Revision 5ceef5d61909459e0b7a6f7e0a7236ef1299f88f authored by Leif Strand on 22 April 2009, 19:42:53 UTC, committed by Leif Strand on 22 April 2009, 19:42:53 UTC
1 parent 5759f63
NEWS NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. 2006-12-04
Please send bug reports to
* Fixed a memory bug in visual/project_geoid.c, contributed by Thorsten
* New capability to read in time- and geographic-dependent, top surface
temperature boundary conditions, contributed by Mike Gurnis.
Version 3.0.2
Version 3.0.1
* A header file for the exchanger was missing in v3.0.0.
Version 3.0.0
This release of CitcomS (3.0) contains many new features, including:
* two implementations of compressible convection, one by Wei Leng and Shijie
Zhong and the other by Eh Tan (Cookbook 8);
* the ability to resume computation from previous checkpoints (Cookbook 8);
* multi-component chemical convection;
* a fixed non-Newtonian solver;
* an exchanger package for solver coupling (Cookbook 9);
* removing the rigid body rotation component from the velocity by Shijie
Zhong (Cookbook 8);
* an option to disable monitoring of maximum temperature (Cookbook 9);
* a rheology option for pseudo-plasiticity, composition dependent viscosity
and heat generation, compressed ASCII output, and an easier way for mesh
refinement for the radial coordinate by Thorsten Becker.
There are additional seven backward-incompatible changes. Among them, the
first four will affect the results. The same input file will produce slightly
different results in v3.0.0 than in v2.2.2.
* the viscosity field at element level is not smoothed (this might slow down
the convergence but will represent the viscosity field more accurately);
* the Lenardic filter on temperature is disabled by default;
* the rigid body rotation component is removed from the velocity by default;
* use of a better pseudo-random number generator to generate the initial
* the type of input parameter coor is changed from a boolean to an integer;
* setting restart=on will resume the computation from the checkpoint files and
will not need the tracer files (the old way of reading initial temperature
from velo files can be achieved by tic_method=-1);
* the input parameter reset_initial_composition becomes obsolete.
Version 2.2.2
* A bug in geoid calculation is fixed. The buoyancy contribution on geoid
was not correctly zeroed before every geoid calculation. This caused the
geoid at former timestep accumulated over the later timestep. (Issue 114)
* The pressure, stress, and composition output, if enabled, will be combined
by "" script as well. The combined output is stored in
opt-files, similar to the cap-files. (Issue 99)
* Generating random tracers is sped up. This should avoid a potential problem
of "too many tries?" error when the domain size of a processor is much
smaller (<1%) than the size of the whole sphere.
Version 2.2.1
* One example, Cookbook7, was missing in v2.2.0.
Version 2.2.0
* A new feature to track particles in the flow (code donated by Allen McNamara
and Shijie Zhong).
* A new feature to use the tracers to compute composition field and compute
thermo-chemical convection (code donated by Allen McNamara and Shijie Zhong).
A new cookcook (Cookbook7) in the manual introduces how to use this feature.
* New feature to use the tracers to define the low viscosity wedges/channels
in the subduction zones (code donated by Vlad Manea).
* Fixes of sevearal bugs: issue 72, 73, 75, 77 and 81. See the Geodynamics
Roundup issue tracker ( and the file
ChangeLog for details. Important bug fixes include:
- 'make install' broken for non-pyred CitcomS. (Issue 72)
- '' did not work in Ubuntu 6.10. (Issue 73)
- Velocity b.c not scaled correctly when age becomes negative. When using
file_vbcs=on and the age becomes negative (passing the present time),
the read-in velocity BC was not scaled properly. Usually the boundary
velocity became ~1000x smaller than it should be. (Issue 77)
- Errors in the manual. The manual failed to document the unit of the
vbc_file is in cm/yr. The manual contained a small error in the
description of the header of the coor_file. (Issue 75 and 81)
Version 2.1.0
* The filenames of post-processed and combined data are changed slightly. For
example, "model.cap0.100" is renamed to "model.cap00.100", "model.cap6.100"
is renamed to "model.cap06.100", and "model.cap11.100" is unchanged.
* A new input parameter "datadir" specifies the path of output files. The
"datafile" input parameter (cannot contain path) specifies the filename
prefix of the output files. In v2.0.x and before, "datafile" is used to
specify the path and filename prefix of output files. This change is not
backward compatible. Users need to change their old input file to run it.
* Improved build procedure. The CitComS executable embeds python
interpreter by default and is statically linked with MPI library,
which improves the portability of the code.
* New input format (INI-styled .cfg)
* No need to specify launcher.nodes anymore, it is calculated from the mesher
* Support of binary format output (using HDF5 library).
* Additional data output (including: geoid, stress, pressure, and horizontal
average) can be enabled/disabled by changing the input parameters.
* Scripts (using GMT commands) to plot 2-D cross sections of temperature field.
* Added/removed a few input parameters (all in solver.const component) for
computing geoid. Removed "layerd" and "wdensity" and added "radius",
"density_above" and "density_below".
* Fixes for several bugs: issue 30, 35, 42, 44 and 55. See the Geodynamics
Roundup issue tracker ( and the file
ChangeLog for details. Important bug fixes include:
- Inconsistent times in C and Pyre. When 'fixed_timestep' is set
and the grid resolution is insufficient, the Pyre part of CitComS
could give the wrong model time. (Issue 35)
- Accidental deletion of surf files by is a script
to combine the surf files. If the current working directory happens to be
the output directory of CitcomS, the script would delete the original surf
files. (Issue 55)
Version 2.0.2
* Fixes for several minor bugs: issues 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13.
Most of these are installation-related. See the Geodynamics Roundup
issue tracker ( and the file ChangeLog
for details.
Version 2.0.1
* is now distributed under the GNU General Public License.
See the file COPYING for copying conditions.
* now uses the GNU Build System (Autoconf, Automake, and
Libtool). See the file INSTALL for building and installation
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