Revision 510a48cb71c018f6afed535d18677686a32cebfe authored by Sydney Shaffer on 12 October 2015, 16:55:45 UTC, committed by Sydney Shaffer on 12 October 2015, 16:55:45 UTC
1 parent 284b48d
Tip revision: 510a48cb71c018f6afed535d18677686a32cebfe authored by Sydney Shaffer on 12 October 2015, 16:55:45 UTC
updated path to data in submission script
updated path to data in submission script
Tip revision: 510a48c
# Change /home/shaffer/ to your directory - this part runs the shell script.
# The next input is the location of the raw data - update this to be the location of your data.
# The final input is the destination - make this your experiment folder.
# /home/shaffers/rajlabseqtools/Utilities/stepOneSetUp/ /# project/arjunrajlab/NGSC_data/WM983b_LdB_run2/WM983bLdB_2-17191174 /project/arjunrajlab/# CancerSeq/repo/wm983bLdB_run2
/Users/sydneyshaffer/rajlabseqtools/ATACseqProcessing/ATACutilities/stepOneSetUp/ /Volumes/Melanoma2/ATACseq/EGFR-sorting-23951933 /Volumes/Melanoma2/ATACseq/ProcessedDataEGFRsort
Computing file changes ...