Revision 63c18a1640c91f861717a63b6a2b60384ee3882b authored by Amanpreet Singh on 29 September 2021, 18:58:24 UTC, committed by Amanpreet Singh on 29 September 2021, 18:58:24 UTC
1 parent 68d52ed
Raw File
# This is required to make sorting same as fbcode as all absolute imports
# are considered third party there
known_third_party = [
    "PIL", "caffe2", "cv2", "demjson", "fairscale", "filelock", "gensim", "h5py", "iopath", "lib", "lmdb", "maskrcnn_benchmark", "matplotlib",
    "mmf", "mmf_cli", "networkx", "numpy", "omegaconf", "packaging", "pandas", "pycocoevalcap", "pytorch_sphinx_theme",
    "recommonmark", "requests", "scipy", "setuptools", "sklearn", "termcolor", "tests", "torch",
    "torchaudio", "torch_geometric", "torchtext", "torchvision", "tqdm", "transformers", "pytorch_lightning", "yaml"
skip_glob = "**/build/**,website/**,**/fb/**"
combine_as_imports = true
force_grid_wrap = false
include_trailing_comma = true
line_length = 88
multi_line_output = 3
use_parentheses = true
lines_after_imports = 2

line-length = 88
exclude = '''
  | \.hg
  | \.mypy_cache
  | \.tox
  | \.venv
  | _build
  | buck-out
  | build
  | dist
  | website
  | .*\/fb\/.*
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