Revision 654dc43664f0ff6b84609d334cb05147c0594fbd authored by Robert Ma on 16 March 2018, 00:32:55 UTC, committed by Robert Ma on 16 March 2018, 17:02:47 UTC
ChromeDriver doesn't honor PATH and uses /opt/google/chrome/chrome by
default (which is usually the stable channel), so we need to explicitly
pass the desired binary path to wpt run (which in turn passes to
chromedriver via capabilities) in Travis CI (both stability check and
infrastructure test).
1 parent 89ba944
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Shadow DOM: ShadowRoot interface</title>
<meta name="author" title="Ryosuke Niwa" href="">
<meta name="assert" content="ShadowRoot interface and its attributes must be defined">
<link rel="help" href="">
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test(function () {
    assert_true('ShadowRoot' in window, '"ShadowRoot" exists on window');
}, 'Check the existence of ShadowRoot interface');

test(function () {
    assert_equals(ShadowRoot.prototype.__proto__, DocumentFragment.prototype, 'ShadowRoot must inherit from DocumentFragment');
}, 'ShadowRoot must inherit from DocumentFragment');

test(function () {
    assert_throws({'name': 'TypeError'}, function () { new ShadowRoot(); }, 'new ShadowRoot() must throw a TypeError');
}, 'ShadowRoot must not be a constructor');

function testActiveElement(mode) {
    test(function () {
        var host = document.createElement('div');
        var shadowRoot = host.attachShadow({'mode': mode});
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.activeElement, null, ' must return null if an ' + mode + ' shadow tree does not have a focused element');
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.activeElement, shadowRoot.firstChild, ' must return the focused element of an ' + mode + ' shadow tree');
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.activeElement, null, ' must return null if an ' + mode + ' shadow tree lost focus');
    }, 'ShadowRoot.activeElement must return the focused element of the context object when shadow root is ' + mode + '.');


test(function () {
    var host1 = document.createElement('div');
    assert_equals(host1.attachShadow({'mode': 'open'}).host, host1, ' must return the shadow host of an open shadow tree')

    var host2 = document.createElement('div');
    assert_equals(host2.attachShadow({'mode': 'closed'}).host, host2, ' must return the shadow host of a closed shadow tree');
}, ' must return the shadow host of the context object.');

function testInnerHTML(mode) {
    test(function () {
        var host = document.createElement('div');
        var shadowRoot = host.attachShadow({'mode': mode});
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.innerHTML, '', 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML must be an empty string when the shadow root does not have any children');

        assert_equals(shadowRoot.innerHTML, 'hello', 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML must serialize a text node child');

        assert_equals(shadowRoot.innerHTML, 'hello<span></span>', 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML must serialize a HTML element child');
    }, 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML must return the result of the HTML fragment serialization algorithm when shadow root is ' + mode + '.');


function testSetInnerHTML(mode) {
    test(function () {
        var host = document.createElement('div');
        var shadowRoot = host.attachShadow({'mode': mode});
        shadowRoot.innerHTML = 'hello';
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.childNodes.length, 1, 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML = "hello" must insert a single child (text node)');
        assert_true(shadowRoot.firstChild instanceof Text, 'The first child of the shadow root after ShadowRoot.innerHTML = "hello" must be a Text node');
        assert_equals(, 'hello', 'The first Text node should contain the string "hello" after ShadowRoot.innerHTML = "hello"');

        shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<b>hello</b>';
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.childNodes.length, 1, 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML = "<b>hello</b>" must insert a single child (b)');
        assert_true(shadowRoot.firstChild instanceof HTMLElement, 'The first child of the shadow root after ShadowRoot.innerHTML = "<b>hello</b>" must be a HTML element');
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.firstChild.localName, 'b', 'The local name of the shadow root\'s first child after ShadowRoot.innerHTML = "<b>hello</b>" must be "b"');
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.innerHTML, '<b>hello</b>', 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML must be "<b>hello</b>" after ShadowRoot.innerHTML = "<b>hello</b>"');

        shadowRoot.innerHTML = '';
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.childNodes.length, 0, 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML = "" must remove all its children');
    }, 'ShadowRoot.innerHTML must replace all with the result of invoking the fragment parsing algorithm when shadow root is ' + mode + '.');


function testStyleSheets(mode) {
    test(function () {
        var host = document.createElement('div');
        var shadowRoot = host.attachShadow({'mode': mode});

        assert_equals(shadowRoot.styleSheets.length, 0, 'shadowRoot.styleSheets must be empty when the shadow root does not contain any stylesheets');
        shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<span></span><style> a.rule {} </style><style> b.rule {} </style>';
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.styleSheets.length, 2, 'shadowRoot.styleSheets must contain two items when the shadow root has two style elements');
        var styles = shadowRoot.querySelectorAll('style');
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.styleSheets[0], styles[0].sheet, 'shadowRoot.styleSheets[0] must be the first style element in the shadow root');
        assert_equals(shadowRoot.styleSheets[1], styles[1].sheet, 'shadowRoot.styleSheets[1] must be the second style element in the shadow root');
    }, 'ShadowRoot.styleSheets must return a StyleSheetList sequence containing the shadow root style sheets when shadow root is ' + mode + '.');


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