroup == "None":
            self.designFamilyGroup = self.allWallsGroup

        # Set the mesh families if given, otherwise default to all
        # walls
        self.meshFamilyGroup = self.getOption("meshSurfaceFamily")
        if self.meshFamilyGroup == "None":
            self.meshFamilyGroup = self.allWallsGroup

        # get the surface coordinate of allFamilies
        self.xs0 = self.getSurfaceCoordinates(self.allFamilies)

        # By Default we don't have an external mesh object or a
        # geometric manipulation object
        self.mesh = None
        self.DVGeo = None

        # initialize the number of primal and adjoint calls
        self.nSolvePrimals = 0
        self.nSolveAdjoints = 0

        # flags for primal and adjoint failure
        self.primalFail = 0
        self.adjointFail = 0

        # objFuncValuePreIter stores the objective function value from the previous
        # iteration. When the primal solution fails, the evalFunctions function will read
        # value from self.objFuncValuePreIter
        self.objFuncValuePrevIter = {}

        # compute the objective function names for which we solve the adjoint equation
        self.objFuncNames4Adj = self._calcObjFuncNames4Adj()

        # dictionary to save the total derivative vectors
        # NOTE: this function need to be called after initializing self.objFuncNames4Adj
        self.adjTotalDeriv = self._initializeAdjTotalDeriv()

        # preconditioner matrix
        self.dRdWTPC = None

        # initialize the adjoint vector dict
        self.adjVectors = self._initializeAdjVectors()

        Info("pyDAFoam initialization done!")


    def _solverRegistry(self):
        Register solver names and set their types. For a new solver, first identify its
        type and add their names to the following dict

        self.solverRegistry = {
            "Incompressible": ["DASimpleFoam", "DASimpleTFoam", "DAPisoFoam"],
            "Compressible": ["DARhoSimpleFoam", "DARhoSimpleCFoam", "DATurboFoam"],
            "Solid": ["DASolidDisplacementFoam"],

    def __call__(self):
        Solve the primal

        # update the mesh coordinates if DVGeo is set
        # add point set and update the mesh based on the DV values

        if self.DVGeo is not None:

            # if the point set is not in DVGeo add it first
            if self.ptSetName not in self.DVGeo.points:

                xs0 = self.mapVector(self.xs0, self.allFamilies, self.designFamilyGroup)

                self.DVGeo.addPointSet(xs0, self.ptSetName)
                self.pointsSet = True

            # set the surface coords xs
            Info("DVGeo PointSet UpToDate: " + str(self.DVGeo.pointSetUpToDate(self.ptSetName)))
            if not self.DVGeo.pointSetUpToDate(self.ptSetName):
                Info("Updating DVGeo PointSet....")
                xs = self.DVGeo.update(self.ptSetName, config=None)
                self.setSurfaceCoordinates(xs, self.designFamilyGroup)
                Info("DVGeo PointSet UpToDate: " + str(self.DVGeo.pointSetUpToDate(self.ptSetName)))

                # warp the mesh to get the new volume coordinates
                Info("Warping the volume mesh....")

                xvNew = self.mesh.getSolverGrid()
                self.xvFlatten2XvVec(xvNew, self.xvVec)

        # solve the primal to get new state variables


    def _getDefOptions(self):
        Setup default options


        defOpts : dict
            All the DAFoam options.

        # initialize the DAOPTION object
        daOption = DAOPTION()

        defOpts = {}

        # assign all the attribute of daOptoin to defOpts
        for key in daOption.__dir__():
            if "__" not in key:
                value = getattr(DAOPTION, key)
                defOpts[key] = [type(value), value]

        return defOpts

    def _initializeAdjVectors(self):
        Initialize the adjoint vector dict


        adjAdjVectors : dict
            A dict that contains adjoint vectors, stored in Petsc format

        wSize = self.solver.getNLocalAdjointStates()

        objFuncDict = self.getOption("objFunc")

        adjVectors = {}
        for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
            if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                psi = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                psi.setSizes((wSize, PETSc.DECIDE), bsize=1)
                adjVectors[objFuncName] = psi

        return adjVectors

    def _initializeAdjTotalDeriv(self):
        Initialize the adjoint total derivative dict
        NOTE: this function need to be called after initializing self.objFuncNames4Adj


        adjTotalDeriv : dict
            An empty dict that contains total derivative of objective function with respect design variables

        designVarDict = self.getOption("designVar")
        objFuncDict = self.getOption("objFunc")

        adjTotalDeriv = {}
        for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
            if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName] = {}
                for designVarName in designVarDict:
                    adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = None

        return adjTotalDeriv

    def _calcObjFuncNames4Adj(self):
        Compute the objective function names for which we solve the adjoint equation


        objFuncNames4Adj : list
            A list of objective function names we will solve the adjoint for

        objFuncList = []
        objFuncDict = self.getOption("objFunc")
        for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
            objFuncSubDict = objFuncDict[objFuncName]
            for objFuncPart in objFuncSubDict:
                objFuncSubDictPart = objFuncSubDict[objFuncPart]
                if objFuncSubDictPart["addToAdjoint"] is True:
                    if objFuncName not in objFuncList:
                elif objFuncSubDictPart["addToAdjoint"] is False:
                    raise Error("addToAdjoint can be either True or False")
        return objFuncList

    def saveMultiPointField(self, indexMP):
        Save the state variable vector to self.wVecMPList

        Istart, Iend = self.wVec.getOwnershipRange()
        for i in range(Istart, Iend):
            self.wVecMPList[indexMP][i] = self.wVec[i]



    def setMultiPointField(self, indexMP):
        Set the state variable vector based on self.wVecMPList

        Istart, Iend = self.wVec.getOwnershipRange()
        for i in range(Istart, Iend):
            self.wVec[i] = self.wVecMPList[indexMP][i]



    def setTimeInstanceField(self, instanceI):
        Set the OpenFOAM state variables based on instance index

        # NOTE: we need to set the OF field to wVec vector here!
        # this is because we will assign self.wVec to the solveAdjoint function later


    def writeDesignVariable(self, fileName, xDV):
        Write the design variable history to files in the json format
        # Write the design variable history to files
        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            if self.nSolveAdjoints == 0:
                f = open(fileName, "w")
                f = open(fileName, "a")
            # write design variables
            f.write("\nOptimization Iteration: %03d\n" % self.nSolveAdjoints)
            for dvName in sorted(xDV):
                f.write('    "%s": ' % dvName)
                    f.write("[ ")
                    for dvVal in xDV[dvName]:
                        f.write("%20.15e, " % dvVal)
                except Exception:
                    f.write(" %20.15e\n" % xDV[dvName])

    def getTimeInstanceObjFunc(self, instanceI, objFuncName):
        Return the value of objective function at the given time instance and name

        return self.solver.getTimeInstanceObjFunc(instanceI, objFuncName.encode())

    def evalFunctions(self, funcs, evalFuncs=None, ignoreMissing=False):
        Evaluate the desired functions given in iterable object,
        'evalFuncs' and add them to the dictionary 'funcs'. The keys
        in the funcs dictionary will be have an _<> appended to
        them. Additionally, information regarding whether or not the
        last analysis with the solvePrimal was successful is
        included. This information is included as "funcs['fail']". If
        the 'fail' entry already exits in the dictionary the following
        operation is performed:

        funcs['fail'] = funcs['fail'] or <did this problem fail>

        In other words, if any one problem fails, the funcs['fail']
        entry will be False. This information can then be used
        directly in the pyOptSparse.

        funcs : dict
            Dictionary into which the functions are saved.

        evalFuncs : iterable object containing strings
          If not None, use these functions to evaluate.

        ignoreMissing : bool
            Flag to suppress checking for a valid function. Please use
            this option with caution.

        >>> funcs = {}
        >>> CFDsolver()
        >>> CFDsolver.evalFunctions(funcs, ['CD', 'CL'])
        >>> funcs
        >>> # Result will look like:
        >>> # {'CD':0.501, 'CL':0.02750}

        for funcName in evalFuncs:
            if self.primalFail:
                if len(self.objFuncValuePrevIter) == 0:
                    raise Error("Primal solution failed for the baseline design!")
                    # do not call self.solver.getObjFuncValue because they can be nonphysical,
                    # assign funcs based on self.objFuncValuePrevIter instead
                    funcs[funcName] = self.objFuncValuePrevIter[funcName]
                # call self.solver.getObjFuncValue to get the objFuncValue from
                # the DASolver
                objFuncValue = self.solver.getObjFuncValue(funcName.encode())
                funcs[funcName] = objFuncValue
                # assign the objFuncValuePrevIter
                self.objFuncValuePrevIter[funcName] = funcs[funcName]

        if self.primalFail:
            funcs["fail"] = True
            funcs["fail"] = False


    def evalFunctionsSens(self, funcsSens, evalFuncs=None):
        Evaluate the sensitivity of the desired functions given in
        iterable object,'evalFuncs' and add them to the dictionary

        funcSens : dict
        Dictionary into which the function derivatives are saved.

        evalFuncs : iterable object containing strings
            The functions the user wants the derivatives of

        >>> funcSens = {}
        >>> CFDsolver.evalFunctionsSens(funcSens, ['CD', 'CL'])

        if self.DVGeo is None:
            raise Error("DVGeo not set!")

        dvs = self.DVGeo.getValues()

        for funcName in evalFuncs:
            funcsSens[funcName] = {}
            for dvName in dvs:
                nDVs = len(dvs[dvName])
                funcsSens[funcName][dvName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                for i in range(nDVs):
                    funcsSens[funcName][dvName][i] = self.adjTotalDeriv[funcName][dvName][i]

        if self.adjointFail:
            funcsSens["fail"] = True
            funcsSens["fail"] = False


    def setDVGeo(self, DVGeo):
        Set the DVGeometry object that will manipulate 'geometry' in
        this object. Note that <SOLVER> does not **strictly** need a
        DVGeometry object, but if optimization with geometric
        changes is desired, then it is required.
        dvGeo : A DVGeometry object.
            Object responsible for manipulating the constraints that
            this object is responsible for.
        >>> CFDsolver = <SOLVER>(comm=comm, options=CFDoptions)
        >>> CFDsolver.setDVGeo(DVGeo)

        self.DVGeo = DVGeo

    def addFamilyGroup(self, groupName, families):
        Add a custom grouping of families called groupName. The groupName
        must be distinct from the existing families. All families must
        in the 'families' list must be present in the mesh file.
        groupName : str
            User-supplied custom name for the family groupings
        families : list
            List of string. Family names to combine into the family group

        # Do some error checking
        if groupName in self.families:
            raise Error(
                "The specified groupName '%s' already exists in the mesh file or has already been added." % groupName

        # We can actually allow for nested groups. That is, an entry
        # in families may already be a group added in a previous call.
        indices = []
        for fam in families:
            if fam not in self.families:
                raise Error(
                    "The specified family '%s' for group '%s', does "
                    "not exist in the mesh file or has "
                    "not already been added. The current list of "
                    "families (original and grouped) is: %s" % (fam, groupName, repr(self.families.keys()))


        # It is very important that the list of families is sorted
        # because in fortran we always use a binary search to check if
        # a famID is in the list.
        self.families[groupName] = sorted(np.unique(indices))

    def setMesh(self, mesh):
        Set the mesh object to the aero_solver to do geometric deformations
        mesh : MBMesh or USMesh object
            The mesh object for doing the warping

        # Store a reference to the mesh
        self.mesh = mesh

        # Setup External Warping with volume indices
        meshInd = self.getSolverMeshIndices()

        # Set the surface the user has supplied:
        conn, faceSizes = self.getSurfaceConnectivity(self.meshFamilyGroup)
        pts = self.getSurfaceCoordinates(self.meshFamilyGroup)
        self.mesh.setSurfaceDefinition(pts, conn, faceSizes)

    def setEvalFuncs(self, evalFuncs):
        objFuncs = self.getOption("objFunc")
        for funcName in objFuncs:
            for funcPart in objFuncs[funcName]:
                if objFuncs[funcName][funcPart]["addToAdjoint"] is True:
                    if funcName not in evalFuncs:

    def getSurfaceConnectivity(self, groupName=None):
        Return the connectivity of the coordinates at which the forces (or tractions) are
        defined. This is the complement of getForces() which returns
        the forces at the locations returned in this routine.

        groupName : str
            Group identifier to get only forces cooresponding to the
            desired group. The group must be a family or a user-supplied
            group of families. The default is None which corresponds to
            all wall-type surfaces.

        if groupName is None:
            groupName = self.allWallsGroup

        # loop over the families in this group and populate the connectivity
        famInd = self.families[groupName]
        conn = []
        faceSizes = []

        pointOffset = 0
        for Ind in famInd:
            # select the face from the basic families
            name = self.basicFamilies[Ind]

            # get the size of this
            bc = self.boundaries[name]
            nPts = len(bc["indicesRed"])

            # get the number of reduced faces associated with this boundary
            nFace = len(bc["facesRed"])

            # check that this isn't an empty boundary
            if nFace > 0:
                # loop over the faces and add them to the connectivity and faceSizes array
                for iFace in range(nFace):
                    face = copy.copy(bc["facesRed"][iFace])
                    for i in range(len(face)):
                        face[i] += pointOffset

                pointOffset += nPts

        return conn, faceSizes

    def getTriangulatedMeshSurface(self, groupName=None, **kwargs):
        This function returns a trianguled verision of the surface
        mesh on all processors. The intent is to use this for doing
        constraints in DVConstraints.
        surf : list
           List of points and vectors describing the surface. This may
           be passed directly to DVConstraint setSurface() function.

        if groupName is None:
            groupName = self.allWallsGroup

        # Obtain the points and connectivity for the specified
        # groupName
        pts = self.comm.allgather(self.getSurfaceCoordinates(groupName, **kwargs))
        conn, faceSizes = self.getSurfaceConnectivity(groupName)
        conn = np.array(conn).flatten()
        conn = self.comm.allgather(conn)
        faceSizes = self.comm.allgather(faceSizes)

        # Triangle info...point and two vectors
        p0 = []
        v1 = []
        v2 = []

        # loop over the faces
        for iProc in range(len(faceSizes)):

            connCounter = 0
            for iFace in range(len(faceSizes[iProc])):
                # Get the number of nodes on this face
                faceSize = faceSizes[iProc][iFace]
                faceNodes = conn[iProc][connCounter : connCounter + faceSize]

                # Start by getting the centerpoint
                ptSum = [0, 0, 0]
                for i in range(faceSize):
                    # idx = ptCounter+i
                    idx = faceNodes[i]
                    ptSum += pts[iProc][idx]

                avgPt = ptSum / faceSize

                # Now go around the face and add a triangle for each adjacent pair
                # of points. This assumes an ordered connectivity from the
                # meshwarping
                for i in range(faceSize):
                    idx = faceNodes[i]
                    v1.append(pts[iProc][idx] - avgPt)
                    if i < (faceSize - 1):
                        idxp1 = faceNodes[i + 1]
                        v2.append(pts[iProc][idxp1] - avgPt)
                        # wrap back to the first point for the last element
                        idx0 = faceNodes[0]
                        v2.append(pts[iProc][idx0] - avgPt)

                # Now increment the connectivity
                connCounter += faceSize

        return [p0, v1, v2]

    def printFamilyList(self):
        Print a nicely formatted dictionary of the family names

    def setDesignVars(self, x):
        Set the internal design variables.
        At the moment we don't have any internal DVs to set.


    def _initializeOptions(self, options):
        Initialize the options passed into pyDAFoam


        options : dictionary
            The list of options to use with pyDAFoam.

        # If 'options' is None raise an error
        if options is None:
            raise Error("The 'options' keyword argument must be passed pyDAFoam.")

        # set immutable options that users should not change during the optimization
        self.imOptions = self._getImmutableOptions()

        # Load all the option information:
        self.defaultOptions = self._getDefOptions()

        # Set options based on defaultOptions
        # we basically overwrite defaultOptions with the given options
        # first assign self.defaultOptions to self.options
        self.options = OrderedDict()
        for key in self.defaultOptions:
            if len(self.defaultOptions[key]) != 2:
                raise Error(
                    "key %s has wrong format! \
                    Example: {'iters' : [int, 1]}"
                    % key
            self.options[key] = self.defaultOptions[key]
        # now set options to self.options
        for key in options:
            self.setOption(key, options[key])


    def _initializeComm(self, comm):
        Initialize MPI COMM and setup parallel flags

        # Set the MPI Communicators and associated info
        if comm is None:
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
        self.comm = comm

        # Check whether we are running in parallel
        nProc = self.comm.size
        self.parallel = False
        if nProc > 1:
            self.parallel = True

        # Save the rank and number of processors
        self.rank = self.comm.rank
        self.nProcs = self.comm.size

        # Setup the parallel flag for OpenFOAM executives
        self.parallelFlag = ""
        if self.parallel:
            self.parallelFlag = "-parallel"


    def _writeOFCaseFiles(self):


    def solvePrimal(self):
        Run primal solver to compute state variables and objectives

        xvVec: vector that contains all the mesh point coordinates

        wVec: vector that contains all the state variables

        self.primalFail: if the primal solution fails, assigns 1, otherwise 0

        Info("Running Primal Solver %03d" % self.nSolvePrimals)


        self.primalFail = 0
        self.primalFail = self.solver.solvePrimal(self.xvVec, self.wVec)

        self.nSolvePrimals += 1


    def solveAdjoint(self):
        Run adjoint solver to compute the adjoint vector psiVec

        xvVec: vector that contains all the mesh point coordinates

        wVec: vector that contains all the state variables

        self.adjTotalDeriv: the dict contains all the total derivative vectors

        self.adjointFail: if the adjoint solution fails, assigns 1, otherwise 0

        # save the point vector and state vector to disk
        Info("Saving the xvVec and wVec vectors to disk....")
        viewerXv = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary("xvVec_%03d.bin" % self.nSolveAdjoints, mode="w", comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
        viewerW = PETSc.Viewer().createBinary("wVec_%03d.bin" % self.nSolveAdjoints, mode="w", comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD)


        Info("Running adjoint Solver %03d" % self.nSolveAdjoints)

        self.setOption("runStatus", "solveAdjoint")

        if self.getOption("multiPoint"):
            if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":

        self.adjointFail = 0

        # calculate dRdWT
        if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFD":
            dRdWT = PETSc.Mat().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
            self.solver.calcdRdWT(self.xvVec, self.wVec, 0, dRdWT)
        elif self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":
            self.solverAD.initializedRdWTMatrixFree(self.xvVec, self.wVec)

        # calculate dRdWTPC
        adjPCLag = self.getOption("adjPCLag")
        if self.nSolveAdjoints == 0 or self.nSolveAdjoints % adjPCLag == 0:
            self.dRdWTPC = PETSc.Mat().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
            self.solver.calcdRdWT(self.xvVec, self.wVec, 1, self.dRdWTPC)

        # Initialize the KSP object
        ksp = PETSc.KSP().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
        if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFD":
            self.solver.createMLRKSP(dRdWT, self.dRdWTPC, ksp)
        elif self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":
            self.solverAD.createMLRKSPMatrixFree(self.dRdWTPC, ksp)

        # loop over all objFunc, calculate dFdW, and solve the adjoint
        objFuncDict = self.getOption("objFunc")
        wSize = self.solver.getNLocalAdjointStates()
        for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
            if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                dFdW = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                dFdW.setSizes((wSize, PETSc.DECIDE), bsize=1)
                if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFD":
                    self.solver.calcdFdW(self.xvVec, self.wVec, objFuncName.encode(), dFdW)
                elif self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":
                    self.solverAD.calcdFdWAD(self.xvVec, self.wVec, objFuncName.encode(), dFdW)

                # Initialize the adjoint vector psi and solve for it
                if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFD":
                    self.adjointFail = self.solver.solveLinearEqn(ksp, dFdW, self.adjVectors[objFuncName])
                elif self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":
                    self.adjointFail = self.solverAD.solveLinearEqn(ksp, dFdW, self.adjVectors[objFuncName])


        if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFD":
        elif self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":
        # we destroy dRdWTPC only when we need to recompute it next time
        # see the bottom of this function

        # ************ Now compute the total derivatives **********************
        Info("Computing total derivatives....")

        designVarDict = self.getOption("designVar")
        for designVarName in designVarDict:
            Info("Computing total derivatives for %s" % designVarName)
            ###################### BC: boundary condition as design variable ###################
            if designVarDict[designVarName]["designVarType"] == "BC":
                if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFD":
                    nDVs = 1
                    # calculate dRdBC
                    dRdBC = PETSc.Mat().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                    self.solver.calcdRdBC(self.xvVec, self.wVec, designVarName.encode(), dRdBC)
                    # loop over all objectives
                    for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
                        if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                            # calculate dFdBC
                            dFdBC = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            dFdBC.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, objFuncName.encode(), designVarName.encode(), dFdBC
                            # call the total deriv
                            totalDeriv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            totalDeriv.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                            self.calcTotalDeriv(dRdBC, dFdBC, self.adjVectors[objFuncName], totalDeriv)
                            # assign the total derivative to self.adjTotalDeriv
                            self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                            # we need to convert the parallel vec to seq vec
                            totalDerivSeq = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nDVs, bsize=1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
                            self.solver.convertMPIVec2SeqVec(totalDeriv, totalDerivSeq)
                            for i in range(nDVs):
                                self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName][i] = totalDerivSeq[i]
                elif self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":
                    nDVs = 1
                    # loop over all objectives
                    for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
                        if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                            # calculate dFdBC
                            dFdBC = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            dFdBC.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                            dFdBC.zeroEntries()  # dFdBC assumes to be zero
                            # Calculate dRBCT^Psi
                            totalDeriv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            totalDeriv.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, self.adjVectors[objFuncName], designVarName.encode(), totalDeriv
                            # totalDeriv = dFdBC - dRdBCT*psi
                            totalDeriv.axpy(1.0, dFdBC)
                            # assign the total derivative to self.adjTotalDeriv
                            self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                            # we need to convert the parallel vec to seq vec
                            totalDerivSeq = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nDVs, bsize=1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
                            self.solver.convertMPIVec2SeqVec(totalDeriv, totalDerivSeq)
                            for i in range(nDVs):
                                self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName][i] = totalDerivSeq[i]
            ###################### AOA: angle of attack as design variable ###################
            elif designVarDict[designVarName]["designVarType"] == "AOA":
                if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFD":
                    nDVs = 1
                    # calculate dRdAOA
                    dRdAOA = PETSc.Mat().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                    self.solver.calcdRdAOA(self.xvVec, self.wVec, designVarName.encode(), dRdAOA)
                    # loop over all objectives
                    for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
                        if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                            # calculate dFdAOA
                            dFdAOA = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            dFdAOA.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, objFuncName.encode(), designVarName.encode(), dFdAOA
                            # call the total deriv
                            totalDeriv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            totalDeriv.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                            self.calcTotalDeriv(dRdAOA, dFdAOA, self.adjVectors[objFuncName], totalDeriv)
                            # assign the total derivative to self.adjTotalDeriv
                            self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                            # we need to convert the parallel vec to seq vec
                            totalDerivSeq = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nDVs, bsize=1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
                            self.solver.convertMPIVec2SeqVec(totalDeriv, totalDerivSeq)
                            for i in range(nDVs):
                                self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName][i] = totalDerivSeq[i]
                elif self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":
                    nDVs = 1
                    # loop over all objectives
                    for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
                        if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                            # calculate dFdAOA
                            dFdAOA = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            dFdAOA.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                            self.calcdFdAOAAnalytical(objFuncName, dFdAOA)
                            # Calculate dRAOAT^Psi
                            totalDeriv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            totalDeriv.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, self.adjVectors[objFuncName], designVarName.encode(), totalDeriv
                            # totalDeriv = dFdAOA - dRdAOAT*psi
                            totalDeriv.axpy(1.0, dFdAOA)
                            # assign the total derivative to self.adjTotalDeriv
                            self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                            # we need to convert the parallel vec to seq vec
                            totalDerivSeq = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nDVs, bsize=1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
                            self.solver.convertMPIVec2SeqVec(totalDeriv, totalDerivSeq)
                            for i in range(nDVs):
                                self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName][i] = totalDerivSeq[i]
            ################### FFD: FFD points as design variable ###################
            elif designVarDict[designVarName]["designVarType"] == "FFD":
                if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFD":
                    nDVs = self.setdXvdFFDMat(designVarName)
                    # calculate dRdFFD
                    dRdFFD = PETSc.Mat().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                    self.solver.calcdRdFFD(self.xvVec, self.wVec, designVarName.encode(), dRdFFD)
                    # loop over all objectives
                    for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
                        if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                            # calculate dFdFFD
                            dFdFFD = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            dFdFFD.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, objFuncName.encode(), designVarName.encode(), dFdFFD
                            # call the total deriv
                            totalDeriv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            totalDeriv.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                            self.calcTotalDeriv(dRdFFD, dFdFFD, self.adjVectors[objFuncName], totalDeriv)
                            # assign the total derivative to self.adjTotalDeriv
                            self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                            # we need to convert the parallel vec to seq vec
                            totalDerivSeq = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nDVs, bsize=1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
                            self.solver.convertMPIVec2SeqVec(totalDeriv, totalDerivSeq)
                            for i in range(nDVs):
                                self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName][i] = totalDerivSeq[i]
                elif self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":
                        nDVs = len(self.DVGeo.getValues()[designVarName])
                    except Exception:
                        nDVs = 1
                    xvSize = len(self.xv) * 3
                    for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
                        if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                            # Calculate dFdXv
                            dFdXv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            dFdXv.setSizes((xvSize, PETSc.DECIDE), bsize=1)
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, objFuncName.encode(), designVarName.encode(), dFdXv

                            # Calculate dRXvT^Psi
                            totalDerivXv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            totalDerivXv.setSizes((xvSize, PETSc.DECIDE), bsize=1)
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, self.adjVectors[objFuncName], totalDerivXv

                            # totalDeriv = dFdXv - dRdXvT*psi
                            totalDerivXv.axpy(1.0, dFdXv)

                            dFdXvTotalArray = np.zeros(xvSize, self.dtype)
                            Istart, Iend = totalDerivXv.getOwnershipRange()
                            for idxI in range(Istart, Iend):
                                idxRel = idxI - Istart
                                dFdXvTotalArray[idxRel] = totalDerivXv[idxI]

                            if self.DVGeo is not None and self.DVGeo.getNDV() > 0:
                                # Now get total derivative wrt surface coordinates
                                dFdXs = self.mesh.getdXs()
                                dFdXs = self.mapVector(dFdXs, self.meshFamilyGroup, self.designFamilyGroup)
                                dFdFFD = self.DVGeo.totalSensitivity(dFdXs, ptSetName=self.ptSetName, comm=self.comm)

                            # assign the total derivative to self.adjTotalDeriv
                            self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                            for i in range(nDVs):
                                self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName][i] = dFdFFD[designVarName][0][i]
            ################### ACT: actuator models as design variable ###################
            elif designVarDict[designVarName]["designVarType"] in ["ACTL", "ACTP", "ACTD"]:
                if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFD":
                    designVarType = designVarDict[designVarName]["designVarType"]
                    nDVTable = {"ACTP": 9, "ACTD": 9, "ACTL": 11}
                    nDVs = nDVTable[designVarType]
                    # calculate dRdACT
                    dRdACT = PETSc.Mat().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                        self.xvVec, self.wVec, designVarName.encode(), designVarType.encode(), dRdACT
                    # loop over all objectives
                    for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
                        if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                            # calculate dFdACT
                            dFdACT = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            dFdACT.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                            dFdACT.zeroEntries()  # dFdACT assumes to be zeros
                            # call the total deriv
                            totalDeriv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            totalDeriv.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                            self.calcTotalDeriv(dRdACT, dFdACT, self.adjVectors[objFuncName], totalDeriv)
                            # assign the total derivative to self.adjTotalDeriv
                            self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                            # we need to convert the parallel vec to seq vec
                            totalDerivSeq = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nDVs, bsize=1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
                            self.solver.convertMPIVec2SeqVec(totalDeriv, totalDerivSeq)
                            for i in range(nDVs):
                                self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName][i] = totalDerivSeq[i]
                elif self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":
                    designVarType = designVarDict[designVarName]["designVarType"]
                    nDVTable = {"ACTP": 9, "ACTD": 9, "ACTL": 11}
                    nDVs = nDVTable[designVarType]
                    # loop over all objectives
                    for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
                        if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:
                            # calculate dFdACT
                            dFdACT = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            dFdACT.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                            dFdACT.zeroEntries()  # dFdACT assumes to be zeros
                            # call the total deriv
                            totalDeriv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            totalDeriv.setSizes((PETSc.DECIDE, nDVs), bsize=1)
                            # calculate dRdActT*Psi and save it to totalDeriv
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, self.adjVectors[objFuncName], designVarName.encode(), totalDeriv

                            # totalDeriv = dFdAct - dRdActT*psi
                            totalDeriv.axpy(1.0, dFdACT)

                            # assign the total derivative to self.adjTotalDeriv
                            self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                            # we need to convert the parallel vec to seq vec
                            totalDerivSeq = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nDVs, bsize=1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
                            self.solver.convertMPIVec2SeqVec(totalDeriv, totalDerivSeq)
                            for i in range(nDVs):
                                self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName][i] = totalDerivSeq[i]
            ################### Field: field variables (e.g., alphaPorosity, betaSA) as design variable ###################
            elif designVarDict[designVarName]["designVarType"] == "Field":
                if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":

                    xDV = self.DVGeo.getValues()
                    nDVs = len(xDV[designVarName])
                    fieldType = designVarDict[designVarName]["fieldType"]
                    if fieldType == "scalar":
                        fieldComp = 1
                    elif fieldType == "vector":
                        fieldComp = 3
                    nLocalCells = self.solver.getNLocalCells()

                    # loop over all objectives
                    for objFuncName in objFuncDict:
                        if objFuncName in self.objFuncNames4Adj:

                            # calculate dFdField
                            dFdField = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            dFdField.setSizes((fieldComp * nLocalCells, PETSc.DECIDE), bsize=1)
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, objFuncName.encode(), designVarName.encode(), dFdField

                            # call the total deriv
                            totalDeriv = PETSc.Vec().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                            totalDeriv.setSizes((fieldComp * nLocalCells, PETSc.DECIDE), bsize=1)
                            # calculate dRdFieldT*Psi and save it to totalDeriv
                                self.xvVec, self.wVec, self.adjVectors[objFuncName], designVarName.encode(), totalDeriv

                            # totalDeriv = dFdField - dRdFieldT*psi
                            totalDeriv.axpy(1.0, dFdField)

                            # assign the total derivative to self.adjTotalDeriv
                            self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName] = np.zeros(nDVs, self.dtype)
                            # we need to convert the parallel vec to seq vec
                            totalDerivSeq = PETSc.Vec().createSeq(nDVs, bsize=1, comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
                            self.solver.convertMPIVec2SeqVec(totalDeriv, totalDerivSeq)
                            for i in range(nDVs):
                                self.adjTotalDeriv[objFuncName][designVarName][i] = totalDerivSeq[i]
                    raise Error("For Field design variable type, we only support adjJacobianOption=JacobianFree")
                raise Error("designVarType %s not supported!" % designVarDict[designVarName]["designVarType"])

        self.nSolveAdjoints += 1

        # we destroy dRdWTPC only when we need to recompute it next time
        if self.nSolveAdjoints % adjPCLag == 0:


    def calcTotalDeriv(self, dRdX, dFdX, psi, totalDeriv):
        Compute total derivative

        dRdX, dFdX, and psi

        totalDeriv = dFdX - [dRdX]^T * psi

        dRdX.multTranspose(psi, totalDeriv)
        totalDeriv.axpy(1.0, dFdX)

    def calcdFdAOAAnalytical(self, objFuncName, dFdAOA):
        This function computes partials derivatives dFdAlpha with alpha being the angle of attack (AOA)
        We use the analytical method:
        CD = Fx * cos(alpha) + Fy * sin(alpha)
        CL = - Fx * sin(alpha) + Fy * cos(alpha)
        dCD/dAlpha = - Fx * sin(alpha) + Fy * cos(alpha) = CL
        dCL/dAlpha = - Fx * cos(alpha) - Fy * sin(alpha) = - CD
        NOTE: we need to convert the unit from radian to degree

        objFuncDict = self.getOption("objFunc")

        # find the neededMode of this objective function and also find out if it is a force objective
        neededMode = "None"
        isForceObj = 0
        for objFuncPart in objFuncDict[objFuncName]:
            if objFuncDict[objFuncName][objFuncPart]["type"] == "force":
                isForceObj = 1
                if objFuncDict[objFuncName][objFuncPart]["directionMode"] == "fixedDirection":
                    raise Error("AOA derivative does not support directionMode=fixedDirection!")
                elif objFuncDict[objFuncName][objFuncPart]["directionMode"] == "parallelToFlow":
                    neededMode = "normalToFlow"
                elif objFuncDict[objFuncName][objFuncPart]["directionMode"] == "normalToFlow":
                    neededMode = "parallelToFlow"
                    raise Error("directionMode not valid!")

        # if it is a forceObj, use the analytical approach to calculate dFdAOA, otherwise set it to zero
        if isForceObj == 1:
            # loop over all objectives again to find the neededMode
            # Note that if the neededMode == "parallelToFlow", we need to add a minus sign
            for objFuncNameNeeded in objFuncDict:
                for objFuncPart in objFuncDict[objFuncNameNeeded]:
                    if objFuncDict[objFuncNameNeeded][objFuncPart]["type"] == "force":
                        if objFuncDict[objFuncNameNeeded][objFuncPart]["directionMode"] == neededMode:
                            val = self.objFuncValuePrevIter[objFuncNameNeeded]
                            if neededMode == "parallelToFlow":
                                dFdAOA[0] = -val * np.pi / 180.0
                            elif neededMode == "normalToFlow":
                                dFdAOA[0] = val * np.pi / 180.0

    def _initSolver(self):
        Initialize the solvers. This needs to be called before calling any runs

        if self.solverInitialized == 1:
            raise Error("pyDAFoam: self._initSolver has been called! One shouldn't initialize solvers twice!")

        solverName = self.getOption("solverName")
        solverArg = solverName + " -python " + self.parallelFlag
        if solverName in self.solverRegistry["Incompressible"]:

            from .pyDASolverIncompressible import pyDASolvers

            self.solver = pyDASolvers(solverArg.encode(), self.options)

            if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":

                from .pyDASolverIncompressibleAD import pyDASolvers as pyDASolversAD

                self.solverAD = pyDASolversAD(solverArg.encode(), self.options)

        elif solverName in self.solverRegistry["Compressible"]:

            from .pyDASolverCompressible import pyDASolvers

            self.solver = pyDASolvers(solverArg.encode(), self.options)

            if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":

                from .pyDASolverCompressibleAD import pyDASolvers as pyDASolversAD

                self.solverAD = pyDASolversAD(solverArg.encode(), self.options)
        elif solverName in self.solverRegistry["Solid"]:

            from .pyDASolverSolid import pyDASolvers

            self.solver = pyDASolvers(solverArg.encode(), self.options)

            if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":

                from .pyDASolverSolidAD import pyDASolvers as pyDASolversAD

                self.solverAD = pyDASolversAD(solverArg.encode(), self.options)
            raise Error("pyDAFoam: %s not registered! Check _solverRegistry(self)." % solverName)


        if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":


        self.solverInitialized = 1


    def runColoring(self):
        Run coloring solver

        Info("|                       Running Coloring Solver                            |")

        solverName = self.getOption("solverName")
        if solverName in self.solverRegistry["Incompressible"]:

            from .pyColoringIncompressible import pyColoringIncompressible

            solverArg = "ColoringIncompressible -python " + self.parallelFlag
            solver = pyColoringIncompressible(solverArg.encode(), self.options)
        elif solverName in self.solverRegistry["Compressible"]:

            from .pyColoringCompressible import pyColoringCompressible

            solverArg = "ColoringCompressible -python " + self.parallelFlag
            solver = pyColoringCompressible(solverArg.encode(), self.options)
        elif solverName in self.solverRegistry["Solid"]:

            from .pyColoringSolid import pyColoringSolid

            solverArg = "ColoringSolid -python " + self.parallelFlag
            solver = pyColoringSolid(solverArg.encode(), self.options)
            raise Error("pyDAFoam: %s not registered! Check _solverRegistry(self)." % solverName)

        solver = None


    def runDecomposePar(self):
        Run decomposePar to parallel run

        # don't run it if it is a serial case
        if self.comm.size == 1:

        # write the decomposeParDict file with the correct numberOfSubdomains number

        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            status ="decomposePar", stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False)
            if status != 0:
                # raise Error('pyDAFoam: status %d: Unable to run decomposePar'%status)
                print("\nUnable to run decomposePar, the domain has been already decomposed?\n", flush=True)


    def deletePrevPrimalSolTime(self):
        Delete the previous primal solution time folder

        solTime = self.solver.getPrevPrimalSolTime()

        rootDir = os.getcwd()
        if self.parallel:
            checkPath = os.path.join(rootDir, "processor%d/%g" % (self.comm.rank, solTime))
            checkPath = os.path.join(rootDir, "%g" % solTime)

        if os.path.isdir(checkPath):
            except Exception:
                raise Error("Can not delete %s" % checkPath)

            Info("Previous solution time %g found and deleted." % solTime)
            Info("Previous solution time %g not found and nothing deleted." % solTime)


    def renameSolution(self, solIndex):
        Rename the primal solution folder to specific format for post-processing. The renamed time has the
        format like 0.00000001, 0.00000002, etc. One can load these intermediate shapes and fields and
        plot them in paraview.
        The way it is implemented is that we sort the solution folder and consider the largest time folder
        as the solution folder and rename it

        solIndex: int
            The major interation index

        allSolutions = []
        rootDir = os.getcwd()
        if self.parallel:
            checkPath = os.path.join(rootDir, "processor%d" % self.comm.rank)
            checkPath = rootDir

        folderNames = os.listdir(checkPath)
        for folderName in folderNames:
            except ValueError:
        # choose the latst solution to rename
        solutionTime = allSolutions[0]

        if float(solutionTime) < 1e-6:
            Info("Solution time %g less than 1e-6, not moved." % float(solutionTime))

        distTime = "%.8f" % ((solIndex + 1) / 1e8)

        src = os.path.join(checkPath, solutionTime)
        dst = os.path.join(checkPath, distTime)

        Info("Moving time %s to %s" % (solutionTime, distTime))

        if os.path.isdir(dst):
            raise Error("%s already exists, moving failed!" % dst)
                shutil.move(src, dst)
            except Exception:
                raise Error("Can not move %s to %s" % (src, dst))


    def setdXvdFFDMat(self, designVarName, deltaVPointThreshold=1.0e-16):
        Perturb each design variable and save the delta volume point coordinates
        to a mat, this will be used to calculate dRdFFD and dFdFFD in DAFoam

        deltaVPointThreshold: float
            A threshold, any delta volume coordinates smaller than this value will be ignored


        if self.DVGeo is None:
            raise Error("DVGeo not set!")

        # Get the FFD size
        nDVs = -9999
        xDV = self.DVGeo.getValues()
        nDVs = len(xDV[designVarName])

        # get the unperturbed point coordinates
        oldVolPoints = self.mesh.getSolverGrid()
        # get the size of xv, it is the number of points * 3
        nXvs = len(oldVolPoints)
        # get eps
        epsFFD = self.getOption("adjPartDerivFDStep")["FFD"]

        Info("Calculating the dXvdFFD matrix with epsFFD: " + str(epsFFD))

        dXvdFFDMat = PETSc.Mat().create(PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
        dXvdFFDMat.setSizes(((nXvs, None), (None, nDVs)))
        dXvdFFDMat.setPreallocationNNZ((nDVs, nDVs))
        Istart, Iend = dXvdFFDMat.getOwnershipRange()

        # for each DV, perturb epsFFD and save the delta vol point coordinates
        for i in range(nDVs):
            # perturb
            xDV[designVarName][i] += epsFFD
            # set the dv to DVGeo
            # update the vol points according to the new DV values
            # get the new vol points
            newVolPoints = self.mesh.getSolverGrid()
            # assign the delta vol coords to the mat
            for idx in range(Istart, Iend):
                idxRel = idx - Istart
                deltaVal = newVolPoints[idxRel] - oldVolPoints[idxRel]
                if abs(deltaVal) > deltaVPointThreshold:  # a threshold
                    dXvdFFDMat[idx, i] = deltaVal
            # reset the perturbation of the dv
            xDV[designVarName][i] -= epsFFD

        # reset the volume mesh coordinates

        # assemble

        # viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createASCII("dXvdFFDMat_%s_%s.dat" % (designVarName, self.comm.size), "w")
        # viewer(dXvdFFDMat)



        return nDVs

    def updateVolumePoints(self):
        Update the vol mesh point coordinates based on the current values of design variables

        # update the CFD Coordinates
        if self.DVGeo is not None:
            if self.ptSetName not in self.DVGeo.points:
                coords0 = self.mapVector(self.coords0, self.allFamilies, self.designFamilyGroup)
                self.DVGeo.addPointSet(coords0, self.ptSetName)
                self.pointsSet = True

            # set the surface coords
            if not self.DVGeo.pointSetUpToDate(self.ptSetName):
                coords = self.DVGeo.update(self.ptSetName, config=None)
                self.setSurfaceCoordinates(coords, self.designFamilyGroup)

            # warp the mesh


    def _readMeshInfo(self):
        Initialize mesh information and read mesh information

        dirName = os.getcwd()

        self.fileNames, self.xv0, self.faces, self.boundaries, self.owners, self.neighbours = self._readOFGrid(dirName)
        self.xv = copy.copy(self.xv0)


    def setSurfaceCoordinates(self, coordinates, groupName=None):
        Set the updated surface coordinates for a particular group.
        coordinates : numpy array
            Numpy array of size Nx3, where N is the number of coordinates on this processor.
            This array must have the same shape as the array obtained with getSurfaceCoordinates()
        groupName : str
            Name of family or group of families for which to return coordinates for.
        if self.mesh is None:

        if groupName is None:
            groupName = self.allWallsGroup

        self._updateGeomInfo = True
        if self.mesh is None:
            raise Error("Cannot set new surface coordinate locations without a mesh" "warping object present.")

        # First get the surface coordinates of the meshFamily in case
        # the groupName is a subset, those values will remain unchanged.

        meshSurfCoords = self.getSurfaceCoordinates(self.meshFamilyGroup)
        meshSurfCoords = self.mapVector(coordinates, groupName, self.meshFamilyGroup, meshSurfCoords)


    def getSurfaceCoordinates(self, groupName=None):
        Return the coordinates for the surfaces defined by groupName.

        groupName : str
            Group identifier to get only coordinates cooresponding to
            the desired group. The group must be a family or a
            user-supplied group of families. The default is None which
            corresponds to all wall-type surfaces.

        xs: numpy array of size nPoints * 3 for surface points

        if groupName is None:
            groupName = self.allWallsGroup

        # Get the required size
        npts, ncell = self._getSurfaceSize(groupName)
        xs = np.zeros((npts, 3), self.dtype)

        # loop over the families in this group and populate the surface
        famInd = self.families[groupName]
        counter = 0
        for Ind in famInd:
            name = self.basicFamilies[Ind]
            bc = self.boundaries[name]
            for ptInd in bc["indicesRed"]:
                xs[counter, :] = self.xv[ptInd]
                counter += 1

        return xs

    def _getSurfaceSize(self, groupName):
        Internal routine to return the size of a particular surface. This
        does *NOT* set the actual family group
        if groupName is None:
            groupName = self.allFamilies

        if groupName not in self.families:
            raise Error(
                "'%s' is not a family in the OpenFoam Case or has not been added"
                " as a combination of families" % groupName

        # loop over the basic surfaces in the family group and sum up the number of
        # faces and nodes

        famInd = self.families[groupName]
        nPts = 0
        nCells = 0
        for Ind in famInd:
            name = self.basicFamilies[Ind]
            bc = self.boundaries[name]
            nCells += len(bc["facesRed"])
            nPts += len(bc["indicesRed"])

        return nPts, nCells

    def _computeBasicFamilyInfo(self):
        Loop over the boundary data and compute necessary family
        information for the basic patches

        # get the list of basic families
        self.basicFamilies = sorted(self.boundaries.keys())

        # save and return a list of the wall boundaries
        self.wallList = []
        counter = 0
        # for each boundary, figure out the unique list of volume node indices it uses
        for name in self.basicFamilies:
            # setup the basic families dictionary
            self.families[name] = [counter]
            counter += 1

            # Create a handle for this boundary
            bc = self.boundaries[name]

            # get the number of faces associated with this boundary
            nFace = len(bc["faces"])

            # create the point index list
            indices = []

            # check that this isn't an empty boundary
            if nFace > 0:
                for iFace in bc["faces"]:
                    # get the node information for the current face
                    face = self.faces[iFace]

            # Get the unique point entries for this boundary
            indices = np.unique(indices)

            # now create the reverse dictionary to connect the reduced set with the original
            inverseInd = {}
            for i in range(len(indices)):
                inverseInd[indices[i]] = i

            # Now loop back over the faces and store the connectivity in terms of the reduces index set
            # Here facesRed store the boundary face reduced-point-index
            # For example,
            # 'indicesRed': [0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80] <- unique point index for this boundary
            # 'facesRed': [0, 8, 9, 1], [1, 9, 10, 2] <- Here 0 means the 0th point index (0) in indicesRed, and 8 means the 8th
            # point index (64) in incidexRed. So [0 8 9 1] corresponds to the face [0 64 72 8] in the original point index system.
            # NOTE: using the reduce face indexing will faciliate the connectivity calls
            facesRed = []
            for iFace in bc["faces"]:
                # get the node information for the current face
                face = self.faces[iFace]
                nNodes = len(face)
                # Generate the reduced connectivity.
                faceReduced = []
                for j in range(nNodes):
                    indOrig = face[j]
                    indRed = inverseInd[indOrig]

            # Check that the length of faces and facesRed are equal
            if not (len(bc["faces"]) == len(facesRed)):
                raise Error("Connectivity for faces on reduced index set is not the same length as original.")

            # put the reduced faces and index list in the boundary dict
            bc["facesRed"] = facesRed
            bc["indicesRed"] = list(indices)

            # now check for walls
            if bc["type"] == "wall" or bc["type"] == "slip" or bc["type"] == "cyclic":


    def getPointSetName(self):
        Take the apName and return the mangled point set name.
        return "openFoamCoords"

    def getSolverMeshIndices(self):
        Get the list of indices to pass to the mesh object for the
        volume mesh mapping

        # Setup External Warping
        nCoords = len(self.xv0.flatten())

        nCoords = self.comm.allgather(nCoords)
        offset = 0
        for i in range(self.comm.rank):
            offset += nCoords[i]

        meshInd = np.arange(nCoords[self.comm.rank]) + offset

        return meshInd

    def mapVector(self, vec1, groupName1, groupName2, vec2=None):
        """This is the main workhorse routine of everything that deals with
        families in pyDAFoam. The purpose of this routine is to convert a
        vector 'vec1' (of size Nx3) that was evaluated with
        'groupName1' and expand or contract it (and adjust the
        ordering) to produce 'vec2' evaluated on groupName2.

        A little ascii art might help. Consider the following "mesh"
        . Family 'fam1' has 9 points, 'fam2' has 10 pts and 'fam3' has
        5 points.  Consider that we have also also added two
        additional groups: 'f12' containing 'fam1' and 'fma2' and a
        group 'f23' that contains families 'fam2' and 'fam3'. The vector
        we want to map is 'vec1'. It is length 9+10. All the 'x's are
        significant values.

        The call: mapVector(vec1, 'f12', 'f23')

        will produce the "returned vec" array, containing the
        significant values from 'fam2', where the two groups overlap,
        and the new values from 'fam3' set to zero. The values from
        fam1 are lost. The returned vec has size 15.

            fam1     fam2      fam3

        |xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx|        <- vec1
                  |xxxxxxxxxx 000000| <- returned vec (vec2)

        vec1 : Numpy array
            Array of size Nx3 that will be mapped to a different family set.

        groupName1 : str
            The family group where the vector vec1 is currently defined

        groupName2 : str
            The family group where we want to the vector to mapped into

        vec2 : Numpy array or None
            Array containing existing values in the output vector we want to keep.
            If this vector is not given, the values will be filled with zeros.

        vec2 : Numpy array
            The input vector mapped to the families defined in groupName2.
        if groupName1 not in self.families or groupName2 not in self.families:
            raise Error(
                "'%s' or '%s' is not a family in the mesh file or has not been added"
                " as a combination of families" % (groupName1, groupName2)

        # Shortcut:
        if groupName1 == groupName2:
            return vec1

        if vec2 is None:
            npts, ncell = self._getSurfaceSize(groupName2)
            vec2 = np.zeros((npts, 3), self.dtype)

        famList1 = self.families[groupName1]
        famList2 = self.families[groupName2]

        This functionality is predicated on the surfaces being traversed in the
        same order every time. Loop over the allfamilies list, keeping track of sizes
        as we go and if the family is in both famLists, copy the values from vec1 to vec2.


        vec1counter = 0
        vec2counter = 0

        for ind in self.families[self.allFamilies]:
            npts, ncell = self._getSurfaceSize(self.basicFamilies[ind])

            if ind in famList1 and ind in famList2:
                vec2[vec2counter : npts + vec2counter] = vec1[vec1counter : npts + vec1counter]

            if ind in famList1:
                vec1counter += npts

            if ind in famList2:
                vec2counter += npts

        return vec2

    def _initializeMeshPointVec(self):
        Initialize the mesh point vec: xvVec

        xvSize = len(self.xv) * 3
        self.xvVec = PETSc.Vec().create(comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
        self.xvVec.setSizes((xvSize, PETSc.DECIDE), bsize=1)

        self.xv2XvVec(self.xv, self.xvVec)

        # viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createASCII("xvVec", comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
        # viewer(self.xvVec)


    def _initializeStateVec(self):
        Initialize state variable vector

        wSize = self.solver.getNLocalAdjointStates()
        self.wVec = PETSc.Vec().create(comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
        self.wVec.setSizes((wSize, PETSc.DECIDE), bsize=1)


        # viewer = PETSc.Viewer().createASCII("wVec", comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
        # viewer(self.wVec)

        # if it is a multipoint case, initialize self.wVecMPList
        if self.getOption("multiPoint") is True:
            nMultiPoints = self.getOption("nMultiPoints")
            self.wVecMPList = [None] * self.getOption("nMultiPoints")
            for i in range(nMultiPoints):
                self.wVecMPList[i] = PETSc.Vec().create(comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD)
                self.wVecMPList[i].setSizes((wSize, PETSc.DECIDE), bsize=1)


    def xv2XvVec(self, xv, xvVec):
        Convert a Nx3 mesh point numpy array to a Petsc xvVec

        xSize = len(xv)

        for i in range(xSize):
            for j in range(3):
                globalIdx = self.solver.getGlobalXvIndex(i, j)
                xvVec[globalIdx] = xv[i][j]



    def xvFlatten2XvVec(self, xv, xvVec):
        Convert a 3Nx1 mesh point numpy array to a Petsc xvVec

        xSize = len(xv)
        xSize = int(xSize // 3)

        counterI = 0
        for i in range(xSize):
            for j in range(3):
                globalIdx = self.solver.getGlobalXvIndex(i, j)
                xvVec[globalIdx] = xv[counterI]
                counterI += 1



    # base case files
    def _readOFGrid(self, caseDir):
        Read in the mesh information we need to run the case using pyofm

        caseDir : str
            The directory containing the openFOAM Mesh files

        Info("Reading OpenFOAM mesh information...")

        from pyofm import PYOFM

        # Initialize pyOFM
        ofm = PYOFM(comm=self.comm)

        # generate the file names
        fileNames = ofm.getFileNames(caseDir, comm=self.comm)

        # Read in the volume points
        x0 = ofm.readVolumeMeshPoints()

        # Read the face info for the mesh
        faces = ofm.readFaceInfo()

        # Read the boundary info
        boundaries = ofm.readBoundaryInfo(faces)

        # Read the cell info for the mesh
        owners, neighbours = ofm.readCellInfo()

        return fileNames, x0, faces, boundaries, owners, neighbours

    def setOption(self, name, value):
        Set a value to options.
        NOTE: calling this function will only change the values in self.options
        It will NOT change values for allOptions_ in DAOption. To make the options changes
        from pyDAFoam to DASolvers, call self.updateDAOption()

        name : str
           Name of option to set. Not case sensitive
        value : varies
           Value to set. Type is checked for consistency.

        If self.options reads:
        self.options =
            'solverName': [str, 'DASimpleFoam'],
            'flowEndTime': [float, 1.0]
        Then, calling self.options('solverName', 'DARhoSimpleFoam') will give:
        self.options =
            'solverName': [str, 'DARhoSimpleFoam'],
            'flowEndTime': [float, 1.0]

        NOTE: if 'value' is of dict type, we will set all the subKey values in
        'value' dict to self.options, instead of overiding it

        For example, if self.options reads
        self.options =
            'objFunc': [dict, {
                'name': 'CD',
                'direction': [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                'scale': 1.0}]

        Then, calling self.setOption('objFunc', {'name': 'CL'}) will give:

        self.options =
            'objFunc': [dict, {
                'name': 'CL',
                'direction': [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                'scale': 1.0}]

        INSTEAD OF

        self.options =
            'objFunc': [dict, {'name': 'CL'}]

        except KeyError:
            Error("Option '%-30s' is not a valid %s option." % (name,

        # Make sure we are not trying to change an immutable option if
        # we are not allowed to.
        if name in self.imOptions:
            raise Error("Option '%-35s' cannot be modified after the solver " "is created." % name)

        # Now we know the option exists, lets check if the type is ok:
        if isinstance(value, self.defaultOptions[name][0]):
            # the type matches, now we need to check if the 'value' is of dict type, if yes, we only
            # replace the subKey values of 'value', instead of overiding all the subKey values
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                for subKey in value:
                    # no need to set self.options[name][0] since it has the right type
                    self.options[name][1][subKey] = value[subKey]
                # It is not dict, just set
                # no need to set self.options[name][0] since it has the right type
                self.options[name][1] = value
            raise Error(
                "Datatype for Option %-35s was not valid \n "
                "Expected data type is %-47s \n "
                "Received data type is %-47s" % (name, self.defaultOptions[name][0], type(value))

    def setFieldValue4GlobalCellI(self, fieldName, val, globalCellI, compI=0):
        Set the field value based on the global cellI. This is usually
        used if the state variables are design variables, e.g., betaSA
        The reason to use global cell index, instead of local one, is
        because this index is usually provided by the optimizer. Optimizer
        uses global cell index as the design variable

        fieldName : str
           Name of the flow field to set, e.g., U, p, nuTilda
        val : float
           The value to set
        globalCellI : int
           The global cell index to set the value
        compI : int
           The component index to set the value (for vectorField only)


        self.solver.setFieldValue4GlobalCellI(fieldName, val, globalCellI, compI)

    def updateBoundaryConditions(self, fieldName, fieldType):
        Update the boundary condition for a field

        fieldName : str
           Name of the flow field to update, e.g., U, p, nuTilda
        fieldType : str
           Type of the flow field: scalar or vector


        self.solver.updateBoundaryConditions(fieldName, fieldType)

    def getOption(self, name):
        Get a value from options

        name : str
           Name of option to get. Not case sensitive

        value : varies
           Return the value of the option.

        if name in self.defaultOptions:
            return self.options[name][1]
            raise Error("%s is not a valid option name." % name)

    def updateDAOption(self):
        Update the allOptions_ in DAOption based on the latest self.options in
        pyDAFoam. This will pass the changes of self.options from pyDAFoam
        to DASolvers. NOTE: need to call this function after calling

        if self.solverInitialized == 0:
            raise Error("self._initSolver not called!")


        if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":

        if len(self.getOption("fvSource")) > 0:

    def syncDAOptionToActuatorDVs(self):
        Synchronize the values in DAOption and actuatorDiskDVs_. We need to synchronize the values
        defined in fvSource from DAOption to actuatorDiskDVs_ in the C++ layer
        NOTE: we need to call this function whenever we change the actuator design variables
        during optimization.


        if self.getOption("adjJacobianOption") == "JacobianFree":

    def _printCurrentOptions(self):
        Prints a nicely formatted dictionary of all the current solver
        options to the stdout on the root processor

        Info("|         All DAFoam Options:           |")
        # Need to assemble a temporary dictionary
        tmpDict = {}
        for key in self.options:
            tmpDict[key] = self.getOption(key)

    def _getImmutableOptions(self):
        We define the list of options that *cannot* be changed after the
        object is created. pyDAFoam will raise an error if a user tries to
        change these. The strings for these options are placed in a set

        # return ("meshSurfaceFamily", "designSurfaceFamily")
        return ()

    def _writeDecomposeParDict(self):
        Write system/decomposeParDict
        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            # Open the options file for writing
            workingDirectory = os.getcwd()
            sysDir = "system"
            varDir = os.path.join(workingDirectory, sysDir)
            fileName = "decomposeParDict"
            fileLoc = os.path.join(varDir, fileName)
            f = open(fileLoc, "w")
            # write header
            self._writeOpenFoamHeader(f, "dictionary", sysDir, fileName)
            # write content
            decomDict = self.getOption("decomposeParDict")
            n = decomDict["simpleCoeffs"]["n"]
            f.write("numberOfSubdomains     %d;\n" % self.nProcs)
            f.write("method                 %s;\n" % decomDict["method"])
            f.write("simpleCoeffs \n")
            f.write("{ \n")
            f.write("    n                  (%d %d %d);\n" % (n[0], n[1], n[2]))
            f.write("    delta              %g;\n" % decomDict["simpleCoeffs"]["delta"])
            f.write("} \n")
            f.write("distributed            false;\n")
            if len(decomDict["preservePatches"]) == 1 and decomDict["preservePatches"][0] == "None":
                f.write("preservePatches        (")
                for pPatch in decomDict["preservePatches"]:
                    f.write("%s " % pPatch)
            f.write("// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //\n")


    def _writeOpenFoamHeader(self, f, className, location, objectName):
        Write OpenFOAM header file

        f.write("/*--------------------------------*- C++ -*---------------------------------*\ \n")
        f.write("| ========                 |                                                 | \n")
        f.write("| \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox           | \n")
        f.write("|  \\    /   O peration     | Version:  v1812                                 | \n")
        f.write("|   \\  /    A nd           | Web:                      | \n")
        f.write("|    \\/     M anipulation  |                                                 | \n")
        f.write("\*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ \n")
        f.write("    version     2.0;\n")
        f.write("    format      ascii;\n")
        f.write("    class       %s;\n" % className)
        f.write('    location    "%s";\n' % location)
        f.write("    object      %s;\n" % objectName)
        f.write("// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //\n")

class Error(Exception):
    Format the error message in a box to make it clear this
    was a expliclty raised exception.

    def __init__(self, message):
        msg = "\n+" + "-" * 78 + "+" + "\n" + "| pyDAFoam Error: "
        i = 19
        for word in message.split():
            if len(word) + i + 1 > 78:  # Finish line and start new one
                msg += " " * (78 - i) + "|\n| " + word + " "
                i = 1 + len(word) + 1
                msg += word + " "
                i += len(word) + 1
        msg += " " * (78 - i) + "|\n" + "+" + "-" * 78 + "+" + "\n"
        print(msg, flush=True)


class Info(object):
    Print information and flush to screen for parallel cases

    def __init__(self, message):
        if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
            print(message, flush=True)
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