Revision 60df0a6859f42cad7170a8560c768ff239190d3a authored by Software Heritage on 19 March 2019, 08:28:07 UTC, committed by Software Heritage on 19 March 2019, 08:28:07 UTC
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using IterativeSolvers, KrylovKit, Parameters

# In this file, we regroud a way to provide linear solver for the Package

abstract type LinearSolver end

# The function linsolve(y, J, x) must return whether the solve was successfull and how many steps were required for the solve

# Solvers for default \ operator (backslash)
The struct `Default` is used to  provide the backslash operator to our Package
struct Default <: LinearSolver end

function (l::Default)(J, x)
    return J \ x, true, 1

# Solvers for IterativeSolvers
@with_kw mutable struct GMRES_IterativeSolvers{T} <: LinearSolver
    tol::T = T(1e-4)        # tolerance for solver
    restart::Int64 = 200    # number of restarts
    maxiter::Int64 = 100
    N = 0                   # dimension of the problem
    verbose = false
    log = true

function (l::GMRES_IterativeSolvers{T})(J, rhs) where T
    J_map = v -> apply(J, v)
    Jmap = LinearMap{eltype(rhs)}(J_map, l.N, l.N ; ismutating = false)
    res = IterativeSolvers.gmres(Jmap, rhs, tol = l.tol, log = l.log, verbose = l.verbose, restart = l.restart, maxiter = l.maxiter)
    (res[2].iters >= l.maxiter) && printstyled("IterativeSolvers.gmres iterated maxIter =$(res[2].iters) times without achieving the desired tolerance.\n", color=:red)
    return res[1], length(res) > 1, res[2].iters

# Solvers for KrylovKit
@with_kw mutable struct GMRES_KrylovKit{T} <: LinearSolver
    dim::Int64 = KrylovDefaults.krylovdim # Krylov Dimension
    atol::T  = T(KrylovDefaults.tol)      # absolute tolerance for solver
    rtol::T  = T(KrylovDefaults.tol)      # relative tolerance for solver
    restart::Int64 = 200                  # number of restarts
    maxiter::Int64 = KrylovDefaults.maxiter
    verbose::Int = 0

function (l::GMRES_KrylovKit{T})(J, rhs) where T
    res, info = KrylovKit.linsolve(J, rhs, rtol = l.rtol, verbosity = l.verbose, krylovdim = l.dim, maxiter = l.maxiter, atol = l.atol)
    return res, true, info.numops
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