Revision 5c3925f19234c1039861cb0d536f22b1d58ec0fc authored by unknown on 01 December 2021, 05:09:58 UTC, committed by unknown on 01 December 2021, 05:09:58 UTC
1 parent f159a58
Tip revision: 5c3925f19234c1039861cb0d536f22b1d58ec0fc authored by unknown on 01 December 2021, 05:09:58 UTC
Tip revision: 5c3925f
Codes for the interactive analysis system, MutualDetector, described in our paper "Towards Better Caption Supervision for Object Detection."
Note: this repository contains the codes for the frontend now.
Nevertheless, you can run this repository by following the instructions below.
We will clean and release the codes for the backend and the semi-supervised object detection method after April 1, 2022 (VIS 2022 deadline).
Quick Start with Demo Data
You can run this repository with a online data support run on our server by following the instructions below.
Step 1: install [node.js](
Step 2: npm install
Step 3: npm run serve
Step 4: visit http://localhost:20212/ in a browser.
We have accumulated the following to-do list, which we hope to complete in the near future.
* [ ] Release cleaned codes for the backend.
* [ ] Release cleaned codes for the semi-supervied object detection method.
## Contact
If you have any problem about this code, feel free to contact
or describe your problem in Issues.
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