Revision 521af9c0dd94b169eb02f41aa19d3e01c558f355 authored by Maika Fujii on 24 June 2021, 05:55:35 UTC, committed by GitHub on 24 June 2021, 05:55:35 UTC
1 parent c230735
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Tip revision: 521af9c0dd94b169eb02f41aa19d3e01c558f355 authored by Maika Fujii on 24 June 2021, 05:55:35 UTC
Tip revision: 521af9c
open Syntax
open Value

(* Interpreter with defunctionalized instructions : eval9 *)

(* cons : h -> t -> t *)
let cons h t = match t with
    TNil -> Trail (h)
  | Trail (h') -> Trail (Append (h, h'))

(* apnd : t -> t -> t *)
let apnd t0 t1 = match t0 with
    TNil -> t1
  | Trail (h) -> cons h t1

(* run_h9 : h -> v -> t -> m -> v *)
let rec run_h9 h v t m = match h with
    Hold (c, s) -> run_c9 c (v :: s) t m
  | Append (h, h') -> run_h9 h v (cons h' t) m

(* run_c9 : c -> s -> t -> m -> v *)
and run_c9 c s t m = match c with
    [] ->
    begin match s with
        v :: [] ->
        begin match t with
            TNil ->
            begin match m with
                [] -> v
              | (c, s, t) :: m -> run_c9 c (v :: s) t m
          | Trail (h) -> run_h9 h v TNil m
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | i :: c -> run_i9 i c s t m

(* run_i9 : i -> c -> s -> t -> m -> v *)
and run_i9 i c s t m = match i with
    INum (n) ->
    begin match s with
        VEnv (vs) :: s -> run_c9 c (VNum (n) :: s) t m
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IAccess (n) ->
    begin match s with
        VEnv (vs) :: s -> run_c9 c ((List.nth vs n) :: s) t m
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IPush_closure (i) ->
    begin match s with
        VEnv (vs) :: s -> run_c9 c (VFun (i, vs) :: s) t m
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IReturn ->
    begin match s with
        v :: VK (c') :: s -> run_c9 c' (v :: s) t m
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IPush_env ->
    begin match s with
        VEnv (vs) :: s -> run_c9 c (VEnv (vs) :: VEnv (vs) :: s) t m
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IPop_env ->
    begin match s with
        v :: VEnv (vs) :: s -> run_c9 c (VEnv (vs) :: v :: s) t m
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IOp (op) ->
    begin match s with
        v1 :: v0 :: s ->
        begin match (v0, v1) with
            (VNum (n0), VNum (n1)) ->
            begin match op with
                Plus -> run_c9 c (VNum (n0 + n1) :: s) t m
              | Minus -> run_c9 c (VNum (n0 - n1) :: s) t m
              | Times -> run_c9 c (VNum (n0 * n1) :: s) t m
              | Divide ->
                if n1 = 0 then failwith "Division by zero"
                else run_c9 c (VNum (n0 / n1) :: s) t m
          | _ -> failwith (to_string v0 ^ " or " ^ to_string v1
                           ^ " are not numbers")
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | ICall ->
    begin match s with
        v1 :: v0 :: s ->
        begin match v0 with
            VFun (i, vs) -> run_i9 i [] (VEnv (v1 :: vs) :: VK (c) :: s) t m
          | VContS (c', s', t') -> run_c9 c' (v1 :: s') t' ((c, s, t) :: m)
          | VContC (c', s', t') ->
            run_c9 c' (v1 :: s') (apnd t' (cons (Hold (c, s)) t)) m
          | _ -> failwith (to_string v0
                           ^ " is not a function; it can not be applied.")
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IShift (i) ->
    begin match s with
        VEnv (vs) :: s ->
        run_i9 i [] (VEnv (VContS (c, s, t) :: vs) :: []) TNil m
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IControl (i) ->
    begin match s with
        VEnv (vs) :: s ->
        run_i9 i [] (VEnv (VContC (c, s, t) :: vs) :: []) TNil m
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IShift0 (i) ->
    begin match s with
        VEnv (vs) :: s ->
        begin match m with
            (c0, s0, t0) :: m0 ->
            run_i9 i c0 (VEnv (VContS (c, s, t) :: vs) :: s0) t0 m0
          | _ -> failwith "shift0 is used without enclosing reset"
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IControl0 (i) ->
    begin match s with
        VEnv (vs) :: s ->
        begin match m with
            (c0, s0, t0) :: m0 ->
            run_i9 i c0 (VEnv (VContC (c, s, t) :: vs) :: s0) t0 m0
          | _ -> failwith "control0 is used without enclosing reset"
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | IReset (i) ->
    begin match s with
        VEnv (vs) :: s ->
        run_i9 i [] (VEnv (vs) :: []) TNil ((c, s, t) :: m)
      | _ -> failwith "stack error"
  | ISeq (i0, i1) -> run_i9 i0 (i1 :: c) s t m

(* (>>) : i -> i -> i *)
let (>>) i0 i1 = ISeq (i0, i1)

(* f9 : e -> string list -> i *)
let rec f9 e xs = match e with
    Num (n) -> INum (n)
  | Var (x) -> IAccess (Env.offset x xs)
  | Op (e0, op, e1) ->
    IPush_env >> (f9 e0 xs) >> IPop_env >> (f9 e1 xs) >> IOp (op)
  | Fun (x, e) -> IPush_closure ((f9 e (x :: xs)) >> IReturn)
  | App (e0, e1) -> IPush_env >> (f9 e0 xs) >> IPop_env >> (f9 e1 xs) >> ICall
  | Shift (x, e) -> IShift (f9 e (x :: xs))
  | Control (x, e) -> IControl (f9 e (x :: xs))
  | Shift0 (x, e) -> IShift0 (f9 e (x :: xs))
  | Control0 (x, e) -> IControl0 (f9 e (x :: xs))
  | Reset (e) -> IReset (f9 e xs) 
(* f : e -> v *)
let f expr = run_i9 (f9 expr []) [] (VEnv ([]) :: []) TNil []
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