Revision 592d7afc608d0de7f7389094fba95ef33e984105 authored by martinascholger on 31 July 2020, 11:40:18 UTC, committed by martinascholger on 31 July 2020, 11:40:18 UTC
1 parent b5f948c
Raw File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?oxygen RNGSchema="file:/Users/elenapierazzo/user/genetic_tei/compiledSchema/geneticTEI.rnc" type="compact"?>
<TEI xmlns="">
    <facsimile xml:id="fac01">
        <graphic url="examples/lebrave-finale.png"/>
    <facsimile xml:id="fac02">
        <graphic url="examples/zone1.png"/>
    <facsimile xml:id="fac03">
        <graphic url="examples/zone2.png"/>
    <facsimile xml:id="fac04">
        <graphic url="examples/reconstructed.png"/>
    <document xmlns="">
        <surface xmlns="" facs="fac01">
            <patch xmlns="" xml:id="p01" binder="staple">
                <zone xmlns="">
                    <metaMark xmlns="">1</metaMark>
                    <line xmlns=""> Depuis longtemps, je
                        m'interessais à la Photographie. J' </line>
                    <!-- other lines -->
                <zone xmlns="">
                    <metaMark xmlns="">.2.</metaMark>
                    <line xmlns="">Qui peuvait me guider?</line>
                    <!-- other lines -->
            <patch xmlns="" xml:id="p02" binder="staple">
                <zone xmlns="">
                    <metaMark xmlns="">3.</metaMark>
                    <line xmlns="">Mais si la Photographie
                        peut le reproduire...</line>
                    <!-- other lines -->
        <surface xmlns="">
            <zone xml:id="a01" facs="#fac02">
                <line xmlns="">
                    <del xmlns="">en tout cas, pas la Photograhie
                <line xmlns="">
                    <del xmlns="">être</del> (peut-être ma mère <del
                        xmlns="">)</del> ?) </line>
                <!-- other lines -->
        <surface xmlns="">
            <zone xml:id="a02" facs="#fac03">
                <line xmlns="">Ce trouble est au fond un
                    trouble de propriété Le droit</line>
                <!-- other lines -->
        <surface xmlns="" type="reconstructed" facs="#fac04">
            <!-- I think we need a note here to discuss what this reconstruction means 
                and why the editor think it is a plausible recontruction -->
            <zone sameAs="#a01"/>
            <zone sameAs="#a02"/>
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