Revision 573d5c7129e32692fb9e03342eb2561dcaa81384 authored by Matthew Kolopanis on 21 October 2021, 16:17:15 UTC, committed by Matthew Kolopanis on 21 October 2021, 16:21:15 UTC
1 parent ab05d81
description-file =
addopts = --ignore=scripts -n auto --dist=loadfile
ignore = W503, E203, N806
max-line-length = 88
per-file-ignores =
pyuvdata/tests/*.py: D
pyuvdata/*/tests/*.py: D
docs/*.py: D,A D
# remove the following lines as functions and input variables are renamed to pep8 style:
pyuvdata/uvdata/ N802
pyuvdata/uvbeam/ N802
pyuvdata/ N802, N803
pyuvdata/tests/ D,N802
pyuvdata/tests/ D,N802
docstring-convention = numpy
select = C,E,W,T4,B9,F,D,A,N,RST,B
# List of other checks to consider adding:
# it's recommended to have max-complexity ~ 18
# max-complexity = 18
# flake8-eradicate
# flake8-isort
# flake8-rst
# darglint # This currently doesn't support numpy docstring style, should keep an eye on it
# flake8-copyright
# flake8-ownership

Computing file changes ...