Revision 54a6b1d2ecd1efc0ee666f5696d717c77ae0f4e1 authored by Frank Seide on 06 September 2015, 16:20:28 UTC, committed by Frank Seide on 06 September 2015, 16:20:28 UTC
Makefile adapted to new paths, but not yet building Network and SGD as separate libs
1 parent 0a67d0c
Raw File
// <copyright file="latticearchive.h" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// latticearchive.h -- managing lattice archives

#if 0
#pragma once

#undef HACK_IN_SILENCE          // [v-hansu] hack to simulate DEL in the lattice
#define SILENCE_PENALTY          // give penalty to added silence

#include "basetypes.h"
#include "latticestorage.h"
#include "simple_checked_arrays.h"
#include "fileutil.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <hash_map>
#include <algorithm>        // for find()
#include "simplesenonehmm.h"

namespace msra { namespace math { class ssematrixbase;  template<class ssematrixbase> class ssematrix; template<class ssematrixbase> class ssematrixstriperef; };};

namespace msra { namespace lm { class CMGramLM; class CSymbolSet; };};        // for numer-lattice building

namespace msra { namespace asr { template<typename A, typename B> class htkmlfreader; struct htkmlfentry; };};   // for numer lattice building

namespace msra { namespace lattices {

typedef msra::math::ssematrixbase matrixbase;
typedef msra::math::ssematrix<matrixbase> matrix;
typedef msra::math::ssematrixstriperef<matrixbase> matrixstripe;
class littlematrixheap;

enum mbrclassdefinition     // used to identify definition of class in minimum bayesian risk
    senone = 1,             // senone is default, which means no mapping; sMBR
    //monophonestate = 2,       
    monophone = 3,          // pMBR?
// ===========================================================================
// lattice -- one lattice in memory
// ===========================================================================
class lattice
    struct header_v1_v2
        size_t numnodes : 32;
        size_t numedges : 32;
        float lmf;
        float wp;
        double frameduration;               // in seconds
        size_t numframes : 32;              // number of frames
        size_t impliedspunitid : 31;        // id of implied last unit (intended as /sp/); only used in V2
        size_t hasacscores : 1;             // if 1 then ac scores are embedded

        header_v1_v2() : numnodes (0), numedges (0), lmf (1.0f), wp (0.0f), frameduration (0.01/*assumption*/), numframes (0), impliedspunitid (SIZE_MAX), hasacscores (1) { }
    header_v1_v2 info;                         // information about the lattice
    static const unsigned int NOEDGE = 0xffffff;    // 24 bits
    //static_assert (sizeof (nodeinfo) == 8, "unexpected size of nodeeinfo"); // note: int64_t required to allow going across 32-bit boundary
    // ensure type size as these are expected to be of this size in the files we read
    static_assert (sizeof (nodeinfo) == 2, "unexpected size of nodeeinfo"); // note: int64_t required to allow going across 32-bit boundary
    static_assert (sizeof (edgeinfowithscores) == 16, "unexpected size of edgeinfowithscores");
    static_assert (sizeof (aligninfo) == 4, "unexpected size of aligninfo");
    std::vector<nodeinfo> nodes;
    std::vector<edgeinfowithscores> edges;
    std::vector<aligninfo> align;
    // V2 lattices  --for a while, we will store both in RAM, until all code is updated
    static int fsgn (float f) { if (f > 0) return 1; else if (f < 0) return -1; else return 0; }    // what's this function called??
    int comparealign (size_t j1, size_t j2, bool sortbyfinalsp) const   // strcmp()-like function for comparing alignments
        // sortbyfinalsp: This is for dealing with edges that only differ in a final zero-frame /sp/
        // These should be considered equal in merging, such that the one without /sp/ (MLFs don't have final /sp/)
        // gets merged away (since it is inconsistent with decoding).
        //  - sortbyfinalsp = true: use in sorting (the longer edge with /sp/ will go FIRST so that it is the one to survive uniq-ing)
        //  - sortbyfinalsp = false: use in uniq-ing; the edges will just be reported as identical
        if (edges[j1].implysp || edges[j2].implysp)
            throw std::logic_error ("comparealign: must not operate on edges with implysp flag set");
        const auto a1 = getaligninfo (j1);
        const auto a2 = getaligninfo (j2);
        // sort by unit sequence first
        for (size_t k = 0; k < a1.size() && k < a2.size(); k++)
            int diff = (int) a1[k].unit - (int) a2[k].unit;
            if (diff != 0)
                return diff;
        // then by the alignment  --we want to keep similar alignments of the same sequence close by
        for (size_t k = 0; k < a1.size() && k < a2.size(); k++)
            int diff = (int) a1[k].frames - (int) a2[k].frames;
            if (diff != 0)
                return diff;
        // identical sequence up to here  --check if they only differ in a final 0-frame /sp/
        // This is for merging of MLFs with lattices, where MLFs don't have /sp/.
        if ((a2.size() == a1.size() + 1 && a2.back().frames == 0)       // a2 has extra 0-frame /sp/
            || (a1.size() == a2.size() + 1 && a1.back().frames == 0))   // a1 has extra 0-frame /sp/
            if (!sortbyfinalsp)                                         // 'false' -> report them equal (used in final merge)
                return 0;
            // 'true' -> the longer one (with /sp/) comes first, i.e. the sorting order is reverse
            return (int) a2.size() - (int) a1.size();                   // (note a1 and a2 swapped)
        // all identical--if length same, then identical; else length determines ordering
        return (int) a1.size() - (int) a2.size();
    // sort order that is useful for uniq'ing alignments
    int uniqueorder (const edgeinfo & e1, const edgeinfo & e2) const
        // first sort by start and end time (required for the scoring functions)
        int diff = (int) nodes[e1.S].t - (int) nodes[e2.S].t;
        if (diff != 0)
            return diff;
        diff = (int) nodes[e1.E].t - (int) nodes[e2.E].t;
        if (diff != 0)
            return diff;
        // now sort by alignment (and also a and l, which must be identical--but likely they are anyway)
        size_t j1 = e1.firstalign;  // temporarily: these are the indices to the original edges
        size_t j2 = e2.firstalign;
        // now compare by alignment
        diff = comparealign (j1, j2, true);
        if (diff != 0)
            return diff;
        // With the above, we are sorted properly to detect alignment dups.
        // a and l are also stored in the uniq'ed storage
        // Note: When merging lattices, 'l' may have different precision.
        // We did sort by alignment first (above), so we can still detect dups if from this sort order if later we are lenient.
        diff = fsgn (edges[j1].l - edges[j2].l);
        if (diff != 0)
            return diff;
        diff = fsgn (edges[j1].a - edges[j2].a);
        if (diff != 0)
            return diff;
        // identical--these can be grouped
        // and sort identical edges by start and end node again
        // This is not really used, since we later sort once again according to 'latticeorder()'
        diff = (int) e1.S - (int) e2.S;
        if (diff != 0)
            return diff;
        diff = (int) e1.E - (int) e2.E;
        //if (diff != 0)
        return diff;
    // lattice sort order --algorithms assume lattices are sorted by E, then by S
    int latticeorder (const edgeinfo & e1, const edgeinfo & e2) const
        // sort identical edges by start and end node again
        int diff = (int) e1.E - (int) e2.E;
        if (diff != 0)
            return diff;
        diff = (int) e1.S - (int) e2.S;
        if (diff != 0)
            return diff;
        // within same S/E pair, sort by firstalign
        // Since end nodes represent word identities in HAPI, this should only ever happen when merging lattices, but let's not rely on HAPI's assumptions.
        // builduniquealignments() only dedups the alignment records, but in case of merging, we want to dedup edges altogether.
        // For that, it is necessary that within a given S/E pair, where we now may have several different words, these edges are sorted
        // to be able to dedup based on firstalign.
        diff = (int) e1.firstalign - (int) e2.firstalign;
        return diff;
    // more compact lattice storage
    std::vector<edgeinfo> edges2;                   // TODO: rename these
    std::vector<aligninfo> uniquededgedatatokens;   // [-1]: LM score; [-2]: ac score; [0..]: actual aligninfo records
    float & uniqueedgelmscore (size_t firstalign) { return *(float*) &[firstalign-1]; }
    float & uniqueedgeacscore (size_t firstalign) { if (info.hasacscores) return *(float*) &[firstalign-2]; else throw std::logic_error ("uniqueedgeacscore: no ac scores stored in this lattice"); }
public: // TODO: make private again once 
    // construct from edges/align
    // This is also used for merging, where the edges[] array is not correctly sorted. So don't assume this here.
    void builduniquealignments (size_t spunit = SIZE_MAX/*fix this later*/)
        // infer /sp/ unit if not given
        // BUGBUG: This sometimes leads to incorrect results. We currently post-fix it.
        if (spunit == SIZE_MAX)
            // Using a very simple heuristics; take the last unit of the first non-silence edge. We know it works for our current setup, but otherwise it's tricky.
            foreach_index (j, edges)
                const auto ai = getaligninfo (j);
                if (ai.size() < 2)  // less than 2--must be /sil/
                spunit = ai[ai.size() - 1].unit;
                fprintf (stderr, "builduniquealignments: /sp/ unit inferred through heuristics as %d\n", spunit);
        info.impliedspunitid = spunit;

        // edges2 array gets sorted to group edges with identical alignments together
        info.hasacscores = 0;   // if we got any score != 0.0, we will set this
        edges2.resize (edges.size());
        foreach_index (j, edges)
            if (edges[j].implysp)
                throw std::logic_error ("builduniquealignments: original edges[] array must not have implied /sp/");
            edges2[j].S = edges[j].S;
            edges2[j].E = edges[j].E;
            edges2[j].unused = 0;
            edges2[j].implysp = 0;
            edges2[j].firstalign = j;       // index into the original edges[] array before sorting, temporarily stored here to survive sorting
            checkoverflow (edges2[j].S, edges[j].S, "edgeinfo2::S");
            checkoverflow (edges2[j].E, edges[j].E, "edgeinfo2::E");
            checkoverflow (edges2[j].firstalign, j, "edgeinfo2::firstalign (j for sorting)");
            if (edges[j].a != 0.0f)
                info.hasacscores = 1;

        // sort edges
        sort (edges2.begin(), edges2.end(), [&] (const edgeinfo & e1, const edgeinfo & e2) { return uniqueorder (e1, e2) < 0; });

        // create a uniq'ed version of the align[] array, into uniquededgedatatokens[]
        uniquededgedatatokens.resize (0);
        uniquededgedatatokens.reserve (align.size());

        size_t numuniquealignments = 0;         // number of unique alignments (=number of edges with unique alignments)

        size_t prevj = SIZE_MAX;                // this is an index into the original edges[] array before sorting
        size_t numimpliedsp = 0;                // (statistics)
        foreach_index (j2, edges2)
            size_t j = edges2[j2].firstalign;   // index into the original edges[] array before sorting (was temporarily stored here)
            // allocate a new edge group if this edge differs from the previous
            const float lmargin = 1e-3f;        // if merging then the same LM score may come from different ASCII sources with different precision. HTK lattices store 3 digits after the period.
#if 1       // diagnostics on the merging of MLF and HTK inputs
            if (prevj != SIZE_MAX && fabs (edges[prevj].l - edges[j].l) <= lmargin && comparealign (prevj, j, false) == 0
                && nodes[edges[prevj].S].t == nodes[edges[j].S].t
                && nodes[edges[prevj].E].t == nodes[edges[j].E].t
                && edges[prevj].l != edges[j].l)   // some diagnostics
                    fprintf (stderr, "build: merging edges %d and %d despite slightly different LM scores %.8f vs. %.8f, ts/te=%.2f/%.2f\n",
                             prevj, j, edges[prevj].l, edges[j].l, nodes[edges[prevj].S].t * 0.01f, nodes[edges[prevj].E].t * 0.01f);
            if (prevj == SIZE_MAX || fabs (edges[prevj].l - edges[j].l) > lmargin || (info.hasacscores && edges[prevj].a != edges[j].a) || comparealign (prevj, j, false) != 0)
                // allocate a new alignment
                size_t currentfirstalign = uniquededgedatatokens.size() + 1;
                if (info.hasacscores)
                // inject the lm and ac scores
                uniquededgedatatokens.resize (currentfirstalign);
                uniqueedgelmscore (currentfirstalign) = edges[j].l;
                if (info.hasacscores)
                    uniqueedgeacscore (currentfirstalign) = edges[j].a;
                // and copy it
                edges2[j2].firstalign = currentfirstalign;      // this is where it starts
                checkoverflow (edges2[j2].firstalign, currentfirstalign, "firstalign"); // this is also a sequence check

                const auto ai = getaligninfo (j);
                size_t nalign = ai.size();
                if (nalign == 0 && (size_t) j2 != edges.size() -1)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("builduniquealignments: !NULL edges forbidden except for the very last edge");
                // special optimization: we do not store the /sp/ unit at the end
                if (nalign > 1/*be robust against 1-unit edges that consist of spunit*/ && ai[nalign-1].unit == spunit)
                    edges2[j2].implysp = 1;
                    numimpliedsp++;             // (diagnostics only)
                    edges2[j2].implysp = 0;
                // copy the tokens
                for (size_t k = 0; k < nalign; k++)
                    auto a = ai[k];
                    if (a.last)
                        throw std::logic_error ("builduniquealignments: unexpected 'last' flag already set in input aligns (numeric overflow in old format?)");
                    if (k == nalign -1)
                        a.last = 1;
                    uniquededgedatatokens.push_back (a);
            else    // duplicate from previous
                edges2[j2].firstalign = edges2[j2-1].firstalign;
                edges2[j2].implysp = edges2[j2-1].implysp;
            prevj = j;
        const size_t uniquealigntokens = uniquededgedatatokens.size() - (numuniquealignments * (info.hasacscores ? 2 : 1));
        const size_t nonuniquenonsptokens = align.size() - numimpliedsp;
        fprintf (stderr, "builduniquealignments: %d edges: %d unique alignments (%.2f%%); %d align tokens - %d implied /sp/ units = %d, uniqued to %d (%.2f%%)\n",
                 edges.size(), numuniquealignments, 100.0f * numuniquealignments / edges.size(),
                 align.size(), numimpliedsp, nonuniquenonsptokens, uniquealigntokens, 100.0f * uniquealigntokens / nonuniquenonsptokens);

        // sort it back into original order (sorted by E, then by S)
        sort (edges2.begin(), edges2.end(), [&] (const edgeinfo & e1, const edgeinfo & e2) { return latticeorder (e1, e2) < 0; });

        // TODO: be more consistent--we should clear out edges[] at this point!
    // infer ends in case of broken lattices with zero-token edges
    // This happened when /sp/ was wrongly inferred, and 0-token edges were generated, for which we have no 'last' flag.
    // Such lattices can no longer be generated, but we are stuck with old ones that have this problem.
    void inferends (std::vector<bool> & isend) const
        isend.resize (uniquededgedatatokens.size() +1, false);
        isend.back() = true;
        foreach_index (j, edges2)
            size_t end = edges2[j].firstalign;
            end--;      // LM score
            if (info.hasacscores)
                end--;  // ac score
            // end is now the index of a unit right after a align sequence
            isend[end] = true;
    // hack function to add a single-/sil/ edge, as well as a single /sp/, with LM score 0 to every unique (S,E) pair that doesn't already have a /sil/ and/or /sp/
    // This is to simulate DELetions. We observe a massive DEL problem. Hypothesis: Caused by too many strong positive obs for /sil/ and/or /sp/, and too few strong counter-weights.
    // Note: Adding /sil/ lowers the objective function a little (unexpected; maybe due to the hack), adding /sp/ lowers it more (really unexpected since no hack here).
    void hackinsilencesubstitutionedges (size_t silunit, size_t spunit, bool addsp)
        std::vector<edgeinfowithscores> newedges;
        newedges.reserve (edges.size() * 5 / 2);    // avoid realloc , this saves time :)
        std::vector<aligninfo> newalign;
        newalign.reserve (align.size() * 5 / 2);    // avoid realloc
        // loop over all edges, and duplicate them, inserting /sil/ and /sp/ edges
        // Note that we assume that single-sil edges only (and always) exist at start and end, to avoid checking.
        // This is a hack anyway.
        // We exploit sortedness of the edges array by (S,E).
        foreach_index (j, edges)
            auto e = edges[j];
            assert (e.unused == 0);
            e.unused = 0;
            const float penaltyforsil = float(-1.8/12);                          // estimated on training MLF; assuming LMF=12
            const float penaltyforsil = 0.0f;
            if (j > 0 && (e.S != edges[j-1].S || e.E != edges[j-1].E))      // new block entered
                if (e.S != 0 && e.E != nodes.size() -1)                     // and it's not a block that has !sent_start/end
                    // create a new silence edge
                    // To make it perfectly clear: For /sil/, this is a HACK--the acoustic contexts are WRONG. Only a quick test. (For /sp/ there is no such problem though.)
                    const size_t numframes = nodes[e.E].t - nodes[e.S].t;
                    if (numframes > 0)
                        edgeinfowithscores sile = e;
                        sile.unused = 1;                // indicate that this is an added edge
                        sile.l = penaltyforsil;         // sil is penalized
                        sile.implysp = 0;
                        sile.a = LOGZERO;   // must not have this anyway
                        sile.firstalign = newalign.size(); // we create a new entry for this
                        if (sile.firstalign != newalign.size())
                            throw std::runtime_error ("hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: numeric bit-field overflow of .firstalign");
                        newedges.push_back (sile);
                        // create a new align entry
                        aligninfo asil (silunit, numframes);
                        newalign.push_back (asil);
                        if (addsp)
                            edgeinfowithscores spe = sile;
                            spe.firstalign = newalign.size();
                            if (spe.firstalign != newalign.size())
                                throw std::runtime_error ("hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: numeric bit-field overflow of .firstalign");
                            newedges.push_back (spe);
                            aligninfo asp (spunit, numframes);
                            newalign.push_back (asp);
            if (e.S != 0 && e.E != nodes.size() - 1)        // add penalty to sil that appears by the end in a word edge
                auto a = getaligninfo (j);
                if (a.back().unit == silunit && a.size() > 1)
                    e.l += penaltyforsil;
            // copy the edge
            e.firstalign = newalign.size();
            if (e.firstalign != newalign.size())
                throw std::runtime_error ("hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: numeric bit-field overflow of .firstalign");
            newedges.push_back (e);
            // copy the align records
            auto a = getaligninfo (j);
            foreach_index (k, a)
                newalign.push_back (a[k]);
        static int count = 0;
        if (count++ < 10)       // (limit the log spam)
            fprintf (stderr, "hackinsilencesubstitutionedges: added %d DEL (/sil/-%ssubstitution) edges (from %d to %d; align from %d to %d)\n",
                     (int) (newedges.size() - edges.size()),
                     addsp ? " and /sp/-" : "",
                     (int) edges.size(), (int) newedges.size(),
                     (int) align.size(), (int) newalign.size());
        edges.swap (newedges);
        info.numedges = edges.size();
        align.swap (newalign);
        edges.shrink_to_fit();    // [v-hansu] might be useful when RAM is out of use

#if 0       // [v-hansu]   to dump lattice for checking
        static size_t countdump = 0;
        FILE *f = fopen ("lattice", "a");
        foreach_index (j, edges)
            fprintf (f, "S=%d\tE=%d\tunused=%d\n", edges[j].S, edges[j].E, edges[j].unused);
        if (countdump == 10)

    // go back from V2 format to edges and align, so old code can still run
    // This will go away one we updated all code to use the new data structures.
    void rebuildedges (bool haszerotokenedges/*pass true for broken spunit that may have reduced edges to 0 entries*/)
        // deal with broken (zero-token) edges
        std::vector<bool> isendworkaround;
        if (haszerotokenedges)
            inferends (isendworkaround);

        edges.resize (edges2.size());
        align.resize (0);
        align.reserve (uniquededgedatatokens.size() * 10);  // should be enough
        foreach_index (j, edges)
            edges[j].S = edges2[j].S;
            edges[j].E = edges2[j].E;
            edges[j].unused = 0;
            edges[j].implysp = 0;
            const size_t firstalign = edges2[j].firstalign;
            edges[j].a = info.hasacscores ? uniqueedgeacscore (firstalign) : -1e30f/*LOGZERO*/;   // cannot reconstruct; not available
            edges[j].l = uniqueedgelmscore (firstalign);
            // expand the alignment tokens
            edges[j].firstalign = align.size();
            const size_t edgedur = nodes[edges2[j].E].t - nodes[edges2[j].S].t; // for checking and back-filling the implied /sp/
            size_t aligndur = 0;
            if (firstalign == uniquededgedatatokens.size() && (size_t) j != edges.size() -1)
                throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: !NULL edges forbidden except for the last edge");
            for (size_t k = firstalign; k < uniquededgedatatokens.size(); k++)
                if (!isendworkaround.empty() && isendworkaround[k])       // secondary criterion to detect ends in broken lattices
                aligninfo ai = uniquededgedatatokens[k];
                if (ai.unused != 0)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: mal-formed uniquededgedatatokens[] array: 'unused' field must be 0");
                bool islast = ai.last != 0;
                ai.last = 0;                // old format does not support this
                align.push_back (ai);
                aligndur += ai.frames;
                if (aligndur > edgedur)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: mal-formed uniquededgedatatokens[] array: aligment longer than edge");
                if (islast)
                if (k == uniquededgedatatokens.size() -1)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: mal-formed uniquededgedatatokens[] array: missing 'last' flag in last entry");
            if (edges2[j].implysp)
                if (info.impliedspunitid == SIZE_MAX)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: edge requests implied /sp/ but none specified in lattice header");
                if (aligndur > edgedur)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("rebuildedges: edge alignment longer than edge duration");
                aligninfo ai (info.impliedspunitid, edgedur - aligndur/*frames: remaining frames are /sp/ */);
                align.push_back (ai);
        //fprintf (stderr, "rebuildedges: %d edges reconstructed to %d alignment tokens\n", edges.size(), align.size());    // [v-hansu] comment out because it takes up most of the log
        align.shrink_to_fit();  // free up unused memory (since we need it!!)
        // now get rid of the V2 data altogether

    class parallelstate;

    // a word sequence read from an MLF file
    struct htkmlfwordsequence
        // a word entry read from an MLF file
        struct word      // word info we are reading from the MLF file (if we want to add the ground-truth path)
            static const unsigned int unknownwordindex = 0xfffff;   // max value storable in 'wordindex'
            unsigned int wordindex : 20;    // per mapping table; unknownwordindex denotes unknown word
            unsigned int firstalign : 12;   // index into align record to first phoneme entry
            unsigned int firstframe : 16;   // TODO: obsolete; once removed, we are back at 32 bits--yay
            word() {}            // to keep compiler happy
            word (size_t wid, size_t ts, size_t as)
                wordindex = (unsigned int) wid;
                firstframe = (unsigned int) ts;
                firstalign = (unsigned int) as;
                if (wordindex != wid)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfwordentry: vocabulary size too large for bit field 'wordindex'");
                if (firstframe != ts)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfwordentry: start frame too large for bit field 'firstframe'");
                if (firstalign != as)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("htkmlfwordentry: first-align index too large for bit field 'firstframe'");

        typedef aligninfo aligninfo;        // now we can access it as htkmlfwordsequence::aligninfo although it comes from some totally other corner of the system

        std::vector<word> words;
        std::vector<aligninfo> align;

        // get aligninfo array for a word
        const_array_ref<aligninfo> getaligninfo (size_t j) const { size_t begin = (size_t) words[j].firstalign; size_t end = j+1 < words.size() ? (size_t) words[j+1].firstalign : align.size(); return const_array_ref<aligninfo> ( + begin, end - begin); }
    struct edgealignments                       // struct to return alignments using an efficient long-vector storage
        std::vector<unsigned int> alignoffsets;             // [j] index of first alignment in allalignments; one extra element for length of last entry
        std::vector<unsigned short> allalignments;          // all alignments concatenated
        edgealignments (const lattice & L)
            size_t alignbufsize = 0;
            alignoffsets.resize (L.edges.size() + 1);        // one extra element so we can determine the length of last entry
            foreach_index (j, L.edges)
                alignoffsets[j] = (unsigned int) alignbufsize;
                size_t edgenumframes = L.nodes[L.edges[j].E].t - L.nodes[L.edges[j].S].t;
                alignbufsize += edgenumframes;
            alignoffsets[L.edges.size()] = (unsigned int) alignbufsize;                  // (TODO: remove if not actually needed)
        // edgealignments[j][t] is the senone at frame offset t in edge j
        array_ref<unsigned short> operator[] (size_t j)
            if (allalignments.size() == 0)
                allalignments.resize(alignoffsets.back()) ;
            size_t offset = alignoffsets[j];
            size_t numframes = alignoffsets[j+1] - alignoffsets[j];
            if (numframes == 0)
                return array_ref<unsigned short> ();
            return array_ref<unsigned short> (&allalignments[offset], numframes);
        const_array_ref<unsigned short> operator[] (size_t j) const
            size_t offset = alignoffsets[j];
            size_t numframes = alignoffsets[j+1] - alignoffsets[j];
            return const_array_ref<unsigned short> (&allalignments[offset], numframes);
        // CUDA support
        const std::vector<unsigned int> & getalignoffsets() const { return alignoffsets; }
        std::vector<unsigned short> & getalignmentsbuffer() { allalignments.resize(alignoffsets.back()) ; return allalignments; }       // for retrieving it from the GPU
        const std::vector<unsigned short> & getalignmentsbuffer() const {
            if(allalignments.size() != alignoffsets.back() )
                throw::runtime_error("getalignmentsbuffer: allalignments not allocated!\n");
            return allalignments; }       // for retrieving it from the GPU
        size_t getalignbuffersize() const {return alignoffsets.back();}

    struct backpointers
        std::vector<size_t> backptroffsets;         // TODO: we could change this to 'unsigned int' to save some transfer time
        std::vector<unsigned short> backptrstorage; // CPU-side versions use this as the traceback buffer; CUDA code has its CUDA-side buffer
        size_t numofstates;                         // per sil hmm
        backpointers (const lattice & L, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset) : numofstates(0)
            size_t edgeswithsilence = 0;    // (diagnostics only: number of edges with at least one /sil/)
            size_t backptrbufsize = 0;      // number of entries in buffer for silence backpointer array, used as cursor as we build it
            backptroffsets.resize (L.edges.size() + 1);  // +1, so that the final entry determines the overall size of the allocated buffer
            const size_t silUnitId = hset.gethmmid ("sil");
            numofstates = hset.gethmm (silUnitId).getnumstates();
            foreach_index (j, L.edges)
                // for each edge, determine if it needs a backpointer buffer for silence
                // Multiple /sil/ in the same edge will share the same buffer, so we need to know the max length.
                const auto & aligntokens = L.getaligninfo (j);      // get alignment tokens
                backptroffsets[j] = backptrbufsize;                 // buffer for this edge begins here
                size_t maxsilframes = 0;                            // max #frames--we allocate this many for this edge
                size_t numsilunits = 0;                             // number of /sil/ units in this edge
                foreach_index (a, aligntokens)
                    if (aligntokens[a].unit == silUnitId)
                        numsilunits++;                              // count
                        if (aligntokens[a].frames > maxsilframes)   // determine max #frames
                            maxsilframes = aligntokens[a].frames;
#if 1           // multiple /sil/ -> log this (as we are not sure whether this is actually proper--probably it is)
                if (numsilunits > 1)
                    fprintf (stderr, "backpointers: lattice '%S', edge %d has %d /sil/ phonemes\n", L.getkey(), j, numsilunits);
                    fprintf (stderr, "alignments: :");
                    foreach_index (a, aligntokens)
                        const auto & unit = aligntokens[a];
                        const auto & hmm = hset.gethmm (unit.unit);
                        fprintf (stderr, "%s,%.2f:", hmm.getname(), unit.frames / 100.0f);
                    fprintf (stderr, "\n");
                if (numsilunits > 0)
                    edgeswithsilence++;                             // (for diagnostics message only)
                backptrbufsize += maxsilframes * numofstates;
            backptroffsets[L.edges.size()] = backptrbufsize;        // (TODO: remove if not actually needed)
            fprintf (stderr, "backpointers: %.1f%% edges have at least one /sil/ unit inside\n", 100.0f * ((float) edgeswithsilence / L.edges.size()));
        // CUDA support
        const std::vector<size_t> & getbackptroffsets() const { return backptroffsets; }
        std::vector<unsigned short> & getbackptrbuffer() { backptrstorage.resize(backptroffsets.back()) ; return backptrstorage; }       // for retrieving it from the GPU
        size_t getbackptrstoragesize() const {return backptroffsets.back();}
    void forwardbackwardalign (parallelstate & parallelstate,
                               const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset, const bool softalignstates, 
                               const double minlogpp, const std::vector<double> & origlogpps, 
                               std::vector<msra::math::ssematrixbase *> & abcs, littlematrixheap & matrixheap, 
                               const bool returnsenoneids,
                               std::vector<float> & edgeacscores, const msra::math::ssematrixbase & logLLs,
                               edgealignments & thisedgealignments, backpointers & thisbackpointers) const;

    double forwardbackwardlatticesMBR (const std::vector<float> &  edgeacscores, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset,
                                       const std::vector<double> & logalphas, const std::vector<double> & logbetas,
                                       const float lmf, const float wp, const float amf, const_array_ref<size_t> & uids, 
                                       const edgealignments & thisedgealignments, std::vector<double> & Eframescorrect) const;

    void sMBRerrorsignal (parallelstate & parallelstate,
                          msra::math::ssematrixbase & errorsignal, msra::math::ssematrixbase & errorsignalneg, 
                          const std::vector<double> & logpps, const float amf, double minlogpp, 
                          const std::vector<double> & origlogpps, const std::vector<double> & logEframescorrect, 
                          const double logEframescorrecttotal, const edgealignments & thisedgealignments) const;
    void mmierrorsignal (parallelstate & parallelstate, double minlogpp, const std::vector<double> & origlogpps, 
                                  std::vector<msra::math::ssematrixbase *> & abcs, const bool softalignstates,
                                  const std::vector<double> & logpps, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset, 
                                  const edgealignments & thisedgealignments, msra::math::ssematrixbase & errorsignal) const;
    double bestpathlattice (const std::vector<float> & edgeacscores, std::vector<double> & logpps,
                            const float lmf, const float wp, const float amf) const;

    static float lattice::alignedge (const_array_ref<aligninfo> units, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset, 
                                     const msra::math::ssematrixbase & logLLs, msra::math::ssematrixbase & gammas, 
                                     size_t edgeindex, const bool returnsenoneids, array_ref<unsigned short> thisedgealignments);

    const_array_ref<aligninfo> getaligninfo (size_t j) const { size_t begin = (size_t) edges[j].firstalign; size_t end = j+1 < edges.size() ? (size_t) edges[j+1].firstalign : align.size(); return const_array_ref<aligninfo> ( + begin, end - begin); }

    static std::string gettranscript (const_array_ref<aligninfo> units, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset);

    void parallelforwardbackwardalign (parallelstate & parallelstate,
                                       const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset, const msra::math::ssematrixbase & logLLs,
                                       std::vector<float> & edgeacscores, edgealignments & edgealignments, backpointers & backpointers) const;

    void parallelsMBRerrorsignal (parallelstate & parallelstate, const edgealignments & thisedgealignments, 
                                  const std::vector<double> & logpps, const float amf,
                                  const std::vector<double> & logEframescorrect, const double logEframescorrecttotal, 
                                  msra::math::ssematrixbase & errorsignal, msra::math::ssematrixbase & errorsignalneg) const;
    void parallelmmierrorsignal (parallelstate & parallelstate, const edgealignments & thisedgealignments, 
                                 const std::vector<double> & logpps, msra::math::ssematrixbase & errorsignal) const;

    double parallelforwardbackwardlattice (parallelstate & parallelstate, const std::vector<float> & edgeacscores, 
                                           const edgealignments & thisedgealignments, const float lmf, const float wp, 
                                           const float amf, const float boostingfactor, std::vector<double> & logpps, std::vector<double> & logalphas, 
                                           std::vector<double> & logbetas, const bool returnEframescorrect, 
                                           const_array_ref<size_t> & uids, std::vector<double> & logEframescorrect, 
                                           std::vector<double> & Eframescorrectbuf, double & logEframescorrecttotal) const;

    static double scoregroundtruth (const_array_ref<size_t> uids, const_array_ref<htkmlfwordsequence::word> transcript, 
                                    const std::vector<float> & transcriptunigrams, const msra::math::ssematrixbase & logLLs, 
                                    const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset, const float lmf, const float wp, const float amf);

    static float lattice::forwardbackwardedge (const_array_ref<aligninfo> units, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset, 
                                               const msra::math::ssematrixbase & logLLs, msra::math::ssematrixbase & gammas, 
                                               size_t edgeindex);

    double forwardbackwardlattice (const std::vector<float> & edgeacscores, parallelstate & parallelstate, 
                                   std::vector<double> & logpps, std::vector<double> & logalphas, std::vector<double> & logbetas,
                                   const float lmf, const float wp, const float amf, const float boostingfactor, const bool sMBRmode,
                                   const_array_ref<size_t> & uids, const edgealignments & thisedgealignments, 
                                   std::vector<double> & logEframescorrect, std::vector<double> & Eframescorrectbuf, 
                                   double & logEframescorrecttotal) const;
    // construct from a HTK lattice file
    void fromhtklattice (const wstring & path, const std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> & unitmap);

    // construct from an MLF file (numerator lattice)
    void frommlf (const wstring & key, const std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> & unitmap, const msra::asr::htkmlfreader<msra::asr::htkmlfentry,lattice::htkmlfwordsequence> & labels,
                  const msra::lm::CMGramLM & lm, const msra::lm::CSymbolSet & unigramsymbols);

    // check consistency
    //  - only one end node
    //  - only forward edges
    //  - nodes are sorted by time
    //  - edges are sorted by end node (they happen to come like this; so we can capitalize on it)
    void checklattice() const
        // in/out counts to detect orphan nodes
        std::vector<size_t> numin (info.numnodes, 0), numout (info.numnodes, 0);
        // check edges' sortedness and count in/out
        for (size_t j = 0; j < info.numedges; j++)
            const auto & e = edges[j];
            if (e.E <= e.S)
                throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice is not topologically sorted");
            if (nodes[e.E].t < nodes[e.S].t)
                throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice edge has negative time range");
            if (nodes[e.E].t == nodes[e.S].t && j < info.numedges-1)
                throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: 0-frame edges forbidden except for very last edge");
            if (j != (info.numedges - 1) && nodes[e.E].t == nodes[e.S].t)// last arc can be zero time range
                throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice edge has zero time range");
            if (j > 0 && e.E < edges[j-1].E)
                throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice is not sorted by end node");
            if (j > 0 && e.E == edges[j-1].E && e.S < edges[j-1].S) // == also not allowed except for terminal edges
                throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice is not sorted by start node within the same end node");
            if (j > 0 && e.E == edges[j-1].E && e.S == edges[j-1].S)
            {   // Note: same E means identical word on the edge, due to word id stored on node. Thus, the edge is redundant = forbidden.
                if (e.E != info.numnodes-1)
                    throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice has duplicate edges");
                else    // Exception: end of lattice, which happens rarely (2 examples found) and won't cause dramatic error, none in typical cases.
                    fprintf (stderr, "checklattice: WARNING: duplicate edge J=%d (S=%d -> E=%d) at end of lattice\n", (int) j, (int) e.S, (int) e.E);
        // check nodes and in/out counts
        if (nodes[0].t != 0.0f)
            throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice does not begin with time 0");
        for (size_t i = 0; i < info.numnodes; i++)
            if (i > 0 && nodes[i].t < nodes[i-1].t)
                throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: lattice nodes not sorted by time");
            if ((numin[i] > 0) ^ (i > 0))
                throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: found an orphaned start node");
            if ((numout[i] > 0) ^ (i < info.numnodes-1))
                throw std::runtime_error ("checklattice: found an orphaned end node");

    void showstats() const    // display stats info for a lattice
        size_t totaledgeframes = 0;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < info.numedges; j++)
            totaledgeframes += nodes[edges[j].E].t - (size_t) nodes[edges[j].S].t;
        fprintf (stderr, "lattice: read %d nodes, %d edges, %d units, %d frames, %.1f edges/node, %.1f units/edge, %.1f frames/edge, density %.1f\n",
                 info.numnodes, info.numedges, align.size(), info.numframes,
                 info.numedges / (double) info.numnodes, align.size() / (double) info.numedges, totaledgeframes / (double) info.numedges, totaledgeframes / (double) info.numframes);

    // merge a second lattice in --for use by convert()
    // helper for merge()
    struct nodecontext
        int left, right;
        static const signed short unknown = -1;             // not set yet
        static const signed short ambiguous = -2;           // multiple --this is allowed if the other context is /sil/
        static const signed short start = -3;               // lattice start node
        static const signed short end = -4;                 // lattice end node
        nodecontext() { left = unknown; right = unknown; t = SIZE_MAX; i = SIZE_MAX; iother = SIZE_MAX; }
        // helpers to set the values with uniq checks
        void setcontext (int & lr, int val);
        void setleft (int val) { setcontext (left, val); }
        void setright (int val) { setcontext (right, val); }
        // for building joint node space
        size_t t;       // frame index
        size_t i;       // original node index
        size_t iother;  // original node index in 'other' lattice
        bool operator< (const nodecontext & other) const;
    std::vector<nodecontext> determinenodecontexts (const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset) const;
    void removefinalnull(); // call this before merge on both lattices
    void merge (const lattice & other, const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset);
    void dedup();   // call this after merge() after conversion to uniq'ed format

    template<typename HMMLOOKUPFUNCTION>
    void dump (FILE * f, const HMMLOOKUPFUNCTION & gethmmname) const     // dump a lattice in HTK-like format
        fprintf (f, "N=%lu L=%lu\n", nodes.size(), edges.size());
        //foreach_index (i, nodes)
        //    fprintf (f, "I=%d\tt=%.2f\n", i, nodes[i].t * 0.01f);
        foreach_index (j, edges)
            const auto & e = edges[j];
            fprintf (f, "J=%d\tS=%d\tE=%d\tts=%.2f\tte=%.2f\ta=%.3f\tl=%.8f\td=:",
                     (int) j, (int) e.S, (int) e.E, (float) nodes[e.S].t * 0.01f, (float) nodes[e.E].t * 0.01f, (float) e.a, (float) e.l);
            const auto align = getaligninfo (j);
            foreach_index (k, align)    // e.g. d=:aa:m-ih:s+t:e,0.03:ow:e-t:m+sil,0.03:sil,0.21:
                fprintf (f, "%s,%.2f:", gethmmname (align[k].unit), align[k].frames * 0.01f);
            fprintf (f, "\n");

    size_t getnumframes () const { return info.numframes; }
    size_t getnumnodes () const { return info.numnodes; }
    size_t getnumedges () const { return info.numedges; }

    // write a tag, followed by an integer
    void fwritetag (FILE * f, const char * tag, size_t n)
        fputTag (f, tag);
        fputint (f, (int) n);

    template<class VECTOR> void fwritevector (FILE * f, const char * tag, const VECTOR & v)
        fwritetag (f, tag, v.size());
        fwriteOrDie (v, f);

    void fwrite (FILE * f)
#if 1
        const size_t version = 2;   // format version
        fwritetag (f, "LAT ", version);
        fwriteOrDie (&info, sizeof (info), 1, f);
        fwritevector (f, "NODS", nodes);
        fwritevector (f, "EDGS", edges2);       // uniqued edges
        fwritevector (f, "ALNS", uniquededgedatatokens);   // uniqued alignments and scores
        fputTag (f, "END ");
        const size_t version = 1;   // format version
        fwritetag (f, "LAT ", version);
        fwriteOrDie (&info, sizeof (info), 1, f);
        fwritevector (f, "NODE", nodes);
        fwritevector (f, "EDGE", edges);
        fwritevector (f, "ALIG", align);
        fputTag (f, "END ");

    // empty constructor, e.g. for use in minibatch source
    lattice() { }

    size_t freadtag (FILE * f, const char * tag)
        fcheckTag (f, tag);
        return (unsigned int) fgetint (f);

    template<class VECTOR> void freadvector (FILE * f, const char * tag, VECTOR & v, size_t expectedsize = SIZE_MAX)
        const size_t sz = freadtag (f, tag);
        if (expectedsize != SIZE_MAX && sz != expectedsize)
            throw std::runtime_error (std::string ("freadvector: malformed file, number of vector elements differs from head, for tag ") + tag);
        freadOrDie (v, sz, f);

    // read from a stream
    // This can be used on an existing structure and will replace its content. May be useful to avoid memory allocations (resize() will not shrink memory).
    // For efficiency, we will not check the inner consistency of the file here, but rather when we further process it.
    // (We already use the tag mechanism to check the rough structure.)
    // If this fails, the lattice is in unusable state, but it is OK to call fread() again to regain a usable object. I.e. this is safe to be used in retry loops.
    // This will also map the aligninfo entries to the new symbol table, through idmap.
    // V1 lattices will be converted. 'spsenoneid' is used in that process.
    template<class IDMAP> void fread (FILE * f, const IDMAP & idmap, size_t spunit)
        size_t version = freadtag (f, "LAT ");
        if (version == 1)
            freadOrDie (&info, sizeof (info), 1, f);
            freadvector (f, "NODE", nodes, info.numnodes);
            if (nodes.back().t != info.numframes)
                throw std::runtime_error ("fread: mismatch between info.numframes and last node's time");
            freadvector (f, "EDGE", edges, info.numedges);
            freadvector (f, "ALIG", align);
            fcheckTag (f, "END ");
            // map align ids to user's symmap  --the lattice gets updated in place here
            foreach_index (k, align)
                align[k].updateunit (idmap);    // updates itself
#if 0       // TODO: this is not complete. Enable once we move to more compact5 data structure.
            // version 1 is outdated  --we build the compact version now
            // TODO: once all is converted, edges() will become a local variable here
        else if (version == 2)
            freadOrDie (&info, sizeof (info), 1, f);
            freadvector (f, "NODS", nodes, info.numnodes);
            if (nodes.back().t != info.numframes)
                throw std::runtime_error ("fread: mismatch between info.numframes and last node's time");
            freadvector (f, "EDGS", edges2, info.numedges);       // uniqued edges
            freadvector (f, "ALNS", uniquededgedatatokens);   // uniqued alignments
            fcheckTag (f, "END ");
            // check if we need to map
#if 1       // post-bugfix for incorrect inference of spunit
            if (info.impliedspunitid != SIZE_MAX && info.impliedspunitid >= idmap.size())   // we have buggy lattices like that--what do they mean??
                fprintf (stderr, "fread: detected buggy spunit id %d which is out of range (%d entries in map)\n", info.impliedspunitid, idmap.size());
                throw std::runtime_error ("fread: out of bounds spunitid");
            // This is critical--we have a buggy lattice set that requires no mapping where mapping would fail
            bool needsmapping = false;
            foreach_index (k, idmap)
                if (idmap[k] != (size_t) k
#if 1
                    && (k != (int) idmap.size() -1 || idmap[k] != spunit)    // that HACK that we add one more /sp/ entry at the end...
                    needsmapping = true;
            // map align ids to user's symmap  --the lattice gets updated in place here
            if (needsmapping)
                if (info.impliedspunitid != SIZE_MAX)
                    info.impliedspunitid = idmap[info.impliedspunitid];

                // deal with broken (zero-token) edges
                std::vector<bool> isendworkaround;
                if (info.impliedspunitid != spunit)
                    fprintf (stderr, "fread: lattice with broken spunit, using workaround to handle potentially broken zero-token edges\n");
                    inferends (isendworkaround);

                size_t uniquealignments = 1;
                const size_t skipscoretokens = info.hasacscores ? 2 : 1;
                for (size_t k = skipscoretokens; k < uniquededgedatatokens.size(); k++)
                    auto & ai = uniquededgedatatokens[k];
                    if (!isendworkaround.empty() && isendworkaround[k])       // secondary criterion to detect ends in broken lattices
                        k--;    // don't advance, since nothing to advance over
                        goto skipscores;
                    // this is a regular token: update it in-place
                    if (ai.unit >= idmap.size())
                        throw std::runtime_error ("fread: broken-file heuristics failed");
                    ai.updateunit (idmap);      // updates itself
                    if (!ai.last)
                    // if last then skip over the lm and ac scores
                    k += skipscoretokens;
                fprintf (stderr, "fread: mapped %d unique alignments\n", uniquealignments);
            if (info.impliedspunitid != spunit)
                // fprintf (stderr, "fread: inconsistent spunit id in file %d vs. expected %d; due to erroneous heuristic\n", info.impliedspunitid, spunit);    // [v-hansu] comment out becaues it takes up most of the log
                // it's actually OK, we can live with this, since we only decompress and then move on without any assumptions
                //throw std::runtime_error ("fread: mismatching /sp/ units");
            // reconstruct old lattice format from this   --TODO: remove once we change to new data representation
            rebuildedges (info.impliedspunitid != spunit/*to be able to read somewhat broken V2 lattice archives*/);
            throw std::runtime_error ("fread: unsupported lattice format version");

    // parallel versions (defined in parallelforwardbackward.cpp)
    class parallelstate
        struct parallelstateimpl * pimpl;
        bool cpumode;
        bool enabled() const { return pimpl != NULL; }; // true if functions in here are available or not
        void copyalignments(edgealignments & edgealignments);
        void entercomputation (const class msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hmms, const mbrclassdefinition mbrclassdef);    // pass models in (to GPU)
        // no exitcomputation(); tear down the object instead
        struct parallelstateimpl * operator->() { return pimpl; } // to access the actual state (which are declared inside parallelstateimpl class)
        const struct parallelstateimpl * operator->() const { return pimpl; } // to access the actual state (which are declared inside parallelstateimpl class)
        const size_t getsilunitid ();
        void getedgeacscores (std::vector<float> & edgeacscores);
        void getedgealignments (std::vector<unsigned short> & edgealignments);

    // forward-backward function
    // Note: logLLs and posteriors may be the same matrix (aliased).
    double forwardbackward (parallelstate & parallelstate, const class msra::math::ssematrixbase & logLLs, const class msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hmms,
                            class msra::math::ssematrixbase & result, class msra::math::ssematrixbase & errorsignalbuf,
                            const float lmf, const float wp, const float amf, const float boostingfactor, const bool sMBRmode, const_array_ref<size_t> uids = const_array_ref<size_t>(),
                            const_array_ref<htkmlfwordsequence::word> transcript = const_array_ref<htkmlfwordsequence::word>(), const std::vector<float> & transcriptunigrams = std::vector<float>()) const;

    wstring key;        // (keep our own name (key) so we can identify ourselves for diagnostics messages)
    const wchar_t * getkey() const { return key.c_str(); }

// ===========================================================================
// archive -- a disk-based archive of lattices
// Optimized for sequentially retrieving lattices in order of original archive
// building process.
// ===========================================================================

class archive
    const std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> & modelsymmap;   // [triphone name] -> index used in model
    // set of lattice archive files referenced
    // Note that .toc files can be concatenated, i.e. one .toc file can reference multiple archive files.
    std::vector<std::wstring> archivepaths;         // [archiveindex] -> archive path
    size_t getarchiveindex (const std::wstring & path)  // get index of a path in archivepaths[]; create new entry if needed
        auto iter = std::find (archivepaths.begin(), archivepaths.end(), path);
        size_t i = iter - archivepaths.begin();
        if (i == archivepaths.size())
            archivepaths.push_back (path);
        return i;
    // set of phoneme mappings
    // Each archive file has its associated .symlist that defines the symbol mappings
    typedef std::vector<unsigned int> symbolidmapping;
    mutable std::vector<symbolidmapping> symmaps;   // [archiveindex][unit] -> global unit map
    template<class SYMMAP> static size_t getid (const SYMMAP & symmap, const std::string & key)
        auto iter = symmap.find (key);
        if (iter == symmap.end())
            throw std::runtime_error (std::string ("getcachedidmap: symbol not found in user-supplied symbol map: ") + key);
        return iter->second;
    template<class SYMMAP> const symbolidmapping & getcachedidmap (size_t archiveindex, const SYMMAP & symmap/*[string] -> numeric id*/) const
        symbolidmapping & idmap = symmaps[archiveindex];
        if (idmap.empty())      // TODO: delete this: && !modelsymmap.empty()/*no mapping; used in conversion*/)
        {   // need to read the map and establish the mapping
            // get the symlist file
            const std::wstring symlistpath = archivepaths[archiveindex] + L".symlist";
            fprintf (stderr, "getcachedidmap: reading '%S'\n", symlistpath.c_str());
            vector<char> textbuffer;
            auto lines = msra::files::fgetfilelines (symlistpath, textbuffer);
            // establish mapping of each entry to the corresponding id in 'symmap'; this should fail if the symbol is not found
            idmap.reserve (lines.size() +1);    // last entry is a fake entry to return the /sp/ unit
            string symstring, tosymstring;
            symstring.reserve (100); tosymstring.reserve (100);
            foreach_index (i, lines)
                char * line = lines[i];
                char * sym = line;
                // parse out a mapping  (log SPC phys)
                char * p = strchr (sym, ' ');
                if (p != NULL)  // mapping: just verify that the supplied symmap has the same mapping
                    *p = 0;
                    const char * tosym = p + 1;
                    symstring = sym;        // (reusing existing object to avoid malloc)
                    tosymstring = tosym;
                    if (getid (symmap, symstring) != getid (symmap, tosymstring))
                        throw std::runtime_error (std::string ("getcachedidmap: mismatching symbol id for ") + sym + " vs. " + tosym);
                    if ((size_t) i != idmap.size())  // non-mappings must come first (this is to ensure compatibility with pre-mapping files)
                        throw std::runtime_error ("getcachedidmap: mixed up symlist file");
                    symstring = sym;        // (reusing existing object to avoid malloc)
                    idmap.push_back ((unsigned int) getid (symmap, symstring));
            // append a fixed-position entry: last entry means /sp/
            idmap.push_back ((unsigned int) getid (symmap, "sp"));
        return idmap;
    // all lattices read so far
    struct latticeref
        uint64_t offset : 48;
        uint64_t archiveindex : 16;
        latticeref (uint64_t offset, size_t archiveindex) : offset (offset), archiveindex (archiveindex) {}
    static_assert (sizeof (latticeref) == 8, "unexpected byte size of struct latticeref");

    mutable size_t currentarchiveindex;             // which archive is open
    mutable auto_file_ptr f;                        // cached archive file handle of currentarchiveindex
    hash_map<std::wstring,latticeref> toc;          // [key] -> (file, offset)  --table of content (.toc file)
    // construct = open the archive
    //archive() : currentarchiveindex (SIZE_MAX) {}

    // test if this object is loaded with anything (if not, an empty set of TOC paths was passed--meaning disable lattice mode)
    bool empty() const { return archivepaths.empty(); }

    // construct from a list of TOC files
    archive (const std::vector<std::wstring> & tocpaths, const std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> & modelsymmap) : currentarchiveindex (SIZE_MAX), modelsymmap (modelsymmap)
        if (tocpaths.empty())   // nothing to read--keep silent
        fprintf (stderr, "archive: opening %d lattice-archive TOC files ('%S' etc.)..", tocpaths.size(), tocpaths[0].c_str());
        foreach_index (i, tocpaths)
            fprintf (stderr, ".");
            open (tocpaths[i]);
        fprintf (stderr, " %d total lattices referenced in %d archive files\n", toc.size(), archivepaths.size());

    // open an archive
    // Can be called for multiple archives.
    // BUGBUG: NOT YET. We only really support one archive file at this point. Important to do that though.
    void open (const std::wstring & tocpath)
        // BUGBUG: we only really support one archive file at this point
        // read the TOC in one swoop
        std::vector<char> textbuffer;
        auto toclines = msra::files::fgetfilelines (tocpath, textbuffer);

        // parse it one by one
        size_t archiveindex = SIZE_MAX;  // its index
        foreach_index (i, toclines)
            const char * line = toclines[i];
            const char * p = strchr (line, '=');
            if (p == NULL)
                throw std::runtime_error ("open: invalid TOC line (no = sign): " + std::string (line));
            const std::wstring key = msra::strfun::utf16 (std::string (line, p - line));
            const char * q = strchr (p, '[');
            if (q == NULL)
                throw std::runtime_error ("open: invalid TOC line (no [): " + std::string (line));
            if (q != p)
                const std::wstring archivepath = msra::strfun::utf16 (std::string (p, q - p));
                // TODO: should we allow paths relative to TOC file?
                archiveindex = getarchiveindex (archivepath);
            if (archiveindex == SIZE_MAX)
                throw std::runtime_error ("open: invalid TOC line (empty archive pathname): " + std::string (line));
            char c;
            uint64_t offset;
            if (sscanf_s (q, "[%I64u]%c", &offset, &c, sizeof (c)) != 1)
                throw std::runtime_error ("open: invalid TOC line (bad [] expression): " + std::string (line));
            if (!toc.insert (make_pair (key, latticeref (offset, archiveindex))).second)
                throw std::runtime_error ("open: TOC entry leads to duplicate key: " + std::string (line));

        // initialize symmaps  --alloc the array, but actually read the symmap on demand
        symmaps.resize (archivepaths.size());

    // check if a lattice for a given key is available  --do this during initial check ideally
    bool haslattice (const std::wstring & key) const { return toc.find (key) != toc.end(); }

#if 0   // TODO: change design to keep the #frames in the TOC, so we can check for mismatches before entering the training iteration
    // return # frames for a key, or 0 if lattice not found (this combines the function of haslattice(), we save one lookup)
    size_t getlatticeframes (const std::wstring & key) const
        auto iter = toc.find (key);
        if (iter == toc.end())
            return 0;
            return iter->second->xyz;   // oops!

    // get a lattice
    // This function is designed to be called from a retry loop due to the realistic chance of server disconnects or other server failures.
    // 'key' is supposed to be known to exist. Use haslattice() to ensure. This is because this function is called from a retry loop.
    // Lattices will have unit ids updated according to the modelsymmap.
    // V1 lattices will be converted. 'spsenoneid' is used in the conversion for optimizing storing 0-frame /sp/ aligns.
    void getlattice (const std::wstring & key, lattice & L,
                     size_t expectedframes = SIZE_MAX /*if unknown*/) const
        auto iter = toc.find (key);
        if (iter == toc.end())
            throw std::logic_error ("getlattice: requested lattice for non-existent key; haslattice() should have been used to check availability");
        // get the archive that the lattice lives in and its byte offset
        const size_t archiveindex = iter->second.archiveindex;
        const auto offset = iter->second.offset;
        // get id map (used below); this may lazily load a .symlist file. We do it here rather than later w.r.t. an outer retry loop.
        auto & idmap = getcachedidmap (archiveindex, modelsymmap);       // at first time, this will load the .symlist file and create a mapping to the user SYMMAP
        const size_t spunit = idmap.back();       // ugh--getcachedidmap() just appends it to the end
#if 1   // prep for fixing the pushing of /sp/ at the end  --we actually can just look it up! Duh
        const size_t spunit2 = getid (modelsymmap, "sp");
        if (spunit2 != spunit)
            throw std::logic_error ("getlattice: huh? same lookup of /sp/ gives different result?");
        // open archive file in case it is not the current one
        if (archiveindex != currentarchiveindex)
            f = fopenOrDie (archivepaths[archiveindex], L"rbS");    // or throw (will close old 'f' iff succeeded)
            currentarchiveindex = archiveindex;
        try         // (for read operation)
            // seek to start
            fsetpos (f, offset);
            // get it
            L.fread (f, idmap, spunit);
#ifdef HACK_IN_SILENCE       // hack to simulate DEL in the lattice
            const size_t silunit = getid (modelsymmap, "sil");
            const bool addsp = true;
            L.hackinsilencesubstitutionedges (silunit, spunit, addsp);
        catch (...) // to retry a read error due to a disconnected file handle, we need to reopen the file
            currentarchiveindex = SIZE_MAX;
            f = NULL;   // this closes the file handle
        // check if number of frames is as expected
        if (expectedframes != SIZE_MAX && L.getnumframes() != expectedframes)
            throw std::logic_error ("getlattice: number of frames mismatch between numerator lattice and features");
        // remember the latice key for diagnostics messages
        L.key = key;

    // static method for building an archive
    static void build (const std::vector<std::wstring> & infiles, const std::wstring & outpath,
                       const std::unordered_map<std::string,size_t> & modelsymmap,
                       const msra::asr::htkmlfreader<msra::asr::htkmlfentry,msra::lattices::lattice::htkmlfwordsequence> & labels,
                       const msra::lm::CMGramLM & lm, const msra::lm::CSymbolSet & unigramsymbols);

    // static method for converting an archive to a new format
    // Extended features:
    //  - check consistency (don't write out)
    //  - dump to stdout
    //  - merge two lattices (for merging numer into denom lattices)
    static void convert (const std::wstring & intocpath, const std::wstring & intocpath2, const std::wstring & outpath,
                         const msra::asr::simplesenonehmm & hset);

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