Revision 63d8a43408637eef9a81e05ffd7e6ff3afa51947 authored by Robert B. Gramacy on 20 September 2006, 00:00:00 UTC, committed by Gabor Csardi on 20 September 2006, 00:00:00 UTC
1 parent 622e02d
Raw File
 * Bayesian Regression and Adaptive Sampling with Gaussian Process Trees
 * Copyright (C) 2005, University of California
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
 * Questions? Contact Robert B. Gramacy (

#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "rhelp.h"
#include "rand_draws.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "predict_linear.h"
#include "predict.h"
#include "linalg.h"

/* #define DEBUG */

 * predictive_mean_noK:
 * compute the predictive mean of a single observation
 * used by predict_data and predict
 * FFrow[col], b[col]

double predictive_mean_noK(n1, col, FFrow, i, b, nug)
unsigned int n1, col;
int i;
double nug;
double *FFrow, *b;
  double zz;
  /* f(x)' * beta */
  zz = linalg_ddot(col, FFrow, 1, b, 1);
#ifdef DEBUG
  /* checking for a old bug, where predictions went wild */
  if(abs(zz) > 10e10) 
    warning("(predict) abs(zz)=%g > 10e10", zz);
  return zz;

 * predict_data_noK:
 * used by the predict_full funtion below to fill
 * z[n1] with predicted values based on the input coded in
 * terms of Frow,FW,W,xxKx,IDpFWF,IDpFWFi,b,ss2,nug
 * returns the number of warnings
 * b[col], z[n1], FFrow[n1][col];

void predict_data_noK(zmean,zs,n1,col,FFrow,b,ss2,nug)
unsigned int n1, col;
double *b, *zmean, *zs;
double **FFrow;
double ss2, nug;
  int i;
  /* for each point at which we want a prediction */
  for(i=0; i<n1; i++) {
    zmean[i] = predictive_mean_noK(n1, col, FFrow[i], i, b, nug);
    zs[i] = sqrt(ss2*nug);

 * delta_sigma2_noK:
 * compute one row of the Ds2xy (of size n2) matrix
 * Ds2xy[n2], fW[col], IDpFWFiQx[n1], FW[col][n1], FFrow[n2][col], 

void delta_sigma2_noK(Ds2xy, n1, n2, col, ss2, denom, FW, tau2, fW, 
		IDpFWFiQx, FFrow, which_i, nug)
unsigned int n1, n2, col, which_i;
double ss2, denom, tau2, nug;
double *Ds2xy, *fW, *IDpFWFiQx;
double **FW, **FFrow;
  unsigned int i;
  double last, fxWfy, diff, kappa;
  /*double Qy[n1];*/
  double *Qy;
  /*assert(denom > 0);*/
  Qy = new_vector(n1);
  for(i=0; i<n2; i++) {
    /* Qy = tau2*FW*f(y); */
    zerov(Qy, n1);
    linalg_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, n1,col,tau2,FW,n1,FFrow[i],1,0.0,Qy,1);
    /*  Qy (Id+nug + FWF)^{-1} Qx */
    /* last = Qy*KpFWFiQx = Qy*KpFWFi*Qx */
    last = linalg_ddot(n1, Qy, 1, IDpFWFiQx, 1);
    /* tau2*f(x)*W*f(y) */
    fxWfy = tau2 * linalg_ddot(col, fW, 1, FFrow[i], 1);	
    /* now kappa(x,y) */
    kappa = fxWfy;
    if(which_i == i) kappa += 1.0 + nug;
    /* now use the Delta-s2 formula from the ALC paper */
    diff = (last - kappa);
    /*if(i == which_i) assert(diff == denom);*/
    if(denom <= 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
     /* numerical instabilities can lead to a negative denominator, which
	 could lead to a nonsense "reduction" in variance calculation */
      warning("denom = %g, diff = %g, (i=%d, which_i=%d)", denom, diff, i, which_i);
      Ds2xy[i] = 0;
    } else Ds2xy[i] = ss2 * diff * diff / denom;

    /* sanity check */
    assert(Ds2xy[i] >= 0);
  /* clean up */

 * predictive_var_noK:
 * computes the predictive variance for a single location
 * used by predict.  Also returns Q, rhs, Wf, and s2corr
 * which are useful for computeing Delta-sigma
 * Q[n1], rhs[n1], Wf[col], FFrow[n1], FW[col][n1], 
 * IDpFWFi[n1][n1], W[col][col];

double predictive_var_noK(n1, col, Q, rhs, Wf, s2cor, ss2, f, FW, W, tau2, IDpFWFi, nug)
unsigned int n1, col;
double *Q, *rhs, *Wf, *f, *s2cor;
double **FW, **IDpFWFi, **W;
double nug, ss2, tau2;
  double s2, kappa, fWf, last;
  /* Var[Z(x)] = s2*[1 + nug + fWf - Q (K + FWF)^{-1} Q] */
  /* where Q = k + FWf */
  /* Q = tau2*FW*f(x); */
  zerov(Q, n1);
  /* rhs = IDpFWFi * Q */
  /*  Q (tau2*FWF)^{-1} Q */
  /* last = Q*rhs = Q*KpFWFi*Q */
  last = linalg_ddot(n1, Q, 1, rhs, 1);
  /* W*f(x) */
  /* f(x)*Wf */
  fWf = linalg_ddot(col, f, 1, Wf, 1);	
  /* finish off the variance */
  /* Var[Z(x)] = s2*[1 + nug + fWf - Q (Id + FWF)^{-1} Q] */
  /* Var[Z(x)] = s2*[kappa - Q C^{-1} Q] */
  kappa = 1.0 + nug + tau2*fWf;
  *s2cor = kappa - last;
  s2 = ss2*(*s2cor);
  /* this is to catch bad s2 calculations;
      nore that var = 1.0 + nug for non-mr_tgp */
  if(s2 <= 0) { s2 = 0; *s2cor = nug; }
  return s2;

 * predict_delta_noK:
 * used by the predict_full funtion below to fill
 * zmean and zs [n2] with predicted mean and var
 * values based on the input coded in
 * terms of FF,FW,W,xxKx,IDpFWF,IDpFWFi,b,ss2,nug
 * Also calls delta_sigma2 at each predictive location,
 * becuase it uses many of the same computed quantaties 
 * as needed to compute the predictive variance.
 * b[col], z[n2] FFrow[n2][col] IDpFWFi[n1][n1], 
 * FW[col][n1], W[col][col], Ds2xy[n2][n2];

void predict_delta_noK(zmean,zs,Ds2xy,n1,n2,col,FFrow,FW,W,tau2,IDpFWFi,b,ss2,nug)
unsigned int n1, n2, col;
double *b, *zmean, *zs;
double **FFrow, **IDpFWFi, **FW, **W, **Ds2xy;
double ss2, nug, tau2;
  int i;
  double s2cor;
  /*double Q[n1], rhs[n1], Wf[col];*/
  double *Q, *rhs, *Wf;

  /* zero stuff out before starting the for-loop */
  rhs = new_zero_vector(n1);
  Wf = new_zero_vector(col);
  Q = new_vector(n1);
  /* for each point at which we want a prediction */
  for(i=0; i<n2; i++) {
    /* predictive mean and variance */
    zmean[i] = predictive_mean_noK(n1, col, FFrow[i], -1, b, nug);
    zs[i] = sqrt(predictive_var_noK(n1, col, Q, rhs, Wf, &s2cor, ss2, FFrow[i], 
				    FW, W, tau2, IDpFWFi, nug));
    /* compute the ith row of the Ds2xy matrix */
    delta_sigma2_noK(Ds2xy[i], n1, n2, col, ss2, s2cor, FW, tau2, Wf, 
		     rhs, FFrow, i, nug);
  /* clean up */
  free(rhs); free(Wf); free(Q);

 * predict_no_delta_noK:
 * used by the predict_full funtion below to fill
 * zmean and zs [n2] with predicted mean and var
 * values based on the input coded in
 * terms of FF,FW,W,xxKx,IDpFWF,IDpFWFi,b,ss2,nug
 * does not call delta_sigma2, so it also has fewer arguments
 * b[col], z[n2], FFrow[n2][col]
 * IDpFWFi[n1][n1], FW[col][n1], W[col][col];

void predict_no_delta_noK(zmean,zs,n1,n2,col,FFrow,FW,W,tau2,IDpFWFi,b,ss2,nug)
unsigned int n1, n2, col;
double *b, *zmean, *zs;
double **FFrow, **IDpFWFi, **FW, **W;
double ss2, nug, tau2;
  int i;
  double s2cor;
  /*double Q[n1], rhs[n1], Wf[col];*/
  double *Q, *rhs, *Wf;

  /* zero stuff out before starting the for-loop */
  rhs = new_zero_vector(n1);
  Wf = new_zero_vector(col);
  Q = new_vector(n1);

  /* for each point at which we want a prediction */
  for(i=0; i<n2; i++) {
    /* predictive mean and variance */
    zmean[i] = predictive_mean_noK(n1, col, FFrow[i], -1, b, nug);
    zs[i] = sqrt(predictive_var_noK(n1, col, Q, rhs, Wf, &s2cor, ss2, 
				    FFrow[i], FW, W, tau2, IDpFWFi, nug));
  /* clean up */
  free(rhs); free(Wf); free(Q);

 * predict_help_noK:
 * computes stuff that has only to do with the input data
 * used by the predict funtions that loop over the predictive
 * locations
 * F[col][n1], W[col][col], FW[col][n1], 
 * IDpFWFi[n1][n1], b[col];

void predict_help_noK(n1,col,b,F,W,tau2,FW,IDpFWFi,nug)
unsigned int n1, col;
double **F, **W, **FW, **IDpFWFi; 
double *b;
double tau2, nug;
	/*double IDpFWF[n1][n1];
	int p[n1]; */
	double **IDpFWF;
	int i, info;

	/* FW = F*W; first zero-out FW */
	zero(FW, col, n1);
	/* IDpFWF = K + tau2*FWF' */
	IDpFWF = new_zero_matrix(n1, n1);
	for(i=0; i<n1; i++) IDpFWF[i][i] += 1.0+nug;

	/* IDpFWFi = inv(K + FWF') */
	id(IDpFWFi, n1);
	/* compute inverse, replacing KpFWF with its cholesky decomposition */
	info = linalg_dgesv(n1, IDpFWF, IDpFWFi);

 * delta_sigma2_linear:
 * compute a Ds2xy row under the (limiting) linear model

void delta_sigma2_linear(ds2xy, n, col, s2, Vbf, fVbf, F, nug)
unsigned int n, col;
double s2, nug, fVbf;
double *ds2xy, *Vbf;
double **F;
  unsigned int i, j;
  double *fy;
  double fyVbf, numer, denom;
  fy = new_vector(col);
  for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    /* copy the jth col of F; to focus on the jth
       predictive location */
    for(j=0; j<col; j++) fy[j] = F[j][i];

    /* fyVbf = fy * Vbf */
    fyVbf = linalg_ddot(col, Vbf, 1, fy, 1);
    /* finish out the formula */
    numer = s2* fyVbf * fyVbf;
    denom = 1 + nug + fVbf;
    ds2xy[i] = numer / denom;
  /* clean up */

 * predict_linear:
 * predict using only the linear part of the GP model

void predict_linear(n, col, zmean, zs, F, b, s2, Vb, Ds2xy, nug)
unsigned int n, col;
double *b, *zmean, *zs;
double **Vb, **F, **Ds2xy;
double s2, nug;
  unsigned int i, j;
  double *f, *Vbf;
  double fVbf;
  /* sanity check */
  if(!zmean || !zs) { return; }
  /* for the mean */
   * tread x's as independant, and just draw from 
   * n independant normal distributions

  /* allocate vectors to be used for each col of F */
  f = new_vector(col);
  Vbf = new_zero_vector(col);

  for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
    /* Vbf = Vb * f(x) */
    for(j=0; j<col; j++) f[j] = F[j][i];
    /* fVbf = f(x) * Vbf */
    fVbf = linalg_ddot(col, Vbf, 1, f, 1);	
    /* compute delta sigma */
    if(Ds2xy) delta_sigma2_linear(Ds2xy[i], n, col, s2, Vbf, fVbf, F, nug);
    /* normal deviates with correct variance */
    zs[i] = sqrt(s2 * (1.0 + fVbf));
  /* clean up */
  free(f); free(Vbf);

 * predict_full_linear:
 * predict_linear on the data and candidate locations, 
 * and do delta_sigma_linear on them too, if applicable

int predict_full_linear(n, nn, col, z, zz, Z, F, FF, bmu, s2, Vb, Ds2xy, ego, nug, err, state)
unsigned int n, nn, col;
double *z, *zz, *Z, *bmu, *ego;
double **F, **FF, **Vb, **Ds2xy;
double s2, nug;
int err;
void *state;
  double *zmean, *zs;
  int warn = 0;

  /* predict at the data locations */
  /* NOTE: there are no if statements here checking for 
     the non-nullness of z or zz -- presumably this is because
     none of these statements do anything for n or nn = 0 ?? */
  /* allocate mean and s2 data */
  zmean = new_vector(n);
  zs = new_vector(n);

  /* calculate the necessary means and vars for prediction */
  predict_linear(n, col, zmean, zs, F, bmu, s2, Vb, NULL, 0.0);

  /* draw from the posterior predictive distribution */
  warn += predict_draw(n, z, zmean, zs, err, state);

  /* clean up */
  free(zmean); free(zs);

  /* predict at the new predictive locations */

  /* allocate man and s2 data */
  zmean = new_vector(nn);
  zs = new_vector(nn);

  /* calculate the necessary means and vars for predicition */
  predict_linear(nn, col, zmean, zs, FF, bmu, s2, Vb, Ds2xy, nug);
  /* draw from the posterior predicitive distribtution */
  warn += predict_draw(nn, zz, zmean, zs, err, state);

  /* compute EGO statistics */
  if(ego) compute_ego(n, nn, ego, Z, zmean, zs);

  /* clean up */
  free(zmean); free(zs);

  /* return a tally of the number of warnings */

 * predict_full_noK:
 * predicts at the fiven data locations (X (n1 x col): F, K, Ki) and the NEW 
 * predictive locations (XX (n2 x col): FF, KK) given the current values of the
 * parameters b, s2, d, nug
 * returns the number of warnings

int predict_full_noK(n1, n2, col, zz, z, Ds2xy, F, W, tau2, FF, b, ss2, nug, err, state)
unsigned int n1, n2, col;
int err;
double *zz, *z, *b; 
double **F, **W, **FF, **Ds2xy;
double ss2, nug, tau2;
void *state;
  /*double FW[col][n1], KpFWFi[n1][n1], KKrow[n2][n1], FFrow[n2][col], Frow[n1][col];*/
  double **FW, **IDpFWFi, **FFrow, **Frow;
  double *zmean, *zs;
  int warn = 0;
  /* sanity check */
  if(!(z || zz)) { assert(n2 == 0); return 0; }
  assert(F && W);
  /* init */
  FW = new_matrix(col, n1);
  IDpFWFi = new_matrix(n1, n1);
  if(zz) { 
    /* predicting and Delta-sigming at the predictive locations */
    /* sanity check */
    /* allocate for new pred location predictive means and vars */
    zmean = new_vector(n2);
    zs = new_vector(n2);
    /* transpose the FF and KK matrices */
    FFrow = new_t_matrix(FF, col, n2);
    if(Ds2xy) { 
      /* yes, compute Delta-sigma for all pairs of new locations */
    } else { 
      /* just predict, don't compute Delta-sigma */
    /* use means and vars to get normal draws */
    warn += predict_draw(n2, zz, zmean, zs, err, state);

    /* clean up */
    free(zmean); free(zs);

  if(z) { /* predicting at the data locations */
    /* allocate for new data location predictive means and vars */
    zmean = new_vector(n1);
    zs = new_vector(n1);
    /* get data location posterior predictive means and vars */
    Frow = new_t_matrix(F, col, n1);
    /* use means and vars to get normal draws */
    warn += predict_draw(n1, z, zmean, zs, err, state);

    /* clean up */
    free(zmean); free(zs);
  /* clean up */
  /* return a tally of the number of warnings */
  return warn;
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