Revision 593dea5f1b8e9d90bbcc20adcafe370e8f0b0564 authored by James Graham on 12 April 2018, 12:48:29 UTC, committed by James Graham on 12 April 2018, 12:48:29 UTC
Firefox requires a prefs file to be loaded to ensure that it doesn't
make external network connections, and to make sure that other
settings are appropriate for testing. Previously we always used the
version of the prefs file from master, which is usually fine for
nightly builds, but doesn't work with release builds if it happens
that a pref changed.

This change uses the correct release version of the prefs file for
firefox releases and beta versions. It continues to use the master
version for any nightly build; this could be fixed in some cases if we
are able to access the actual commit hash used to build Firefox, but
probably isn't too bad an approximation.

The caching algorithm was changed so that release versions of the
prefs are cached forever, and the nightly version is updated once per
day (although this doesn't quite match the nightly release cadence,
it's only going to fail in edge cases where the prefs were changed in
the file, but the nightly version was not yet updated, of vice-versa.)
1 parent e504871
Raw File
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="RTCPeerConnection-helper.js"></script>
  'use strict';

  // Test is based on the following editor draft:

  // The following helper functions are called from RTCPeerConnection-helper.js:
  //   generateOffer()
  //   generateAnswer()
  //   countAudioLine()
  //   countVideoLine()
  //   test_state_change_event()
  //   assert_session_desc_equals()

   *  4.3.2.  createOffer()

   *  Final steps to create an offer
   *    4.  Let offer be a newly created RTCSessionDescriptionInit dictionary
   *        with its type member initialized to the string "offer" and its sdp member
   *        initialized to sdpString.
  promise_test(t => {
    const pc = new RTCPeerConnection()

    return pc.createOffer()
    .then(offer => {
      assert_equals(typeof offer, 'object',
        'Expect offer to be plain object dictionary RTCSessionDescriptionInit');

      assert_false(offer instanceof RTCSessionDescription,
        'Expect offer to not be instance of RTCSessionDescription')
  }, 'createOffer() with no argument from newly created RTCPeerConnection should succeed');

  promise_test(t => {
    const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
    test_state_change_event(t, pc, ['have-local-offer']);

    return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveAudio: true })
    .then(offer =>
      .then(() => {
        assert_equals(pc.signalingState, 'have-local-offer');
        assert_session_desc_equals(pc.localDescription, offer);
        assert_session_desc_equals(pc.pendingLocalDescription, offer);
        assert_equals(pc.currentLocalDescription, null);
  }, 'createOffer() and then setLocalDescription() should succeed');

  promise_test(t => {
    const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();

    return promise_rejects(t, 'InvalidStateError',
  }, 'createOffer() after connection is closed should reject with InvalidStateError');

   *  Final steps to create an offer
   *    2.  If connection was modified in such a way that additional inspection of the
   *        system state is necessary, then in parallel begin the steps to create an
   *        offer again, given p, and abort these steps.
   *  This test might hit step 2 of final steps to create an offer. But the media stream
   *  is likely added already by the time steps to create an offer is executed, because
   *  that is enqueued as an operation.
   *  Either way it verifies that the media stream is included in the offer even though
   *  the stream is added after synchronous call to createOffer.
  promise_test(t => {
    const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();
    const promise = pc.createOffer();

    return promise.then(offer => {
      assert_equals(countAudioLine(offer.sdp), 1,
        'Expect m=audio line to be found in offer SDP')
  }, 'When media stream is added when createOffer() is running in parallel, the result offer should contain the new media stream');

   *  TODO
   *  4.3.2 createOffer
   *    3.  If connection is configured with an identity provider, and an identity
   *        assertion has not yet been generated using said identity provider, then
   *        begin the identity assertion request process if it has not already begun.
   *    Steps to create an offer
   *    1.  If the need for an identity assertion was identified when createOffer was
   *        invoked, wait for the identity assertion request process to complete.
   *  Non-Testable
   *  4.3.2 createOffer
   *    Steps to create an offer
   *    4.  Inspect the system state to determine the currently available resources as
   *    necessary for generating the offer, as described in [JSEP] (section 4.1.6.).
   *    5.  If this inspection failed for any reason, reject p with a newly created
   *        OperationError and abort these steps.

   * Configuration data extensions
   *  partial dictionary RTCOfferOptions

   *  offerToReceiveAudio of type boolean
   *    When this is given a non-false value, no outgoing track of type
   *    "audio" is attached to the PeerConnection, and the existing
   *    localDescription (if any) doesn't contain any sendrecv or recv
   *    audio media sections, createOffer() will behave as if
   *    addTransceiver("audio") had been called once prior to the createOffer() call.
  promise_test(t => {
    const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();

    return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveAudio: true })
    .then(offer1 => {
      assert_equals(countAudioLine(offer1.sdp), 1,
        'Expect created offer to have audio line');

      // The first createOffer implicitly calls addTransceiver('audio'),
      // so all following offers will also have audio media section
      // in their SDP.
      return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveAudio: false })
      .then(offer2 => {
        assert_equals(countAudioLine(offer2.sdp), 1,
          'Expect audio line to remain in created offer');
  }, 'createOffer() with offerToReceiveAudio should add audio line to all subsequent created offers');

   *  offerToReceiveVideo of type boolean
   *    When this is given a non-false value, and no outgoing track
   *    of type "video" is attached to the PeerConnection, and the
   *    existing localDescription (if any) doesn't contain any sendecv
   *    or recv video media sections, createOffer() will behave as if
   *    addTransceiver("video") had been called prior to the createOffer() call.
  promise_test(t => {
    const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();

    return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveVideo: true })
    .then(offer1 => {
      assert_equals(countVideoLine(offer1.sdp), 1,
      'Expect created offer to have video line');

      return pc.createOffer({ offerToReceiveVideo: false })
      .then(offer2 => {
        assert_equals(countVideoLine(offer2.sdp), 1,
          'Expect video line to remain in created offer');
  }, 'createOffer() with offerToReceiveVideo should add video line to all subsequent created offers');

  promise_test(t => {
    const pc = new RTCPeerConnection();

    return pc.createOffer({
      offerToReceiveAudio: true,
      offerToReceiveVideo: false
    }).then(offer1 => {
      assert_equals(countAudioLine(offer1.sdp), 1,
        'Expect audio line to be found in created offer');

      assert_equals(countVideoLine(offer1.sdp), 0,
        'Expect video line to not found in create offer');

      return pc.createOffer({
        offerToReceiveAudio: false,
        offerToReceiveVideo: true
      }).then(offer2 => {
        assert_equals(countAudioLine(offer2.sdp), 1,
          'Expect audio line to remain in created offer');

        assert_equals(countVideoLine(offer2.sdp), 1,
          'Expect video line to be found in create offer');
  }, 'createOffer() with offerToReceiveAudio:true then offerToReceiveVideo:true should have result offer with both audio and video line');

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