Revision 6554684c0e7a51a102d0d8c91d2a11abb362598d authored by Matthias J. Kannwischer on 12 August 2024, 13:38:20 UTC, committed by GitHub on 12 August 2024, 13:38:20 UTC
* add skiplist entries for new aimer implementations * remove old aimer benchmarks * add AIMer benchmarks * add missing aimer-128f benchmarks * track correct version of mupq
1 parent 7cead3c
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 or CC0-1.0
import argparse
from mupq import mupq
from mupq import platforms
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="PQM4 Specific Settings")
help="The PQM4 platform",
choices=["stm32f4discovery", "nucleo-l476rg", "nucleo-l4r5zi", "cw308t-stm32f3", "cw308t-stm32f415", "mps2-an386"],
help="Optimization flags",
choices=["speed", "size", "debug"],
"-l", "--lto", help="Enable LTO flags", default=False, action="store_true"
"--no-aio", help="Disable all-in-one compilation", default=False, action="store_true"
parser.add_argument("-u", "--uart", default="/dev/ttyUSB0", help="Path to UART output")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--iterations", type=int, default=1, help="Number of iterations for benchmarks")
return parser.parse_known_args()
def get_platform(args):
platform = None
bin_type = 'bin'
if args.platform in ['stm32f4discovery', 'nucleo-l476rg']:
platform = platforms.StLink(args.uart)
elif args.platform == "nucleo-l4r5zi":
bin_type = 'hex'
platform = platforms.OpenOCD("st_nucleo_l4r5.cfg", args.uart)
elif args.platform in ["cw308t-stm32f3", "cw308t-stm32f415"]:
bin_type = 'hex'
platform = platforms.ChipWhisperer()
elif args.platform == 'mps2-an386':
bin_type = 'bin'
platform = platforms.Qemu('qemu-system-arm', 'mps2-an386')
raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported Platform")
settings = M4Settings(args.platform, args.opt, args.lto, not args.no_aio, args.iterations, bin_type)
return platform, settings
class M4Settings(mupq.PlatformSettings):
#: Specify folders to include
scheme_folders = [ # mupq.PlatformSettings.scheme_folders + [
("pqm4", "crypto_kem", ""),
("pqm4", "crypto_sign", ""),
("mupq", "mupq/crypto_kem", ""),
("mupq", "mupq/crypto_sign", ""),
("pqclean", "mupq/pqclean/crypto_kem", "PQCLEAN"),
("pqclean", "mupq/pqclean/crypto_sign", "PQCLEAN"),
platform_memory = {
'stm32f4discovery': 128*1024,
'nucleo-l476rg': 128*1024,
'cw308t-stm32f3': 64*1024,
'cw308t-stm32f415': 192*1024,
'mps2-an386': 4096*1024,
'nucleo-l4r5zi': 640*1024
def __init__(self, platform, opt="speed", lto=False, aio=False, iterations=1, binary_type='bin'):
"""Initialize with a specific platform"""
import skiplist
self.skip_list = []
for impl in skiplist.skip_list:
if impl['estmemory'] > self.platform_memory[platform]:
impl = impl.copy()
del impl['estmemory']
self.skip_list.append({'implementation': 'vec'})
self.binary_type = binary_type
optflags = {"speed": [], "size": ["OPT_SIZE=1"], "debug": ["DEBUG=1"]}
if opt not in optflags:
raise ValueError(f"Optimization flag should be in {list(optflags.keys())}")
super(M4Settings, self).__init__()
self.makeflags = [f"PLATFORM={platform}"]
self.makeflags += [f"MUPQ_ITERATIONS={iterations}"]
self.makeflags += optflags[opt]
self.iterations = iterations
if lto:
self.makeflags += ["LTO=1"]
self.makeflags += ["LTO="]
if aio:
self.makeflags += ["AIO=1"]
self.makeflags += ["AIO="]
Computing file changes ...